1 'paWeeson1 grove" news By MIm Kusella McSwaln The Intermediate. Prlmary, and Beginners DgMamentn I*', of tie,, Patterson Orovewinday School wit! present their Chrlstnuu program Saturday night ait seven I o'clock. The public Is cordially InvlI ted to attend. Miss Elizabeth Putnam was hostj ess at a social given at her hoipe, v In honor o4 the Intermediate boys and girl^ Saturday night. l>ec. 18. Bingo and numerous 'Other games were played. A contest was held Quick Results?Low Cost? HERALD Classified Ads 2o a word for first Insertion; half pries for subsequent Ineer Minimum charga 20c. Do not ask for information 1 regarding "keyed" ads, as they are strictly confidential. If error is made, The Herald la. responsible for only one Incorrect insertion. The customer Is responsible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiser should, notify immediately of any corrections needed. , K. Want ads are always cash In advance except to business men - or concerns having accounts with this newspapsr. . IF YOU WANT AN EXPERIENCED Cook, Nurse for Children, Practical Nurse, Waitress or Maid tor Cafe or Hotel, White, References, please call by Saturday at 2:00 :. o'clock at house No. 404. .Sir. Paul Hutchins. West Mtn. St. LOST ? Hoy's blue overcoat with red lining. Nine year old size.. Losi at school. Sirs. B. S. Neill, Phone 107 12-30. FURNITURE REPAIRED, reuphol stored, refinished and springs re paired. M. J. Bell, Phone 304-W ll-25Uc. iKEYS MADE. Locks, Vacuum Cleaners and Speedometers Re paired. Ail work guaranteed. C. L Ramsey, at Cleveland" Motor Co JgF;; 11-25-tf L08T ?, Two Bird dogs. One n>al< Lemon and White Pointer, on< male Lemon and White Setter. Ke ward for return to E. W. 'Griffin. I*. \ LOST ? Pocketbok containing twc amall purses and money in King* Mountain. Reward for return t< Ella Burris, Route 1, box 201. FOR RENT OR SALE ? House on IWest Mountain st. Hubert Hern don. O - ~ " |. R' I I Phenix Mill I Store K/' Bfei: " ! V. ^?? I THE CLAN V'.^" -. - ** . ' . '* ' * (v^'l i which was won by Mary France? Ware. Candy and peanut* were aerv | rd as refreabsnents. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Brooks and Mr. Lester Goforth of Itostlc, N. C., visited relatives here Sunday ' after- , noon. Mtss Wlllodenc Thornburg Is I spending this week with Mr. and' Mrs. La Boti Thortfburg of Kn'J^y. Thosn ylsltlng Mr. and .MrsVchaa. P. Ware Sunday and ulght were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ware, Mr. and Mrs. c. D. Ware of Kings Mountain j j Mr afhd Mrs. Cresham Thornburg of | near Kings Mountain and Mr. and' , :.lta. Carl Ware. Mrs. Bobb Lewis,T ' Lillian Lewis and Mary Hoover of Bessemer City. | Visitors of Mr. and Mrt^J. W. Car 'roll Sunday Included Mr. nud Mrs. I Dick Elani of Kl Bethel community I ^ - I ^and Mr. and Mrs: E. P. Greene of the Phenlx Mills. The Pen ley's Chapel Sunday school i In tote the public to their Christmas program to be given Friday night, j Dec. 24. | Mr. VLiid Mvs. George Ivey had as i their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.' ReX Rippy and family of Grover. Dairymen To Find Winter Profitable Dairymen will probably find the winter of 1937-38 one of their most profitable since 1930, A. C. Klmrey,1 or State College, said In forecasting the North Carolina dairy situation. He explained that the production of feed grains and hay in 1937 has ' been large In relation to livestock number and that feed prices during' the. current feeding season will average decldely less than a year ealier. I Klmrey also pointed out that milk production per Cow Is likely to aver| age the highest since the winter of j 1931-32. An increase of three to five per cent from October through next 'I May over the like preceding period ' is expected. Most of this will occur . after the first of the year. , ; In numbers, milk cows this wini ter will probably average about the same as last winter. There may ev. en be a slight Increase, Klmreyj stated. . Feed prices . already are lower in "j relation to dairy products, and in ' the next few months, feeder^ will be j at a much greater advantage