igv > AT HOMI VOL. M NO. St Slate And N Cuudensed In ?National News? I lxrjtlnrUle, Ky.. May. 10.? Police iwviT'd a Michel containing jewelry Jt?.owner valued at 910.000 here . early today and closed their Inveatl gallon of dhv of the three major jew. el thefts of the Kentucky Derby week-end. (The satchel was found and a fcr-. mer employee cf the Kentucky Hotel was charged! with its theft a few I hours after David Uutler, Hollywood j nic<-.>>a picture director, reported II disappeared1 front the hotel lobby while he was dining, last night. Cleveland, May 10.?Detectives studied aerial photlgar-phs to-duy In their search for the ''torso slayer" who has butchered eleven victims here. . Ohio National Guard airplanes were owed In making pictures of th-?j Culahoga River atti Kingsbury Ruiij Valleys whore most of the men and' wy^nen vflrtims' e|ssectej' bodies have been found. Jan Garber To . Rudisill, Local 1 ' 4 HOLLYWOOD, May 9.?Eighteen years with one orchestra! That's smiling, effervescent Rudy Rudfaill's enviable record as the No. 1 pianist in Jan Garber's ramous orchestra now featured on the Burns and Allen airglvow on NBC at at Topsy's Cafe here. So?in honor of Rudy's Ipng-time alliance with hts dance and radio oomhdno. Genial Jan has arranged a half-hour broadcast over the Mutual coast-uxoast networic tints i nurs(Say might, May 12, at 9 p. m. (PST), as a salute to the pride of King* Mountain, N. C? who Joined the Oar ber band during a vacation horn) from Notre Dame University ba-.k in 1920. . ( : And in addition to ' (the special broadcast, during which Kudy will sing the percental favorite, ' Alcxac der's Ragtime Band,' a huge eakj with eighteen candles lighted atop a miniature frosted pdano will. " bo cut by a - bevy of Hollywood celebrities In honor cf Rudy. Included among the Hollywood stars who are scheduled to attcn I Garbor's salute to Rudy are Jackie C'oogjan and Betty Grable,. Tony Martin and Alice Faye, Harry Bar ris and Loyce Whiteman, John Payne and Anne Shirley, and many others MOUNTAINEERS BEAT SHELBY Tuesday afternoon the K. M, H. s| baseball teaan defeated Shelby 13 9 in a same characterized by wild hit l.lng and throwing. K. M. took Lane Gheon and Brantom for 20 hlta while the Shelby late toolc nine from Huff stetler. Higlh bitters were Bennett second baseman, for locale with 3 for 4, and Lane and Hicks for Shel by wflth 2 for 5. Judges Of Democratic Primary Named V* i Judges for bhe Democratic Primary to be held June 4th were named yesterday by tihe County Board of Elections. These named for Kin; Mountain are as follows: East King Mountain (voting to take place at Town Hall) Haywood E. Lynch anJ R. D. Goforth; Wcot Kings Mountain (voting to take place at Cleveland Motor Co.) Ben M. Hayes and Charlos B. Campbell. t???; Laughing Arou With IRVJ t V A Little Job fc Br IRVD TOTHEN an actor friend of mint " vaudeville, he applied to a vei accent and a great deal of buainea ' "Veil," he gitowled, looking up nun entered, "vat do yon van"?" L "I weald like to get into vaud< f "Vat you do? Vat'e your line? "I am a comedian, air. 1 " "A komiker, hah?" The maae| me laoghr (Aanhu Mr B t t I J Kings j ' , ' ' "/' "?v- '; ; ' - . I ationalNews i Brief Form! ?State Newa- Hale!?ch, May II.?Coroner U. M. WaritiK nail today an Inquest was nut n<<c??arjr In the death of Glen* woed I) rinan, 2 . crushed to death by n but Ret of a strain shovel. Tho' accident occurred yesterday In a quart y near here. ' H Witts.on-Salem. May II.?Official* s?nt the body cf J. F. tiirard, jr., ' found shot to death in a cabin near | here, to St. Petersburg, Ha., touaxB for funeral and burial. Dr. W. N Daltcn, Forsyth county eoioner, paid Glrard killed slmeelf. Ulrard was a croJlit manager here New Born, May 11.?OlTlelals estl muted today a loss of $50,000 frori {Ore which destroyed the Banne warehouse and - adjolnng buildln hero Monday night. High Point, May 11.?A celcbra j lion marking 50 years of industrial j progress wi'l be held here in Sept. Honor Rudy Boy Tonight , ; : . Highway And Underpass Being Surveyed Here Engineers from the Stats Highway Department have been busy here, for the past