I ^? UY AT MOM* voc. ?4 no. a State And Ni Condensed In ?National Newt? fl Washington, Feb. 21?The Rural Kl? o-rification Administration n-' c oouneed today allotment of $111,000 < to a North Carolina organization. < Tfco Edgecombe-Martin County K- i lectrlo Mem hers hip Corporation, t Tarhoro, N. C., waa allotted $111,000 < to build about 107 mllea of line In Kdgcoojnbc, Martin and Pitt oountiea ' t ? h Washington. Feb. 22.--Senator Bai C ey, Democrat, North Carolina, at- c tempted today to insert in the $250.- t 000,000. emergency relief bill a re- j t <iuirement that cities pay onedourthjg of the cost of relief projects. wisehington, Feb. 22.?American naval manuevers beginning in the Pactflo Ocean next month, officials ' 3l?3ooed today, will cover more ^ tnan twice tne territory utilized in last year's mock battles. * 1 Mt ** ' _ Buffalo,. N. Y., Feb. 22.?When the automobile of Palmerino La Faice. t Buffalo inventor, exceeds a speed of t 36 miles an hour, a buzzer warns c htm. He says it helps him to obey' , the law. . i | The device, attached to his speed ometer, also switches on lights on , i the front and vear of his car wneu |., It attains Any speed set ns a niaxi- J j idum. This, it was assumed, would j notify traffic police that the driver was speeding. a ? . ? . v Washington, Feb. 22.?House pas- c sage of a tax revision bill by 5.became the goal today of tire j f House Ways and Means Committee, * ' t which tentatively bas approved the j bulky measure. . . Members said they hoped to bring - the Mil befohe the House early next week. Democratic Leader Rayburn f said debate should require three or,f four days. j' ?? . j? " . Los Angeles, Feb. 22.^-Paul A.; 1 Wright, slayer of hia wife and ,? friend, John Khnmel, remained in ri ; the County Psychopathic Ward to- 1 ' day, but the last barrier to bis ulti- 1 m; < freedom had beUM^Muredi Walteihoro, 8. C., Feb. 22.?Lottie Keneey, a negro woman, waa heia 1 In jail here today on a charge of fa- ' tally shooting J. 8. Padgett, 71 year 1 ' AlA fnvTMOr an#! notlnoH inarohanl I VIU miUIVl O.UV4 vn? VM near iBlandton in upper Colletoa | County yesterday morning. | Sheriff B. L?. Rhodes said the women admitted the shooting, but con. tended that she acted In self-defense after Padgett had threatened her with a s^ick of wood. She was quot-1 fed an saying Padgett came to her . home to dispossess her of some property. , Mjaaila, Feb. 22.?The fierce headhunting llongot Tribesmen were re-. ported to have slaughtered four mmnherB of & family in Nueva Eclja ' Province today. Authorities said a forthcomingllongot wedding probably Inspired^ the headhunting expedition. ?** ? -r i 11 irta i MB( In emu vi nvnpw i i ^ ally uk the groom to )n1ng In Cnrls-1 . tins beads before thjrf wedding to demonstrate trie bravery and dourI age. Cbkago, Feb. 22.-rA possibility \ i that Dr. Max B. Sam met was Meji victim of political enemies was pro-' . Jeeted today In an appeal to the. De- < part moot of Justice for aid In solv- j (ng the mysterious slaying of the self-exiled war hero. ! in wis m ee SB as ss as p ( . v ? Laughing Aroui With iRvir ' Why Daniel By IkVIN A REFORMED post-prandial oral. 1 E B ^^C*drunh on hU owi I I eame eofililpl throogh the haae of aem^I? Ohutratlon of the point I'i attention to an hial*|a example. s^hMimat *a?f H ;:v Mt itmkJtomJimmJ* wont dinner Vmom." ^ Kings I' 1 1 , ' ' ir itional News1 i Brief Form?HUte News? Morgan ton, Feb. S3.?Three young J nen were found guilty of robbing ? )ak Hill School In Burke 8uperlor , ?ourt yesterday and were awaiting ( lenience today aa the court made t ap.'d progress into the docket of Id rlmlnal cases. - , Alex Copeland pleaded gulMy to . making and entering and larceny,; ( vhile a, jury found Carrill Houk. and t lordon Shuffler guilty of the same :ount. Judge Rousseau deferred sen on.'