' HOMB ; VOL. M NO. tl State And W Condensed Ii " ?National Newa? Washington, April 12.? Charles Evans Hughes. Chief Justice of the CnltMi States, became 76 years oiu today. Since he was appointed * by President Hoover in 1930, he wgs not missed a day from work on account cf illness. He appears to be in re, bust health. Although he is eligible to retire on full pay ct $20,600 a year, there has been no indication that he had given any thought to euch action. He said a few months ago that he did not Intend to retire. Athens, Ga? April 12.?A' second non-s-leepinR tect by Btudehts at the University of Georgia, scheduled to start today, has been called off. I.tr. A. S. EdwaiJ*. head of the Department cI Psychology, said he abandoned the seconu test because "we cannot put on a publicity stusi at tihe-university an 1 that's what the last one turned out to be." , Six students tcinained awake for 100 hourB In the first university test i during which records of their' reac tions were charted. Free Movie At Cleveland Motor Co., O. O. Jackson of the Cleveland j. , Motor Co. extends a cordial Invitation to everyone to come to the free show which will take place next Sat urday evening at 7:30 in front of the place- of business. The picture will be very interesting and entertaining and will be shown In technicolor. Body Graduate At Cleveland Motor Co. Mr. H. D. Ledford of the Cleveland Motor Co. has been awarded a diploma as a graduate from the Fisher Body School which was recently con In PharlnttA O O tarlfdnn I has been congratulated by Chevrolet Officials in having a person in his organisation receive this distinction. This means the bringing to Body Department the latest and most moa ern methods of body repairing. Mr. Ledford is now capable of making all kinds of repairs to car bodies. Mrs. Griffin To Speak Over Radio Mrs. E. W. Griffin will del'vcr an address over Radio Station WSOC frcen Charlotte next Monday evening April 18th from 7:15 to 7:30. - Mrs. Griffin will be introduced by Mrs. M. A. Ware. Her subject will "be: "Woman and the War on Aoct dents." Mrs. Griffin was Invited to speak by officials of the State Highway Commission who are Joining wltb Governor Hoey In a campaign for safety on the highways. Mrs. Griffin Is State Chairman of the Safety Division of the North Carolina Federation of Woman's Clubs. r . ' . '. ? laughing Arou I With IRVIl | Working Whil Ii By IRVIN A WELL-KNOWN public lecturer platform as illustrative of the e: sagacity of the young American. He experience. His version of it runs s "Two summers ago I was moto short cut over a dirt road late one and the car bogged down in it an would seem, a farmer boy immedii of big horses. I entered into negi was that for a dollar he agreed tc from my predicament. The price < bargain. He hooked his horses to the soon had my car upon the ground. I the lad and the skill he had showi : _ from the mire. After I had paid hin occasion immediately to complimen " 'Well/ he said, 'I've had co makes the sixth car nre pulled out " 'Did each one of the owners p "'Yep,* he said. That's my regi "Then you've earned six dolls boy your age, I should say*," I com "Before answering me, the youi vicinity and mounted one of his Hot " 'well,' he said 'this has been i take in this much; and anyhow, 'ta me to earn this money. All day I1 for one of you city fellers to get help. That ain't the worst of It as to be around here a good part of as ' " 'What do you do here at night "He draw Ms team off the r woods. Then, over his shoulder, as " 'Oh. night-times I have to dr hole bo's it-U be all readyfor buaine SPPPJBfT*'f.Wu.J.? WB'MW".'-J.'.""H1 II ' *'1 Kings laHonal News i Brief Form | ?State NewtDurham. April 12.?The. annual convention of the North Carolina Di Vision cf the American Association jot University \Vomen will he held here April 29-30. Chapel Hill, April 12.?Miss Eliiaboth Keeler of Clarksdale. Miss, will rpiirn O a rt noon ou?