UY HOMI VOL. S4 NO. ? State And Ni Condensed In ?National News? Indianapolis. June 7.?Several chll dren were throwing a ktilfe at th>? ? ! blllty aa a knife thrower. fr Hie ven-> ear-old James Down agreed to staad with hla back to the barn!, and let the stranger toss the btaoe at him In the usual carnival maimer. a< It turned out James had too much "> confidence. Police gave first aid to N Jimmy's shoulder where the knife >' w*a Imbedded. They couldn't find u the "unpeN." cl Fresno. Calif., June 7.?Farmers of the Tulare Lake Basin mustered an o( army of trucks and all available taar fe vesterg today In an effort' to save tti from a slowly spreading flood what pi remained of >1,000,000 crop. Q Cotton and sugar beet crops valu- rl ed at >400,000 were washed away A when levees collapsed under preg- m sure of rapidly melting snow. Hopes gi sttU were held for wheat and barley crops, but drainage officials said al- bl kali deposits threatened damage to .it 200,000 acres of land. te i< . Mexico City, June 7.?Federal dis- <>( trict officials announced today that a strike of 300 workers at the Ford Mo tor Co.'s assembly plant here, schedtiled to start at 8 a. m. today,: had been called off. Greenville, 8. C., June 7.?Mrs. Maude Minor, 33, was killed and two a( , other persons were seriously Injured U| in an automobile oolligton near here laa* night. j Cleveland, June 7.?An adjustment by which Cleveland received >60,000 through the Federal Government's WPA delayed today the long-threat- ? eneid closing of the city's relief sta , tlons. u ' ' e? Hollywood, June 7.?Jean Harlow's J? death oner year ago was remembered j" today with the gardenias she lores!. 81 Fresh white blossoms were to be placed on the actress' crypt by ,Wil- ? liam Powell, her Uat eultor, ? ? Z. w Qnlto, Ecuador, June 7.*?'The for- m eign office of Ecuador charged today 18 that Peru waa roJoforchig border gar ~ rlson with troops, bombing planes I and gunboats despite promises to ab* l> stain from force In the two nation s ? dispute over the Oriente Jungle terrl r tory east of the Andes. Manila, June 7.?By the light of a towering column of flame and lncan- K descent rooks catapulted from Mayor p< volcano, Filipinos fled from their o] homes near the base of the erupting (i mountain tonight. 9 fi Washington, June 7.?Democratic g] Senators who fought the Roosevelt oi Curt Bill wete jubilant today over the decisive primary victory of 8ena p< tor Guyi Gillette of lows, first of l? their number up for renomination t? this year. di Washington, June 7.?Japan has be B come the Untied States' beat ouato- qi met for war supplies. m The State Department published a figure! today showing that Japan bad pa?ed Ctiina during the last six ai months. Liege, . Belgium, June 7.?The "Widow Beckers of Liege" ? heavily oiled M year old. If aria Petltjean, tl drees maker and former nurse?Ceo- n ed murder charges In Assise Court R today In the potaoe deaths of eleven \ people Che had cared for. It Laughing Aroun With IRVIN ? The Personal Tout By lltVlNS A MONG gamblers there is a saying how wise a guy may be in his own other fellow's game. The expert eoofidi imJilli MImiL DM rf flnt c it*ytertki mm. Wlw 1m iihiml I taTtta \mi liilt mV?wJm4 aM ZSES^g.w . . r ? '' ' -i? ->- ' ? " . vS - .-.vf-. N -' :*- >\L- - *,- V IT Kings . itional News | Brief Form i ?State Newa? Mooraaville. June 7.?Thrw Corn llu? *oui?'ii hurt In an auto-ltu* c 1 'J I n i inr 1 cuitneut loUay (or tnjurlea i mixing ,l< offl a okull fracture to Minor bmla u < - ; ' . . in ?-? m Greenttboro. June 7.?IK-nreca were AurJcd to graduate* of (tie Wo- f) an'a Ocltege of the Unlveraltv nf< >< orth Carolina today by Dr. Prank ?i . Uiabum. president of the greater | is naverslty. as of tnanenremeait exer- ki sea ended. , j tr : i Asheville, Juue 7.?The program M the eleventh annual Hh.-.-d xlendron J ni stival. recently announced here for i cu io Week of June 12-19. will fill thy, th U!re week with brilliant events.! pening with tourg of the famous] telodendron flowering areas near)'? ghcville. the schedule runs the ga:: r ut from floral beauty to tnardi 111 aa gaiety. I ataged to ntnrk the height of the}1 essoining season of the purple rho-jAl >dendron? in the highlands of wes- J" rit North Carolina, the festival is signed to reflect the .natural glory . ' the flower for which it is named. v?