' BUY "W. ." ' " .' ^ AT '* HOME VOL. 34 NO. 49 State And N Condensed Ii ?National News? New York, Nov.- 15.?TThe first now of the season fell today In Albany. The snow, accompanied by rain, melted quickly. Manchester, Ky., Nov. 15.?Three men were killed In a pistol battle on the Main Square of Manchester last nlgbC The dead: Police Judw II. P. I,yttie, 3g. and his brother Dale Lvttle,1 3d; John L?. Manning Olmpla, Wash., Noc. 15.?Dr. Kent W. Berry*, society physician of this| capital city, and three other men k<< un iriai toauy on cnarges iney kidnapped and brutally beat Irving 1 taker retired coast guard officer Washington. Nov. 14.?The Nation al Cancer Advisory Council announ-. ?d today that tiny particles of atoms have been found in certain instances to be more effective than X-rays in . treating cancer. ?? > . " London, Nov. 14.?Prime Minister Chamberlain today denieh in the' House of Commons reports that he] 'might accompany King George Vr! and Queen Elizabeth on. their visit next Spring to Canada and the United States. Los Angeles, Nov. 15.?A pseudu i Enoch Arden, Davis Rowland Mac-' Donald. 45, declared a legal suicide in February 1955, but just brought back to life through his fingerprints, waited In the County Jail to see what Federal officials would do about a case like his. The former Pittsburgh broker dls appeared Feb. 14, 1924, leaving a note with his bat and coat on the bnk of the Allegheny Rller telling nis wiie, uiara, ne nad "railed in bus iness and aa a man." London, Nov. 16.?King Carol of Rumania la expected to seek British financial aid to develop his country's natural resources when be cornea here tonforrow on a three-day visit. Lancaster, S. C., Nov. 15.?Miss' Thelma Threatt. 27, of Lancaster! County, was killed near here yesterday when a car in which she was riding overturned. Two other occupants of the car escaped with mlnoi Injuries. Rock Hill, 8. C? Nov. 15.?Coroner M. J. Adcock reported today that ro far as he could learn there was no evidence of foul play in the death of Golfen Laurence Duqpan, 67 year old retired textile worker, whose body was found yesterday In a clump Of bushes On the edge of town. Duncan had been missing for several days. , > ' ' ? Washington, Nov. ' 16.?The Su . preme Court assembled- today to hear arguments on constitutionality of the TV A power program and to deliver any opinions that have been f wTltten. : ' I SiSS A " ? MM M VfMI With IRVII Correcting a . By IRVIN ' rTHE famous English actor, Sir H *" georgeous sense of humor, T1 enormous egotist and, as a rule, ego On one occasion an emotional 1 engagement at the Lyric Theatre in the fiirnor gave or'; oil farewell vliilo m England. The -.flair begat r. fnalilonablo safe, free, 7hv had itcs; I little Italian, wa^ among the rtt-.'xi to escape, though, whei one j. edbye. But luck sa. against Lis manager, his .vecompanist, the nr and everyonj else in light, Se insist, to his hotel*. Tho '-our was aowO A faction and wine, the Italian was !r Teaehe.I '.h sidewal': lio disentangl jiwp, th. _ hot!, arms about Tree isoeuudlng Idea about Tree's lips, t broken Hn .lish *,mde the driver take Tho perplexed :abby turned to ' - * ' 7oV tho blintdn' idea In yk " time of lernin', guVnor T" lie asked "At an.- rate," said Tree, "I there. Tn act quite -sure, >ut I rath that ha lergot to kiss tho night-waU Uaaim Msei hint fir fr; I . ....fch Uff = Kings ational News 1 Brief Form ?State News? Itnleigh, Nov. 15.?North Caroll-. na'o 19v8 cotton, crop, estimated al 425.000 bales. Is the smallest in 87 years the State-Federal crop repolt released by the State Department of Agriculture, revealed today. Cased on the Nov. 1 estimate. It;, was reported that growers are 26.-i 000 bales below last" month's Indira ; ted production. However, the indlca ted 225 pounds per acre average I yield is five pounds above the na ( tlonal average. * i 7*. 1 iil'.tl' ".TTJIW," worn killed and another Injured near here yesterday when a log truck in which they Were returnliiK from a: (lance crashed into a - bridge abut-! ntent and overturned. . Vadklttvllle. Nov. IS.?Mrs. Thur man Caudle. It.'