tw Kings Mountain Heaald " Established 18M *ihUeh?4 vary Thursday A fMRALO PUBLISHING HOUSE, ? ' ? v ' Maywoed E. Lynch niBr-Mimnf Btirrt u second dau matter at "AO tMUSce at Kings Mouataln. ' m >C, under the Act of March 3, **' 8JU US*' BJPTiON RATKtf ~ me Tear ftM 4MB Moothe 75 , erv and published for ttao entight-^ meal, entertaltiiaent and benefit' o! , Jk? utibecne A Kings Mountain and M Tleloltj. SORNING GLORY B5LTHE WELL th .OlOinlllKfItlt.V by Inf well. C*9C climbing up the old well pole3 To blcont Into a futry bower! .Hid then I think of human life That God has'blessed with power to grow; And wonder if I'm.climbing up life's pole as far as I can go! ? Randolph N\ Hill. ' RETURNS GOOD FOR EVIL The ?cod Hook says; "To return mod for evil." And that is just. dxLtttly what Congressman A. L. Biiilwaakle has done in awarding the one ftftfl office building allotted his dts tfet to Kings Mountain. We know tte thinking citizens of Kings Moun Ufa. The Best In the State, are deep tg grateful to Congressman Butwln?kae for his action that will mean so mach in the progress o'f oiir town. To have the United States Govern metnt spend $73,000.00 in one's Town iak something to be thankful for and vce say to our Congressman, thank yov. thank you, yes, a thousand tJkanks to you. Mfc?' ' SJTT* SHOW OUR' APPRECIATION />rro of t)t? hnut vt'iivu lA *ihnw nilr .appreciation to the man, Oc-ngresstcbu A. L.. Uulwinklo, who has ma-k ncr new post olllce building possible, i* when the time cxines to select *e site for the hew building to get aagether and agree as to the location We must remember the building test be located f:r the best lute rest iC Kings Mountain as a whole and m; for the personal gain vf any one 'M any group V? know the go al people w'll ikat: their appreciation by agreeing wSere they want the building loeatest after it has been given to us with ?t any bickering, cr controversies. A-H Club Members To Attend Short Course K ' ' " i ? Ijiie f it short course at. State Col lafec.. July--25?30. Will give hundreds ert Xarth Carolina farm hoys ana iggrte a week of recreation and whole .wne entertainment alcug with the fra i ?apL- on/1 n Kv untful v?na **yi a ??i?u i^"U' v?un? u j mviw i r#cakcr s. Otw hoy and one girl will bo ellr] Cfftt to attend from each 4-H club i?g Ac State, and "we hope to have mwrj county ruptvaeuted,' said L. R IWarCB and Miss Frances MacOregor '*4li ?Jnt> loaders at the collage mho vwtffi' be in charge of the short course iCVwture* if the week will be the iMnmea on subjects of special inferos* to Ttrral youth and the evening urograms with the health pageant. 4Mr esndlc lighting ceremony, the Ssskt Club night, and a detfconstratMm folk ikteiitg. Class work will cover: Parllamentan flproccdufe. good grooming, good scnocia, foods and nutrition. food ocooervatlon home care of milk. tSmrdtc rafts. room improvement. sfiaUlfng,, '(riven! uring with books, beaut if ic? tic n. recreation lead^ wwhfp, agricultural engineering, eon] -serration of natural resources, plant JRflBa?c.?, livestock, crops, the farm P. and horticulture. I At rtic health pagennt Thursday -waning the 4-11 State King and ffx?n of Health wi.ll be crowned. TTMrjr will be selected from the dts hrlrt Kings nnd Qu?>ns of Health Kuan each of the flvo extension service districts cf tho State. Jteglstratton will begin at 10 o'afluok Monday morning. and the hut course will even with an In feratrl ceremony that evening. A ?S< ee will cover cost of room and; Mib for each delegate. The candle-, ilfchfng ceremony will bring the > sdtart course to a chase rYidjiy evenr Hg. and the young peopts wit leave ttm their homes Saturday. l*"CTtn>'. appllau'fcvis Of quktk-act She fertlll'er such as nitrate of aoda. V" uk-revted for com, cotton, sweet WPdwres by Mgronoftafta of the Norta \ . 'JSwslIor. TCxperiment Btattoo due to' W* ens ut rains which hare teach* vj'. t'ue original plant food mater Kl,, TUB i i'?