?UY AT HOME VOL. 32 NO. 80 State And N Condensed Ii liSWashington, Dec. 14.?A constitutional njk". , United States to declare war unless' the people arpproved in a national referendum gained additional sup porter* lu Congress Uxktv. Tlurec representative* signed a pe titioo to force a House vote on the amendment. This brought the total number of signers to 208?only 10 short of tih? figure necessary to make the petition effective. 4 ' Hollywood, Dec. 14.?Sidney Lanfleld, director of Son)a Henle's mo-! tkm pictures, "One In a Million" and I "Thin Ice,' was taken to a hospital today suffering from lung congestion his physician said might, develop into pneumoxtta. v., Washington, Dec. 14.?The haste with which Japanese spokesmen Sutned .redponsHbHllty and pledged fullest reparations for the destruction of the American gunboat To my allayed any alarm that a war crisis between the two governments was impending. London, Dec. 14,?A Heuters (Bri-^ ttfcih) nows agency* dispatch from Pefphrg today aald that three American missionaries were believed to have been slain utter leaving Shouy ang, on the Shaml railway, Dec. It:. mu? ?- ?? -* ? ? ? - tar uuee were mr. ana Aire. aiva Harsh and a Miss Nohcr, addresses not given. ?_^?..?_,__ * Washington, Doc. 14.?Tfce Federal Reserve board clarified Its rules to day to assure banks that If they lend money to house-holders to finance purchase ctf household equipment and other consumers' goods, the notes are eligible for discoum t*. the Federal Reserve b&nke. The ruling clarifier precious dls oount regulations applying to fl' nance companies and Installment-financing notes. . , - Washington, Dec. 14.?A bomb v.a3 expoded tn the Senate today by Senator Reheat R. Reynolds over the taking ?tf the. aunboet Faoay in the Yangtze river in China by the Japaneee. The Semate henl hardly settled down to bustofias at rvoon. before . ' / ' the Tar Heel aotcn gained the floor Bnd demanded that American ships, gunboats, and other craft be withdrawn from the war . zone. This started a long discussion which flar ed at one time or another duriug the day. Kansas City. Doc. 14.?A Ford limn um'K ?aa HUVIIVU aiiu u kiuui> of men armed with brickbats was dla . persed by Ehertflrs deputies today es work continued at the Ford t?ss'Wbly plant, where the United Automobile Workers of America called a strike Friday. , " Waehhugtonv Dec. 14.?Senator George of Georgia took fellow Democrats to task today, declaring that instead of restricting the production of crops they should stick to fundamental doctrines of the party. He thundered to an attentive ring of senator to take advantage of the "best opportunity In many years" and make the qpw farm bill an example of legislation against "special privilege." Little Rock. Ark., Dec. >4.?Sending seven year old Billy Joe Cole .. . man back to his mother and father, the Arkansas Supreme Court declared today that .natural parents will not be dented th'elr child because ?n? nthpr Mnan la twilling an-1 able to give it hotter advantages. m i ' 1 Laughing Aroi With IRV . * * ; A Seeker Aft By IRV? TMMEDIATELY following the hi: thai, in New York, the papers members of the uniformed police BEa of the Hotel Metropole in order ( without interruption. < A night or two after the kill! em awning post opposite the Met V patrolman came by and ordered hi "Very weV," said the weary Pd like to ask you a civil ques-n 11 "Well, what la It?" demand* "Who you fellers flxHi' to ah* v ' (Amrlcea N? KwJjC f ' " "/i J *'V Kings '? ; " "\V* ational News iBrieLEoxm ?SUtc New*? Wilmington. Dec. 4.?A man beltuv : a? C- * * "' - ' ru iu uc jja'k iwrain, ni;r i. wasit Turner, reaped North Caiollnu convict, wua wcuvied In running gun battle with officers tcnight, but n companion, DdeotuHed bv a highway o>at, ,-5*ir '.? cu Mill Pqy.^oi Icr.ig nought fugitive, escaped. The n?n whose s:alp was punctured ?.nd Ilia skull fractured* by a bullet during a high sliced autumn-! Idle chase with officers, said from n hospital bed that he was alone. ? ? 