I BUY NOMI OH ^ > VOL. 34 NO. 35 ' State And N; **& '*" " . > I Condensed In ?Nitiwal New#? t Columbus. Ohio. July la ?A in t.i j wlnxu Detective Kd IdctttlfUHi1 u Kruufc Tracy. 32. of A'tanta Qi? *M undi-r jpiai'd in a liiuii ul tipi:??l fh'j concuctlon with the slaying over tn? ! week-end of Si mm it Tow ami H??>Lj er Parker. Ilorrv Count.v f:?rmi?n? ' ! Minneapolis, July 19. -Approxl-ii moL-iy two of crery three doctors t'n j tho Culled States oppose r?jOrg-?atz:i j tion of medical practice along I lavs of socialized medicine, it was toper i ?d today in resulu* of a physician j < referendum conducted by Modern Mod Vine, medical journal published . here. v Sidney,' Moat.. July 19.?Noisy 1 awams of grasshoppers forced farm t ers in ourteen Eaatern Montana counties to put a salvage value on their best crop la years and threat- c -eaed today to spread northward int> t . Canada. t Washington. July 19.? Investigv Itors for the Senate Civil Liberties i Committee said! today they expected ! to prove In new bearings tlipt the < -lftUo steel strike a year ago oost the fives of from fifteen to twenty persona. WellsvlUe. N. Y-, July 19.?A. spec- c tucuiar explosion early boday spread t lwvoo In the 115,000.090 Sinclair Oil Company Refinery- after three men i were killed and 75 injured in a chaos t rettce. Aifz., Jruly 19.?warden -A John C. Eager reported the state prison "all quiet" today as Arizona National Ouardatnen placed the bad- * Jy overcrowded ioatKuHon under mil ' itary discipline. It was the first time In many ' months, he said, that manpower for guarding purposes has been avails- 4 bio. Eighteen, prisoner* escaped the f pa?t> month. Eleven stlU are fugitives 1 __ i Fredonta. N. Y.. July 19.?Fredon- ' id's board of trustees has decides on a New Deal for harassed housewives ' An ordinance adopted bo" the board ' , to go into effect July 25 makes it a misdemeanor for "peddlers, agents ami solicitors" (to ring door bells. . Tbc statute calls for a 1190 fine. ( . , New Orleans, July 18.?Paul Helde ' organizer for the Committee for Tn- i - dustrlal Organisation, aaid. today 1 that ClO-aflfiliabed truck dWveth had i K (voted to end a strike again*.* eleven i drnyage firms called June 22. . ; I Seattle, July 19.?"Nearly 3,000 for eat firemen spread from the Oregon California border to ' the northern outposts of British. Columbia, today , In ? fight against one of the greatest outbreaks of forest fires in the , Pacific Northwest ltn recent yean. 9 . i . . . SMALL FIRE TUESDAY Firemen were called out Tuesday morning about 11:30 to Bl&cklcOates* Service Station at the corner of Cleveland] Avenue and King street to extinguish a tank pump that had caught Very little damage was done. ! Laughing Aroui | .With IRVE . t - | An Unsanitar By IRVIN TN SAN DIEGO lives a gentleman * is locally famous for his antlpa tha fact that his ancestors on both i fcearin" upon his prejudice. Last summer, X think it was, o tat, a British warship visited the < 8aa Die co members of the CTCW W aaBor men, a little Cockney, walked i sen at the risk of offending a pros guhil the youth with a hostile star* "What do you want?" he asked . The Bn?Hslunaa was fingering % "Hi'd like it if you'd change a c JV - "Is that sot" snapped back tl Sm tell you soaaethia*?In the fti I wouldn't be ewopptn' quids K,.',., . ... ; Kings . _ _ . ' - V '"-:' ~ ' ational News i Brief Form -State Newt? Aaht-vilkv July i*J.? ttrnie riul.ti. the New Ortean* LttniM ?.t, a j t th?*; ??crtt# to-ia. u-t the faroliuaj jpua tvntth' i Mruihent . turn ?i at i lillituori' Countr> jcluto. MMhMMPMMMMMMMtl IHtctcu w?h?? Russall Bohhlt or At-t i*ata, Ifarrix iivereu of J-ck?o:ni;U' ] '!*. Alec ttiiotr,, ot ? Uattanco#a j i'entt. and Ted i> llu.'* ri gf Chat lotto. Th? leadiujt e.Vfy Ja ;h* women.'*I JivUion *ai M i~hj Hirueti o. Mta xti Fi t tJje a omen's Town in th-i {>>Lrth ru amateur here ii?T month. I y'*. ; ' j IJoone. Jaiy zO.--Boan>'9 oldest 'llixpni Mr ?f*?4 hM lA't" tJ - .? ?? j ui i a. tfvuu (1. ;i^Ul" is, 6J aal M. respectively.. cei brut oil lUei?