* I'h Asheville. June 7.?Every hundred j:h ?ars or so, even immortal works of 81 t are in need of a general fresheng and strengthening. At Bltonore 81 ouse. famous Vanderbllt country c" >me in Asheville, two expert artists ? at work on a two-year task to re ? ae and strengthen the famous Flem I h and gobelin tapertries which a >rn ihe waits or two rooms in the #" Jted chateau-like country establishent built halt a century ago. j * Valdese. June 7.?The Waldenslau akery of Valdese was fined ten del re and tbe coats In each of two caa i in which violation of the State ? bor laws was charged at a hearing store Justice of the Peace James nort here Friday afternoon. The charges were preferred by W. Rl . Watson, district representative of n< te State Department otf Labor. The ^ ikefy was a (Reused of working wo- ? en and men longer hours than the hf w permits. '* land Concert " 'riday Evening | w Friday evening at 6 o'clock the pi ings Mountain School Band will ap par in a parade, followed by an i>en air concent on the lawn of S. C. vl Jump) Ratterree on West Mountain ce tree*. The line of march wtll be om the High School building throu e< h the business section of town and 11 u to Mr. Ratterree's lawn. - L This will be the last home-town ap A sa ranee of WUburn White and Char E ? Thomaeeon, high steprpin' strut- 0 its who have served so efficiently as T ram major*. k The officers and members of the D and Association ere urgently re* D nested to be present In order to di iske arrangements for the trtp to ? ehevlUe. ? The public 1* oordially Invited to tieod lb? performance. tc tl ERVICC8 AT WASH HOLLOW pi b On Sunday, June IS. at 10 o'clock D lere wilt be preaching, singing and iu?lc at Wash Hollow, in front of C Lob Vandyke'# residence, on .the oil w orkville and Shelby road. The pub* c 1* oordlally invited to attend. & 1 V f( CE d the World p E S.COBB b b ' " " 1 j, :h Was Lacking , .COBB and a true on#, that no matter line he's always a sucker at some nee man gees against the crooked rw 1 i f ootraeeo blows kia leet en faro. i noa whose specialty Is poksr to c s Is gamer any profits whan bs Es went to Belmont track ens day mm ia the evening he was peaalippsd him of Us last dollar. ? i??. .1 ,ii at - a -m ? - m tirtJhSJP ^ tasens* had .. I m m Moun KINO* MOUNTAIN, N. C. Congressman L. Bulwinkle ssues Statement f'riiRrfaaman A U Bulwinkl* -.-of] who 1f f,-?tp<l llAmlK?>'L MnMHPMPIIIII IU Mill IMIIiBcI! i! Primary Saturday r?l'a?t-J lh.l|owli<? iittcmrnt it th?* Kditor ot it- Herald from hU o#c? Monday ornltiK. "I Uk? this nituinB lo (bank my ImiIu in V ill?a ! ? * - ? % n -1 ^ivuhuiiii nUU Tt.i 1* *h precincts for their guppor' >d vote In Saturday's Primary. It extremely gratifying for v? to tow that 1 have so many loyal ana Ue friends in Kings Mountain' and hope from time to time mm Ilk.r. J. H. Thoinasson who managed y campaign in Kings Mountain will ill ui>on me if i can serve them eler perscuslly or officially. "Every man has a right to a&plte i public oxce and to seek the sufage of tite people, but one cf th" ost unfortunate things in America day is money Which is used to puriase or attempt to, purchase the iles of a free people. This cannot s countenanced by liberty-loving eit civs and should be stopped." "I have no harl feelings at anyone. ie primaries have passed. I shall mtlnue to try to serve the people of e district to the best of ray ability id always to gppaak openly fo.eart politics which proluces clean id efficient government in all brati-| ies." , ions Club Is )rganized Here Officers Elected. With members from three near-hy Inha nrPfiont Ihn Irwwt 1 /tVsnlon />f Ions International organized last rlday evening at the Mountain lew Hotel. J; B. Nejfler, National epresentatlve, presided' at the din:r meeting. Visitors were present ora Gaston la, Bessemer City gad Selby. Members of the 8h*lby Club id assisted Mr. Napier in-the organ ation for the past week. Glee A. Bridges, President of the en's Club, welcomed the new civic lUb to Kings Mountain in behalf of Is organization. Haywood E. Lynch, dltor of the Herald, and Gilbert ord of the First National Bank, ere present as guests of Mr. Naer. Talks were made by