uv ^ AT MOM VOL. M NO. 1? State And N Condensed Ii ?National New*? . Lancaster, g. C . March 21.?Wealey H. Knight, 69. employee of . the Ituke Power company, waa electrocu ted toda/ when he came In contact with a 2300 volt wire while at .work on a line on MoCardeel street here. Daytona Beach, Fla., March 22. ? m ib. zwpma uuuerneia Wilson, 62, was found dead at her borne in Holly Hill, a suburb today a bullet through the rncuth. Coroner Charles Beers said It was suicide. Mrs. W.ilson bad been lu III health and her husband is 111 in u hospital. The Wilsons came hero > from Black Mountalin. N. C. Washington, March 22.?A tax expert of the United State* Qb a tutor of Commerce forecast a three billion dollar increase in federal relief costs and a billion loss in estlmated revenue today unless the tax system is revised. Tokyo. March 22,?Ambassador Jo spb C. Crew today delivered the Unl ted States' demand- for Indemnification for the sinking of the gunboat Panay. The amount of lndetanrtty ask ed' was not announced. QJa|>an previous^ promised indcmiflcatfcn and other amends as .a remit of the sinking of the Panay of the Yangtze river patrol in whEcth four foreigners lost their lives December 12.Washlngton. March 22.?President Roosevelt sent to the Benate today tbe following. postmaster nominations: k. ? - W? a m ?wiu varuiius; orevaru, i. uoicman Galloway; Cullowheen, Berder B. Long; Greensbor, John W. (Joleman; Hayesvtllle, Frederick R. Jonen; Jackson. May Calvert; Thomas# * *' *>.-% - ' Pvi* - .. .'/ A' l J"'" n ' ' ; 1 Kings lational News' 1 Brief Form | j ?State New*-phar'pt/o Mjsrch 23^?Governor lloey twill speak at a luncheon here gaturday for 500 "better" farmers of 20 counties In this section. Other j speakers alii include W. Kerr Scott, state commissioner Of agriculture, j ffc.?d Kure. secretary of state. and f \ Clyde H. Euwln. state suiierlntendetit j cf public Instruction. Forest Pity. March 22.?A Christian cducaucn Institute will be held at Pleasant Grove Methodist' church in the "West End, Forest City, on Thursday. March 81, for the Metho-j ' d'.n s of Rutherford and Polk count!I r? Dp flllhort PAWO ndnfcoOAB lad "" " V,? I^IVtVOOVI IU the School cf Religion at Duke University, will be thd principal speaker Raleigh, March 22.?The state depar meat of labor reported ^ today building activity In North Carolina decreased in February as compared with January and with February. 1937. - Building permits from 21 cities showed $926,574 wofjth o# construe* | Hon In pebruary. In February 1937 the amount waa $1,104,745; In January 193$ It was $1,124,241. Asherille March 22.?rThe body of { a man found in a Laurel thicket near ] Beaver Lake club house Saturday re malned unidentified today. The bedy lay face down and In a depression under the face was a bottle containing a small quantity of liquid thought to b? chloroform. Lincolnton, March 22.?Ray Alfred Lutz. of Maiden, entered a plea of not guilty of violation of Sect lot 16 of the Unemployment Compensation law In Catawba county Record ers Ccunt Tuesday, but was found guilty on five different checks. He, was given a sentence of thirty days on the first count, and prayer for judgment was continued Id the four other counts. Lutz testified that he didn't understand the compensation law. and that was why he accepted the checks Tatboro. March 22.?Police Chief' .1. T. Parker cf Plnetops said today j three ncgrces were being held here fnr "antn Weenine" nendfnc n hearlntr ?