i Vol.17 No. 34. OVER THE TOP IN - VICTORY LOAN , Kings MounUia is over the top m Hit Victory Liber'y Lo..n drive and still Koing. The re ported' subscription Monday amounted to $2,150 .vhile oui quota was only $70,950. Other -. subscription pre in night which will put the amount well "P ward a hundred thousand. We ' are not-giving a list of snbse.rih crs this week ai w will .likely I makeacleau up next week.' In justxe.to Mr. B, A., Smith we WBnt to say that tlio $:i000 sub sciptlon credited hist week to O, A. Smith should have been H. A. Smith. King Mountain lia j qualified again as she al ways does. Uncle 8am and all . the other uncles and aunts and all the cousins Jiave learned to ait up straight and see Kings Mountain go over the top in every! good work. We can , have our. little inside political squab bles but when it comes 10 ja. com 1 won cause "we are all Romans". REV. SCHAEFFER ACCEPTS PASTORATF Rev. H. 13. Schaef If r has ac cepted the pastorate of the Lo- v .1 i - 1 rT.. r:n,.j .: the , ulpit Sunday morning and -1 . evenlDg and signified his accept I ance of the work. He will move J i Ins family, wife and two child l i'On, here aod be ready to enter second Sunday in June. Ho is . just now engaged in supply work I nt E'arruttsvillc,- Tenn.; from which place he vill oino heie. . Mr, So'jaeffei- is a na'ive f Newberry, 8. 0. and ws a ftrnd i berry, S. C A 15. 1U10, p.st graduate, A. Al V.'lz. uih'.'.ui. e 1 Southern The 1 vi ;al Seminary , Columbia, S C .,1915, Ho held a p istoi hW ill, t.:iiAt'iui ii 1. Ten 11 t, (or three .tear and Mhce that J time was engaged r ivr utiup I Hervio until In; u ifuitlv 1 V 1 rliaa t rA . . Mr, Ki'liMeifi'i' ,i 11 ccin:aia lively young man and intensely interested i'n his chosen work. Hi 1b a pleasDiit genileuim wr,d is ctucumieu 10 maite iricnns i. rapidly. Ho -iwmiiW'uh ti a', he J. Wshns fo fall ii line in every g'ibd wprk. when he comes to I town and hel,j to carry ttiP .com I, mou responsibility of making v the -world belter. . The Herald voice the of our , people of all denominations , when it xt nds an open' door and a cordial welcome' 10 R. Mr. Scbae(tflr and bin family MnA urhnn ttik' flnn.itnlala lha Lutheran church la securInK 1 -such a promising young mau as a pastor, Mraj.B K. Idanin went to Charlotte Fi.Iday 'o visit her son, J. N. Martin and to attend Synod; j, . KiiiRS Mr. S. J. Durham has been j secured ly Hie ladies to address the soldiers- nt the A. II. I'. I church Sal ud.iy May 10 at 1 1 j o'clock. The soldiers both of I sixties mid of the recent, war arej asked lo inret at ihe church tit I 10 o'cl..-i'.lf ami march to the' cemetery to deoorale the graves. Everybody who will are asked j to furnish a basket 'for thel spread at twelve o'clock. j IHE CO-OPERATIVE COTTON GIN COMPANY Tlie Farmers Co ooerative Gin ; Company was designated here Saturday afternoon as the ofli ciil MMPP i. the coinpimv r.rgiin i7,od last Saturday for thr. pur pose of building and oppratiiig a cotton ginnery in k'i'igt Moun lain. To the list of 72 stockhold ers were added Saturday alter noon ten new names making the ninber to date H2. Secrets r.v treasurer J. 13. Tliomasson wiir- sinnoriz'a to ma:fe lormal ap plication for the -charter lor the corporation. A number of the subscribers paid in part of their subscription in order to put Mttle working cap'Ul in tin treasury. One. mat paid his fu; !00, This was Mi. .1 T. fiord The total. amount', paid in "w $415. The names added to the list are: '.V. C. Ware, J. F. Iter ry, R. G. Goforlh, l L. Plonk, P. K. Harmon, W. C, Smith; 0 F. Stowe, iponne Ware, C. S. I'lonk, .1. Wray Patterson. II. S MDBLEY U.l- DLWTMTOi: Mrs. Margaret Moss, a-iTh ol Noah A Mois. died at their home In Kings Mountain last Wednesday at the ane of sixty years. The body wan taken to Antioch church Thursday for burial Rev. W. R. Beach con ductinR the funeral. She-laaves her husband and the following chil hen: Clarence Moss, Mrs. Hugh William, Mrs. Craiit Sheppard, Mrs. Hunter Huffstetler and Misses Winnie aod Lizzie Moss. ' 1 v 1 1 i Mountain, North Carolin;', ThuiHlay, Miiy EPITOME OF IHE HISTORY OF The first meeting in Kings Mountain in the interest of Red Cross work was held .July HUT in tile Presbyterian cliureh, - fiess than twenty people were present. Itwas decid'od that each person secure ten memberships. At the next meeting, .Inly , one humin d and eighty six names wer; turned in. So it was derided to mike official .ipplic ition to Atlanta for authority to form the Kings Mountain lied Cross Ch.ipter. On July 1:1 the chapter