>tn at Ihn t?/\nlke ww? ??V J vuiuo. uni U1U DUWt'18 J ?> a directed verdict was found not ;uilty.. ] Greensboro, Feb. 22.?Judge John F. Parker of the United States Cir- 1 :uit Court of Appeals, Charlotte, was j 0 speak to students and faculty of he Woman's College at a Washingon's Birthday chapel program today. ^ , Ashevllle, Feb. 22.?The reading i >f papers, clinics and election of of- ? leers occupied physicians of the Car < illnas and Virginia here today at ( he closing sessions of the Trl-Btate Medical -Association's convention. ] This year, by custom, the presl- i lent-elect of the association will be < 1 South Carolinian. Dr. Howard R. i Masters. of Richmond, Va., Is the i >resent president. < ; t Mooresvtlle, Feb. 22.?A net profit j u 223,000 dollars from operations | luring the past year was reg>orted , it the annual meeting of. the stbek- i otders of the Mooresville Cottou dills which was held here' yesterday , f i Concord. Feb. 22.?The more than J 100 students of Mt. Pleasant, High md Elementary School were^ enjoyng an unexpected holiday iod((^ aft?r Principal J. F. Woodward ' ? announced yesterday afternoon he school would dose for the reneinder of the week because of tho ncasles epidemic that has hit the 'VlUUIUUIIi/. Henderson, Feb. 22.?Clarence Fairbanks, 23 year cM Itinerant, -will | tot be tried cm a charge of hactng < o death his employer, Steve Cobd, iroprietcr of a miniature circus, unit the regular term of, Vance Super- ' or Court. The ycuth was brought Into court it the beginning of a special term .vhleh opened here yesterday, but Solicitor E. R. Tyler decided not to ?all the case at this term, since loubt arose whether the regular trand Jury could function at the -pecfal term. Concord. Feb. 22.?A third offer to Innate a tract of land as the sue for the proposed $1,600,000 veterans' hospital in Cabarrus County Wax/v ?A<la? ?J$inn CVirmap lirauc ucio iuuoj ? uv? 4 v* > < State Senator Albert Palmer and Sguilty Surveyor Rcoce Long offerf to give a parcel on the L<ake Con i/d Road about three miles from Concord. Concord, Feb. 22.?A merger of the Concord Dally Herald-Observer and the Concord Dally Tribune was Announced here today. Publication of both papers will be continued) but It is planned to Issue both from a single plant In the near future. The announcement said no change of policy was contemplated. nd the World n! S. COBB ked So Pleased S. COBB ir?one who had taken the cure and a group of oa the owher day. ariug my own voice," he said; "few a eloquence and become a confirmed nefarious career that I finally bevanity which had been blinding me the feces of the other guests when Mctioa, pronounced my well Known n trying to make, I may call your Have you fellows ever seen copies ll In the Lions' Dwif Well, did you I expression en As Prophet's facet , t news what Pve been trying to ids* he knows he's about to be prehnuO'te listen teeny ef the after- * I Pmtossn InJi . . -./V /.?. y -if/Y; &-v-V Jkjl abb IflUllll L^MaaWina ~~7l National Prise 1 < Mr. Harold C'OHtai. maMcn ot ] * eKIngs Mountain Kurnlture Co., U hi proud a~"er of a $200.90 chock ( lent uuu Tuesday aa winner In a na- k lonal ecu teat. The conieat was open tored by the Kelvcnator Company or all their dealers throughout the } >ntlre United States. There was only lght prizes offered and to be declar- ( td one of the winners U a distinct (j tonor. h Mr. Cogging wrote a 50 word let- . er on "Sales Closing" and for his . 