1 1 ' ?r Gas'onla. Dec. 14.?Former Governor Max Gardner of Washington, D. C., will be' the principal speaker at the annual dinner meeting of the dinner meeting of the Gaston la Chamber of Ccmnnerce here January 27, It was announced today b??ecrotary W. Grady Gaston. Sanatorium, Dec. 14.?There were 2,104 deaths among North Curollnl- . ana in 1936 of nil fcrrns of tubercU' lewis, according to the 'final tabulakloim .of the State Board of Health. | The disease caused 139 more deaths.. In 1936 than In 1935. The Increase, al1 so noted In the figures for the o.. tire nation, authorities believe, la idue to the cumulative effect of thi | depression. New Bern, Dec. 14.?"1 will not be'j .i 4>mi) to uie parsing or any puni- J | live Irritation predicated upon prejudice against the Sou.'j," declared Representative Graham A. Barden 1 here this week-end. In speaking of 1 the pending wages and hours legla-j ' latlon, for it wopld only tend to ere ! rate leittployniem and make bad; (olidIi..jira worse." ? I CTaatcnia, Dec. 14.?W. C. Hall, of Bessemer City, was free under $l?>n liond today after hto arrest by Tni - , ancy Officer W. A. Mhlgeu on chars; es of violating' the State's school law by refnsfeig to send his school-age children to school. ?. Rllr TgH. DfC 14. ?Methcds of wlp Ing out Illiteracy in North Carolina were dlscunped at a conference here I ipday ed Georgia I desperado, was under heavy ' guard In a hospital here today. t_| MCIntaah was shot In a fight from; Rocky Mount officer? Saturday nlgnt| He attempted t6 Jump from a patrol oar ehroute to the police station. Raleigh. Dec. 13.?Governor Hoey said today he was hot ye4 ready to . announce a successor to Capus M. WaynQrk, who leaves the $6,000 a year prat of state director of pur-j chare and oontract Wednesday to1 [ become executive editor of the High Point Enterprise. tH/1 fl?A \V 7A?al #1 4iiu utc wuiiu IN S. COBB :er Information N S. JOBB storic murder of the gambler, Rosenwere full of stories to the effect that force had cleared the street in front he atsastlns might pot their victims ng, a very tired man was clinging to ropole, in Forty-third street, when a im to move on. one thickly. "Very well, ossifer; but Tit," i the policeman, it now?" ? FNMfM, Im.) ' *, _._ * . ; WPiPiif ??r? KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. ? - ? III llMJII Ml K7 PRM . * .* kAQ, & MafAr ^K3SlpBfe H m-' m > . | tTjB w ,. ' I : HH v. m ' 1 SV | !' : Christmas Play To Be Presented Tonight . Miss Mary Frances Hord. DramIt Teac-hci* of Kings Mountain wi present her Jack and Jill Players i ?n entertaining Christmas Pla ',C!\ cphet^s /Otrphf?nav this evet Ing at the High Soool auditoriun The play was written by Jean Lc Latham, and is said to be one of th most interesting for the Christmr Season. The following will take part i I he play: Chris?Eugene Matins Ellen?Virginia Summers Mary Ann?Jean Hord Bobby?Bud Warllck. Clem?Blllfo Boyce -4 Iiti4y?Frances Williams" Susie?Louise Roberts Jenny?Cartflyn McDaniel Betty?Willie Morris Mrs. Holmes^-Nlna Putnam Mrs. Chesterton, her sifter?Elis belli Plonk Whippet, Keeper of the poor fan ?Wilburn White Mrs. SI idi?Marjorle Hord M,iss Martin?Mary Frances Ligc Mrs. Beridow?Lillian Moss Mrs. James>?Julia Herndon Miss Carroll?Mary Frances Ti well Mrs. Barnes?Lal^faye Sides The following 'are members of tl production staff: Stage manager ? Wilburn Willi Electrician ? Hal Allen Property manager ? Billy Uei Neisler Costumes ? Naomi Edens Business manager ?Charles Tho i'.sson House manager ? Buren Neiil Marsha 11 a tor >orfght'p pojtforr mice are: Qlorta. GomiweU", Mell Keller, Bill Davie and Eld gar Coop* Miles and Earnest, "The Maun* Twine", will render several music selections. "'Choirs of God" will be present* by Deota Huise Black, and Fav Pe land will give a reading. Members of the chorus are as f< lews: Frances Stewart, Helen Fa; Cash, Mary Julia Pollock, Vera PI fer.oSora Hentdon, Dorothy Hayc Juanlta Hudspeth, Emely Dee Ash Eollne Keeter, Naomi Edns. Chief Issues Warning About Fire Crackers Chief of Police, Jimmy Burns, h issued- a warning to everyone abc shoettng fire crackers