Installation Services Held And Church Dedicated Rev. B. F. Ormand, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ormand, Sr., of Kings Mountain, participated in installation and dedication services last Sunday, in the three churches of which he is pastor, at L«oht City, West Vir ginia. According to the Moorefield Kxaminer, Moorefield, W. Va., coun ty newspaper. Rev. Mr. Ormand was ordained and installed at the Ward ensville Prehibytertan church at the 11 o'clock service Sunday morning with Dr. C. D. Gilkeson, of Winches ter, Vir., presiding. The installation hervice took place at Ivanhoe Presbyterian church at the 7:00 o'clock service, with Rev. V W. Hogshead, of Petersburg Vir., presiding. On Sunday afternoon Pine Ridge Prebbyterian church was dedicated with impressive ctremony. The erec tion of thiisi church was begun by a former pastor, Rev. Bernard Bain and completed sinco Rev. Mr. Or mand'h pastorate. These special services were ail attended by large congregations an 1 the young preacher is being highly: commended for his splendid work’ in the three congregations and for his success in the completion of Pine Ridgt church edifice. Rev. Mr. Ormand is a graduate of Kings Mountain High School and of Davidson College, later studying for three years at the Presbyterian Theological School at Richmond. Va. where he was prepared for his chos en profession. He has many friends and relatives in Kings Mountain and vicinity who are deeply interested in his work in 1 West Virginia. Mrs. ft. F. Ormand, Sr., of Kings Mountain, accompanied by her dau ghter-in-law, Mrs. James Ormand of (Jastonia went to Lost City last week where they visited her son and attended the Sunday services, returning home Tuesday night. INFANT DIES Thomas Sipe, six-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sipe, of Kings Mountain died Monday night at the Presbyterian Hospital, Char lotte. where he had been carried for treatment for colitih. Funeral services were held at St. Lulu‘s Lutheran church, Wednesday morning at 10:00 o’clock with Rev. L. Boyd Hamm, the pastor in charge. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sipe. and a little sihter aged three years. I WORLD WAR VETERAN, DIES M. Cleve MCClure, World War vet eran. age 49, died in the Mauney Mill village Saturday night folowing a, stroke of paralysis. : Funeral services and burial took place at Rock Hill, S. C., Monday. Mr. McClure had been in failing health for ome time. He is survived by his widow, two children, a son, age 14 and daughter, age 9. Six stepchildren survive. He is also survived by a sister. Mrs. Anderson Ross, of the Phenix Mill Village, No. Two. Popular Magazine Features Cover Page Picture of Local Interest The bright-faced little girl pic tured on the cover page of the No vember Pictorial Review and Delin eator combined, is a neice of Mrs. H R. Parton of Kings Mountain. She is Betty Woody, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Horace Woody, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Woody is a brother of Mrs Parton and native of this State. The picture is a full-color photo graph by Anton Brueh], of Cincina ti. Dr. J. S. Norman To Locate In Gastonia The following announcement in a recent issue of the Gastonia Ga ze'tte will be of interest to the fiiend'3 of Dr. J. S. Norman and family who lived in Kings Mountain for some time before going to Hick ory and also to friends of the late Dr. .1. S. Hood and family: Dr. J. S. Norman, prominent Hick ory specialist has purchased the com plete equipment and fixtures of the Hood clinic, onerated by the late Dr. J. Sidney Hood, and will practice in the Gastonia field, beginning Mor. day. Dr. Norman was a general ^prac titioner for two years in Kings Mountain prior to his location in Hickory, Say, “I saw it in The Herald.” PHONE 167 FOR JOB PRINTING [• *J» *{* *J* »j i *$* *£**$*<$* «$*•£*•«**$» *3* *!• *2* •£*<3**{*«3**$**|**t* *$**{**( LAST DAY. . Tomorrow OCTOBER 15th Is the last day to pay your Water and Light Bill. Pay now, and save having your service discontinued, as a charge is made for connection of service. TOWN OF KINGS MOUNTAIN Before You Buy PRINTING From A Peddler GIVE OS A CHANCE The skip in and skipaway salesman for outside printing plants promises you a lot • • • and gets your order • • then send you what may be 6. K. or may not be. You fall for the “low-price” talk but often get inferior stock, standardized forms, no proof and delivery when he has secured a volume job lot. WE SELL YOU QUALITY MERCHANDISE, show you the stock, furnish proofs, make any and all changes you ivj^uire, carry you on the bnoks like friends, often “scratch your back’’ in a generous reciprocal manner • • and always strive to PLEASE YOU from start to finish. We invite you to compare prices and quality of work. Herald Publishing House QUALITY PRINTING PHONE 167