r . 1 " " ?? . J *uv AT HOME VOL. M NO. t? State And N Condensed Ii ?-National News? Carlisle. Pa.. Mar. 8.?jotou Marsh 40-> ear-old mountaineer, returned to bis home today, victor In a fight not to permit his son to be vaocinated. Since November he had been In the Cumberland County jail ? sent there on five-day sentences ? on1 charges he violated Pennsylvania's school attendance laws. Washington, March 8.?The navy Is getting ready to spend $8,000,000 on experimental air and - surface craft which some officials eye dublAIIrIv iVllt novoriJialaaa " "> ~ ? ?www HV v> "t og mc vagcr IV try. The sum Is earmarked in the blllion-dollar bleet expansion bll to build a dirigible and swift "mystery' coast patrol ooats recently developed by foreign powers. W I Baltimore, March 8.?Magistrate Harry Fine said today be would recommend the whipping post for e young husband brought before hlra! on charges of wife-beating. Charles W. Hauf 21, was held for action of the grand jury In default' of $500 bond. His wife, Coretta, 20,' mother of a four-mc hs-old child,' ' testified he beat and choked her. Hauf pleaded not guilty. Lakt week, Clyde Miller, 37-year' " old printer, received twenty lashes on.a wife beating charge,.and now^ is serving a six months sentence im' posed in addition to the htsbihg. ! Manila, March 8.?Reports Trag-J menta of a plane had been found between Maajja. and Paracale were investigjy.ed*"fbday by searchers looking for Burton Hall. American avia tor who disappeared Feb. '28, while carrying a $30,000 pay roll. A vessel reported recovering part of a wing off tiny Humaltg Island! and radioed It would send "divers! overboard. Wanhlngtton, Ma<nch 8.?dleqlretary Ickes bad orders from President Roosevelt today to add two little dots of land in the Pacific-Canton and Enderbury Islands ?- to the far flung island possessions of the Unit ed States which he supervises. To aviators, these islands represent strategic stopping places . for trans-oceanic flights to Australia., iContan Island shelters a nine-mile lagoon, valuable as a haven for seaplanes. Los Angeles, Mrch 8.?Health officials, alert against the threat of pes tilence, made typhoid inoculations throughout flood-devastated South-: ern California today. No oases of th> disease have been reported, but san' i tat ion conditions were reported dan, gcrous. Typhoid scrum was flowp j to Colton near San Bernardino,. where the water supply was cut off, Washington, March 8.?President' Roosevelt soon will send to Congress' the Hungarian proposal for settle-! mcnt of her, debt to the United i ..lAen trv t U ? A T>-? f OU11UO, yClBUilD UIUCC IU II4U oiuiu u?3 partment paid today. Laughing Aroui With IRVIl The Love Story By IRVIN TN THE sideshow a romance had ri the giantess. However the lady was coy; si wouldn't even let him hold her hand. One morning the pair went for promenaded the green meadows th finally aba yielded but hi order f< would be necessary for her to kneel And she absolutely declined to Desperation made the LQliputl aide blacksmith shop he spied a rust tien came to him. He induced the side of the shop. He ascended the flat top. Then, as she swayed down her head customarily nodded, he wi salute of affection upon her maldenl; They continued upon their str strides, ne trotting alongside, his 1 swishing draperies. They went three miles more. Th Just one more to sfcal the bargain o "No, rfr," die said firmly, "one" , ^iust one," he pleaded. J "You mean It?" "I do." "Your decision Is absolutsly Am "Absolutely." He-fetched a deep sigh. "Well then," he said resigned suppose It's any use fiay carrying thl iAmutmm Hewi - vt";; ^ t'" itV' i ' ..... Kings ational News i Brief Form | ?State News? l.exington. Mar. 8.?A prisoner hold in the County Jail here. Sher- 1 iffRaymond Bowers said today, had been identified as \V. Q. Ucnfiold, 62 who escaped February 7 from Cale-|' douia Prison farm, where he wes 1 serving a five-to-ten year robbery 1 sentence. Th?> man. tho ?h?