- bith wedding aunlver>ar> here ftuueij. July IT. an occx?> c-u which aiu honorerthc birthday . >f their ae&oai >ca, J. Prank ( >X Chariotuv'and x great gfauiison. : Kenneth. MJcCoy iN'orrU. Jr. of Uharotte. Raleigh, July W.?The state boird >f assessment distributed $434,224 to ountiea "anx! municipalities today as ' heir share the attacker's lueutlty. Waynaaviile, July 'JO.?Super:-, r j ludge Foil* Alley held yesterday . hat the citizens of Wayneavll!; an 1 ind Boaverdjiu (Canton) townships .ould not vote for ABC liquor stores , The Jurist ??i?L that, under the ] rate act, proving for the election a , iltuatlon would be brou?h aboui , vhere a minority of the voters would . jay whether a majority would ha\e j he store*. Persons seeking the election siid :h? decision .probably would be ap- | ie ing ol ' ils landlord, Johnny Hopper. Hopper *as slashed to d^ath Saturdjy -Jte* in altercation with BUis, the Sher- 1 ft said. Snerlft Walter M. Brvln luoted Kllia as saying he acted 'n leifdefenaei ' Rev. Tate Stresses Education To Lions 0ln. a regular meeting last Thursday night. Rev. T. G. Tate, Lion from Gas ton La. told the Kings Mountain Lions that "Education is important to Lions themselves ? that is a thorough knowledge ot the aims, duties, and progress of Lioniam throughout the world.' Tail-Twister Otis Palls continued hlls fun-making by reading a letter from Jimmy Burns "concerning little Lion Jimmy', Chief of Police. Mono from iSheSby an^ Gas tenia represented their respective clubs. tid the World Nf S. COBB y Suggestion S. COBB who rani a delicatessen store. H? thy to all things Enblish. Perhaps mm were Irian rebels may have a r maybe it was the summer before California ports. When die reached ere given shore leave. One of the Into the Native Son's establishment pective customer, the proprietor reI shortly. a one pound note, ptd, for me." he said. m Celifornian. "Well, young Mis, ret plaee I dout chew and even if I with nobody, 1st aioos a darned I iBati r Moun ? r KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. THU CYRUS FALLS i I It i i i : i i < i i i ' You don't f:no'A how many cams-; -as l'v? bU'-at (jetting th.'s." Cyrus Falls has attended Sunday School 'or 1300 Consecutive weeks. 1 c Local Man Has Amazing Sunday ; School Record J ~~ ^ ? Segins 26th Years Without Missing. '"I join xi the Central Metaodist ^ Sunday School June 1, lJtV says f L'yrus Fall*. K'.agg Mountain farm -r. } *1 promised, myself that I would 30 ( -.hen I was able, and I have been ( ible for more than 26 years." Gyrus Falls spoke modestly of 26 ieans of Sunday School-? without nissln$ once ? jmrr?hSOQ consecu- , I.... e, . - 1. 11 ~ a i?r ncrn.^, wuirc uiuoi UL ltd pjl OUT- ^ lelves oti the back when we get ft '-month attendance medal. ,! Siace 1513 when he joined the latft f U. T. Fulions Methodist Sunda> _j School Class, he has attended some v Bible class at least ouce a week, toccetimes in Florida, once in Washngton, a few times in New York, in Red Cross and V. M. C. A. army huts , n of Mfrs. Henly Houser gathered! Sunday, July 10, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Houser, with whom she makes her home, to, pay her homage on her ?4th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Houser is the mother of two ssons and two daughters one of whom Marvin b. Houser, died several years ago. The other children were present as follows: Horace M. Houser. of Kings Mountain,'Mrs. Charles P. Hunter and Mrs. J. D. Campbell of Charlotte. Others present included Charles P Hunter, J. D. Campbell, Miss Ruth Hunter and Roy Hunter, Jr., all of Charlotte;. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Poston Mr. and Mrs. George Houser and lit tie daughter. Shirley Anne, of Shelhv; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Luts of Pall "ton, Mrs. Horace House. Mr. and ,frs. BUI Houser and baby and Miss Mnda Houser. A bountiful meal was served at r on-day and In the afternoon group pt-turaa warn ma da. tain H RkDAY, JULY 21. 