Mr. Napier siting Liens, and newly elected offi ;rs of the local club. The following officers were , electi by secret ballot without nominaons from the floor. President, Rev. . B. Ha mm; 1st Vice President, E. ? ? j tri n? ..1 nt <uu vice rrwiucj*, rnui Heudrlx; 3rd Vice President, eorge Mauney; Secretary. Proctor hompeon; 1>tl Twister, Lawrence or ell; Lion Tamer, Jimmy Burns; 1 rectors, Don Blanton, tv. 7. Logan, r. A. L. mil. Rev. Ha mm baa not scided whether he will be able to ac S* the presidency at this time or 9t. tt wna voted by the Club membea ) have their meetings the first and lird Thursdays In each month. The iace of meeting was not decided on ut will be left up to the Board of Ireotorg. Wilson. Crawtfond was elected halrman for Charter Night which 111 me held Thursday June 30th. Charter memfbers of the Club are s follows: J. A. Burns, C. D. Blanton r, C. Oaveny, Jacob Cooper, Wileon rawford, Otis Falls, Dr. A. L. H1U, I. A. Harrill, Lawrence Lovell, W. . Logan, J L McGlll, George Mauney (itironn Pnhdfts Paul Wpn/lr iftkH. lev. L. Boyd H&mui, and members y transfer are: Olenn White and P. Thompson. ierald Begins Hew Building OonstrucUon be?an Tuesday atomic on buildlnc tor the Herald Pubishlng House. The bulMhkc will be f brick and will b* modern In every stall. The new structure will be t 14 by to feet and Is located on dedmoot Avenue next to the First laptlat Church. About one month rill be neceagary for the coaptation f the bulMlnc. Clyle Bennett, Oeneral Oootraotor, rtU have conpleU chance of tae conruction aooordtnc to Haywood A -ynch. Editor of the Klnca Mountain Ierald. When The Herald moves into tU Lew buildlnc It win be the flrat Ubm n the history of tha pacer, which ne tan In 1SS9. that It baa been house* a It* own buildlnc. r * V J1.' itain I THURSDAY, JUNE 9. 193*. I Voting Is Li Saturday's I Kills KaltlesniikeVance Wright whs showing a big *i 1-2 foot < rattlesnake ho killed at,, .ay i vittiiiK near Kings Mcunain liu: *1* ground. The rattler said o.Ik oiiv of the most poisonous snake* iu America was kill -U by Mr Wright with a big slick. The snake lijwl nine rattles and one but ten. SCHOOL IS HIT RY lightning"" it ? ? l.igh:ning and fire last Thursday evening Ii.^jIci ei approximately i?,moo damage to the roof and auditor! am of ,<ho high school builling hero. A heavy bolt of lightning about , p.-in. was given us the- cause of the fire, 'lite blaze quickly spread to the* part of the roof coveriifg the new ly remodeled auditorium. A filling sip :ion operator turiu d in-the alarm. Hire Chief Grady King said he be believed the Jamagrs will not exceed $2,500. The volume of water necessary to extinguish the blaze and the heavy rains did extensive damage to the entire ceiling, the new draperies and curtains which were gifts of the classes cf 1937 and 1938. 'Superintendent B. N. Barnes said many of the veneered seats in the auditorium will have to be replaced and all of the Interior will have to be done over. Members of the School Board and Supt. B. N. Barnes were busy Tuesday and Wednesday with the tnsuran ce adjuste. It is understood that a settlement was reached!. No one was la the building at the time of -the fire as the term ended on Tuesday of last week. A destructive fire some four years ago ruined an auditorium at the present location. Bible School At Lutheran march Enrollment and registration for the two-weeks Vacation Bible school of the Lutheran Church will take place this Friday, June 10th, at 9:00 "A. M. Classes will be provided for all ages frcm 4 years through high school. Children of the town who have no connection with any church are Invited to Join us in this school. Pupils of any denomination whose church is having no school will also be welcomed. All who plan to attend are urged to oome for the enrollment Friday so that work may begin Monday morning. It will be necessary for pupila to attend 9 of the 11 days -n order to be eligible Cor a certificate of credit. Rev. L. Boyd Hamm. the Pastor, wflll be director. He will have a full corps et teacher* and assistants. The main feature of the school wlU be Bible study. 