'forts be Is $200 richer. This figur- ^ ?s $4.00 per word which is, to soy ' he least, a very good rate for letter . writing, Congratulation, Mr. Cog- * tins, 3nd may your good fortune cou ,nuc- ? King's Mountain c Native Buried ? e The body of DM*. Wray, Kings Mountain native, was brought hero or burial in the Wray family plot, t< n Mountain Rest cemetery, Wednes- C lay afternoon. Mr. Wray died in tho 1 ?rowell Hospital. Llucolnton, Mon* it lay afternoon after a brief illness. He was a sou of the late Dr. ana tl Mrs. J. A. Wray, who were promt- 1* tent citizens of Kings Mountain at 1: >ne time, later taking up residence c n Shelby. Mr. Wray was Carolina' S epresentative of a . large machine t company of Syracuse, N. Y., and resided iu Hickory." ? Mr. Wray was twice married. He * s survived by his widow and the following .children: Mrs. D. A. Porter t if Fayettevllle, Tenn.; James W. t Wray, Harrlville, N. Y.; D. 1*. Wray, h Jr., Raleigh, N. C.; Mrs. W. J. Lan- ti : aster, Orlando. JFla.; Paul H. Wray, .(! CThai'.jtte; Mra. Roy Stallings, Wal- h ler H. Wfay, Dorothy and Jean , Wray, all of Hickory; four brother, I.'A. Wray, York, S. C.; R. T. Wray 1 Charlotte, A. B. and Linton Wray, ' rf Vale; one sister, Mrs. John K i Wells of Shelby. | Qv/vikat* if Anol Mon 1~F* V11IV1 VI iJUWttl xuait Killed By train i i " ! MOrady A. a^ttOwr^M, prUudOj?l#Ot the el?nw?tatFSr^3hool at Cherokee 1 Falls. S. C.. aud a brother of W. W. J' Souther of Kings Mountain, was fa-j tally Injured shortly after 5 o'clock;' last Friday afternoon when he fell under the wheels of a Southern Rail- i y way freight train at the Sixth av-i1 enue crossing in Hendersonvllle. {!l Coroner Bruce A. Cox of Hendet- E sonville said an eye-witness told 11 him that he heard Souther scream and. saw him fall under the wheels. 1 * Both legs were severed above the knees and Souther died within tea ' minutes after being taken to the 0 Patton Memorial hcspttal there. The coroner said the train haa stopped at the crossing and that a Souther, apparently attempting to r cross between the two cars, fell from the' coupling when the train c started again. The funeral was held Sunday aft-' ernoon at 3 o'clock at the First Bap a tlst church in Q-astonla, with Rev. ;9 Hubert Huggins, pastor cf the Dal-,v las Baptist church In charge. Bur la t e was In Hollywood cemetery. j11 Mr. Souther Is sdrvlved by his _ 1' wife, who was Miss Logan, three 2 sister. Miss Tina Souther and Mrs. i e The mas Owens of Gaatonia, Mrs.) a James Pressley of Belmont, and by 3 three brother. W. W. Souther 011 Kings Mountain and Charles and ? J. U Souther of Rutherfordton. !a Mr. Souther was a young man of; ambition and promise. He was a graduate of Wake Forest College, and had made teaching his life work. He was a man of the highest ideals and of sterling Christian character. a. _ ' State Income Tax Man Coming Cliff Picket, Jr., Deputy Commissioner with the State Revenue Department will be at the Town Han on March 9th for the purpose of assisting taxpayers in filing their stats income tax report. All tingle persona whose annual Income is {1,009 or more and all married persona whese Income is $9,000 or more are requtr cU W KOMV murui, ah irpvna uiuoi be In on or before March 16th to tbe State Department of Revenue la Raleigh. Troop Five News * Trooip 1 met Monday and recognls ed three ne>w members to the troop/ Since tt. wma play night we, playeo rush and many other mna Troop 6 has a foil troop of 11 members. We had one Ragle Scout from our Troop recognised at the Oenrt of Honor at the High School Thursday, bringtsg oar eonnt vp tc two angles. Scribe Charles Gaatt Scoutmaster, Jack Hulleader. . i*' t , vjk W- - ?; C'.f.;v! i fir 'it rfif Hi il * ? tfcin F URftOAV, PC*. K tIM . I rvin Allen To 