-? 1? BUY f I .AT ) HOME v I VOL. 34 NO. 39 | State And 1 i Condensed 1 ?National News? Ukndale. Calif.. Sept. 6?Police day pondered the cane of a 17 ye; old h|Kh school student who. th< said, admitted he shot himself wi a rifle Friday "to net In right" w|) a girl. Still suffering pslti from a bull wound in his lett side, Warren Mtiph.v told his story In a hospital The officer said Walter disclosi I.is courtship struck a snag tv Weeks ago and he had been despu .. dent Washington. Sept. 6.?Mexico's fura! to accept Secretary Hull's su K' StioiiH for compensating for t preprinted American-owned fat lands led some high Government < flclals to regard iiexsinitstically 1 day the future relations of the tti neighbors. They expressed the opinion th the stalemate would unsettle trad < financial and business relations. Chester. S. C.. Sept. 6.?John V flinty. 80. was burned to death y? - terday when fire destroyed a bpi Jng In which he lived. McGlnty, partly crippled, w found dead at the foot of a bed. The building was used' for a gra mill- and a blacksmith shop, but M Glnty HVed In another part of tl building. . The cause of the fire was n determined. Alexandria. Egypt, 8ept. 6.?Je Asfar. 21 year old law student, w held today and bis father Gabriel / far. noted Cairo lawyer, was order arrested in connection with a pis! shot fired yesterday near King I TOUk. The shot was fired as the boy ki was leaving the bathing pool of t s. Athletic Club, but police denied* attempt was made to assassinate t monarcto. Two bystanders were wo ded. Brussels, Sept.. 6.?The Interi ttonal Olympic Committee has av ded the 1940 Winter games to I Moritz, Switzerland. The progrx will include figure and speed skati ice hockey, bob sledding and m tary distance skiing. Ski-Jump; slalom racing will be confined to < liihitions. San Francisco. Sept. t>.?Charles Knowles. 45, and William Tul Mere angling for striped bass. Quickly, Knowles pulled In fc fish. Out went his line again, a lie pulled In the fifth- fish?ilie lei , limit. He. dropped dead of a heart atta Liock Haven. Pa., Sept. 6.?Theri be a no speeding train here if C Council has anything to do with Police have been ordered to arr the engineer and conductor of a trains that travel at an "excess rate of speed." ii ?.' l: A _. nn With IR Speaking of R Br nr FEW days before the Hoi id known citizens of New Yor the other, was equally, famous of money?without security?on Of course each knew the oth Remarks, they separated. That evening at his resident by special delivery. It was fro follows: ~"My dear old man: Meeting you today so pleas meetings. It stirred in my heart of the season when there should . men. Now, as it happens, the e< the whole year Unas me ftnanc is only transient, I assure you, . bo repaid of course at the earlit "So in order that I and so; me may enjoy a merry Christ j return mail your check for one 1 ' "Thanking you in advance f l1*- 1 The recipient sat right dow name night. He said: "'My dear Blank: I have just read your com answer to it. But you will sear i bearing my signature. "With you l share the hoi) ! -enjoying the day. But i "If I sent you one thousam -a merry Christmas but I'm dam I Kings j I ' V " **%':* y\ ' - ' * ' I National News' In Brief Form ( | ?State News? to l^aurhkburg. Sept. 6.?Miss .Carolyn M ar Cox. 17 year old Kllin- Acadcm 9> | Student. daughter of 1>. A. Cox. lo thjcal hardware merchant., wus never"-1 tb ly Injured here lute Saturday alter| iuton when she undertook to remove et a. 1 if v?i i\n v uiiiiiiih '?*| skill abandoned title to a section of v v0 Route 107. The section, part of which will beil t J I | come a link of Hie' Parkway, runs e'i front Newfound Gap through Havens Ford to Cherokee. Title to the section automatically passes to the Mjj Ic- i-rnl Government, which owns., the s- land on both sides of the road. f id- . i > I I a8r /Greensboro. Sept. 6.?Police were U asked today to search for a man. c in lis wife and their three year old sou \ lc" nysterloualy missing from their i ,l" tome In the Guilford College com- a nunlty for tlrree weeks. ? 0t Deputy Sheriff J. W. Donavant 1 said neighbors were at a loss to ex- 1 plain the dlsappearnce of the cou- f an| pie, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Deckle. ' a" The front door of the house, h^ 1 l8" isald. was left open and food yu 1 p<* In the ice box. The only tKlng ' missing, the officer said, was /Heck- ' a* leniycar. 