Mountaineer Gr Has Practice T . ~ -BOONE" McDANIEL BACK IN j " ACTION. ' fc By Harmon 4 Rounding out the first week .ofj vfootball drills, Crowell Little's first W Kings Mountain High School foot- j ' ball edition showed marked hnprovo, Uieht, ?8 each and baekj'buckled down to heavy work fori si first conference game with Newtou'b on the night of Sept. :t0, atid the praetlcO tilt with Beasetner- Oit> Krl h day Wk. ) l? Some thirty-odd candidates havo' reported for work, including letter-j m man t'lemonsco "IJootie" McDunici.| wht? has been out of action Since / 1M6. Accord I lg to present prospects. mi' mans ttns )wr will uave heavy) Hi'I ********* ' UUWI ' field. built arouiul tripie-throut Taut1 Netsler. It's the old story -ti fairly good first tenia. I>ui too few 'capable replacements. * 'll Those exported to set" considerable j( niton art-; on Is, Harper and Falls. |( tank In. McOuuiol, Bennett, ant ii Crook: K.uards. Dickey, Finger, and i: Subcr; centers Wright and I'atiick; I, backs. Noisier, Womack. ltHmSey\ ni Campbell. Vales. Xrnl and McAbee. Harper, a reserve who say consider si able action last year. has looked good In the early drills, and Settlor y Hud Falls has shown promise .7 In his first year out. * tj McDonlel and Dennett should turn tj ' x'sh one of the best tackle combina- j, tlons in' the conference, and Jimmy | Dickey and Dob Suber are heavy K and experienced at guard, while Dun u Finger, lettcrman last year, has also shown up well. B6th Fred Wright j? and Lawrence Patrick were center r, reserves last season. Paul Neisler. who alternated' at center and half-track last year deft- ^ nitely has been shifted to the backfield, and so far, has been teaming jc with Buddy Womnck <and Charley ^ Ramsey at the whigbacks, and Doxle ti Campbell in the ball-handling tall- y back slol. j. Noisier runs and passes "veil, and lately has been punting some high jp spirals, a few for forty yards or dj fP^}K. aEra&sS*wk t"Shimmy" causes loss of control at critical periods ? ( mnd the resulting wrecks, ' f , injuries, etc. Have us check J and realign your car's wheels; frame, axles now Modest charges. ' I) SHERER & FOGLE 116 N. Morgan St. h Shelby, N. C. \ . w FOR THE BEST In Everything Good To E f complete stock of Quality \ duce, and we are here to ! to? Blalock Groce . Phone 58-R . ' \ '. ' ' ; . . . * . _ Golden C . 1 1 Mi Pi r -'' || Will give that e if* energy to pursu studies with frame of mind, children Goldei 1 Milk. v | MARGRAC I Phone 18 TI id Team ilt Sixteenth .ore. anil Llttie lias been couching :m in" the quick-kk-king art. one of .It lie's ace accomplishments as on the 1937 Carolina indmill. W'omuck is rugged and tiling, and lie has shown Improvetent in passing. while Charlie Rainy Is consideied by teammates as ne of the surest bucklers oil the ti.jii. Campbell has never plpyed i lore, but lias been running In the ilibtlck position. It is his duty U> audio tbe ball in the many fako lays of the windmill system. ; ? . . > . RAMBLIN' SPORTS AVhun this yettr'a "Football Annie 1" denned Crowell Little 'easy go is inirt> rive Mountaineer grid spirants ;gave It. the merry ohi razz i a big way. And we agree with the >eal pigskin chasers. He's making it- boys work The work isn't really S hard as the boys would |?alni it, lit "grass exercise" is new to ~tho lajority. anil they take it hard. How ver, its really' getting the boys in tape. The coming of Clcmonsoe I itoone.t IcDaniel has. helped the line plenty. Kvone." who hasn't been active 011 ie grid since lie was u soph, giVes te line a pleasing equilibrium. With im an 1 Bennett covering tuckel poItfons, and Suber and Dickey on uard'duty. the liiie is something to 3 sec "Triple threat" . Neisler lias eeti getting off some' nice punts itely, besides passing well and carring the plghide. Miss Miary Cable, Vvlto came to : M. from Dobson to coach our Iris