AT HOMB .?; VOIm 82 NO. bt State And 1 Condensed ] ?Nations] News? Charleston, 8. C-, Deo. 29.?Qen? at Ctiarlcs P. Susnuienall, preside ol The Citadel, announced today in he bad received news of the dea of Cadet WiilDaui P Soinervllle at b home in Boynton, Fin., Boinervillc, Citadel freshman, died . after an a pendfcitls operation. nutniia, Dec. Z9.?Maiine auttaoi tlea here wcro advised today th the Standard Vacuum Oil vess 1'oorak ran aground on the ea ccaat of tiebu lslaud In the centr Philippines Sunday. It carried crew of 36. . Rome, N. Y., Dec. 29.?Mies Don thy Dixon. 22 year old store - clei lay near death in Rome hospital t day, victim of a pistol bullet fus -lade which police held her uncle t marriage, Louis B. McQlnnls, 36, f< questioning. Chief of Police Jesse T. Owens sal McGlnnls told him he shot the gl "because she broke up my home." -v . ..v.--. ' vv''- ... Washington, Doc. 29.?Uusunll w ell informed officials said toda President Roosevelt would tell Cot Kress next tgeek that the ,1938-39 bu get can bo balanced If relief expei ditures can bo held within bounds. Th? budget which he will send t Capitol Hill January 4 is not oxpoc ed to contain a definite relief est mate. Betause of uncertainty aboil .the severity and duration of ttyt cui rent business recession, the Pics dent probably will give only a tent? tlve figure. ' ' ... . Washington, Dec. 29.?The eon .mcrce department announced toda '< TTnIld ? 1 *' " , vhmw ouui-b inercnanaisi export showed a $151,670,000 excess of ci port's over Imports hi the first 1 .months of the year. . Although imports ran ahead of e: porta during most of the year th |t .last few months ohanged the tren and November alone accounted fn t$91,466,000 cf the export, balance. Shanghai, Dec. 29.?Floyd Sinltl an American explorer, arrived toda preparing for a hazardous Journe to the mountninlnndB of Szechwa province to hunt the giant Panda. Smith previously trapped one t the rare animals but it died nea Singapore on its way to a I.ondo zoo. Greenbrook. N. J., Dec. 29.-?Thel Infant slain and laid under the Clin tmas tree, with the presents p":'c they had a dispute with a taner.: c er heat,, a village florist and K ^young wife wept hysterically todu at the home of neighbors who kep them in seclusion. Womenfolk of the community toj turns laying strong but gentle baud on Mrs. Louis Bordoion since sh found the body of her five month old * Christiana in a pool of blood > mong the gifts she and her husban had bought for their first-born. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 29.?-Dr. 8ta ley High, writer, authority on lnte: national afQalrs and former advise to President Roosevelt, suggested i an Interview here today that th President Is looking with favor o the idea of a third party. Laughing Aro Witli IRV From the Sii .1,}. : . V ; : - - v- By IRVI f\OWN In the old malarial belt indolence of the dwellera in illustration of thia attribute, a sfc Miller, of Virginia. Miller aaid that in a re mot resident was being buried. The fu <Kurch to the grave yard passe funded. The pair in question were eng their favorite occupation of doini was stretched on the earth with h and bis face to the road. His wii irHOto^tlfcir <Hreeti<>n, massaging the o^r'wa^?I*lAe tlniliis Ms ifc, -vHf .'s* _ I I A j National News In Brief Form ?State News? ?r- Coarari Dec. 29s?The Conoori iTt fire department Jx&d the unusuu at Christmas present of nut having t( ih answer a single fire alarm, a checl is1 of records showed here today. I ? p'j Hemp, Dec. .29<--As a result of th' | action of a coroner's jury here yes ' tciday James, Davis, of r-?rthr??rf. i. "'j being held for taveatigtuion |u th< at j death of Brvin Brower,. 20 year olc negro. who died as a result of tnju s' i ries .received in a highway accident a| Saturday night. ? | - ' j Aberdeen, Dec. 20-?Mies Cornells I Shaw, librarian emeritus of David ' (son dollege, died last night at- tto? "h home here of her sister, Mrs. Robert ?"i N. Page. Sr.. after a few drys' 111' liess of septic sere throu' and heart y complications. Miss Shaw was the >ri daughter cf the late Mr. and Mrs ! Peter Shaw. *1 . * rl * FayetteviUe, Dec. 28.?The . body c< Mrs. Nannie Fisher, 49 year oid . widow, wns found early today iu the ly ashes of her home near here, y The home, on Cedar Creek road, three miles from Fayetteville, bumd ed shortly after midnight. City Firei-'men w-ere .called, but the flames had j gained so much headway th&t they o were unable to extinguish them. t-j . j?; - . I- til/ "(!