1 ng ; he ' -' ; a_ Raleigh, Sept. 6.?Members of the jje Governor's school ootnralsaion study un ing school needs for the state find so much Interest in their survey and other eastern meeting after the Ashe . ln. the program baaed upon it that an- , ar. ville session a week hence probably g, will be necessary. im Divesting the public of many unng derstandings may be the first step. jlj. The sittings of the commission are ' ng. concerned principally with an addltlonal year and an extended term. ^ In-its /present mood the commission ( has a strong leaning toward twleve q years of eight months each, making )er a school life of !16 months Instead 88 as at present. >ur .nd ?ul Ashdville. -Sept. 7.?The Associat ' ed Mnster Barbers of North Caroll ck. na yesterday elected C. B. Barefoot of Fuquay Springs as their prest e'll dent. The Journeymen barbers re-eity lected R. W. Garrison of Salisburk It. president. est After electing officers and select my Ing Raleigh for their next conve? ive t'.on the barbers adjourned their con ventlon. ound the World VIN s. COBB J ' .1 I tferry Christtnases /IN S. COBB lays there met on Broadway two wellIt. One was distinguished in business, as being the most persistent borrower the enure Eastern seaboard. f-Metre ftlK'T* er by reputation, and after a few casual e, the business man found a letter sent m the champion borrower. It read as tantly, revived memories of our former thoughts of the approaching Yule tide? be peace on earth and goodwill amon^ iming of the most important festival of (ally a bit embarrassed. This condition but I need funds?in short, a loan to tat opportunity. me who have a sentimental claim upon roaa I am asking yon to send me by thousand dollars. or the temporary favot, I am as ever, fours, etc., etc." m and wrote a reply and posted it that munication of this date and this is my ch these contents in vain for any check day spirit Like you I look forward to i) dollars of my money, you might have incd if I would. "Yours cordially." Menu VhstssM Ins.* Mour KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Tl Women Await The Herald's Picture Cooking School Star in My Kitchan"' Home-Making Kllm Coming To Dixie Theatre on September 22. 23 and 24. It'* the talk of the town? Women throughout the coin mutt Iy arc planning to attend the triend> cliiHK tor hoitic-iiiakera, the Motion h lure 'Cooking School, scheduled to ' - ' HT L'Jij.l at lo tto A >1 A welcome invitation to the wise * sufficient. -.md the only invitation iwAwl f,,r l'*'" novel cooking School ? llial extended lo every woman by riie Hi raid. There is no charge to ee any ?>f th| Kitchen " llci juso this newspaper" stands eady to sponsor all, pn/ii -ssly. olopments, particularly-when they effect. the homes of the 'community t is presenting this motion picture omance of hcine-making entirely ree. "If I cOuld only see exactly how >lte mixes and' handles her ple-erust." That comment has been heard rout beginners and from more ex terlertced cooks an many cooking fhooj*. Craning necks and . anxious !> ??, trained on the stage from tit* iIdes and' back of the demonstration tall, have failed to catch all of the tnportunt steps in pastry-makmf ltd dther culinary arts. Only the krly birds In the very front row ikve bad a close-up of the stage In ne past, and even they couldn't peel (lrectly Into the mixing bowl. Now the wizardry of the caanert las solved the problem, making 11 yossible for every person in JMxk heat re to share each fascinating stage of the planning, measuring Heading. and baking In practical, uf .o the -minute kitahens. Keeping pace wtth the baking ousting and frying, a series of sal lib; and frozen delicacies wilt pa ado in and out of adaptable etectrU refrigerator, which will reveal Itr host of possibilities for adrapllfyni labor and markellug, and contribut 'ng to good health and good food. What to do with! left-overs? How o take the glcnt out of laundry day How to p ive time, energy and tent per in meal preparation? How to l>< attractive In spite of the dally ruBh How to make the piecrust that met love to eat? How to give first-aid' t< fallen cakes? ' . It: won't be necessary to