SOCIAL AND PERSONAL HAPPENINGS Of INTEREST to WOMEN PHONES 10 R AND 88 MRS- A- H. PATTERSON, Editor *$• *4* *4* *4* *4* V *4* V *4* V *J* *4* “t* *4* %4 4*4 4*4 4*4 4*4 4*4 4*4 4*4 4*4 4*4 .y 4*4 . HOSTESS AT BRIDGE AND ROOK PARTY :Mrs. Byron Keeter was hostess at fifteen tables of bridge and rook entertaining at tbe Woman's Club last Friday afternoon. Fall flowers, including chrysanthe mums, dahlias and mixed bloonr were attractively arranged in tlie dining room where the guests were entertained. Mrs. Hayne Blackmer scored high in bridge and Miss Fanny Carpenter, low. Mrs. J. E. Eipford scored high in rook and Mrs. D. H. Campbell, low A delicious salad course with ac cessories and a sweet course was served. Out-of-town guests enjoying Mrs. Keeter’s hospitality w’ere Mrs. Rush Hamrick and Mrs. Earl Hamrick of Shelby. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Gaffney had as diinner guests Sunday, their neice, Miss Thelma Gaffney, a nurse from Washington, D. C., Miss Jennie Gaff ney and Robert Gaffney of Blacks burg, S. C., and Rev. C. C. Parker of Kings Mountain. DIXIE THURSDAY & FRIDAY BOBBY BREENS &WRATHB0M! MARION CLAIRE Htnry Armalia Ralph Forbas Lion Errel' Mure by OSCAR STRAUS Donald Mook florbort Rawlinaon Loonld Kinakoy RKO-RADIO PICTURE • Produced by SOL LESSER PRINCIPAL PRODUCTIONS. Directed by Kurt Neumann. Asso. Producer, Edward Gross SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE LaughYourifeM Hoarse ai-Thi* Horse Doctor! —AND— MONDAY & TUESDAY io« Painter . Milton Bari* Parfcyakarfcue . Harriet HllUard William Brady larom* Cowan • Thelma Lead* ■'« WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE »iiii BOB LIVINGSTON GRACE BRADLEY WILLARD ROBERTSON AND RACING LADY Ann Divork and Smith Bellew ’ *»* "V *** -»• *♦• *l* v -i- -;- i* * *;* tj« •;* *;• *j* ■;• •!* *j»v *j* ►;* *j HOSTESS AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Lester Ho!:? was hostess at a lovely bridge party entertaining at her home on Gold street last Wed nesday afternoon. Howls of lovely flowers were arranged in the rooms where the guests were entertained. Mrs. Grady King received high score prize and Mrs. Jacob Cooper, a recent bride was presented a gift. A tempting salad and sweet course was served. The guests included Misses Ozelle Kiser and Mae Plonk; Mesdames Donald Blanton, M. H. Riser, Hayne Blaekmer. Jacob Cooper, H. T. Ful ton. Jr., Pete Gamble, I. B. Goforth, C. W. Harper, O O Jackson, J B. Keeter, L. Arnold Kiser, Grady King George Lattimore. Aubrey Mauney, Carl Mauney, Paul Moss, George Moss, B. S. Neill, Paul Neisler, Fred Plonk, I. G. Patterson, Pride Ratter ree, Lloyd Shuford, and Loy Minch. Out-oftown guests included: Mrs. Bill Hite, of Hemp, and Mrs. Jesse Kiser, of Charlotte. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY “Sonny” McDaniel, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Atwood McDaniel, en tertained a number of his friends at the home of his parents, on West Mountain street on last Friday after noon, the occasion planned as a cele bration of his eighth birthday anni versary. The children were delightfully en tertained with numerous games art er which delicious ice cread and cake was served by Mrs. McDaniel, assisted by Mrs. W. J. Ciawforrd and Mrs. Tate. The large birthday cake covered with white icing bore eight candles. The young guests were presented attractive favors. Those present included Manly Hayes. Norman