- " " ? - on assault and robbery charges arising from an alleged attach On a white' man in Pinetops Saturday Parker said Lewis Whitman, 25, was knifed when he attempted to chase three quarrelsome negroes iroin the yard of his heme near ) Pinetops. Whitman was reported in I a serious condition. The officer nam | od the prsoners at Jeffy Briggs, 25, ( Ernest Briggs and Oeo. Taylor. | Greensboro; March 22.?Harry B. j Caldwell, master of the state grange said today he had written each mem ber of tre Nonth Qaroltna congressional delegation protesting against a reported move to revice provisions of the new farm bill. Newton, March 22*-^Thirty five ca ses of bottled liquor were capture 1 Thursday night at the Bloody Bucket filling station near Claremont and eighteen more cases were found In an automobile about eight miles be low Lincolnton R -was said today. The owner of the Rloodv RnrJia J was placed under arrest but tbe oc cupants of the automobile escaped. ? =: -- ... jnd the World in s. COBB ye to Details ^ S. COBB :ted as his own stage director and r. One time he was mounting a play scenic investiture. One of the lesser actor newly graduated into the pro ' "J 0 KIKet ) ~ 1 t, ?u exceedingly anxious to acquit he became rather a nuisance. Coni( he would approach the star with i. But because of the youth's evident lenee. directing an especially tricky piece novitiate sidled up. t 1 interrupt you for one moment? ke-up have been giving me ronsiderstate the exact age of the character s lines themselves lead me to believe , t approaching middle age. Now the ay him as a man about forty-two or I rhat would you say. sir?" ng, "as a man of exactly forty-two f^sturw, las.) . ... . ...... .. '] m K Mouni KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C ~MU?I THE MOl NTAII ;; ^ ??"3(1 I' 1 t* ' 0 ( w ? mm I . Jt "4 '-> ^ uirfwilra ft f ** * fl .* Jp^ M Cm fl H ' * ** >]S9 KM *H <^H Above is pictured the staff of THK M' the publication of the first issue of th paper: First row: Howard Edene, Bill Faculty Advisor. Second row: Lalla.'ay terson. Third row: Haael Falls, Virgin Cornwall, Nina Putnam, Marjorie Rip Mary Julia Pollock, Howard Whitting on Buren Neill, Bobby Allran, Ladd Ha Easter Sunrise Service D Planned G The Ministers of the Churches cf [he town at their last meeting unanmousiy decided to continue the Eas trt TT a err Ire held at Sunrise on Eas- 8e' .er Morning on the fnent of the Cen- a :;al school building. The program is tia being arranged by the officers of thej "? Association. ' ' - M-'1 This set vice was started two **'' years ago by the Lutheran Church ^ and last year it expanded into a s''1 town-wide Service and members ofall denominations ttcok part in it.: ^ !: will continue this year with -all ' the Churches cooperating. An invita-j I!' tion to the colored people Is again* given. .* Ias Details of . the program will be an nounced through this paper at a In > date, and committees to help ,s-' wi-th the arrangements will be ap- :,n pointed. % j!or V , _'. j PIAIwaimi A ma TALAM nic i ancit mf 'rom Cemetery u?< Reports of deatrlction and thefts of riowera and plants tr lots 1n Moun tain Rest cemetery have been made O] to Herald correspondents and we are asked to give the matter publici- ( ty in an effort to atop this annoying praotilce. One lady especially has * spent much of her time trying to J1 beautify the grave of her son, and , other loved onea, and. has time and ? ^ again replaced flowers that were a stolen from her lot only to have the gri theft repeated. We are hopeful that some ateps can be taken by those in authority to stop this thoughtless ' den:ruction rhd manifest) disregard for a sacred place. . Returns From Hospital Thn mnnr frlonr'a r\f \jf f Tool# Ar m MV ! ?