' SUY AT 7 , HOME VOL. 34 NO. 40 State And ^ Condensed Ii ?National News? Wbehington. Sept. 13.?Army an* navy official* were reported on theli way to Puerto lUco today to conoid er plans for establishing air bases al I?la Grande. -across from Sail Juar harbor. Territories officials sind Governoi Hlanton Wlnship hud postponed hi: trip to the mainland one week to In V r! ? T" at ? ,1-H IV firniy and navy experts openiiiK al Fan .loan Friday. V? York. Sept- 13.?Supremi Court Juki ire Ferdinand Pecora lad today ordered a mistrial in thStale's policy racket emu? t ugxiinni 'I'ammany District Leader .lumen J Mines, Implying that the proseou tiou Injected "one drop of poison' by risking a 14-word nueetion of nre jiulM.il nature. Washington. 8<-pt. 13.?'Dr. I>avlt KfroB, member of Che Argentine .deh .nation to the recent World Youtl congress at I'ougihkenpsle, d 1 vu I ge ho loft h/v???o *???"* nuvu iic icii iiuiiic muir mill an hour after the time army doctor haw estimated" that she was beatei to death. Richmond. Va., Sept. 13.?A Rich mon newsboy of 30 years ago, no* part owner of four Bermuda deparl ment stores, will be back at bis oil st&niiiy. Sept. 13. Dcpttn Sher1 iff Arthur Shaping placed under ar rest Sunday Dick Jones of pear. " Wood leaf oil the clip rge or stealing i number of articles from a house ill Unity township nearly a year ago. Most of the articles have been recovered. Raleigh. Sept. 13.?Governor TToey said today tlmt t.he Southern RailI way system would send an inspection commitee, consistlnf of five of its prominent officials, to Goldsboi-o Wednesday to inspect the Atlantic ( and North Carolina railroad. Sinithfleld. Sept. IS.?Victor P. Brown. 46, of Selma, was killed in an automobile accident near Wilt son's Mills early thlB morning when r a car driven by his brother. Clyde, J and a car driven by Miss Frances Stephenson of Wilson's Mills, collid f ed at the intersection of the Selma Clayton and the Smlthfleld-Wllson's Mills road. Brown was thrown from the car and knocked unconscious, fie was taken to Johnston county hospital l where be died of a fractured skutl. t w Gaston!a, Sept. 13.?Uewls Friday f at High Shoals was reported to be s In a critical condition in St. Peter s hospital at Charlotte today of injuries suffered about 11 o'clock last night In an automobile collision?on. 8 the BelmonUMt. Holly rdad near Mt. ' Holy. ' Friday was said by hospital at ten" dants to be suffering from a badly ' crushed head, with an indicated fracture. , J .Reldsvllle. Sept. 13.?Donald Gapn wno nas Deeu a patient in Memorial hospital more than a week suffer r ing from Injuries received when an 9 amy pursuit plane front I,angley ? field crashed Into his parents' home ' is Retting along nicely. It was learnl ed today. Although he was In a se. 8 rlous condition when admitted to 8 the hospital. Donald has been stead, ily Improving. Bold Theft Attempted r In Mid-Afternoon I At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. e Boyce Oault at tHe corner of Deal 9 and Ridge Streets about 4:00 o'clock a Tuesday, afternoon, a heavy built t negro boldly walked up and tried sev ^ eral screens, he finally got In throuQ gh one from the front porch while n neighbors looked on thinking the negro hired help- With the aid of a coat hanger, which put the robbing In the professional class, the negro unlocked the screen, j Mrs. Oault coming home, saved e what might have been a big lose. 5 The negro made his escape through j the same window by which he came In when he heard Mrs. Oault enter. The only loss was a gold , wrist p watch, hut drawers were turued Ins side out In his attempt to find valutl able to pawn. It was supposed, it Clothes of the Gaults were piled In it the bed right ready for a get-away, c- Police made an Investigation but the negro made good his escape. ? m n ..?> imd the World in s. cobb ct Locality N S. COBB the house stuttering in his excitement, u know Archie Sloan's neck?" i mother. y ' . J neck?