' ' ' ' ' auv AT HOMI I r? Condensed In ?National Newa? I Camden. 8. C., Aorll 6.?The Wat-| eree River bridge, three miles west ! of here on the Camden to Columbia; < Highway, caught fire arortly after 1 7 A. M . today when a truck d\er-j * ' -. turned. 'r Camden firemen and police and! i AlAta WtfAUrow F"" waucu wtsro Hllll r fight tug the bUxe an roar later. Washington. April (.?Conflict or- j er the administration's billion-dot- f lard naval expansion protram shifted c today to a Senate committee, which received from Secretary Hutl advice t thai the navy be left free to operate In all parts of the world The Naval Committee met in clos ' ed session to question high navy offl ? cors. but first Chairman Walb, Uem 11 oirat, Mass... made public the 8ecre tary of State's recommendations. : ' . 1 Columbia, 8. C-. April 5.?M. F. 8 Bush. SI," director of the State t> School book Commission, was fatally injured early today n an automobile ? aocldent near Swansea, about 15 miles from here In Lexington county * No details could be learned at once. Bush was a native of Blleaton, in . Aiken county, and served from 1531 through IMC as a member of the Aiken delegation in the House of RepL . resentettvee. t v| V Honolulu, April 5.?Encouraged by - discovery of a battered flying hev h met, naval aviators went aloft a gain today in search cf the wreckage of a bombing plane believed to have sunk during the navy's six-weeks L maneuvers. } The helmet, washed ashore on the d north side of Oahu Island, was fcund by a Japanese fisherman. It was t- b dentified as belonging to Machinists' d Mate J. A. Bingham. It appeared to c have been burned. ' n '' 8: York, 8. C.. April 6.?Fort Mill's " two police ofllcers, William M. Bppv, B chief, and J. B. Plyler, assistant j chief, have been appointed special deputy sheriffs by 8heriff C. A. Mors here. The appointments were made on request of Mayor Luther O 3 Patterson cf Fort Mill in order that * police protection might be given a 11 considerable number of peoole llv- t( lng Just outside the Fbrt Mill town * limits. E It Washington, April 6.?The "death ray" and perpetual motion inventors * have been stirred to new activity by 11 International tension, fighting in h China and Spain, and Congressional 0 debate over tbe bigger navy proposal * duio mo yymr ?ua n?vy uepwi*| meats have been odfered many de- rl vices and ideas of duofous military 1 merit, Informed persons said today. Ail are carefully contdered, but only i> a few survive preliminary examine- ti thm. . y tl Chicago, April f.?A half dosen a Chicago crop "Mparts, preparing A their first est hastes of 1PM wheat production In the United State* to- n day pored over reports frost bun- a drsds of Am communities. wteleh p indiestso that harvest of the biggest crop la seres years, sslusd as high c as |720.Md,OOMOO la possible. C Laughing Arouti Whh IRVIN . i . Dedicated to the 1 By UtVIN ! r | *H H SABBd ?U A. Mttirf.PAAm 111 m * a criminal trial and the two pH witness for the state?by name Jeffei defense, whoee name doesat matter. Jefferson White baring duly beei of the prosecution. Counsel for the di I cross-examination. If he meant to sa the attorney materially to weaken th Which Just had been offered. Aasnmi began: "Jefferson, exactly where were yc when yon claim to hare seen the begii I It waa plain that the person a manner of ha interrogator. ^Well, suh." he began, "I thinks"Merer suid what you think? Jury is not interested in yonr mental TeH us whatyenhs^ Now^wM^o L the ffr^blow? lta# . -j tMjiWj n| ? iepsated tin ' "Bold onr hollowed the esnasel r ~ TSf""**??" aagtv . . K v 'wH SM is, dot, snl?'I mtse lawy L iiw itional News i Brief Form ?State New*? I^-notr, Aipril 5.?Manager G. I Wessiik h?ij today the Caldwe bounty rural electrification prcjet tad been completed with