ask th< cftrcsiions, for expert home specia: Ists have anticipated these very pro! lents. They know what bothers man: an. experienced house-keeper, be cause it is their job to know and ti counsel helpfully. Pun, novelty and entertalnmen are joined throughout the feature pi ture. for It Is always fair weathe when neighborly cooks get togethei Home-making has a universal upper and every woman1 is eager tp lear the newest news of her craft. Cooking, romance, modern kltcl ens. and clever actors and) actressc do not tell the complete story < this 1938-model cooking school. Th plciture is a whole laboratory < modern Ideas and wise counse touching on latest developments 1 home equipment and accessories, li cuning laun-ary meiuoas. ways t prepare left-overs, beauty secret hints on saving time and labor, an fresh suggestions on how to entc tain graciously, as well as how to 1 thrifty. Surprises In store for readers < The Herald will not be limited t free entertainment and Instruction since there will be dally gifts, man cf which will bring pleasure and r hewodl appreciation- of 'school dayi long after the final graduation c the closing day. Participating firms and local me chaarts are cO-opornting with Tl: Herald. (Join the particle, of home-makei Sept. 22, 23 and 24, tn the Dixie The tre! ' New Registration Orderec /' ' ' Tre County Board of Elections ' n tn Ant ln tfuii'r, while others will leave his aeek It Is a (treat tiuie for botti I jo lent and clitld. t)ut uf 40 graduates of the class ol , U?:iH. which was the la incut gradu itltiv class fit the history of the rhOnl, In hovs and girls a-iv aitenc , ing college f Ec)!< w ing "Is I he list of student; and th? places they arc seoktnj .tig her 'Mltifat Ion: , iKtnil > Leo Ashe. Carolina Mushiest . Vollege \Jlarold Barber, St rnyc.r College Washington. i), c. r Chat lotto Bost. Limestone * College Cluirles Carpenter. Clentson Col 1 loge. Bill Davis, Oak Ridge Military I Academy. i Esker Ear p. Kings Business Col ! lege. ' Carl finger. N. C. State College, i Virginia I Elizabeth Plonk. Virginia Inter 1 inonte. ? Harold Plonk. N. C. State College f Nina Putnam, Hollingsworth Comj '? tometer School. ? James Rrrtterree. University o North Carolina. ? Marjoile Rhea. Meredith College. Charles TliomasBon, Oak Ridge Mil f tary Academy. J Paul Stewart. Appalachian Stab ? Teachers' College. I ; : * i ] rormer Local Minister's Son Dies B ? ' * , Billy Hyde Church, age 16. died a 9 the home of his parents. Rev. an Mrs. J. R. Church, at VVinston-Saleii ' Saturday night. Hilly had been an it p | valid for the greater portion of hi life and in recent weeks had bee ^ | in a critical condition. He had bee' 1' totally blind for sometime. !"i Puberal services were -held at M 0 j Olivet Methodist church near Wit ston-Salein. in Monday afternooi l*j and interment made in the churc c j uemetery. Dr. W. A. l,ambeth. prt r! siding eXder of Winston-Salem pi; r- triot. Dr. O. A. Stamper and Re' James McLart.v. had charge of th n service?. Billy is survived by his parent k' and one brother, John Church, Jr. v8 ills father was pastor of Centri Methodist church In Kings Mout e tain for three years, coming het from Andrews, N. O.. when the chi dren were quite young. tl nm.^ _?is., i ? ? " - imv iamuj- nave many nienas I Kinps Mountain, who sympathlj with them in their bereavement, s. ____________ J f- i * Will Rogers' -o Humorous Story iy| *? o By WILL ROGERS ' T RECKON doctors have a pretty 1,1 bad time with some of their i patients that are nervous and mean. >" } If it wasn't for the patients, docie. "Dotf t : to ring would be about the best Job a young man could look for, I ,n should think r- There was an eye doctor that had ii ?- ?_ ? in it nervous oia man ior a patient er one day. The patient wanted new frlaases, and said he was having a ot of trouble with his eyes. He DO spent a half hour telling the doc t* about his eyes and how in con very nient they were to him. So finally in the doc got him sat down in the lV chair where they test them and got his old glasses put away, and then the occulist says to him: ,c "Now, Just read as much as you in ean on that card over there on the at wall, pleasa.H. xy The man got awful mad. "1 thought I told you my eyos wmsnl . very good J" he says. Maybe I didn't make It elear to you. My eyeK sight la bad. I dor.'t read only when or 1 nave to. 1 got tye-trouhle. See? To*vn* Council, in a I'-njsihv "< t nifoUtin Monday iukIh truiiustoii ?