*rlff ?oifi *? oa a??o :l a trio surprised by Denton officers Saturday lu the act of safe-breaUins ; I in a Deuton store. The other two men etc a-ped. and. Benfield claimed he had Just met them and did not! know their names. . " ! Charlotte. Mar. 8.?A man be-| l ween the ages of 80 and 65 years has been identified as William N.| Reeves of Central Palls, R. I., who hanged himself about 7:30 Monday 1 morning from an iron guard rail In ' the rear of the Amity Film Exchan-j Re Building at W. 3rd and 8. Poplar,1 streets and died a short time later ' from a brokeu neck. j Wilson, Mar. 8.?An automobile ( sideswlped a produce truck on the'1 outskirts of Wilson last night and ] Mary Chase," 21, was killed. I. The car in which Miss Chase 'was riding. Night Sergeant L. F. Barnes said, was driven by Ross Ferrell,.and1J the, truck by ,C. R. Farburs of Waynesboro, Va. 'Bond for each driver was set at ' 1500. 1 > i Hemp, March 8.?Danves Single- j tary. by his next friend, W. .1. Single ] tary, has started suit In the Moore - Ccunty Superior Court against W.! Fletcher Ritter and wife of Hemp!, rural section to recover damages in j, the amount of $20,p00 in injuries < .sustained by the child while'playing ( with dynamite caps alleged to have! been carelessly left in an ' outhouse j. near the building occupied by,Single ( tary and his family oft the Kilter j | farm. . |; 1 t1 v Mtyoresville. Mnr. 8.?An unusually ji bold thief last night smashed the(] plate-glass window in C. T\ Hum- ! phrey's jewelry store in the heart of I Mooresvllle's business district and escaped with loot valued at about j i $400, police here said this morning.It The thief did not enter the btiild-ji ing. police said, but stood on the, sidewalk and scooped up watches ! and ritics from the disDlav window! \ partial check revealed twelve wat! ] ches and two rings missing. . . Henderson. March 8.?23-vear-ola itinerant, Clarence Fairbanks. was. docketed for trial at a ternt of court ; which started .here today on a char- ! K" of slaying his showman employer 1 Steve Good, seven weeks ago. i J ? Raleigh, March 8.?Coroner L. M. j ' Waring today blamed a college drink! ' ittg party for the electrlcutton death' 1 of Phillip Kdgar Wlnslow, 21, N (*. ' State college sophomore, son of J. E. 1 Wlnslow of Greenville, president of 1 the North Carolina Farm bureau. t nd the World V S. COBB 1 L*" I of a Little Man S. COBB pened. The midget fell in love with le had been properly raised. She ' walk across the fields. As they e dwarf begged for Just one ldss. or his eager lips to reach hers it down, kneel. an resourceful. Alongside a roady iron anvil. At sight of it inspirai fair one to back up against the anvil and stood on tiptoe upon its , ward from the lofty heights where as able to implant the nrst chaste t mouth. ] oil, she stepping on with splendid tiny figure half hidden behind her J en he begged her for another kiss? f their hearts. r a enough for today." i rtt" lly, "such being the ease, I don't damned anvil any longer!* l?m~m.IaO ! rf 11 i i u Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Tf ~m~' ~2aT~? ' Jack Ormand Is Injured In Auto Wreck Jack Ormand. popular young man of King* Mountain, was severely Inlured here last Thursday morning when the car he was driving turned over several times cn the Grover road Just at the city limit sign. At rirst It was thought that Mr. Ormand was not seriously injured, but snortly after the wreck, upon an examlna tlcn by Or. W. L. Rainseur it wa* louud that Mr. Ormand suffered an injured spleen. He was rushed ' to the Gastonia Hospital by ambulance where it was -found that his condition was serious. Mr. Oriria lid's physician stated Tuesday that if he did not have any relapses he would recover. It was thought by those who went to the scene of the wreck that Mr. OrntantTs car skidded on the wet coscrete. ? The many friends of Mr. Ormand ure wishing for him a speedy recovery, and that they will soon see htm hack cn the streets of the The Beat Town in the State. ; j Stockholders of Lake Montonia Meet ' i The annual meeting of stockholders of Lake Montonia was held Tuesday night at the office of Ful- ? ion's Mortuary. The following offl ! :ens .and directors were re-clected < for the coming year: President, Dr, C. Hlgbsmith, Qastonia; Vice Presf- I lent. Glee Bridges, Kings Mountain; I Secretary and Treasurer, H. Tom Pulton, Kings Mountain. ' 11 Directors: Fred Rawlings. W. B.