f_ BUY ? AT HOMB VOL. 34 NO. 33. ' State And ] Condensed I ?National News? Washington. July Z4.?Cgoli World* Admin latrator Icki? i ppr.ro toouy award of aii ?ur<ncvrlu< vice coot rat* to the Harza Knx?it" ior. Company of Chicago at a prelllt Iai turrr irn i fi i 11 n f37.500.00o Saittae-Coaper power an navigation projec. in South f.<,roli;u Hogota. Colombia. July 30.?Dot tors loony ruea at eo tn?? ,?rot>aUi' toll' of lives taken by stunting mill tsry plane which plowed Into thi center of a crowd of 50.000 and bdri ed dorlng a military review Suud*> At least 04 persons were killed ou right. Including the pilot, blight w?j men and 10 inen were uuvoug the 1 dcntKled vtctlms. ; ' Knoxville, Tenn July 20.?A Com grosslonal Investigation of the Ten ncspoe Valley Authority entered It third week here today with commit toe members ready to consider me thode and procedure by which "yan stick" rates for KVA power wen established:. Washington, July 255.?The Wa Department, borrowing the idea frou iOuropo audi Aaia, disclosed todc,. that hundred of civilians would co operate in the first large-scale Ame loan test of an air raid warning net 6uch messages as "six enem; planes passed at 7:29 A. M. (headtnj (westward* .will he telephoned host! ljr from 300 or more points in Nortl Carolina during the experiment net - October 3-17. Haiti*. Palestine, July 2$.?A bo ml blasted the crowded Arab marke plane here today for the second tim< in a month, killing 39 Arabs am wvunuing oetwceo oo Ud 60. The incident wan the most cosu: in the turbulent strife between Jew: t -and Arabs whloh has been sweeping the Holy Land anerw since July 5. "Washington, July 26.?The Pos Office Department is trying to breal up a new series of cha2n letters, a boat 76 persona have been reprlma: ded, officials e&id today. Most of the schemes have cos cerned merchandise. The dutbrea is nowhere near the size of the dUn< chain letters circulated a few year I - n?o. Churches Have Union Fish Fry Following a co-operative Cellos \ ship spirit that has been developln among the churches during recen years in the form of now regular jx riode of joint services and urregula visits of the Men's Bible classes. The Baptist, Methodist and Asm elate Reformed Presbyterian Chui I rhM M>t t/MrAtilAf onjf nnrivMnX ?K I loaves and fishes In abundance an well prepared with all the aooomgi nying aide dishes, to be served 1m KrMay night In Fred Wright's na oral sunk-in garden. The spot la deal for auota a gathering. Altboug serving time tell quite heavily, th dense Cottage over head grreveuth any one getting much. wet. Tjo some the gathering suggests something on a larger scale, In th form of a cloee-in town park to walkers. The site Is Ideal with lov lands for sunken ponds, water flew era, rtsh, a variety of flowers an shrubbery terraces, walk ways ws< lag pools for children only. Th town needs a restful beauty ego Why not start one in time an a r lief project? ! Laughing Aro With IRV f a The Value of Br 1RV1 TV7ILS0N MTZNER, the playw w friends?end his enemies?ee co-author of a crook play produced dkhit like the nw pieea hot, as a and the play enjoyed a long and editor for one of the afternoon twlee of the first night's perfort Tien days later, as Mistier a ^ his eucceu^ Unoffending critic, n l^y^oi^Si^lieiitlle^iii |k * . MB ap Kings National News n Brief Form I ?State New?-c HainM, July 24.?A ui?ro. Ueoigc ! ( Kurd, wh held .In an uiianuattni 'jail today rhcrxed *"?