McGill, Charles Rig gers, Walter Griffin, Reginald Mur ray, Johnny Plonk, Jimmy Yarboro, Patty Neisler. Beulah Rhea, Gene Webb, Gene McClain, Imogene Brid ges, Jeanne Griffin, Carolyn Mc Daniel and Helen Yarboro. EL BETHEL WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS The El Bethel Woman's Club held their regular monthly meeting at their club house on the afternoon of October 23rd. After a lengthy busi ness session, plans were made for a memorial service at our ' November meeting. A tree will be planted in memory of Mrs. Floyd Mammy, who was a faithful member of the club. In the absence of Miss Sutton, Miss McSwain, gave a very helpful ' demonstration on preparing and packing a well balanced school lunch. Miss McSwain and Mrs. Elam gave some cookie recipes for school lunches and served samples of same, together with school sandwiches. JOINT HOSTESSES AT BRIDGE AND ROOK PARTY Mrs. Frank Summers and Mrs. J. E. Herndon were joint hostesses on Tuesday afternoon, entertaining a large number of friends at bridge and rook at the Woman's Club. Tables were arranged for rook In the lounge and sixteen tables for bridge, in the dining room. Both reams were decorated with bowls of mixed flowers, dahlias and chrysan themums in attractive arrangement. Miss Margaret Smith scored high in bridge and Miss Virginia Parsons IMPERIAL THEATRE Thursday and Friday Fly Away Baby Glenda Farrell. Barton McLane Saturday ACCUSING FINGER Marslia Hunt, Robt. Cummings. LAND BEYOND THE LAW Dielt Foran Monday & Tuesday ANNAPOLIS SALUTE Jamoh Ellison. Marsha Hunt Wednesday HER HUSBAND LIES Ricardo Cortez. Gail Patrick *•* ! v v v v •> -;- v •;• -I- •;< cut consolation. in rook Mrs. Annie Lulling score ! ! high and Mrs. W. A. Ridenhour, low. ! Attractive trophies were presented I A teimpting and attractive salad ! course with accessories and a sweet course was served. BENEFIT PAR'IY A party for the benefit of the or ganization of Catholic Women was; given at the homo of Mrs. A. J. Gal-1 lant, Sr., on East King street. Prize for high score was won by ] Miss Elizabeth Klingmeyer, of Gas tonia, and booby prize was presented] Dr. A. A. Hek, also of Gahtonia. At the conclusion of the game de licious refreshments were served. The- guests included Rev. Father Alphonse, pastor of St. Michael Ca tholic church, Gastonia, Dr. and Mrs. | A. A. Hek, Miss Bell, Miss Elizabeth Klingmeyer, Mrs. John Eck, Mr. I John Eck, Jr., Mrs. Guy Wright, Mr. Johnson, all of Gastonia; Mrs. We» don, Mrs. Owen, George Weldon, Mrs Currie, all of Shelby; Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Harrill, Mrs. Gra'y McCarter. A. J. Gallant, Sr., A J Gallant, Jr, and Pete Heavner. ENTERTAIN FLORIDA GUESTS Rev. and Mrs. McCullough, of Oi landi, Florida, were guests of Super intendent and Mrs. B. N. Barnes last week. Mrs. McCullough, was before marriage, Miss Mary Rast. former member of the Kings Mountain school faculty and the couple are spending their vacatiin at Bat Cave Mr .and Mrs. Barnes spent the week end at Bat Cave as their guests. Personals Humes Houston and Earl McGill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Houston at Pageland. S. C. —o— Miss Martha Frances McGill spent the week-end in Cleveland, guests of Miss Daly Little. —o— Mr. \V. K. Mauney will leave this week for a business trip to Philadel phia. —o— Miss Pearl Kerr was the week end! guest of Miss Piccolo Blalock at I Bethlehem. —o— Mr. Charles