Church News LUTHEKAN CHURCH L. Boyd Hamm, Ptmtmr Bible school 10:00, W. K. Mauney, General Superintendent. Services for the 21st Sunday after Trinity: Morning 11:00, sermon: The Minis try of Intercession, by the Pastor. Evening 7:00, sermon by Rev Wynne C. Boliek. Services each Evening through Friday at 7:15. Luther Leagues meet Sunday even ing at 6:00. Boy Scouts Monday evening at 6:30. SAINT LUKES: — Bible school 2:00 P. M. James Lackey, Superintendent. The Service and sermon 3:00. Presbyterian Church Rev. P D. Patrick, Paator 10:00 A. M. Sunday school, C. F. Thomasson, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. 6:45 Young Peoples' meeting. 7:30 Evening Service. 7:15 Monday evening Scouts at Scout Hut. Carl Davidson, Scoutmaa ter, Harry Page, Asst. Scoutmaster. 7:00 P. M. Wednesday. Prayer meeting at Margrace Community House. CENTRAL METHODIST c CHURCH Rev. E. W. Fox, Pastor 9:45 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler, Superintendent. 11:00. Sermon by the pastor, sub ject: “Life's Greatest Promise.’ 7:90 Sermon by the pastor, sub ject: “The Man With a Question Mark.’ BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH Her. W. M. Boyce, Pastor Bible school at 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship at 11:00. Evening Service at 7:30. Junior Christian Union at 2:30. Intermediate and Young People 6:45. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. C. C. Parker, Pastor Sunday School 9:42 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. each Sunday. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH A. F. Connor. Pastor Sunday school 9:45. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. each Sunday. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening. GRACE METHODIST Ker. W. A. Parsons. Pastor Sunday Scheet 9:45 a. m. Preaching Service* 11 a. m. and and 7:30 p. m. Bp-worth League 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 • «. A cordial Invitation to worahil With us. Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. B. T. U. 6:45 p. m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7PM Prayer service Wednesday evening 7:00 p. n Gaston County Fair News Gastonia, N. C., Oct. 12.—Accord ing to Francis Whiteside Secre‘arj of the Gaston County Fair, tiling: are lining up nicely in his prepara tion for the big event. Premium lists have been mailed to the farmers of the county, and £ great deal of interest is being sI-.owt throughout this section generally. This year there is quite an increa me In the number of premiums to be awarded, as well as in the size c some of them. The premuim booklei carries a complete list of these a wards, along with the rules govern ing the presentation of them, en trance requirements, etc. The fair office, located at 266-27( West Main street, announces tia the checks for these premiums have already been written, and are reads to be filled in with the winners aames. These checks total in excess of $2,000. which fact should increase the number of contributors to the various departments. One big change has been made re garding entries made in the Live Stock department. Heretofore, onls 4-H Club members were permitted to enter swine as exhibits, but thiis year anyone may do so. Of course only residents of Gaston County car win prizes, in any department, des pite the fact that others may have exhibits in the fair. Poultry diseases have just aboul died out in Union County for the present time, and farmers report good production on laying flocks. Randolph County has set a new record for leapedeza plantings this year, with farmers seeding 40,000 -Veres. The Mountains of the Moon are In “darkest” Africa. OAK GROVE NEWS (By Mrs. William Wright) ♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ OAK GROVE NEWS... Mr. and Mrs. James S. Ware spent I Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hue ban Spangler of Double Shoals. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Ford had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Erb McCraw. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCraw spent the week-end in Kings Mountain vis iting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welch Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Randall and son's. Hugh and Bobbie, spent Sun day with the latter's brother, Mr. Hubert Davidson and Mrs. Davidson in Kings Mountain. Messrs K. B. Ledford, Dow Put nam, William Wright and son, Stok es, spent awhile in Liucolnton Sun day afternoon. Several from the commuity attend ed the singing convention at South Shelby Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wright; and family were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Buette White. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ware and . family were the Sunday guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lovelace. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bell and daughter, Carolyn, were Sunday ev ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bun Patterson. Mr. J. M. Wright left Monday morning for Raleigh where he will spent the week. He has a position with Dr. Dorton there during the Fair. I - KINGS MOUNTAIN MFG. COMPANY NEWS Lois Beattie Born to Mr. aud Mrs. Brell Hum phries Saturday, Oct. 3. a son, Wil liam Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bridges and children. Mary Alice and Richard, and Miss Mamie Cobb spent Sunday at Chimney Rock. Messrs Gold Hamrick and George Evans spent Sunday in Gaffney. j Mr. J. J. Patterson spent Sunday in Earl. Mrs. Bud Oates had as her guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Halcolnt and children, Ethelene and Albert Lee, of Gaffney. Miss Gladys Patterson 6pent Tues day afternoon in York, S. C. Reliefers Work Less; Get More Washington, Oct. 4 —(IPS.)— The average "reliefer" on the govern ments WPA payroll now earns $7.42 more per month and works ten hours less at pick-axe wielding, card-cata etc., than when the Works Progress Administration wag established less than two years ago, a survey by that agency reveals. From January 1936 to June 1937, the average hourly wage for the workers rose nearly 25 per cent. For example, the WPA reports that New York City reliefers are now doing 108.04 hours of work per month for an hourly wage of 74.7 cents. This hour wage equals many of the building trades wages in most cities. When the YPA was operating with a peak number on its payrolls, the average worker throughout the U. S. put in 111.3 hours per month for 40.9 cents an hour. Today he works 101.58 hours monthly and receives 52.1 cents an hour. The exact in crease in wages, therefore is 24.98 percent, while the decrease in hours worked for bis pay represents 8.73 per cent. __ Chattel Mortgages — Herald Office Let Ua Oo Yetir Printing IMPERIAL * THEATRE Thursday and Friday 100 MEN AND A GIRL Deana Durbin Saturday SILVER SPURS Buck Jones Monday and Tuesday Something To Sing About James Cagney Wednesday WALLABY JIM OF THE ISLANDS Also 5th chapter of JUNGLE JIM This ad will admit, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Griffin as our guests to ony of the above shows. SINGING AT AT OAK GROVE I There will be an all-day singing I at Oak Grove Baptist church Sun ! day, October 17, directed by Prof. ■ Wade Humphries of Gaffney, S. C. | The public is cordially invited. Come I and bring well-rfilled baskets and I enjoy the day. Crop Liens HERALD OFYICE Warranty Deeds I 1 I £et?6 Viade v KITCHENS * {Other Complete Kitchen Ensembles at Attractive Prices 1 . k'a i mlfhty food Irado for you, and this la fcow H wotkii Um your old kltchan placaa m • down paymant (wNk a vary libaral allow anca). Than tka romalndar may ba arranfad on convo* nlant tamu to wK YOUR Inconia. Tkat'a oaay, hn't H? BEAUTIFUL COMPLETE KITCHENS Planned in every detail for the modern house wife, equipped with 4-burner oil stove, 5 piece Dinnette, Seller’s Cabinet, attractive rug, kitchen stool, all nine pieces only . $99.50 COMPLETE D. F. Hord Furniture Co. ‘Buy It For Less At HordV SflT. OCT. 23 ^ V YE/l/?5> See the NEW 1938 CHEVROLET Bigger-looking—Richer looking— Smarter-look ing—and in all ways the smartest low-priced car to buy 1 < THE CAR THAT IS COMPLETE