/h the May In r r of Kunlte It Munn, 44 >em old taxi i i- driver, whose- battered bodv war 1 mi if iiiiiiai) mum,, ft'1 a tab on a Irnely road, i. The prisoner, who roller* Chief John Kallaw said hot been indent I 1 , tied as n ue^ro who enured Muti'i I |a Saturday night to t-'?ke hltn to the J town of Iraurel llill near here, was B whisked away to rjuother county a> : ^ a precautionary measure. I IIUIH) mount, juiy 26.?S. D. Ben j j iupU. district manager of ' the state | am ploy racat service said tony three I large tobacco firms here had called j for upward of 1.500 employees to report for work wkea the factories t open. i- They will opea Bennett said as s soon as tobacco begins to arrive from Georgia, markets, probably A.u gust 3. i . Lauxtaiburg. July 25.?The crowning of the Melon Queen Saturday night will bring a climax the annual r Melon Festival which will be held ii here Friday and Saturday. > The Melon Festival sponsored by the Laurinburg Lions Club, ts an er vent of the watermelon shipping . season, which reaches Its peak this i' week. 5 . i. .. ? l- Greensboro, July 2?.?Police Cap tain H, W. Brannock said today that t employees of a Danville, Va., drug store that was robbed Saturday morning had Identified two men ar3 rested here as members of tne party t of four that got $150 in the holdirp. Brannock said the men were bookt ed tts Fred Bonrmaai and O. R; Tysliiger of High Point and tnat they y- were being held for Danville officers. - i Smtthfleld, July ' 26.-|rriol of Jnmeis .E. Hxarringtou of Raleigh. charged with murder in the death of t John McMillan, 8oltm. oil dealer, t wns slated to begin today Tiere. At an inquest which followed the a March 31 shooting ?eu^ucy )3heriff Wllbcrt Barbour testtfted Tharrlug u t/vn a fnrmdn TaKsbIaw I- ? ?? u *w? IIVIIU.1K/U VyVU 111 V uailK K <3?K|f. admitted Wl"'iig McMillan a orer the affections cf a Selma dit vorcee. Mrs. Rosalie Hayes Kin? Greensboro. July 25.?Mrs. Daisy Thomas. 58, was found shot to death hi her home at Stokeadale yesterday Acting: Coroner Morton Murray Hatr_ ed the death aa a suicide. g t Raleigh, July 26.?More t'uau on" mlllicn pounds of food was dls'ritu' ted in North Carolina by the Surplus Commodity Corporation In June. A. . 15. Langs ton, state director says. r -? _ Wilson, July 26.?Fourteen eastern * North Carolina towns have expressed intention to aesvd representatives '* to a bathing beauty aontest here j August' 15-18 at the annual North Carolina tofcaooo exposition and fenh ^ O FORMER RESIDENTS d VISIT HERB d Mr. and; Mr?. O. B. Carpenter, now a of Washington, D. C., a pent some r time with Mm. Fred Finger and /- friends over the week-end, enroute f~ to the Carolina Beaches. Mr. Card penter is in Supervising Accountant 1- services of Government expenditures e throughout the nation and part of t. the Islands. We are glad to have ? them rememlber Kings Mountain pleasantly in their vacatfon plans. und the World in s. cobb I sea WW a Critic s hlead N S. COBB right, has a very pretty wit as his testify. A few years ago he was I on Broadway. Some of the reviewers ufaai abeequently developed, the publie did, ' highly profitable run. The dramatic papers was especially severs in his nance. at with friends in a cafe celebrating ho is rather a handsome maa, passed i of the party at the table. washer ef the group, hoping to draw rtUiiifti i .11 - Moun _j_ ___ KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. new"home o W- . \ M KV '';^l I . '-JyH Above ie the recently constructed next to the First Baptist Church, and job printing. Haywood E. Lynch newspaper office. Ralph Thomas Buried In Gaf f ney Funeral services for Ralph P.1 Thomas who died at Duke Hospital in Durham, following o major operation. Friday, were conducted- sit the First Presbyterian Church Sunday aftemi?n. Kerv. P. D. Patrick w?s in charge and ha was assisted by tho Rev. Cur ley, pastor ot the Raffney Baptist (Church. ^Interment followed in the Oak Law a Cemetery In Osffney. Active ..pallbeflxers were, llalbert Webb. BMI Thomson. Charlie Mosa. John Flody, Wade Short, and Marion Rhyoe who were business assocLa cs of Mr. Thomae. Honorary pallb?