|i Hair, and Frances Whltesides waa < lected to replace Dr. J. S. Hood, de-j? :eased, all of tiastonia. and W. K.' Mauney, J. O. Plonk, and J. ,W. ' Sriines of Kings Mountain. 11 By-laws and regulations were 1 idopled by the stockholders. Most i of the discussion yas whether to at- i low motor boating on the lake. Ths^f Kings Mountain members were In j I favor ct the boating and the Gas- i lonla delegation was against it. Boatn in<r U'Aii VAtPrf to hn nllnwa^ avams* - ? a - ""v ' vxwpi. ' for two months in the year, the mow < ihs being. April aod May. 3'7 members were present for Uie t meeting. Those who could not at- r end had given other members their i acting rights by proxy. ! J There are 47 members from Ktngs Mountain and 2& from Gastonttf. j Employment Office A ' j? Busy Place __________ i The local branch of the X. C. Eiv.- < plovment oilice wlith headquarters n Shelby is and has been a busv J ;>lace for the past two months. According to figures released by A. H. t'oung, manager, a total of 2,791 per. *ons appeared at the local o ce dur ( ng the month of February, and 193 original . claims, 2.149 continued. claims, 97 registrations and 5e re lewals are now on file at the office ^ tor those of the Kings Mountain iroa- . I t Representatives of the Shelby cf ( 'Inn ffim n (n Win crc \*A?n<oln CO /.U ? v?.v *vr *?m>nu . iUVUUVHIU cnvu J ruesday and Thursday to receive ap 'h plicaUons. 'Dacal hc|<Mjqiterte*r8 are n the Town Hall building. ! Manager Young asks that anyone needing services of any kind to' please communcate with his ottice as tie has almost every 'kind of worker listed for employment. i ^ Belk's Remodeled r Spring of the year is always known is "cleannip" time and Manager O. VV. Myers, of Belk's Department Store, has not been caught napping.1 The interior of the store has undergone extensive repairing and paintng. Manager Myers now has the tr.erlor of his store in keeping with ;he fresh, hdw merchandise whicii aas been arriving dally. Mr. Smyru Williams has been busy with his lanimer and saw, and the result is' ?n attractive "sandal Shoppe' where. he latest creations In cut-out foot-' vear Is displayed. Manager Myers extends a cordial nvltatlon to everyone to visit Belk's tnd note the improvements that mve been made. False Alarm Sunday Night Fire Chief Orady W. King and his Ire-fighters were called out Sunday , light about eight o'clock to what urried out to be a false alarm. A >t<sserby noticed what he thought va*. smoke coming from the rear ot Summltt's Nu-Way on Railroad av>nue, and turned in the fire alarm, kfter the firemen arrived they investigated and found what looked Like the smoke to be spray from % flit-gun." .. . -L | . IMUH i. Iii?l??i i ' ' tain E ICRtDAY. MARCH 10, 1?M. : Ws?~J. Gaston-CLsveland Letter Carriers Meet March 11 ??? * A. P. Collins of Grover," president; >f the Cleveland county unit of the j KorsH Carolina Kural Letter Carri- j r?, announced that a joint meeting | >f the Cleveland. Gastonia units ?"?j ?e held at . the Woman's Club build- i ing tomorrow. Friday, March 11. Separate meetings of the two coun y units will be held from 6: ly; until < 5:15, to be followed by a band con-! ten by the Kings Mountain high i sclicol band. f1 At'7 p. m. a joint banquet has . been nlantied with the followine nro Slant: patriotic songs, invocation by. Itcv. P: D. Patrick, address cf wel-| route, ' B. N. Barnes, superintendent' 1 jf icings Mountain sciiools; respon-!' ic. Hoy Mcore cf Belmont; readings.' ay Miss Mnry Frances Hord; recognition of the ladies's auxiliary; greetings by Mrs John R. Barnette if HuntersviHe. state vice-president >f the association. ! The main part of the program ' Mil be after-dinner speeches by Ca ey P. lvowranco of Mooresville, pres ' dent of the N. C. U. L. C. and C B,1 if' Brayer. Shelby attorney. The meal will be prepared by the " ;uxlllary. . . , Postmasters and other postal em j'.oyeeg. In addition to the rural carders, are invited. ' I jlrcver Man Killed J By Train . V Robert I/. Bolin. 