< * " I - ral important limits of tiueliivm, Yl ;inia'l.v:. ti'l ili?- tax- rate at $1 s". Hl -j liopKnl ' liutMt't h?r tibi al :'ji- ' ",'proxotj i*o . pi::;, mound project*. r<*- j ** 1 t tiKl-d all previous act lot) on- tin hl m fi i fiii I m?mmmmmt St foot, adopted bull ting code, dln.l J ' < iiss- (I (>l:iid* f.?t tin- sidewalk. tiil'v : ' 1 |. itig project. 1*. The' tax rale waa adaph'd at $1 K7 > " :ih lucres*? of 3o cents over the rat? ' j|of $157 .which lifts prevailed for sev-' Sl 'feral >- about l&j.mto no ot tin ? N. 000.(io- needed to opcpili' tin1 Tiiwi: ' ' \or tli?- rOAiiiia >c!ii. The b.tlanc ' 1' Will be derived from water and light i '' leveuue a:id 'Qtllvl sources KUrll SIS It ^ '/reuses, penalties, etc. The Increase * Mti rate was due io two reasons, first. ' loss In assessed valuation. and the [large amount due on 'Jel>t service,j s Thp Town lost $6p.000;i)0 In assessed ' I valuation And tlie debt service due s i this year is -JlU.tWHr.OO compared with 1 i $'J7,fM)O.0ti due last year. The assess- ' j ed valuation of Kings Mouhtain us-It! : now stands is $3,519,000.00. ' '* "Aubrey Mauney appeared before a the Council with two playground pro ? - jeots, one to be placed thfoueli NYA and one through WPA. Mr. Mauney V ' explained to the board members the >' two projects could he had with very 1 s little outlay of money on the part of ' the Town. The Council approved the '' two projects. A more complete detailed report of the two projects np J peaf elsewhere in this issue of The l ' 'Herald. !> The Board repealed all former aef tion taken on the ope-ning artd widen v ing of Cherokee Street. At the last * official meeting of the Council. Att torucy J. R. Havis wns instructed to j I I n l/rv f ho nunoocufi loonl atonn ??x mv ?ivvi onui ,< iv "it>? oir|/a iu p. open and widen the street, but the ^ action Monday night did away with ^ all previous action. The Board adopted the Building ( Cede of the National Kire Under writers. Tre main difference In this Code and the one which had been. In | effect in Kings Mountain is the new ordinance does not allow wood shingles on any building within the city I ! limits. It Is understood with the ne.v 1 a rode being enforced the fire insur ( II attee rate will he reduced on all ( , bulUings within the city limits. 81 The side-walk paving -, projeo'! 11 which , is scheduled to get undcrwav j n next Monday was discussed by th"'. Boatll- .members. It was decided to ' 1- secure a concrete inlying machine. \ > The Board adjourned about 11:30 . ' P. M. after one of-the busiest resh sions in several months. , e- J j I' Boys Organize Club ie * ' Kings Mountain now has a "Boy's p Club" that could run the one in Our Gang Comedies a close race. Most jj of the boys live on Piedmont Avenue a. and they have their meetings in thei. e itarn at the home of Police Chief ij. Jimmy Burns. The youthful members call themselves the Black Bat in Club, with dues of 3c per week. Most ,e oi me money is savea until enougn Is In the treasury to buy each member a banana-spilt. Officers, and members of the . Club are as follows: Captain. Miles Maun ey, Secretary and Treasurer. Jimmy 1 Burns. Jr., Vice President. Sonny ' Smith, David Nelll. Robert Nolll. Karl Myers. Oavld Mauney. and Er- ' ! nest Mauney. P. S.?A note to the editor snyst "Bobby Royce must be sorry. He quit the club the morning we had refreshments." Revival Closes I ?-? A three weeks revival closed over across the mountain at the Brush j Arbor recently. Had 32 professions | We have organized a Baptist church | to lie ordained. Sunday. Sept. 11. The meeting was conducted ' by 0. B. Turner of Kings Mountain with most of the pastors of Kings Mountain assisting in the preaching. This meeting was made possible through the courtesy of U B. Turner and George Leigh, and Rev. W. A. Parsons and Rev. Carl Wea-vler. Doc and Buelah Mauncy furnishing the expenses. This meeting was not financed nor assisted by the brother hood, or anv other organization. L. B. Turner. SMALL FIRE SUNDAY NIGHT Firemen were called out a little before Midnight Sunday to extinguish a small blaze nt " the home of John Jordan, eoloied. at the corner of King and Tracy streets. Very- little damage was done. The fire started from a box of trash in the kttchOB. fclft' ffrfrif rf r'i 1'aVi'hr'i l-,- * . . ? - ? * ??1 RE AO THE HERALD , Vj . " 4 FIVE CENTS PER COPY ichool Enrollment iains 20 Over 1 ?ast Year 1 Acioriilnx to figures p ! ! 