BUY '^9 AT 0 HOME 111 iit VOL. 34 NO. 43 ' State And Nj Condensed In ?National News? Los Angeles, Ocl. 26.?Discovery of the bullet-pierced body of a prut ! \ ty 22 year old stenographer in herjc apartment led today to the arrest' t > of C. K. VVeber, 38, credit manager of t; a downtown store, on suspicion ot-j t murder. i Weber teUli^ Detective Lieutenant] w; J, Clark that the victim, Claudia 1 llucbler, shot herself to deatli. I Canton,' China, Oct. ? 26.?-A gigan- c tic conflagration threatened to de-i t-troy this South China metropolis "flflu ' m"tf^l districts after bunting out the tusi-j t liess sections.- ' ' I Japanese dynamite' .squads blast | ed firebreaks around the hunting' , areas in nil uttempt bait the spreading' flumes,, while foreign vol. . unleers tiid?.;d in living i > save lot- , '?-clttn imildliigs. ; ^ Washington. Oct. '2.">; ?Kar-reaclilng J, Federal labor standards went into er feet today, putting a floor under the] wages and< a ceiling oyer lite, hours of ait estimated 11.000,000 American' I" wgrkingmen. I ' This regulation of virtually all; 'persons in interstate-commerce rep 1 resented the broadest' industrial leg- ( > islution since the NRA. Washington, Oct. 26.?-The War y Department hoard loday that a fire v at Anchorage, Alaska, had destroyed b railroad commissary stores, a cold 11 storage plant and some railroad cars: The fire, "which started yesterday evening, was reported still out of J control at the time the message was t sent. d $ Washington, Oct. 26.?Safe dellv a ery of the mails is a no re important than speed, postal officials said today 1 Acting Postmaster General W. W n Howes notified mail truck drivers f that extra efficiency ratings fvould ft t be given to drivers who catry the I mail six months without an accident ? Chicago, Oct. 26.?Snow, gales and I freezing temperatures marked Win- V ter's arrival to portions of the Mid die West during th? week-end. Minnesota, Wlsconelon and the J upper Michigan Penlusula felt the I brunt of a storm that disrupted pow- J er and comntunicuiibn lines, imped- r ed highway traffic and imperiled up " per Great I-akes shipping. J J Washington. Oct.. 25.?Japan, in taking Canton, has severed the United States' fJi-?t historic link with China 0 and has cut off the birthplace of the (. open door policy. " i Hence Japan's occupation of Sou i th China is ansuing to officials here | an importance far transcending the \ economic effect it is expected to ( have on American commerce in that g region. . c ( Washington, Oct. 25.?The" Treas B ury announced today that In July. < August and September. $743,960,000 In Qold was transferred to the Unit- t ed States from foreign countries. > chiefly In Europe.' In the preceding t three months, Imports totaled only J $124,690,000. (< Laughing Arour with irve> v \ ".. , * , " ' * : v. A. Clean Bill By IRVIN ! A FTETR the homesteader had folio* ** an ambitious newcomer, who had undertook sheep raising. In the eye were gold hunters by profession, th occupation. _ i An Eskimo dog, the prise perfi old prospector, killed a sheep belong! brought action for damages. The e\ the owner of the guilty dog and his n Jury trial of the case and to sae exclusively of mining men. 1 After hearing the evidence and tl and true retired to make a fadgnM . turned, and the foreman, peering f< L <1>1' finding: "In the foat place, Jedge, this this is a dog country and not no ) this here dog has always been a pe that the sheep moat have Jumped on decided that this here sheep man has git no damages. "And the dog la not guilty, en 1 (Aaatfsea Men f _ Register Now mrnrnmm^m 11 1 Kings itional News Brief Form ?State News? Raleigh, Oct. 26.?The Issue of vhother c. D. Deaije of ItQCkinghnmj >r \V. O. IturKln Of Lexington