SOC IAL AND PERSONA I HAPPENINGS Of INTEREST to! WOMEN PHONES 10 R AND 88 MRS. A* H. PATTERSON, Editor BWlDE&ELECT HONORED /'“Miss Margaret Pfonk and Mis^ Nellie Ormand, brides^elect of this nio|ith. were the inspiration of a love ly i>arty given by Miss Virginia Par sonjs at her home on East King _striets I , - The rooms were thrown en-suite and arranged with beautifel flowers. hjridge was played with Miss Helen Hay receiving prize for high score and! Miss Nancy llord for low score. Miss Margaret Plonk and Miss Nellie Ormand. the honorees, were each presented attractive gifts and Misfe Elizabeth McGill, another June bride-elect was presented a gift. Mliss Parsons was assisted by her mother in serving a tempting salad and! sweet course. The guests included Misses Mar DIXIE Kings Mountain, N. C. THURSDAY & FRIDAY SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE A New Kind ©/ Western Thriller I forge OBrien IHOttvmmm Rwmarmd H'tlh CECILIA .PARKER —AND— RIPPING THE MASK! FROM A RUTHLESS MOB! RCSAl-KO 3 KEETH “ PAUL KELLY MONDAY & TUESDAY (jLya£fiacfl' BEE RV, AU/W- _ _ GABLE double feature WEDNESDAY Plank, Nellie Ormand, jEliza t.eth McGill, Dorothf Patterson., Sara \llambright, Frances fiord, tttelen Hay, O.T;le Kiser, Mildred Moss, Sara Kate Ormand, Xaiu-y; Hord, Helen Rideirhour,' Marian Pat person, Kva Plonk; Mesdames L, P. Stowe, Harold Hunnicutt, John Cav ony, Joe Mauney, Ted Gamble, Au brey Mauney, George Moss, Harold Crawford, W. J. Fulkerson and Mrs Bill Hite, of Hemp. JOLLY GAULT In a simple but impressive cere mony Tuesday evening, June lath, Miss Virginia Helen Gault, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. t.. ult, was united in ntariage to Clyde M. Jolly,I son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jolly. The' marriage was performed at the home of the bride's parents on Parker street. Bev. A. (1. Sargeaht, pastor oi the First Baptist church, officiating. Only members of the immediate families were present. Prior to the ceremony, "Venetian l.ove Song" by Nevin, \vas played at the piano by Mrs. c. \\\ Blanken ship, sister of the bride. The bride and groom entered together to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March and stood before the mantel piece which was banked with mixed flowers and fern. The bride was lovely in a costume of navy and white, she wore a Queen Anne coat of navy taffeta and white accessor ies. Her corsage was of sweetheart roses and lilies of the valley. The Wedding March from “The Midsum mer Night’s Dream'’ by Mendelssohn The FLAVOR FAVORITE of EVERY HOSTESS ^Butter-Kist Bread AT YOUR GROCER ‘'Made In Gastonia ’ Suggestions STRAW HATS 2.00 to 4.00 Manhattan and Fruit of the Loom Shirts ^ 1.50 to 2.50 NECKWEAR 75c to 3.00 BELTS AND BELT SETS 1.00 to 3.00 TheYoungMen’sShopJnc. GASTONIA, N. C. After a bridal trip the young cou ple will be at thejr ho^ie on Gantlet street. MISS VIRGINIA GAULT '■ ij 'shower honoree .Miss*-s Rii/;ab(*th Gault and Li/V Mae Alien gave a miscellaneous shower at the home of the former oh Parker street last Saturday after noon, in honor of Mis? Virginia Gault, whose marriage to Clyde T>1. Jolly took place June 15. Several contests ' were enjoyed, af ter which ice cream and cake were served by the hostesses. The bride-; elect was tlie recipient of many love ly and useful gifts. Those present were; Misses Vir ginia and Elizabeth Gault. Lillie Mae and Norva Allen, Annie Roberts, Ni na Cole, Lois and Linda Houser, Pearl Jordan. Mildred and Maude Jelly. Nelline Gault. Maude and Ge neva Owens. Mesdames J. C Jolly, c. L Jolly, Clyde Blackwell. K. L. Border. J. Gault, Jr . B. H. Gault. C. J Gault C. \V Blankenship and Arthur Allen. STUDY CLUB HAS IN TERESTING PROGRAM A most interesting meeting of the Study Club was held at the Wo mans Club on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs, E. W. Griffin, as hostess. I he assembly room was mane most inviting with howls ami bas kets of lovely flowers. Mrs. Harold Dwelle of Charlotte who formely lived in Kings Moutv tain and Mrs. Marion Wright of the Observer Staff, in Charlotte were guests speakers. Mrs. Dwelle gave a talk on the Mint Museum, telling in terestingly of the different rooms and the purpose served and Mrs. Wright talked on Southern Artists, with particular emphasis on those of North Carolina. The Mauney twins. Miles and Er nest, delighted the audience with several musical numbers. At the conclusion of the