uv Ar HOME - ? : VOL. 94 NO. 83 State And M Condensed Ii -?National News? Yokohama. Japan, April 27.?Rlw. yn Gl bbon, American aviator, began hla fifth day In Jail today wbllv lojtal military author.u-s ctntiiun-d - to wegfc hla cane. A bom* office official uid a complete report had been nubmltted' to the prosecutor** office and a decCsioa was expected soon on whether be would bo tried! on charges of aiding Chinese In carrying out bembing attack* oa Japanese troona Waishflngton, April 27.?A poastbllt ty developed tcday that the bouse rules committee may hold the whip hand over legislation U carry out PreaUletot Roosevelt'# ^pending-ken*. Ing program and over the revised wage-hour fcf.ll as well. Members of the house appropriations commute? said it was virtually certain, they would have to ask the powerful rules group to give the "pumjHprimtag", bill privileged status otv the house Calcutta r. Washington. A?rll 27.?President , Roosevelt wjill be accompanied b> several guests on his trip on the new cruiser Philadelphia starting from Charleston, 8. C., Saturday morntng. The White House said their names probably would be made public late today. ' > Officials said the trip was fairly definite. They said the President would board the Philadelphia inunedlatey upon bis arrival in CharleSton after an overnight train trip from Washington. Reading And Declamation Contest Last Friday (The .reading and declamation contest for grammar grades was held hist Friday evening at Central * School auditorium. manna wainer, eevcoiu graae pu-; pH of Central School, was awarded the Baker medal in' the reading con teat and Gene Mathis, Jr., seventh grade pupil of West School was awarded the Nobler medial in the dec tarnation content. Pupils entering the reading contest were Martha Walker, seventh grade. Central School, who gave the Littlest Rebel, by Edward Peple; JeaXme Griffin, fifth grade, West School, Brotherly Love, by Leola Hulse Black; Pauline Ford, sixth grade, BaBt School, Pink Ice Cream, - by Penelope Dlckeraon. Declamation contestants Included Gene Matbls. Jr., seventh grade. ' West School, Why I Specialize In Prohibition, by Hon. William D. Upehaw; Charles Warllek Jr., fifth grade, Central School, Hating War, by Charles E Jefferscn; Harvey Leu gliter, sixth grade, East School, Loe, tlie American, by Plata T. Durham. MAN 8UFFER8 HEART ATTACK J. U. jouiat, ex-f>rize iigaier vi CtyrkHte, suffered a severe heart atiuuok here )ast irfght abcut 10:00 o'clock In front of the First National Bank bunding. He was rushed to the office of Dr. A. L. Hill by local police o;oem After treatment by Dr. Hill the ex-fighter was given ' a night'rt lodging feu the City Hall by Chief Hums. A late report, about midnight reported Jones resting aa well as could be erpected. Laughing Aroi With IRV] | Kemembered d Br ntvn 'THERE is a gentleman connectof tha dramatic profession wh law. His sense of humor generally many worthy persons who like his he is not included. Whenever the old lady come* gentleman in question goes away 1 until the visitor has departed. 8 communicates with his wife by tele ?finds solace for his solitude in a he behaves as any average huabanc Late the other night he was i when a fellow-member hailed him: fek - "Hallow, old man," said his fi "Nope, I'm not going home Jui "Well then, isn't it pretty neai "Yes," said the groggy one, ' to do before I turn in." "Whafs that?" "I'd like to go uptown and Idc (AaawbsaMr Ctf/ > J. , t? ; - 4 Kings latiftnal N?ws n Brief Form j ?State News? . Uastonia. April 27.?Judge Arm itK?g this arteruOon iniraeeit Mm Annie Lre Nolt u Henderson to setv? two to f.ve years in State's prison The sentence was pronounced al 2:30 o'clcek. Mrs. Henderson had pleaded guilt) to a charge of embezzling $24,00f from the U roves Thread Co.. ever a period of years when she was a trusted employe of the firm. Beaufort. N. C\, April 27. ? The Kev. Isiuel H. Noe. former dean of St. Mary's Cathedral at Memphis, ! Term., will nreneh Sniutim o?t_i ? hv oaiu, ' Paul's Episcopal Church here. Ts'oe, who has l>een in a hospital | since his 22-day fast earlier thi? year .is M.dUicg his mother here, lie appareutly Is i'lit gocd health. Iris Garden Of Unusual Beauty One of the mast iuapiratlonal *pots the writer has been privileged to visit is Mrs. Grady King's boauti iul flower garden, that Is at this partiXiular seasou resplendent with iris I bIoiim?