Patterson Grove Npws By Alice Burton, 7tb Grade, Patterson Grove School IMu# 1 correct an error that was made In this yoluinn last week: j Heart Seism is a patient at. the City Hospital in Gastouia' Instead of Shel-j by, as was stated. Several from this, community have visited hint. Among ; those who visited him Sunday were: ; Mr. J. W. Seism. his father. Misses Helen and' Kosa Vee Seisin, Mary . Kraneeg Ware and Kva Moore. Mi ss Maggie Gee ami J.. C. Carrol! .*.? spent Sunday with friends in J . mont, N. V. Alias Nuticy All.oi spent Monday night with Miss Sylvia l+* >?++++++< +++*++ >*++++++ Mrs. J. J. Pa11 e rson and children. Gladys and Jumet, and Miss I-iOis Lleattle. spent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs.' Y. \V. Patterson and family of '.re'Oak Grove section. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oatcs aud Mrs. Hud Oate.s returned home sunday after having spent the past week end in Noi.folk- Va. Mrs. J. J. Patterson. had a a her guests Friday. Mrs. George Tvey ajid laughter. Hazel, of the Oak Grove community. Mrs. J. A. Walker had as her j guests Saturday. Mrs. B. R. Morris Land daughter, Ruth 'of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. \V. M. Richardson I have as their guest this week the | Vermel's sister. Miss Merle Richardxii of I.ithouia. Ga. Mrs., palsy Costner had as her jucst for the week-end her son*,-Mr. ! Paul Costner of Mortimer. The Old Mill Softball team has 1 'in!' playing ball and gone to pitching horseshoes. They challenge any :nlli team to play thein. An old time revival will start at the Mountain View Baptist church J at Crosvders Mountain, Sept. 11. Everybody welcome. Rev. Hoick of Gas j tonia will preni h and Johnnie Ross front-the Phenix Mill will load the tillisilll' Novel Insurance Trend Investigated Washington. Sept. 6.?Experts of the federal monopoly committee are going .to analyze a shift of invest! -.nent funds for which the government Itself has helped pave the way This change ? something new tn ihe history' of financial markets?is the Increase of billions of dollars of I insurance company holdings of U. S. government bonds. 'I)te extent of the shift. Its causes 7Y KIDS Overheart J Y6H, &OT l*M ^ r?J J JUST WOW 0CRIA/7 I, II 1^' 1 . * MA ' JLs a'? .*A . v-. ?-* > - Ui. a>^L JjiuJ A . THE KINOS MOUNTAIN^IERAIT'I ana iu meaning will be conaMerea la the examination of taaurence com pany investments by the securities commission. The commission Is studying the re lationshlp of these Investments to the capital markets as part of the broad federal investigation ox monop , 'istlc practices in finance and Industry. Other phases of the anti-trust program are being surveyed by five I.other federal agencies. 1.. . . j TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATEUiidcr and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by Charles S. Williams and hie wife. Frieda S. Williams, dated the 10th day of January. 1936. and recorded in the office of the Register <>f Deeds foi Clovelarti t'oiuit.v. North Carolina, in itook 21?.. at page 41. md because of default in the pa> | meat of the Indebtedness thereby soj cured und failure to curry out and ! perform the stipulation* antt ugivc | nrtnts therein contained and. pursu' mi to demand of the owner and hold | 'r of the indebtedness secured - by jsaiti d>i'd of trust, tile undersigned ' "? " I , j net ion to the libthm bidder for |<-asti at the u*ual place of sale In irom n: iii" t ounuouse ot Cleveland .'ounty. in the town of Shelby. N. t'? nt 12: on o'clock/ hoon. on Monday, he l'.ilh day of September. 4928. all that certain lot or parcel of land, alt uate lying and being In the town ot Kings Mountain, number four township. .Cleveland County. State ot North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: "Beginning at the corner of Dr. O. U. Falls' lot on the East aide of Pied mout Street, (Town of Kings Mountain) and runs thence S. 84'2 E. 3.26 chains to a stake; thence N. 9 E. 1.21 chains to a alike; thence S. 80'*. \Z. 6 t-haiiis to ail. irrn stake; thence S. 20 \V. 8.81 chains to an iron stake; thence N. 68Vi iV. 7.34 chains o a stake in East edge of Piedmont Street, Dr. U P. Baker's corner: rhenoe N. 10>i East ?ilong Piedmont BUDWEISER ?. P. P. Levc of Gastonia, N. < says when in quest of a d our Kings Mountain Bu< where you are always w feet service afforded you pany of your friends and made. QUESTK What's the Answer? By EDWARD FINCH i: n il m /[ ^./ *' GLOWL TAKJE.N OFF WHEN BEING SWOgN AS A V/TT^ESS ? . VERY long ago all criminals wen branded on the palm of th< hand. In court