% BUY AT ' HOMI . . ' VOL. 34 NO. 38 State And 1 Condensed 1 ?National News? \V Mailing toll. Aug. -The I'll Ottl> ? -Ito part mem sold more Hit l.OOo engraved purl raits' of t*i"**ni?l<* Woodrow Wilson lodiiy ut a ' doll apiece Tin- port rail? *i'iv. on a new Issi of postage' stamps replacing the prt cut dotlMr stamp depleting the IJ ^ " 1,1 Chicago, Aug. :io. The Nation Safety Council niiiiouiiced today til *,520 lived were saved on the n nation's streets and highway* dti lug the first seven months of tl year. The decrease was 22 |X?|" i;?i compared with the same period 1937. The inmiini; of fatalities ? 16.01 ?for Ihr first seven months wan il lowest ?imw 1933. Washington, ^\ur. 29.?Getier Jolin J Pershing suggested tod that loaders of Industry, with t eye fo a possible future conflict I volving this country, prepare to pai on to their successors the knov edge they aupiired in the Wor AVar "Without some very definite greejrtent, we must never again I caught so completely unprepared at; we must remember, that auy Ian war will again draw upon all oi resources." the World War comma der said in a review of 1917-18 mo ilisation difficulties. Chico. Calif., Aug. 30.?Mrs. My tie Adnenell Conoly. 24. of Glen died yesterday less titan an hour af er being stung by a bee. Mrs. Conoly. an expectant mot tie was stung on het neck. She i mine J J t 1>1 t.' li.iO" ?? uv^au vui niiiK DlUtr. A physician said her death mu have been caused by a heart attaci 4 resulting from the poison from tf bee stfng. BrowuBVlUe, Ttexas. Aug. 30.? a aerial search for ten TexaB sport men. missing since a hurricane roc ed over the Northern Mexican coai will be started today as soon as squi ly skies clear. The Texans went fin ing Friday and are believed maroo ed on low, sandy islands that wet almost directly lit the path of tl gale. New York. Aug. 30.?Henry Mc ftenthnu .Jr.. Secretary of the -Tret ury, returned from a month on tl French Ritveria today saying he wt impressed with the good humor < the French people and convinct France is prospering. The Secretary had nothing to at on war debts, the tri-partite curre cy agreement, or war scares, but 1 spoke freely of French crops. tl tourist season and the apparei prosperity of hotela both inland ax on the Coast. 'Washington. Aug. 30.?The Pubt Health Service estimated today th it ill unemployed -y workers wn called back to work suddenly , i least 350,000 could not report b cause ef Illness. The oervtce, disclosing after survey that many persons are ill b native of ;Unesnployment, said no vous and mental diseases and son other ailments could be traced malnutrition. f Laughing Arc j .With 1R\ . mm ? .mmmmmmmm.. 'V - The Real Fi By IRV "TWO OF Broadway's typical pro at the Fifth-Avenue home ol a great deal about musical sho\ 1 . . -jvji.. , I / track* and, when is came to Tollini 1 led god ao superiors. But in certt . nhem were just a trifle shy. i Observing that they seemed undertook to make them feel m ithough of picking on literature ? ' said to one of them: i "How do you like Omar Kht "Oh, pretty good," said tho i there red Chiant suits me better." >\ On the way home the secom tfor hia ignorance. "Bo, he said, "when you do Jnep your mouth shut? Why, yc ,oint no wiaa Ifa a brand of ch IMmi u J'-.A MitfiiaMMiaaiiMi King; National Newj In Brief Form ?State News? it Wad" sticro; Aiik W.