the 001 ii motion of the link <.to Edgemon rhe 298 mile* ct extensions wi L ? g?. ? fi - I I wrvp i.swv noinee, or wnteh 800 a ead> have been fired, be said. Clinton, N. C? April 5.?Coront 'aul Crumpler officially listed a nurder and sulcldd today the death if a 21 year old farmer and 20 yea dd lata orchestra player who love he same girl. The bodies of the victims. Cam* on Tttw, a Clinton youth, and tb ival he ?bi Rudolph Smolka, E nira, N. Y.. musician, lay side b tde In an. undertaking parlor here. In a Fayette'ville hospital, not e: lepted to, live, was the 17 year ol ;trl. Grace Carter, shot four time y Tew while she and 8molka sat a piano in the Carter farm uome sa irday night. Henderaon, April 6.?Lercy Barkii 1 year old New York attorney, wa dlled In a^n automoilearuck colli: on near here yesterday. The car in which Barkln was rid ag with Irving K. Fabtkant, 33, o lew York, crashed with a truck drl en by Glynn Fields of Chapel H11L None of the others were serlousl; urt. Mrnvwenl/vn A ~-.I1 P ? * **?v? gauvvu^ Aiiru u.?oeuri'o cc-0 Inued today for the bodies of Frani .ivengood, 37, and Allen Cooper, 24 Vinaton-flatem printers, who wen rorwned in Lake bames Saturday. The men drowned when the! oat capeided. A. G. Gordon, presl ent of the Winston Printing Co lung to the overturned boat fo lore than two hours and drifted a bore with it. Irs. Elizabeth Garrison )uncan Buried Hefe The body of Mrs. Elisabeth Garri on Duncan was brought to Klugi Sountain Wednesday afternoon fo iternient in Mountain Rest Cemc sry, following ' funeral service) rhich were held in the chape) of tbi touglas and Sing Mortuary in Chat >tte. Mrs. Garrison was the daughter o lr. Hal N. Garrison, who for somi Ime, until recent weeks made hi' ome with his brother. Dr. J. M arrlann and Mm fl?rrl.r,n In vin?. fountain. She was bereft of hei iother,.the late Florence Black Oai Ison, native If this section, whet ulte young. She was a graduate nurse, receiv ig her training at St. Peters Hoapl 11. Charlotte, and besides severs ears of prlvte nursing, served 01 le aat/s of three government Verei ns hospitals, at Johnson City, Tern lexandrta, La., and Talhica, Okla Her death occurred early Tuesdai lorntng at the Mecklenburg Count: anltorlum, where she..had. been i atieot for e long time. Surviving are her father, who re stttly remarried and resides neai trarlotte. and a number of relatives ' 11 ' id the World f S, COBB Legal Profession S.COBB . ' I Missouri town. The occasion was "acipal performers were a colored rson White?and a lawyer for tho jOk i sworn gave testimony on behalf ifendant now took him in hand for re his client it was necessary for e force and effect of the evidence ng ? stern expression the lawyer ? standing at the precise moment ining of this alleged crime ?" i the stand was daunted by tho ' ? - + . , , it o ?" broke in the attorney. "This I procsesss, if say such there bf. a be so good ss to inform us Just whsn you observed tho striking of i p sets red witness, 1 thinks dot . "Didn't I ten you that we felt grcrrts is? ?*.??!! bennm. Bm.) . . _ ..... r.~ ; Moimi KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Tl /Town Council Met Monday I Night r Members cf the Tt wn Council heia jl their regular monthly inertini; Mon- . ,t day night with all members present j. except Count :iumn C. E. iieiaver. Jr t Mayor J. E. Hornrou prcslled. at the II meeting. - ; j. Carl Short, of Shelby, was employ ?'d 08 a now member of tne Police Dopa "raent to replace Officer W. L. nbc! burn who has been serving !r terroorarily for the past several " months. Officer Short will begin his 8 | duties here April IStb. Me comes to r; Kings Mountain highly recommendd|Od. Mr. Short has been a Deputy tn , [sheriff Cllne's office for several' ?