I* ' P ~m~ -' _ ' j>i i i ""? MMMM. DIXON NEWS ] I . (By Charles ?. Stewart) ? * ? * t Mr. :^nd Mrs. C. C. Boone and taun t ily of He*np, N. C., iwere visitors of t Mr. HUM Mrs! W. O.' Hughes during ] the wgok-endi Mr*, James Williams spent sever r al data last week with Mrs. Jim ? Sellers. , Mrs, Vera Bridges and eon. Law- t renoe, of this community spent a c few day* Mat week iu Kings Mountain with relatives. Mrs. JUn Seller* and toa, Orvlite. 1 visited relatives in Kiogs Mountain 1 this weak-end. a Mrs. Jennie Rawllna and children " at Akron. Ohio, are vmfciag Mis* M Mary PUMeraon. 11 snnssnn^anssssSMMMBWWflBf^Wflr pie Dixon and Dodti Harnett - went a to Drtdgemater on a fishhig trip n this past week-eed. (j The ball game between Crowd era u Mountain and Dixon wv?? not played t(| Baturdhy because of rabi. > ii CARD OF THANKS u We wish'to exnrtae our Hlncere ??. ' prtHdUUon to our many friends and neighbors for the kindness and syin- " pathy " shown us during the illness ? and death ot our husband and father. Mra. K. P. Thomas and children. ^ I Seventeen Ashe County sheep grow ore sold 125 lambs last week for $825.65 net to the growers. The aver age net price' for all grades In the ? pool was 8 1-4 cents a pound hotne weight. g Quick Results?Low Cc3t? HERALD N Classified Ads ; 2a ward for first Insertion; half prise for aubaequont inaer- 1 I Minimum charge 28c. Do no2 aak for Information a qsgardlng "keyed** ads, aa they j, ara atrlotly confidential. If arror ia made, Tho Herald 5 la raaponalbla for only one In- ? .correct Insertion. The customer * Is responsible for subsequent In- ^ coitions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any ear- ^ rsctfbns needed. Wyint ads are'always cash In g ^ sdvqnce except to business men |C | or concerns naving accounts* I B I with this newspaper. 1 i? METAL SHINGLES FOR 8ALE ? See W. D. Weaver, Coutractx>r, a Fhone 246 aug 4-p. * ^ IF YOU WANT Experienced cook. tt nurse for chijdreli, maid. cook for (Taif*\ white: Christian girl. 104 Wilson street. Kings Mountain. ; P BANANA 8PLITS SPECIAL 10c ? ? Saturday only, if served in store, but in container, 20c. Kings Mouc ? tain Drug Co. , . c (Continued Next Week) 1 I ^ ,i_ j t*9 W i I I '^rr2? tmss^P^ > Tomfc J'Om of my'nelghbor farm- ' era wretp th? State Dairy D?part- P * i want # asked ho>w long cowt b should- be milked; deh you make a " guess ' yvhat the answer was?" A George; "I suppose they told him I they ahoald be milked just like ehort ones." The long and the short of It Is that we believe business usually comes writers it is invited, and stays th?re as long as It Is wall treated. D. R Hord Furniture Co. 1 Buy It For Less At Hord's THE CLANC IP : . I I r jyg- T'^ i.'is.- . J, i?a. j &??' y'ft-w . v ; "" 'v-? ?.?, - V*;- ' '*. , I - ^ - .: t.-.rt.MH. '**>*? ^ML- - \/V |5 Auto Makers Shoot For Industry High i Detroit, July 26.?(IPS).?The eu oinoblle Industry Is shooting is < tew goal. It- believes that 37,000,00( uitomobiles can be built aud sold b) I960 in this country. Attainment of this goal would no&n, on the basis of the present po[ tip Hon. tluu at least' one in every hree persons would own an automo tile, compared wkh today's average (I one for every five persons. What the car of I960 will be like a of course, speculative, but nvuuu ? > - ?- ? - --viit v?n auciniua (O (He ('Datl ;e In car* hi recent year* an I let he peculator* us* that contrast *a baaia lor future prospects. Koi stance: Automobile price* hpve ahown a tendj downward trend in pint yearn It hough the average life of automollea hu ben Increased materially, long with comfort and safety fca urea; the average ptico per horse ower In 19325 was $28 while today la approximately $7.50; cars toduv re about 27 per cent heavier than t 1925 an I their power has been acreased about 160 per cent. New efhiemetUa and conveniences are. f course, continually in progress. UNGS MOUNTAHTMFG. COMPANY NEWS Lola Beattie Mrs. J. J. Patterson had as het meats Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Kusli *aitci?on land children of Shelby. Messrs Blllta Hartsoe, "Arthui Valker, Horace. Walker, Grady Tat.: aid Odell Prultt were among those ho spent it re past week-end in Noi oik. Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Weaver annjl am fly and Mr. and Mr*. L. B. Turn ir aind Mr. Carl WUson spent Sun lay in York at a church convention Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker had .8 their gueet Saturday. Mr. John lartsoe ot East Kings Mountain. Mi-?. John Mitchem and daughter ladge, and Miss Bessie Sims spent Sunday with Mrs. C. C. Lynn of the fargruce. The girls' softbalt team will play lie Bonnie Mill today at the Bonnie. Miss Bessie Sims had a.s iter guest 'uesday. Miss Margie Blaekweil. Mrs. Drtasilia WllscAr had <as hei ucsts Sunday -night. Mr. and Mrs Irady Rhea and family of the Mar race. Mrs. Bud Qates had as her guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Holeomh udl children of Gaffney. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Dettmar had s their Kue?ts for the week-end Irs. Mary Dettmar (and sou, Garnet ud Mrs. Minnie Bennett of Danville Irigliila. Miss Bertha Dettmar returned ome Friday after having spoilt the est two weeks with Mrs. Ola Davie f Charlotte. There will be an ico cream supper n (ho lawn Saturday night sponsor d by the Friendship dub. sTeisler Herd Given National Recognition Peterborough, N. H.. July 26.?Two cws in the herd of P. M. Nelsler oi Dngs Mountain, N. C., have com pie ed official records in the Herd Im rovement Division qualifying therm >1- admission to the Advance Regis ar of The American Guernsey Catie Club, according to Karl B. Muser. secretary. A four and one-half old cow In the ieieier herd, Guardsman's Raider rirl 378689 produced In 36 days 109.3 poundfc. of milk and 418.1 lbs. f but/terfat in class BHI. Another ruemsey Lads Poremost's Lady 450 83 u a two year old made 8626.9 ounda of milk and 418.7 pounds of iRiwiui Hi su aays m class u. Sfifi MALARIA in 7 days and relieves Liquid Tab- COLDS lata, 8alve first day Nose Drops Headache, 30 mlnutea "ry "Rub-My-Tism" ? World's B?a Liniment DY KIDS ^; I I TUB KINCM3 MOUNTUJN HBRALE Patterson Grove News By Alice Barton, 7th Grade, '' Patteraon Grove School 1 ?? ? ? #> * Supmner School began U PaUei ' son. Grove Monday. It was a rain; day but It bakeb more than a IUtl< ' lain to dampen the spirits of schoo 1 children. Must of them seemed flat that school had startod, but .a fev ' tried to appear bored with it just t< ' be different. My sympathy was wltl the little beginners. School la a bet , and somewhat frightening experiea , ce for them, one or two seemed oi the verge of tefirs. and that day their flist <du> of school, will al | ways be leuiemlieted by them. The teachers are Mia. W. K. Crool Mrs. J. L. llajloian jyudjdrs,,^^ -%jt ? a a a.. ? ?* ?a I ?tti. anu .nn >. i insnip i nuruiiurj 'of Clvirlo(t(> and Mr and Mrs.. U Hon TliornliuiK <>f Shelby. wore vial , tors of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thorn hurt; Sunday. Misses Sara and Marion tvey wer< gueats of Mian Euctlle Ware Sunday MN Helen Patterson spent Satu day night with Miss. Evelyn Wright Mis. J. W. Carroll and son. Oeorgi visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carroll o Blat-ksburg last Thursday and Than day night. iMN Seltna Hi j. id in of Hlacksbun recently visited friends in (Ills com inunlty. 4 l Several from this . comtnunlty havi been attending the revlyal nieetlni at Oak Grove ehureh. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrate i of the estate of William Wilson., d? ceased, late of Cleveland County North Carolina, this Is to notify al i ptrsons having claims against sail i estate to exhibit the same to me, thi undersigned Administrator, on. or,be fore the 18th day of July, 1939, o I this notice will be pleaded In bar o any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said ee . tate are hereby notified to make ltn I mediate payment to ine. i This 18th day of July. 1938. Aaron Wilson, Administrator. , ?adv?gug 26-H. ( NOTICE OF 8ALE Under and by virtue of the powe of sale contained In an order mad by A. M. Hamridk. Clerk of the Su perlor Court for Cleveland County SHOES... Should always be kept ii appearance and health's this service and we hav< first class job. Call us vice. FOSTER'S S Pho IT CAN HAPPEN TO ? 