. A STEE 1 _t jm one Putnous Descendant* of Pioneer Intuitu flr M Georgo Wothmgton ? fothor o?* | BHf \poriont inforoftti .a imfll iron * ^it %a tj wd Abrohom Lincoln wot a dn icondont of Mordccol Lincoln. 1^03 built o torg* ot Bound Brook ?Wr ? ? Stainless two C| in Hi th fo?i o" " r^ ^F^VpEJ^" protoctod f. A Safe Place to Work r^Jjb $* 1 n on# bf iho ftofotl ndaftintt No fij ( onol SoU'? Count.I looorfft ?* ? only j^l four mdvUnftft Hon b#m? toUtr ntordi 'I A a > i i wWH ill n looodr? ?r,d ftoat.l# ndwiirift. f W winir fc FACTsT FUN School lias been started tor a whole week. The wheels are otlol, and every thing" la beginning to run smoothly. We're atruid that we've been 'almost too busy to have any of this sort of "stuff" stored u0. We wonder If l)at Hoke and Tommy Harper are returning to childhood. Whoever heard of a pair of Seniors playing "hide' and seek'!? So Mary Kvel.vn dated Iialpr Gritfin Sunday night!?and who did we Bee him with Saturday night? None other than 0. L. 11.! (ffe thinks yon are very cute, Hetty Lou). Now about that ring Marie Moss is wearing ? it seems to be from Mooresviile High School. Who was that bey front Mooresville on the Shelby Junior Legion teutn; Oh. yes Ally Uantt! I Phyllis and Olenmonsee nud what was probably about their last date Sunday night. We'll miss her when he's gone to college, eh, demonsee? : . Another person who'll be missed, of course. Is George Mautiey, who! left- Tuesday for Ixutoir-Khyne. The "G" won't sewn I ho same without ftilin. Others who have gone and are gocure* POP MALARIA days 000 COLDS Liquid Tab ((r#t day lets, Salve Headache. 30 ; Nose Drops minutes Try "Rub-My-Tism'1 ? World's Best Liniment MptHMHBnHHBaaa there's th shaving v Lyou ever Jf ^Hr^ ^ No #onder men everywhere insis* Probak Jr. Bladeet Made by the wo largest blade makers, ground, honed stropped by a special process, these k double-edge blades will end your aha troubles. You save money tool Buy a p age of Probak Bladea today ?4 for only vrnv^TVVVi W B m Mi B rM f jBU ?4 II j-fi 1 ji <^B Vai KjH ; K B BB 1 iHBB4UBAbh^HHBMI < . .< . ; L FACTS mwiufil btfitf plonfttpnwmi. iJnIAVt'lr of th? tfo't d with itorllinf domti of tlaiAlMi liar imagti art ? i. c?. i rv * ' ? men aicci Duel .~>ut 1 Vlelt Iron Molds I > llMt oilW woo mMi in il Mb kiIM *) .mo J , Mi SOU inidkct soar kanl to imp I "f i*>al I ho tioal toUOiftot bo- 0MMM> ?a it con aialt tha aiolO Amorieon Iron and Stool Initituta and FANCIES ing, who come to our minds now are Hill Davis. Charlie Thomasson Kayo Penland. Dick Baiter. Elizabetti Plonk. Ilarolil Her! James Ratter ree aud Nina Putnam. Or course, tlierl- are many others. and we're glad tor thorn, and -wish tliem'all a merry 'time. Hetty Patrick, what's your objec' tion to a certain unwritten law at school? Ilivnor has it that the old gold ring which Hud Huffman sent eok leon was his grandmother's engage' ment ring. Now. Col! I'l jotters anil pastor's