- aU.. - ...... ...?M mj muccu vici uir r slty of Nortr Carolina's May Da* here Saturday, May. 14. Miss Virginia lx-e of Lockport, N. Y., will be her mald-cf-honor. Laurinbut g. April 12.?Two Ham ; iet men died and three, others were seriously injured last night in ni au! '.omobile collision in soutrwesteri i Soot lend county. |C. G. White On 'School Board At a meeting of the Kings Moutl aln School Board held Tuesday aft rncon. C. G. White, Superintendent of Phenix Mills number 1 and 2. Was tendered the unexpired term of the late Mr. James L;. Matrney. Mr , White is General Superintendent ot ) ilie First Baptist Sunday School, l and a member of the Men's Club. He I has shown a great deal of Interest in | school affairs and has been very eni thusiastic about the School Band. a*r. n nuc was notified by letter of his appointment, but is in New York City cn business and could not be reached for a statement. The Board members will make an | inspection tour next week of the buildings that have, beeu repaired and remodeled and also the n?w gymnasium, which will be completed Those present for the meeting were: Supt. B. N. Barnes, A. II. Parlerson. Charles F Thomasson. Dr. U P. Baker. Mr. P. M. Nelsler the other member was out of town. Members of Board and Supt. B. N. Barnes are planning to attend a meeting of the State School Board to be held in Chapel Hill next Tuesday Patrolman Hill Speaks At School Stute Highway Patrolman Fred C ! mil, wno is stationed in K'.pgs Moun j 'ain made a lalk at the cuapel exercises cf West End School Wednesday morulng. He discussed "Safely on the Highway". Patrolman Hill was invited to make the talk by the 1 local chapter of the Woman's Club Mr. Hill will address the other j two schools of Kings Mountain on the same subject next week. nd the World N S. COBB e Others Slept S. COBB occasionally tells this story on the nterprise and instinctive cojnmfXdoL . vouches for if as ah actual personal omewhat as follows: rinr up in New Enalantl. Takinsr a afternoon I ran into a miry place d stuck fast. Providentially, as it ? ? 1 ' ?w itely hove in sight, leading a team Dtiations with him and the upshot i undertake the job of rescuing me temed reasonable and we closed the axle of the stalled automobile and I was struck by the brightness of i in extricating the heavv machine a I led him into conversation, taking t him upon his smartness, nsiderable practice Mister. Your'n of this here mud-hole today.' ay you a dollar?' I asked, alar price for thia job.' rs today? Pretty fair wages for a men ted. igster withdrew from my immediate ses. i 'specially good day. I don't always In't as easy as you might think for Ve got to be hangin' 'round waitin' bogged down ana start callin' for ither. Except when it rains, I have cry night.' ;?' I asked. sad and started away through the he vanished, he replied: aw water and All up this here mudes the next day*." ?tanrn. tea) B g li/lmin > ITIUIIII ? ? KINGS MOUNTAIN* N. C. Kings Mountain Presbytery , ,MttTtn Ml Kings Mountain Preabyttry. which ( in made up cf six tuui:i lea. cnunl aj two-day semi-annual tn-Miuu here j yt-atter lay afttt it-cn. Hcv. a. IJ. M-c- , < ('lure of l.iiuolliton was elected mo<l erutor ut the opening meet inn Tuts- j cay morning and Immediately took charge. Kcv. W. K. Ilea My of Mt. Holly, retiring mulerator. pleached the first sermon at the opt-ulng meeting. I Meetings were held in the .new f Presbyterian Church, and all who at- ( tended the meeting were well pleat- , cil with the new building. 1-adles o ( be church served, ineaia (luring the Mwlcilii. , Among the peakers of Presbytery was Rev. Stuart McEIroy, D. D? of ( Richmond. Va., Secretary of Arnerl: ( can Bible Society, and Rev. O. Q [ Jones. D. D.. paster of the Forest , | City and KUcnboro c*>tur<ties. I Commissioners to the General AsI setnblv which meets this year at Me- , rid hi n. Miss, were elected as follows. { Rev. J K If all, I). U.. cf Heimont and Rev. It. T. Baker of Ellenboro. Beacons, elected were C. K. Neisler. ! Jr. of Kings Mountain, and S. A. Rob iinson cf Gastonia. Kings Mountain Presbytery includes the following counties: Gaston, Lincoln. Rutherford, Rclk, Columbus and Cleveland. 1 P. T. A. Hears About | Saftey Members of the Parent-Teacher" I Associations of the three sehocls of | Kings Mountain heard a very inter- , esting and educational address bv l,t. "NV. B. Bants, of Asheville. Com tiiander cf Troop C. of the N. C. 1 Highway Patrol, at their meeting | | held Tuesday evening ,at the Cen ( tral School auditorium. Mrs' E. W. Griffin, Chairman of ( the Program Committee introduced Lt. Lents, and presi^d at the meet | 1 ing. Mrs. Frajik Summers, President ' 'f Central P. T. A., made a few re i marks at the beginning of the meet ' In?. L.t. I..entz spoke on, "The Par nuts' Respensibillty in the Problem of Safe Driving." Mr3. Jim Willis made a talk on: "Home, Our Greatest Safety Hazard. A piano sclo was rendered by Mis? Mary Roddey Rdwards, music in stuctor for the Kings Mountain Schools. "Community Responsibility for Moral and Physical Safety of lts_|_ Youth" was the topic of the address ma'le by D. M. Bridges. Principal of Central School. ,1 i Closing Exercises At Patterson Grove School The closing exercises of Patterson Grove Slhool, Friday evening, April! 