> ? / II IVIIUQ vrl i?I> I?nviv V/" I mand will be glad' to learn that he has sufllclcnty recovered from se-j ' rloua Injuries received In a recent automobile wTeck to be able to leave Elisabeth. Men's Club Meets ' Tonight The Pualnesb Men's Club wll ' meet "h'-'sdsy night (tonight) at 1 7:00 o'clock at the Woman's Club t Building. Program for the meeting ' Is in charge of Messrs H. T. Fulton ' and IX M. Bridges. J W-: *; 4"' '*'/* " " -v ' ^ tain H WAV MART)H t4. IMS *EER STAFF "^1 ': [?v 4 B|fr ? - KZSH t i n a 1 I J M ? ii pUNTAINEER, who Km aided In Is Kings Mountain High School 1 ly Thornburg, Miss Mary Mitchell, < Is Aides, Lillian Moss, Phyllis Pat a Logan, Mildred Jolly, Gloria 5 Ipy. Fourth row: Jim Nickels. ^ Charles Campbell. Top row: ' wrick, Jr., and James Ratterrce. > ? ( r. A. L. Stanford At Mitral Methodist The members and pastor ot Cen-, ' il Methodist Church consider them j Ive* fortunroe in the selection of; J pastor-evangelist to leid in a spe il meeting beginning next Sunday. | tr.-h 27th. Dr. A. L. Statit'ord of ( upolnton will arrive on Monday at1 r.oon to preach that night. Ite- J ming Tuesday therje .will be two vices each day. The hours for 1 vice will be 10:00 A. M. and "7:30 M. - ' ! 1 Dr. Stanford Is well known here. conducted a meeting here sever-; years ago which is remembered 1 onetiof the best meetings ever ? 'd in the local Mothcdist church.; Strrford has held pastorates in ( ntral Methodist Church. Shelby., d First >1 thodist Church in Char Mr. F. C. Todd of Oastcnla will aduct the song services during the etlngr which will continue through: 1 $ first Sunday in April or longer. 1 . i ''". ' I peretta At East School rhe primary grades of East school II present an operetta "Peter Rab ] t" at the East school auditorium ( turday evening, March 26. at 7:30 ; lock. Admission &c and 10c. Specselect lone will be given by the ^ immar grade glee cIud. ( Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS A LADY gave her husband's 1 year-bcfore-laat coat to the voman that scrubbed for her. She , old her it was a perfectly good , -oat, but a little out of date, and rhat maybe the scrub-lady's bus- t i?nd wouldn't mind wearing it this winter. She handed it to the wonan on a coat-hanger made out of wood. That night she bragged to ler husband about being charitable. 'I even gave her the coat-hanger, 10 her man can keep kind of tidy," he said. ftgWr? Bat when the woman that gave tway the coat asked her scrubad y some time later about how it it and everything, the scrub-lady aid, "Well it's all right now, but ny man Just had to take the wooden part out of the shoulders. 4* says them things ain't for a nan tnat stoops at his work, and t nigh killed him the first day he wore It." (AawHsaa dews Fsatsrss, Isc-l f rrieTIai ah . c 1 lerald < r. H. Jenkins Dies In 1 Columbia I Funeral tervicvk for Thomas Mar- J lacn .leukins. f>9, of Columbia. 8. C., cho died at the Veterans hospital fter an illncsKof Several months it re conducted from the Dunbar ' 'uueral hcm<- at 4 o'clock Tuesday h fteincon by the Kev. a K I'htlllpa. * '.or tt Arsenal Hill Presbyterian *i hurrh. assisted by the Rtv. John H. Vtbb, pastor of the -first Haptlst "T hnri.il. >** WUar. if ide cemetery- ' h Mr. Jenkins had lived in (^olumbia * or the past 32 years, 23 of thoso T laving been spent In the service of he Virgipia Life Insurance Co. ii< He Is survived by his widow. Mrs. f .ucy Scercey Jenkins; two sens Kay | S oond D. Jenkins of Spencer. N. C.l"1 nd William Thomas Jenkins* ol j C charlotte, N. C., three slaters. Mrs. i 1 Jthel Hayden of Atlanta, (la. Mrs.)'1 iubert zden of Roam.an, N. C.. an 11 K .1 rs. Helen MUuldin of Gainesville, t< la., and one brother. Howard Jen- f :ins of Kings Mountain, N. Cj P Mr. Jenkins formerly" lived in h Ciogs Mountain and was married a ere. . 