-! years'. He is an erperlenced officer e] and a roan of good character. He If I- married, and will move to Ktagi y! Mountain In the near future. It was brotight to the attention of ! c the Councilmen that Kings Mcund tain could have considers hie side- 3 walk paving done- here by the WPA\* All the town would have to furaiefc ' w^uld he sand and. gravel. WPA wculd furnish alt labor ana cement 1 Plans are being xdade to investigate t this immediately .and file application ? as the offer Is one that the Tcnrn 9 cannot afford to torn down. 1 | i. Pre-Easter Services ? At A. R. P. Church Rev. W. If. Boyce announces a se- * V vies of pro-Easter worship services i_ on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday , ! of next week. The pastor will speak i j \Vednesut a year ago is set for trial it K< belby today. The trial was origins ex ? set for yesterday, but was moved j ^ } to today. A Mr. and Mrs. Job'nsot ,*0 cm South Carolina entered sul v E damages after their car crashe vi the embankment at the corner o OI allroad avenue and King street. . th rs. Langstcn, a passenger in the ^ ir was killed in the wreot and Mr id Mrs. Johnson and several oth m ? were severely Injured. be Attorneys E. L.. Campbell arJ J. F dlJ avis are representing the defend its In the action. (a " th loly Wteek Services UI X Lutheran Church . ur Hfcly Week will be observed by bj Matthews Lutheran Church wltl jrvicee each Evening at 7:^0 ' dur W, g the week through Thursday an- ?| include with Good Friday 8ervic< 1:00 Friday afternoon before Baa I r. The Pastor will give a series o f udies of the miracles that took ace on Good Friday, taking as hi tease for the week, "Light Fron VP ood Friday Miracles." The pro B, ram for the week of subjects is bI aaday, . The Darkness; Monday al be Rent Veil; Tuesday, The Earth- d( sake; Wednesday, His Undtaturbe- w rare Clothes; Thursday, the 8ac . naent of the Lord's Sapper, no ser- v on; Friday afternoon at tf:00. ther ,Q HI be two short medKatlons on tw ed her Good Friday Miracles, I. Open H 1 Graves, by Rot. W. M. Boyce, 11 d( erivals to Life, the Pastor.' B A cordial Invitation Is extended t embers of all Churches of the rwn and to people who are no embers. The story of the Passior JV t our Lord will be read during th rj eek. 1 i - T?. " Will Rogers' H Humorous Story __ ?? 1 1 * By WILL BOGUS a, SALESMANSHIP is Us fiaatsst Z u ^srtrs5LrIt^aeeniu? kaoar can mQ bnkm lamp chim- _ asys far twiea what Uey cost S n?w, rfrht m Broadway. \ Jitter rrwijflrii s IMFe * %'[ i Ho was oat a month' ami com*1 J bade with wary tooth brash unsold. (] "Wdl,- ho says, -I goes* I ain't tho boot salesman in tbo world, Bteth. Pm only ascend boat Tho ' put that bold yon those hers "? rtekety tooth brashes ia tho ftrirt F >laeo la tho bast fa tho wodd.- m ttniilwa Ifcai Wefia la.i I U w;Tiwliy?u?WKirlH TNmmwi and B. 0. BmI? maged by flra and water here 8< ?es Hord inday Mor !CC To Have )pen House Wm. A. Stricfclen. Jr., Company ( immander, and J. S. H. ClarksoD ' roject Superintendent, of Cam Iiitrlok F^riniRon In tho! lugs Mountain Battleground arw, tend to the citizens of Kings ountain a mc? cordial invitation attend the celebration of the fifth nniversary oi the Civilian Conserition Corps. The camp will hold >en house the week ct April 4th rough 8th. An extended tour of the imp and project will start ftom (adquarters of the company Friday orning at ten o'clock. Officials will ( very happy to have citizens visit iring this period. The Company Dance will be held the new recreational mess hall on e project area April 8th from ten! ttll two. This is the climaxing i ent of the fifth anniversary ecleatio.t, which will feature music r the "Tarheelians." I Pays To L dvAvhea 1U f VI uoc If you do not believe It pays to adirtlse ask George Mauney or Hayne iackmer. They tost two valuabl rd dog? last