15, will consist of a playlet, "The In specter's Ctat", and a song by the! nxliMOWif ftro <1qo n nlavlnt "Unclo'a ' I |/i Iiuu? J giaava, u uuai^ 01 I Oebut", by fifth grde pupils and a; one-act play, "The Adoption of Bob' 11 by students of sixth and seventh giades. Music will be furnished by the toy orchestra and a string or chestra. Miss Ruby Ware, one of the seventh grade pupils, of the school, won the county reader's medal In a recent contest in Shelby and recognition will be given Miss Ware at the closing exercises for this accomplishment. The exercises will begin at 8:00 o'clock. A small admission fee will be charged. Bethware Seniors To Give Flay The B^th-Ware High School Seniors will give a three-act comedy on April 18. at eight o'clock in the Beth Ware auditorium. The cast to as follows: Silas Long, an old farmer?Harol Ilcrndon; Sarah Long, his wife Mary Katherine Ware; Harel Long their daughter, Grace Matthews; LU ?- **i s?. a i x. M _i_i xri t? > zie intinKS, me uirea gin, vugiui Handle; Hank Blinks, the hlr. man, Clyde Pruett; Minnie Hall, th neighborhood gossip, Myrtle Lee Re, nolde; Richard BUtmore, a stranger Irvin Allen; Dave Hlnkle, an old mis er. Frank Dover. The play promises to furntsn much fun. A small admission will be charged. Pre-Easter Services At A. R. P. Church The public la invited to the Pre Easter Services being held this week In the A. R. P. Church. Mr. , Boyce will apeak Thursday evening on, "The Crowd About the Cross." and on Friday evening on, "Sermona From a Pulpit of Pain." These services are held at 7:30 each evening. On Friday afternoon, there will be Joint flood Friday 8ervloe at the 'mtheran Church. This service la a 1:00. I tain I Thursday, april u, 193a * ?_ ?.?.. ? ?? 1,253 Jobseekers Listed For Work Here Now 004 Men, 423 Women, 35 Veteran* In File of N. C. State Emplsyment Service. '1.2511 persona arc scofciug' Jrba at Ki tga'Mountain, according to a report made by A. I!, YoHUif, manager of the N. C, State Employment Service Office. King* Mountain is in lh<> area 'served by the Shelby Office. 804 Men, 423 Women and 36 Veterans are listed in the active file. Tills is tile Hi-oatcst immlipr nf ?n. employed <>ver to be registered according to available records. Although the. total is high, it is by ac means the total number of persons seeking jobs here.' for not al unemployed people have availed themselves of . the opportunity" to tt?? tfte Employment. Service. ' Applicants for work may register at the City Hall each Tuesday and Tputsday morning. Th**re is no eiiarac for this service to employee employer. It Is hoped that the local offtce can r.Ssist job-seekers in securing work and an appeal is made ?o all employ ers to call on the Employment Seryfcc'when workers are needed. Bethware High Plans Finals O. W. Morris, principal of the Be'li-AVarc high school said nine sen iors will be graduated on April 20 From the youngest high school in the ctciunty. Awarding of diplomas and certificates will be made at 8 p. m. Bupt. J. H. Grigg will be the main speaker for the graduating exercises Rev. W. M. Boyce, pastor of the A I? Profthvturinn rhnrrh Klnirt* Mountain, delivered the commencement sermon last Sunday afternoon. The senior play, "Look Out Lizzie, will he given on April 16, at 8 p. m. A contest for readings and declanatisn honors will be held on April ir m -T p. m. Medals will be award;d the winners. On this same afternoon. April 19, he school has arranged for "open louse"-w4wu??palcaug^ are invited to ;orhe and inspect the school, the i?w building, work of special classes ?nd other prejerts. On that evening at 8 p. m. the jlee club will give a concert and a music recital in charge of Miss Lalage Spurling. The seniors who graduate this no- "ayn Grace Matthews, Flora ilernden, Mary Catherine Ware, Edward Anthony. Wijlard Cranford Maude Gar t. Clyde Pruett, Harold llerndon, and Vernon Bookout. Wins Readers Medal Miss Ruby Ware, one of the brigh young students of Patterson Grove School, was the winner of the medal awarded in the County Seventh Grade Readers Contest, reld in 8hei by, April 2nd. Will Rogers' Humorous Story 11 i i ii > By WILL ROGERS * j'HE boys setting around at the club was bragging about what good husbands they were. That is what they do at clubs, when they get to a