of law all witnessei when talcing oath were compelled t< bare and hold up for public vieu their right hand, palm out, in ordei to disclose whether or no they had t criminal record. Although tbi branding was stopped, the custon remains unchanged to the preten day. 5 In a Box Car. MmmmmapiMMMMmmbmmmmmmmrnrnaat (won OCR IN'J ~ IWHAT? J . ? . ' ;' * '? "". Jr i^iiN nn ri n vrtTm'irfr rH Street 5.93 chain* to the l>eglnntug J corner, containing six and one-tenth (6.1) acre*, more or leas;" and being the land devised to W. S. Dllllng by F. Dllllng. hla father, and descrtbei In the will aa: ' Beginning on the Bast aide of Piedmont Stieet at U P. Uaker's corner, and runs with his lot In ?n Easterly direction to a point opposite the Bast end of my garden kit; Thence In a Northerly direction and with the North end of my garden lot to a point opposite he North end of my barn lot; thenI re in a Westerly direction and with | the North side of my bam lot to Piedmont Street; thence along snM Street. Southerly to the beginning." This sale will lie held opto for ten days for upset bids as by law required. This '.be 18th day of August, 1JH58. E. A. Marrlll, Trustee. -- ndv?9-15. NOHTH CaUOUN'A. t'UEVELANI) COUNTY. In The Superior Court". - Mildred PaikgeU. -Plaintiff, v? ; Iratiaui Padgett. lu-feudant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS ' mmni will lake nhtlee that an aitijn entlt'* <1 nu? above has been eomnienoe 1 In the Superior Court of Cleveland County. North Carolina, in which the plaintiff. Mildred Padgett, is asking '.he Court for u dfivoroe * ab-soulte from the said defendant on the eround of legal seiwratlon; and the tit id tiraham Padgett will further take notice that he la required to appear at the Ofhce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County at Shelby. North Carolina, within thirty (30) rfiaya after the 2ilnd day of September. 1038. and answer or demur to the complaint lu said nitlon or the plaintiff will- apply to tho Court, for-the relief therein demanded. This rite 22nd day of August. 1D38. A. M. .Hamrtck. Clerk of the Superior Court. Peyton McSwain, Attorney for Plaintiff. ?adv9-15 litis & Co. I. ?Distributors Irink, why not drop in to iweiser dealer's booth, etcome! Enjoy the per in - -the- pleasant comI drink the best beer DN BOX "CLEAR THE ' DECKS" Our largest Used Car Sale is now going on. Here's a real opportun ity to Buy a Good Used Car and Save. Visit Us during this Big Event. It will pay you?Used Car Buyers. (c M > . . : Plonk Motor : vu. I | Authorized Ford Dealer r . ' * j* "*C ' \ ' . . * ' ; / ..! I . J fc J NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX or of the estate of Freeman Douley, de- of ceaaed late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this la to notify all ta persona having claims against said m estate to exhibit the same to me, the Undersigned Administratrix, on or before the 1st day of August, 1939, ?. Goldette 1 P*aofc~>rJ | Till A M AS GoMs'lc Poicrmas ore not Sust sleepinq loqs?b"t !?'.hienable nightweaf rl?"?anod to let you aleop in rertful comfort. O- ?he right an vxqul- ! iit? ncrtcna ot Satin Frit r'avon. Run-proot crd Shrink prool. , The oilier?in Satin far 1 1 II. " 'it o 1 usurious quality.' \ -SI mB mmM $1.95 and $2.50 PARITIES .''. mttk tUtJmdA Of ydutk th?M OolcUtt* PaatiM cm femlnlna and tumliHa In Knll< klvL. and fashion?moderate in pries. On lbs flours, s dainty shorts SloosMr ""0 T* cossjnrtsHs toil sc id so U won! show undor your -I ? I t_ | VOCI. iw othsr?a stop-la Poafls hi Pta Ships I Rua-prooi Tricot Rayon. ' " H 50c Phenix Mill Store I Kings Mountain, N. C. Bv w ' . '-\f-, " - < ;' v.'. ;v'V ' / very thereon. All persons Indebted to said este ere hereby notified to make im dilate payment to me. This 1st day August. 1938. # Isabella Douley,' Administratrix, atltv?sept 16?H. Jndies . . . '-* ,gf Vfy BM*' Are Smooth * Smartly aretaed women will] tic* this Goldeite slip. Sljledj with superb culiilry?tailored* with eid!l In rich woven and) knitted mn-prooi Rayon fabj rtc*. Many exclusive patent] d features make this an e^ pep ti cm a! value at $1.00 and $2.50 llSwi 4 Akiv 1llr? i y ? MCMMi a GOWN I ?. ^UK:/ whon it bear* the I A Gclcetto label ? ' I &&&>kr then youll be' L sure ol excellent \ IhIV ?,V'? treatment. \ III $ |J> \ superb fabrics | f ' ' 3 one-, clcillful tailorly[ J f Co:d?lta Gown rj? \m Lit t VI ' ** no oUl,r you y? IE P#j< 4\ tvcr ??? ' lw sKll s!y!?s. comJortablu .it it fc r-X a 1 and ?'?at valuo*. If ifWr tn* modal with lh. If 1 j lAA chic oval yokw j / I 1 IWJ% tailor>d in Sc..j I I I Wf. SMP* T>t