Watch label on your Paper and don't let your subscription Expire! *+4^4+++++++++*++****+ Kings Mountain Herald •*+♦++♦+*+***++++* /*++' The date on the label it th» date your paper will Expire 4 •> 4 ❖ 4 * 4 >:• *• * 4 VOL. 34 NO. 37 KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1936 FIVE CENTS PER COPY1 State And National News Condensed In Brief Form —State News— Raleigh, Sept. 9.—By-laws tailing for sweeping changes In the state's election laws and for a tax system based on the “ability to pay," were adopted here yesterday as the liber al democrats of North Carolina was formed into a permanent organiza tion. All temporary officers, including Dr. W. O. House of Tarboro, chair man, were re-elected. The next meet ing of the group will be held in Greensboro at a date to be set. Salisbury, Sept. 9.—The Salisbury Ministerial association adopted a resolution here opposing a local op tion liquor system without a state- I wide referendum. Copies of the reso lution are to be sent to Cale W. Bur gess, head of state prohibitionist for ces. Chapel Hill, Sept. 9.—President Roosevelt has appointed Frank P. Graham, president of the University of North Carolina, a member of the Harvard tercentenary commission provided for by act of congress for the celebration next month of the 300th anniversary of the founding of Harvard. Winsston-Salem, Sept. 9.—Greens boro was selected as the 1937 con vention city by the Base Hospital <55 association which elected Rof Mil liken, of Greensboro, as president of here yesterday. A memorial service for the mem bers who have died since the outfit returned from France was the fea ture of the one-day sessiqn. Henderson, Sept. 9.—Dr. Z P Mit •'lieii, Vance county health officer for the past three years, has resigned to accept an appointment as health of ficer for Swain and Graham counti es. The resignation is effective Sep tember 30. Shelby, Sept. 9.—Booming drums and the shrill notes of the clarinet toned dorn with the smooth notes of bugles, sax or trombone is in store for music lovers in Shelby this fall. The high school will have a band! Raleigh. Sept. 9.—Coroner Melvin McLean, of Lillington, said a heart attack caused the death of John Hodge, 65 year old farmer whose body was found slumped beneath the wheel of his automobile near here last night. The automobile was at the foot of a highway embankment. McLean said two men told him they saw the car leave the road and plunge over the embankment. Asheville, Sept. 9.—Solicitor Zeb Y. Nettles said today he would make a motion before the supreme court in Raleigh tomorrow asking dismis- j sal of an appeal notice made for j Martin Moore. 29 year old negro con ' victed of slaying Helen Clevenger July 16 in the Battery Park hotel here. Asheville, Sept. 9.—A bold negro holdup man nentted $2 in cash but he lost his revolver to get it. Paul William and James Rogers, both white, reported to police they had been held up by a negro wield ing a gun on a street here. They said while one of them hand ed over the $2, the other seized the negro's gnn and beat him over the head with It. The negro, grasping the money, fled. Laughing Around the Wt rid With IRVIN S. COBB I .. ___L. Hie Really Important Point By IRVIN S. COBB A MONG the writer’s acquaintances is a well-to-do person who spends | his summers cruising about in a private yacht. The North Atlantic coast has but few secrets from him. One afternoon near Cape Cod he dropped anchor just off a villai :e for the night While he was sitting on deck puffing a cigar before i ; tiring, he saw one native approach another who was perched upon t te dock and heard the newcomer say, in excited tones: “I walked into my house awhile ago and the first thing I notici d was some blood spots on the kitchen floor. And then I seen how every thing was mussed up, so that gave me kind of a start, and I dropped everything and went on into the sitting-room, and there was my wire stretched out on the floor, plum’ unconscious, with a club layin’ along* side her where somebody had knocked her cold. It certainly was a ter-\ rible surprise. Here I come home, tired out after fishin’ all day \ *°ng“How was the fishin’?” inquired the friend. (Amtrlcta N«w» F«atui»». Ine.) —National News— Leeds, England, Sept. 9.—Lord Moynihnn, 70, prominent British med ical authority who proposed legisla tion for legalization of mercy deaths died Monday. Baron Berkley George Andrew Moynihan died six days after his wife, Isabella, whom he married in 1895. He collapsed from grief a day after her funeral and became steadi ly worse. Detroit, Sept. 8.