, * > ? > AAA^ A A ^ ,S .- > ^ '" wvf TWWTrWWv^vf tvv^i t Wf?!^^?? - 1 ' , * SOCIAL-, I Of INTE < ? :: PHONES 10-R J +? ?? ? ? ? < 'ENTERTAINS ADELPHIAN CLUB Mrs. W. K. Mauney entertained members of the Adelphian Club and a number of invited guests at her home on Piedmont avenue last ( ^Thursday. . Tbe living room, sun room and dining rooms were attractively arranged with pot plants and holly suggesting the Christmas season. Rook was played at seven tables and after the game a tempting chick en salad course, with ^accessories ouu a couike was Beneti. The guests included Mesdaincs Manly Morehead, Havne Blackmer. Troy Carpenter, Joe Thomson, W K. Crook. M. L. Plonk, A. L. Hill. K K. Pinger, H N. Moss. W. T- Weir, J. H Davis, A. H Patterson, M A. . Ware, J. O. Hord, P. D. Patrick. Arthur Hay, W A. Rldenhour, D C. Mauney, O. W. Myers, J. E. Ant hony, 8- L Mauney. L. Boyd llamm, K -A: Staith. 7r7 Joe NclsTeT. Grady ...a id *, AMsor ti1 ter, B. 8- Neill and Jim Smith. - AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS Mia. B. K. Ormaml wiu hostess to the American Legion Auxil&ry Tues day afternoon at her home q? Ridge street. The meeting, was presided over l?y the president, Mrs. J. N. Gamble. Pledge to the Plag was given. National Anthem sung by tnc Unit with Mrs, Paul Mauney at the piano. Mrs. B. P. Onnand led the (tevotionals, after which business . -.was transacted. It. was voted t6 wend the Boys in this Unit's Ward a ciiBp dollar bill with Christmas greetings. Christmas baskets .will hi so be seni to the needy ones in town. Mrs. Pride Ratterree had charge W prbgrar.i pertaining to membership, Child Welfare and Rehabilitation. "The hostess served fruit cake and coWee. 4 ' " CELEBRATE 62ND WEDDING ANNIVERSARY .. Mr.' and Mrs. D. A. Fulton are oele braving their sixty-second wedding anniversary today. With other members of their family they are dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ft .011, the latter tbeir daughter. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CUUB , ?? CHRISTMAS MEETING * ??., J The Christmas meeting of Junior Woman's Club will be held at tile jWswsa's Club.?Thursday < veiling. Dec. 16. Dinner will be served at 7:00 o'clock by the committee in charge. Bach member is to pay for her own plate and should let Mrs. Charles Oates know if she is coming ' ' by Tuesday. December 14. A Christmas program will be carried out and the speaker of the evening will be the Rev. L. B. Ha mm, whose topic is "Pett.ce.". The music will be in charge of Mrs. Harold ^ TTTTVVTTTTTTTTTTTVVVJ' IC1IIRIST JKflt i^BBran yw*w I \v& ; K SLIPS, GOWNS ANI ? PAJAMAS \ / Lavaly Aaaartmant < j? 1 I at Pajamas , . 91-00 and <: PR 1 U( Fancy 0*??na^$1.M A 94 1 Ut Coat* at' .. UN and ff 1 La? Lavaly 9H|M at |1 and 91 II THE FREl T.".' ?t ? AND PERSONAL HAPPfc REST to IND 88 MRS- A. H. PA1 Huniiioult. Each mejnber Is request ttl to brbig a amall gift for th . Christmas tree and ' also to be i>r< pared, to make a Christina; "Storl lug", materials will be furnished fo this purpose. These "stockings' w|] be filled at a later date aud distribi ted at Chrlatlitas. Personals Mr. and Mrs. .Hugh Hoke oJl.ii ( oolnton spent Sunday in Kings Moui tain. ?o? MUoVa Pearl .Kerr, Winnlgre-J F'J ton and It nth Moore spent Tutnla; i in charlotte. O'? Mr. Haywood K. i.yiuh and dao;?i | ter. Jean, left today for Goldstar ' tc visit Mr. Hynch's mother. , . i Mr. an?LJ?ftt J. It. Thomasson Jet ?o Mr and Mrs Bill Howard an' t.wo children left last week for Kloi i Ida where they ekpeft to stay uuti | the New Year. i i ? ; Mr. Anthouy Cansler and Miss M Water M On Or Or Servic * ? Pay No\ t r . \ ? * I . .. 