|:rers were members of the Men's t^iass 01 me rraaoytma sun day School. Mr. Thoirae had beefl in declining health tor soma tune. He went to Duke Hospital on Monday and was operated on Fridlay. He (was on the operating table tor about five houra und lived only one hour after the operation. Mr, Thomas was born in Anlerson S. C., on May 15, 1904, but had mode his home In Kings Mountain for several years where he ne??l a responsi ble position as overseer In the Dye Department of the Neisler Mills. Ilr. Thomas was ta young man who liad u.any friends and Mas very popu lar with his fellow employees. He ook an active .part in lurletics. He had been honored by his team matee as being elected President of the .v.Jirgrace Soft itall teiaim of which he was a member. ' Mr Thomas is survived by his wife, one eon, one daughter, his mo then Mrs. R. C. Thomae, and seven sisters. Presbyterians To Hare Bible School Mr. C. P. ThonHwsson, Supt. of Son day School of the First Presbyterian Church, announces the following fac uity for the "two weeks Dally Vacation Bible School to begin August 1. Superintendent: Mrs. J. C. Nickels Beginners: Mrs. P. D. Patrick and Bias Barbara Summmltt. Primary: Mrs. R. H. Webb, Mrs. P. M. Neislor and Mrs. Ned Moss. Junior:' Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch and Mrs. W. J. Fulkeraon. Intermediate: Mr. Murroll Keith of Cblumfci Theological Seminary. Miss Marlon Murphy of the Assembly's Training School In Richmond will also be here to help direct the school. Rev. P. D. PatTlok will teach a course In Church Registrar. Miss Sam Kate Ormand, Memberfchip. Play Oroud Director: Mrs. Hurry Pace. The Presbyterians feel that they are very fortunate in having such a splendid group of teachers and especially urge all children from four years to 16 years of the Church, and any children of the community who have sot had the privilege of attending a Bible school this year to be present at t:30 o'clock Monday mom tag. ICC CREAM SUPPER There wfll be an toe cresm simper at Patterson Grove Saturday night Jrlly 10 , sponsored by the Woman's Otub of that coram unity. The public to oortUally Invited to attend. " ? itain H THURSDAY, JULY 2?. 19J8. F THE KINGS MOUNTAIN m: '' - $ ' ' ?#>; *';.. jsm JH^^BjQj^ragQBy^gygi * iti'ii i I i . C '--. . I home of The King* Mountain Herald li The building was especially designed fc extendi". a cordial invitation to evi Unusual Charac Kings Mountain TROOP 1 TO ELECT OFFICERS ? Keen Interest la cantering around rc Ac election of troop officers la 1 Troop One of the Boy Scouts. The * saemkbcrs at the troops who are run * afcvg for office had to annoonoe thwir oaadidacy last Monday night. Next Monday night these candidates for O the various offices will make their P< speeches acid the next Monday's ft meeting will be the election. The following have announced the mad- t vee as candidates. For Patrol Leader: Bill Ruddock. A Robert Fulton and Charles Moss. Jr. H For Senior Patrol Leader: Law- V renee Patrick. Fon Scribe: John Fulton and Wood ft Rayles. | A FV>r Treasurer: Jim Nickels and E Ed Henry Smith. S For Asst. Patrol Leaders: Bill Ban nett. Tommy MtarTAn, James Waters V and Yates Smith. A ir T . n - iit!ji A nc.n ju?ys n,gg mm "C" On It v A hen belonging to Henry Jones A laid an egg with the letter "C" piiin ly embrossed. on it. Mrs. Jones and 11 > Mrs. A_ B. Cttne brought the egg to The Herald Office. Mrs. Jones tried a to make the letter look like a 'Xl' jj instead of "C" as her name is Ger- 7 1 rude, but the letter just could not a be interpreted as anything but a g "C." Mrs. Clme said! the hen might have been trying to put her Initial < an it. The Herald man decided the hen -wanted toad vert Ise Cleveland A County with the letter "C.". S LIONS MEET TONIGHT F The regular meeting of the Lions will he held tonight at the Mountain T View Hotel. An interesting program has been prepared, the speaker of the evening being Rev. L. B. Hamm, pjstor of SL (Matthews Lutheran h Church. 