several days aur veying a proposed highway and' und erpags to eliminate the daubtedrack Of the mainline of the Southern Rail road. The, proposed route will bear to the left cf the present Gastonla Highway beyond the city limits an J go between King Street and the Sa die Mill, 'then cross the York Higli way between the airplane light and( the ball park, then across to the Gro ver Road where it crosses about 500 feet beyond tbe city limits at the old Karris home, goes under the rail road and comes out into the preten j Shelby highway beyond .the city limits. The hetv highway will be abou 5.2 miles in length, wfr.h about tw miles of the new rood being. wlthir the city limits of Kings Mountain at.d the ochcr part Just skimmin the incorporated limits. The new road, if constructed, wil open up new territory that can be d veloped. The present survey is the lourt one that has beeti made in recen years by the State Highway Depart ment to eliminate the railroad cross lag. , Thoee here with the surveying crew are: K. L. Ponzer, Jr., E. E Strickland, H. E Townsend and T E. Arthur. MEN'S CLUB MEET8 The Business Men's Club will hav thedr regular business meeting tht evening at 7:00 o'clock at the Wo men's Club Building. The ladles o that organisation announce that a fried chicken supper will be served Mr. A. W. Huckle, Editor and Pub l!sher of the Rock HU1 Herald wll address the club mentbefs on a suo Ject of vital Importance to every clt lzeu of King Mountain. Operetta At Central School Central School will present th operetta, "Mother Goose May Day at the Hlgn School auditorium, Friday evening, May 13, at 8 P. M. email admission fee will be charge). ind the World N S. COBB 4 >r a Fun Maker 1 S. COBB i first made tip Us mind to tackle ry graft mana|?r who had a strong on hand. Si i: & from his clattered desk as the young eriUe,** replied the candidate meekly. >r? rer glared at him. "Veil, <|uiek, make H VHUiw, IM.) ? Moui KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. T HUM SCHOOL BOARD MKMBBB C. G. White, newly elected mat ber of the Kings Mountain Sdhoc Bo.trd. Mr. White *as named to ?11 he unexpired term of the late J. L Mauney? Mr.' White Is superlntei lent.-cf the I'henlx Nos. One an rUvo. and has been a ''itlzen ci King Mo'jr.taln for (he j.asi .'our yeirs. H lias taken a veiy noil a Interest 1 civic affairs. Other4 nsetnbors of the Sclrot B ard ale: Dr. Li 1*. Baker. Chali t.an, 1'. M Nclslpr. Charles Tboinai on and A. H. Patterson. Bible School At Lutheran Church ? The atonual Vacation Bible Scho< cf the Lutheran Church here will h gin this year the second week afU the High School Commencement Flans are now be lug made for ever pha^c of the work, courses arrange teachers selected and programs sc eduled. Those who are making plan say that the best course that ha ever been presented w.ll be give this year. The School wdll begin Mends Mo;Ming, June 13th, with session cnch day from 8:30 to 11:00, runnin each week day except Saturday f< two weeks. Classes for student I ft ten 4 years of age to High Scibo will beprovldtad. Requirements ft credits will be adhered to by a classes. The purpose of the scho< will be to teach the Word of Gc and make practical applications > its truth. Young people who have t Church affiliation are invited. P pile of Churches having no Vacatic School will also be welcomed. Hord Building Almost Completed Repairs and remodeling cf tl Hord Building located at the corn* of Cherokee and Mountain streeti whlcn was recently gutted by fii are almcst completed. Painters at ponmnlara ora milting tha finMhir i.ni i|iviivvio u t u ywv* o ?mv i touches to the building this wee The building has be?n completely i modeled from "stem to stern' and now a very ccdern office building every respect. Steam beat has bet toenailed. About a year ago three ne fronts were Installed. Messrs Charles TUomasson and 8. Peeler, owners cf the building, e tertained the carpenters, palntei and workmen at a steak supper the Carolina Cafe last Saturday ev< Ing. Mr. Charlee Thdmasson ?up< vised the repairing and remodelln The rest of the building owned I the Home Building and I?an Assoc