in Kin Mountain, and especially in the bi inese section. ChJfe Burn guys If fire crack* must be shot, to shoot them on t premises of thq individual and 1 in tbe streets. Chief Burns asks the cooperatl rf the parents to see that fire era era are not taken away from hoi as many children are Injured ev< year from this so-celled fun. School Holidays Begin Friday Christmas Holidays bejeln Frit) December 17th, and lasts throj Now Year's, Monday, January I The two full weeka will be enjo by both tbe children and Neisler, past Chairman. was First . Vice President. and Mrs: Frank j Summers was elected Second Vice in ^President. Mrs. P. Q. Ratterree was . re flected Treasurer, and Mrs! Grady King, elected Secretary- ' j 1 Former Resident Of \} "Kings Mountain Dies ] ? i Funeral services for Carlson- S. Hedrick, were held at the Baptist t churo-t In Clover last Friday after- I , r.oon and interment made in the Clo-1 1 ta'.ver. A short service .was held at his' * ; late residence cn the Tuckaseege m road. Charlotte, before leaving for 1 i Clover. Rev. Raymond l.n ' Charlotte, and Rev. Ernest Co\, pas-, i i ter cf Clover Baptist church were I In charge of the services. j? d- Mr. Hedrick. who was a former < police chief: in Kings Mountain, and wl'vt his family lived here for sever- i ie ul years, is survived by his widow, ] j Mrs. Lillie Hedrick, three son.--, i to George, Irwin and C. 3.. Jr., all of . Charlotte: three daughters, Mrs. El- ; ie "ter Began of Kings Mountain; Mrs David Mauldwin and Miss Anna Belle Hedrick, both of Charlotte. j 1 m Mr. Hedrlck's death came follow ] ing a short illness and was a great, shock to his many friends and rela n< ,ive8 ?a; i ;rl Pageant To Be Presented ! ?y ? , al . A pageant, "As With Gladness Men of. Old," will be presented in the . ;(j [ Fellowship Hal' of the First Presby- J u_| terian church Sunday evening at ( 7:30, under the direction of Mrs. J. ( C. Nickels. Chairman of Christian1 , >1- Education and Ministerial Relief. . -j ye! . It- ? ........ * Will Sogers' Humorous Story .1 By WILL HOGSRS ft, T GUESS tLey still use switches iut A on the school kids in some parts of the world. I've read something K like that now and then, although U8' I'd supposed they'd stopped licking I kids at school a long time ago. srs Anyhow, I heard about a boy _ that waan t very good in school. He s) -^7 m / ,sl* .ja?I cam* bom* terrible seared one night and told his mother he didn't want to go back to school any more. When the mother asked him what Xap, be says. ''Well, I don't getting slapped or whipped L.y by the principal once in a while, h < Bat there was a couple of workmen ever at the school when I came - - pome tonight, and I heard one of fed them tell the teacher that they was rs. ordered to pat in an electric switch Ian. in *he hall. Ordinary switches don't hart orach, hat I'm afraid of an electric switching, and I hint gp1 fag to risk ltP S -J \ Idrald i *" v 1 * \*> ? . ' . i - " ',?* lissionary Heard At VI 'resbyterian Church jal Kev \V K Price. rf Nankin*. Q 7T_"-: vr'-iL ji* r?n in'ti ir i* "w irctiu, ?it( the ?im akft at iW I re* ll?ti?ii church last Sumliij at bcth < lornlriK and .evening .services. K" lt? v. Mr lie.' has been esgngcd ' "> > Christian Kduuiiun -work in I'hl- r?tJi it lor tin |?ast It years. uiid in his 1 ilka til the Presbyterian church the utiday, *ive much Interesting firs'*. Tri Jl'd ii..oi inatkn oil th. iirisi'in urn. the lot; me The following excerpts from an ar- t'bl clt written by He v. Mr. Price, for J te Washington Post," under the tap- on on, "A failed China Confronts J;, nnj m>" are of intense interest: ligl "The tension which has led up to I te piesent conflict bejhin with the Chi ccupati'jn of. Manchuria by the Ja- ttvt anese .army in Since that flee tne, to the people tf China ;-nd ail da\ iends of China, the story seems to ] e one of continuous. aggrcssC ns if ad violations of all treaty ttgreo-, bei touts and pt uiciples'-of ir.ternatloual Thl iw." i brl "One of the saddyterlan church, Mecklenburg coun y, Sunday afternoon. q. Honorary