J.4. V -riiiie vr-i.11' i.'.a.unKlT1 A(Ka,fTWlrt'e,ft,iVrBnt. plil) llltll Hill) llilliU i Wil 1 ianpffiiBMKfflrarK ftVPfloq KEietAKDDi bobaKi8iM taWfift.rlnenMliel m .1.. - TT " " . tort i mm it aw ioraers Xhtuer. 14k dJf Editor and. tllllklf IV II j Tnat KDielgn people near, uiiHiui rwJarematwiw Mwncwwaim- ftleaseSae fcacltbe made, the EnWWWfo WMWWSftei serl WadgHW)H'aiilETT, (Payable it Dtivomce.) iir- ur.in.4tiuii honthf 4 month! .JO 1 a months guhmf.rlptlnp, will h. nn.,h AaS.ttfflFartm iri v iraiu. i o nuiuu ajikui tnnft iu i - - r h.r.7..j - i v f...":- iy...tv.::. Raleigh1 ill! ! l iL . -.Jit- ... a I . I 'IV'""" minion aonars is lui siarcatvahaveMhelttbubft twtth theifdunt I BIN I rtnlmjusamount to I raised In.NtrtbJ.toM.onii.oOiii tat. the. nam ! u kilo- ., . Jy,,,F- 1 vtTi viral Hirj uruTTirrT tl ' November 11 for the Una! ...uffrare would nrobablv Be the soldiers of S . IHraiV-on MHrHi darti ma WnS'Krhe re was deterrlilbKJlaljbtvwaMl Htliiole Itorntiss '1 i IK 1. Tne niipusal V ' sT" buildlng the soWeTk 0 I 7 r. 1 lawyer, tott 1 thditointiatttft m PWliq.lnhone(;e IhasUtorrieya G a. ,iJ,c Ranged flonsinerapiT taster, man w- i oouy inougai ll wouia in lour yqars. pit'd Ujivl.ima'Ui.ifc.wt '.iu ii Lwv - sxua ui mo .1.1 wh to nenlirllTiili r milinlnlTil tthihl loV- .the, .. Interest or thaf cdiM otjiMe''tiau??ttoW9R ia- afhwiiifh nf THn R flf A TndaTA No. nut) lliUUKlikhimrtiw Wrmt nUadlfes crfittHbifHW 01 Uir belongings NfirMMOiihe ofrl..wilfhurch taJiear put. 1 1, .J MMJim mm mi nil inner 10JMrUU4 nUaat&M'lilHMaag WUl la nls- hh aajdjflflightt.aff Iqm. .snchjas..! liffuffWfhrmoll and anguish tw pe execu Comai hnnor trUs' ctoi tl( it IU way.. to Un- point, vhere by i i Hnnir nn -wubi h srnrn i rik'lit AD(ir.lUjtW.AtOaJ ,fi.L!l!L,In:il emoriai mr- nuuse, ui nuiiiuxjouuir, k.-nlUS'irWehUyPseleltB Kf'HsatlKbrtkrCbKx dennlt. form wjrfn .JWl0or0i1fNo?,?., niunl liumhlr il th lat ...Jinn 1 1ST Tffe ' W OTTfl WiM. DBS' "DDolnled a jnamorh.1 bulldlna cbml.qitllildtgJlllBlCUll.all mail- Kii mlaaldnrWIth WbTeHnW Blckett as ttuid. TJ, (leteM) Uopsmthxlotf tr 1I1W hlroin: TBe "L(frlatare" also dor Ujm datd-anUiBiBir, tbeiXullowJiiB kd'. .. I k l"W"W l"T t I 1JT- ElmH ITIH I 111 I nxctasines we lind that the bl.Jntttl .i,lothn,f . Hu.iaa,iratiy OHauaaiiRnacwipnmper thosojmH.Hiutlnas we available. !t ressure of te purpose nR fclltotjKsf iCfeai1(nentoeu(A0 ' ' ' 'i .... . :.. i . .. . r i . 1 1W JMV (eVpbttAi libit oCt-'fHeprWH rile b -.