Liberty, Truth, Vol. 18 No. 1. MAN TELLS WEI STORY OF ROBBERY Mrs Maud Mayhew, tin won. an in the case, tol't a'wi ini stui j of the movements u1 her hn band, J. Frank ' Mavhew, iiiic June Dobbins oi' ih iiilit 1 1 im i Mr. M, L. Plonk's car wasioiei huiI Anion's i-tuio tuend tin" robbed, in Ihe rol i ihiiihi .v givi i the men b feu Esqnli'! K". drick here Wtvli.oisdav. Th woman was nut present hut at. allidarit uiMdu b.v her in 1 J i r mingham whs read in vldeuce und is reproduced below. Anoih er paragraph of the .affidavit n t bearing on this case tell of tl e ercajiaues of the two int u uii an ether occasion which n vtr detrimental to their standing . in court. Mat ho and Dobbin weie bound over to superior , court and sunt to jail in delauil of $1,000 each. Mr. Plonk's tar wss in as 'rood c ndition as could hiivfi been expected after such n long and hurried drivo A few 1 dollarsworth of An ton's goods were recovered aid brought back. The ineu didn't donv the theft and cant back to the Rlale to face trial without requi sition. : - THE MMIT On last Sunday morning, Aug nsfc 10th, my husband came home from Gainst Hie, Ga,, and stayed at Kings Mountain ""hore I w.s staying with June dobbins' mo ther. . Ho stayed there until Tuesday night, August 12th, lie had not sean bin baby since birth. On Monday, August 11th, my husband went to the Postof fico to mail a lettor to Birming ham for mo and one for himself After coming back from the I'Ostoffico Juou. Dobbins came up about supper time and want ed my r-usband. Prank J. May hew, to go to the, movies wiJi "him. On Tuesday Align t 12th. June Dobbn tiiiiie back with a Hwiti.h k)y to. an automobile and told, my husband that he could do anytninu lif want d to in Kings Monntaiii and get away ' with it. Tuesday night mf hus- . baDd told me ho winted me to ride trin No. 43 and to get t ready and for ine to ask fraud mother it H would hurt the baby to lake it io the station in a clos ed car. My husband nd June Dobbins then told me that they were going to tho moving pict-' ore. Sometime after dark June Dobbins came tj uy window and " told uie that it was nearly t'me for JJo. 48 and for me drpss as we had only 20 minutes to Ret to . tho train. While dressing the car came up and June Dobbins . carriei my suitcases to the car Wo drove to the station where l was told that No. 43 had run, Dobbins said that it didn't mailt: . uny;dif ference as we would keep going In the car, After leaving : the station we went to s.ime store In Kings Mountain where Dabbinu and my hujband got . ont June Dobbin's opened tb ; ' door and went iu the store and turn ed on the lights -and came - out with a larfe quantity of fefe C i -t t - A v Pi-of. Pvobert L. Milam Directing the music in the Methodist church. mm furnishings including ladies skirts, ladies Mlk waists and one suit of clothes. Between Kings Mountain, N. C. end Birming ham, Ala., Dobbins and my hus band sold off all of my clotlus and I was compelled u wear the clothes that were stolen in Kings Mountain. All of my clothe were sold with tho rxception of four middy bloues. ' At Kingt Mountain my hdsband and- Dob bins were scared from tho store by some men coming down the street and dropped the last load f clothes. Between York and Vugnsta Dobbins took the deal erV; licensj o'.t the ear and Lhiew them id a thicket this was between Monelta and Columbia License number Were ; again changed at Rock Hill. About 13 miles from Birmingham, Ala., Dobbins took a 1919 auto license from a car and put it on tlie car that we were In. I tried with all my power to keep both my hus band and Dobbins from do'ng what lheydi.1 but wis una'.jle to do so ant' ivas compelled to do their bidding. We arrived jn Bir mingham about 10 a. m , Wed nesrfay August 13th, and went out the other side ofBoyles to a camping ground and then came back to Birmingham, The bai ance of the goods my husband a; ked uie to wrap up and miil them to my father or get rid of them Fomuhow, this I refused to do as 1 kn3w they were stolen. L.ter two of .the stolen skirts wre sold hy order of my hus band to buy him food - while in jail at Bii mingham. Rev. J, L. Chaney of Wash ington, N, C. will assist Rev. B. A. Culp in a revival mooting at Grace church beginning Sunday. Kings Mountain North Carolina 