******-K-*****-M-*** SOCIAL AND PERSONAL HAPPENINGS Of INTEREST to WOMEN PHONES 10-R AND 88 MRS. A- H. PATTERSON, Editor {•<•+4.5. .{..j. .5., HONORED WITH BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Ruby Ware was hostess at -\ surprise parly Monday evening com memorating the birthday of Mr. Hol land Dixon. The house was aatractively deco rated with mixed and potted flowers. The game of hearts was played at five tables with Bernice Ware win ning high score prize for girls and Hilliard Black high score for boys. Following this the guests were serv ed an iced course with accessories. Mr. Dixon was the recipient of many nice gifts. Miss Margaret Ware, whose wedding to Van Wrape is to take place Wednesday night, was presented an attractive hone? DIXIE THURSDAY & FRIDAY SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Thah Dust V - —AND— WALTER CONNOLLY Lionel Slander Eduardo Ciannelli Irene Hexvey Directed by Alfred E. Green A Columbia Picture «. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE —AND— >•**•>»}• 4,1M"fr+**4"*'H"5*4">4*»}1 gift. Mrs. James Coninger was also presented an honor gift. Those enjoying Miss Ware's hos pitality were: The honoree, Mr. Hol land Dixon; Misses Mitchell Wil liams, and Elizabeth Barber; Air. and Mrs. James Cloniger, Messrs Ot to Williams, Hilliard Black, Elmo Bridges, David Hamrick and George Ware. Out-of-town guests included Miss Margaret Ware and Mr. Van Wrape of Charlotte, Misses Virginia Mintz and Bernice Ware of Shelby Miss Edith Pitts of Gastonia and Misses Janette Walker and Lillian Little of Bessemer City. HOSTESS TO SOCIAL CLUB MEMBERS AND GUESTS Airs. M. A. Ware was hostess to the members of the Social Club and invited guests entertaining at her home on Gaston street Tuesday aft ernoon. The rooms were decorated with a lovely arrangement of mixed flowers and dahlias. Six tables of rook were in play. Following the game a tempting salad and sweet course was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. John McGill, Mrs. E. W. Griffin and Miss Ava Ware. The guests included Mesdames J. E. Anthony, Annie Billing, W. A. Ridenhour, D. C. Mauney, W. K. Mauney, L. P. Baker, A. H. Patter son, R. L. Mauney, L. C Parsons, E. A. Harrill. Fleming Ramseur, B. S. Neill, Manly Morehead, M. L. Plonk. B. M. Ormand, W. E. Blakely, Pride Ratterree, E. L. Campbell, Ladd Hamrick, Grady Patterson, E. W. Griffin, N. F. McGill, A. L. Hill and guest, Miss Miriam LeCompte, of Corydon, Iowa. MEETING OF HOME ARTS CLUB ‘‘Women Of the New Testament' was the to,pic of an interesting pro gram given at the meeting of the Home Arts Club which was held at lhe home of Mrs. W. K. Crook on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Aubrey Mauney was in charge of the pro gram which consisted of a talk by Rev. E. W. Fox on “Women Connec ted With Christ’s Life,’ and a talk by Rev. W. M. Boyce on the “Influ ence of Women in the Early Church and Life of Paul.” Mrs. J. E. Herndon sang a Aria from tlie Cantata, Ruth, Entreat ■ Not To Leave Thee”, by Gaul, with Mrs. Aubrey Mauney playing the piano accompaniment. Mrs. Troy Carpenter read one of Tennyson’s poems. The hostess served a tempting re freshment course. The looms of the home were thrown eu-suite and arranged with bowls of lovely mixed flowers and vases of dahlias in beautiful shades. Those present included Rev. W. j M. Boyce, Rev. E. W. Fox, Mesdames George Moss, Grady King, Harold Crawford. O O. Jackson, W. E. Blake ly, Jess Stewart, Fred Plonk, John Plonk, Troy Carpenter, W. M. Boyce, I.. Boyd liamm J- E. Herndon, L. P Baker, Aubrey Mauney, J K. Willis, Pete Gamble, Pride Ratterree, Grady Patterson, A. J. McGill and Mrs. Cora Hilling Hunter of Dallas, Texas Mis. Hunter was presented a guest of-lionor gift by the hostess. ENTERTAINED IN GASTONIA Mrs. Cora Dilling Hunter of Dal las, Texas, who is on an extended visit to relatives in Kings Mountain was recently a bouse guest of Mr3. W. F. Michael, in Gastonia, for sev eral days. Mrs. Hunter was extended several social courtesies while in Gastonia, among them an elaborate luncheon given by Mrs. S. N. Boyce, at her home on South York street, with I Mrs. Hunter as honor guest. I The guest list included eight of Mrs. Hunter’s old friends. ENTERTAIN RELATIVES DURING WEEK-END Dr. N. U. Holcomb, of Kansas City Mo., an uncle of Mrs. W. J. McGill; Mr. and Mrs. B. Holcomb, and dau ghter, Miss Margaret Holcomb, and Miss Ola Holcomb, all of Booneville, N. C., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McGill for the week end. ATTEND