UV ' AT 4. HOME ? VOL. 34 NO. 33. Kings IV State And N Cnmknspd In ?National News? . ! Wlt'HITA. Kan*.. July 5 ? lt?fr?>ah ed after an Overnight rent hen-, Hdw ttril Hughe* tak'c* off today on a i-i mnely tuifup flight to New York, frcf where he will hep for l'arii au 1 pre bably a world flight. ueuysourg, ra? jui;. t?a tucker-, ing flame, crowning a monument , .dedicated by President Kooaeveli, burned today cn the hallowed hilI->! of.Cettjabut? ? an everlasting pi d-, go to "eternal, peace In a nation united." Hani berg.* S C-, July 4.?Sebe Day of Aiken, was .drowned in hid Is to Hlvj ?r at fcimbrse today when a beat ov.( erturned The 'body was not recover-, ed Immediately. Shanghai. July. 5.-The international se.ttlefenVs weekly health, rc-j port today listed 533 cases of cholera and 4'.i deaths, all Chinese. Ty*-] phoid was increasing with 111 cases] 28 Chluese .deaths and one foreign j death. There were 28 cases of tphus fever and 13 deaths, all Chinese. . . _ New York, Jul>; 6.?Three persons were killed and three others critical! ]y Injured early yesterday whea two' automobiles crashed in Jamaica.' Long Island. Hollywood'. July 5.?Now the Seventh Calvary Is going to to glorified, on the screen. Samuel Goldwyn announced plans, today for a movie about the crack j regiment, from Its Indian-fighting, days, under. General Custer to Its present peauetitne P?st at Fort My er, Virginia. A London. July 5.?An offer by General Francisco Franco, leader of Insurgent Spain, to fake Almeria Gov-i crnmen* heM Mediterranean porr,| an "immune, port" for British ships | tracing with Government Spain was announce^ jm the House of Coanmomt today. . [' r I ' ' Kansas City, July 5.?T. C.. Taylor. i B6, bought a firecracker to frighten friends at -t>t3 boarding house. In a dark hallway, he reached in'oi ), his ipooket for a cigarette. Hin fing-j ers clutched the crack, placed *it in, Lt his mouth, lighted It. "I just forght the darned thing." Taylor told the doctor who repiired his fouth He lost several teeth. - ' . Washington, July 5.? Recent steel price reductions threw praise last night from Secretary Idces, whet termed them 'highly encouraging" evidence of business co-operation With Government in trying to end the depression. Lee'a Ferry. Ariz'., July 5.?Heaving waters o in ?unnectioi( with the fatal stubbing last night o' James 'Chapman ..V uiintl IWI* III III!" I41U- ' rel sec-lion cf I he county about mil-' night last night. "Chapman died short' I;, after he was brought to a local hospital. I'ollct lifid not 'learned details cf, tic slaying this .morning as the, con thtued their investigatlon. Concoi Moun / . * . - * *. *. v , .1 ' 4 - . KINGS MOUNTAIN,. N. C. 1 i To Ge Kings Mountain Spends Quiet Fourth Softball. Work, Picnic* on Holidayi Proaram. The fourth 6T July almost "HDptliiT Sunday" i th? pt'Dple of[i Kluu.< Mountain, for k' Morally, th> < It Irons placed fcr business wefe the drug stores. fillinn stations and billiard emporiums. Willi bi<$elmll'returns and plenty of vln-.k and iliiriy-oiif. . Bveii the scfthall s..Ii<'del<; wasn't ; full, though Grover (lid come up to | take a double-header. Manager Char lie Moss cf the Margrace club was on a- deep-sea fishing trip with Ills family, hut all he brought back was a few little ones, and some good tales about his. wife's sea-sickness. Fnriiiers F. U. Summers set out po tatc- slips. "No sir." he said, ''any accident to me on July 4 will happen at -home. That' one day I will stay close." The Herald staff. I excepted", had a work-day too. mcvlug around heavy pieces of machinery, and getting everything ready for printing. Haywood Lynch said he worked ail day, but. it hasn't been cheeked. Anyway, Paul Walker get away in time to play shortstop for the Old Mill against the Stags, while Gene Mat'thews was busy running the lynotype for today's Issue. Furniture Man Harold Cogglns and Keeter's Telly Shuford took a] little trip to Augusta. Savannah, and; ether