1 revival now in progress at the iiimniHUinii'iiii SELLERS RE-ENLISTS Frank Sellers, the 23 yeay old son of John Seller of Route 1, has decided to "take on" for another year with Uncle. Sam's regular army. lie was accepted for enlist inent in tlie Medical Department on Aug. 26, 1919, at Gastonia by Col. A. W P. Anderson chief ol recruiting forces of tlie State of North Carolina. Sergt. Sellers was forwarded to Fort Thomas, Ky. on Aug. 27, where his en listment will bo completed. Young Sellers has servnd al most two years with the colors receiving bis dischaige at Camp Lee, Va. on July 16, 1919. Enlistments for the A. E F. in Europe have again been re sumed after having been closed tor almost two months. Men who have served in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps may be accep ted for tiiis service for one year. Others between the ages of 18 and 40 may j mq fur three years. This is by lar tho most liberal policy ever adopted by the War Uopartmcnt with regard to re cruiting. Never before has the opportunity for steady trainirg and travel been open to the youth of this country during so short a period of enlistment, ;. HUFFSTETLER LYNN Just, after the preaching ser vice at lirace Methodist church Sunday Rev. ii A, Culp was called to tlie parsonage to , per form the marriage ceremony for Miss Boqme Huffatetler and Mr. Fred Lynn. ' The , bride is the daughter of Mr. Gus Huffstet ler. . ' .uiwrlb for The Hvrald. Thursday September The Day of (By Rev. G. L Kerr, A R Prcsbyirian pastor) Some months Hgo the world was 'onjiing Tor the cessation of ho: tihties on the battle fields of Euro )e. There was a feelin;! thut nil would be well if only the wap wot Id cease. An end came to active warfare but still we sail upon tem pestuous seas. To thinking people there is iitt'e cause for wonder at the ceafsless waves. Upon the crest of every wave might be writ ten the word "selfishness". A rip ple started in the mind of a manii momirch and from thence it spread to the furthest reaches of ; he empire. The very forces tint sought to stem the tide were inf ted. While between these waves there were troughs of sacrificial f jrvice yet the same billows of sel fishness rolled around the tvorld. A'ith aessution of hostilities has come a change in the manife3tati in of or!d unrest but war has not changed the heart of the worl d.The waves have become double crested. Shall we think it aloud? Classes in many of the leading nations of the world have become arrayed against each other. Our people were called to unite in prayer that the war might cease. This suggests not merely tb i way to put an end to a mani festation of a prevalent spirit but t suggests the remedy for the trouble itself. Men may make a h indred speeches and write a thous and books with a return to sanity as the end in view but there is nothing to compare in wisdom wi h the Book the last page of which was completed two thousand yea s ago. Anend to the turmoil will never be made unless settlement made upon the principles enun ciated by the Teacher of all timei . In tb. s Sermon oa thj M jant we f. nd" these words; "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and prophets'". Only those who have Icen initiated into the myster ies of godliness can live according to such a golden rule and, there fore, the church of Jesus Christ stands today as the only organiza tion that can minister effectively und effectually to the disordered peoples of the world. Let low and high, rich and poor, meet together in the house of God and listen to the voice of Him who amidst storm-tossed seas gave the comi!ling command: "Peace, be still". Rev. W. R. Beach. 