-^A 1hi-wI> u i i tiuli'U hoinernmluit ut .W ltoi in villi- Negro church in southwest Ai ir'son 1'ounry enili-d late vkii-i/h .f j enioon in n fun Imiii*- ami it-n<-rt te light. p.i Kloyd Mtrxan. white employer ? ii- .In- State llighwat IK|iliitii Mm .lame u. A. Klalier. K7. came hi contact w iili ||( ' live wire attu. hod -to a , light pol ()j bnl hail beeti broken down by a | automobile and was killed .nstunti 50 ventoi.fay " j SCHOOLS OPEN TODAY (5 School bells will ring again thi 'v morning calling the children back t in the three grammar achools and Hig n Schools. Supt. B. N. Barnes and hi ^ .acuity are looking forward to th ' -I best session ever. |(j The School Band under the direi lion of Paul E. Hendricks, will giv a concert at Central School, begir a- ning at 8:30. The public is invited. ,d Child Burned ??* ir n- Muster Joan Kills, son of Mr. an b- Mm. B. C. Ellis of Lackey street, i ii the 'Shelby Hospital suffering fror every burns thy result of scauldinf i'he child was playing at a nclglj r" bor'8 home Tuesday when ho f?;ll 1 i pot of boiling clothes The lowe 1 tart, of the child came In contac with the boiling wuter before he tva tescued. II* Buning complications the child i iy expected to recover. The child wu b ..I * ? ?. mini ciiicikfiiu) irtuuriCIU UV L?l A. L,. Hill and then rushed lo tn Shelby lloapitial m MONDAY . LABOR DAY 8 ir Monday, Sept. S, it Labor Day a National Holiday. The First Natio ^ al Bank will be closed. The Post Office will be closed al day Monday, but will remain ope Saturday afternoon, according t le Postmaster W. E. Blakely. . Baptist 'Week of Training (rs Announced in l" According w> an annouucometi of from J. VV. Cotduer, Superlutendeu *1 jf the Kings Mountain baptist Sut .lay school association, the fourt consecutive week of "Simultanoou Training" will be held during th je week of September 4th. U; The faculty for the two King n Mountain Churches are: First Bnj IU :1st. Rev. A. G. Bargesnt and fou other teachers from the church. Fiv classes will be> held. Second Uao>tl8t. Mrs. A. A. Joll lc will be in charge. at. re MEN'S CLUB SUPPER TONIGHT e- The Ctub will have thol o?>*t- supper this evening at 6:3 a at ISethlefoem Daptisfc Church Not e- the time has been moved up thlrt r- minutes. This supper will be th le last tme for the present season an to a barge number of members an guests are expw-ed. >und the World /IN S. COBB romage in Fact IN S. COBB ducts were invited to spend ah evening f a wealthy patron. The guests knew vs ana aooui picaing winners at the SSEB1 X a sucker for his money, they acknowlin departments of knowledge both of I somewhat self-conscious, their host ore at home. He made the mistake, is a topic. -Across "the dinner-table he tyyam 1" ' person addressed, "but a bottle of this i Broadwayite took his friend to task nt understand a thins why don't yoa hi big stiff, this here Omar Khayyam |Mpcr |ia> jiai Im-oii. an ,1 .' Hsi'il In ?- Kii'li'ii," which will !?? prviM-i h <1 < ' a l>i*l" Tlivairf* mi Tliui'Mdn il,-*ri .?> .itul Saturday. September 1 1 .M. and 24. Mark lh" di\- oil jimii lali'iular 1 4 ?>iUk<' fvi) woman and man , j in ilic t'otiiintmli\ is hereby , \t> udi a cold id I Invitation to sot-, ab-emli ii: l\ fr? <-. thin faaeiiiiitinx pit-.u % which. weaves helpful intelligent 1 yim */ ? v vunui^ aim ii*MIM**lli;i KII1JI 1 - i 'o a humorous atel romaiiiiv pioi. Tlif met Ion !?!?:????