signatures, blackout hairs, frogs, personal diar les, scarlet pajamas and all sucn stuff was in great demand at the cavenger hunt Friday night. Whatta time. Haek to Dot Hoke ? we mustn't omit the fact that Earle Hamrick was. over Sunday afternoon. He left for The Citadel Monday. Cute pen lie left Dot! Four faces we miss greatly about K. SI. H. S. anil, which we wish would appear, are those of the Gib son brothers', "Trouble" Whotstlnc . .wl it ?uu viriii- crwiorui. SEES LOW PRICES Wheal prices f\jr the 1 1? mill1' K?-til?K year will remain low relative it) prices in recent years 'unless there !s a material reduction in acreage, next >? ar or a considerable improvetutrit in world economic conditions a:t?.' i:t the world price It-, el. pre is tiie lT. S Huron u or Attrienlt ur ul Hoc no/uiis., ' EBKGESTl ALUE j SAW! ?*3 ir hiiwrj r \ A W kH UU-.-*' C .y>. ^ ,rm 1C ... : ^- . t^L.4^1. L2*VV. 4. Church News LUTHERAN CHURCH L. Boyd Hatnm. Pastor Bible school 10:00, W. K. Mauuey. General Superintendent.- r Services for the i:tth Sunday after Trinity. Morning 11:00, sermou: Christ's fall to Service. Evening 7:-30, sermon: Life's Widst Chasm. lAght Brigade meets 2:30 Sunday S afternoon. . |J Luther leagues one hour before i Kvenftig Service. ! W. M. 8. Circles: No. I and thejl Youuk Women's meet Monday. , [ Circle II meets Friday evening. , Church Council Motidav evening at ^ 7::u?. .. - S ltoy Seouls Monday evening ?;0n. j Classes in Catechism meet Wedi aesdaj afternoon 4:<hj Sept 11th. -1 'SAINT LCKKUS:? j j The Service 9: On. Bible schiMtl In-.oO, James laukey. I ' Superintendent. ' i . ' 1. Rev. P D. Patrick. Pwto' If 9:4f> A. M Sunday school. I1. F. Thnmasson. Supt. 7:00 P M. Pioneers. '' 7:00 P. M. Settlor*. < There will lie no worship service j, j in the Church this Sunday due to j the absence-Of the-pastor. Popular ; services next Sunday. BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH 1 \V. M. Iloyce, Pastor I Bible School tu 10:00 O'clock.. |i Morning Worship at 11:DO. Sermon j: by the pastor. Byenlng Service at 8:00. The pastor will preach. F: ! Young People meet at 7:00 o'clock ! Mid-Week Service each Wednos- I . day tmntlitg. at Yr30. ' ;r' ? I CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. B. w. Fox. Pastor 9:45 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler. Superintendent. E 11:00 Sermon by the iwstor. 1 7:30 The young people will lead < - the singing and the pastor will ' i preach. On Monday at 3:30 the circles of r , the Woman's Missionary Society will meet as follows: j i Number One. Mrs. Hoke leader, at i the home of Mrs. Griffin on Mountain street. E Number Two. Mrs Shuford leaider . tat place to be announceo. Number Three. Mrs. Harper leader.-at the home of Mrs. Percy Dilllug on Gold street. . WESLEYAN 1 t METHODIST- CHURCH ! A. F Connor. Pastor '1 '! Sabbath School 9:45 A M. j Preaching at 11:00 and 7:13 P. M W. Y. P. S. 6-.00 P ML ;(! Prayer meeting each W'eduesdu) 1 evening 7:15. 