** red the pnszled parent, "so I suppose tow fell into the back-water up to it" ws iMma XasJ ... I ' ii'II iiiiiklii i, i i,iu?ii.w?"'' Moun KING8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. TH "Star In My " Kitchen" Will Glorify Home iftotion Picture Cooking School Offers Helpful Suggestion* To Housewives. . ' I (Joint: u> school in a thcatro! It sounds a bit MiruiiK*'. doesn't It? | llttt that I: wlmt women of the com |munit\ will be doing when The Iter-j aldjt Mollon Hit ti.ro Cocking.School' imn s 10 town 0(1 Sent Ifnd. 11 ui.i ip inHi fy^iUHW. 1M. U" 'win- |r. iioiiHutiim. mixing aiiuj 'Mending the Inpn dleiit* ror inaiiv I recipes. In the preparation/of such .triumphs uk a luttlc-iop fruit pic;' | til making n'liciotiH fro/.< it iic.-Hort*j1 and i-uIiiIk; In laundering line fab-! ties; a utit) lit' planning li?:uItlifulj .tt 'aIk for growing children. ' .J Tht? camera has assembled all the; i--Xpert information at trained ht.nn 1 .sticiioiMists ? Hot as n routine lee-.; ' .ure, not as a formal "higlpbrow" de;, | ministration, hut as a real toinancui ff home-making. full of suspense and charm. and informal chats from mh good cook to another. There- will tie remarkable closeups of each process in a series, of .node), conveniently - equipped kitcli . .us ? real, workable kitchens, (not the synthetic, false-front- variety), where trained home-nvakers will plan and complete tbo preparation of several meals so the entire audij ence can see the process step by step. The finished dishes," which will be shown in full color, will look as the ugh they could! be picked right out of the picture and eaten on the spot. The class won't be all work, for there is the constant pllav of sparkling humor, the appeal of tender ro. ma nee, the suspense of a coherent < intelligently directed story, which j dramatizes everyday happenings ? | the human sort of things that really l do happen. Htudlng the attractive story toge-j i .her is the unfince of home-making, , , a subject that hold's the interest of j every woman young and pld. EJven -tha_ Herald knows that all women? brides, business types, and experienced housekeepers ? respond to the fascination of looking in. on another woman when she Is at work in the i I.J, 'i invent; ii. Particularly do they lie it wnenj they are uilowedl to sit quietly and; watch her prepare some dish in which he specializes. They know: that if. they watch closely, while shei measures and mixes land completes! 'the entire cooking operation, this' close-up personal study will be more! helpful than hours of ready recipes or blind experimenting. The motion picture camera was leisurely, completely unhurried and* painstakingly accurate in recording "SUar in My Kitchen." There is no trickery in the cooking, baking, and preparation of appetizing ice-box wonders. Competent cooks who have drifted into bad habits will be able to check their own mistakes by study the -systematic routine revealed in those close-ups. "They make cooking and housework seem so easy," the audience will say after watching the experlen eed home-maer8 In "Star tn My Kitch" instruct the eager, young Dedee Abot. And cooking will become easy for every woman who attends the Motion Picture Cooking School, whero the lessons will be simple yet remarkably effective. | It sounds like a real re-union fori women of the community, even to The Herald. which is getting a steaVy stream of congratulations on , booking this profitable cooking . school. , i . A generous store of gifts are des. tlned to be carried back to many a! : home from Dixie Theatre. Local] merchants and firms and nationally-j known companies arc joining with this newspaper in making the school possible. Don't miss the 1938-model school Sept. 22. 23 and 24, in the Dixie Theatre. HOME ECONOMIC8 CLASS TO ATTEND The Home Economics Class of the; Kings Mountain High School, under the direction of Mrs. W. J. Fulkorson, htas beep invited and will at tend the opening session of the Movie Cooking 8ehool, ^Thursday morning. P08T0FFICE INSPECTOR HERE Postofflce Inspector Murray arrived In Kings Mountain Tuesday and will finish today his Inspection and survey of the sites for the n?w $73,000 Federal Building. Inspector Murray carefully checked the sites offered after bids ware submitted several weeks ago. Ha also conferred with Town Officials, and had pictures taken of savarat of the sitae. , . - t. , x -a , iitliiiMritittittliifiriiiii inif^iiiiiii itain I URSOAY, SEPT. 15. 