week, and were natur ly very sad, and blue over their tparted hunting dogs. But their orry did not ast longr because short after Tre Herald was published Ith an advertisement telling of the ss of the doga, they were recover I. One was found the very day the erald was issued and the other :g a couple of day* later. Messrs Iackmer and Mauney were loud In lelr praises of Herald advertising. [en's Club Meets onight me uusinesg Men ? ciud win mee'. lis evening at the Woman's Club ulldlng at 7:00 o'clock. The meetig has been moved up a week as ext week ig Holy Week. The meeting will be the secon one 1 the series of business session, lumberi are asked to be present ad express their views on ways and leans of advancement of the Bes own In The State. tells County Home racuuiii Cleaner Clyde Morris, well known King fountain salesman, this week mad sale ot which he was very proud e sold to the poorest home in the ounty an Blectrolux Vacuum Clean r. Me made a sale to the Clevolam ounty Home. Mr. Morrta said whet e showed his machine In operation tey Just could not resist buying It peretta At Park-Grace The Park-Grace school will pre Hit an operetta, "Royat Playmate," rtday night, April Sth, at 7: SO. AdIsslon will ba 10 and ISc. The pube is cordially invited to attend. - n J U1' .Ll.WW^MPI 1-11.1)1 / lipi . w 1 MAD THt HERALD L ' ;. ' 4 - mbhhhbmbbhhhhbbbbmhbm ? >--??J ?fc r rTihTTi rrn nmfi n >j) lay Morning .. .. ^ ";? '; sSi% * ' ' I * I' B$ . ..II ?; fl^K ' ? r P&NV tnv ruiiuiu^j auu UUU10U19which were endangered was estimated to be about.$62,000. According to Chief King approximately $30,000 -j insurance was carried by all parties Involved in the loss. Occupants of the first flcor of the building were: Grttfin Drug Co., Bla lock Grocery, and Vera's Beauty Shoppe, in the parts owned by Thomasson and Peeler, and the Postal Telegraph, and Home Building & Loan in the part owned by the Home Building & Loan Association. On the second floor offices were maintained in the Thomasson-Peeier side by Dr. W. L. Hamseur, George Allen. Magistrate, and Dr. Cv W. Harper. On the Building & Loan aide the law offices of E. A. Harrill, and E. L. Campbell. The adjoining building owned by Sheriff Raymond Cline was damaged by smoke and water. This building boused the Homes Stores on the first floor and the dental office of Dr. L. P. Baker on the second floor. When the firemen arrived on the scene the rear end of the second floor was ablaze. The alarm sounded at 12:45 A. M Sunday morning by Police Ofllcer Jim Smith. Six lines c/ hose was trained on the fire from three different sources, from win- ;1 down, top, and from the Inside of the building. After three hours of ;< fierce fighting on the part of the firemen the blaze was brought under control. It was estimated by Chief King that 150.000 gallons of water was poured on the .fire. Li. C. Parsons, Building Inspector for Kings Mountain, stated he thought the fire was caused by defective wiring. Those Involved In the fire, their (Cont'd on back page) a i by>"-rJames Preston (Opinions Expressed In This Column I Ars Not Necessarily ths Views of This Nswspapsr.) . Administration loaders on Capitol Hill frankly admitted they were flab bergasted by the last - minute deluge of telegraphto and mailed protests against paseage of the Reorganisation BUI to give the Preeldent j vast powers to reorganise the execu thre branch of the Government. They fl admit that If the protest* nact started a matter of hours sooner the bill would never have passed the Hen ate 9 and will have slim chances In the 9 House tf the country now goes to work In earnest against the bUI In J that chamber. e A faint ray of sunshine shone mo mentarlly through the dark has* of . attonal debt In Washington when word went out from the Treasury (Cont'd on back page) . . ? 1