-ja riot of colors ranging through lovely tones of lilac, purple, blue, cream, yellow, gold, mauve and orohtd. Mrs. King's garden Is Lucked away routiy at the rear of her house and the beauty of the entrance from the drive-way at the present thne, beg gars description. The flag-stone walk is flanked on either side with mass es on Singing Canary and Midgard Iris in full bloom and back of this other colors aud varieties too uumer ous to mention, to say nothing ot the climgSng roses that have bloom, ed "Just at the right time." The gentle sunny slope and th3 charming naturalness of this garden, no doubt has much to do 'with Its lure. Mrs. King is delightful to shar' t - - - - " * ? ' " I ini* icveuness ana visitors are at an times welcome to visit her" garden and mcst especially in "iris lime." KEETER '.VINS GOLF PRIZE Byron Koeter came out victorious over a field of eight contestants in the third flight golf turnament held recently in Shelby at the Cleveland Spipigg Golf Club. The final elimina tlonis were held Tuesday afternoon. IRVIN ALLEN CANDIDATE FOR COMMISSIONER C Irvln Allen, well-known Number Four Township farmer, filed last week as a candidate for a membership on the County Board of CommlsaPonera. Mr. Allen, a former Shet iff of Cleveland County, had thought about ottering tor that post but late: dedlded to make the race of the Com a loner position. I * " CHARLIE 8HEPPPARD FILE8 FOR RE-ELECTION Charlie Shepperd, well known and popular Deputy Sheriff for No 4 Township filed) last week for re election. Officer Sheppard will be un contested, as no one filed agatnsi him. ind the World in s. cobb y A Son-In-Law * COBB sd with oo? of the allied industries 0 has a pretty wit and a mother-inf is admired and doubtless there are vlkP mother-in-law, too, bat among them 1 to town to see her daughter, the 'rom the flat and stays away from it oeh times, he lives at his club and phone and?with regret must 1 tell it bootlegger's wares. In other words, 1 might behave under such conditions, wavering in the doorway of the club lend; "going home?" it at present. I'm sleeping here." r time yon were getting to bed?" 'it is. But there's one thing I'd like k my mother in-law good night" so fatvs, lac.) ?- J ^ ' 1 ' KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. T S'i'Ar k I " * < Senior Class Play A * April ZSIth "Girl Shy" To Be Presented at the I High School Auditorium. A three-act play.. "Girl Shy." will bo presented by njeinbers of the senior class -at the High School Auditorium, April 29. The .play will begin promptly at 8:15 o'clock. The admission is twenty ond thirty .five cents. I Miss Mary Frances Hord, feacher j of dramatics, is coaching the play. ( Following is a list of the charao j tors as they appear in the play: >1 Tom Arsdale, who- i? girl shy, Wll[J i)tirn White. ' ? Oke Stimsoti, who Isn't, Bill Davis I Caroline. Tom's aunt, Nina Putnam Anthony Arsdale, - Tom's father, , Richard Baker. Sylvia Webster. Tom's pet aver' sion,. Lallafaye Sides Dean Marlow, Dean of the college, ' Buren Neill, Jr. Peaches . Carter, Oke'a present weakness, Marjorle Rhea. As., o, a colored wash lady. Emily Lee Ashe. | Birdie Lavernie, a movie aspirant, Mary Frances Tidwell. Barbara Sanford, herself, Elianbeth Plonk, i Alfred Tennyson Murgatoyd. the ; college poet. Charles Thomasson. Chuck Mayo,' Birdie's late affinity, i n?,.1 o* ?.?? ?? ? ( QUI DlCWttll. I . Crystal Shows Here 'This Week The Crystal Shswe, which Justly carries the name of the World's ( Cleanest Midway, Is playing in Kings Mountain all this week. The Local Post of the American Leg'.on Is spoa soring the. attraction which has made a hit with local citizens, as no "flxedl" gambling devices or Indecent shows are allowed on