Georgia points, with their on-i ly regret that the 4th could not have | extended another day cr two. Frank Shook, manager of Kagle's 5 and 10, went .home to Canton. Kiurs Mountain ,.is not officially represented in American l>eglon baseball this summer, but a number of local boys are playing with the Shelby entry, and some of the fans here are closely 'following tin s club. Hecrgo Ma-uney, Bun 'Patterson, I'atj' Tignor. and Johnny McOill say SUei-. by climb in the elimination rot" liy spoiling' Cherry.ville's hcliday. M. .A. Ware beuehed.at Myrtle, and Wendell Phifer took a truck and Tcunmy Roberts to Clvlnme> Hoik Members cf the Stag club had a swimming party-picnic at Rnko Montonla in the eveniug. \V. K. Crook expected to do a little work on liis own car. but had too mau> special calls. , 1? I'm a Stag ' Citizens Interested In Paving Project * Citizens of Kings Mountain have shown considerable interest In the! sidewalk paving project announced I in the last issue of *The Herald. Mr. I George Allen who hae been instru-j mental In the filing of the project stated that' numbers had called him' to nquire how to get a sidewalk in front of their home. Mr. Allen says for those who deelre sidewalks to set the property cwners on the entire block to sign' up for the paving It will be necessary to pave an entire blcck at the time and each own-, cr will have to pay his share of lb 3 cost, which Is only 15c per lineal foot, which may be paid in three payments: one third when the paving is done; one third at the end cf the first year and the balance of one third at the et)d of the second year. If a person had a lot with 100 fiv:n< feet the total cost to the proper!v owner win .dc oniy *10.uu wnun niuj be dlvldcdl Into three payments. i Applications or the paving should he left at the City Hall or presented to the Town Council. It Is thought that the WPA project will be approved within the next three 'cr four weeks and the ao-j tual work will begin. The total cost of the entire project of sidewalks, street paving, and guttering will coet about $42,000.00. MEN'S CLUB EATS AT PISGAH CHURCH The regular picnic supper meeting of the Business Men's Club will be held at the Piegah A. R. P. Church, this evening at 7:00. The ladles on gantsattcu of the church will serve the pioato supper lor wfclofc they ass famous with the members of the club A group of over 75 men and ladles are expected to ajUewL ' \ . . ; - . . . < ' * "Vkai" '* ' ' 1'iASan i 1 nm "* **#! > , 11-ni, tain H .7% ' ' ' HURSDAY. JULY 7. 1938 | $73,0i Hastings And Poccibklitioo F FIRST COTTON BLOOM ' T The first cotton bloom reported to The Herald fer the 1933 season was brown on the farm of P. 0. Herndon in Ncbo section. Toe bloom was fcund on the mernw-g of July 4th.- f'1 The season is later th t year than best. The first blaam vsas reportea last year during the later part of June. Miss Violet Mae * ' " v". * I M Goforth Passes ? i a Puberal survive? f-j. M:.?s Violet, j., -M:w> Goforth. age bd. Were held at ;( HI Bethel Methodise church*. en Tue> day afternoon a'2:0b' o'clock and; interment made in the cemetery ot ' hong Creek Pfesbyterian church. I 8< Rev. J. N. Wise, paster ot Kl Both- : tl church, was in charge of the last i 01 rites and was assisted by Rev. E. \V|C" Fox. pastor of Central Methodist !' church. Kings Mountain, and Rev'*51 Co.vt Hunter, of Bessemer City, pas-; tor of Lcn'g Creek church of which 1 !t Miss Goforth ha men's CJi'bs and for several times. .