1 A Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS SVNCE la a whila a fellow Is apt v to ret son at someone and shoot a Jot of abusive language at him. Well this story proves that sometimes It's better to think it over before you let.go. A big crowd was rathered around a subway excavation in New York some time ago. They were watching the curious manner in which one of the onlookers was actio'. He would laugh out loud whenever the big steam shovel would start a digginT Finally one of the rang said. "Aw* don't m* ao attention to that fuy, ho'? crosy." At that tha fellow who had bM actio' otronge rrabbod him and ittttad to honor, "Don't yon daro any that ah out bm! Too oar ha eruqf and not know ft, at Moot there ain't nothing nacudtt* yrm yarn oaaa. Now no aaaa aad I can arwre ft which to a whole la* |kf|Fd thaa gin aaw 4a * 2T?2dw late hf< iMi Odf 1 nv imcivi ww nap. poeket aad anllo out a paper yelKrJJUad Jhat, aad thoa taU aw Of eeuroe (ho Mlaw lot aa choice hut to take ft. Aad whoa ha opened ft ha oaw that tt woo a ew> aonltv imm to tha t ha>f isk 'cj* (( MaHaMfeaaaaaiaaa Ierald ight In , Vimary ] * . IIt? i?n?" of the lightest vf>tc? ljj.L_ -' 4 to*rshtp marched to- tin- poll* Sat n :a> (o taut ih' ir vole i t -?n ' n ^3- J ?6ri*" candidate*. Mo<t * the uilrt^- ' til* had |ir.;dic-i?-) a vi>' ,:f a litt! 0 i ii< re than 2.'? ?<? at both polls. but " 1 this figure was far from reached f' ; Mr st of the interest centered on -the 'I j CcugresHlonal. Sheriff aud t'otuinls! siouer races. t j . " | 777 peraons vcted at West Kings | Mountain > precinct with Baxter!" SVright being the first voter anti Jas'V per Ware being last ro cast his vote.j ' At East Kings Mountain 703 , j voted ' I for tlieir candidates with Will' Pryor I being the first voter and Mr?. M. A. A i Ware being the laat. J.-/... . ; ... . I o Officials reported that everything > : went off in an. orderly manner, with c no iXsturbancesi whatsoever. Chief,.v Burns reported very few drunks 'I were arrested. j i : : . i SATURDAY'S VOTE HERE ja U. S. Senator ' te Hancock. East Kings Mountain. 256. West Kings Mountain 286. Couut.v 5531. 1 Reynolds. East Kings- Mountain 410 ; \Ve3t Kings Mountain 460, County, 1 5831. 1 Utilities Commissioner Grady, East Kings Mountain 303. ^ West Kings Mountain 341; County,1 , 6022- - la Wiuborne. East Kings Mountain, s 256. West Kings Mountain, 268; s County, 4476. - ; v U. S. Congress ' ' v Jones, East. Kings Mountain 428, c j West Kings Mountain 473. Ccutiiy, t 5617. * Bulwinkle. East Kings Mountain. ' 245. West Kings Mountain 245, County, 5761. State Senate ^ Gardner. East Kings Mountain 223; . West Kings Mountain, 261; ( County, 6928. q Sanders. East Kings Mountain 41 i, t ' A'wit Kliwi Umintoln A97 3486. Clerk of Court Honeycutt, East Kings Mountain, 220; West Kings Mountain. 201; County 2448. Houser, East Kings Mountain. 371; \Vc?t Kings Mountain. 440; County, 6998. Calton, East Kings Mountain. 00; West Kings Mountain. 66; County 1914. Sheriff Wray, East Kings Mountain, 27S; West Kings Mountain, 331; County, 5313. Cline, East Kings Mountain. 479; West Kings Mountain, 534; County, 6518. Coroner Moore. East Kings Mountain, 205; West Kings Mountain, 201; County, 2554. L?utz, East Kings Mountain, 375; West Kings Mountain. 459; County, 8260. Recorder Powell, East Kings Mountain, 442; j West Kings Mountain, 451; County, 6657. n . ?a m i ?ri? as ? - ?? uNiniuer, i^wfi ivin?? mouoi&id, 178; West Kings Mountain, 231; County, 4385, County Commissioners Corn well. East Kings Mountain, 97; West Kings Mountain, 121; Ooun ty, 6809. Allen, East Kings Mountain, 671; West Kings Mountain, 684; County, 6611. Wilson. East Kings Mountain, 285;' West Kings Mountain, 200; County, 5626. Herndon, East Kings Mountain. 231; West Kings Mountain, 252; County. 6174. Blanton, East Kings Mountain, 172 West Kings Mountain, 204; County, 4160. Walker, Bast Kings Mountain, 62; West Klnexi Mountain. 59: County. 2162 Board of Education Rldeivhour, Eaat Kings Mountain, (37; Went Kings Mountain, 687; County. 7636. Forney, Boat Kings Mountain, 360; Weot Kings Mountain, 363; County, MIS. Word. Boat Kings Mountain, SSS; West Kings Mountain, 366; County, 346. ?. AastsU. Bast Kings Mountain, 136; West Kings Mountain, 363; County, *366. KstnrtcV, Bast Kings Mountain, 373; "Wsdt Kings Mountain, 333; Ooaiaty 6673. Moser, Bsat Kings Mountain, 363; Wast Kings Mouatais, 306; County, 6663. - - I ' __ READ THE HERALD / i . FIVE CENTS PER COPY* rown Council fl Has Busy Meeting u Monday Night 1 M*nv Pr*wnt J The Town Council -meeting1 held 4cndu> night with all iii. inli.