^vwv? Facts, Fun and Fancies t*i Jin and Julia 8al _ ' we (iqj The gloricus Fourth has passed ^ ?nd I hope that you've all gotten or- t)n tr any ill results. cei At the game Monday morning In 0f Cherryvllle, I was delighted to bo .no of the first to congratulate Ladd mil l)ot Iturmon when they told of ne liiulr votniikg uiarrlage' I Peggy took tlio announcement with a grtn). I'iiul Halliuuti false llob lleiiaon) from t'Uerryv tile oertninly t* rustiiuu | t>ot Itoke ....... Wonder now she'sj MBMHMWMMWHM ratii f* no you ireot glasses? K-f l0 M 'girts hate pretty go with hair i-urler*. . Alt v Ih-cty and lihdtly must h,-at-< ^ !> i*- IJtdVou-enjoy > our-. -() .' lv?? Ui.ud others toot at the danoj tile . ilier .night j . (.c W hy Fuul Jr.'it sud>eu interest In , j itavbael Smith? Uj Ksker. have .yon and Charles set- -or tied the argument about the color of ie. the girl's-hair? 1 don't sec so very br iniit-h difference' between auburn .and be red' " ? Tommy's eyesight must, oe failing hiui?'cr maybe looking at Kay 'makes'Coca-Cola; look and taste like root beer. . I hear that ''Lib*' rather enjoys boat riding with Paul Wright. An expression which ant used me! passed QyeiOjJ lelen Kayo's ;ace when she heard Jackson was in the baiyeny at the shots- with another girl Saturday night. _ 4 K. M. is blessed with another Titlie and Mae! The long and short Of it?Jo Keeter uu'd George T. Wonder why Den B. always flirts with brunettes? Must remind of Dot K. Jackie has been giving Bobby Su ber lessens la etiquette. Ntee work ?aiut be can get it. Why so many hen-parties at Dolly's? Could it be because E. W. is at Dqe West? I bear Miss Bertie has stepped oft aud done it! Best wishes to you both No, Howard, she says the freak doesn't make a pastime of eating banaoans?but it does d"rink cakes. I got -a iard from Miss Parsons (from N. Y.) Tuesdky. Hello to everyone?and I have ber address. James Ratterree tells m re is having the time of his life those days. Sounds interesting. Jim. Rains Wash Soluble Nitrogen From Soil Protracted* rains thoa season have . brought fanners concrete evidence cf the risk they run when depending' entirely upon soluble, inorganic sourj cea of nitrogen in fertilising cropst '.it planting time, said C. B. 'Williams !u-id of the ngroncmy department at' State t'ollege.. : j Tlie pale.. ,reen and yellows crops.' fc especially in Eastern North Carolina' j ape suffering frcjn a lack of nitrogen iie explained. The soluble sources c.| this element are aeslly leached out of the soil lu rainy weather. Experiments, however, have shown, ttll.l', where the inorganic nitrogen,; which is necessary, U with orga n I v sources such its cotton seed meal, oybean ineai. tisli meal, j "See America First" By RAYMOND FJTCAIRN National Chairman ' i Sentinels of the Republic . I Countless Americans, as this is written, are- either planning or embarked upon their annual program of nationwide summer travel. This is an excellent thing. It has particular value at a time when discouragement and pessimism flood so much of the world. For America, seen and understood as a whole, has an inspiring message to Impart. To ad who view it with open eyes and open Alnd, America offers not only grandeur of scenery, bat a record of grandeur of character on the part of its builders as well. In the fertile farms of the Mississippi Valley, in the productive Industries of the East, in the spreading ranches of the great West, it dramatizes the story of the men who, by their own strength, their own energy, their own spontaneous ar.d creative courage, harnessed the power of a continent to build a free and mighty nation. Everywhere the tourists Will see the America which was made by the labor anH llvrlfl Dsn onfomvleo nnA tVio 1*4 IV\ Vlii MV| MiU \.UVVi IOU UltU WIC energy of our pioneers and those who followed them. Everywhere they win see what can and has been achieved by the unshackled spirit of a people who demanded only opportunity and Independence. What a pity the oppressed peoples of Europe?who are taught that In order to advance, men must be the Instruments and the dependents oX the State ?cannot see these things! What a pity the theorists who