1 You read in the newsp ies. Then perhaps you I your mind. YET THI SCAN HAP Why run the risk? A s deposit box at this ban all the protection of ou FIRST NAT Kings Mou Member Federal D t _______ A Big He/ r r* SMATTC* O JYa fee. T?C : v - ^s"" THURSDAY, JULY U, 1W ' p in the proceeding entiled, "Town or King# Mountain vs. D. L. Stewart et at", 1 will sell (or cash at the Courthome door in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Monday I Auguet 1. 1938 at ton o'clock, a. M . is or within legal hours, the following Y described real estate: , j Situated in the Town of King# * Mountain, North Carolina, and beginning at an iron atake in the South r pide of tlold Street wnere It inters aecte the York Road, aad-;runs wltli Sj 1 said road 8. 14K. 78 feet to a r atake; thence a new line N. 89 W. H h 180 feet to a atake, thence N. 14 H 1 W. 76 feet to a stake in edge of ' Gold Street; thence with said street ^ 8. 89 K 180 feet to the beginning. containing 11,260 #q ft., and being ' the lot on which aald Stewart reI?laeMM? MIS' '*9?< This the *J9th day of June. 1938. f J It. Davis." t'ominl-eloner. * ?adv July -8 Till'" ASl'ItY DKPARTMliNT. Pro-1 -i cureim iiivisiuu ? rubltv Build Ings Branch. Washington. D. O.. July r 8, 1928 l>ro|Miaals are hereby sollet ted for' a sit for a Federal Building 5 at Kings Mountain, to be opmied pub ' ltcly in the Office of the Postmaster i- at Kings Mountain, at 'J o'clock A. M.. on Aiigust :t. 1038f for the sole. f or donation to the United States of i- a lot conveniently located. Apprxlmate dimensions?Corner lots 120 9 fcot M ontage 170 fool depth. Inter-j i ior lots 145 foot frontage 170 foot depth. Sites having different street frontage dimensions will be consider) ed provided the area is approximater ly the same. In .til eases whehe pie-, fcpH sible bids should be submitted by( li ^ \ actual owners of properties and not | 1 by agen's. Documentary evldeuce of) E* d' authority must,be attached to pro? posals submitted by agents. Upon ap l<t i- plications, the Postmaster will sup- PHj r ply, prospective bidders with propos- Ca? 1 al blanks and a circular giving particulars as to requirements and Iny struct ions for preparation of bids ! and data to accompany same. C. A. Peoples, Director f Proburemeut. MASONIC MEETING r First Monday Night ? f. In Each Month " * it ; ' I 1 first class condition for m ; sake. We are experts in 2 the equipment to do a t|f 5 for prompt delivery serHOE SERVICE w ne 154 W-* >u! J >apers of fires and robber- \ dismiss the matter from I 1 PEN TO YOU, TOO. | mall sum will rent a safe ik and give your valuables ir strong bank vaults. I0NAL BANK [ intain, N. C. deposit Insurance Corp. irted Man. * 1 '% r i i im'T %i; >rA cej . fE^SR ^gg^JwBS&SrSS r/^w^pc iHriHMMiMllilfMiMHMaaMMafHiiiiafi -. . - . . -' '** ?. . : ,-'S : "^^m^rPHone 1468 unrsiseDairy GASTON EA, N. C. ???I i??a??? SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD fm\ /HERE'S WHAT TV I CALL A REAL I U iar/J "BuriN I P in RAZOR ELADESI ^ S o? / Men everywhere acclaim Probak J Jr. Blades?the world's beat buy in ^ shaving comfort. Why? Because these famous, smooth-shaving #^n _. >fci,y "j blad? give you known quality at * (--i an amazingly low price. Product B / of t lie world's largest blade maker, fe r u S*0e / they r$move tough, wiry whisker* niLfv.S P<r'n / without pull or Irritation. Priced r-' ?* ooiy 10^ for ? package of * double-edge blades, Probak Jr- ia today's outatand By PERCY L. CROSBY * rw "TB , - rL ?rrt? : .. :-?^r~n J then Keep Yovrt 1 T.Lw1 \?ires on Me-c?'JJ /**[ ^ANO L ^^ "jr * /V , , -J ;jL.?. ?> I~ I.1. ri -*- - -. ?-^-. . _ ..

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