certain stage in the evening's entertainment. So the fe'low that never quarreled with his wife had told his nf, and so had the one that buy* her candy every birthday. Thon says Jonea, "W?:y. T ain't so Rood as some of too, bat I reckon I ain't ao bad, either. Anyhow, f aat aad held my wife's hands last night for aa boor." Smith waa Just far enough gone ee he couldn't let it go. "Why, that'a funny," he says. "Tea know, I lire right next door to yea, Jonea, aa all these guys know. And I saw yea and your wife fighting something awful last night Chairs, you were throwing, all that" "I didn't aay we wasnt fighting little," says Jenee. "T held her hands far aa hear, though, and thefa the truth. I wasnt going to 1 let her scratch ay eyes out" I Usslia Meet Pwlda ha| le r aid Local Woman'* Club Puts UH flrtWf feteliy IDlUfkl? in King* Mtn. School* The Kings "Mountain Wonuiu'i ( lull u giving four prlipt to contest winneis In cnr city schools lor the jest ? shays on the subject: "Mow ."an I Meat Protect Myself nnd'Othi>rt front Accident." Prizes are offer ed to th" winner from the --grammar grade department in each of the three schools.. and one to the winner itt the High School department. .Tre object of this contest is to awaken the children and young people mere fully to their personal responsibility in avoiding and preventing accidents, in all phases of life, bcth to '.hemsolve? and to those about them. It is a sad fact,' but a fact - nevertheless, that accidents ? .<11 the result, largely, cf carelessness on the part of somebody, caus more deaths annually rhuu- do all other sources cT death ccntbittei. ineluding wars, floods, disease,, and' pes'ilence. Homes (hems -iv< s ftsrh-! '.sh the s'age for the laigest percent' uf these deaths., followed closely l>y the percent that happens on highways. 1 Obviously no person's education can he complete without a knowledge of" such vonditiens tin.! nn awck' tied consciousness for his or her responsibility in helping to remedy it. The essays will he judged mainly firm the standpoint of- fact content with especial enipb u!s added on knowledge of safe driving in the high school group. Parents are urged . to encourage their children to enter with zest into this contest, and to .loose no opportunity to help them gain information hearing on the subject of safety at home, at school, on the play ground, rn the streets and highways, on or near railroads, electricity, fire, water. in automobiles, regarding poisons. macinery. animals.' etc. It is surprising how much there Is to learn abcut accident hazards anct prevention when once one begins to think on the subject. In helping chil dien to search for Information useful in this essay contest, it is quite J possible that parents may discover I nueh useful information to be appli| <?d by themselves. Gov. Hooy and the North Carolina Highway Commission, assisted by I the North Carolina Federation of ? ? ?*.?- ?r n \i* ! womens cmos. mm .mis. c. ??. Griffin of Kings Mountain as State Chairman of Safety Division., are carrying forward at this time a State ! wide program of Safety and are not 1 only asking, hut urging, every city, I'cvvn. and village to Join in this proi grain and lend aid that it may | proovo effectual in every community j in the State. - - . t j T J*- . j Lincoln Academy To Give Spring Concert The Music Department of Lincoln' Academy at Kings Mountain will give its spring concert on Thursday,! April 14, at 8:15 P. M. The program will he varied with renditions by the mixed chorus, male quartet, Girls Glee club, aolo' ista and other features. The Depart! ment is sponsoring this program in 1 an effort to raise funds toward the trip to be made to Durham the latter part of April, w-hen some of the students will contest In tho State | Music event. There will be a small I admission charge and all the friends ' and patrons are oordlally invited to attend this musical treat. Boiling Springs Chorus At First Baptist Sunday A program of Easter music will be rendered by tre chorus of, the Boiling Springs College at a Vesper meeting cf the First Baptist church Sunday evening from six to seven o'clock under the direction of Mrs. 1-aura Yates Burnett, head of the j d? t>artment of Voice of the college. I |Two Fire Alarms | This Week Firemen were called out Monday morning! at 10:35 to a roof fire at the home of W. E. Owena in tre Phenlx Mill Village. Slight damage was done to the roof. Tuesday at 12:30 firemen answer ed an alarm at the heme of Joe I^ee Woadwafd on