7 TO FIGHT BOLSHEVISM.; Frederick W. Glllett, Speaker of the new House of Representatives, who says Congress will act vigor ously to curb Bolshevism by strengthening the laws aimed to reach ortenders against the Govern ment of the United States. TO COME BY KING STREET Mayor vViley H. McGinnis had a telegram Tuesday from Mr.W. S. Fallis to the effect that the recent national highway survey made here bad need appioved. This means that the highway will come by wav cf Llnwood and King Street Big Wag Increases, The principal advances ! wares hav been: To shopmen, 3G(. .OOO; to unskilled labor, $225,000,000 - the ' train brotherhoods, $200,000,00 ; to I clerks, $123,000,000; to telegraph M l station agents, $100,000,000; to m.c ; cellaneous classes, $110,000,000. All of these groups are now demand ' tn additional Increases of from 30 to : 80 per cent. : When the Government : took control of the roads the average earnings of all railroad workers. In ; eluding several hundred thousand nn 1 skilled workers, was $1,000 a year. The svereg is now more than $1,500 and 'the new demands woald' raise It to 'mm V. ' V V fefefllfe Justice, Equality : 4. li19 81.50 A Year In Advance Restiveness Baptht, next week. D HUTU fHlS FOES ARE MANY 1 mi Albert Sidney Burleson. 1 cWnins ter General of tho Un'iofl Kiaioa, now famous as the man whoso ex periments In Government ownr-. ship and operation of i:ih!ic utilities Is said to be responsible for the growing sentiment avauist that policy. He Is the object of more attacks than any mn in the Ad- ministration. -Union bhor, pith llshers, wlro operators and (smployes and members of his own p.irtv are fighting his retention fn tho Cabinet. SAT. SEPT.! 201 The Maune yieunion : will be Lbld . at old Tr.von Court House on the McAden road be tweeu Cherryviile and litssem er City. A monument with bron za tablets reciting the events that occurred there will be un veiled at that time. Good speakeis will be enga; ed for the occasion. Everybody 'nvited. bring plenty cf dinner nd let us have a happy leunion. W, A, MAUNE Y, Chmn R.F.D. MEN MEET HERE NEXT Tho Ninth District Rural Let ter Can iers in session at Shelby Monday accepted an invitation to meet in Kings Mountain next i.!lEISLEB BUILDS IfiGRnCE ILL M . ('. K X'iislt'r, propri.-tor .f tin; Pauline mill, is brealiing gmiind and getting rnily to i" rent '.lii! Margrace ini'l on poi 'r'.v wliinh he recently bought iro.n Mr. V. '. 'Moirm just a cnxs the railroad from the tte vior mill just soulli of town. Mr, Ncislui- bought tho magnif icent farm of Mr. Monii! cm .ist'ni' of M'Venl.y-odd acres huiI then-bought enough fiom Mr. S. S. Weir to'-make out about eighty acres all uf which tnaki s onuofthu best mill sites in'lliis wliolo sectiun. 'I'ho Margrace will be l.'ll ftel.b.v :!(() feet und will have !iOKJ spindles and 100 . looms to begin will, and will manufacture goods probably iu a class with that at present man ufaeiured by the Pauline, table dam.tsk, nankins and bedspreads. Mr. Neisler has not decided def initely just wh.jt goods lie will make ia tho new mill. Mr. Neis ler hopes to have the mill in op eration by January first provid ed he can get labor end material on time. In addition to the mill Mr. Neisler will build twenty five tenant houses all of which will bo modern living quarters with all modern conveniences, lie will drive his own wells and have his o-vn water and sewer systems. Tne lay of the land is ideal there being natural drain uro from the mill site and the residential section alike. . When tl'Ls inili and village is complet ed it will doubtless be one of the best appointed in the coininuni-'. ty. V ; With the Sadie cotton milltro ing u,) in the eastern part of the town and the Margrace in the southern it begins to look like our town is catching the Gas tonia epidemic of-build a cotton mill. The Sadie mill being built oy Messrs D. C. Mauney, sec treas; L. A. Kiser, pres., Mot ley Plonk and Wiley H. McGin nis, is getting under way. Ma terial is being put on the grounds and some construction begun. This mill is located on about a latitude of Gold street and a longitude of a lino drawn north and south by the old P. II. Hay place now occupied by Mr. Charley Oates. year. All the carriers from Kings Mountair, Messrs Ben Goforth, Ben Phifer, L. M. Logan, C. P. Goforth and J. P. Allison wero in attendance and extended the invitation to tho convention to meet here. A number of citizens including the mayor, author. ztd the invitation and promised that tho town would entertain the mail carriers. That means ' that the good housewives of the com muuity will be called upon to provide dinner for sixty or scv enty'mail carriers besides the visitors. This will bo good ad vertising for the town. Key. B. A. Culp assisted Rev. W. A. Green in a ; revival meet ing at Friendship church near Statesville last week.

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