9 Ail pvembera are (asked to be on ? hand promptly at 7:00 o'clock ao C that the meeting may be adjourned d at prosper time.' b J Will Rogers' S Humorous Story i i . i i By WILL ROGERS T SUPPOSE you've heard about S the fellow who would steal a f blind man's pencils, well, here'a one j about the same guy, he couldn't find any pencils, so he lifted all the h r ! n "SV oat of the eompotinir room of country newspaper. In the next edition of the paper the editor ' explained the lota In thla way: "Latht night thome tow tncoun- t drel thtole into oar eompothing room and thneeked all the etheth E out of the eabinetth. Tho it be- < J hooveth nth to take thith opportunity to apologise to our readerth for the uauthually inthfpid appearance of oar newthpaper. May we r eltho regithter the with that thome- t time in the not too dlthtant future t, we tfconld eroth the path of th'th t, thnaha (a the rrath and with the * erald HERALD HHB I * , ^ j - t>s< ~j?&' tiM ij^M. . v3HH^PSr?R^WJ^? ?< !- >^* " "" -^i seated on South Piedmont Avenue ir the publishing of a newspaper eryone to visit their "home-town" :ter Visits Hu&U W. Jones. 70 yeura of age nd from Alabama stopped la Kings loimtaln la9t week on his travels a>tmd the country. Mr. Jones has domed his Mfe to the -abolishment ot ax. He makes bis way from town > town by performing athletic .innla and playing a harp. Mr. Jones stopped In The Herald ffloe and dictated the following >em: togh W. Jones strong and healthy bone. 'ntcle Hugh is Jn Kings Mouutaiu times two and isn't blue, .nd likeS to learn something new, [is home is hi Alabama. /here he la capable of using saw and -hammer Le has an open mind, jvd a friend to all manual; Specially to the youth, pedfically to those who love the truth; Written In nerve, fiber and muscle, nd, Isn't afraid of any man's problem to tussle, ad is of a kndred spirit to Dan Dan Beard, I'ho has attained success because he has merit, aid, secondly, because he had rath ?r he a boy than a king, t Is easier to teach the young any new thing; mi help build' a world, a which Mill be no longer unfurled; I'taose insignia in might makes right aid in war no longer delight. lut on whose conquering banner we inscribe. That we enlist in the soaa of Zion" tribe; ,nd to achieve the results so much o that no longer war dogs may be fined/; 'ear toe displaced by confidence and love, That baa been, brought to us from above. The author of the above has set is goal to Ins pin? those of noble ouls and lnsite those (who by spirit /ould fight so that the Kingdom ol rod may come on Earth and deca ent civilization may have a new irth. ewelry Robbers Sentenced Clayton Brown. local n^gro, bet cr known in King3 Mountain a< Chicken'' was sentenoed to throe ears in the staAe penitentiary, ir Superior Court in Shelby this weet or breaking aCd entering the Klng'f arwelry Store during the early pari f this year, Brown wpa alleged t< save stolen about 11.200 worth of ex amslye Jewelry, including rings ratchets, pins, etc. He has been ii he Cleveland County Jail In Shelbj .watting trial Most of the stolei e<welry was recovered shortly aftei he robbery by Chief of Police Jkn ay Burns. DeNorrle Crawford, and Odell Her ricks who was charged with reoeit ng part of the etolen goods was sec eneed to 8 months eafch. IU8INE88 PROPERTY HANOE8 HAND8 Mr. C. W. Ledord and son, Karl eallzlng that tts a good time t< ulld or buy, have purchased th< uetneM block from Mr. Qrady Pat arson located on the point bet wee* last R R A venae and Pledmoai l venae. They expect to engage ll milncn thm for tfeomolvoo. ... . READ THE HERALD , # PIVE CENT3 PER COP* C. A. Huffstetler Passes Saturday Mr. <" Augustus Muffatptler./' cm# of KInio Mountain's qldt'al and onI citltoMiy ift?-d at tils lioinfe. on I'tCHlrnoni A\*'IU?? Hit ur Jay .?/ * (iOOIL July U3. at t tn oilotk Ki)f tltir o'trs h?? had Iiim-ii a ititralyic Lad Im on orilliaJK ill Mi* 1* nurlivH by ihr following (hlldri'ti: Mt Kr?