71, retired farnt:r of Grover was killed instantly aiout 9 a. m. Sunday when he was , truck by a fast southbound freight J vhile walking across ^be tracks tear the state line filling station in Irover. I . Funeral services for Mr. Bclin . vere held Monday at 3:30 at the >anaan Methodist church with Rev. . G. Ducgworth in charge, assisted ' >y Rev. J. G. Hudglns. j1 ro Have Banquet . The Rerehn Bible class of the < first Baptist Church will have a < >anquet in honor of thpir wives, Frl < lay night. March 18th, at the Wo- i nan's Club House. ji ( Will Rogers9 * Humorous Story < i ', By WILL ROGERS j A FTER being out of work for a ** lone tin* Handy Joa Anally < got a Job in the china department aon ./* A. vOW. t'H 1 I ail_3M5 1 of a big atom. Everything want i alright for a faw day*, but on the third day Jaa dropped a big rasa aad It smashed to pieces. When payday coma around ha was called into the manager's offtea and told ? that they ware going to daduat half hla wagaa until tha raaa was paid for. "Haw much la tha vasa worth?", says Joa. "About 1800," tha manager reJoe Immediately started to Jump with Jay, aa tha manager asks: t "What hare you gotta be so happy -Wan," says Jaa, It sunt leaks as if I haws a steady Job at last." ,i' (Usuius >w?TMom,tee.) i Am / C . y, C'1 lerald ueezei i ffS|| I f j i 1?.? 1 - (j Town Council Meets p The Town Count'I held their reg- ^ ular monthly mec.Lug Monday night. Mayor Pro-Tem C. E. Neisler, Jr., presided in tb?? absence of Mayor! c ).j,E. Herndon. Routine business was I transacted. " Councilman Jim Willis mentioned; the revamping of the water rate so a that users would be given more ^ water at the same rate. Tnls matter, was. taken under consideration. Six Schools Win Places n In Contest . Iv i s Six schools placed winners In th*: h preliminaries for the Clyde R. Hoeyj g n'ation contests held at the ' hi^hi j school building in Shelby Saturday, i tt The school are Shelby. Kings'; n Mountain, Boiling Springs. Polkville.'n Latthnoie and Moorcsborc. Speakers! v will remain unnamed until after the j g ffnpl pnnlrct ?? . - - v * 111*^, .11- CIKill y J'clock. J j a a preliminary for the girls read- t, ing.-contest will be held cn Saturday meriting at ft:30 in Shelby, and the jj bounty-wide contest held on Friday ? >vcning. March 18. I ;j Baptist Women Meet !1 In Asheville ; r ? s Asheville. March ".--More than t 1.0UO delegates front all sections of Zl he state began arriving here today !; 'cr the 48th animal convention of l! he Baptist woman's titissiiii union " if North Carolina. ? v;tt akers on the prog: ant include -N Mis. George McWilliams of Liberty. >' llr. tra S-'Knight of Durham. Mrs. J. Clyde Turner of Grhensbcro. state ^ president, Mrs. C K. Dozler of Fit- rj kuoka. Japan, and Miss Matlileen ' Mallar of nirminghani. Ala. _ ^ Larare Plants Favor i u Workers Over 40 jj I it , New York. Mar. 8.? (IPS).?Indi- ri ating a recognition, of the abilities b f employees over 40 years of age, mp of the nation's leading elect rl-' t< al manufacturing companies has f( innounced here that it will allot 40 f< >er cent of its Jobs to those over the wo score mark in life. The 40 per cent was chosen because this was found to be the rat it between these over 40 and the enlire population of the country. At the same tide, it was dlsrloseo that one of the largpst automcbfle firms in the country stipulate that lie age distribution of its workers nust parallel the age percentages of (' titles In which plants are located. In >ne of the firm's plants one new mployee ? in charge of the boiler uom ? Is 78 years old. In another al jlant there is an 84 year old freight le ar inspector. In the same plant, of he last 700 men hired, more than oi !00 were paat 60 years of age. ti : a" r< Party To Be Given ei Mext Thursday 0 m si The Junior Woman's Club Is spon fi taring a Helen. Keller Pageant to be ii ttaged next Thursday evening at the lr ^lub House by Miss Mary France* t! (lord's Jack and Jill Players under p he direction of Miss Rachel Goforth n \ccordlng to Mrs. Aubrey Mauney, " President, following the pageant, a ti ea will take