-Tvwu- sjawiajwuM asuiuiwiwut aoo, 4?nWhll.lIkl?JlinBiao liBUmjttonauM! V1 WdliUMin91narliail ft tonTnfexerice. make rib provlaioq forii . t . - ,. .. v i .jLifst'i iiir. ins fi i u in i h unn i '"i- lllHeownoniWMMm M)tRTiHg""hW17.TPPropation. " . torwfrvMVSsafflr sBasBfc-iwWtoi Mow . 41 Ufl new srajia Ollicer. mr. trugut '"tWrWiMraMaVntU iMtuicW Qbia,lr er a.tiil:.axiaittP i tP. vlT TWerVs P11'. ler I TMr rRPit rhnrrH -iflrafnat a KAh . . ... . . w aniTTrx wTi'r irnssriTCr'n.Ttn TTiT Qiir . r' jy ftarDlBliyfpiWlolnJW'.PaJiteaPCrjenne immiia laje. Ai i I Hlustfitlon "of ftnfrUH new lodges, organising 1(LrVMlIVfeVu frM" Uife re ttis.nii.inn aTniripijiying uie f 1 .edttpp fonaggB BK4.4I Hp rttiirrn amenff" so ioKiflz.NKpJfltfMital tBCT-'MfiSr tLhW la kaa Onrnmlailnnaul In ! iWal-Jj 1 1 1 1 t . A t . ;t in me urana jurnuicuou '"isvi -- ..rrh.K... Ufylng the turn work mould enable mm roUUceDjsm the voters a TounH' Will IS IU1W TVWneH)n'T myTWlf-lrWtf'tlh'nB "nrntr Wr"n"f'nn(. UirlfAT irtf.Sraft'Sn18 rt,cTltoiTriihislor WiWklnaaBKtdMBprarfS uuiaIBWftwnaiadietrt actions In the sale, of, American cotjon thtoa.tteltlB.rtrtatitmt trjr4W WtVtWitoV,ef .Vd.?i tiaJt butTOrfauftS iffiVSryflv'tf.'nT,?? WaWlBe'uWfcaMR'l TBeoJepafrltWlrid 6 Btoo4&itf&'!ny bftugWatSbeUiy, umianrennuubuniairsjtwu "nwro "HOI1YI Th TKIb den II, usiBuuuiDiea iur lam . Duroiwf. l ne KFy. ftther r.aaiill Re RtraliklKiLd fr.lh. -n,m.! 'CTJ STjriC (III 1 --'"'"- : wasnmctoa. at lht tfco?Mr This .Officers of, the grand SOU l Ik .not t grand .lodge, a maw. t- Ik. hHvrVteyman)lin,arWi future .Of Dull Diir.tine stoTeiifpMH ml North Carolina Historical Commlsdipa(n.B,.tj.lih vi. II KlPirart. in PMII4 MrnMI IMKUUt the stUirtT hiatoHdUlt .kyyTWai-t-HnrJr pnw8 thpds, or InMsUwtlon an4 writk,. irfes n.ti(HuWaraniMTrwrKre,lP4wl of -..fVmi"'ta) ..bSrWeen the Alliea ind ""i.uk.UB aLVMW,Ult UlUMUfcUy.!. uviuikiij, numu uo ui u.- w auia 0WI1M3 QVeiRVBIbtl llbiUared oppvonni7 nmtv en" ToBUn'1" Lmethpds, of, InMsUation and. wrlfflBgH , . : i . ' . ' " c i , , , i ttvuicupnjD iwiiiBiaanawautviniuiiiaa ThrwarowtreM taawiaadpeft hWeTiS,SrJn upon.'tfie. actlvltfe1.- pf "Wohi "HWTOrWnWfn R9,s,T,"1!eaTonnlr' aflS' Mr"fc)pnF'n 4Ke d out with The bote of HLlsIhl; n, llriAMxwnrlai At'xnali 4 troa th.nsrtfcWI o"d6HaW."K uy UU1IU1,1K :ita.snMuie.and..uihUidi.jedlMMK'llM AJltiil..,Uje i .i i .i i . iuk u it iui Liitj uji.-v n u uniLiru vi 1 r D mow,ii.avu VIIIVUII VUO VdllOHO DU11U1UK UL U irlufl un. tnA uricnnt jaiWivi Jmnufvl j . it moot; AJlatA '.i.lkl. Bnn.tV.A anJ l.....n4h . . j v . . a ... i . ..riteiMi hiefak. thdtU tPir. Buying Co mm aj, . 