1938 Bridge Be W. P. A. SIDEWALK .PROJECT STARTEO Actual work began Tuesday mori Ing on the $47,000 'street and a1d< walk paving W. P. A. Project. Tk First clod of dirt turned was on Eat Mountain street in front of the Wi man's Club Building. About 80 wort era arc busy grading getting read For the pouring of the ' concrete. I ivaa thought the number of worker Mrill be increased to about 100. mi % [.''miles "oi sidewaflTs"" be paved and the parking space o both sides of Railrqad Avenue bi tween King and Gold will be paved Band Gets New Uniforms Following a* meeting of those ii toroBli-il in Kings Mountain's. Schoi land, member of tin? Finance fori ntttci- mot last Thursday night, lite High School' and decided I raise the money untl purchase lie uniforms for the band members. I about'two days members of the. coi mittee almost reached their go and the handsome uniforms have a ready been ordered; . ' Tfie new uniforms will be blact burnt orange and of the militai style. About $1,700 was needed to pu chase the bo uniforms for the ban members, the band color' flag, ar uniforms for the flag bearers. A; proximately $1,400 was raised by tl coromitee during the canvass, an the balance needed is in site. Those who met in the secon meeting were: Lfldd Hanirlck, W. I Mauney, Charles Tbomasson. Ha wood E. Lysch. B. S. Neil). Gl< Bridges, B. N. Barnes, D. M. Bridgi and Director Paul Heudrlcks. It was decided by the commltt< to keep .the old unifpnua to be use on rainy days and the new ones wl be saved for "state" occasions. Tl uniforms will be the property of tl School, and not the individual bai members, this is in keeping with tl policy of other bands throughout tl state. A rental fee of 50c per moni will be charged band members b those who bought suits or made donation will be credited with tl umount paid on the rental. ? i ' Boy Hit By Car Tommy Thompson, son of Mr. ai Mrs. J. P. Thompson, was painful but not seriously injured last Thui day evening when he wus hit by dar driven by Loy Minch. Tl Thompson lad had started home < his Dixie-flyer . from across tl street, and before Mr Miuch cou stop his car, a Huick roadster, tl child was truck. The boy echil mating ??r the Town Couni-11 held Monday night t>> ununuions vote Councilman W. K. Maun * >' and Clerk Churlm Hilling were ?- authorized to sign the bond gujfaii* teeing, to the Slate" llighwav Depart I utent a light-of-way for the over * head bridge at the ?.n iii'f of ItaM * ' oad Avenue and King -street. Mayor! y I .1. K lieiudon staled to the council-) II ] men that he wanted more tinn' to f -tinwtder the matter, of signing. The "j fi' ti ir vr li t the pa|>ers signed at once "mi. th'' a-i n' 'hot*. action was taken and tl? pa-1 f jiets were signed initnediately 'Phi ! matter cn -hanging lire for some time lltds for1 tlie const ruction of tbcbrilgc lias ilr-ady been let. and it- was thought fit It I ilC'fllrtl i*ailu!?nu.?inii ??.%*?.1-1 * . ?- ? *y ;? ??i ."?UU I I in flic near fulurill was understood ihiv-ilu' bond) dgncl by Councilman M'imiivv and; I,. Clerk Hilling would be ;i< < pl.-ilde toj ,,l the State Highway lb iMirtirteiii. 11 ' Mayor J K. Merndon issued the! " following stahunujit in connection) o with the signing of ?h< lioiiil "I did w not think it was right so T md- not njsign it 1 war against it two yt>ahi |?J jk(> and I inn against it now "Hi* 'l! tax rah* was raised tide- this your j and on account. of the dlinages the Town will have to pay. the rate will t have to go up again, as the damage ">' will he at least $20,000. 1 did just what 1 thought was right and- for the best Interest of Kings Mountain as id1 a whole." ~ id p. At the same meeting the Council le approved the trade of a new car for 1(j the PcKoe Department. The new ?ar a Ford Coach, replaces the Chevrolet used for the past year. It has ''' been the policy to trade the Police car each year. The council also approved the pur !0 chase of a new dump truck which ?8 Vfcill be used for the present on the PWA Bidewalk paving project, after 5e which it will be used to collect gar^ bage In Kings Mountain. The purI" chase price of the truck bad been set le up lu the budget for the fiscal year. ie JVkjWhirter's 5-10c Store ie Opens Saturday th ut Kings Mountain's newest business a M^Wllirtftr'a Jv nnri 1fir? fiinrn nmu tej