* t.'cokii j School is a hi and -tie a idea. First oc 9 reived last .war, it Was met witn u 0 claim front women throughout tl h I country, Who like the happy comhiti 8 on of sparking entertainment ai e close-up cocking instruction. Sea In the back row are as good as titO " in the front row?the motion pletft e , permits everyone to hear and s very trick in trosting a cake.'tna j inga pie, or cooking bananas. "Star lit My Kitchen" was prodi < ! cd in Hollywood, and. the auuieu will recognize many of the risit ycung actors and actresses who la I ^ part in it. When young and old w 81 appreciate the humanness of the t " mantle story, in which home pro ? letns are approached front an entii l" l.v new angle, n . , r The Motion Picture I'ookii it i School has graduated beyond the <1 s ! manstration course in the wide v jilety ttf household equipment, asset f hied in clear view of the audiene *5; All of the practical equipment 8 seen in active use, and because "se ' !ng is believing." the aud^dnce vv '' Mton leant that pies and cakes at -tlads can make them "stars their kitcheiis." Experienced housekeepers wi thrill to the adventures of the yout ~ ,>edee lAbot. who suddenly finds h* " self' with a large Itonte to nianai and several mouths to feed--as wt " as a handsome young movie actor 11 impress o l What happens- when she tries make u fluffy lemon meringue p | or a murshmaMow chocolate cak ' A'hat happens when the "tnan or n | hour" drops in for dinner? To unravel the mystery in ad van 11 would be to rob this clever tale ,t ;s novel approach. However, tl i- audience is due to share in a rollii h .n? good stor> and to leant much s .tout home-in; king at the same tlm e Ever yliatetier will find a harve of practical ideas among .the suggt tiotis for more efficient home-makin covering such daily problems e laundry". refrigeration, up-to-date i :ertalnlug. beauty secrets, news modernized home equipment at tips on making these mechanical s vanta yield the hlgeat degree of lis fulness. - : It will be a real cooking ciass, ju ir as though the model kitchens we 0 right on the stage, and all of tl e popular features of the old-type cot y ing school are retained: free reel sheets, the atmosphere of congest! A informality, the wise counsel. t ^ hints on cleever short-cuts, and tl distribution of dally gifts and rr _ surprises. Accept the Invitation of the H< aid aud plan to join your nr-ighbo ill the lMxie Theatre on Sept. 22, 2 and 24. ' I KINGS MTN FANS INVITED | TO SEE LITTLE WORLD SERIE Mayor .1. B. Hcmdon has rereiv from Frank Hodges, president of t. Spartanburg (Chamber of Common .1 special invitaflon to all basebt fans of Kings Mountain" to see t Little World Series which begi Wednesday. Aug. 31. at 3 P. M The Chamber of Commerce Spartanburg and the American I gion have planned a gala week wi distinguished guests and promine . citizens participating. The series to be four games out of seven fair between Spartanburg and S Diego. California. COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY NIGHT The 'l>orwn Council will have regular monthly meeting for Sopte ber Monday night. Important bit nem la to be discussed. The matt of opening Cherokee Street will taken up. and. It la thought acooi ing to Town Attorney J. R. Dav that definite action will be piumei It la elao thought that the t rata for the coming year will be a itaia I HURSDAV, SEPT. 1, 1938 3ID FOR OVERHEAD J BRIDGE LET The State Highway and Public .Works Commission opened bids in Raleigh Tuesday for projects throughout North Carolina. Among the aids let was the overhead bridge pro ject at the corner of King Street and re ind Railroad Avenue. The contract on was awarded to L. Riddle and Co. of Asheville. N. C.. for $26 487.45. Th?s ' amount was for the bridge alone and upJdoes not include the grading and' street work and paving leading to. ic- the bridge. m A crew .from the $tate Highway 1 I, - - - .... * ? ,(.! ast week surveying the approach to v i the