1VCOH. 1 J 17 m. P rota at. riu:uinir cairn Wrtitt(VtrclTiilV EWh. SsGoBr nrnmltifip And twentv-nine nasi efalul.t r... .1 li 1 n. uvr. 1 urnatr imiiiiitii Kinnnan' the I ulNWmJC(frol1ni ThHHg latMt csa tK r-TJilUW. dfllthe)0airlifle tBttHmttlfjnarH o-n--- -r- inert ot Disease Private R. T. Rat. tiHW WiiWAaiHHi were up lie hBtttkeN a WyJrodeW-PfratR ja4ia ... .... L. xiaaip in.-wi.u,Iu.u arc . jtherfordtoh . L0n Palrcloth. BoseJ kiW WMP 'fnHi"tifl'J.nlaD oWfWWoor Bobotfriiftboi liWtt!(gm mTrrsT5iiiiuit"Ihel?,1W' SonTttio.i)ic? watch : .Interested m me uenreoniai inn i.M-inin.ltlim-iin..l.at fcj '3 B.11; -iTxrv"is3-rTi rn.-ixr wit- uuvi r beWmWWil)ayera toll the Her- a)d that he was wiliiiiu to par 1 ticflJfti'Ifjflic '1acditdL4,'norninl 'Jb9tfi frrbtmB'SWWBoal? fef TOin8lran rAW PHhf intfrf)i)RrMrrr?.f liM1,taSp.IMrttP'oaPf. WTfeiWresP6l!tWi 4. AaiuimLiLjujwrtnr-nT the denskilrPr.Xrmeriihe s rtem o( .tUli A W"vv tl hfnaferlmitfctadoWarfy iuut oMMM)lr Ktir At thi hin.riiir' Vtrmrlau WjtatHtwwoMiritkic iwnci a; ien4irMtithfebIKt1(MlinK-lei f!iprt'. Tnti-iixf) hatrpil of each OlhNo4MfMklyeb(. dtnoMiaiVt into FoVfcWjF'touK'Pni-aW MftWflwpiatfa)taiiiiottfeate , ira, is being perfecled wlfh.meliea -ty results, id the late summer,nd fallidl. tWfVMir'weranfcmneni mWotftUott WiSiiil onautkattoalensriaiiiiMtMiithayM mnafti mbc Mm. tbvdatraiyfo li'iryuvuv owaiwj - w-- . 'ff'ub at juriiaja u am t 1 llouIayai)e&ttii(tfank1ldAai htftr bWhgs cbbcts-M!b' . h dautafifni-ll. ' I DOldfl IVU. .n0ffilteTOthe8a7p JfrSt fMraflifijLTbcy were ies managlhgj Potato.wart, a dangeroui new diseaif .L. r. -A":..,T..;.r.r.T..- f. dltor. U the Health BuirciroT ISWO I The warVna. f aused great dainrfW,iscWWfa' w1lchl1rH inHiHhly ny'W MpmtaenujniiFwi6h'tftirWt Vegetal' VelrWtod'W if 'fWMttlled ooobWi !m robbery, . Mitchel, the fconoy wlUAmiLiMArtstained W: Speer and i(VwrriW.i)-fPiecqmit to con the will of the-tJrte M, K is, one or tbe Jrgeat property owherj KnTorwWeral'yeiMTttaVi Jf l;MonaiidniiBdcttii)fe JllaJlineH naliiiia1rMialrtctV)M aaVHblloHs Vlt: -,.na Ullltillw riaatrftwafl ThauaJdi IjOt tin, 1 nc'i'innineon an iron siaae in the eflfet? Hftlierokee Street and rus thence E. 120 feetrthenc S. 49 the loWtd WSfKWHrfperViHouNHiiiifH tothitilkmhra(n&oai4ikl ahlinl'fcew.olttl M.hitatiohe(gjlneti:eh PnFnfli!H beHWorettaVeB! nlfiir. whtrh ha anrrarAt iinil Invk-M. fmAs Sarah Sparrnw, UdLgrjTuieti ot tne iatR iiioffl sparrow