1 b Jcout Court Of J" ionor ,' i, h ames Amos of Troop 5 Presented p Eagle Badge. Ii j The regular mcnthiy meeting of \ he Boy Scout Court of Honor open n 1 with the repeating cf the Boy ti scout Oath followed with prayer*p >y Rev." L. 1$. Hamm. Scouts appear t, ng before the Court for advance ? tent are as fellows; a Tenderfoot: James Waters 1; Paul o loberts 1; Jack Webb I; Harold tl ilass 2; Ricahrd Laney 2; floyd tl Smith 4; J. T. McOinnis 2; Fred tl lopro 2. - .v h Second Clacs: Grady Watterson. 2 t< Sddie Smith 1; John Fulton 1; Glee p Cdwfn Bridges 6; J. D. McXeeley 6;(s ~"oyt Ramseitr 5: Chas. Littlejohn 5 g I. L. McDaniel 3; Cooledge Fin ley 3;lg Either Godfrey 7; I.awrence. Flew a rs 7; Joe Hawkins 7; Clyde Hhea 7., n Jplrst Class; Wesley Riser 4;ju 'larenee Dixon I. g Merit Badges; Animal Industry; I v [^urtls Gaffney 5; Vernon Thompson! y >; James Dav-s 5; Eugene Mathis 6; c Pride Ratterree 6; Eugene Eskew 6, d Jeorgo Ailen 6; Robert Dettmar 2. n Ath1-?Mcs; James Davis 5; J. C. 8 Midges 0; Howard Edetts ti; Jimmy iVillie ti: Billie Gantt I; George Lai t itnorc 3. Bookbinding: Wjslcn Ledfcrd 4; I {ay Bridges t; VernOtt Thompson 5; Camping: Billie Gantt 4 Civics: Leon Wolfe 3: Geo I?attl { nore Ernest Mautfey 2; Eugene lathis ti. f^arpentry: Ullllo- Gatitt; Eugcnt i Jantt 6. | t Cotton Farming: Harry Wilson 5.'!' Farm Mechanics: Eugene Bautt 6 ' Firemanship: Vernon Thontpscn 5,1 I lmrny Willi- 6; I/eon Wolfe 3. i? First Aid: pioyd Queen 2; Jim;'1 ny Willis 6; Donald McGlnnis 2! j Bilie Gantt 4; J. C. Bridges 6; How i trd Edens 6: Andrew Ramsey 5. | First Aid to Animals: Rooert Det ' nar 2; Howard Edens 6; Vernon e Thompson 5; Dean Payne 5. c Forestry: BilUe Ganu. 2. u Gardening: Harry Wilson 5. * Handicraft: Manly Morebead ?; 0 Bobo ?ash 2; George Latttmore 3; 3 Bobby Allran 3; Clarence Dixon 4; ' Morman Roper 4. Hog and Pork Production: Harry * Vilson 5. I Jimmy Willis 6. Personal Health: Floyd Queen 2; Beorge Lattimcre 3. Pigeon Raising: Dean Payne 5; l.oyd Early 5. ! Pioneering: Andrew Ramsey 5; Paul fcdle 5; J. Q. Bridges 6; How a trd Edens 6; Eugent Gault 6: Eu- , tene Mathls 6; Pride Ratterree 6. ( Safety: Andrew Ramsey 5; J. C. Bridges 6; George Allen 6: Arnold '.'alls 2: Bobby Rhea 7; Clinton Jol y 7. Siar Scout Rank: Floyd Queen 2; 3eovge I>attlniore 3; Gene Davis 5; llmmy Willis 6; George Allen 6; An Irey Ramsey 5. Five Year Veteran: Chas. Thompson l. Poutry Keeping: Doyt Redmond, i; Harry Wilson 5; Max Pearson 4; Vorman Rcper 4. . Ptvbllc Health: Paul Cole 5; Jimmy A'llis 6; Eugene Mathis 6; George Lpttlmore 3. Pottery; Norman Roper 4. Life Scout Rank: Paul (? le 5; Cur la Gattney 5, Loyd Early 6; .Eugene Sskew 6; J. C. Bridges 6; Pride Raterree . Eagle Scout Badge was presented o James Amos of troop 5. Presents len was made by County Chairman Vubrey Mauney. Eagle Badge waa| pinned on by the mot tier of th Scout and a miniature badge was pinned on the Scout's mother by Scout Amos. Awards of previous Courts were nade ufter which the meeting closrd with the repeating of toe Scout , Dencdlctlon. ' ? *r. * C t " . . iiiiiwuu.jpiu wmi| ii mni. i UII i v' v. - - "i . ' . ; I I ncAO E HMHMaHMMMHBMMMHMHI Five CENTS PER COPV Drive For Boy icout Funds Editor's Note: ?Because Of the importance of the article below, we ave moved it from the regular Open Forum" column on the Ediorial page, to the front. The editor f the Herald endorsee what Mr. homasson has to say. We think his lea is a good one, and sincerely ope that it will go over in a big fay: O THE PUBLIC The fulliwitig committee was elec Jd a few weeks ago to serve as the inane.. committee for the Boy .corns ror tne timing year: C. F. 