193* School Board Awaits 1 Barnes Summons To Act On Dance bid With the return during t:>" ? ei- i ?nd of Superintend-it' IS N ^ tnd board member <'. K. 'I todna^adA. he Hihool bo.nd In read. "o if." o'i be S" ?x club r-<|u< itl for tn use of O fkr re? entl) t >iiup!ol"<: Wi'A *\ m- , U taaii.'nt lor a club-s|einaot* iaaoe. to l?r l? P. Htk^r, vuuii nan ot tli - boirti. O !'%< I. . . . . ' la), '.id ii ia Ills du'-. r?J * - * I* -* til*- ' ward lor mcetint;* A- chalrmria o ;c be bout J, I can sa;. that *e me' ??d; to act at au> time," S3.. .1 - a_ - - ? P3?k|/ i iii ' uu< in cou'.o iw;, " tc r> ached taut night lor a s*H'> neut is ,io tin- actual day h ' sou til meet.- while lnti-riv>'?? i <. 'ii-i.- rt inu i tuli iiii'tiilHTi exprca? *d : :i lop-, thai something definite wouM j !> >e di-i idcd Within the we-k. j-"1 "-?r ? " Diseases Are Threats ; f'r ro Flower Gardeners ? j hi .Plant disc-aims are a constant ;f| hrct 'o heme and commercial f!owtcj r gardeners, but ..most of thein cann I vv ;c avoided, or controlled said l)r.| te .uth'-r Shaw; extension, .plant pa:ho-i tn uglv> State College. !h roses. for example, the mostj (Wtiita dlse-iits sre black spot.jC o'wdery mildew, , brown canker. | y torn -canker. cane blight, anthrac- lose, aud cane gall. To raise disease *' rise roses, gtrdners need to observe yaresna'le disease control measures One of the first steps is to get 8C tocd foundation, tock. Before pur-j-j-, :hasiua plants or cuttings, examine i he canes to see whether they are j ntected with any. of the common 0l anker diseases Also look for signs g| rt other disease, and1 buy only from %-j ellat>?c persons. p, Once canker has broken out on a ? osa plant. It c^frnot becurod, The llnexied stems can be pruned oft j, ho plant, but this does not always K, fill l*ad?? ? *u ^ -J* !fl?TrAvenu??an^^^tnT strTet lay b? lowsrsd frt-i 10 'S> . i & t? 5' 2 fsat. The clearance be?e#n the railroad track* and the "idge may be lowered from the proofed 22 feet to 19 feet. The clear, ice in other towns are only 19 feet, id that may be all that _ the Rain. It was brought out the most of >e clearances in the new project ow going on in Vligh Point is only I feet. At the same time trie tracks ould have to be lowered two feet om. the present level. .The main objection to the overead bridge was the height of the II leading to the bridge, and if thia in be lowered property owners ould not (>e damaged, to a great exnt, as the height of the fill, would ! cut almost half into. ongressman Bulwinkle riaits The Best To* n rt The. State Congressman A.. L. Bulafnkte and in, Lewis, drove over to the Bes: own J? the State front Gtstonia tsterday afternoon to visit around, lake hands and mingle with some ' his constituents here. The Con essman was looking fine, after his ctorlous campaign in the recent rituary. He stopped in The Herald Wee and had' a long talk, with the ewspare fellows auid those who nopped In. Everyone met the Con"essman with a smile and were ign in ineir praise# ror an efforts i securing the Past Office building >r Kings Mountain. Congressman Bulwinkte asked lat it be announced that -he had' ab>!utely nothing to do with the section of the site In a town, but tat it was left up to Post Office Hclals in Washington. He stated tat he was hap-py- to have been of trvlce to citizens of his nearby >me town. Before he left Major Bulwinkle tld a good Joke on himself. He said lat upon his arrival in town . he :opped two men on the street and itrDduced himself, but the men ad never heard of him. He a3ked lem how long they had lived in ings Mountain, and they replied alt telr lives but had never heard of tiyone by the- name ?f Bulwinkei.. his reminded hira of another jok' Lat took place here several years ?o. during the big celebration when resident Hoover came to Kings [ountaln. Major Bulwinkle and his tmily stopped at the lora! hotel ut they were informed that the enre hotel had been reserved for cele rities only, so the Congressman and is family moved on down the street > a hot dog BtaAd for dinner lien's Club Meets Phis Evening The Men's Club will meet this vening at 7:00 P. M. for their out oor supper at Crowders Creek chui h in Gas-ton County. The auppci ervedi at this place last year is still emembered by the ham and chickn lovers and it is expected that one f the biggest crowds of the season rill be present. Crowders Creek Ls located beyon? u,r*?