will be j he Democratlo nominee for Con-1 ;vckm In the Kfghth District -was left j odav with three lawyers, all non esident of the district, The referees, agreed upon by both' Jeatio and llurgin, are Charles O. tcsu of KayettevHb*, H. Qhrdn* r Itulson o.f Winston-Salem, and Jan s G. Morriman of Ashfvllle. hazel. AsTievlIlo attorney and (> holfc. Irty leader, was bestowed the 'a pa I Order of St. Gregory, lit'an 1m ir-^-sive cororncnj here yesterday. I Spartanburg. ,S C.. Oct '.Tv Kit I'V tilll lM V 11 til Sti'lrto,,. >urg bus?'jess man. waft - fatally 'Inured when I lie automobile he was Irlvliig ovcrtulwd- on a highway lear hero yesterday. [ Wnriesboro. Oct. 25.?-Three' of levon. long-term eonvleUs yho esctipd early Snday morning from the; hate Prison Camp near here were ocaptured last.- night, Sheriff S. M. iaddy reported today. Spartanburg, S. C. Oct. 25.-^Seven ear old Clye Eugene Frady of Con-1 erse was killed when lie was hit iv an automobile near his home, five iiiles east of here, last jvigtit. Raleigh, Oct. 25.?George \V. Coan, r., WPA State Administrator, said oday only the signature of Presllent Roosevelt was necesoury for 4.000,000 project to improve secondry roads in North Carolina. Under present plans. the State' tighway and Public Works Connisston would put up $1,000,000 and he WPA the balance The WPA bud ;et bureau has already given Its apiroval do the project, Coan said. The WPA Administrator said the dghway building program would irovlde reserve employment for re let workers all over the stats. Phnrlast/vn C f* * ?. * oe mU.. ivovvu, kJ. V .I V/l l lie Itore-tt, the second destroyer over 0 be built at the Charleston navy ard will be launched here Thursday" lavy Day. ro Attend Red Cross Meeting Delegates from the local chapter if the Red Cross who will attend he regional conference In Charlotte text Tuesday include Rev. L. n. Run in, Messrs Glee Bridges, B. N. Ikvmee. W. K. Mnuney, Mesdames 'ride Ratterree, Grady King, J. N. Jamble, and Miss Pauleila Adair, md others; The conference Is one f two meetings being held in North 'arollna to discuss Roll Call plans md further development of the Red ".rose service program. Mr. Lewis C. Byrwell, Chairman of be Melcklenburg County Chapter vtll preelde and the Invocation will e pronounced by Rev. L. B. Hamm, toll Call Chairman of the local 'hapter. ? I ! ti id the World 1 s. COBB of Health 5. COBB 'ed the treasnTe-seekcr into Alaska more of optimism than experience s of the old settlers, who mainly e sheep business was a debasing Cf)S& ?F \ T>EFg>JSE. J I rn-mer of a .team belonging to an Jig to tho ranchman and the latter ridence waa conclusive enough but lawyer had wit enough to demand to it that the Jury was made up he argument*, the twelve good men mt. Almost immediately they ro>r himself and his associates, gave here jnry solemnly declares that teep country. In the second place, cable dog, eo it stands to reason him fust. Such be in' the cam. we i got to pay all the costs and dont he grounds of self-defence." hears, lea.) , All Voters # Si .i- .an. M.r,i,.l1iart'ad " Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. ' T Boy Scouts Court Of Honor Held Thursday The first Court of Honor, ' lioj Scouts. for the Kail and W'inter" season was held hi Hie C|i> < o i; i room i Thursday njkht.. Oct. 2(>th, at V;3f?| o'clock. In the absence ol ('our'j < llev. I'. I). Patrick, on at-1 count .it-services at his ctiurcti. Au-j hrey. Mauney - acted as chairman. tii i cpoind with tlie. repeatlnK! Of til.- Scout Oath led by It M. | Jschi. >, Stout Kxecutive; Aniiouiiectneiii-s ?efe made after' uhicli t'ite tlctin pit.i eoi.V'i; ar. fob _ ? iri?-i-iT><r-'ir-i'r *i Tenderfoot Rank Joe McDiial" 1. .lauo-a Ab xand'er strkes Kdiei. .V First. Class Rank tirmly iHMiRuTdtier. .1, 'I*. M< (5inhis, 5. . 