>>%' Dec. 29,?llatyh Gardner, it; "26 year old Yale law student, set a r:11 olttK-al course for himself today ' like that followed by his father, forLiner Governor O. Max Gardner. Angler, Dec. 29.?Chester Johnson, 17. bf near Angler, was dead today after an unknown hll-jand-run driver j) ran into him on highway 1"-A Just J inside the Wake county line iatc last night as Johnson rode a bycycle I homeward. i Highway patrol and \\"ake county 0]<qfllcers sought the driver but his 1. ,jdentlty had not been established. ir' nald Captain Charles Farmer, of the *s|rsi rfWiiiii ; Jo'insrn, rrturning- after carrying a companion honvc. suffered leg and h imterrnl Injuries and died at a docy. tor's office. nj Raleigh, Dec. 29.?a $100,000 ! check lrom the Z. Smith Reynolds foundation of Winston-Salem was to r-dny In the hands of Dr. Carl V, Reyn ltoldsk, state health officer. The foun dutloij recently announced the I it would give the Income from $7,000,,.ioOO to a. campaign to eradicate syph ills In North Carolina. "l ' v Hamlet, Dec. 29.?Mrs. Agatha ;add> Wallace and her 13 year old y'daughter, Neoma, are In the hospital " | 11 re with severe injuries received , ! y< terday afternoon in an automov ,-Uile accident. 8 s Greensboro, Dec. 23.?Officers hunt ? ed today the author of a note Dr. J. d H. Boyles, Greensbor physician reported bo' had received demanding $1,000 and threatening bodily harm ft if he failed to comply, r- The doctor raid he was Instructed to bury tba $1,000 hi "unmarked" it $10 bills at a street intersection here e A dummy package was burled at the n place, officers raid, but no one came for It. | i 1 ( und the World in s. cobb ie of the Road N S. COBB ; below Mason and Dixon's line, the the low grounds is proverbial. In ory used to be told by the late Poik e district the body of' a prominent neral procession, on its wsy from (he d * cabin where an ancient couple aged that afternoon in the pursuit of L nothing' whatsoever. The old maa beck against the wall of the hoose ' e, in a rickety arm-chair, was facing ; her front teeth with n snuff stick. join' by," - J parts," he answered, "lfore'n twenty Peaesl af mo'ners on foot." ^eeethntttme fan el. - '. - - . " 'l KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. * SNEAKIN^otti > I 1 - . - - .1 ' [hotel ii i tJ?=Jlfi (:; \ : JS. > : ^an ? ?B cxes^rj^t BTTK^ ? ... 5 KW0E3 tEZZf&ZS?) ?S9? : ' eaziGr. 1 .TFTif^. CT-3 . . b (STW t:-"CT21 ; J George G. Boone Dies At Age Of 73 George G. age 73. passet J C"?uay at his home ou Railroad ave i nue early Christmas eve, following u\ critical illness of two weeks. ' Funeral services were held at Cer ;iial Methodist church. Suiuluy after j i.Ooii, at 2:00 o'clock and iutermen j made, in Mountain Rest .cemetery ! Rev. W, fox. pastor of the de ' ceased; was In chaige c-f the servl ! ?.es. assisted by Rev. P. D. Patrick ] pastor of the Presbyterian churct i ud Rev. A. F. Connor, the pastor o! tlie Wesleyan Methodist church. Active pallbearers were J. .C. Kel ler, 6. R. Suber. W. F Logan. George j Whltei J. H. Stewart and Joe Walk er.. Mr. Bcone' was burled with Ma . - cn'.c honors, the members of th< j lo-al order at leading in a body. Me is survived %> his widow, thres V'icgtaters, Mrs. Ella MeDanlel, Mrs Claude Ware and Mrs Charles Ken nedy, all oI Kings Mountain; one soli, Clemonsee Bcone. of Hemp, i Also surviving are thirteen grand clilldieii atid three greatgrandchild rcri. One sister. 