!, of near Mrobks Cross Roads, was killed yesterday In an automobile collision near here. Conrad Hutihlns of Union Cross and Dallas Davis of Smlthtown were hi'h'd pending an investigation. Sheriff A. L. Inscore said. The sheriff said Hutchins was drl/i ing the other car and' that Davts owned it. Hutchins and Dayis suffered minor hurts. . Hickory Nov. 15.?Pete Hornfeck was & patient at a Hickory hospital today, getting treatment for a serious hip injury he suffered in the Appalachtan-Denotr Rhyne football game last week. Raleigh. Nov. 15.--Future of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad the Old Mulet Road, remains dark j and uncertain as negotiations fori some kind of disposal of the stateowned rail property do nothing more than mark time. Hamlet. Nov. 15.?Fire that broke out early Sunday morning destroyed two old buildings in the business sec tk>n here. Raleigh, Nov. 15.?Paul G. Spainhour. 17. N. C..? Slate College student j dietfl yesterday of Injuries suffered J the day before when his bicycle ool-j lided with a light truck. Immbcrton, Nov. 15.?A 50. year prison sentence stared Duckery Rev els. 25, an Indian. In the face today after -a Jury convicted him of assault on a female between the ages of 12 and 16. : j Myers' Department Store Opened Today The doors Of Kings Mountain's newest 'business, Myers' Department Store, opened- this morning with a host of values for every member of the family. Mr. O. W. Myers extends a cordial Invitation to everyone to visit his new store which is located In the old Fulton Building on Mountain street. Quality merchandise for every member of the family will be catrled. Mrs. Bryan Hord has been selected to assist Mr. Myers. Mr. Myers, In discussing his opening, said, "Just tell the folks to come and see me. I will be glad to serve them as I have In the past." ad the World ^ S. COBB -r-r: 1 n oversight S. COBB erbert Tree, now passed on, had a lis was curious, for Tree was an tists are not humorous. Italia: tenor had just concluded an H^CK jj i London. Following Ms final concert party to tho friends ho had made i at the theatre and culminated at become very fond of the temperate present. i the hoet insisted on ldscing every1dm. After the singer had saluted lembers of hi:, supporting company, td that Tree should accompany him . M. and what from excitement, afi a highly exhilarated -state. Aa he ed himself from Tree's supporting 'o neck and implanted u moist end hen fell into n waiting cab and in him to the Lyric Theatre. Ht v. in' this cove to the theatre at this L would suggest that you take him er imagine be has just remembered :hman. i totems, leal . ta, f jj. :*L.w WP? *1 Moun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. TH v&out Conference Encouraging Court of Honor Tonight Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held- .tonight at al '^e Town wiourt Kooin. A very inut h larger attendance of Scouts and IcaderB Is expected on this occasion thun attendee} the October Court. At that time tic; attendance was reduced because of a large number of conflicts. tTJie Scout Conference held last Thuisday night following the dinner aim program of the Business Men's ('lull at the Woman's Club Building was a complete success and gives great encouragement to the program ?f the toy Scouts of. America In Kings Mountain. Chairman W. K Muuney and- reports were heard trom each committee about his activities and plans. Every tioop was represented by their Scoutmaster and Assistant and each Scoutmaster reported on (Inactivities of each troop. Kach troop pledged llself to recruit at least two new members at once and nuah ih? ? ? , vv I'l^fiuiii as outlined for Stan tin id Troops In the Piedmont Council. It was reported that nearly 100 hoys in Kings Mountaitl are receiving "Boys Life", the official magazine of the Boy Scouts of America. The complete budget plan was urged for every troop so that every Scout might have the opportunity of reading this fine magazine. W. K. Mauney Elected President K. M,- B. and L. Association Mr. W. K. Mauney. prominent local Mill Executive, was elected aa president of the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association to replace A. E. Cline who has served aa president for the