Its floors to the public Saturday. Sepj tember l'7th. A complete line of quality merchandise will he carried I at all times. ! -Mr. J. H. I). McWhirter of York, j-S. C.. owner, extends a cordial in(1< citation to everyone to visit his new j store.'which is the sixth in his chain * of stores. The home oflice of the ^'j chain is located at York, with other J stores at Great Falls. Fort Mills. lf Elizabeth Heights, S. and Oram3,1 erton. N. C. The first store was open on during 1931 and the firm has steadily grown until now six stores H* make up the chain. Mr. MeWhirtet is a business man of unusual ability 50 and leadership. He formerly lived in re Kings Mountain and attended school j 18 here from 1916 to 1919. 1 The local manager. Mr. C. H. Whit ut ner of Morganton, has had several n' years experience In the 5 and 10c business, having spent several years Jn with Rose 5 and 10c Stores. According to Mr. Whitener the en e tire saleo force will he made up of 18 local ladies. or The new store is centrally located on East Mountain Street. 1 Nr. McWhirter said; "We ate hap py to open a store in Kings Mottn ' tain and will strive at all nines to warrant the patronage of your citizens by offering quality merchant disc at reasonable prices." Imperial Theatre He-Opens The imperial Theatre which has I j been closed for some lime, will re open tomorrow.- Friday, with a dou. | ble feature. Mr. Claude Webb, broth * I .vf * ITS tl'-L - ? . j >-i ui j. c. neuu, owner, win oper[ j ate the Imperial. Mr. Webb has al| ready moved to Kin&a^ Mountain and baa a room at the Mountain View , Hotel. He will bo assisted In the op eratlon of the Imperial by Pete Webb, son of J. E. Webb, who will continue to operate hW theatres In Shelby. j The Imperial was remodeled a. bout a year ago, and la in flrat class condition for the showing of pic tures. Popwlar prices will prevail ^ at the Idperlal. (Manager Wel>b extends a cordial [ invMtatton to thel*tre-?oei? to visit i The Imperial for real entertainment. r FIRST MEETING OF P. T. A. c NEXT TUESDAY NIQHT i The first meeting of the Parent Teacher Association will be held at fc Central 8ohool next Tuesday night, beginning at 7:30. All parents and ' teachers are urged to be present, te help in maplng plans for the work of this school yeas. ' . \ 01 ' - r ' ' 7m 1 \.> READ THE HERALD FIVE CENTS PER COPY Playgrounds And Park Projects 1 Are Requested Proposals" to request \Y P A and N. Y. A funds for tWo local projects were approved h> the Town Coujicll at their regular . ineefinn Monday cvetihia. * " t| Thic first project is a request to ho math- is a > the National youth Ad ministration to furnish labor and supervision in the construction of a i IMP swaniii "SiiW tu???MW? * sehool property at the corner of Kjttf: Street a nil tile York Koud The Town h,ts in this pro|M'ity twelve acres, Part -.it this property in in. . . r'udi'l in the hall park and tennis veal".* *. -Till' fin.jeef .. includes t lie "lunilscapiuv.of tlte property. the const nut Ion of drives a Itjtid-stand, an ornamental tlOl 1 Oil! :tle ei'tillllfi* .-I I * I>:? 11 fields. T!i. plan- calls fin pnntltit: this tall anil 'winter of a large number of trcess Also in tliis same request are improvements and leant ifit-jtlon work on tlie grounds at Central School. Kasj and West Knds schools ami at Davidson Colored school. In this project the Town and School offer to furnish material required laud working equipment. The sei ond requi-st approved cov-" ers a $:!,uOu \V. P. A. project to make a- Town Park and Swimming Pool at the ubundoned water-works plant just inside the Town limits at the north side. The area in this property is six acres. - The property is ycvered b.v large and beautiful trees and there Is an abundance of clear ami pure spring water which supplied the Town for more than twenty years. The plan calls for $900 from the Town os sponsors hut revenues front operation are expected to liquidate this so that the cost to the Town is expected to be of small consequence. The project calls for an Improveo sand-clay road to the Park, the reconstruction of the old Mauney pond for a swimming pool, the construction of the report indicates a 'gonenil acceptance of the principle of oollec(Cont'd on Editorial page)