was Oiganiz'd under Mm supervision of Mr. Willis J. Milnor, Jr., assoeiale dir.'ct-v r the Southern Division, who wa-'s pi r-Fcnt at th? mn-ting. The jurisdiction of the chapter w;s to extend over Xo -j t-.wnsh''p,rn?ve'.anl ontwy. The total nieinbei'sliips from July to l).c"in'H'i was 2t7: for tie; year 1SU., r,r,S, less 2J'.l lapses after July; and lor the year I'.ll'.l t'7 ilieniheis. The execnliye officers have been as follows: Cliainnan-Rev, G. t. Kerr, 1 01 7 111. ' Vie.e-Chainnan-Mrs. M. L Plonk, 1017 1m. -C Fi. N'eisler, 1018-10. Secretary-Miss Honnio K Mauney, 1017 10, Treasurer P. D. Herndon, 1017 H. Mrs. .M. Ii. Plonk, 101- 10. The chairmen of the principal committees have been as fol lows: Supervisor of Woman's wot k Mrs. A. H. Patterson. 1017-10. Mrs : G. K. Iiovell, 1(110 Director of khUMne Mrs. M. L. Plonk, 10H 10. Chairman 2id. Red Cross War Fund C K. Neisler. " Home Service Mrs. C. K.. Neisler. Fnince-C. F. Neislor, 19171. -Wiley H McGinnis, 101.',). " Piiblieitv, Membership and Conservation Miss Honnio Fi. Maunoy, 191 H '.). " Nursing-Mrs, W. S. Dilling. All chairmen of committees and supervisor of women's work were appointed by the executive committee. The committee -held legiilar monthly meetings and others when necessary. Reports from the different enmmittens and all bills were np-piovt-d bv the exeru'ive committee. Besides the regular com m'.tlepM proposed by Division Headquarters, Special commit tees were created for old clothes drives, and for aid in local inflnenzi spidpinie. Tlie'egmmitteps for the relief in inllnenza epidemic included the nursing committee..-. Mrs, W. S. Dillinc. chairman; food committee, Mrs, C, F. Neisler, rliainnan, and . transpo'il.tnn committee, Mrs. W. S. Hilling, chairman. Most of the soliciting in the old clothes, war funds and membership drives was by the houC-to house canvass plan. The local paper ajid the school clllren aided the publicity ehairman in the conservation (tntfiign Th" chapter main tained a work room where all Rilwfical drssinirs pnd some garments were nic.de. Most of the sewing and all knitting was done in the home 1. The work diiinigthe inliiier epidemic wis weii orgsntzod. Some fifteen volunteers, making two trirs a d iv, went into the stricken homes with fond and to lender other service.". 1 wo colored womc-n were employed to go to the homes v here Ihev were needed. The ntiioiint rned f"r tin- Jnd. R. d t ross War Fund was f.;;llll til. of which P.) was letained bv the clnoter. Ovr 1 100 pounds of clothing "vo 'nt 'or i;. l-ian relief as a re suit of the drive 111 O.dob ! I01n. "i.i sv'itei-s and hi 5 socks foi the soldiers; also l'I sweaters, sio'-kings and 12 socks for the. refugees, were -shipped to 1. slilii'iarters in Atlanta, .during two years existence TIip fr.Uowing other articles ha"" ''""i m-d -: (Mft surgical diessin'r; 7'W nosoitil snpolies: '.M hospii i.l garments; TiO iff iijjee t n mi -nts. A'. Ohnstm. s aboui "1) pn reels were inspect ed and sent to soldif is oveisea . 1 he Homo Service commit tee lr.i cidi'd shout 2") cases. OliXERAfi RKMMIKS: During 101H the chapter hvl one branch with 1 members bnt this b iinch was rliscontiiiucd 111 l.ll.l. There was one IjC gri auxiliary with 'id members In 1017 and instructor was inploved to give ti.e course ic Ki'.rgieal diTssm-.'... About ;:0 ladies coinjiluted the conire. mmmmmmmmKmaimmmmm The Kings Mountain bovs were in the dehtittng finals at Chapel bill last wee k and acquitted themselves like men. This is the first time the local debating team has won the triangular con test and gone to the uuiver-siry for the finals. Let this be nn inspiration to wiu the Loving cup next time. wmmmmmmmmmmmKSfmmmm I Mwses Ruth Daniel ami Ther esa Pitn.an, nf Charlotte, rt ' ert ly visited M'ss H andle Wtlsor. An elaborate program is being prenared for Mothers Day at the A. it. p. church Sabbath, Rev. G L. Kerr returnjd from Charlotte Monday whore he had attended Synod. S!.,iO 20110 BE 8IG DAY An enthusiastic meeting of the Chairmen of llie several commit to 's ill charge ol tin; prepara tion for. the celebration of the Home Coming of Cleveland ('ou.ity'n soldiers- was 'held in the Cuurt Mouse in Shelby Thursday night. It was evident from the suii it manifested lluvu ghout the meeting that the 2KU ilay i f .May tins year will wit- j ne.ss the greatest celebration Jevor held in Cleveland. Alieady several sectioim of the county I ha-'e pledged hearty support and : ca-operaticn. Tin-re-, will he a record breaking crowd to do honor to the heroes of t.vo wais. To handle, to feed, to entertian, and to honor thr so heroes, the following general program has j been arranged. Of course ot'.ier I leatures will be added as the ' preparations progress, j PARADE. 