'hmsBmmmmm MAS GIF 1 w- M"n 1 BEGI Lutiful Dresse AND MISSES' DRESSE8 GOING A REDUCED PRICES OUR CHRISTMAS.GIFT 8ALE .. Gold, Rust, Wine, Etc, Lovely Mat 1ESSES N6W - 3 RESSES, NOW .1 IESSES AT ONLY 3 SALE OF FINE ? HAND BAGS At Only $1 LM _ SILK HOflF, S 49c 59c 69c 99< I.M L-????????? NCH SHOPPI 7 V i.'f * 1 ' r; t -i. * V--A %V ? . I , NINGS WOMEN I < f 7TERSON, Editor '<? ?p ?. t- Daniel of Enfield, N'. C.. spent the e week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ueorso S .Cansler. r 0 I Meters E. L. Campbell ami Grew I'lonk left Wednesday for I'alin Harbor, Klh., to ket a quantity of Christ tuba fruit. ?o? . Mrs. Geer?'; Cannier who has been I uridertfoinif treatment In a hospital! l" at Henderisoiivjlle. returnetl to her i ? home on W<-st Mountain si r&t laat j Saturday:- . - -I ll ??? y Mrs. I.<e -Ifannon and Misa Vlr?le Harmon rp*nt wveral dnjra lant \v?-?-k in- ?'harlotre. where they tew I. gufis of Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. liar0 mou. ??? Mibs Ruth Putnam of ( harlot!** T' "3fil her room-rate. Mi?a Bllrabeth gj'-M -vr*. *^ ** sua atea Putnam's parent* In Klnes Mountain. d v - ?o? Mr Hotfrt Randall has at copied' 1 a |x*^1'loh. WRh the Atlantic .Coast ! Line railroad; He returned to Klor j -nee. S <*.. Sunday after spendhiR a ! q .< v, da;.** *?b hi* parent*, Mr. and i BBQpBHl and Ligl ust Be Pi Before T e Will Be D v - Do N Water and Ligh Town of King: ++ +++++><' M.*++**++W+++*+*v T SALE mar kid ay iv Ig Shoes For Woi T 5.99 Slippers, Oxfords and Bootees. Shoes. In Kid, Calfskin, Osbarc 2.99 and sixes, basiling new colors #recn and Multl-Colors. 1 All $4.99 Shoes Now Gc All $3.99 Shoes Now Gc w All $2.99 & $2.49 Shoes ONE RACK BEJ $2.50 and $3.00 Values Sale At OAfr U 1 W)T OF OWith Fur Trimmed Co Blue, Green, and Wine 1 Let of Boudoir Slippe $2.00 Value. Sale Price . . ... -j ? - > Mrs. Gus Randall. Mr. T. C. Baunigardner. of- Erwln Teun., spent a fe<W days in Kingi Mountain early in the week, continf especiall on account of the death o: hip brothesviu^^v.'. Mr. W. D. M< Daniel. Mrs. Sam MeDaiiiel. who was in Jtired is an au'omobile accident near Richmond,. Va:. 'several weoki ago. is convalescent at the home ol her parents at Dincolnton. Mrs. Mc Daniel is still in a cast and will doubtless be confined for sometime 'Mr. Frank McDaniel asd family who were called to Kings Mountain last week* on account of the illnes? hsd subsequent death of Mr. Will McDaniel. brother of the former hove returned to their home In Wilmington. Tlieir sjn, Mr. C?rl Me Daniel, of Halt (mote, Md., also spe^J oc.ruu i-! r\.ii|C? tiijii i n: ii. r?~ turning hotn> rJy thia \veefc. elbethel club meet TJig El Ifc-thel. ilflme IVmonstra tlon (')uli b?