tion Is also finished The work < this part of the building was do] by contract, and has been complete repaired, both on the first and h< ond floor. National Air Mail Week 1 Be Observed Next Week Citizens of Ktogs Mountain v have the opportunity of celebratl National'Air Mail Week, here n< ween, ana in? seme time get some good advertising for the B Town In the State. A pick-tip pla will step In Kings Mountain for mall on May 19th. The extra coat only three cents to mall a letter air Is very smell when one takes to consideration the advert l? Kings Mountain Will receive fr the attractive earth et drawn by M Frank Bummers that will appear >.11 the letters sent by air. It la understood that members "he Merrts Club wttl as*lot the a mlttee in promoting this event Kings Mountain.The following ocmmlttee will fiat Poatmaater Blakely in this c< hrstton: Qlee A. Bridges, Chairm ,F. R. Summer* Charles Thomaai W. K. Manner, P. M Noisier, B. Netll and Haywood E, Lynch, i Mesdames E. W. Orlffln and Or w, King.. - itain V ' * - . * * . HUR80AY, MAY 12. ItM Teachers In Adult j Schools Face Health Problems I 1 he tea<h< is in Adelt sihoilg ofI Cl' vi lend count}*, iu meeting the, many und varied prcbloms of he-altb the UiK*ir|>riv ilegeels have! ?. ir ire a fight agumtt d'ise-eise; atl.1 have better still made* an effort I'toward tlie prevention of disease-' fiuplis are taught twit the wirk. of j pre .ration cf disease begins ^ with ] t into iiiiperiant and outstanding i IMw of lien I h ? CLEAN I.I NESS. tfcey are taught Die importt.-nce ol tie things with which they| ulriiu* in contaot scrupulouly clean, Itie necessity cf keeping their teeth t. h>ud?. finger nails, skin and clothing >1 fwo from dirt, the ltousrs in which] II| .!>?*> live clean: and their yards free' jjipr-m left-over garbage and trash of >. .til kin h. thus avoiding danger ta d their health from flies; the necessis ty, ;.f having all doors and ' windows filed and of having sanitary. spn pr vi d type of toilet's. They are tau.it that the above precautionary j measures " are for the prevention of ^ tyjilit-ij fever. tuberculosis, oolitls v.ad ether dreadful diseases. ("loan I'.ab'.fsi clean places In which "a live, clean air. clean f ood atnd clean water are the links in the civ:in Adult teachers are tryhig to etr.noct to make Cleveland County a'healthful place in which to live. 'l .ie pupils are taugrit to recognize Jhe value of proper d et in promoting gocd health with particular stress on tic diet of the expectant mother. e p' Another Important step is the ef I I Dart to stamp cut "syphilis", the dlsy eawhich disables one half million A people in America every year, wreck jj ing lives and homes, feeding institu ^ tftnig all over the land. Pupils are 5 taught that half the victims of, this n disease ave acquired it innocently and are given instructions, which '1-followed, enable them to protect y themselves against nfection. is g The work of the Adult teacher , 1 )r all-important in that they ileal fo ^ Qwi most part with heads of families Bj and the result of their efforts to pre ,r fcir.t disease and to conquer disease will make Cleveland county, a bet 0j .er, nappier place lu which to inc. id Z Local Men Seek " Patent Rights H. R. Parton and C. C. Wilsln have : turned from Washington, D. C? vhrrc they employed a patent at4 ' -,ncy In regard to a patent on a erj peed control device of which they s J ire joint inventors, which can be rej connected to an auto speedometer! ..li vable and can be adjusted to blow lg "he horn and close the carburetor at j{ j any speed desired without effecting rej ,'ae pickup or the gas consumption. . i l*| They left the model in Wa6hlngtoi in fcr draftsman's drawings. They tested it out on Parton's car and * found it to work very successfully at 1t would close the carburetor wltn B the game prnckple and effect as llf'tn in? the foot off the gas accelerator -8 when the cor reached the speed at a which the device was adjusted, say ?n 50 miles per hour, and the driver >r could push the gas accelerator to g the floor hoard and not open the carburetor. To reopen the carbure ay tor as soon as the car speed comes ,a under the 50 miles per hour It Is set 5,1 for, the driver simply lifts his fcoi ne off the accelerator and he is ready to feed the gas again. ;e I "*<> ' ' ' ' Will Rogers' 111 Humorous Story I1R ' ?xl ' I In By WILL ROGERS pqf * HESE Scotch stories should bo * barred by this time, but this a'r -? !