than ' they were last winter. The number of milk eews, which' . j is now six percent less than the I peak of four years ago. appears to | have passed the low point, the State College extension dairyman said, j However, the' number is still some> what below average in proportion, to 5 ( population. Farm Questions Q?What kind of eggs are best for hatching purposes? - . ' > ) A.?Eggs for hatching should be clean, fresh, well-formed, of good, " shell texture with color conforming! to requirements of the breed. anal should weigh 24 ounces to the dozen.! All round, short, or thin shelled eggs, i together with those having ridgoS; ! around them should "be discarded j when selecting eggs for hatching. All j ! eggs should bo collected two or j ; three times a'day to prevent chill ling and those selected for hatching! j should b stored in u cool place j .I ?* U? E. C. McClain VStenchi Representative i CY KIDS fOAtn *?*-rc4tj \ 1 JpoVATWiHi ^ | I \T'S St9\oa 1 ; 4 rill KTNO0 MOUNTAIN HMRALD. where the temperature does not fall below forty or rise shove 70 decrees. Q.-OU beef be preserved on the farm in the seme manner as pork? A.?Yes, Any part of the beef car rase can be corned, but as *' usual thing the rounds or hindquarters are dried. Cut the moat Into five or six pound chunks and rub with salt. Then pack in a clean vessel or hard wood or stoneware and cover with the plckto containing oue and onehalf pounds of salt, one ounce of salt peter, one quarter pound of su gar or syrup, and one gallon of pure water. Let the meat remain in the pickle for about two weeks and then smoke lightly to improve the flavor hang In a cool place and use as needed. State .of North Carolina, County of Cleveland. Iii The Superior Court P. B. Roberts, Plaintiff, Vs. Thelma Roberts, Defendant. NOTICE The defendant, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Cleveland County, North Carolina, wherein the plainti{f seeks an absolute divorce from the defendant; that said defendant will also take notice that she is re quired to appear at the Clerk of Court's Office at the Courthouse in said County in Shelby, North Carolina, on the 24th day of December, 1937, and answer or demur to th9 complaint now on file In said actlou in the Clerk's Office, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This 24th day of November, 1937. ,* A. M Hamrlck, Clerk of Superior Court. ?adv?dec 23?H. North Carolina, Cleveland .County. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author ity vested in the undersized by an trder of the Superior Court in a Judgment entitled: "Sally Thorns. Administratrix "of the Estate of Caroline Abel, Deceased. Plaintiff, ' Vs Etta Briggs and husband, Wil! Hriggs, heirs at law of Caroline Abel irevouseu, una bii uuKiiuwn neirs 01 saiil Caroline Abel, Deceased, De fondants." I, as the Commissioner oi the Court, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Qjgurthouse door of Cleveland County, in the Lit> of Shelby, N. C? on the 27th day oi December, 1937, at 12 o'clock M., oi within legal hours the following de scribed real estate: Beginning at a stake on the old Palls' line, thence North 1 1-4 "West 1i.70 chains to some Hickories, Par ker's corner; th uce -South 41 i-J West 1.70 cbuink to an oak in Par ker's line; thence South 3.70 chains to a stake; thence Kust 1.16 chains to the beginning, containing 3-8 oi an acre, more or less. This 27th day of November, 1937. R. L. Campbell, Commissioer. ?adv?dec 23?H. ! 1 SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Cleveland County. , In TCte Superior Court Town of Kings Mountain, Plaintiff, Vs. Annie Ramaeur. Widow, and all ihr Unknown parties who might have an interest in the Annie ftamseui lot, . Defendants. To Annie Ramseur. Widow, and all unknown parties who might have an Interest in the. Annie Ramseui lot. Take notice that an action entitl ed as above has been commenced li the "Superior Court of Cleveland I County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of selling the lot of Annie Ram seur. Widow, for the payment ol town taxes; and the said defendant! will further take