10 A- M. (fast time) C. R, Doggelt, Chief Marshal F.very automobile in Cleveland county is expected to be nv the parade. The soldiers will be abk ed to march around the Square las they assemble for dinner. A I military band will lead the pa rade. The Chief. Marshal wiH announce the names of his as sistants later, - DDUKSS 1 1 ::!0 Messrs C. A. Wooil and C. R. Hoey, Chairmen. Tlie very best speaker ''availa ble 'will address the public, on the Square. DINXFiR 1 P. M. Mrs. W. 11. Rlantoti, C'lainnan. The Daughters of the Confed eracy wit assistance of the Red Cto-'s Woikeis will prepi--e and serve to the , 'onl'ederute vet"i ans and to the soldieis and sail or in 'uniform the very best -din ner Cleveland county can f.fiord am' there will be an a imi.i.n supply of refreshments lo .fallow the diniier. Lettei' h ive lieen written lo all the 'iiairmeii of Red Cross A uxi'r. .tics asking for help in soticilii g baskets, So far several repli -s have b'en received in every Die of ih;eh a hearty promise ol , 0 o -er.it.ion was given. All 1 idi. s of. t.i 10 county are urged to ei ' in touch with llu ir Auxil'ai icsa'iil pU'dge basnets for the - velei-ans and soldiers and sailors. The Coin nufe will be glad to furnish any information about the baskets that may be desired. KXTKRTAIXMF.XT O Max Gardner of .Shelby and j .Uayor McGinnis of Kings Moun I tun, C haifnien, I A concert by the band, an lautomobi.G drive and many other j entertainments are , being ar ranged fo- by the cominitiee. A iconpteto program will appear I l.m 1 . . . .' ak::;xgrments R. A. h'udasil, chairman. . No : c.roobile will be allowed arouiKi , i o Sio nre from 10 a. m. until aiter 1 p. m. The Home 8, . iJ)l'. A Year In .Advance HERE NEXT THURSDAY BY I. H. G. j The International Harvester ; 'onipuny is planning a demon stration in Kings Mountain next 1 Thursday, May l.'. i'lowing and i field, lectures will begin at 0 a. 1 111. and continue until 1 :;) p. in. j Demonstrations in feed grinding and lectures 2 to (i p. in. At night a moving picture machine will show eleven 1000 foot reels dealing with modern farming; with modern machinery. All the indoor exercises' will be held at tlie school auditorium including the moving pictures. Tlij- demonstration outfit consist of nine truck loads of niachinerv and ten people. The farm ma chinery that will be on display and demonstration will be; a triu tor, harrow, disc, plow, and pulverizer, manure spreader, cultivator, feed grinder, Mea dows mill, corn shelter, cream separator, cotton seed drill, Western Filectric power plant, engine, 30 electric charts. The plowing demonstrations will be on a lot belonging to Mr. W. A. Mauney. known .as the liriggs place near the school building and another lot belong ing to G. G. Page near his res. idence. This is an occasion that should anpeai'-to every farmnr. It gives all an opportunity to see modorn farm machinery in actual use on our own kind of land and is like ly to wipe out any skepticism anjbody might have about the practicability of modern machin ery. It's free, all of it, and we would like for every farmer in tliis sei.tion to lay down work nn' that day and.-come-to town and see the whole program through, This demonstration is being put 011 at the instigation of Riser it Mauney, local agents for the Intei national Harvester Company. It will not be a sale either. There is to be no sales tgent 011 the grounds for the purpose of canvassing farmers loi orders, Tnis is strictly a day uf demonstration,- Come and see it ard stay for the pictures at 11 i lj lit- Guards will be asked to serve as special olficers during this time to maintain order during the ad dress. The stores will be asked 1) close lor the same period of time, . DECORATIONS J. D. Lmeberger, chairman. Every store and place of busi ness will be asked to put up dec orations in honor of this occas ion. It is hoped that every resi dence will display flags on this occasion. ' FINANCE Capt. J. F. Roberts, chairman. Of course puch a program calls for money and the people of Shelby will respond heartily when Capt. Roberts and his com nnuee calls ior subscriptions. William Lineberger, ' Chmn. of Publicity. P. S The list of ladies appear ing in the Herald last week, as obligating to furnish a basket were only a committee to secure baskets. The Editor.

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