'honmsiKon, J. H. Thomson and C. I. White. IhrouKh this column of lei all 1 am taking its opportunity . , o aay to the public, first that the toy $cout movement In King* Moun ain is one of the best things that rem a publicly promoted standout, that we have in our City. We ave at present seven white troops nd one colored, consisting of some 75 to 200 boys that are getting the est kind of training. New ot course t takes money to keep tnese troops oing. and we have the Job of raising it Kings Mountain six hundred dolrrs for this purpose, aud the time is ast due for us to turn our amount a to the treasurer of the Pledtnont loy Scout organization. So what I'e have got to get busy and get his money up. Now, in order for us a keep from dividing our Town off a sections and catling together aout twenty ct our best business nen. taking up a lot of their time nd assigning them different parts f the town to go out and nunt up he other business men and take up heir time soliciting and hoggin-; hem for their donations. Now, this t what 1 suggest; first that in order o keep our Bey Scout movement unciloiiing. you have already been uhscriblng; you know what you can lve; you knew what you have been iving. then in order to eliminate II this trouble just set down and take out your check to C. F. Thomsso?. Chairman, or to t he Boy ' V -coins, drcp it in the Muii, and that rill solve the whole problem. . Next oar the Chairman can mait you a lard staling that your payment is lue. This will save all this business 4 if a committee having to come to ee you. Thanking you for Check ana inorest in our Bo-y Scou'us. C. F. Thcmasson. Chairinan. Earned Better Homes ] Chairman ! 1 . i i i Mrs. Boyd, Phifer has accepted ho Chairmanship of the Better Icmes in America Committee for 'attorson drove community for. the . a 938 campaign, which will end in the bservance of National Better Horn- 4 s Week April 24th to 30th. Better Homos In America, aa the tame implies, fa primarily interested n bringing "better homes" within he reach of all citizens, and to that nd Js conducting an educational nmpaign id cooperation witn volinteer local committees to bring nowledge of better and more econ- " im'cal forma of house architecture ind houae furnishings to the at tenIon of the people of America. Economic ? 1 Highlights 1 The current Congress, which has et a new high in unproductiveness, s at last getting around to serolus nistness. It faces a congested oal- J ndar, plus the prospect of some of he most acrimonious debate |n 1 cars. Every major measure how In irospect has enthusiastic partisans md inflexible opponents who ere \ ircpared and eager for the most ough-andready parliamentary bat rrimest piece of legislation now n the limelight ts the House tax >111. known as the Revenue Art of " ;9 938. Iti the form approved by the louse, this measure, retains the ouch-debated undistributed profits ax in a mitigated form, and creates i new yix, oaUcd the ( "third' basket" | ovy, aimed at closely held enterprtids There is strong sentiment In he Senate for absolute repeal of he undistributed profits tax, and 1 >ractically no sentiment, so far as tnyone can see now, in flavor of s I 'bird basket" tax. This illustrates 2 ! >' the points of the bill which may >e drastically overhauled by the Sen I >te. Furthermore, the House tax bill . s largely predicated on two gssumicrfs: (1) That the 1939 deficit will >e under 91.000.000,000, and (2) that here will be no lose in fevenues. Those seemed sound assumptlcne a irbile back?but net today. The stag 3 (Cont'd on back page) I