1 inter Race For iherifPi Office Irvln Allen, well-known farmer iid fcrmrr Sheriff cf Cleveland ounty Is going to be In the race giln this yesr. When asked by the lerali Reporter this /week whether e was going to be a candidate fcr leriff in the coming primary he relied: "I certainly am gciug to be i the race, but not to consider this ly formal announcement, (will give ou that later, but I am out to win gain this time." Mr. Allen made a cod shewing in the last election, ut was defeated by Raymond Cllne, ho It is understood will ask for relectlon. Mr- Allen Is considered one 1 the best farmers in Cleveland ounty. -It Is generally understood that W. l.ogan will be in the three-cornred race for the shcrlft. George Allen, brother of Irvln, Is ?eling the voters out as to whether j announce for Clerk cf Superior Ourt of Cleveland County. A. M. iamrickr present Clerk, I3 not goig to ask for re-election. Raymond Saunders, who ran for tie Ix>wer House of the State Legisiture In the last election is seriousr considering offering himself as ? andldate for State Senate. Mr. minders is employed at the Mnr race Mill. If all four candidates announce lumber 4 Township will be well rep esented on the County ticket. There has also been quite a bit of alk among local politicians about rytng to get a man from Kings fountain to run for a member ot lie County Commissioners, hut up to he present time, a likely candidate as not been decided on. Jryan Ellison Sets Parole Bryan Ellison, 13-year-old Kings d untain .high school graduate who rent to State prison from Qastoa kiptrlor Court in October, 1936. Tot !rt? automobile wreck death of Don lis CaudWe, another Kings Mountain oy, was set free today by Gov ?rnor 'lyde R. Hoey. Sentenced to serve three-to-fjvc ears by Judge J. Will Pless of Maico. when lie- pleaded guilty to a iianslaughter charge, Ellison bad erved a little over 15 months of the erm. Ellison told Judge Pless, Caudle res killed when he lost control ol *s rcrdster in which Caudle ana '.vc. c.-lier boys were riding with him n Dallas-Cherry vllle highway near Clngs Mountain. They had been finking whiskey and beer together nd he lost control of the oar on n ever?c banked curve, he said. iLINIC OPEN8 HERE Mothers of expectant babies, wno re not under the care of a doctor, __ _ __ uu are planning on naviug a imu fife to deliver them, are urged to ?me to the clinic for 'expectant nothers' and for babies, up to one ear of. age. The clinic will start tne 4th of February. It will be held ev> ry fourth Thursday of each month it -t P. M. in the Red Cross Office it the City Hall of Kings Mountain Those wishing* to attend should all at the Red Cross office for an ittendance slip. . ' <n ' , , i o Will Rogers' Humorous Story ' " > By WILL ROGERS COME of the ansa rest letters writ tea find their way into newspaper offices. It seems the natural thin* to do when a hoc has something eraay to say to tell it to a r>r overworked editor. But once a while a really funny one comes along, and that reminds me of a Mtt+r received by the editor of a tabloid newspaper for his "Embairasdng Momenta" column. The paper pays a dollar apiece for these letters and this one ran as fellows:. "I work on the late shift in an eetomobile factory and came home an hoar early last night. I found another aeaa with my wife and was ewfOIly embarrassed. Please send WeIsJOO because my wife was also ^ThTedStw sent a check for |s.