witlJu.WwVoPtaftqotnwirtep20hftiw.ta ftWriWr(WBiWon, Lip iWiwhtagtonpObOo, pi)dJ that the late -Mr R. Stew feTIoWfPr?r a?, y "lanU e been set UDon for tha nexi ftleiafirit'rhffWSte0 'AtklasofutaMs Ketee ItsaMirlvdu llirllfflvcltiflM riaww L members of,ruie,,AniniaJ Industry a co of land. Tho-kmd did not li) (niMKflnWlal aanHrlllWal nath DKQH Wttttltinit. . It devel corrl'tW St'ma HiiW'VftHh the m I re- (o'Nave Hospital, as a , result of Tnlurij llaotiui(Uri(Br"ii-is a freight TOwfffffjHoys and a 'Hieesti(iisried utvPQ it ana jaaneviiifl. ai a cauea meeiuiK HIT wdiHdutMit athWiendiiiy.Uekawht.e . 1 Mk tt Wfciinmhr-Itr1 r. totJltflPfjriiliUhiraurt eiiieruceStfctmgunrtle I frn. fivnla nnt ntKonrisa ar.n-nn4if. J thfl nTMl ftfitTAPB. a AaVATalnitDAU hr rornrrl a" I"' t K UrirniU'WBayU1E. '"W&Vue me IHctbiraJ BqdDi)rbnlntiatiyicinnfei fBu?r "HfotiKi-.o'lfevK Ir, Stewart NW.-H)mrieftiAleaW ,(JfJrlJB0D JTftl !? r!8"f Ffttf ttJV . J last weea ana auempiea ,10 iyn 'nWO. fiiikPUlehaUii.verIBoutitt im)KyTt.irej- his death a will s found in,wrTTcr provisiui Monroe. tAt an extra session t rM MfKMtxbbsjddli and j nfatybarll ifl nolleol that thet were ret it utwwoprsMrTiMi Boote txoustai at iCturing Company's trill Lreached. a crisis, when, striking opfftp UtWes !nrWhii:polWe(.iTlftV.!,vfw, imMrtnlWsnrfrsmtsrwai ariaak, ifStiwWVWWBtfVitMiE In r n a ftAi of airmnrinr nrutral fjqetie SfW'reletodnSn11 lj4ntd abi. ftmvorie ffstdtte iW'WWaWW'wart; and H nrfia'mTJhaM'Vre m tbe Morejiead school section of ftftrntiwy'fhVe;VI6at.-ln the af treer on th school' yard and w aRnTT nrP'Mv'-ds t MamaMiwaiidokar; P.ilU. wife fl I'Vunk A. l'oliirtf ,30il Worth ktiWWrrW,TrW(r3Mli9rflirfWdjjct TOT a3rlaBll0W.l,Jii? toIkq were of the opinion that w dates, and others, defendants, the peine mo. ll ib upon tne special UKRMhkM drMmjEMWWAtbe Trflia-sicjj iTiMiiarAWSUSsioaHS wiUv UMi! H lOTtr D AT JF , J ULYy 1 91 9 At' )'clockMrnW.'J WW! rijTjWp In own ot Kings Mountain, . N. t. er for sale to tha highest bidder r mm Lillaiiiint2 the Hord; Baptist ClevtlanJ County, H. landl ot Fulton a Irork i linebf sHWast"? m fWft V ims theHdhaSt) -tnotiflto)llthhve'1r f4Mrtiit'liirBWc RUVeQ crtiwo Nad aiiH aaHi.RirAA4 Ju,fHb innMcrkananoa tail ?o 31Hng!lM ' fh (ff tMWOhiftUtokfl; m til HffKa wss m&i 1Tiaino'o(rtfJtimB,nEn9l?ities of m fare, w beaixntn)i.tne terrii rnvnm In the. falt'dnUniaaiOalefnciB jmiUi 1 a.J 1 aL.. T7 I f 4 1-. rTtwiftm-ttMiBV Kro so inmRtpnr rnntiB PI ; TOlJiiJSmJtdnya B6diaaiaheeifi 1 . .. .l. I a iw'W.'msrayrryranrajHtw.'Tr ttaBsye rebMn?WRfiareaflR HI iiMna. DlMMWaa, noyauvertaHjJ Iffrffif. 