WEDDING IN SHELBY Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Souther at tended the marriage of their niece, Miss Mary Sue Bailey and Mr. Thom as Gardner, which took place at 9:00 o’clock Sunday morning at Dover Baptist church, Shelby. A CORRECTION Through an error, typographical or otherwise, our account of the Hill-Putnam wedding In last week’s Herald gave Hunter Neisler’s name as one of the ushers Instead of Hunter Ware as intended. D. A. R. TO MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY The regular monthly meeting of the Colonel Frederick Hambright chapter. D. A. It. will be held next Wednesday afternoon at the Wo mans Club. Misses Edith and Mamie Hambright of Grover will be host esses. Personals Mrs. A. L. Hill has as her guest, her sister, Miss Miriam LeCom.pte, of Corydon, Iowa. —o— Mrs. Vera Rawleg was the guest of friends in Charlotte Sunday even ing. —o— Rev. W. M. Boyce will be out of the city next week, preaching daily at Parltwood Church in Charlotte. —o— Mrs. Sallie Fulton Returned Sun day from, Cherry Grove Beach, S. C., where she has been the guest of Mrs C. E. Nisler. Miss Barbara Summitt has accepJ ed a position in the school at No>--1 man where the Ellerbe school sys-j tern is in use. —o— Misses Lorene Hartsoe, Evelyn Falls and1 Grace Ledford and Mr. M. ! C. Falls spent Sunday afternoon in Shelby. .. .. Mrs. \V. H. Jenkins has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Washington, D. C., and Charlottes ville, Va. Miss Barbara Hill of Wintlirop College, Rock Hill, S. C., spent the ■week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Henry Summitt. Mr. W. K. Crook spent the week end in Columbia, S. C. Mrs. Crook who had been on a ten-days visit to relatives in Columbia returned home with Mr. Crook Sunday after noon. Mrs. Robert Ransom of High Point was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Baker and other relatives in Kings Mountain during the past week-end. Mrs. Ransom was before marriage Miss Bryte Raker. —o— Mr. Harold Coggins, manager of the Kings Mountain Furniture Co., was called to Gaffney, S. C.. Monday afternoon on account of the death of 'a:s father, Mr. Merritt Marcus Cog gins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunnicutt and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peterson went to Columbia. S. C., Monday after re ceiving word of the death of Mr. Peterson's father. Mr. Mark Efirrt Cornier, who died at the home of his son, in Columbia. BEAUTY EXPERT AT KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG COMPANY Miss Evelyn McM.ath, Cara Nome Beauty Specialist, will be at the Kings Mountain Drug Co., The Rex all Store, all next week. The ladies of Kings Mountain are exceedingly fortunate in having an opportunity to consult a person with the experi ence in beauty culture as Miss Me Math. Free facial and consultation will be given every lady who calis and makes an appointment. Messrs Don Blanton and Johnnie McGill extend a cordial invitation to the ladies of Kings Mountain io avail themselves of this free service, any day next week. The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (Bv Mrs. W. A. Parsons) Perhaps some of the people do not know that the Woman’s Christian Terrpei ance Union has an organiza tion in Kings Mountain. The work of the Union is only fairly begun, and so far little publicity has been given to it. Perhaps many people do not know the extent and the far-reaching in fluence of this organization. It is working effectively in 50 countries. In a number of these countries there are prohibition laws that are enforc ed. In ethers the sale and importa tion of alcoholic liquors are restrict ed. At the World W. C. T. U. conven tion held in Washington, D. C., last June 35 countries had representa tives. I>o you know tliat the W. C. T. IT. is celebrating the one hundredth an niversary of the birth of Fiances E. Willard in 1939, and that a five-year education campaign is under way— 1935 to 1939? Besides this education campaign a fund of $1,000,000 is be ing raised by White Ribboners all over tlie country for carrying out this plan of Alcohol Education. With part of this money teachers and lec turers are being trained who may go out and teach the harmful effects of alcohol and other narcotics from a scientific standpoint. Part of thiis money pays the expenses of these workers who speak to students in high schools and colleges, who spean in churches and other organizations where young people are found. Part of the money goes for radio address es and part