In basketball, is doing a nice ?b with' would-be tenuis stars. The ids are preen as .vet. but she's getng the principles across to them, s to formation of a tennis team, tey're too green ,for a team this ear, we believe, but they eager to 1am and doing fine. Miss Cable not nly knows her tennis but also piays swell game. She beat your corry[Kindent ? and that, my frans. is jm'p'n. The biggest football game of the etar for local fans will be the Dukearolltia game ? the South's clasic. But smart gamblers are holding ut on it?too many upsets in the ast. And they're saying now that <alanne isn't as good as he has een painted. It's said that he'll nev r fill Ldttle's shoes. All we can do i wait and let time show us. Afti r 11. the sweetboy is only a soph thI- ? ear....! _ leart Attack Is Fatal To lauptmann Detective New York. Sept. 5.?Deputy IV> co Inspector Hichard Oliver, 54 who roke more than 100 Important crint tal cases in three decades of deterIve work in New York City, died ,t his home today, apparently of a earn attack. Oliver worked for two years on the .Indbergh baby kidnap murder and btained evidence that helped conIct Bruno Richard Hauptmann. at, Call Us. We have a Groceries?Meats, Pro serve you. Call or Come iry & Market We Deliver Guernsey Ik j ichool child e his or her a healthful . Give your n Guernsey E DAIRY Kings Mountain, N. C. n -*iWf AiYfiifrifriffiifriiYri nr'1 riMMM IE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERARD T? Personals < (Cont'd frotn Society page) Lincolnton Hospital Saturday. Mrs. Ldssle Heavener of Tampa, Kla., was a guest of Mr.* and Mrs. Claude Rhyne last week. Mrs. Heav- , oner Is a sister of Mrs. Rhyne and t dv.ed in Kings" Mountain unttl recent | vears. , -o- , Mr. Thomas Plonk of Macon, Ga., | trapped' over here and spent Wedaes lay night with his grandmother, Mrs ft. S. Plonk and family. He was on , his way to Join the student body at , Davidson College. , ?o t Mr. 'and Mrs. Oliver Ituius'-ur and i (hlhlreti. Donald and Nathalie, hive , ] returned to their home in Fullertou. Ph., after a visit to relatives here , I Mrs. Fleming Itamseur "went with . ; them for un extended visit. ( ~0? , , Mesda m< * j'._ j_^. Full nil. H It Par I ton. D. M Ortnanfl, J. U Settiemyre. j and Miss Wlunlfred Fulton of Kings Mciintaiu and Mrs, Hugh Hoke of | I l.lncolnton went to Witist3n4la|em ' Monday to 'atjlend funddal services j for Hilly Church, son of Rev. and | Mrs J. U. Church ' ?o-lllll Davis left during the week-end lor Oak liidge where he enrolled at , Oak RMge Military School. His pur ntsf Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis and Miss Aldu Jean Davis accompanying , ami.-su>pyiug en route ror a visit I at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. 0. ! GOqde in Spencer. o? Mi*. W. F. Miotics spent' -Tuesday in Charlotte where he attended a gathering cf the Veterans of ih? Car olinus branch of the Second. Divls.k>n Association A. E. F. If- there should be any former member of 'his division anywhere in Cleveland I County, please get in touch with Mr. | \V. F. Rhodes. ?o?Miss l.oulsp - lx?dford. nurse at a hospital in Manhattan, N. Y., was a guest of her uncle, D. F. Hord and family during the week-end. Miss Bedford's father, Farris Ledford, and her brother. A. B. Bedford of Shelby, were also six-h'clock dinner guests at. the Hord home on Sunday evening. NEW BEAUTY SHOP OPENS NEXT WEEK Ruth's Beauty Shop opens next Tuesday, Sept. liith. in the building formerly occupied by Grace Beauty Salon. Miss Pauline Dickerson of Elkln. N. C? manager of the new beauy establishment extends a cordial invitation to the ladles of Kings Mountain and surrounding territory 'o visit her shop, whore they are ilways assured of a cordial wel ome.'Miss Dickerson is a graduate i >f llinsliaw Beauty School and. has ; lad six years experience with boauj > shop in Marion. Va.. and Winston i -hllem. Miss Dickerson will be assisted in j !i" operation of the shop by her sis ' -*r. Mrs. Ruth Hanes also of Elkln. Mists Dickerson says the most rtloi dern equipment has been installod, ^ |ii ii . jt fM * L^| i, v"^i MJi rASpHH 1wfi *1 V/ ?