-li u/.? i ...-j _ I wuc uiJ^iiv iiat o uay^vii^i w auijr body so here goes. via McTavish was very proud of hia in. Rolf. One day he missed a rtr-ke , _ and yelled at his caddie: "Coun found you. boy, you made me miss om that putt!1* :rs. sr . "I didn't do nothln', air," replied k1a. the frightened caddie. "Tee, you did; it waa all the fault *" af your hiccup." on, "But I didn't hic-hiccup, air." B. "1 know you didnt. Irs the first uidi time you're missed since we started, and I allowed for it, you Idlotf ' (Aslima Hews gpatain. In.) T I ri rr.a^i r .i.t ^ ~ - IPPPUPPP*-' I. I I .imw lerald .; ' y - " - . . -t . Kings Mount For $73,000 Child Is Injured liy Mowing Machine Lit tie Hitohi'l I'ltmk. three and itatf. year oil daughter- of Mr. and >(r& It. L. Plong of near Waco, is It in a serious condition at the Shelby hospital, after being Injun d by a mowing machine Saturday afternoon. Site is suffering from badly laeera ted arms and legs and a great loss it blood. She was given a transfusion Mr. Plonk reported that the ehilJ aec impanied hlan to a field where Dick Miller, ne.-?ro. woa operating a mowing machine in harvesting barley?. She hft her father and "ran into the tall grain and was rot seen a.tin until she ha.J been cut down by .lie fast moving blade. A report from members ef the fam :!> yesterday stated that little Ka heT wftS getting along as well as .culd he expected, and barring com .tl'tiailons. both arms would he saved. Junior-Senior Banquet Held \ The Junior-Senior banquet glvet at the school cafeteria laK Friday evening prdvetd a most dolightful af fair. . . The members of the Senior class giOAle mothers, school band mem bers, their wives and others respon ded to the clever Invitation to tn party aboard' the S. S. Jolly Rover. The dining room presented a ga. appearance with leg' decorations o life savers in the class colors, aqua marine and gold. The table decors tion3 were colorful tnlxel flowers. The guests were given passports and wctti up and down the gang-way lo enter the "ship.", 'I'llrv nmrrnottt ?i<oo o ? frxllntnc m hc piv/^i ?wii ?no od iuiiuwo. Invocation: Supt. B. N. Barnes. Address of Welcome: Jones For tune, Junior claas president. Toast to Seniors: Miss Melba Settlemyre. 'Response: Wllburii White. Senior class president. Toast to Supt. Banios: Miss Colleen Campbell. Toast to trustees; Clarence Plonk, Jr. Toast to'the Kills: Dan Finger. Tcast to the boys: Dorothy Hoke. Toast to Mr. Bridges. High school principal: Paul Nel-sler, Jr. Toast to the faculty:. Miss Haze Falls. Toast to Grade Molier: Miss Jackie Rawles. 4 Toast to Waitresses: Buddy Falls Song to Seniors: Junior class. Song to Juniors: Senior class. Senior Superlatives: by Clias Campbell,, Jr. Junior Superlative?: Ned McOill. The menu consisted of fruit cock tall; chicken salad, apple rings, waf AM- M A A M MA 1 A/1 afl tMflinf I all An Tlrtt 1 ci 8, poai ooiom, bauiumiv?c5< pvimv chips. pickles, sliced tomatoee, rolls Ice tea. Ice cream and cake. After the banquet a party pponso fed by the Junior Woman's Club wa given at the club house. Womanless Wedding At Patterson Grove The Patterson Grove Woman' Club wiTU spousor a "Womansegs We ding'' Friday night. May 13. at 8:1) o'clock In the Patterson Gro* school building. Sctne of Kings Mountain's he; talent la to take part in tuts we< dine If you enjoy a good laugh corii out and gee this unique coup! "apliced." Lots of fun will acoon pany It. A small admission fee will b charged: Home Coming At Bethlehem Home-GotnlnK will be observed i Bethlehem, Sunday May IB. Sunda School will be at A;45; Memorial ?