—'‘Colonel'' Har vey Davis, the man the state charg es was in command of a Black legion “death squad” at the execution of Chtrles A. Poole last May 12, waited for an opportunity to tell from the witness stand his version of the kill ing. Seattle, Sept. 8.—The battle for the congressional seat of the late Marion A. Zioncbeck and the politi cal bid of Rostlie Jones Dill, divorc ed wife of former Senator C. Dill, at traded attention at Washington’s primary campaign ended today. Paris, Sept. 8.—France deciding to ask for more than >275,000,000 ad ditional to bolster her armed service moved simultaneously today toward a new world disarmament effort. The cabinet drafted a new national defense bill to provide for an initial appropriation of 4,200,000,000 francs (currently $276,360,000) to answer Germany's recent doubling of her universal conscription. Dalton, Ga„ Sept. 8.—A 21 year old negro was lynched near here yester day after his arrest on an accusation of attempting to assault a white wo man. Sheriff J. T. Bryan said a c— ■ C: of about 150 men removed the . j boohed as A. U MeCatny, fro: Whitfield county jail after u tols to force Jailer John Pitt liuquish his keys. New York, Sept. 8.—The < o. - I ists and socialist parties will during the present nation ;a j campaign more than doubb mounts invested in their reap, t: i > e i candidates in the 1932 presidential contest, the campaign headquarters of both parties disclosed today. Pittsburgh, Sept. 8.—Dustless soft coal which promises to eliminate one irritation from the lives of house wives was described today to the American Chemical society by Dr. H. R. Fife and P. W. Edenburn, of the Mellon institute of industrial re search. San Diego, Calif., Sept. 8.— More than 5.000,000 out-of-state visitors and approximately $20,000,000 have been drawn to California by its Pa cific International exposition in two seasons, Frank J. Blecher, exposition president, estimated today. The big show will cilose the seo ond season here Wednesday. Charleston, S. C., Sept 7.—Wilson Bierfischer, 23. and Ryan Hardwicke 17, were in a Charleston hospital to day with injuries suffered yesterday when their truck skidded and crash ed into a train near Manning. Neither were seriously hurt. Barrow, Alaska, Sept. 8.—The feared Artie ice pack, aided by early snow, wind and freezing tempera tures, endtngered the motorship North Star today and forced the ves sel eastward away from Barrow where it was sent with food supply for staving eskimos. The President To Pass Through Kings Mountain Today Will Be Here Today America’s First Citizen will pass through Kings Mountain today on h.-„ way to Charlotte to the “Green Pasture Rally.” Throngs will greet l:n as he passes through our Historical City. President Roosevelt will pass' through Kings Mountain today be tween 2:30 and 3:00 p. m. according to announcements that have been j made. The president will he on his I way to the Green Pasture Rally in Charlotte from Asheville. It is understood that the Chief Executive will come via Shelby. Plans are being made to have some one to call from Shelby when the President leaves there so the citi zens of Kings Mountain will be on the look-out for the motorcade. When the President leaves Shelby the Fire Siren will be blown so- tihe citizens may be on the look-out and the school children of all the schools of Kings Mountain will line the streets through which his car will pass. The school band will play “Hail To The Chief" and the stores and business houses will be closed. Flags will be waving and everything* will be in readiness for America’s Number One Citizen. It is thought the motorcade will follow Highway 74 through the Best Town In The State. MARSHALL WRIGHT SUFFERS BLOW ON HEAD Marshall Wright, teen-age negro, was the victim of an accidental hit on the head Sunday while playing at the Elmer Lumber Co. yard. His com panion, Jones Wade, another negro, youth was swinging a stick around and it struck Marshal! a hard blow on the head, causing a deep cut. James, still the friend, took Mar shal to Dr. J. E. Anthony and after i a few clamps were in (dace the two i boys went on heme discussing what 1 it could have been At this writing Mai. ” is doing as well as could be exp 1. HERE’S THE BRIDE AND GROOM MOf JllLi, Above is Mr. and Mrs. John Ray who eloped last Friday to and were joined toflether for bettef, or worse as man and wife. Gaffney In the springtime a young person's fancy gently turns to Love but it must be in the early Fall that an eld erly person’s turns in that direction. It has also been said that True Love Never runs smooth and that Lojve conquers all obstacles. All this happened Friday when Mrs. Thomas Arrowood, who is only : 92 years of age, and the widow of a Confederate