1? i- ., _ CRACK METHODIST " Rev. W. A. Parsons. Pastor ' Sunday School 9:45 a in. . ,, Preaching Services 11 a in. aim 7:3o P M. Wim-nrth Ixoena fi* 511 t? m -"I" " " ? U UV U . "V w ?-?1 Pray er Meeting Wednesday 7:3 V ' e 'n- ! A cordial invitation to worsbii i| oltb UB. i , I Macedonia Kaptist Church 1 J. V. Frederick. l'astot Sunday School t*: <!J? a to U. T. U. 6:45 p. m. i 11 Evening Worship 7:00 p. m j Preacbiug u:w) A, M. and TP to j 7:lio p. tn. II I ' SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O C. Parker. Pastor J j Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. on and 7:30 p. iu ; each- Sunda . ' j Park-Grace M. E. Church ! C. P: Self. Pagtor I Sunday Rchoo'l 9:45 A. M. I Morning Wornhip 11:0(1 A. M. Kpworth league 6:30 P. M. i j Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30. P. M Everyone Welcome. COTTONSEED GRADING j Cottonseed produced! owl marketed I ' I In North Carolina this year will, for, the first time, he sampled and grad-! ed tinder supervision of the N. S. TV" ! I. I part met it of Agriculture, according j 10 J. A. dhnnkltn. extension cotton specialist at Stato College. j > You can get invisible shoe repairing in Kings * Mountain. Shoes are repaired so neatly that you can't tell they are not new. t FOSTER'S SHOE' SERVICE < Phone 154 We Call For and Deliver f - " i ' v- y' ,*.> , .1 '0/k ' '."' v . ' > < ;,?*.. , * . - * I Notice Of Sa For Unpaid In pursuance of-law I will Town ox Kings Mountain, Moon, Montuy Sept. iZ, it.. *s, the following uj-cribed 1 icription of land anu t.? ands owned by the tax pay*, ain, N. C, April 1, 1937. 'T .mount of cost and penalty axes. This sale may be cont ?uch time as may be fixed a aid sale is not had or eomp fied. oljurs Vriihlt A 1 lot .1-00x23(1 ft S S Ni>'w Stnrl St? iath- r. fl I. J lot IsiiUJti ft ? i'( t' !-*i lion .*ml AI.-\uml?T . ... 4t?.M W 'IIIN.JP 1. I I..I iH'V'. A Canaler Street 6.06 team k l. 2 1o?k 25k176 fit . lx?uKir fruut .1 *IV. Suk ii .31 tell M J ?2 acti*? ?.1J \\ A. Willi Milt.. k<c 1:1 K9 leiitii-tt Cl><1?. _ 1 lot 75x150 ft.. \V. S. No, 20 Highway; 1 lot 50x150 ft N S; K Cold St.; 1 lot 60x150 ft, R of Oriental Ave.; 1 lot 75x150 ft. K S, No. 20 Highway ....... 61.66 turrett. P. <\?1 lot 65x240 ft.. N S. Waco roiid 30.03 tohcler. Will ? 2 lot 25x175 ft. .71 loone. G G, Estate ?' 1 lot 144x72 I'lins tor. Pled. & Parker .. 42.52 Iridees Giles*-A --1 lot 75x150 ft. W. S Waco Road 9.33 Iridges. J. H ?1 lot 100x15ft ft. S S McCtiiriis St.' 15.07 liinsoii. Llltie N. ? lot 4.71 iridces J. P.? 1 lot 50x200 Waco Hi Kid ........ ....... . 6.77 Iriu-e. J B. Estate?6 lota 25x150 ft. KriirvteW . .1.77 I lift on. U. I>. -1 lot 125x150 Corner Kulton & Alex. St., 11.18 lablnew). C. II.?9 lota 25x175 bought .1. B. Nolan Co. i. 3.77 'rawford Minnie H.?1 lot 104x270 fi 8 King St 36.03 Inrly A. It. |Oti?