< vice ait 11:00; Decoration of gravi at 11:30;. and Dinner at 12:00, pi n'.c style. A so ok service will be held In tl nfternoon. The Boiling Springe qus tet wfll be present. FREAK CHICK BORN Mr. W. H. Moss of Wella street porta that a freak chick was hatch with a Utter of chicks at his hot last week. The chick had 4 less, heads and 2 bills. The baby chl Wed for about 24 houra. Mr. M< thought the chlckea must have be hatched from an egg with a doul yoke. MAO ' -'1 HERALD RIVE CENTS PER COPV ain Listed Post Office s I Washington,. May II.- The house appropriate tig t?>nu?itte?> in sending the new s|? ir.!inu -lend!ns program i to oongrew Included 24 North Caro1 liha posv.mc * in the list of project* j eligible for cottar!ruction under the i ;>l t-^csi d J?0.000,000 far no* federal , buildings. , The nvmlttec explained the post in^. 'pr k< :i ral and n^htary of the I treasury would relect from the list ] the projects actually to he construct led, atH add d the new building proJ gram is net confined to the 1,694 i projects on the list, with an estimated total cost of $171,436,000. V ; Included in the North Carolina list , is Kings Mcuntaln. $73,000, with tw'o' , other towns in the Ninth Congresi clonal District listed. ,The other i towns and the amounts are: Davidj sen. $70,000, and Valdese. $70,000. It I is understood that Kings Mountain ;'ik on the preferred list und is the next Town in the district to get a government pest ofllc? building. The post cfllce t-o be constructed will bo announced sometime in July, lt? is" understcod. '' j 'Aged Woman Dies ^Irs. Katherine Jane Goforth, age X4. cCed la?t Wednesday night at the heme cf nor'son, Dixon Goforth In the Patterson Grove community. She had been in failing heoltn for several years and had for past months , been suffering frcm paralysisHer family are well known in this section where her husband was for many-years a contractor and carpen- . > ter. She is survived by her aged husj band, John Kelly Goforth and the fol lowing childretn: A. D. Gotfortn, Dixon Gofcrth, H. G. Goforth, Mrs. J. W Carroll and' Mrs. R. M: Burton, all of trii m A- ?- - - i rvmgs Mouninin ana Mm, Henry , Dalian?, of Uncolnton. Two brothers, Tom Hayee of Little Rock, Ark? and J03S Have? cf Charlotte, survive. Funeral services were neld at Patterson Grove Haptlst church. near her home, at 2:30 o'clock Thureday afternoon. Rev. E. W. Fox, past or or Central Motnod'is't cftiurifo. Kings Mountain, of which Mrs. Goforth was n member, conducted the services. Intoimen: was in the church cemetery. ~'vl'j Beauty Specialist At Kings Mtn. Drug Co. i M'.ss Evelyn McMaih, Cara Nome 'Specialist. will be at the Kings j Mcnr. ain Drug Co. all next week o ,'r.ssl>* 'he ladies' of Kings Mountain j in the proper Make-up. Misa McMath | will give all the ladies who oon' | suit her next week, a free facial. ! Mpes.ro T"Wtn Rlnnlon onti Tnlninfo Mr* Gill urge all ladles to make their appointments early and avail themselves of this free service, f ' ; >jl GEORGE MOS8 AT GRIFFIN DRUG 8T0RE >> Mr. George Mom who Is already well knciwn to the drug patrons of Kings Mountain has accented a position with Griffin Drug Co. Mr. Moss extends a cordial invitation to his friends to vfslt him In his new connection. Mr. Moss has previously operated the King Street Service Station. . ; ij^nap^hSs ie ty James Preston " (Opinions Expressed in Thle Column Are Not Neeeeearily the Views of >e This Newspaper.) Thirdvparty talk has overshadowed all other interests In tne National Capitol this week, dwarfing ?ucih tan- ' pert ant questions as pump-priming. > . ontlimnrwvrwalv WMr/oifltlnit tPo<ra.Tinnr it legislation and the government-bust17 ness "peace move?.' sr The reason l* that WaahHucjoaiians ?a find more of lasting personal tmporc taoce in tbtrd party developments than hi the economic fllnesa of John ?. Public. Thai Is to be erpected. Hor * the Capitol's life blood Is the brow it the polKtaal potat Underneath, however, Interest Is trill very much alive on the current t.tlonal fanues. with the 1938 edition re ct the spending spree the blggegt ISC' sue, n In the oatnp of those champtoatog cV the spending program, s new Ides *s has been hit upon to oonmce doUbt?t era than oar Natnotml debt pk:tare j Jls Isn't so bad as It's pahrted (stacnt (Cont'd on Editorial page) <9

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