SBM??k?? ?UY I AT HO M l ? , ? VOL. 14 NO. M Skate And Ti Condensed Ii v ?NitfoyU Ntwo-"bunch" M tkt pmjr today to wracb . ago ct a atom-crashed TWA air plana which vaatahad with awe pet sons aboard th? night of Marcb 1. Tba shattered plana and tba bodt as oC tta oooaganto lay near tba tog at 9,900 foot Baaaa Vista Peak. II air miles sonth and eaat of Yoaaalte Valley Rancor headquarters. ' The rtfkm, one of the wlldeet In tbe Sierra Nevada, la 90 miles east of Fresno. Johnston, 8. C., Juno 14.?Highway Patrolman M. K. Floyd said today that Jeanne Dowd, 8, of Augusta, was killed Saturday -when the car in which ehe was riding collided with the machine of Charles E. Etchenberger Sr., of Naranja, Fla,Franklin, Tenn., June 14.?Capt. ' Henry Beverly Hart, 39, U. 8. Cavalry Reserve officer and a trainer cf Jumping horses, was killed yesterday when a horse he was saddling kicked him in (the cheat. Miami, Fla., June 14.?A special grand , Jury convened here today to hear Federal agents and state officers tell cf events which led to the arrest and confession of Franklin P. MoCall in connection with the James Bailey Cash, Jr., kidnaping. The blue-eyed sandy haired .boy, five and a half years old, was snatch ed from his crib InPrinceton May 28. Twelve days later his pajamaclad body wae found In a palmetto thicket barely file from his home. Washington, June 14. A recordbreaking peacetime program for expanding Uncle Sam's national defen seg stood oat today as a major accomplishment of the 1988 Cangreas. . Secretary Wood ring told House leaders that more important legislation to strengthen the country's arm ed services had been enacted this year than at amy time since the World War. Baltimore, June 14.?Baltimore's second bombing in 24 hours wrecked a tavern In the northern section ol , the *c*ty early today and shattered windows in a halt dozen nearby houses. The explosion, Police Capt. M. J. Wallace reported, was "similar' in many respects" to a bombing In Southwestern Baltimore early Sunday which caused Injuries to -two persona and damaged 28 houses. Detroit, June 14.?The Advertising Federation of America received praise from President Rce^velt tor its slogan "Advertising Makes Work' aa business sessions of 34th annual convention- opened hers today. "J recognise the important position the service of advertising ocoupes in our national economy." said s met sags of greeting froan President Roosevelt, "a strategic relationship that carries responsibility for the endeavor to maintain production through wMer and more efficient dti tribution of the goods produced." I ' Colvnbua. Ga? June 14.?Majot Jhhn R. Brooke, Jr.. (weed a cell It the Jffnaoogee County Jail today.- a L waiting a Federal, grand Jury hearlni of charge* that ha killed hla 42 yeai I old wife, Elisabeth. [Piper, Ala., June 14.?Disregarding dan?era of a possible explo*tor should combustible ga*ses be reach enf, (workmen today poured concrete in heat-owept oorrdor* of a ooal mine here In an effort to seal a eubterrai ean fire. Laughing Aroi With IRV > 1 A Chan] t?r ?vi | - THI awlji-Milrrt ealbtad b?l] * br?TM with * MM ?f his pw *Tm m t?B|k boy," ha stated, I ij. -^A^\ .V'J V " ij/ft'-)- ' - - ?J., - ' *" *" ' -k ^->x * />- .' V'*> '^Vs^V-* "'" '*' V*1-- >.'' . / - . . ' > /' w Kings lational News d Brief Form > ?mmtmjwaf*" uTfSTMil" 1 \ frank Pmtand "M year oM * >? I not textile -worker voi found toda; > la Lak? Janet als miles mat a > Marlon. The mrch wan btfu after small hoy taM he saw Pentand g i under near Leatt's Landtag. I' ' tireensbcro. June 14.?Police Ctole i L.. L. Jarvlc said today that two girl Iliad aigned affidavit >that Jerry Clarl ! aeM with Homer Myers on a diarg of Wiling O. D. Bovender, Jane I bad told them be ahot r. man here li an attempted hold-up. Chief Jarvts also said the gui which the f$tate will contend waa ui , ed in the killing had been recovered Siler City, June 1.?A message rc celved here today said Carl Siler,, 3 a member of the flim of Slier Ilro* Trucking Co., here was killed inatan ly in collision of trucks 15 mile south of Fredericksburg, Va. Siler, friends saW, left here Sur day with Cecil Kelly to carry a loa> of lumber to WashingtonKernersvllle. June 14.?Funeral ae vices were planned today for Clay E I Patdue. 39, -who was drowned yeate day while attending to fishing neb In the lake here. CoNfax. |Ji(ne 14.?Ralph 0tbboni 34, was killed Iby a train yesterda; at a crossing here. The body at mangled badly. Hamlet, June 14.?The C. ft Vi Pharmacy on Hamlet avenue waa ro bed of a yuantity cf narcotics ?om .