1 ! Merit Badges ? Carpentry lJ;i v id Mi Daniel. A." S. M 4. . Fireman?hip David M< Dan el. A. S. M.-, j. First Aid To Animals David McDaniol, 4; Wilson Bedford. I; J. T. Mctiillliis, j. Handicraft J. T. McGinn Is, 5; David McDamei A S. M ., 4. t -i Leathercraft David McDanid, A. S. M.. 4. Personal Health I J. T. McGinnis. 5. I Safety David McDanlel. A. S. M.. 4. > Life Scout Rank 4 Gene Davis, 5. ^ Awards of previous Courts were made after which the meeting closed 11 with the Scout Benediction. Arrangements have been made to hold the regular Court of Honors at the Town Court Room. For this pun pose this room will be excellent. TJie date for the next Court Sea slon is Thursday, November 17th, ? and all Scouts and all town people I interested in the development of this great influence for Christian citizenship are urged to keep this date open. The Boy Scouts are urged f In molro qoi?1?? V M luttav vm ijf a|'|ll<V?kl"IIO iVr IIIVJT ^ advancements and get to work In ^ real earnest to keep our cotnmunity ahead as a Scout-minded town. & Men's Club To Hold Constitution i f Meeting Tonight ? At the regular business supper . meeting of the Business Men's Club ? this evening at 6:00 o'clock the newly discovered constitution of the club will be read. al The executive board of the Men's Club have a number of recomnieua:> tlons to make to the oiganlzatlon and these matters are to be acted upon. President. Glee A. Bridges announced at this meeting Ihe nominating committee would make their i report and new officers elected. t? The Constitution of the Business T Men's Club reveals that the organt- C zatton was founded on very high ol ideals. The Motto la "A Big and Bet- t< ter Oty and Community." The ob- o Ject is : To unite In one local asso- tj elation the men who have a fratern- tt al fellowship, a lofty civic. consttlence and ctvlc pride, a sense of value and a power of united constructive effort, and a vision of this city and community, not as It is. but as he wishes It to be, and will work1 to make It. i The purpose is: To Increase the efficiency of its members by demand Ing of them the highest e-thlcal and | moral standards in their respective] vocations and encourage the adopttion of, the mo?t improved methods and Idea In their business or profes-! sion and to co-operate with other organizations of similar purposes. Wage-Hour Booklet To Be Distributed A pamphlet which will carry a dls Cusslon and explanation of some of the features of the new wage-hour law which became effective this week will be distributed from the office of the North Carolina State Employment Service. Title of the pamphlet will be "A . Oiling for Hours?a Floor for \Va gea ? A Breag for Children." Representatives are tn Kings Mour. tain each Tuesday and Thursday at the City Hall and any citizen may have a copy of U1I9 booklet for the asking. lust Register I * tain I HURSDAY, OCT. 27. 19*3 DEMOCRATIC - .? W. li | I HpiLaj nl ' tWK. ; {.,;>> .i' ^^ fl **" [*T)&9mHHI I " .mm Congressman A. L. Butwinkle, ipeaker at the Democratic Ral Congressmai ro Speak H Jons To Present ^oving Cup Jn order to- stimulate Civic " 1 rovpment and to rtoogndze mo.i 'here recognition is due, the Lio lub of Kings Mountain lias decid > present a lowing eup each year Dine outstanding Citizen. This CI sn is to be chosen for f"? u ;lfish Civic Service rendered. A Secret Committee, composed r?Cs member Irem each cf the folio ig organizations: The Minister] ssocintion. The Town Council, ti enior Women's Club, the.Junior A' len's Club, the business Mei lub, the Stag Club, and the L.Io; lub, will be appointed. This coi littee will select ti;o citizen for tl ear 1939. Due to the wide seletl f committee members an appoii lent based on merit alone will mured. Present plans are to award t )39 Cup next fall at the Lions I ice Night. ' Ralph Gardner, candidate f tate Senator, gave an lntdrestii ilk at the Lions meeting la huraday. He sounded a warning leveland Countyltes as to the e1 f our one-crop. one-industry a; ym. He adhocated diversified ag aiture and industry ? wants cot r to wake up and make itself i active to new industries. Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS CVER\ BODY in Maryland knows his Havre <ie GTace. Most al the natives bet . on horses anr everybody is interested in races. A young fellow down there that kind of made a living following the horses decided to nave his mothei come down and see the town anc take her to the races, so he wrote her. At the finish of the letter h< said. "Bring something to put or the homes.' Well, the Mother cam< and they went out to the races anc he noticed she had a parcel she wai carrying, and he asked her what i< was. She said, "Well, it's an olc eiderdown blanket we had there Ifs the only thing I could find U Kon the horses. I hope it's no shabby and you won't h aahamed of It" <>mirt?sa Men Itetira. las.) n New Regis ierald SALLY SPEAKER } ! ?? I . MMMMU & ' ^ ;^te> |b ^I F* j/t . ygB ^B| W 4 l ^r 3 fc\ . ri BP ' Vt ' ' 1 mt [ I :< : t r 1 .1 ... ... .. .. - . ,1 of Qastonia, who will be the main j ly next Tuesday. | I n Bulwinkle ere ? h ' Major A. L. Hulwiukle, Tenth Congressional District Congressman 1 .oin Gastonia will deliver the main address at the Democratic Rally .text Tuesday .evening. November I, J a the Central School Auditorium, at j 7:30. Tito Kings Mountain School ?' Rand has been Invited to play, and ,?lans are being made to take care ,IS of a large crowd. Pc Mr. J. B. '1 homaason. Precinct ( ,r Chairman, said: "We Should have a l' gocd crowd out to hear the Major ' [D and tltow cur appreciation for his 1 lToris in securing a Post Office forj of Kings Mountain." ?r" Peyton McSwaln. County Demo ! ,a -ratfe Chairman of Shelhy, will be | QA present fcr tile rally and will bring t him most of the candidates for-I 1 H V; Itlce. Others from Shelby are also n3 - _ I ^ III UI.IV1IU. I ^ AU democrats are Invited to com? ' ( int ana hear Major Pnlwinkle. Re-j . neniber the time And place: Central '< ijpl School Auditorium. Tuesday Even j' ng. November 1st, 7:30. ( I Air. Arthur Hay. well known Bible- \ ] Class Teacher and after-dinner. "a" speaker will introduce Congressman s .. Bulw Inkle. _ 4? I 01 PREACHING MISSION as j :Sl Tlte Preaching Mission being con'? ducted at the Lutheran Church each ( r" Event lug this week contiuues tonight (Thursday) and Friday at , Tl" 7:15. Dr. R. Homer Anderson, Su- ] m" perintendent of the Lutheran Synod il" of Virginia, 1s bringing helpful Gospel messages to a filled Church each evening. A cordial Invitation la ex.ended to every one for the two re ? uaining Semi-ices. | New Manager At Belk's j Mr. Fred R. St all worth; of Wood' j ruff, S. arrived in Kings Moan[ tain Monday morning to take over the managership of Belk's Depart-j ' meat Store succeeding Mr. O. \V. I Myers, who has been manager since ^ the . store opened here several ycats t ago. Mr. Stnllworth Is a Voung man | of .pleasing personality and has had j several yeans exporienew with the t . ktolk Stores. Mr. Stallworth is unmarried and a member of the Presbyterian Church. 