bridge. It is understood that the >;>. fill at the intersection will *e eleven ' feet high and in front of Plonk Motor Co . on Railroad Avenue. >- Bessie Lmjtutop. daughter of the woman who was kill re od. She asked $lt).0(M) damages, atleged she will be a "nervous wreck' HI ;he rest o'f her life*. ' Mr. and Mrs. -0_ Thomas Johnsou of Easley. S. C.. 1^ and Mrs. Annie Bell Adams of Green vllle. S. ('.. other victims. Iiace already filed suit. Miss l^augston's suit like theirs, will be" transferred to ag Cleveland county, because tne accile deut happened- there, a- Mrs. Annie Mell Adams of Greenit* ville, S. C.. another oocupant of tne e. car. has a suit pending trial. is The first to euter suit was Mr. and Mrs. Tlioutas Johnson of Baslev. Mr Johnson was driver o* the 1(^ death car Their suit was thrown out 'n of court without ever going to the Jure it ?: ;ig I , f m ' -r Resurfacing Shelby k" Highway ?u! to _ W'.uk starud monday 0:1 resitf-.tv ] i dig the Shelby Highway No 74 This! Irt' . . 1 ... ?11. 1 . -. . ? - > it 1... I -J IVHU WIHIL IS Vt'rj IIUllip) >*111 II''e| .rivCn a dra.ir?-eal treatment which 4 I means that the low plat** will be ^"'tilled In and coat* of asphalt and] : fine stone applied which will give It i t'! i smooth-riding surface ot ! he! ^'hllc this work is under way [ which will take about ten days. I hf lush traffic between the points lt will hp detail red1 via. Grover on Federal No. 29. st 1 -Material has been placed here for ts- j half the road. Material has been reig,Iteived in Shelby for the other half, as! ATTEND SYNOD MEETING ad or Rev. P. D. Patrick and Mr R. H.|* ^ Webb will attend the meeting of the Synod of North Carolina September ?. 7. and 8. Thiw meeting Is the one re hundredth h.nd twenty fifith session ^ of tire Synod and will meet in the u Church of the Covenant in Greenspp horo. N. C. tal ^ .. he | Will Rogers' rr Humorous Story >;{, 4 - -1 By WILL ROGERS A ('TOR> hiivn fi crrnot lifn .Cnntn of the best of it comes in talk? ing it all over together. These folks have ups and downs about as much ed: he! uOost. tvo M Ov vst s. eJE^?ooM X&A ho' of( as any people In the world, I rec*" | kon, but they hardly ever cry about th i it. One of them maybe has hia name nt in big lights this week, and next lR month he's imitating a thunder. storm off in the wings somewhere. He gets just as much fun out of *** talking it over as he ever did, though. Two actors wero talking, in a I little restaurant in New York, about this year's shows and last year's shows. They found out that it was awful hard to remember Its what the shows of last year were, m- Even an actor forgets them that quick. ' "Well," said one of them, "what I'm talking about is the show last "e 3 year that didn't have any bed in I'd- it. You remember " Is, "No," says the other one. "I don't L think I do. No bed in it. Tnat must w have been the Miracle!" it HgafWaib iiO- ' IHIHI.I. Mil, 11,111 j iiiiituwii m.Hiwmp lerald Sidewalk An Projects Are Aged Woman Passes Monday Wight ' M:? ' an>lino t.o.ot'lt Huiufoityht mv *ti. (^w?t a ?a> a' lu"r 'tonio on Moiula) itiylii ?hottlv mulllfisllt ; .<4t.ui'ch ai;i -iutoriiiolii mailt* fit ..? ium li < ifii-tarj lii tin* lumilv plot. Ii> \ .1 N XVlw r< r |in-?for.' wxw > < iiain>' of tli>. . lAifi.N, and aa.i.ai. 1st.-if ijj i<. \ w *m iimii-. pastor it' 11(of! M<-nioi,ul A K 1' t'lturc'u .nut lt?v. K. XV KOx pii.st.oi' of ("tinral "Motliodist t'liuroh I'aIIIm.i r?-r% vv.