*d Lynn -iO-J Mm ; May K Smith .>' Shelby. Mrs J. T. ( '' *)ti<" of Tr ? n. Mr*. Paul t'rocker j of IliK'k HUI Misfiro Ida and (Suaniw I 1 I llft'lll J * I..- ....ad M ?S ? ? - i * I ..?..0v? in <?uu r r? Iiunsil'ior o*" King* Mountain. . "I'll r>- af<- twenty three grandchildren and six grttit-g can deli ildrt-u, . M .Us alto survived by one brother. , , Ila'VM Huffstetli r or Klogs Moun in;" fi.;o sisrr :\<. Mrs. Charles Fall* sr. and Mn?. Phillip Fulls. of Lum berton; Mrs. U A Morris of Greehyllle. Mrs. \V. A. Harmon and Mrt. I. B. Hultender of Kings Mountain Funeral services were conducted at St. Matthews Lutheran ChurQh Monday afternoon b> his pastor. Rev I.. B<v\ d H '.ram wiaslsted by W. K. Fox. In charge of tile flowers were Mrs. Tom Pollock. Mrs. \V. H. Mc Gloats, Mrs. P. D. Herndon. Miss Sara Hfua bright. Mrs. Helen lx>gaa aiiu Miss Paulejla Adair. ,. PfaUibesrera were J. C. Lackey: .' , John Seism, L. V. Gaffney. W. H. Jen kins L. L. Alexander and P. D. Hern don. Band Concert Friday At Carpenters Playground Project The High School Band .will give their final concert of the season Fri .ley evening at 7:00 on the Carpenter Playground. Mr. Paul Hendricks, the capable band director, is leaving next week on his vacation. Mr. Hendricks says that already many of the members of the band fLTA oUtav fi*Am " ? vr u. ttvut ivnu ?uiu yit?)" ao not have the aaual number tn the organization. The Carpenter Playground is the old Carpenter brickyard, the use of which has been granted by Mrs. M. M. Carpenter for a chldiren's playi ground. The playground Is being sponsored by the playground committees of the Junior Woman's Club and the Business Men's Club. Mrs. Robert Miller is chairman of the committee from the ladies' organization and Aubrey Mauney of the men's group. At the request of the ladies the '.Own has scraped and improved the entrance roadway and the ball field ' and put in a water fountain. Under the supervision of Aubrey M.aunev the clean-up force furnlshel by the National Youth Administration at work on the property was increased this week to four colored 1 1 i boys'. Aubrey Mauney re-ports that tho oumber to bo assigned to work in Kings Mountain Is to be Increased t Ho Bays that Mrs. Pansy Fetzer. tho county supervisor, of tho NT A has , written him that hor organization is c&vonable to granting a continuation I of the town beautificatlou already started. t In these projects the community must furnish all tools and materials and supervision The NY A furntshec the labor of young men approved as Jieaervlng by the case worker. ' Aubrey Maunoy and his oommKte Ivave been working on projects to | present to the community for their approval to continue the program which has. at least, been started. His Idea is that Kings Mountain should have several small parks and playgrounds. He says that he does not suggest that much money be ap(Cont'd on Editorial page) : (0u Junqtcn wkyuipshcU \ by James Preston , (Opinions Expressed In This Column i Are Not Necessarily the Views of r This Newspaper.) , Now headlines are in the making. r They are not to. type as yet. But . editors will pick some of their big- . geat and blackest type when the i story Is ready. r Bvldenoe is be In* collected. When t pieced together It will grip the Interest of every man and woman who cheriehee America and Its free Institutions. It will show that foreign schisms aw<8 Urns paid no attention to IT CANT HAPPEN HERE. . One of many almost unbelievable > stories which will be urn folded before ? the Dies committee is thfti: An In? - veattgator was threat enned with kid i tinging and bodiy Injury after be got t a signed statement from the termer i bend of a leading tem organisation. (Cont'd on Editorial page) m ?m

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