urge on our people,a policy of leaning upon government and looking to the politicians rather than to their own abilities stand America's message! To a!l who really see America It tells the Inspiring story of what can be achieved by the free spirit of a great people unshackled by dictatorial repression. And dictators, or their admirers, who preach that program depends en the peiMihf ef regtmenUttoe^er blind ihwMjttoesto tlw^wbii * authority Ml III AmHm Vlni KINGS MOUNTAIN HBRALD TH ed blood, or tankagd, crops are iter protect edbetter protected - atoat nitrogen deficiency lit wet -ather. Nitrogen from organic sour i does not d?Bsolve as rapidly and II stay in the sail for a longer to than that from inorganics sour s as nitrate of soda add sulphate ammonia. Pale, sickly crops that appear to ed nitrogen at this time will be Ijx-U bv moderate applications of sriPinlc. tjuXWl\ soluble nitrcgen .en at* soon as possible. Professor itiiaius peiiited out. Hide upplivaii.s of 4re the nitrogen Igitt4.ll> uN'lltd has It jelled out Moderate airpltcatlou* of 73 lo Ion untie of tiitruiu of soda cr fu to pounds at sulphate of 'amuKiila r acre should be given at once to in an I sweet p tatties where need , he added Additional applications 43Z|(pj?ij ajctu 4nd hjm s.enj ?m e not nceossary for tobacco. but ach of the plant roots and proiuott caking cut the middles and ridging tter growth. .? r DAVID 0. SELZKICH ^ ? ? * Vw a<>s in . od her.n.i b'ughi out tli> iiiIiuxlneis M' i-f.vl ll^y Molds. A lu?i 'pound per acre application ;; f a ;t S I .fertilizer applied to v>e, *j James. koberstson or cout i ... resulted in the rye being thicker. taller, and with larger hinds better I filled 'vith grain' as compared with tho *.ock plot whefo no fertilizer \ was used. nil?( ' ishjSiis^ ifor utd A f?l? W Two CiSet ! * * jl young ladles and gentlemen, stopMd at the mouth of a wooded rmV ley. three mile* below town. The crowd eoattered about and soon the vicinity echoed with ahoute and laughter. After the feaet there waa a aeaaon of reet under prcadlng oaka, then aomebody shouted: "Let'e go to the care." Everybody waa ready. Bundles of candlea were provided and there was a general scamper- up the hillside. XcPougaTs oave was a vast labyrinth of crooked aisles A per* son might wander days and nights . through Its intricate tangle of rifts and oh* am a. and never find the end. No man "knew" the cave. Many of the young men knew part of it, and It waa not customary to venture much beyond this known portion. Tom knew as much of the oave as anyone. < By and by, one group after another came straggling hack out, panting, smeared with tallow drippings, daubed with clay and entirely delighted with their trip underground. Cnaperones herded children into wagons and the tired and happy i youngsters sang while riding back When both waaon* arrived. Tom i and Beeky were round mlaainf. Im: I mediately there waa an uproar. I ' H. Wk~y\ r; m' Fe*?t a/ the Mte atrt*#. wa on oorndftcx ruinw moic w For lone and anxious houra. Tom and Beeky watched for a rescue party, and at Intervals shouted Iq nop* of attraottag Hanfcin aa they wandered far below the earth'* eurface la the kalaldoaooplo chamber! of tba great lfmaatoae cavern. Several times the boy and the frightened girl, on the verge of hy? terla, heard voices, but the echoes i of the labyrinthine corridors misled the seekers. Tom gave Becky one end of hie kite string and started to explore one of the numerous corridors. At the end of the passage, ho stumbled on a wooden box, half burrled In the dry sand of the floor. Throwing back the lid, he found the chest filled with gold plocos ? the bloodstained wealth of Murrcll the river pirate! Tom whirled around In excitement, checking a shout of joy when he saw before him, leering, his mortal enemy ? Injun Joofy Speechless, Tom dropped his kite string, and fled, stumbling, the halfbreed at his heels. 1 At the end of a blind passage, Tom turned, and a gloating cry of triumph escaped Injun Joe. Tom, cornered, dragged in frenzy from hie pocket, the brass door knocket knob ? his engagemsnt present from Becky. Ifailtu ks Vtewfail 14 (n 1? 