program the hostess served a delicious frozen salad with sandwiches and other ac cessories. A large number of invited guests aud dub women were present. BRICE AND ROOK PARTY Mrs. Harold Crawford was host-' esn to a number of her friends on last Tuesday evening when she tn tertained at bridge and rook. Bowls of lovely fiowers adorned the rooms which were thrown tn suite. Following the game a tempting collation was served. Those enjoying Mrs. Crawford’s hospitality were Mesuantes J B. Keeter, M. H. Biser, J. K. Willis. O. O. Jackson, C. W Harper. Pete Gam hie, Aubrey Clay. Nell Hopper, B S. Peeler, J. E. Lipford. E. C. McClain, Lawrence Lovell. P. D. Hernccr., Will Byrd, J. O. Plonk. B. S. Nek Troy Carpenter, Manly Mcrehead, Percy Dilling, W. K. Crook and M -s Margaret Kendrick. Mrs. O. O. Jackson made high score in bridge and Mrs. 1$. S Pe er in rook. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fulton have . : nounced the marriage cf tneir seec daughter. Miss Christine With spoon Fulton to Mr. Janies A Horn on Friday, June fourth. The marrl age took place at the Presbytei Manse, at York. K. (’., with the p. — tor of the Presbyterian church clfi dating. The bride was among the recent graduates of the Kings Mountain High School. She is a young woman of charm and pleasing personally. Mr. and Mrs. Houser have a itTg circle of friends among the young* set in Kings Mountain. The young couple are at torn* with Mr. Houser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Houser on Piedmont Avenue. dinner guests Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Boyce tad i* recent dinner guess, Mr. ar.d M ^ tV. M Craft, of Gaffney, whose mar riage took place late in May and Miss Elizabeth McGill and Mr. John Gamble whose marriage will be an event of the latter part of this month. The table was centered with a bowl of lovely flowers in blended shades. Lighted tapers completed the table appointment. A four-course dinner was served. Mrs. Craft and Misg McGill were each presented attractive gifts by the hostess. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Houser, of Santa Cruz, California, announce the birth of a son on June Bth. Mr. Hc>» ser, a so of Mrs. M. L. Houser and the late M. L. Houser, of this pJace has been in Califoruia for several years. MISS PLONK HONORED IN GASTONIA Miss Margaret Plonk was honcree at an informal tea given by a college class mate, Miss Jane Highsmith, at her home in Gastonia Tuesday aft ernoon from five to six o’clock. The guests included intimate friends cf the honoree. Receiving with Miss Highsmith , were Miss Margaret Plonk and her | mother, Mrs. Clarence Plonk. Mies; ■ Highsmith wore a becoming dress of, 'brown lace with shoulder corsage of. gardenias. Miss Plonk was lovely in' 1 (Cont’d on back page) • LEAHS! sale LOOK FOR THESE VITAL DIFFERENCES! Look for quiet operation— it means long life. Look for wringer safety. Look for washing capacity and speed. The Norge washes six pounds in six minutes. Look for economical operation. Compare. You will choose Norge. 'SE27' C « « Small Down Payment Easy Terms Some models W& available with gasoline motor for homes without electricity. COMPARE THESE FEATURES AUTOBUILT TRANSMISSION—built like an automobile for long, quiet service. FEATHER-WEIGHT AGITATOR — moves more gallons of water per minute. PRESSURE-INDICATOR WRINGER—pro vides correct pressure for every hind of fabric. “INSTANT” WRINGER RELEASE—, touch of the finger releases the pressure instant ly. Reset as easily. REFRIGERATOR-PORCELAIN TUB —steam-sealed to keep water hot longer. CENTER SERVICE PHONE 62 Save On These Jane Food Specials We List Below Just a Few of the Many Bargains That You Will Always Find Here. Came In And See Them. We Are Sure You Will Be Pleased With Our Merchandise, Our Prices And Our Service. EVAPORATED APPLES—pound 15c SUGAR PES—2 No. 2 Cans 27c AMERICAN CHEESE—Pound . 21c N. B. C. RITZ—Package 23c Tomatoes 2 cL 15c VANILLA WAFERS—Pound package. 15c Johnston s Peanut Butter—24 ounce jar . 23c SARDINES—3 Pound Cans . 25c LUX FLAKES—Package 10c LUX 3 Bars For QUICK ADE—Package . 5c ARGO PEACHES—2 Can . 17c TOMATO JUICE—14 ounce Can 5c BRAINS — No. 1 Can ... 15c p iT Maxwell House a /» * A torree-p.u„d 26 l-2c RAISIN BRAN—2 Packages ....25c Iloine Brand Oleomargarine—Pound . 15c SHRIMP—5 ounce can .. Junket or Jello Powders—3 for . .. 25c Home Stores J. W. MILAM East Mountain Street C. J. GAULT N. Piedmont Avenue