|?1 lot 130x150 Cherokee. St 14.71 Idens, C. C.?1 loi 110x140 Parker & Gaston St. ...35.25 'alls. C. It.?1 lot 110x215 Cor. Mtn. and Gaston : 35.92 'letcher R. B.?1 lot 75x200 Grace St 7.77 'osier. X. H- 1-2 litre \\\ S. and It. R. Avenue v 8.59 ani.t. D. I.?1 lot 3o0x2.10. S. S Linwttod Road 14.21 unit. C. J.?1 lot 100x218 Parker Street 40.98 oforth. A. B?1 lot 5ox2iio i^aekey St. ...... : 12 43 roves. Salle ? 2 aires uetkr City Pump Stntitm 7.07 uytiMi, L. I..- 1 lot 75x150 No. * 20 . Highway ,. 10.53 Inblb. Mrs. Xoru 1 ltd 75x235 1? S. R. It ...!.. ..22.57 lamriok. S'tllle ? 1 lo' 3nx20o 2.36 lord:. Mrs. G. \\\- 1 It 80x75 K. S of K. R 14.13 lord. R. H ?1 loi 135x330. S. S Pulton 14 85 luffs-tetler, Clyde A. ? 1 1<? 7tixl4(i Ctuisdor St. 10.94 lullender, Lula May ? 2 1-6 Acres 10.60 ervkins, A. C.?1 lot 65x158 S. S. Pulton 24.84 eiikinfc Carl and Carnilneal ? 1 !c 75x152 Pnrlser and Watter-on 14.43 .ofcan. \V. P.?1 lot 109x154. Gold & Tracy St.; 1 lot 50x150; 1 lot 50 x 200. Gold ? Skmto* St.; S lots 25 X148'* S. S. W?Mr .104.84 .ovelnotv .1. A.?2 norrs, Mrs. J H. G.anx>tt Land 8.24 itwory. Dr. S.A.?1 lot 90x200 K 8. Piedmont 55.50 yon. R 8?1 lot 100x150 \VMieswles prop. 10.04 lolton. Geo. ? 1 lot 88x160 \V. S OanKler St 8.12 lc<^??r??M\ Oscar?1 lot 85x115 S S Gold st. 19.6C . . - t y fcGfnnJg. J. M ? 1 lot 60x200 N. S KIiik?b.'il .31.71 McC Inn In, Wiley 11.?1 lot 58x20(1 Cor. King & hilling; 46 81 Inncmdi W l.??1 lot 175x275 P. S, Kin* 31.42 D. H? 1 lot 100x129 MtG'.i nU St ; 1 lot 90x81 Little John J4.71 'atterson, Mteg May ? 1 lot $3x93 E. 8. Piedmont; 1 lot 60x50 B 8. Pletknioot 52.99 ? ' 2 * . 'i t* * y,< u le Of Propert] Town Taxes sell at the City Hall in th N. beginning at 12:0 .. for unpaid 1937 Town Ta> lane s. Name of owner, dt >t <f taxes are in each cas r In the Town of Kings Mou: here will be in each case th which must be added to th inued from day to day or t ceording to law in the even leted on the date above spec l> K 1 lot X5(?*4"S .. is; tVi<-ri>oiL, Oavld 1 lot ioXl1") I Kims .M'vJ*." 7 4 '"v Baa> 1 u - v?1 i'.ihi'I" r . si I'iimam. A H I lot 75x217 rimii Street .:.... i... .. j?.t Putnam. K \v - I Iih 75x3to Ctaurc ' and Keller St, ............. 20.t l(|UMPy. E. M -1 l.ot 50\15o Jlor i Survey ...,. 3.7 | Raddle W. T.?1 lot 75x150 .. .1 Ray. J J ?1 lot 89x250 DIIHiik Street. ! 1M Reynolds. Ixtvl, Estate?I lot 100x21 E S. R. R. 04.7 ' Roper. Jasper ? 1 lot 75x150 Hot Surrey lot Roes. K.? 1 lot 50x150 Parker St reel 1.1 Sanders, W. M,?1 lot 85x135 S ! Parker St. ......; 13.4 Smith', Clleun \V. 1 lot 75x1,50 W. : Causler IS.4 4V ;V X -.". Smith, Mary I). Admr, \V. A. Chalk j 1 lot 100x117 A. E. Wottz 1.3 J Stewart, I) la?3 ai ms York Road 25.S Treiitlwa v. B?'d1e Blaelrwell - 1 1< , 50x216 \V. S. Oriental 11.7 Wallace W 11.?1 lot 138x208 W. s Piedmont. 1.7 ! Ware. F. L.?1 lot 70x150 N. S Mountain St. 38.0 j Ware, Fred ? l lot 100x150 Moflli i uls .St. ... 15 ?J I Whlstumt. J. C.? 1 lot 100x175 E "i Falrvlew 1.7 White Albert 1 lot 7oxl."?0 .. If.