-v' president of the El B:-thel C'lub. Sh*i . as among the leaders of. ilu* Wo- ? man's Department of the O veland ? County Fair and won county, state! ' and national prizes fo her entries' of canning and bakiny ' K She was deeply interested in the p work of El Bethel church .ajid since! there was no church of her own de-j p ncmiuation in her neighborhood, sht-j j entered into the activities of this her! ' adopted chufch with a zeal unsur- ^ pansed even by the members. For twenty years she has been a ^ teacher in the Sunday School and' for t; a longer period of time, a member e of the choir. Her life has been spent " in service. For a number of years r she has been a constant compaton ot v her mother, now nearlug her 93r?l f birthday who has been an invalid since suffering lpjurie3 In a fall e three years ago. ( Surviving are-her mother, Mrs. Beattfe Goforth; thr? (brothers^ I. B. Goforth. Clarence P. Goforth, and Ormend Goforth; one sister, Mrs. Shipp Falls. Will Rogers' Humorous Story " * 1 1 1 -4 By WILL ROGERS I THERE was some girls that had got past thirty years old and hadnt got married. They all worked in the same neighborhood, so they kinda got to talking it over at lunch. Then they decided to make up a sort of clinic and talk ways and means. After a club had been formed, the girls had a big secret meeting, and they all talked about the whys and outs about catching a man. ^ 1 . One of them waa speaking.. "Of course," she says, "it's my opinion ' that a blonde has got a better chance than a brunette anyhow." "1 object to that," says a real determined lady in a back row. This fill is talking about something she knows nothing about. Blonde and Brunette ain't got nothing to do with it I been both Wee i and It didn't make any difference!" teswsiwn teriteten tea| lerald 00 Post Walker Cite # or Liona 1 trase Aga nst Communmn in Local Charter Night Program. >"< I ' . ..'41'/ ''l.iti; rr>. inlr|liK?it r.- our nuMou's il.M .Vf .. I \% t 'i ' 1'l. ii-* - >ui ufi i ! night program lav Thur?da.i 11 .iM.Stlg. :-v!: !l iMitycf Hasting-, pas; iViiiber oi i a.-. tu;eru.atio:;ni lluutd of . DJwvv tTati.tl the. trts.uiV i?l Kprpe. rcece.. iijtd flte'oilier ittv.it tiUjiona Sy< the world in begging 'Liens p the L'uitei States a wt-. tut ifisli country. Hi- ?aid the :...1 ol o: I- tuniK r nations wu-> due priinuri- tat to Jot getting the-gods tcr whom ley were responsible. In closing,. Judge Hastings said, i want to congratulate you tor crniizing this unit ol Lioir? Int'.na- ?'. A Bridge* ' II behalf of the Men's Club ? l,v Hastings was introduced by Lloaj :l;< key Allison of Winstou-Saiein. Wat . h" or. by Lawrence Lovell. Lion Tarn- ';i3 r. of the Kings M. ant a in chapter, he Tail Twister Otis Falls had a ba?i'',as er night, fining President Howardj ackson and Shelby's In-going dis-, L'a rkt director Bob Cocke Lr railinaj va dotis 'Mr.,' and forcing E. A. Harriltj thi nd George Mauney to ''spiu ttie Pe heel." Harri.lt was 'reading Tattls 1*3 ales during the banquet' and Maun- 3 y "had whiskey In his possession.*- m?' For falling to wear full-dress" Law- toi ence Lovell sat on the higli chair * wl kith bib and baby-hat;* drinking milk an roni a bottle. Aocord'ion maestro Paul Rich open ar td the program with "Indian Love; oo lall,' receiving much applause and >laylng "Nobody Love Me' as an ensore. * Members cf other Lions units pres ;nt for charter night represented the ;hapters from Wlnston-Salef. C'harotte. Mt. Holly, Shelby and Besse ner City.. During the banquet, a "Lioness at-i 'air. the following ladies held lucky j ( lumhers and were awarded various! prizes, including lamps, candy, and bed-spreads; Mesdames C O Blan-1 on. B. A. Harrill. W. K. Mauney. A L Hill. W. ('. Caveny. Bol> Cooke jm bid Bill Osborne o" Shelby and Mis->j ni Dorothy Plcnk. . ,,? HERNDON REUNION SUNDAY "3 is ' I 1)1 Over h>00 are expected to attend tlio annual Hemdon Reunion to be held Sunday at Bethlehem Biptist '' Church. Dinner will be served a- "A obut noon. All descendants 'cf the late George nnd Mary Graham Hern ci Ion are Invited to be present and re- si new old acquaintances. tt On Saturday P. D. Herndon will entertain his ten brothers and ais- ^ ters and their families at & dinner at ^ his home here. Bach year the eleven p, children of the late G. C. and Eliza Bird Herndon have thefr "Ret-topother" the day before the big reunion. s ICE CREAM SUPPER . e. " r There will T>e an Ice cream supper ^ at Bethlehem school house Saturday & night. The proceeds go for the bene- p fit of the chorda A cordial Invitation n la extended to the public. . f; .. >f ' . ' . . \ V si r ''' i m m n RE AO THE HERALD ^ -? , ;H , FIVE CENTS PER COPY" Office I >l>ropriation mounted Last Week ' fl . 