place, and a silver offer ng will be taken. The proceeds will b to to the Foundation for the Blind p ind part of the funda will be used to a ild the blind of Kings Mountain. iiiippiR.iiu.iii imnimiu .11, RCAO 1 THI riVK CKNTt PKft COPY* I \utomobile 1 Is Stolen Here 1 \nd Recovered I Tho 1937 Plymouth 8edan of Rev. IV. M. Bcyce wis stolen here laet 'I id ay afternoon and recovered ki iuilington lute that night. The car vas'stplen from where It was park*d near the Central Methodist chur h. The alleged tlile.f drove the Car c 8'n.dhy. where He had a run-tn 1 vlth Police Ofllcer T. 11. Upton. Joth Haney and Officer Upton empt- I "dd their pistols In the ensuing gun tattle. The I Joyce car was badly .'9 lamaged and Haney was wounded in he back, but made 'tis escape and I va? not captured until he reached Jurllngtcn,. N. C. The Boyce car was 1 riddled with bullet-*. Sefvera.7 sho?,? 1 to'.ttg through the right rear door 'j ind glass, other btillet holes were nfido In moiol ?At> J Jianey is iu the Shelby Jail. (Mr. Royce'a car had been driven (bout 550 miles during the time It ras stolen. The car was stolen about P. M. Friday and recovered about f T. M. Saturday. Mr. Boyce inter iewcd the confessed thief in the Shelby Jail who told him be had Ircve the car at a speed of 95 miles I ier hour. V Short, Short Story ffhe Herald bad '.general bouse- 9 leaning last week, yes even the rludows were washed. In cleaning I ut the desk drawers the editor ran cross the ohcrt, short story whicn _9 ppear below-. The story was written y Mr. D. C. MuSwain wiio was for- I lerly connected with the Herald nd native cf Shelby. The Editor I hittks the story 1s good, so here U I "Tom Nelson sat there in the seat J raJting ? waiting. . Heads or sweat . a tcod out oti his forehead, because e was definitely afraid. He wrig- .a l*-d uncomfortably; being strapped 1 two like that was enough to make im uttcoinfo rtable. Unconsciously ? gazed upward, probably because e would shortly be traveling that . I ray. Several men stood around, fldetiug nervously, wondering what I rus lausing the delay. They were , j nxious to be on their way. A minis- I er entered the tiixy- room occupied ' 9 y the seated man?ybu could fell I e was a minister a' a glance. The ilnistor greeted Tom in a low, weir- jfl humored voice. "Suddenly. T<?> jerked erect; curout flowed litrough tlie wires, the r?motors' of the big . transport - bared into life, t'"d 'he ship moved lowly down the runway. Tom Nel(il I'Jtlil- l)ir\tl/?V.nrenV?mn?T - - VV Igl Hl/tilllh Vllt n < f Snow Hill, was off on his first opium- ride in order to win a net f front Joe Hails that 'he dl*l ot have nerve enough to ride a Iv.rt distance In an airplane. Tom ii-h-Mi would do U-irn near anything ?r ten bucks." _ ___ * len's Club Meets "his Evening The Men's ClUh will meet'- this 1 vening at the Woman's Club Buildig at 6:30. T chicken supper will he rvod. The meeting tonight will be te first cf a series of business meet tgs, as no program has been aringed, hut matters ot Interest will < e discussed. I It was voted at a recent meeting > devote one ntcetiug each month rr business, and the other meeting >r a program. (0iiikinqton 1 ay j y JameS Preston Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) The little business men,.it seems re unwilling to end the song and I it only the memory linger on. Its been a month now since the ut&pokcn little men of Industry 'ooped out on the Capitol stage and wed the spectators with their unfhearsed performance, but apparntly they did not go home to 1 rest 'J n their laurels. Secretary of Coraterce Roper has the evidence. He Is I till getting about 200 letters a day rom these "little fellows", who, dur 1 ig their conference in Washington | tst month, adopted resolutions parIcularly critical cf many Fedecal olicles, espeolally those dealing lth taxation and regulation and the antagonistic attitude toward Indus*y 1 To date, about 5,000 letters hare j een dropped Into the Commerce De- 1 artment's mail boa. but apparently ny analysis of the contentg Is to (Cont'd on bach page) '^1

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