past .0 years. Mr. (Mine resjgned on account of III health and because he is leaving shortly for Florida for an extended visit. In this Issue of The Herald will be found resolution passed by the Foard of Director thanking Mr. Cline for the valuable services he has rendered the association during his leadership. Mr. Cllne will remain as a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. W. K. Mauney, who was elected at a special meeting of the dl rectors Monday night is one oi Kings Mountain's most fnogreesive business men. He operates two textile mills here. ... Men's Club To Entertain i u 1 - iTicmoers i/i JLions Club Men's Club will entertain members of the Lions Club at their annual Thanksgiving turkey supper next Tuesday evening at the Woman's Club building at 6:30. The pro gram committee consisting of Haywood E. Lynch, Chairman, Rev. W. M. Boyce. Johnnie MoGill, Harold Hunnicutt, and Dr. W. L. Ramseur met Monday night and arranged an Interesting and entertaining program. Clarence Kuester, Executive Secretary of the Charlotte- Chamber of Commerce will speak and a baseball question contest will be conducted between the two clubs. A local colored quartette will sing during the supper. House Badly Damaged By Fire The house occupied by Mr. and Mi*. Gillie Falls on Gaston street was badly damaged by fire 8unday afternoon about 3 p. m. The interior and roof was damaged by both fire and water. The fire started from an unknown origin on the back porch. Fire Chief Gray King estimated the damages at several hundred dollars, probably In the neighborhood of $1,000. The funlture was removed and was not damaged. It was understood thnt IhA hntito ivo*, The Falls have moved Into the O. T. King residence on Oaston street. Congregational Meeting At Lutheran Church The anhual business meeting of St. Matthews Lrtitheran Church will be held In the Parish Building this Friday Evening at 7: IS. Items or business, and the 1639 budget will be attended to. The Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. W. K. Maun ey, will present the budget for the congregation's approval. This year the eongregatlon Is not making an every member canvass. Pledges w|ll be made voluntarily at the Morning 8errlce November 27th. The Pastor will make a brief address at the eon gregatttmal meeting. Every member Is urged to attend. ? ttain I UR8DAY, NOV. 17. 1938 FALLS HOME AFIRE I \ 1 faifj -tfr- ] Above I* pictured the C. B. Falls Mrs. Pillls Falls which was badly IWrVSWrrSirTakSrt wnllJTRaftrS assn en the roof fighting the firs. Grady Cole Business Mei Town Council Approves Advertising Polder Tin* Town Council in their regula' meet!ug for November held Tuesdaj night approved the expenditure ot one third the cost. not to exceed $100 for- an advertising folder ot Kings Mountain and the Cattle ground TJhe Town, the Men's Club and I .Ion 8 Club are Jointly preparing the folder. The total cost of the folder will be about $250.00. Dr. Mitchell, County-Health Officer appeared before the Hoard for instructions to the Milk Ordinance ot Kings Mountain. Dr. Mitchell will see that the Standard Milk Ordinance Is enforced. The Board members approved the signing of an agreement with the Southern Railroad pertaining to the construction of the overhead bridge. All members of the Board1 wer* present with the exception of John Mauney. Junior Women To Sponsor Party The Junior Wohtan's Club is spoil .-n/nug u > uauKsgivmg vnanty party at 8:00 o'clock Friday evening November 18, at the club house. Bridge, rook and bingo will be play ed and there will be numerous and attractive prizes. In addition to these games there will be a turkey raffle and a cake auction.. and refreshments will be served. All members of ihe club have tickets for sale at 25c each. When buying your ticket please specify the game which you prefer to take part in. Everyone is cordially invited to come and enjoy the fun and by so doing you will be helping to care for the uunfortunate of Kings Mountain. All the proceeds will be used to furnish materials for the N. Y. A. workroom, where* garments are made for needy children. Notice to Club Mambors If you haw playing cards that you are willing