(K> since he was sure the stranger was embarrassed, too. (Aawtfcee Msws IWtwa Ue.1 ' : * .. lerald < . "' \Sm Kings mmI p. t. a. j Celebrates Founders' jDsy Tlx. k.ist Kings Mountain P. T. A. hi-ld its r*gulir monthly meeting Thursday. Keb. 17th. In the East End School. This day being Kouhders Day, there was a special program given in honor of the founders of this organization. The program was presented as follows; Valentine songs, by Kirs.', Second and Tbird grades; Devotion- i al by Supt. B. N. Barnes, then the I business session, after which the pageant. was presented, which was In the form of a caudle lighting service. Those taking part in the pageant were: Mrs. Binney?Mrs. Boyd Put-J nam; Mrs. Hcrst-?Mrs. t?oo. Kenne j c!y; Spirit of the Past?Mrs. Parker; j ! i>a?t nfflfPN *\f I a o t'l.u M ! ?- -w"t '? ??7i> i ?* c unifj", \ilFg Hazel Settlemyre, Mr*. Mac Connor, Mrs. Frank Ballard: Spirit of Prosent: Mrs. Corne|!a tluffstotler; present ofllcois: Mr?. John; Mnuney, Mrs. Edna Kulin. Mrs. H. j C. Wilson, Mrs. J. E Maoney; spirit cf the Future, Miss Ozelle Ktser aJid prayer by Mrs John Mauney. After the program everyone was invlted to the kitchen where cake md hot chocolate were served. Miss Campbell Contest Winner Miss Colleen C-i.npbell, who was chosen as representative of the} Kings Mountain High School-in the! Keesler Memorial Essay contest, as a result of a preliminary contest! held aX Central School, was announ- j ced winner cf first place In the coun . ty contest held at Shelby Friday af-1 i tcrnoon. | Nine high schools of the county1 ! weie represented, each contestant j receiving a cash award. \j. Miss . Campbell received $13. The j setend prize was $8, the third $5, ; and each of. the other six received j $2.00. The Home Building and I-oati Association of Kings Mountain, was I rPCTV'tiKihlp fnr - Mia** Pnmnhoiro r?n I , ! i try. in the county contest and she , was accompanied to Shelby by A. H. . Patterson, Secretaty and Treasurer, of the Association; Mr. Bridges, . high school principal., and Mrs. W. |T. Weir, high school English teacher ,; under whose direction and . througu* whose efforts the preliminary, con. ! test was held. | Dccal sponsors are Highly pleasea , j over the results of the county conl' test and over the Interest shown by ,: teachers and pupils. According to the rules of the 1 Keesler Memorial committee, the es 'says must be written on such subi1 jects as thrift, home ownership, or I elcsely related subjects. .| 'Miss Campbell choEe for her sub!! Jrct. "Heme Making." ' Miss Gamgthell. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell and a member of the Junior class In high school. She will represent (he county" In the contest which will be held at the i meeting of the District Building & 11 Loan l-eague and at this time hand .' some cash prizes will be given. i Grady Patterson Named ! jOn CHI Committee , Mr. !. G. Patterson, local Standard OH Distributor, was elected ViceI Chairman of the Public Relations i Committee of the Cleveland County Petroleum Association at their annual meeting held Monday night In Shelby.. Su GJhnetr S<pargen, Secretary of the North Carolina Association made a very interesting address to the members. Mr. Sparger stressed the dangers of having tax from gasoline diverted to other purpose J besides the roads of tbe state. Lutheran Men Meet Friday The men or St. Matthews i,utneran Church will meet this Friday Evening at 7:00 for a supper and plan evangelistic work to be done during the Lenten Season. Men will prepare and serve the meal in down stairs of the Parish building. Every man of the congregation is urged to be present. Small Fire Yesterday Afternoon Chief Orady King and hit firefighters were called out yesterday afternoon about 3:30 to extinguish s small firs caused by s defective flue at the home of R. L. Mauney on Piedmont Avenue. Very little damage was done, which was esttmateo to be about ISOO. The baseboard ii the reception hell wis slightly burn ?d. No water was pumped on tbt fire, only chemicals were used. 