the midvway. The free acts which cost about $350 per week to put on, according to R. Q. Pelment, General Represen tatlve of the Show, are unusually : good. Mr. Felmet Is a ftarmer citizen of Kings Mountain, and was happy to ' meet some of his Old acquaintances. Daiti Us Cialn.At*. #atk&. T T% . wwvu mi. * CIUIW a laiuvif d. X JTOi" met, and grandfather, C. F Fetanet i were Bapttot miniate re, who at one thne preached In and near Kings Mountain. W. J. Btints, father-in-law of Mr Fefcnet, Is general manager at . the Carnival. The show which has an invest ' ment of'about $350,000 according to Mr. Felmet winterquartern In Camden. SC. j t Safety Tour To Stop Here Tho Safety Tour sponsored by the Carolina Motor Club and the Queen City Coach Co. will atop in Kings Mirtmvttaln tomorrow morning; from 10:35 to 10:55 A. M. The motorcade will arrive from Shelby and will br tnet on the out-sklrta of Kings Mouc tain hv dtlzMM and offlHal* of Kl-ncj Mountain. During the twenty mlnuH stop here Mayor J. E. Herndon and Attorney J. R. Davis will addree! the gathering on matters of safety. Olee Bridge?, President of th< Men's Club lias made arrangement! for the welcome of the tour. Mission Study Class At Lutheran Church The Worm fit's Missionary Society of St. Matthews Lutheran Churcl will conduct a Mistfon study clar at the Church Tuesday, May 3rd be ginning at 10:00 A. M. 7he groupi at Shelby and Bessemer City wll have part In tbe conducting of thl Mudy. Mrs. J. Frank Davte will b the leader. All of the ladles of Sain Matthew* are cordially Invited to a! tend and bring lunch. The local li dies will provide the lunch. Ladle of other church of the town ar also Invited to attend the dtscai ttain H ': " ' ' * HURSOAY, APRIL Mk rE CHAMPIONS TO PAHAj 'I ' * } (Courteay Charlotte Observer) : l( KIoss Mountain School Hand ? which was declared mate champion In the drilltaK contest held last week 1 in Greensboro, will parade' here 1 Thursday afUruorn at d P. M. at the; Ball Park. The formations and rou i lines, tnat made the local musicians winners will be presented. The exhl- <? bit ion will be absolutely flee. c, ' Here is an opportunity to show the gi members of the Baud. the director: g, and thos-e who have worked with' the band your appreciation fcr win-i ff nln-g the state content. The way to; show your appreciation is to be pres | ent fcr this exhlb'tkii.* I ni At the band concert held week, before last every seat was taken in the; large Central Auditorium, thus support and interest helped the band to be a winner, now come out and support the winner you have helped to o make. g At the stpte contest over 4.000 musicians took part and Kings Mouu tain had to out-march 22 bands to be } declared the winner. 4, Picture Was ? E. L. Campbell " The handsome' picture which adorn ed the front page of the last issue cf The Herald was none other than E. L. Campbell, well-known local at torney. The picture from which the cut was made was taken about 40 " years ago, but was easily recognized by tb^ citizens today, as Glee Brld B' ge's phone kept ringing all day las I Thursday by those who Identified 1 the picture. The first person to call Mr. Bridges and wi-n the prize, was Police ^ j Oiilcer Jim Smith, who got Mr. Urid- m I ges out of bed early that morning to ' identify the picture. The picture was found by Glee s' , Bridges In the ofllce of Mr. Camp T i bell which was destroyed by the rej cent fire. Mr. Bridges shewed the picture to Charles Thomasscn who I suggested that the picture be rut , Jr. the Herald. More about this pic ture appearing in The Herald wil E be found cii /he Editorial page. V Boiling Springs v Alumni Banquet c _ Tthe BoiHng Springs Alumnlo ban 6 quet will be held May 7. at 7:30 p. n m. in Shelby. There will be a reunion * .t ' _ m ?A?? mid 1AQ1 oi io? mnn 01 ivn, *7x0, i?i, 1926. 