Sliuford of Keeter clerical firce was a visitor in Rock Hill Sunday. Mrs. .liles Cornwell and baby at guests of Mrs. Ernest Sanford in Greenville, S. C. Cayradine Moss, student at Bn yard College, has been on a visit ! to his parents. —o— Miss Dorothy Plonk, student at Greensboro College for Women, -pent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Plonk. —o— Mrs. Goerge Cansler is undergoing! medical treatment at Hendersonville Members of the Cansler family visit ed her Sunday. —o— Mrs. B. F. Ot'mand has returned home after spending several- day; in Charlotte with her daughters. Mi A. T. Bernheardt. —o—• Mrs. Charles Troublefield and ba by son, of Blacksburg, S. C., were guests of Mrs. A. L. Allran, last week. Mrs. Huldah Goforth left this week for Wnston-Salem where she will spend the winter with her dan | ghter, Mrs. Will Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Noisier and. family recently moved into their spacious new brick home at the cor ner of Gaston and Ridge' streets. —o Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hullender, and! little daughter, Kay, Mr. ('. W. Hul lender, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hul lender attended the Air Show in Charlotte Sunday afternoon. —o— Mrs. D. A. Fulton and Mrs. R. It Olive had as their guests during the week-end, Mrs Annie Hall Alford and Mrs. Sue Hutchinson of Char lotte. —o— Miss Janet Lackey of the Taxing ton school faculty spent the week end with her parents, she had as her guests, Miss Frances Swicegood and Miss Lake Craver who are also tea chers in Lexington. —o— Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Thomson spent the week-end in Abbeville, s. C., go ing down especially to attend tit’' wedding of Md. Thomson’s brother. Mr. Stewart Thomson to Miss Mary Louise Walker Saturday afternoon •—o— Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sprouse o» Newberry, S. C., have announced the recent marriage of their daughter, Celia, to Mr. Everett Deaver Evans. Miss Spouse is a niece of Mrs. lien F Beam and has visited her in Kings Mountain, frequently. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch, accompanied .Mr. and Mrs. Charles] Thomasson and two sons. Charles,! Jr., and George, to Columbia, S. C . last Thursday to attend the Univer*| sit> of South Carolina-Cle-mson Foot I Pali game. —o— Miss Nancy Hord, member of the ( herryrille school faculty under-1 went an operation for appendicitis at | the Shelby Hospital, last week. Site is i xpected home the latter part of the week, where she will remain un til able to resume her school work. —o— ,1 Mr. and Mrs. c. \V. Hullender had! as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. ana1 Mrs Odell Long and children cij Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hut-] lender. Mr. and Mr- Clyde Hullender and liiildien, and Mr. Paul Hullender] of Albemarle, and Mr., and Mrs. Page Lawing of Gastonia. iMrs. \V. A. Thomson of Charlotte was a guest of her mother. Mrs. Lee I Hannon last Friday. Mrs. Thomson,j Mrs. Harmon, Miss Virgie Harmon, accompanied by Mrs. White Harmon of Shelby, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Marakas in Morganton. They were accompanied) home by Mrs. Marakas! and children, who spent the week-end] in Kings Mouiuai. i Four Rules To Make Livestock Pay Lof cotton prices are making ma ny Southern farmers realize the need for more dairy cattle, beef ea‘ tle, sheep, and poultry. But -while livestock well managed will make money, poorly managed livestock may easily mean loss instead of pro-' fit. One of the South's foremost au thorities on livestock, Dr. Tail But-j ler, writing in the Progressive Farm er after 40 years of close observa-, tion. lists there four rules for suc cess with animals: — TRUSTEE’S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con-' tained in a certain deed of trust made by F. N. Berry and wife, Fran ces Berry, to me on the 8th day of July, 1937, and registered in Cleve land County, in Book 215, page 307, 1 will on Monday the 29th day of November, 1937, at 12 o'clock, Noon, or within legal hours, at the Court House Door in Shelby, N. C.. sell to the highest bidder for cash, the land conveyed by said deed of trust,! which is described as follows: Situate in the town of Kings Moult! tain, N. C.. and being a part of the ! L. A. Kiser 17 acre tract, and being lots 88, 89. and 50. fronting on tn* West side of Kellar street, as will ; appear on a map of said pro- i perty made by E. L Campbell, sui-! veyor.-and which is duly registered; in the office of the Register of Deeds: tor Cleveland County. This the 27th day of October. 1937. j A. H. Patterson, Trustee. —adv—nov 18—C. flerrr* i oy.r American E^y Gardens 1 Better Home. 6 ' 1 Chri.rt®' \ouroal * Di“e s H«dleCIO‘' J n^oa^orToyc ■« D Open «oa* OTln. q parent. . eeVlY) □ Pictorial B. rarmet , i-i proares*‘ve _ □ Bomontic Stone. = L H Silver Screen _ rn sc-een Book - Igsssr*^5^ ft 0 , V/orld — ■ r; \V •5-5^ ’}ncr?c<*n r°*d*^ Cazelt* na‘ 1 rr b r::zxpc°u!'* * ucZT ?£?-»■' ^ 'Th« Ho»e'5p^ed,0"‘"« §m^r IgxS* FarB1Pr -,Zthcra r'ZZ1" * y-'s to^LWoWd —— ' yr — ! yr OFFER NO. 1 Tills Newspaper, 1 Yr. 4Kcgcrzinec |3 from Group IB OFFER NO. 2 This Ne wspaper, 1 Yr. \ 2 Magazines ^ I irorn Group > IMcgczine K5 | irorn Group / ALL FOUR FOR ONLY $^.25 OFFER NO. 3 ThJi Newspaper, 1 Yr. 3 Magazines from Group A ALL FOUR FOR ONLY OFFER NO. 4 This Newspaper, 1 Yr. 2 Magazines Jfc from Group 3 Magazines Kjm from Group E# ALL FOR f$2 SIX ONLY .55 True Story - 1 yr Household Magazine_ 1 yr Gecd Stories . 1 yr Country Home . 1 yr THIS NEWSPAPER 1 yr ALL FIVE FOR ONLY s2 .23 McCall's Magazine 1 yr Woman's World- 1 yr Good Stories_ 1 yr Farm Journal _ 1 yr THIS NEWSPAPER 1 Yr ! AIL FIVE FOR ONLY $2 Gentlemen: I enclose $ . for which please send me the magazines * h ve chechto. together with a year’s subscrip'ic:: to ycur newspaper. [j ho;.:o C- c:* Q Story Offer Name. Street or R.F.D.. Town and State . GROCERY SPECIALS Roberts’ Cash Grocery PHONE 115 R WE DELIVER SUGAR 10 Pounds 25 Pounds . . 52c . $1.30 38 lbs Guaranteed Flour . $2.80 48 lbs Guaranteed Flour . $1.50 24 lbs Guaranteed Flour . 77c 24 lbs Mothers Best Flour . 90c 2 Gallon Can Motor Oil . 97c 75 lb Bag Shorts . $1.40 16 Pet. Dairy Feed, 100 lb bag ••• $1.75 Blue Rose Rice, pounds .5c f LUZIANNE loo/'Good LB. CAN 26c 0 CORN OR BEANS No. 2 Can—3 for 25c 8 LB. PKG. 85c Cigarettes 2 Packages Carton . . . . 25c . $1.15 Potted Meat, 3 cans . 10c Bananas, Special, 4 pounds . 19c Irish Potatoes, pound . 15c Sweet Potatoes, 10 lbs . 19c White Onions, 4 lbs ... 15c Cooking Apples 3 lbs . 10c 2 lb Can Famous Fifty Cocoa . 13c Kraut, No. 2' * Can . 10c 1 String Brooms . 19c GOLD MEDAL EVAPORATED MILK 3 SMALL CANS 10c 3 LARGE CANS 19c COMPLETE LINE QUALITY MEATS AT SAVINGS

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