palllbearers included members of the Chari|otteSMeeklen-j hurg Ministers' Association and . live pall-beaTers were chosen from 3 family connections. The services were conducted by ministers who tad been closely associated with the, deceased. . Death came to Rev. Mr. Berryhill ^ rather suddenly early Friday morning. following the recurrence of a 10 heart attack suffered earlier in the seek. News of hts passing came as a great shock to former parishioners and friends in Kings Mountain ns he had taken an active part In the dedication of the new Presbyterian ehur < h here, on the previous Sunday and he, and his wife. In company with others from outof-town were lunch-, eon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe 7 .i?m son. Rev. and Mm. Berryhill were pop*! ular among members of all denominations, during their ?tay in Kings fc Mountain where they lived from 1915 b until 19J8 during which time -he ?er-( v ved. as pastor of the - Kings Mountain', Bessemer City add Long Creek h Presbyterian churches. ' | L During the World War he served v for a short time as Superintendent! a of the City Schools, filling out the b unexpired term of Mr. Frank Orr, i who resigned to enter the nrray. SPnce giving up regular pastoral v work. Rev. and Mr*. Berryhill have biilfiitiul areas art; also taking the. holiday atmosphere us lawns ! I trees and -porches are bedng litetl with miilt;(-colored designs. J 'ostSl otlU-ialB reported that i H ristmas mailing is beginning to 1 *11 and Is expected to be of over* -j ivlng proportions in just a few j s. ' | Merchants have lieen feeling the 'H set of stimulated trade and are tig forced to add new- helpers, i I Is week end Is expected to be the skest since early fall. A climax ! H I be reached next week, the week ' ore Christmas. ' nancial Institutions To I ty Dividends The three financial Institutions of . 3 ags Mountain will pay divtdenas.fl I their stockholders for the last six nths.of 1037. One of the best iudllons that business is on the ,up ide is dividends from financial -1 icki, 1 Mr. B. S. Nelll! Cashier of the ..-B, *8t National . Bank, mailed dtvkfl I id checks to stockholders today. \. H. Patterson, Secretary' and j easurer of the Home Building and * 1 asi^ Association announced dlvK j ; nd H ildlng anil Leon Association, now 1 s dividend checks ready for mall- J | C Monday, December 20th. The checks will bo received In j! lple time for Christmas shopping.!! d will come as welcome to the -ek'.ioldrrs as Satila Claus' comes | the little folks,. Irs. John Lemaster I uried .Puifcral services ^for Mrs. John J 'in&Bter. age 43. ' of Swannanoa, 1 fo of a former Kings Mountain res j ent were held Monday afternoon,9 the Weslevan Methodist church. 1 lugs Mouiitaiin. with Rev. Earl J ; nii'Tov..?, ' (lastionla. in charge.* riTim-nt was made . in Mountains >t re nu-tery. Mrs Remaster died Saturday J e.ht In an Asheville hospital. Sur\'v'":x are tin; it us band and the ij Hewing children: ^Sara, Nancy, J . to, Mary Alice anil Robert Rem as-a r, nil cf Swannanoa. Mrs. Romas- 'a r's father and mother. Mr. and | rs. George Swift, of Swannannoa, jj so survive. A large number of friends and rel j Ivea from Asheville, Swannanoa, istonia. Ressether City and Kings J ountain attended the funeral ser- 1 ces. vfl [ighway Patrolman tationed Here I Highway Patrolman F. C. Hill,: j is been trassforred from Shelby to J fngs Mountain and now make his 9 adqunrters hero, patrolman Hill !| is secured quarters In the Fire 1 atlon located on the second floor J ; the now Town Hall. State Officer 1 ill will patrol highways in and a> fl und Kings Moustaln. , . .i , U ($ns/iittqfon 1 t^nupshotb 1 by JameS Preston Opinions Expressed In This Column 1 Are Not Necessarily the Views of ! This Newspaper.) Strange as it may seem, a slng?ej irm crop had more to do -wltbfl reeking the House deadlock on thefl , age-hour bill than anything else. 9 The-situation was this: The wage? our bUl was locked tight in the louse Rules committee. The cnlyS n v tn frsrPc* it (a f ho floor u-aa for majority of the 435 House m?n