to lend for the Charity Party Friday night, please notify Mrs. Claude Hambright, Mrs. Ted Gamble, or Miss Rachael Gofortb, Tallies, score pads and pencils are also needed. Remember to take your "White Elephants" to Mrs. W. B. Thompson. Will Rogers' Humorous Story OJ niUL KUUEKH 'I'HERE was a kind and an innocent guy arrested not long ago (or getting into a fight with a street ear conductor. Ha had hit the conductor when the conductor saased him, and it seems like that was against the law. although there wasn't anr law against the sassiag of the passenger. So they had him dragged up fil police Court, The judge kinda sympathised with this poor fellow, and he says, "Well, you look like a decent oitiien. Have you ever been in trouble before ?" "Yes," says the eltisen. "Well, that's different. What ldnda trouble, if I may make so bold?" "Oh, all kinds, judge. You see I have a mother-in-law and I been in plenty trouble since I got her, but that ain't nothin' to what there will be when the bears about this." HsMl.isMivilMnm.bal .. . I ? lerald * . '"' Hf I * " -? " '. 1 .;N! J- ' V." ! '?* " SUNDAY AFTERNOON" ^j . J'" "J I h ? *(j| y* r*j home which fa* occupied by Mr. and hv fire A.mdev .fWnoor waa at ita height. Firemen can b* Addresses n's Club * ? . i Club Report* Year's Activitie*. ' 1 More than sixty tAen attended the dinner program meeting of the Business Men's Club last ,'lhuisda.v even i , ing at the Woman's Club' Building and heard an address by Grady Cole, celebrated radio commentator of WBT of Charlotte. . | | Grady Cole rambled along in his usual radio speaking style and, brought one laugh after another. His speaking was in his own words u?- j prepared. He talked about himself, j the radio station and other matters as they came to. his mind. llhe newly elected president. L. Arnold Kiser. presided' at the meeting. " Mr. Cole was presented to the Club by J. R. Davis, the program chairman for the occasion. Present at the meeting as guests of the club were the Scoutmasters, Assistants and Troop Committeemen of the seven Hoy Scout Troops of the community. These men together with the Scouters who are members of the Club remained for a 8couters Conference which followed the meeting of the-Club. The Board af Directors made the i fytllAU'lncr "~-1 * ? . ictTiiiiiiicuuiiiiuiis wmcn I were approved: | 1. TJiat the Club sponsor with the | Lions Club and the Town an advertising folder connecting the Battleground and the Town of Kings Moun tain and that for this purpose the ex penditure up to $100 be authorized, j 2. That the Club give a contribu-j | tlon of $5.00 to the Junior Woman's! J Club to aid them in their Safety l Campaign in the School System. I 3 That th!e Club sponsor a similar campaign to last year in Christmas i street lighting and decorating. 4. IVtat the Chile's contribut'ons and activities be published in the Herald. In accordance with the const ftu tion'al requirement of the organization both of the contributions authorized were passed upon and recommended through the Miscellaneous Committee which consists of C. G. While, chairman. Rev| W. M. Boyce and W. K. Mauney. The Public Affairs Committee re (Cont'd on Editorial page) ' Third Fire In A Row Tuesday Night It never falls to happen. When the local flro fighters are called out to two fires another one quickly take^ place. The fires have always com< in a scries of three. The first fir* In the present series wus Sunday, the second one was Tuesday morning and the third one was Tuesdaj night at the Home Stores on Moun tain street. Very little damage was | done, the fire had already been ex] tinguishcd before the firemen arrived. A quantity of gasoline became ignited near the flour rack. The third fire was unusual in that the alarm was sounded while the firemen were in session for their reg ular weekly meeting in the fire station. The firemen were already on the trucks ready to go when the alarm came In. This is the first time in the history of the department that an alarm was sounded when all the firemen were gathered at their meeting. ' 9 Small Fire Tuesday Morning Firemen were called out Tuesday morning tp extinguish a small fire at a house on Dllling Street. Damage was estimated at about |6.00. The tire was started by a spark on the roof. The house is the property of the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association. 