-!U i<? regular monihi.i meeting at th?- rluti bouse Saturday, No\?ntber Iduth. After, the' buttii^'s nv?-|fnir. plan* were made for .Achievement T>ay at Shelby All t)if members Will be notified of the < Vlijet date. Hwain president; Mlsa l'inki.- !.<? Randall, vice ,.retM?-nt: Mrs. Marvin Harmon. (-eore'aty and treasurer. All -tin- otlj?r 'di<c* wer- left open to be appointed by the president M'ss Sutton tt'.e a very & Ipftil. lnt? rostlr.s and economical demonht Bills lid ue i3ui iscontinued lot Delay J t Department s Mountain At The 1 10RNING, D. nen and Misses !1*P ** s \ ' - i. * . Tine Fitting and Comfortable line? and Suedts. Many styles such ss, Block, Brown, Winm I ?ng At Only $2.99 ing At Only $2.49 Now Going at $1.99 ! DUTIFUL SHOES BOOTEES T $1.59 ^ 99c I . f . , *' *. " 'V. -- * V " ' * J ' *. . . - si rat ion on making Christmas presents at homo. The club will have a Christmas t entertainment ?t the club house on 5 Friday night, Dec. 17. at which time f nil married ladi* s are expec.ttd to : bring their respective husbands. Sin glo members will bring their friends At this 'meeting each members is . expected to bring a small inevpon isive bottle prepared gift to be TtsetT i <ih rart*virig out- the program as 9tU-' f | lin?-d by Miss Sutton. In' order 'hat the club rooms may I \ be comfortable at all times it was , unanimously agreed to purchase a i new beater before this special meet ink. I i v. . J'hi I CONFIDE t DO YOU EI | Do you like to discover i IDo you truly like wearii Then?let us style your 1 We actually create news wearable. . ,iy i uui cviniire vail Dt' as |t or it can be as swift in ti it sible as a daytime tailor ' lAAAAAAiiAiiiiiiAjt -X - . * - mttt mFAm HH-1M ? WITH Gins F< Yes, Useful (lifts, Fof Far THE OLD ] j Griffin 1 Phone 8 H? ? ++ } s-+->+*>->^:-:-++<-v-v-+-5?5-A'r">++++H CDUMrU I'lVLilTVU i bc. 3rd I Gast?nia' FINE DRASTICALLY REDUCED * FOR IMMEDIATE CLEAE Women's and Misses' Sport and f Coats in Tweeds, Novelty and Plain Ms the newest styles antf s *e* K?S Now$l FurTrimmed DrttlJid Sport Co?t? Formerly Sold at $12.99 . " CLEARANCE OF FALL Values Up To $3.00. Sole Price 1WFRENCI % r *. PICTURE OF LYNCH PRE- il 6ENTED to LIBT/ RY Mr. B-X.Ctu.:, Joea 1 attorney/ and one erf Kings- 'Mountain's oldest citizens presented a 'picture of Mr. ! Haywood E. Lynch so the Kings j Mountain i'ubllc Llbuuy The pic- "il j.t.ura was accepted by lt< v, . \V. M. 4 Boyce.- member of the ' Library : Hoard. >. ".'I Wording under ''he picture written by Mr. Qunpbell read: "To Haywood E. Lynch, whose untiring efforts made the Kings Mountain Public Library possible. Presented by 1 j K. L. Cartittbell. December, 1, 1937," < << -j- > > v t > -i ?ne 77 | :ntially I I S.JOY NEWS? +1 * > new fashions? J lg the latest coiffures-?. . .? hair? - >?liveable ? lovable and A original as imagination emtio as music*.?<>? ? ? ?**?i * ed suit. t tuly Sdh>n" "Pl +++ + + > > :: ++++++ * |HbQH^ By* J ^Kp&? 3R EVERYONE I Every Member of (he \ nily RELIABLE, 1 Drug Co. ] Kings Mountain, N. C. M SHOPPEl 1 *j- n I I ^ I ........ Now $8.99| WINTER BATS ? J ... Now $1.491 1 H SHOPPE1 f I I'""'

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