4L. mmkwi/ mo uu?ku ?k uiiu vii*: iace of hla foe. The savage reeled, lost hla balance, and plunged with * cry down a dark chasm Into a rockbound.pool far below. Tom gasped, then made his way back to Becky, who was stricken with terror when Tom dropped the "If Injun Joe rot In. there must be a way out," he said. Then, after a few minutes of exploration : ^"Beckyl Becky I X can see the Hand In hand, the children climbed to the oare's hidden entrance, . nnd saw before them the green hills with the river gleaming m the sunlight below. iniNBi ?-*rV ' ;/ -' .'v.. f * " - 1 I ^.11 1ST HUMANS ^ ? ^ mwm A nUlmA' u ^ ViliHr ^ ImAmM9 Vy i - the people of the Unl- 1 ted Steites. Neither is ho concerned ' that they ore responsible only to ' their constituents as to how they conduct their business. I Mr. Lewis is- displeased with their t committee system. He thinks It shouW bo changed. Neither does he, Ilka members iwith seniority recelv-i Ing preference In committee assign-' . moats. Apparently he would give the first tenner .the chairmanship of(' a powerful attcl Important committee Nowadays a member la lucky If ne, 1 Ix-cctinca chairman of any committee | under ten years of service. J, Only one thing: gives a member : seniority and that is length cf scrj< vice. If he has length of service It.! means he has satisfied his constitu-;1 ents. TJie members of the House !l (aud they are the only real judges)j ihiuk the seniority and ccmmitte?|< Systems satisfactory. All the hull.ibaloo .was stirred up over one thing The House did mot pass a hill Mr. Lewis wanted. And It is a healthy, thing for Congress, to legislate ce It, sees fit and refuse to be dictated toj by Mr. Lewis. *?*? I Watch the monopoly Investigation It will be the most thorough examination ever made of American Indus ] try. It will cover big 'business, small p business, gcoi business and bad bus! iness for unemployment. Patent and < tax laws 'will e examined. Sonic mem bcr are hopeful the Inquiry wll enable the development of a business pattern that will function without Its peaks and valleys. Some other mem bfrs have not said so but tmnlicd that mere than Just knuokle-craoklng will go along wt production by the depression. Morth Carolina, Cleveland County. K In the Superior Court, Paul 8. Wright, Plaint Iff. \ vs. \utumu N. Wright,-Defendant. Notice of Summons To Autumrv N. Wright, Defendant: Take notice that ait action as a- fc bovo entitled has been instituted, ai a in st you to obtain a divorce on tho -.rounds cf two years eepe ration, and you are required to appear at the L-ourt house in Shelby. N. C.. on tho list day of July, 1938, and answer or toinur to the complaint, or the relief therein prayed for will be granted. Oivcn under my hand this the 2"th lay of June, i938. A. M. llamrkk, Clerfe Superior Court. ?ndv?July 21?IJTF NOTICE OF SALE I'tidir and by virtue of the power of sale contained in an order made by A. M. Hamrlck, Clerk of the Superior Court for Cleveland County, In the proceeding entiled, "Town of Kings Mountain vs. D. L. Stewart et at", 1 will sell for cash at the Courthouse d-cor la Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Monday August 1, 1938 at ten o'clock, A. M? or within legal hours, the following described! real estate: Situated in the Town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, and beginning at an iron stake In the South side of Geld Street waere It Intersects the York Road, and runs with sold road S. 14% E. 76 feet to a stake; thence a new lino N. 89 W. 159 feet to a stake;- thence N. 14% W. 75 feet to a stake In edge of * * - * ? - u-oia street; thence -with said street S. 89 e; 150 feet to the beginning, ton'-Mlning 11,250 a<|. ft., and bcin? the lot on which said Stowart reft Idea. This the 29th day of June. 1938. J. It. Davis, Commissioner, ?adrv?July 28 Plus acy equals First Nar as a problem in arith r a part of the reason customers continues to ts. ONAL BANK mtain, N. C. ?osit Insurance Corp.