'Mrs. John Smith j and one brother, J. J. UOone, survive Mr. Boone was a native North Cat j jlinian and spent the greater pari , of his life in and near Kings Moun tain. Siucc early life he has been Intl. estcd in the textile industry and has held responsible positions in cottoi; j mills of Kings Mountain, Bessemei | City, and elsewhere. ? He was of a retiring, quiet dlspo sitlon but faithful to any trust, ? kind and affectionate husband and father. For many years he has beer , a faithful member of Cnntral Meth ^dtsit. church of which he bad servec as an official member. , rnie funeral was attended by f large number of friends and relatives from KingB Mountain and neigh taring places. Gaston Man Is Seriously Slashed Oastonfa. Dec. 28.?Bessemer Clt: . police continued today an unsuc ceaaful search for an unidentlfiei imn who seriously wounded M. H Neil, 34, overseer at A'gotkon Mann faoturlng company, Bessemer Clt; textile plant, as the climax of an ar guinetU *at Walt Gladden's flllini station on Bessemer City-King Mountain highway. A Bessemer City ambulance driv er vvso brought Netl to a local bospl tal, where he is in a serious condl tlon with a knife wound in the abdo men, eatd the unknown man escapei In a Kings Mountain taxJ after plun King a knife into Neil. No one knev htm. It waa said, not even Neil. Th< r-asaault ended an argument bet-wee Nell and the stranger whloh startc over an automobile, it was reported Court Held Here Recorder's Court waa held her yesterday afternoon with Judge Bj 11 um Weathers on the bench, an ,F!.|m4c Hoyle, Jr., propecSiCtag to the State. The docket was cleared with onl a few routine caaes being tried. Yw driving drank caaes were heard, an one public drankennes waa dtapoae of. Bank Closed Saturday In obserrance of New Year's Da] tbe first National Bank will be ch> ed Saturday, January 1st. itain I X'': -? \ ' r I THUR8DAY, DEC. 30, 1337 m mW f ^ ir Vsj/BB^vlJSr Christmas Made A flappy Occasion Many families in and nea^ Kings i'oumtin were remembered by the taricust religions .organizations and l m/llvlduals making Christmas happy ! fan:>i Clans was sent into malty fj hemes where he- might not have fpnnd his way otherwise, ij P Several responded _ to the appe.-l * niade hy this: paper for the Heraldt Fire-inn Err.cif Stocking fund, . f bieh provided- tlie money to pur tbase toys for the needy little folks - Kings- Mountain. , Baskets of groceries, f ruhs and I Chr>tn','a poodles were given out r by most of the Churches. Sundav | S< licol^. and Bible Classes. One Men's Bible Class raised over $1?>0 >'which was spent for foods which -was distributed Christmas. One prominent citizen remarked . late Chritmas Kve: "I feel sure evi 'cry family In Kings Mountain has (vVuir remembered this year." . t| , ; Three Deer Killed I :? I, Three deer were killed on the last hunt of the-seascjt at the NeJs Irr Hutfjtrg Preserve -?it* Easter North Carolina. Joe Neisler, F. Tidwcll . and Hunter Neisler were tlio three hunters who brought home the b.v : eon. One of the hunters, reported I013 of does were seen, but it is a violai t ' the law to sheet one. Vho end of the hunt. Court was fj held and the' accused was found i ctvlty. tr.t tnteivce.-j to loose his shirt-tail. Tom Fulton was the one appointed to perform the operation. These making the trip were: Joe I Noisier, Charlie Williams; Tom Ful II ton, Charlie Dilling, Gene Neisler, l! J. M. Williams. Hunter Neisler toe | I/ee Woodward, John Logan, F. Tid i, well, Fuller MuGlll, Paul Noisier | HPayne Blaekmer, W. A. Rldenhour, i j aud Charlie Moss, the last four bird hunted. Quiet Christmas Chief of Police Jimmy Burns re ports the Cbristmtau ihi?lto,*ys Jus! passed unusually quiet Only one 01 two routine arrests were made dur y iug the past week end. There was J no outstanding disorder reported t< j the Police Department accordfng t< ! Chief Burns. ; *? ~? j' Will Rogers' Humorous Story - ? '* By WILL ROGERS 1 INHERE was ldd in New Hatr.rX -U1 si A. A. ? L I? % - anire msv m our in ner fUl, /, Her dmd was a guy that was ?f<V. rj*, "v. 6 careful with money, but he couldn't r- do a thing nor neither could hii d family to get that bug out They _ tried to drown the thing in watr and applejack and oil, and the k:j yelled worse, ao they took ha> to f a doctor. o The doc took her into a dark d room and lit a match, and the bog d come right ont to the light The aad was glad. "How much do I own yon, Dr. Fordyte?'' he dollars." "Say, doc, that seems Irlhdn high, dent It? Can't you make it a dr'Tar ? seein' as how the bug walked cut aC hy hlaeelf ?" o?ricN^r, -t . - * ' i.?