Veteran eloped to South Carolina and took upon herself a husband, Mr. John Hay who is 85 .years young. Mrs. Ray is from the 11 Bethel community and Mr. Hay i, rom the Bethlehem section. / iThe bride and groom hired a faxi here Friday morning and fled tp Soath Carolina, had the ceremony performed that made them husband and wide, then motored onto Spar tan urg and took in the Junior Le gioi baseball game of the “Little Wo Id Series.” They spent the t|> anc i of the week-end tn South Car olina on their honeymoon. Their love affair has been rather romantic on account of Uie serious objections on the part of Mrs. Ray's children. The lover has not been per mltted to do any courting in the homo, her children saying she was (too young to get married, conse quently the lovers met at secret spots down at the old milking place, and at nearby neighbors' homes. The courtship has been brewing for the past six or eight months which climaxed in the wedlock of the mod ern Romeo and Juliet. There was nothing to the rumor i that Papa Hughes, of New Bern, N. C., acted as best man for the groom. All the world lov<’s a lover and everything is fair in love and war, so the bride and groom are hsfjpy at their home on the farm of the bride in the 131 Bethel communAyi | THREE HOMES ENTERED HERE LAST WEEK Three Kings Mountain homes were entered here last Friday by an un known white man. About 3:30 last Friday afternoon the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. ilord on King street was entered and about $7.00 front Mrs. Hord's pocketbook. was taken. Nothing else was missed. Mrs. Hol'd had just stepped out of her house to visit her daughter nearby. When she returned sue discovered her loss and police were called immediately. While the police were at the Ilord home word was sent that a man was in the home of A. H. Cornwell on King street. The man had escaped before otiicers arrived. Then it was discovered that a man who police think was the same one who entered the other two homes had also gone into the home of llev. and Mrs. A. U Sargeant on King street. Nothing was missed at the Cornwell or Sar geant residences. The police say the way the burg lar works is this: He walks into a home, if he sees no one he takes anything he wants, but if he meets someone in the home he asks if so and-so lives there. After he is in formed that the person he is looking for is not there he quietly goes on his way. Citizens are warned to lock their doors before they leave the house. BURGLAR CAUGHT IN THE ACT George Wright, local white man who just got off of the chain gang Monday was caught in the act of robbing the Bonnie Mill Store about ten o’clock last night. The Police Department got a call that someone was trying to break into the store, and when they arrived at the scene, the front glass from the door had been broken. Officer Burns entered the store and covered the intruder who was hiding behind the counter. A half of sack of beans was nearby. Wright was lodged in jail charged with breaking and entering. HARRELSON NEW CHIEF Harvey Harrelson who has been a member of the Kings Mountain Po lice for the number of years lias been named Chief of the Depart ment to replace former Chief K. B. Bryant who resigned to run for Sheriff of Cherokeen County. Bry ant was elected in the second pri mary held Tuesday. Johnnie Jones of the Dilling Mill community has been added to the force to bring the department back to its regular strength of four men. GENE NEISLER ON TOWN BOARD Mr. C. E. Neisler, Jr., president of the Neisler Mills, Inc., i as been e lected to fulfill the unexpired term of Mr. Joe Neisler who has resigned from the hoard as he no longer lives within the city limits of Kings Mountain. Mr. Neisler will be sworn In office at the next meeting of the hoard which will be held next Monday evening. ATTEND NATIONAL vSKEET MEET Miss Grace Neisler and Mr. C. E. Neisler, Jr., will leave Saturday, Sep tember 12, for St. Louis, Mo. where Miss Neisler will enter the National Skeet Meet. The Ladies event there in ho shot off on Tuesday, Septem ber 15. ...—.—I... » Will Rogers’ Humorous Story 4-——1 By WILL KOGERS 'J'HERE was an American visiting in a country town in England, and the American was making everybody’s eyes stick out, telling them how tall the Chrysler building is and how fast the subways run and everything. One day the talk was about marriage and divorco The American says, “In New York, you know, a couple is divorced every fifty minutes.” "I don’t believe that one,” says one of the listeners to another. “You know they’d soon get tired of that kind of 'one play and quit being married altogether!" UsMrtsss Wars fketsisa, lack _