-i ?. f \1 l? u<.i'Oni A 11 l'atterHoti, <' .11. . Herudoit. Mrs. Ilain bright was a daughter of i.tif la If William and jille House r ilofonli who* won* among" I In* sturdy ph neer settlers of lIVo Kings Moun-' lain batilegtound section " khc wu8 ono of a family of twelve children. 1 three of vlkom survive as follows: i Iftive CJoforth of New Mexico. Hob (joforth who for many years lived; .villi her hi her borne on Gaston | street, Kings Mountain, do.I Miss, 1-oitif Goforth. also of Kiugs Moun ! tain. Mrs. Hambrtght was tint widow of j the late J. Martin liambrifcht, who was a soldier in the C'onf* "derate Army. Her forbears -and those of ber husband tock part in the l.tattU of Kin?8 Mountain and as many other, descendants of these families, they spent he greater part of their lives in bedr hemes near the battlefield. Mrs. HambrigUt lived for a time n the famous rock house, built "by t'tr grandfatflier, the. late Henry Hou er. near the battlefield in iter,;. The .vn-struction of this substantia! :iome covered a period of three years is the builder cultivated his crops and attende.d to other duties at the uime time. He w:<> assisted by 1 an | >ld negro woman servant, who car.! rietl all the clay or mud used in the j .milling and who upon its com pic 'ton. with great. * event* nj planted her feet on the outside of the large chimney and of l e red a toast. Tho.j house still stands and ; * vi.-ht-d by i number of people who-make their! rek to the battlefield. Mrs. Jthmhright had Ir-ee. :i crip I pie and semi-Invalid for years but] despite iter age her. mind was olfrarj tnd lalert. She could tell interesting j 01 her early life in this section. She related many incidents connected with a celebration held at ths battleground In 1855. when she was a youug woman and of the Centennial Celebration held In 1880. As tibe time grew nocar for the Sesqui-Centonniul and Home-Coming in 1930 she took an active part In the preparations for entertainiug visitors In her home, who came from a distance to take part in the festivities Ske enjoyed the companionship of young people 'and was seldom happier than when entertaining them in her home. Cor" the past several years her neighbors and intimate friends have gathered to pay her homage on her birthday and these Were among the rod letter days of her life. She joined Klbethel church etuly in lite and kept her membership In, that churoh, which was the. church | of iter parents, throughout the re-1 maindev of her life. lr many years ati ucnount of deafness and Infirmity | >he could not attend religious servl-i < es or go elsewhere. Her life an i companiOusliip has' l>een a blessing to nuiny and she will be greatly missed, particularly in her imtnodiate neighborhood. B. F. ORMAND, Jr. TO PREACH SUNDAY D. K. Ormund, Jr. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of I?st City. West Virginia, who is oh a vacation. In his old "home-town" will be in charge of morning service, at the First Presbyterian Church. The many friends of B. F.. Jr.. welcome him back home, and are looking for ward to hearing him preach Sunday mom-lug. VICTORY OIN BALES FIRST COTTON To the Victory Gin Co goes the honor of ginning the first bale ol cotu>n if. Cleveland County. The cotton y.aa itwa by O. K fetttt of Route Z. Oalfney, ami was baled last Saturby P. D. Herndon of the Victory Ola. - ?;--J R? AD THE .' .- ' . _ ' -J HERALD ? 'J ^mmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmamammmtmmmammmm^mmmmmmmmammmmrnm 1 RIVE CENTS PER COPT d Paving Approved i- '? Tovvti Ahi.iii.t .1 i; Ik.vis ?< + . !? : d. tli ; iHii-r ii'pilnii'tl In-low W.wl - lav lU'>tn iic.?i?(UiiK lliol tin* Ht>lu : w.uk ajni -!' t iviiiK XV.IA pn??c .".?iil Ir fii "II ivt.ilU ii|)|irov(i>. I \'toru?