1931 and 1936. r There are 35 graduate* of the 4 class of 1938 who will attend and be admitted Into the Aaaoclation. (> TViere are ji number of graduates J In Kings Mountain who are especially invited. ' Music will be - furnished by the School Band. An Interesting program has been arranged. . ; 6 < 1 1 1 1' 1 Will Rogers' ? Humorous Story > : | By WTLL ROGERS 1 CHOW people are always telling l 1 yarns about their kind, and so , rncherly I hear .quite a lot of them. x 1 Hl? Kova aha in nKnni a siMite i m >> ? hvi v viiv *o at/vu * vii' ua actor, and of course they are the ' most romantic of all troupers. The circus strong man rode out t i on horseback to challenge a fanner , , whose great strength had gained him a reputation. He entered the 1 farmyard, tied up his horse and 8 approached the fanner. r [ ' . ( 8 "Hey," he said. "I've heard a lot about you, and have come a ! ? long way to see which is the better , ] man." Without answering the farmer seised the intruder, hurled him s bodily over the fence trtto the road t and returned to his work. ! When the loser had recovered his t. breath the fanner growled. "Hsve . you anything more to any to me?" * "No, was the reply, "hot perhaps ? yeuH he good enough to throw SM 1 mr heme." tantas Mm helon lea r 1 J erald ' : " ' -> '< '.'. >: * .-: , ' ? i i i .... . ?i i ., ? 3E >; , - ', * icout Court Of fonor Held The regular monthly meeting c :e Boy Stout Court of tlpticr lie I' i the School House Thursday nigh [>enod with ts repeating of tho Bo; ccut Oath led by It: M. Schlelt tout Executive1.. The NegTO Scouts were examine rst nnd were c? follows: Tenderfott: Benjcmlu Bf"0-wn. 10. Second Class Rank: Earn Hlcl land 10; Jacob' Burris 10; Richar hompson 10. " . > Bookb!.id. g: Theodore Byers 10 Walter Davidson 10; Lulto Wilson. Carpentry: Thor-." i Brings 10 Then the Court t-r Honor for whit* routs- was held and the tollowini touts were advanced in rank: Tenderfoot: Harold Adams 6. Second Class Rank: Emory Merc ; Thomas Baruette 4; Floyd Smitl ; Hdrcld Earp 6; Fred Moore 5; J McGinnls 5; Lawrence Carroll 6. First Class: Doyt Redmond 4 a raid Falls 4; Wilson Griffin 6. Merit Badges ? Animal Industry en Goforth. Jr., a; Meek Carpente ; George Latthnore 3. Architecture: Leon Wolfe 3. Bird Study: Ernest Mauney 2 [ilea Mauney, 2; Floyd Queen 2. Carpentry: X'ooledge Finley 3; C . McDaniel 3: Electricity: Meek Carpenter, 3 en Goforth. jr.. 3. Farm Home: Billie C.antt 4; En ?ne Mathis 6. Farm Layout: Billie Gantt 4; Law tnce Patrick 1. Farm Records: James Nickels 1. Flremanship: Ben Goforth, Jr. 3 leek Carpenter 3; George Lattl or a.- 3. . First Aidt Geo. Lattlinore 3. First Aid to Animals: Coyt Rarti ?ur 5; Eugene Mathis 6; Bill hrcmeburg 6: Leon Wolfe 3: Chas littlejohn 5; Wood B. Rawles 1 'orman Roper 4. Forestry: Leon Wolfe 3. Gardening: Loyd Earley 5. Handicraft: John D. Fulton I >0>t Redmond 4; Roy Bridges 4 .'ilson Bridges 4. Horsemanship: Ernest Mauney 2 Mies Mauney 2. Music: Grady Watterson 3; Et ene Mathis 6. P&thfindihg: Angus Sargeant, jr ; Eugene Mathis 6; George Latt tore 3r Loyd Early 5. Plumhlne: Billie Gantt 4. Poultry Keeping: Lawrence Pa Ick 1: Dean Payne 5; Harold Pall ; Clarence Dixon 4. Pioneering: Meek Carpenter 3 leonge Dattimore 3; Ben Cofortl r., 3; Chas. Oarett 6. Reading: Ben Goforth, Jr., 3 -eon Wolfe. 3; Eugene Mat his 6. , Safety: Eddie Smith 1. WooOcarvlng: Ernest Mauney. 2. Star Scout Rank: Eugene Mathl Life Scout Rank: Chaa. Oantt E lllly Ga.ntt 4; Leon Wolfe 3. Bronze Eagle Scout Pabn: Jamc Jlckete 6. After awards of previous Couri vere made the meeting closed wit he repeating of the Boy Scout Bei diction. Hlord Begins Interesting Vdvertising. Campaign The D. P. Hord Furniture Co. >eginn!ng fav this issue of T1 herald an Interesting" odvertteir anvpalgn, that is chock full of w md humor. The ads will be change ach week, and will always appet ti the seme place in the papc lorald readers are Iroflted to wat< or this aerie* of ads which will I ntltled, "Tom and George." JITY HALL BEING CLEANED W. P. A. Workers are busy clea -(?, ernfhbing, an<*i wngfcftig the 1 :erior or the City Hall. Work begi iVodneeday mowing and will co Inuo until the Job is completed. SMALL FIRE MONDAY Very little drmage was done he roof of the home of Mre. W Ftyrd which caught fire Monday 1:06 P. M. The fire atarteB frpoi Bark on the reef. A. \-'_ ;{*< ***'^.