-r> pre* | lit except t' K No >lor. Jr., whs one if the buiii'it s'ssipii# in many a - M noon Four cui|Hnittm appeared bcore the board, which kept the meettig going for several hours. hi The Rot A C'.i.ii. at it tee of the Men's 'tub pregetitel signed estimates on he damage presort} owners would sk if thy highway bridge eliinlna- 1 Ion wuvi placed ut the Corner of'King j Street and. H.iilrcaJ Avenue. The onr.uittee composed cf Amoll Klger, * ' Irady Patterson, with J. 1! Thomasoil as the spokesman, repcred that he total damages from ail property >wners would he $15,000. Aheut a ear ago when the same proposal 'ame up the damage at that ttnie I v:\s eflimated to be about $45,000. Phe i aumuoe was'Instructed to see f the property Owners would be Will- ' I ng to grant a right-of-way without lily cost to the Town of Kings \fo\in ain. Some seemed to think the prop rty owners would lie damaged more f the 1 cute left the intersection all- -.] ogetlier. The WPA Committee was next, on . j he program. Ladd Hanirick and Glee lridge$ did most of the talking; for his grcup. Tliey recommended . to he Town Fathers that application e filed for sidewalks and sewer ex- i ension. It was brought out that ail implication was ready to be filed for ewer extension in the Lacaey street eotlon for about 8.8i>0 feet extension rhich will serve over 60 houses 9 rhich are now without sewer ac- J ommodatione. This project calls for he Towhof Kings Mountain to spend 2,480 with a grant from WPA of 1 12,000. This application will be filed inmedlately. The sidewalk project vlll be investigated, Other members .9 f the committee for WPA were B. >. Nell! and Byron Keeter. Anhrav Vunnov annparpd fnr thfk -'^H ? Kr * I 3| 'ark and Playground committee repeating that a permanent board be tamed to have ^supervision. No deflate action was taken at this time. Mrs. Robert Miller of the Junior VOman's Club made her appearance N md requested tin Roard to fix a : Irlve-way to the plot of land that s to be used for a public park and (layground on Geld Street at the old >rickyard site. This request was ;ranted. The Board also decided to ' rataII a drinking fountain at the >ark. Fire Chief Grady King reoommen<k d tc- the Board the purchase of a 3 lew fire trucks of the latest type, rhis matter has been under oonsidet iticn by the board for some tlme| t mats pointed out tbat the f?re in- J iurance rate of Kings Mountain will ?e reduced enough so that in a few I rears' time citizens will save enough to pay for the new equipment. _ The ; Board voted to purchase the truck. which will be delivered in> about 90 days. The truck and equipment will coat ibout $4,100. The Board adopted the Privilege ' i inonee anhaitula #ao tkn mmiiiw "3 I.?v\/unc ovu^umc lul VUQ WUUUQ veer. Licenses will be the ume as I last year. by James Preston (Oplnlens Expressed In This Celumn ' ! Are Not Neesasarlly the Views ef This Newspaper.) There's an old saying that there | are more ways than one to skin a \ oat. And sp there ure more ways :.j than one to "pack" the Feih ral Jud4- ! clary with 'friendly Jurists, the Wash 1 inpton schemers have found out. When the plaint was made last j year that Federal courts were over" J crowded with work because some ot the jurists were too old, and that additional justices should be added . to the Supreme Court and the lower :' Federal courts, public sentiment balk < ed the move. The new plan, however : Is to quietly circumvent public opposition with creation of a brand new- J branch of the Federal Judclary. It's j a tonne move, out it it potent. 10 , wtt: Tlie new court would be known at ' the United State* Court of Awuli j for Administration. It would receetve ) dedde and expedite appeal* Cram Federal commtnrione, idnlnbtraMvt j authorities, etc., to all casta fa < which the Federal government waa a 1 party or had an Interest. ' In other wtirde, mnmeat agea- a claa would take their legal woes a* way from the old ectefclWhed oourta j and let the decision rest with a hand A picked court of its own. (Cont'd oa back page)

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