* I ?m ' I I iff : ' iB i^^B/II I * < a?lW IBJ . n P. 1 fl te^Tl p 'JV^^ VRSDAY. SEPT. 8. 1938 VORTH CAROLINA :LHVE>LAND COUNTY. In The Superior Cour?. lacquelyn King. Plaintiff. Phillip B. King, Defendant. NOTICE O FSUMMONS The defendant, Phillip D. King. I >v111 take notice that an action en- I itlud' as above has been commenced I n the Superior Court of Cleveland I ,'ounty. North Carolina, in which I he plaintiff, Jacquelyn King, is ask- I ng the Court for a divorce ubsolute I roni the defendant on the ground of I idultery and for the custody of hot I hlld; and the suid Phillip 11. King I rill further take notice that he Is I equired to appear at the office cf I he.Clerk of the Superior Court of I -aid County at Shelby. North Carol!- I la. within thirty days after the 29th ] iuy of September. 19:58, and answer I ir demur to the Ceinpiaint in said I utIon, or the plaintiff will apfily ti. I ihe Court for the relief therein <le-|l nanded. T'"., '- h. Stv B . A. M. Hamrlck. Clerk of the Superior Court Peyton McSwaln. Ally, for PlainiifT. |l ?adv?Sept 22 in) only the lntost scientific nieth I Cds will be used. The telephone nuni l >er of the new firm is 73. THURSDAY A FRIDAY M I'll Give A Million Wavner lVtxtt??v Marjouie Weaver I SATURDAY ?Double Feature? Cassidy At Bar 20 William Boyd I Battle Of Broadway Victor McClogen Louise llovick MONDAY A TUESDAY Keep Smiling Jane Withers WEDNESDAY ?Double Feature? 10c and 15c Island In The Sky Gloria Stuart Michael Whalen The Chaser Douald O'Keete Ann Morris 'Hi COMING SOON! "Snow 'White And The Seven ] Dwarfs" nVYTE* I V . ;,?i! >, ,. Belk |L La Is Better Pi I your new F now fully s you to visit I You are alv are ready tc V They are pri |4H Pr; styles and H^r I. CO lx>th spoi and beautifi 11 * * ' ' ? ' ^ Suck Aocidmnti ai *1U*4* ^ UIEHIHER-BIRD SHOES Lot ikta io?p pad ploy ?l lUy \ Try dtp** op yoor liiddiot. /A&' Mod* of all Mot, iMy wooi ^^1^^ longof ond nMt* >/ tKoif simp*. ^<V \ ^ jS*T Sci*nli(i<ally d?- ' ligntd ?p?- |vciol jnvwiiU l?(H "* ^ X- >' \ ? wltfc omplt . ^>1 loolroon lot r CZZ-df$'\ /??/ growing ! ?. Hi . JH AH Itatlitr In- ^Ljjj ?ol?t, oataoUt, uppoaondcount- 'y wt Man Jtwittr j^t^'4"''' xj' K * (natural, I W?*d?*r-Bird? jijf ^ ceil bat llttl* jl A*7 mor. tfcon ordln- St' MW^ 97c to 2.98 C^i See our Window Display of JO- #1 fin New Fall Silks and Woolens *tOC 10 fl?Qj See our Window display of New Fall A i AQ Spun Rayon, printed, plain and pencil J I JIX stripe Crepes, $3.00 values * - tt ; New Patterns in Fruit of the Loom ?1 AA d House Dresses. Sizes 14 to 50 $I?UV 100 Ladies' Print and Sheer Dresses, fiA^ Fast Color regular $1 values tflfC 100 Ladies' and Children's Print and Sheer Dresses. Regular 50c values 9Ci? ToCloseOutjU^^-j^^^^^^^ Belk's Dept. Store The Home of Better Values idles' Shoppe ' repared than ever before to furnish completely 'all Wardrobe. Our big Separate Ladies' Shoppe is t jcked with the latest Fall Creations. We invite t our Shoppe for 'Tomorrow's Styles Today", 'ays assured of a cordial welcome whether you i buy or not. Iresses $3.00-$ 17.95 I ettier this year than ever before. All the desired shades for Fall Wear. ATS $10.00--$39.50 I I and fur trimmed styles. The colors are varied il. A large selection to choose from. ENPIECE SUITS $10.00~$39.50 I nd three piece models that are ideal for this seaear. A large assortment of colors and materials. $2-$4 "BAGS $1 to $3 I tat new outfit, in Just the style you desire to II Colors. enhance that new Fall enKem ble. ,'|j I slk's Ladies' Shoppe I ' The Friendly Store I

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