*3 ^ . .' r v' :-.iv.1 . . ;^H MAO THE . '} HERALD I - #iv* cent* **" corv* Spiihg Flowti Festival To Be * '? '^jH Held Here Friday | Tha^ Spring Klow^r Festival. sponsored auuuaJly by the Woman's club will l>o hold Friday at the club build'.UK I'lana have been made for heTVing a tempting menu at ikou, at A reasonable. price. ' All er.jrjis s.iould be made and flowers ready for judging by tea i o'clock. Ribbons will be available as follows: Roses, best single, any color; best vase 6 or more; best climbing rose. Hi at collectticn Iris, 12 vartetfes. one stalk each; Best collecticn, t> varieties, one slalk; Second best col- J lection. 6 varieties, one stalk; Best fl'.taik iris; Second best stalk 4rls; il i Most artistic arrangement of iris; 11 Best stalk pink lids; Best stalk, vel - . ... ... - - y low iris; Beet display non-boared Iris (Dutch. -Spanish. Siberian, table, etc.); Entrants are requested, where j d possible, to Indicate names of thc-ir iris. 1 . Peonies, best single bloom; best collection. / /I ill Best bowl mixed flowers; best ; bowl flowery, one color; best bowl ; patvaies; best miniature arrangeJ ment. sot exceeding 5 inches. Best collection floweers, color, a Best new cr unusual flowers. 5 Committees have been appointed S as follows; " j Hoses, Mesdames C. E. Noisier, H. jj f T. Fulton and J, A Nelsler; Peonies, it Mesdatnes W. K. Mauney, and O. O i Jackson; Iris. Mesdames E W. Griffin and M. A. Ware; Pansies, Mes; dames J. M. Rhea and H. 8 Blackmer; flowering shrubs, Mesdhmes I. : B. Gofortk, W. "B. Blakely and P. D ri Patrick; Miscellaneous flowers, color. M.es-Joxnes Ladd Ifatnrlck and Charles WUltams; Bowls mixed ; j flowers, Mesdames N F. McGlll and d i A. H. Patterson; Miniature arrange I I ment. Mesdames J. E Herndou ana j George Liattlmore; New or unsual ; flowers, Mrs J. K. Wills. i - Jewelry Robbery > Is Solved < 1 m ? ? ? * I i nree negroes are Denni'i' tne ears I for b<"r.g Involved in the Jewelry rob ' bery here last week, of the King's , i Jewelry, Inc. Approximately $2,500 .' worth of Jewelry was taken from the ' local concern which is located on the oectnd floor of the Falls building on Mountain Street. The Jewelry taken was high priced watches and rings, several of wl>lch were expensive dia attend rings. Clayton Brown, local col cre>d boy, known as "Chicken" was i arrested earl> yesterday, morning | charged with their theft. . Odell Hendrick and Denorris Crawford also col ored were lodged In Jail charged with receiving stolon goodh knowing them to be stolen. Moot of the jewelry, including 11 watches and 19 rings were recovered l" by Chief Jimmy Burns and Deputy 8' Shett:ff Char.ie Sheppard. The entire .. police department has been working ' cn the case since the robbery. Part of the Jewelry was recovered here and some in Gastonla. J LIST TAXES NOW I M l9 All taxes must be listed before . May 1st, which Is Sunday, so only .. three more days are left. K. L. Camp bell. Llet taker for both County and TVjwtv will be at the City Hall office | the rest of thrts week, and all who . I have not already done so are urged ^ to list Immediately. le (Opinions Expressed in This Column if Are Not Necessarily the Views of ft This Newspaper.) id' There is a growling sentiment in ir congressional quarters to break au>, way fncim unsound, hysterical pan v -h ceas and adopt a tried and proven > policy toward the national problem of unemployment and general economic Illness. Much tn contrast to the "followthe-leader" (rubber stamp) spirit jv that prevailed when the first protv gram was launched to spend the naui t'an back to prosperity, the Congress m- haa greeted the new relief-lendtngf,ponding spree plans with a questioning attiture. The new trend of reasoning Pound buckling tn Whose quarters can be j to summed up in these .three points: ill 1?That prosperity., after all, la at rot a commodity that can be purdhan a d with any ambunt of bllllona oat i (Cont'd on bock page)

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