for motion pictures. Much of it is used for literature which is widely distributed. All this is being done in order that all the people, and especially the young peo ple and children may learn the evil effects of alcoholic beverages npon the body, the mind and the morals. Our Union in Kings Mountain has n small part in this great work. This year we had the services of a train i d young woman who spoke accepta bly in two of our schools and in two c burches, addressing the young poo l ie of all the churches at one sc vice. Literature- has been distributed Ttempevance instruction has been siven in the Sunday Schools and in Vacation Bible Schools. Our Union is also taking a part in raising th<~ money asked of us. With our money, our work and om influence we are trying to get poo 1 ’<• to see the danger in drink and to abstain front the use of it. It will t;-ke. time, perhaps, a long time, bu iHousandls of W. C. T. U. women a-, over the world are praying and be lieving that it will be done. For An Appointment With Miss Evelyn McMath > Ever since the news of Miss Evelyn McMath’s visit flashed a round town our telephone lias been humming with calls for appoint ments. Naturally no modern woman wants to miss such an opportunity to attain the smartness and beauty demanded by today’s fashions. Miss Evelyn McMath, Cara Nome Specialist, comes here at our expense, to demonstrate creations of Langlois, world-famous beauty authority. Without charge or obligation she will give you a 45-minute consultation, includ ing a Cara Nome facial, a skin analysis, and a glorifying make-up and will outline your daily complexion care. Remember! Only 10 consultations can be given daily*—9 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. Mako your aptpointment now. Kings Mountain Drug Co. THE REXALL STORE PHONES 41—81 KINGS MOUNTAIN MFG. COMPANY NEWS Lois Beattie i t* ❖ ❖ •}• .J.•> .j. .j. * .£. .j....... ^ The Friendahip Club met in the club room at the home of Mrs. B. R. Tate Friday night. An interesting program was rendered by Mrs. B. It. Tate and Mrs. Tracy McGinnis. Misses Galdys Patterson and Vir ginin Martin spent Monday in Bes semer City. This community is sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Coggin’s father. Mrs. J. A. Walker had as her guests Sunday r . , o^n Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wall-' hildren, Jean and Pete, Jr., Gastonia. This commuiti :s saddened last | week by the dee vf Mrs. Grady Bridge's father. Mr. and Mrs. Flojd Bridges had as their guests for the week-end Mr, and Mrs. Paul Bridges and small dau ghter of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson had aft their guests part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Brock of Dayton, Ohio. They were touring the South. PHONE 167 FOR JOB PRINTINO 11* *t* •** *J* *«* *»* *5* *J* *♦* •{* *J* <|* *J« «{• »j« »j« »*« »j« *j« *j« **» i ' v v ■ v v v v *r v *r v v v v v v v v v v Grace Beauty Salon FALL SPECIALS S5.00 Eugene, Nestol and Machineless Permanent Waves . $4.50 $4.00 Duart and Wavelten Permlanents $3.00 $3.00 Parmount Permanent Wave . $2.50 EXTRA SPECIAL — with each 25c Eyebrow Arch — FREE, EYEBROW DYE. ^Now Hilda was a woman strong For her life held no Teccoosf ^5me oqnt attract the men and jo She COUNTED THEM as mbabs • ^ ^ ** V* / i A beauty SECREt camiker vyay-'-. OuO M/U EACH DAY SHE DRINKS, Ten men have now proposed to hejj ; She'll marry sock she thinksl ©u/i. (Pausteuniwd Tflrfk,, ''t»A beauty ’UftiA«d VOL Y BUILDER.' Was the Biggest and Best of Them All! The Biggest Fair in the Carolinas With Varied Ex hibits of Farm Crops, Horticulture, Cattle, Horses, Hogs, Poultry, Household and Pantry Supplies, Edu cational Club, Community and Livc-at Home Displays. GST. 4* thru WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Horse Pulling Contests and Exhibits of Farm Horses and Mules Wednesday Morning at 10 A. M. WP WP ERNIE YOUNG’S Mid Mil BIG REVUE Carver's High Diving Horse, Harry Proboess High Pole Act, Bel letti Troupe of High Wire Artists, Dunhcm's Dog Races, Wilno Car.ncn Act, Fireworks and other High Crass Attractions. 26 — High Class Acts — 26 Joe Basile’s Madison Square Band TUESDAY OCT. 5 CITY SCHOOL DAY All City School Children Ad mitted Free TUI 6 P. M. All Shows and Rides 5c for Children WEDNESDAY OCT. 6 COUNTY SCHOOL DAY All Count; School Children Admitted Free Till 6 P. M. All Shows end Rides 9c for Children I Charlottes Own Mighty Sheesley Midway A Mile of Amusements Carolinas Agricultural Fair “A Friendly Fair In a Friendly City.”