> Ii.ivm iinm?'?l!?< !> wrotif \ft ltl< 1 .i:ij? hi t1mi ilij' Tu?n - of i , KI nit a \l< nn nm uofilil In- i?vd> lo I '.Will I'.lll ' ' I 1 " < TU? i'.lll liH' about ?i* nll? hi siile-walks ami for tlo* pavMil iV| IkiMi hi i . Of Kailio.nl Avi'DUM ;rum Al't uftUilli in Hold, I'luporty |i \viii-i> will l.i i nllt-d mi in pay lac a rutin*ic lo >1 towards i ll.. rout of ' lii- ,snl -...Ik (i.ivmt; litis 1'iiiHint aint.lii imnl iii throe fiiiyinent s, oyof la. IIOI'IimI of Iwn'viniia? rem IMtlzo'ls should rejoitv ?n?r tIiI.-t flows as -Kiinis M oil li tii". li lias uru i?*I liei-i sul'-iaiks tor- m-vi'iiil years, 'In' |> viii:: ran now to-had with very ' t tittle ur-t lo tire town or its firujnir* i> owners. fioori;.' Allen' assisted rn suiiiiiif tlio project in shape for ofI trill 1 in (ion and appro nil Tin* ] tti-r t?. Afuiiui'v Ifavrs fill- ) low*: . ?, , Works I'ro^iess -Administration w -NOi'in t aroints Ar>a No Cb?i*t'i:'tU*. N C, Aii?u;r SO. IMS.- ' J/j Mr. J. It. Ikiriv Kings Mountain. North Carolina.'.v . ' IXar Mr. l>a\As: (> IV ?;t?, SSi-1-26? Cleveland County: We have today received- Presidenttial l/etior covering approval of the town-wide project for street improvo- 'a it|t?ni throughput Kings Mounlaiti, and the official project number listed above has been assigned to thl? project. We are now requesting that fund* be set up ill the State Office and shall appreciate your udvlsnlg us at the earliest possible moment whether yot.i will bo in a position to bog hi operation l?y September 12. Yours very truly,. T. 1'. Iliclta rdsoti. Area Obiief Engineer. Cousin Of Local Man In lecture * -.H- " '% Anient the brilliant stars in "IN ;)I.D CH P'Aflt).'. >1iovi:ttit today and tomorrow nt the Dixie Vliivitro, is Sidney i;:,u dot.v. ??.*? sin of ii. sf. Ill:: k.m-r !<>: a'. ? . t on broker: Uia* k f , . *J :urr. v. bo lias portray ed mutly diar.utorv on t>otli stage and screen., vil * ited hi- cousin here (a.-:- winter, odd was ir.terv'.eWi d by the Herald laporter. This will tie an opportuney for Kings Mountain folks to see tllack-' roer'in a really big picture SUicitrner. who ia a native of Salisbury, N. went to Hollywood by way of tlio New York stage. ' HEALTH CLINIC MEETS ' .* The Health Clinic tor indigent mo- , , J thera and W)bies met at the Red Cross Office In the City Hall on August 25. There w?t<- twenty babies au'l ten ?d mothers present for examination hod consultation. A. number of the mid. wives from this sectiaa of th? oouni-tjr were pre -**ru and were quite pro mi of their little charges, in at* ten.iancv I 1>r Harper wus the aufaidieg pbysicinu as*lv.ed by t.hCcutty Muree, j Miss Cora iwuu. ano Mrs. Prldo | Rattxrree. |. , : ' ; I %Qnap$hct\ i ty James PreStoh ^ (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) j Rapidly developing testimony bej fore the Congressional Committee in | vesugating sunvcnjive activities in the l?. S. has uncovered the now method of Communists and radicals in Honking their actual names ani activities behind '"fronts." In addition it was adduced that the "front." names were so effective tliat they re suited in many patriotic Americans becoming members. Among the Com mnn 1st-rot) trolled or outright Communist organizations . named by witnesses were the American League. for Peace and Democracy, the Worker*/ Alliance, and the American Student's onion. Even the most seasoned Washington observers, however, have mow had their eyes opened to the extent to which Communists and other rod- j (Cont'd on book pace) MjjjfrVriVi ffri*! - ".m