- . t scur S1. . : 17 3 Williams. Chits. S.?1 lot 4O0x4Oo 1 [. S. Piedmont Ave ........ 157.3 i.'\. ' ' ; Wrinht. J. .Y.--1 lot lldxllti s. i Waco Road 20 4 Soulllitlluitv i c* 1 4"" '* . ... Wl, . COLORED PEOPLE Alilf. 1 lot N S I'unslc St rct-t 4.4 t . A">?ims. J1111 * 1 lot r.r,xl.ni Wilso Siri-ol 7.4 A'ltunrf. J or Hill 1 lot ir.0 x r Kiilfit- St.; 1 lot r.oxlU llidac Stn?'t 24.1 Adorns. Kani'y 1 lot 11 tlx Hit) Hidg THE F ! ' ; Invites \ "SI IN KITI The Talking Cookini ?? Dixie' Sept. 22-23 . .% t * r '' Free Admiss * * . '? V * 9 " *- ? ' < i - - - - m- , ? Street' 2.95 J Alltrtoii. Watson 1 lot 50*181 I . Pansier St 7.66 Anderson, Annie 1 lotGOxlOl) fans ler A- K in a st 8.70 lionnlck, Surah ? 1 lot 50 \ 125 Par Iter st: 6.48 G Hlanton, John. KsttMe ? 1 lot 174* {). 250; 1 lot 75x800 IMlllnjr st . 1163 [- n.<n<l Miles 1 lot 50x125 Tracy St l is t 7.96 j g Mtowti. Uaxel 1 lot 50x150 \V. S. Pansier St. . 11.54 n ilrowit. Nlary Ktauels . 1 lot '.*0x200 6 K. S. Carpenter St. 13.66 ' vS * ' - ,j C Ihown. 1 t'o\ 1 )6t 50x75 K'.Tfco & O Pansier 13 45 ' -J t llrown U'>ll5.m 1 lot 50x150 K,. S. , | Wattersoii St. 741 ; Honrs. San) 1 Its 5rt\luo Wilsotl ' ,j Street ,'4.1i i paidwoll. ' ,! It it Kvate - 1 lot fin* J ' | IS" S. S Kluu 11 30 .1 " lairoll. .Itin 1 lis U'oxlio; 1 lot ? '11111111 i in. i.iK*s.i ,. m;.i "i ' I?ii\ Is X'?lii 1 loc l 1 m-tv. .loin* U ^ \V !(<.>. . W.-ii .l.ihd 7 07 l' Kill*. Coitlc 1 lot 11 "?x 1 "m N*. H. j for King St 10.49 ! Fall*. Phillip It I lot CtijiT.I ItidKO 1 7 Ht rw.'i 15.07 iS)IVottolnnsor. N II 1 lot 50x150 j j N. 8. Rldgo ... 11.73 ~ ' J Calloway, John 11 j aoro. \V, Hoy. ,8j <. < \V?-lr l?utid 12.91 ' | (Jiwnloo. John Hst-lte 1 not 50x150 j ( K S. Caimtor St 7.66 '? Harry, Lizzie - 1 1 4 Acres \V. Side WilttlTHOll Si 10.60 S. Holland, John I lot sr.xitio S. 12 King St.* 10 03. -j ' Kfhhler, ?"h.'ta ?1 lot 5. S. H. ] M(*U)?..\V F ft .1 \V. 1. lot 143 X -ill 10 j 14'.' S S Rldai' Si. 10.60 Meeks. Tom ? 1 lot 50x150 W. S. Watterwn St. 10.60 Mitchem. I ?wrfncp ? 1 lot 50 x * 50 89 rj Milch?m. N. W?1 lot 3'-j acres .3.63 Mct'lar.v. Ffotl J. 1 -lot 80x90 S S. _ Kin* St root . 10.02 PrcMloy, David -.1 lot 40x125 1 ^ Ittdgo Strew 7.41 I 4 I R?-ld. Monroe, Kstato ? 1 lot 59 X g 100 <%4in?ler St ^... 4.IS I ' Rhode#, Margaret. Katute ? J k>t 70 I xlOO N S RJd** ......... 7.43 - | K<>biti?on. IW-rtha ? 1 lot I'OOx . " 100 .. 2 75 51 Tlioiuinson. David- -? 1 lot .">0x135 K. S. Wattrrson St. ...'. 6.23 iTItomlw. I- <i. 1 lot' 90x100 N. S. I ^| nitiR?. st.. :. 10.26 _ i Williams. X'laronce - 1 lot 50x110 1 Wright*, t'lirtls 1 lot 50xir.tt . 3.09 0-Lewis. Oertrwlc? 32-100 of Arre j * Wlliton St 3.53 j! I.owls. Kokit 'm ai re Wilson _ j stiwt 6.23 . -:M Town of Kings Mountain, <> '. Chas. G. Diiling, Cleark. lERALD I 'ouTo See i fAR I my jl :hen" am Motion Picture 1 % School Theatre 1 -24, 10 A. M. I .ion-FreeGifts I '

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