4 - * " - - - - * ' *. _ t 'v ' m> ,\Iji !U Harmon; ' ^ ?^jj . Jj 1; iliT ii V'l-' Ttj_? ^Lj a )t?i> r.i,( jOrtirP* U>r i:iim?*. #1 i K;irfc>- Mounuadm. minu* )>Mr* of waiting - : I \\ i k:nk fin dm looir i'oH'iiI'd pub ! tl 11 < i JI I" | rii>- 11'Ti 1<1 ri'i.'iviil (In- following i r (null A l. llulwlnki^ North I irlitlvi Truth . Iiisiilcl t'<>ngr??ir; II Wr-\>. ill' - m'co ll i? 11 i cov nf ; Icgtjn f in Major Hulwtnktu Sin. ! V.', I'yiijimi. Fourth AssistA: L flulwinklfr,. I stotria. Kfirdi C?roltnt! -I 'Fht,> i'o.siin.i- ! Cione)#l( an.l the ". Jl of T!i>> Tif.i-;u) lij..:, to- I ? li aliened tuiioii tor the liii-vit'. -li- ot a si;.- and the election, fed v.il bui. hi.- a:. K.n'gs Motia'SaihU \V. I'uidum. 'Ko'iiTlt Assistant Postmaster General." I Mthcuich the site lias not beea feted as vet. it i> thought that ik will aiuiully begin at about i> inptlllb, but, nothing offieiat .1 tid be learned yesterday. i\'h?i the post Office actually i? operation id its own building J will be the_ first time in the hist' ot' the town that the 1 v.st Office . I > not Occupied a "rented" building '1 w hich tL-iv ic-minded citizens have g been ashamed. l|ie Test Offlto. will be the third blic building to be erected In igs -Mouutuia in the last two irs, the town having built a $50,i city ball and having recently com. ted a ?43,000 gymnasium through \\ funds. The outlay fcr the three iloings will total approximately - j 15.000. The $73,000 appropriation 1 include the cost of the property be purchased as well as the cost 'ihr< rAiiuti*ii/-?iAn rt ilto hiHIHinir ?I Congressman Bui winkle called Mr. B. Thomasicu. who was his local npaign manager in the recent pri try. from liis home in Gastonia. it as sot 11 as he received the men- T, te from Washington ..9 shop Addresses lymcn . Bishop f lair Puree!!. recenty apir.le'i Ulsitrp of tlie churches of - ;.%. > far'Una. made' - the princi- , ! address at the meeting of the .'jiion of Gastonia District was Id at Central Metliodist church. ?t Thursday evening. \ large 'crowd almost taxing the pacity cf the auditorium took adnta'ge of the opportunity to hear b new bishop and' take pnrt In th? rfecting of an organization of th? men of the District. Mr A J. Kirbv, prominent layin of Alain Street church, Gasaia. and l>ay Deader of the District lich comprises Clew-eland, Gaaton. d Lincoln counties, presided. Pastors, a large number of stew ds and other laymen from these unties were present. w M B * ^ jA MjQ ^k by James Preston^ )pinjoni Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of * fl This Newspaper.) Few fn the t'aptiulhave rmnes . of rfficleutt power to detect whr-t, if ;ythirtg 1s happnhtg on the oc> J front lint those who hive . ' a link they see something. If *the'r ,'cs are not crossed, what they sen a at rtmgor beat in the long feeble tsiness [pulse. This ts not from those who any the ttlent Is better just beenuse they :ant him to be better. It 1s from lose wno discount- ino oniiviioo or i ovcmment efficials. They f>-\so their atemontft An charts which register te heart beats A thumbfull of the emcoutrgement I i a using up of lhveiUori?? mwrtain1 construction. a slight flutter h* eel, more o ptimlsm in mot ore, aparent avofdanceo of retcc'vershtp by large eas'ern railroad, ard em trowing (the duration unknown) In tho tock matte et. Theme Catvoralbe signs have develop- 3 i before apndlng any ot the pump rim teg money. If they c? u'.ttnio It til mean a nantral bualnee*. revival Imuhaneous with governm nt punf I riming activity. Tt>e oxter,t of tiM J svival will rdopemd upon ,ve breafe 1 (Cont'd on Editorial rage) ' V HMiii i 'iA'