'jjifrri-1 ' * MAO TH* 1 HERALD .'.I FIVE CENTS ran copy *1 Men's Club 1 Ladles Night 1 This Evening 1 K\ cry tiling U (n readiness for % most enjoyable time this evening at the Woman's Club building where (a the members of the Men's Club will entertain tlielr wives and "ladv friend*" at the annual Ladle* Night. ll The- pt?gva;n <^nimittee I'onshhtagr riot Messrs W. M. Boyce, L. W. Hamrick and W. K. Mauney, have everything: lined up for this gala event. 1 j Mr. P. 1). Ilerndon will act as ^ toastinasti r. A delicious five courao dinner will be served by the ladies ' of the Woman's Club. | The pt -giant for tonight to 1 tow a: 5 Croup gongs. Invccatlon?Rev. A. G. Sargeant. Presentation of GueBts. Words of Welcome?D. M. Brldgea Response?Mrs. Paul Neialer. Presentation of Pavers. Music Selection?Mauney Twine. Contest. Prises. - ' V Introduction of Speaker?Rev. ' L. Ik>>d liamm. Address?Dr. D. W. Daniel, of j Cletnson College. j Dinner Music ? Miss Mary ' Roddey Edwards and Mauney Twins. Reading And . { Declamation Contests The Kings Mountain Hlah School Rending and Declamation Contests will be held in the West School Audltorhnn Thursday night. March 3, at eight o'clock. ; I Mr. Tom Fulton annually awards a medal to the winner of the Pearl Fulton Memorial Reading Contest. < The decirmaticn medal is given by Mrs. J. O. llord. in memory of the late Dr. J.C Hord who gave the medal during his lifetime. The local High School winners will represent the schcol in the county contests. : . ' . \ J U I Dry Stretch Ended Here Breaking a period- of little rainfall for several weeks, a fine steady rain began early Wednesday morning: ana ! continued almost all day yesterday. . The temperature also climbed back (up to where it Was several days ago .3 before the cold snap set in. Everyone has been talking about the unusually warm weather for the month of February.^and it h.as been mighty warm for this season of the year, but aciordtug to weather reports from Charlotte Fohruary 1S27 average about 3 1-2 degrees warmer i than this Febbruary. The average ' temperature for February 1927 was : 53.4 compared with this February of about 50 degrees. LOIUS WINS LAST NIGHT Joe Louis, world heavyweight ' champion is still- a champion. He . made quick work last night In Madl: son Square Garden of Natle Mann, | rugged young fighter of ConnectL icutt, knocking him out In the third ! round. Louie wae a three-to-one fav- ; ; orite before the fight, and proved the dopestere knew thelf fighter*. i I (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) Sharp attacks by business, both 1 large and small, against the BoraSkO'Mjahoney Bill to provide for Fed triai i tuun o j ug 01 uwiuwi mrow m jolt into the proponents of the metsure. Particularly toudfry to those favoring the measure was the assertion by business that enactment of the bill would make home rule over j business a thing of the past ana I ! completely destroy privsmte initio tlve. Under its terma. the bill would | include not only pig and little companics and partnerships, hut would jeaidh d<otwn in dl vidua ^ burtjis?as, j agricultural ventures, cooperatives and even individual farmers where 1 they competed with licensees. I *?**, ' , There ta apparenty no recsMlon j In employment in the many, many . agencies, departments and cemmia ' Is Ions of the government these dags. I A report of the Civil Service Cyt -'/l i' mission lest week showed that UP, S60 employees were on the federal i pey roll (n December?a gain of Nr 1279 over the prevtoos month! a

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