1 Dr. Echols To Preach \ At A. R. P. Church j Dr. L, I. Rchols, traveling secre? tary of Home Mission Work in the J General 8ynod otf the A R. Presby. terlan Church, will preach at both t service Sabbath in Boyce Memorial 1 Church. The pastor, Rev. W. M. ^ Boyce. is preaching each evening ' this week In Spartanburg. The pub I lie is cordially Invited to bear Dr. JCchols. For some two months he has t ' been a resident of Kings Mountain. itration, Saturd L? ' ' . . . . . .1 HERALD FIVE CENTS PER COPY :* . t Fall Floral Fair 1 To Be Held 1 Next Week I S|M'users of t Kill Klor.i! Fair, 9 o Im> hold KiMay, November 4th, ire leaving no stoni-a unturned, lor t 9 uakiiiK this oil,;' i ; tln> r>? st held In HH'lil veal's. It- the weather is miVt'.nj: hk' . favoruMl" a i\t mi- rful . i * w?? t huh] In .minis. qu* his |?e, i}. e alw.v* at their ?..s> n tli -?tfi nruti. iiuc il. ilowers, \> rl.lsl .'If., MilltlT ll(Mt|lH'tll, etc. ") lets in*-: , I the |t.i/sar are to Jlan- a ji<m <1 collect Ida ak. tni'. ;.'!. !; ?? >t viu'h 'opportunity e III.itii ! !? ; ':< ?;? til., i-'-' ... a liv. 'if prize*' liil lium i " 9 FLOWCH department hry3rnt?ier>-i>fr* . . .jH 1. . >. iiufji. I'. xnr:?.ibt?. " two u Fiv<- Xiiidnat m .< ?' :: ci.on i;i? above) : a in ii.'k \ I Six .re.. -1 .L v.' i bloom-, tah> \alloty), .1 .till s? ; K -li r'a Ih-pt. Store. StiHiind Insi s blooms tatty vurleyi, Wash ami tvi'vase job Clevc- ^ and Mottir t'jtnpatiy. Best single bloofn. Pair of . Silk If?e " Muuney Mill Store. I >ompont?Daisies Best collection pompous. Bed >pnead ? Nebtler Mills Sales room. Second best collection, 24 pounds (. ' led Band Flour ? Blalock Grocery. J test collection daisies. Lubrlcaion Service ? McGiil's Esso Station Second beet ' collection daisies, 24 rounds Mother's Best Flour ? Marirace Store. Best arrangement of daisy or pom ton In pink. Shanipoo and Wave ?Vnsell Beauty Skoppe. Dest arrangement of daisy or pom ion In yellow. Aluminum Tea Kettel -Kagle 6c and lO^Store. Beat arrangement of daisy or pom ion In white ? Week's pass to the >lxle Theatre. ?ahlias Best collection mixed 8 blooms, 12.00 cash ? Elmer. Lumber Co. Second best (as abovel, Wash and. Irease car ? Center, Service Station Heat single bloom. Shampoo and 'Inger wave ? Vera's Boouty Shopto. Rest arrangement of pompons, "ard table ? Kings Mountain Furnlur?? Company. -9 Second best arrangement, of pom* kiiis, Tea set-?Kings Mountain I>rug 9 'ompany. Roses Best vase pink, 6 blooms, Ladles' .;,'m Jr Gents' suit cleaned?ixtgan's Dry 'leaning Co. Host vase reds, C blooms, ,2 lbs. offec ? Yarboro & Womock. Best vase whites. C blooms, Flfv? inarts Motor till?<)ii? Fulls Ser- 3 rice Station. . r Rest vase yellows, 6 blooms, Half ioles-- Foster's Shoe Service. Best single rose, any color. Weeks tass--Imperial Theatre. Best vase mixed, Hot plate ? Phi'er Hardware. Miscellaneous Garden Flowers Best bowl mixed. Two sizzling tea 4 >one steaks ? Carolina Restaurant. Best bowl In one color tone ot white. Pair Humming Bird Hoe? ?. Phenlx Store.' Beet display of any one garden (Cont'd on back page) j by JameS Preston [Opinions Expressed in This Column A., ki.a ki..... II.. a u _ r\i c iiwi iicbCBSdi 117 ?iic ? itv*B ui This Newspaper.) Ruying foodstuffs (or the family" pantry promises tp bf<-omo as comillcated in the future as riding two lorses at onco in opposite directions When Mrs. Housewife goes to mar tet next year she may have to take *Uh her a certified copy of the faxnly'8 last income tax return, a letter rom uonio i-egional government offi:ial or a photostat of hubby's pay ;heck. Or perhaps she may be able o simplify the requirements by sine >Iy displaying the holes in her shoo iole? and the tattered lining of her -oat to the butcher and grocer. The object will be to identify her- 9 lelf ae to income classification ? vhether she is in the LOW or fUOH income group ? for that will >e the inly way the butcher and groier will know what prices to charge Ridiculous as it may sound, that is he "plain language" meaning of (Cont'd on editorial page). lay Last Day

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