6t iWWDfJOtDro! I FbmrlcftfenW. HI? yearaTiita wiis IksikiMliaiMiHilW. JCtntJt3futB com(jii)a)4af; I Mfjilhnrch, while jUUbpR th.pci f Ws The 1 hlmBiis il TflstorJ. "Toda jr tfci 'etrfv-witvg lert in varenne ia tne spell; m orrer it ara mi Mlffhe r'wa'vt.htHeAfn,ev tot S9VSU W'aiw-b.ftn,S"t wM Shi I smltlntlna In tuhnf Iff nnw tlrn nhrrvo ,Tr rtsjoontit.ittileK- I have 1 And somemigMa WtUV trifle huiiisn I Tl I F. In. rii no atrirtaa -In Hrv torHrorv I r A II flL.iBTj;.'m.w.i.Y.-.iAi.. t n "ar" ftt 3fl?,!t l,n.-ftl1 --.-,-- -P f r" Btlo ITkA n& Vlerl-t KmeB VTf, iij rrrn ia' lliVcbi? fi umS Si'iuei'N v ill iniTucI '.lfWiWrts are hi the full amount ai Va't6T4iRrWiftand W WelibacHbj clod at tlm lalt-miiiincp th's 5 Ob.!abhr0rrKfM. Smith, fci refidiflgjper fouit(.Smy?V.l. W d,y mTesuaBicarafoUQwlna flrm PfflW. WMTP .f rtftt,rh.nr-rV HtAnlj; a ntUc itffxtWfs tntv. bUl 4titeredlk aaal: KtlUlOtboe Company and the South WPs.PiJ'WtsCamjanji for.'. IP)0 (duf 4rs.ri"i3"wT?r(nTfffrfibei a mem 'SWIttftWhrfent churYjPfntVl hki'aniaiirewiteuiitwiiors; dliai)u1anlAUiitMta lsttiC 8(ior of irieitdn. SftolhWeds'oFmblBD; deVtbf talai'OifMVddtf'. OtektsUMfo,- aWdlitltlMkeHnftt nda latiiteadydntrrdrotaUiwt doot irf"jaAl hTfiTybOr a4nwa fcaTW.sv ffpd WBt.r of Kims va-if-in: Mrs J. F. Il'iinl-ijihl We Vice's 'ii aMce.'akFoi eiMd)hft8a-trof Ulr UanS 1g npirei(.(ftclkw , FeparatlAR snftll Be fflfldS BJ UVPIli hTry JjLGJislii I'nVKUIINIA ANHBIINIIMI-.NLS scWALSH iANdTHE PEACE CONFERENCE Frank P. Walsh of KanaatgClty, whose portrait la here preaentejl and iiiiiiMBiiiifflBiiiriilitaMiii iBuBbkm. H I'11- r,,lu hnlk InrPP ll.nt now in IhB nilDIIC eye neenne of mpir etrornr rrrytn me con- k 1 -V I fjim aaHr ,pniiiilii :r" I . , ; 1 ference. Mr. Walih waa foiijierly i . nently Identified with organized ftbor. I . ! Mr. JTuW (lid Mr. Pine hod flcon- r 1 ff r Z f ' tetJcriritVWPhfaon mjfarla '- JL. JLi V aniaLOntW ''iPg atateBent: re A '4 Wn hail a nnnferene wltH the io y iT V "7 could put lake up tbe CUSC or liJJana m XX "'rKAI('P lnlfjWPVe PeflCe CTn,cince ;h Jrw LAIL lalbUtWlKliIgelf nnd otherM had 1 xvtT! done, and wonld continue Jp do, Inof. ' 'orlT T, - ' 1 . , - , . ;:" 1 I '""'T :.,r paiiuu3onluiu not yet L Wn up the Virviae an Example of pimiitii nun which me uermans aesi Oivlllahrl Ing If d.i In Fnl royed with AS I.K lAS.lhA.VI al,AK l'K A II iMsiHrvOlk. the n)uiuiKjeVe ffiflW MaXaMWiieWn!Ii.ee fj)er .while an beir fllcht from Parla to kn ffiit iir Tufi nnndn nf ttin TtPTnlntlnn'M fa. aft, if ng uavni rrwrIJP1 P9 1 . . 