'Iiv uporintcndent B. N. Barnes tbo- ?,!? jlliuetit fot tlie utw i"rm sallied sent) students over lust year The KUi'os are for the tilth day of r-htiol for lK??h > ear* A total of ,*>7* pn|hIh wen', present yesterday, epl ember Tilt the fifth day of ihool compared with 1 ti.'.K children cut' Five nut of the six schools tit n- Ktnus Metintuih system showed ii iu'cft-uso. This school. Wifst Klt? lftn itv. 1111# c/iii'- made h'&s than ihi \ car. jinmllment figures for all ihoots for both this year and last car a if as follows chool 1937 1938 Viiii a I lltfili School 357 3 SO i nt'ral KV-ini'iii ii- 451 49 1 last' Klein en! 11 y 34.7 350 t V m Kletii'Ciilat j Sf I ii 173 'oloK'd Klfliiflilai") 324 229 'olorcd llis.li School 02 07 Pool hall practice has already larif'J under the Mrevtlon of'C'iach Ittle, star athlete from the Univer-' Ity. of North f'arolini. Hand pracice. has ulready begun with Director aul llemlrlx auain at the head. . Classes are now running on reguir schedule and the hoys and' girls re hard at work after three months f vacation. Supt. Itarues and School officials iredicted one of the best school ears ill. the, history' of Kings Mouna in. and from the wat plans are akliig shape it looks as though their . orecast will become a reality. 1 ^ield Supervisor of State EJlind To Address Lions "Mrs, Madline P. McC'rary, Field Supervisor of the State Blind Cotnnission. will speak concerning the. vork this State is doing to aid the llind, especially in this locality, tolight at the regular meeting of the dons Club' at the Mountain View lot el. This program should be of special merest to all members since their rhief International Project deal# vith aiding the Blind-and the Preser ration of sight. ) uu pruvciuiy nuucea. me <*oin nit tee failed to Ret items to the pa>er last week foneernltiR the Chlckin Supper held at Lion Tom Fulon's I'ahin at Lake Montonia. How* ?ver. we feel that It's not too late j o say that a 'Rood number of new avmbers and prusiei-iive member* were there and also that the Shelby J aid (lastouin Clubs were well repro Rented. Kvery one seemed to have ill enjoyable evening. ? thanks aitaln to Lion Fulton.?Reported. Native Of Kings Mountain Buried In Kershaw . , Kershaw, S. C., Sept. 5.?Funeral services for Mrs. Beckman H. Clyburn. wife of former State Senator Clyburn of Lancaste. was condlucted jt her home here yesterday afternoon Interment was In the Kershaw reinetery, Her health had been tall* Ing for several momha but her cornlit Ion was not considered serious tm til about 10 days before her dteath. Se died in a Columbia hospital. Mrs. Clyburn was born in Kings , | Mountain, N. C.. Survivors are her husband, one daughter. Mrs. T. J. Gregory, Jr.. two brothers. W. H. Jen J kins of Spencer, N. C. and J. C. Jonkins of Kershaw; one sister. Mrs. C. B. Mobley of Columbia; and two grit nd child ret). . <.1 Economic Highlights | Happenings That Affect The Dinner Pails, Dividend Checks and Tax Bills of Every Individual. National and International Problems Insep- 3 arable From Local Welfare. ' 1 The business cloture ha? been marred by some unfavorable factors lately. But. taking It by and large, the outlook for Btendy If slow Improvement seems to remain good. One bad element has been renewed weakening in the commodity price structure. The.values of wheat and other farm futures have tended to decline. In spite of efforts to bold tbein at stable levels. There have been no sharp breaks, however, and general opinion believes that prices will soon trengthen. Also bad has been the chaotic situation abrcad. Ftltler seems to be playing the old game of "bluff Czech oslovakia" again. Foreign currencies notably the franc and the pound. - 4 have lost ground in their rotation to the dollar. Bui most authorities re- . '2 gard all this a? being of little Importance. They thlr.k a general war In the Immediate future is unlikely. ' largely due to the economic weakea( Cont'd oa Editorial page) t ,i.j /