1 READ THE J K" 3P , HERALD FIVE CENT8 PER COPY Major Improvements In Postal J Service ' 1 > V Parcel Post Delivery Inaugurated Major improvements in the postal r? nlrt! (or Kings Mountsin citizens weie announced this week by Post martoi \\". K. nfnkely. Parcel Post deliveries to both business houses ami residents began Tuesday. I>ellverlts an- made by Poatman lirysn I lord in a cat leased by the Post Offlfe department. Pur eel Post la defiled as iNKksgm larker than a pounds. Heretofore patrons had to personally Ko to the post office for their package*, now they will he delivered right to your front doqr '1 Another- big improvement is that mail scoii will lie dispatched both Hi.llll anil south from tctnim w?nn. tain up 'to ' :!tn P M at night. The mail will lie carried to Gusto'ila by v star rente driver and dispatched by train from there. All classes of mail will he sent on this lale delivery; Including Parcel Post. Residents of Kings Mountain will he able to wait S'v hours longer and yet have their tnaii leave Kings Mountain the same night. Before all mall placed Ih the Post Office after 6 P. M. remained In Kings Mountain overnight. Plana tro now being made for this service, and the exact date it commences, will be announced later. Another Improvement to he an* nounced soon ts that mail that has been being thrown off of Southbound train No. 3? will be taken off nt Gastonla and brought to Kings Mountain by. a star route driver. Sometimes when the mail is thrownfrom the fastly moving train the pouch falls under the train and the mail damaged. This new service wilt not delay the arrival of the mall and at the same time counteract the danger of having the mall damaged. Postmaster Blakely is to be congratulated by residents of Kings Mountain for his untiring efforts in making these major Improvements possible. Guy Bradford construction engineer with the U. S. Post Office peparttnent was in Kings Mountain recently making a topographical sur VP V <lf ih'O lot ? . .w. ivvicu 1UI I HU new Post Office building. Comers of the properties were established. and titles to tlie real estate were traced. Moles ten feet deep were dug at four cornet's of the property to determine the nature of rhe soil with respect to the foundation of the building to be constructed. The engineer stated he would need tho findings to druw up plans 'and specifications for the new building. Lions Amateur Show A Success Moss and Rawles Tie For First And 8econd Place The Lions Annual Charity Show, which was an amateur show, this year was held) at the High School ou ditorium last Friday night. A large audience cheered and applauded the many fine acts which showed much talent and preparation. The Judges, alter much deliberation, selected four acta and submitted them to the audience for their final rating. MIbb Faye Moss, who played a clarinet solo, and Miss Gloria Rawles. who danced and sang, tied for first and set-end prizes, which were divided. The Norris "Brothers with their mu sic ana dunce took, thinl prize, and the Girls' Septet composed of Colleen Campbell, Rachel Smith, Mar- ' * J garet Katterree. Maude Plonk, Glorln Cornwell, Melva Settlemyre and Sybil Davis, received fotirth prize The proceeds of this show will bo used to buy glasses and pay for examinations for needy school children with poor vision. Lions Meet Tonight Although the Dions Club previous ly voted to omit the meeting scheduled for tonight, the Directors thought It wise to go ahead and meet at the Mountain View Hotel at 7 o'clock. No speaker has been Invited, and all Dions are urged to attend as a program of fun among club members has been planned. 'a Attend State Convention < - '? 'M The following from Kings Mountain attended the State Baptist Con ventkrn which was held In Raleigh Tuesday and Wednesday: Rev. and Mra. A. O. Sargeant and family, Mr. and Mra. D. P. Hord, Mra. H. t> Tate, Mra Ray Kh-by. Mr. W. C. Caveny aitd Miss Viol* White. -

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