notice that the] are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Couji of said county in the Courthouse ii Shelby, North Carolina, on Januarj 20, 1938, and answer or demur t< the Complaint of said action or Uu plaintiff will apply to the Court tot the relief demanded In said Com plaint. Thte the 13th day of December 1937. A. M. Hamrlck. Clerk of the Superior Court for Cleveland County. ?adv?Jan 3-D. Tlmmle Trys to Got Awa; <)lt?r88V& W. 113 feet to a stal thence N. 1V4 K. 320 feet to a staki (nn me eage 01 saia uoia stree , thencq along said street S. 88 Vi 143 feet to the beginnlnn, containh 45,790 sq. ft., more or less. This 29th day of November, 1931 Bryan Hord, Commissioner. J J.. R. Davis, Atty. ?adv?dec J NOTICE OF SALE ' | Under and by virtue of the pow i of sale given me by the Last W and Testament of W. Boyce We ' Deceased, I will sell for cash ou t | premises of the land hereinafter i ' scribed, on Friday, December ! 1937, at ten o'clock A. M., or with 1 legal'hours the following describ [ real estate: Tract No. One: Containing 58. acresi Tract No. two, contain! 29.94 acres, Tract No. three, ct talnlng 2.93 acres, Tract No, fot containing 1.51 acres and Tract f> five, containing 1.52 acres. All of said tracts will appear on map or plat made by A. P, Fal Surveyor, now on record in the Re lster of Deeds Office lor Clevela: County, reference to which is ha for a fuller description. ? This 29th day of November, 193' > J. R. DAVIS, Executor for the Last Will and T< tament of \V. Boyce Weir, Deceas< ?adv?dec 23?D I , TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale c tained in a certain deed of trust . ven to me by Allen Feaster and W, i Brlah Feaster, on the veyed to me at public auction, I t cash, which land is described i follows: Beginning at an iron stake, co > er of King and Tracy streets ? Kings Mountain, NT. C., and ru r with Tracy street, 8. 3 W. 126 f< to a stake; thence N. 22 1-2 W. feet to a stake; thence N. 2 . 1 , feet.to a stake in south margin King street; thence along the sot margin of King street, 8. M 1-2 50 feet to the beginning. This t 24th day of November, 1927. A. H. Patterson, Trustee. V Wiin a social Call. OTMiHKwt-1) Fri* irtA play rue I r->yrw cam ooir Ismail V . 4|V Ma* ^ ^ State of North Carolina, County of Cleveland. la the Superior Court. Arthur U Parker, Plaintiff, Vs. " Addle Parker, Defendant. U NOTICE n The defendant, above-named, v take notice that an action eutiti a. as above has been commenced in t e. Superior Court of Cleveland Coun n Nortfti Carolina, wherein the pla n tiff seeks &n absolute divorce fr< the defendant; that said defendt d will also take notice that she Is ? quired to appear at the Clerk of t d superior Court's office In Shelby, r- c., on the 6th day of January, 19 it- and answer or demur to the co t- plaint now on file in said action r- Hie said Clerk'B office, or the pla tiff will apply io> t,he Court for the n lief demanded in said complaint. ? This the 6th day of Deceinb " 15*37. 10 A. M. Hamrick, 11- Clerk of Superior Court. 8- ?adv?jan 6. le , ...' ;? P- 8ay, "I taw It in The Herald." ? Thanka. . 4 - ' . 4 at ;; al < al S |: Plonk Bros. II & Co. k \ E. :; ie llnmrnmimninin ;r~~^ ; CllSilllllli I m A * 1 A " f I SI. * * ia-3 7 - BEST UIISHESI DK ^ >nir. I- P. P. Levei p'1 ' GASTC u 1 MtMMMA 5 rn. Merry C ^ Join the Army Mt We don't meet J 60 I Summitl 221 R. R. Ave. i ' ' - . ' ' .S K ' . . , V X. JJeT7\Dw T it AW rcMA *ee, __J rote ioohan, l rue momcvdaic JIT 1-nrMMie f wwr-T WlfUfl j' ^ ' *? JCJ . i /fl I y? BjI /j Lv/^ i{//M ^4 i x\ !% \ Vj ra p ii l? {i KING STREET | "? ;: SERVICE STATION | ,n j: Shell Products ;: " :: GEORGE MOSS | ctiftlifniiis 1937 _ *"'( m * fi2 * + 4 ML + A * 11 + if; wmmam I All the Christmas = 1 Credit You Want. Just Say Charge It ! MORRIS | JEWELERS .'! | 193 W. Main St. | Gastonia, N. C. ji Open Evening Until * ! Christmas 1 mm r.- i J3g % . - ' - V ntis & Co. Inc. UNM, N. C. I MMIi] hristmas To All of Nu-Wav Shnniumi Prices, We Make lien. ' ' ' :'s Nu-Way H. L. Sum mitt, Prop. By PERCY L. CROSBY TMMie7t h ( M LflSL- C (? II