1 . 1 ; 9Rfflit?RepiIKW4fATV shop. 'SrfloTiIg doftttj ,d out. found In the Germs eyes made some find. What tha Huns Old There la the town of France. The Germans (d e; that they could to Sermnixe and every thing that they could means that the rmmuu HHHUlB rwiiiullun imuBitlin" Ihgin to Of"tonrae w wilt rnke no fttrrber irters tmW WAtn-rt'--JW.Wbjsion pnoses on the senate resolution. If a bearing la granted De Vaiera i ni associates, and International recognition Is obtained for the Irish r Bblic, then our work Is aUan end. y the requatof i"e wate la denied ijjwlll proceed with ouralTorta totoftsent the casef Ireland to the whole! aeace esentotives oMrlsb conference. Mr. W; societies in the United States, GILLETT AND THE MEXICAN PROTEST This isLufcrumey UaKle portrait of Frederick H. Glllett of Maa sachusetta, speakerof the hpnse In the 8ixjtfnont)mM aiiow diracuit position to till a Republican speaker lp a Democratic admlnlstra- oiug waicneo. wiin macn lnterem. Just now Speaker Glllett It also things ne'Wien .aSourl 1?b9c5 before the Pan-American commercial the Mexican embassy. In formal BtatemeMr.Gai.ttjflystl. tn . I tdoWA k'VSik ty'pfcWsVer." ous m a discussion of the commercial persistent failure to observe ber In terna tioi foreign. been notorious and Is the most fla grant obstacle to .cqmmerclar.lnif-rconrse and arowth In our hemlsnhere. .iirii 11 1 1 1 1 ' t.j' i.'iiin nTn ieRtw nate mial lAiji klf 1 1 it !. often . y Wat natch- 1 t.iK..e - 1 yet I extol fade waa entirely freeirsom be I hosUllty or Jlngolim ; that I wai eager that the United States should ea permanent connaence ana mendsblp pf the republic south of us. it is lor their interest aa well as ours that Mexico should become sTskfe region for foreign sojourn and Investment IThe greatest beneficiary of such alutary change would be MfeCca III l"'il-lWilT('i ;, f in i ti 1 i, A fellhn Root of New York, firmer United States senator from Newark and former secretary of etatei re- La'A'1! epP'e we public attel fcn, I1()llismlcOa he la probably the lead ing lawyer of the country, and' IMny Americans consider his Intellect sfce- jjY none- Iu8t now ne ' and -the LyWllglft In connection with the f ice tfetsl &rifftw TOluntarii be fore tbe senate committee on fol fcn relations when It hpunn Urn Invni. rs. lloyof ifuD'lenXT following the faJe HUt yAUUCL6lft! that hefe'In- self had seen an official copy In pew York of the peace treaty whlchtBie piii!'lliiir '"ilterfere'llca ,t 2nd K lYlTi Inhohltnnrt Kaa.itlrillw In 11 1 k km (MEWrtlAA gtotimxttStttzm m:$ 'Goodo-at lowor pngi?c but of tha- hatithere weeolder churches In " 7. IL. " llllSKfllAri?. .k I reports reaching this country. 