* ; < , 1 '?V. , % ikiiiiSliiSliiSriliiiStflHitiSMijWi lerald i POST OFFICE SETS NEW RECORD HERE C The biggest Christmas businees in the history of the local poet office was cFalked up'here last week according to Postmaster W. E- Blake .ly. The last quarter of 1937 exceeded any other quarter since the Post Office was opened by $700. Most of i this, increase was attributed to the ' Christmas rush. Twenty five thousand 1'/2 cent stamps were sold tor' mw iiiMMiny OT unnnmil tjards 2kCcording to Poatmaater Biakely. For the four day* prior to Qhristmas Eve over 10,000 peicee of mail wae cancelled on the machine at the local post office. Pcetmaeter Biakely was well ' I pleas:d with the good business, and the satisfactory manner in which the ' unusually large volume' was handeled. ' ' Two Men Admit j Theft of Mail - _ ! Robbery o| the, (1 rover mail bags and the burning of the first class mall for that town early Sunday i morning has been cleared up "by ] the confession of two men \Vho are, now in the Cleveland county jail, < 'beJig Investigated for further seri-! ous crimes. j i The men are Alexander Athjer. 26 ] 1 Cf New York and Gus Hart, 2ll', wlio'i I said he is from Greenville, 8. C. ! r | Arrests and lmprtsonmenrt came Sunday after the early morning , theft of the mail bag which, is drop-j ' ped' by Southern train No. 37 going , ! south through Grover. The confessed lubbers left a highpowered Chrysler car hi GrdVer, r ; found to be the. property of H. Nel-j j - an of New Orleant. it wis out of g gasoline nnd the men confessed they ) tolibed tht. mails In order to get a o little money to purchase gasoline. \ Deputy \V. U. liltekhurn c.t Arcli- j [Vile nr li- Kinsu Mrimtntn i"-*1 irrests and with the aid of (.'has h I Sheplier and Ureel Ware of Kings ( Mountain, lodged thent in Jail ! e ? * Birch, Famous , ' I Magician, .Coming ?? > i ? . , According to an announcement Dy * A". E. Blakely, Post Commander of j l the Atuferii.ian Uagion, Birch, Ameri-j a's foremost magician, with his com 1 pa'ny cf assisting artists will play , an engagement in this city on Thorsjl ' nay. Janv 6th, at the High School] auditorium. The Birch show is tile largest' t i Mt?\*o. production now on tour iitj* his country. . Equipment, .sfettery j' .I'd effects wilued in excess of $25.- ' oOO are carried arid will be seen at ' he loi al performance; \ > Of the entire jemark iblc array or'r I illusions, perhaps the most baffling' 1 is the famous Hindu Rope Trick, j IX r ceniurlc tiiis has been lite most. ! 'j -.Ukcd-of and colorful of all fet.itsj1 ' of legerdemain. An ordinary piece of; rope i& tossed intd the air, it re- 1 ' ma'ns. I'gid, a Hiudti hoy climbs the ^ rope, and In the twinkling of an eye disappears! 1 Heading the Birch staff of assistIn? artists is .^j^bel Sperry; hailed ( l>y critics as the world's greatest Kitl xyloplronist ~Miss Sperry charms 1 music lovers everywhere with birl- 1 Mant solos on her special Marimba Xylophone. "We believe we have been of real service to our community in booking the Birch engagement. It is not oft[' en that we arc permitted to view a r performance of such real merit." one of the officers of the local Post of t| the American I^egion declared in ) discussing the contract and show. ) ' . ?^ Timber Estimates Are Recommended An accurate estimate of the num ! her of cctds of pnlpwood stumpage which can be cut from an area may save considerably more than the vOst of the estimate, says, It. W. Uraeher. extension forester at State College. VIMiilo It la noiiornllw nilt'lcnhln in ?i iiiiv I* 10 f,ruri(iiii uuiidiiuiv iw tell pulpwood on the .basis of the, number ef cords actually cut, Grae ber says that In sonte cases it may be necessary to make advance estimates of production. Ttl State. College forester Quotes the Forest Service - of the U. S. Department of Agriculture aa saying < that an estimate or cruise should be nade by a competent estimator on any traot of more than 80 acres if there la a good stand of timber about ten cords or more per acre. On a small tract, the estimating can be done at the same time the rees are