>;n i ??> of t ; Jo* n-iow n ivrcle .Id. U-Vt.l ?d< la.J.'Ull .J,t; *p Ml Sumwj niiflr < i m. !.? .T'i^? .vjji'o'i. pru;n ?jca- '.-A**. 'iTmt, e?' hi*-* At a ;tri?i ; ? : * ! i * ' s J*--* ' '"*? im, Cfctirrft l\rn? {) tt ? folio w'ng jcft*dule fir fiv S*jnd i.. nui>'' Hi?'VhI' 'Wt '?n J :igr'0?-: o It P"*'J ( . id*?? . fo" or * " rrive ::i ih''i of. 'h* I uhurchet m l ui? sermon 0,7 -aco |. p i.4'o ti"** 'h ? unit.-: *soh vrogar I Is hoped tint. Utmh ; m-etr t*.? wti? h-? *h'? b?r of -i" a> fir fill 31 xi " i " ' i \ Will J: < M ''Vf if cburKt A .j, us; 7 Ke?. A. C SargaanV will rr oy v Mi ' l>i h'-ron Oh irch. ,V:sf-v. 14. K-rv f. n Hvtjim will p'r--.?-4i .H *b? Baptist Church A'i<;!,r 71 H.?v W. M ?t'?> : will . >rvyj?:h in the Pr??st??tec.A?i Church. ? -: = 'IS. Uv. K V BVjt will preach in 'he Associate Rv'ormed Presbyterian Church. NBGRO KILLSONE WOUNDS TWO Wife trouble plus liquor resulted In the death of one and. the wounding of two here' Saturday evening. F.'mk M ehen>. 27 veir oM colored mm Ih. in the Co.'intv Jail in Shelby coarged with the fatal shooting of Freeman Dulin, j5 year old, resp^rtahlf* color ed farmer and foster father-in-law of Mltchetn. The shooting occurred about 8:3?. .'Saturday night when Mitohem went to the-home of Dulin, which 13 located near the Margrace Mill. After a quarrell Mitcaem'a wife had goneto the home of her foster. t parents. Upon Mitchftm's arrival a quarrell took place and the wounding ot Mitchell's wife and her foster mother followed. Mttchem went out ta the yard and Dulln started for officers then Mitchem shot Dulln in the leg. tearing one foot almost, off. Then Mitchem broke his 20 guage shotgun over the prostrate body. Before medical aid could be summoned Dulln blead to death. ' Mltchom then took his wife In a car to give himself up to officers. met Deputy Blackburn hi Kings Mountiin who hi turn delivered hlrn to Officer Charlie Sheppard, who took him to the Shelby jail. Judge A. A Powell in Shelby yesterday aet Friday as the day for the preliminary hearing It was thought Mitchem would be tried during Superior Court to be helJ in Shelby next week. Three Bible Classes To Have Fish Fry For the paat several -weeks, the members of the Men's Bible classes >f the First Baptist. Central Methodist and Boyse Memorial A, R. P. churches, have^enjoyed a period of visitations on the regular Sundaymorning services. On last Sunday morning it was decided to climax the period of fellowship with a fleh fry Friday evening from 7 to 9. on Fred Wright's back yard- In the event of rain iho Biirtrvni* will ho fiolH in iha ' High School cafeterta at me same , hour. The committee in charge is pre' paring for 230 to 300 men. Mr. N. F. MoOill is program chain1 man for the event. .' - I ^ I A if * ^ ,4 WQnapslwts ty JameS Preston 1 (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Neceeearlly the Views *f 1 This Newspaper.) 9 Webster's definition, of the simple old word CARD must be rewritten. R It used to associate Itself readily with ouch words as poker. bridge. 1 the souvenir postal Those unblessed 8 with the more abundant life, which. r phrase was coined about the time r relief nolle came into existence, ' thougnt of card and the penny postal 9 synonyms. ' OraAually use of the word CAJtD has expanded Restaurant waiters s hand out vitamin cards. Head waitf er? will bring calorie cards.. The gov e ernment glvee out- Social 8ecurlty a Card*. And now Mr. Wallace, the i- secretary of Agriculture, la handing the cotton farmer product lor card*, e For some reason the cotton card e 'ssuaiKo baa not been publicised. I- two i-'nde of cards were fesued. Oat ir ton farmers complying with the AAA e provisions (set forth la ZS.&ftO tech(Cont'd on BdUorlal page) ?- II * mhr^aH