Gold street. The rool blase was extinguished with choml cals. Very small damage was done. Present Program Of Music The Mitchell College, A Capelh Choir, under the direction of Mr. E B. Stlmson prevented a beautiful pr( gram of music at the Prc-sbyteriai church 8unday afternoon. A large and appreciative audlenct heard the program which constate! of chcruaea and solo numbers all < wbtch were rendered with mos x - -7 / I ' " - ? V . ' * . - , RE AO THI HERALD M RIVE CENTS PER COPV Easter SuurUe I Service 6:30 1 | Sunday Morning 1 All denominations will be represented a' the AllnuuI Faster Sunrise | Service Kaiter Morning. April 17th, at 6:30. In front of the Central High School. Pinna have been ntadc and committees are at work preparing for tills program. The music will be | under the direction of Miss Virginia Parson and Mrs W. A .Rldenhour 1 will be the pianist. There was a gcod attendance last year in spite of the cold weather. This year the largest'attendance-yet is expected. Programs have been printed with each hymn in full and two Hoy Scouts front each Trocp will have charge of the distribution. The coUred people of the town have 1 been invited to .attend. ; Friday Kven.ihg. 8:30 Miss Parson Is asking the tneinber of all of the Choirs of town to meet at the Par; toft i?.?n in... ..* .1. ? ..it?? ***.. - J! ' i?ii hum uii^ m in*' liiiiHurttn i uurni I for <4 relic .u.val. Shi* ro<ruf,>sts oaCli choir director of each senior and ' , . j each junior choir , to contact their 1 mtimbers and urge a full attendance. The rohearVul will last just one hour. The High school (JTee Club H also helping with the singing. The Ministerial Association has chatge of arranging the program for this Service. Rev. W. A. Parsons, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church, 1 will be the speaker. Invitations were extended'to each Pastor and eonfere gation. Rev. E. \V. Fox, chairman of the Ministers Association will preside and Rev. \V. -M. Boyce will lead the Invocation The Easter lesslon will be read by Rev. I>. Boyd Hatnm and the prayer led by Rev. P. D. * Patrick. A special Easter number will be sung by all the Choirs and the Glee Club. | The Service begins promptly at 6:30 and will be held regardless of the weather. The auditorium will be used in case of bad weather.. The entire tilme will he about 40 minutes. Every persou in town is invited to attend. Attend Presbyterial In Charlotte A nurber of members fium the M Missionary Society of Boyce Memorial Church attended the meeting of the Presbyterial. in Charlotte, last _ week: Among them were Mrs. W. M. Boy re, delegate. Mrs. Pride Rattfcrree. Foreign Mission Secretary, Mrs. John McGill, who gave the response to the address cf welcome; Mesdamee Grady Patterson. W. T. Jackson. Campbell Phifer, W. S. Fulton, I l.ona McGill and Orr Weir. Mrs. John McGill was elected secI ret pry of Literature and Education i in the Presbyterial fcr the coming , year. , [Holy Thursday And j Good Friday Services | This Evening at 7:30 at the Luth' eran Church Holy Thursday will be J observed and the Lord's Supper administered. Tomorrow, Good Friday. I service will be held at 3:00 in the afternoon. Rev. W. M. Boyce and the I pastor, uev. Ham.n, win give snort J meditations on two of the miracles surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection o< our Lord. A cordial wel come is extended to all the people of^ the town to be present. (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily-the Views of This Newspaper.) . .9 One healthy sign emerged out of the fight over the bill to reorganize I tre Government and put more power in the hands of the Executive Branch ? John Public Is still very much concerned about tne destinies rieing i shaped for him by Congress. And that rosy-cheeked outlook Is .{not based upon the quantity of pros testing letters and telegrams, which [ deluged congressional desks In unprecedented number, but upon their "quality." They were spontaneous protests from the real grass roots. Here is the proof: Observers who checked- the original source of the telegrams found i IV a?t a large majority had originated from private homes and had been i < telephoned to telegraph offices. > Needless to say, there was consld i orable sleep lost In the congressron- I at bedrooms during the heat of ths ft flfht. And instead of counting sheep 1 most of the sleepless ones wore 9 counting votes. I (Cont'd on bsck page) 4 ' *' ^ . iL v.; .

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