marked. With a small brush and ? can of white paint, each ree to be cut can be daubed with i splotch of paint. The mark wll Test for < year or more. Oraeber suggests that timber own Is needing assistance in estimating elr timber stands can obtain help 'rem their county agents, who work n cooperation with the extension 'oresters at State Colege. THE HERALD FIVE CENTS PER CpPVI First Baby Of 1 1938 To Get Gifts, Hints Mountain's first 1938 baby | is going to gat sjinu fine presents , J from progressive merchants. For the 4 past three years this h-is been the custom with local merchants. The stork will have to decide who , will be the winner of the valuable -? gifts. This" year several of the mer- ! chants will also present the doctor, who presides at the "Ble'ssod Event" with gifts. Merchants ar.d prizes to he given .3 ire as ivllows: 4 Griffin Drug Co.. a surprise for Doth baby ar.d doctor. Uelk's Department store, pair of J bahy shoes, and present for doctor. i D F. I lord Furniture Co., I-iyotle ;| flasket for baby and smoking stand 1 lor dot tor. Heeler's De>>a^3:nent Stare, Baby Blanket and surprise gift for doctor. f Victory Gin Co., 500 wounds of coo.! Homo Bu.ld-.iR and Loan Assorts- ' [Jon, month's payment on one 'share Building and Loan Slock. KinRs Mountain Herald, one year's subscript ten. " 1 Doctors are asked to report imnto iijtely the. arrival of Little Mr. or - .j Miss l!t:i8 to the Herald Office. Altlottncetnent of the winner will be nade in the next issue of the Herald. More Books Added ro Library Apptoxinrately -200 new books have Ccer.tly been added to the Kings dountain Public Library. The bocks J re h> the most popular authors and rave been going like "hot cakes'* i \ ince they were pliced on the sheles. Kvery single ucw book that was J ilaced on the shelves went out the er.v first afternoon. The Public Llirary is yours, and you are invited o use it. Miss Davis, Librarian, askd that those who get 'new books be ery careful with them, as she wants o keep them new looking as long as ' | tossible. Another copy of "Gone With The Vlnd" has been donated. which ^ ^ irings the total to five 'copies of 1 his extremely popular book. Found Dead By Railroad Tracks m Punernl services were hold Sun- j lay afternoon for Lester Cunningiatn who was found dead early "hristmas motr'.i:^ beside the South m T5-iI1rr-d . ti.'-.ks. north of the "Miettix . M til. Officers found the body vh'.chhad evidently been struck by i passing train sontetitne during the tight. Mr Cunningham was employed at hp Cera Mill. Complete details of he accident could not be found out. fiaston Officer Facing Charges Gastonia, Dec. 28.?A Gaston coun fy deputy, sheriff. Arthur Roach of Gastcflia. charged with assault with a deadly weapon and drunkenness yesterday by I. P. Shives, Dallas man. . _ Shives In a warrant filed with Sheriff Clyde Robinson for service alleged Deputy Roach. In a drunken rendition threatened himself and his rather with a pistol and almost rail Into them with his automobile. The incident occurred Christmas eve ' 1 night in Dallas, Shives said. !> iputy Roach ttm'gnedi. pending. \ the outcome of a hearing before Lfn.e. T ntl.on C*rMa.. rullea O-P \>i iwunuM A uu'i; ai i/auoua oavurday. . ($ailun(ftoti I wQnufUhcU by James Pre$tor_ (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are Not Necessarily tha Views of This Newspaper.) As they departed for borne and the Christmas holidays, m^ny Congressmen wondered what they slfould <lo to keep themselves right with the world. ~~ > First, for several years, they did what they were told to do, and they were labelled "rubber stamps." Then a few months ago they decided to legislate as they thought best, and row, because they have killed or 3 pjgon-holed legislation which they hclleved would be harmful, some folk* are calling them "do nothings'. "I'm In the frying pan if I do fol*cw the leader and In the fire If I Con't", one Obog^esmrmn, mournful- . 3 ly summarized. ? 9 - The truth cf the matter la that Congress did so little bemuse It real Jj y Is worried about the business re- 1 (Cont'd on back page) ' , , - >1

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