'The 'I have a copy and have had II weeks It aMtnf to mi DaTAn. 'I Ksert the ei ofAmjMaavlifc. It and of giving It to me. Be bad It becaus oes,Hb n Involved In the treaty, came, Wave being at that time ho InJ la the gvme of the word. ' The Ger ds Rfper en b i pcn g fhimtilll IU ulukU this fnrper public made It public, an la public. ' I should be inclined to resent tbe suggestion of anybody that I S X P' n .Vrnid H.'t. inoa nn wonnd ot regarded as serious. the facade of sancmace. he raallxes 1. P1" crown jrlncsact, which baa , anavtteieiElpe, Silk and white goods iyiMeteAtagXWfteil by the mk,-.. , , . , Iklna-'a Insistence that the nrince mnka demoKMX ftl an MbaBnteh44bidMrthaiwb MifrjSWWfQarMoojfWcftpm onlv a few years after the conuuest of wnom he wa forced DT hl "yal par- EnglanA-r,rifj was ovrJdnUikial! Lftfid. The fvinds-Jiora to thfchnrch year by marrying Mile; Lambrtoo, who tolUlVlttiJtarrfltBasftnnMvAhi e daughter of a reOred major In .Magna Charta. It was four centuries " Koumanian army. , old when Cnlnmhns . sel afnnfcnn the I., ror ms .escapade" Kinu. Ferdl- Island KatA ALv.llr.lM ClhlliUlla&i lUiOl tLnS UJIAVArlr, OOfi Mention has been made of only two I solitary . confinement "for absenting torf. M&Uh today are in a state of nimseii witnout leave from Ills garrl. desolation like unto that of the Cities on- 1" queen has dose her utmost of the Ptoln. There was no excuse for to divert Prince Charles' mind from Mile.- Cecilia by tryina- to Interest the deatrartioDwiiese lWownj LWfejui . aeuuntabie. works, but Charles q etUMeeDly attached to of France. Only fSo ImvaWrAiamed. llfff 'wi? Jf11 JXS'lB'.ptlf beeseen U her a6uJnv. ... .a vr r . i mtm . aT t-.mn.rn. ri i m m m . . -u . r- - -a Multiply ivfo- oy. l.iana tne y j "J'W"irrrkrr,W'FJm'Wrtltm toAilil-hit! ahirH. muinpiicana-awn give yowciose to tnprB""""" unuv.ccaiuDu-iu-uie uirons un neir riTv.lfreh tome say Is Prl number of villages the destruction of Nicholas, who la studying In England. The crown prince has, accordinr to which.fninC5JP0jirns tf"'"V.Ji"d g'"hl'n"''"fpd.)'1a M"rc''BaMmairL. J at ll I liecrf :i ft 1 ;f ai)i::X I itv at J a. III R.irrM"r...i,.iii,l 1 . aaaai, w 10 rcouuu.

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