"ORPHANS OF Fleeing 4 tornado noar Clyde, Texas, pi auiomobllo toaaed a quarter-mile away, a ehlld'e whimper In a roadaide ditch..' Rutladge, water up to hla chin, hotdlnt above water. Relativea being unable to * arranged a maintenance fund to eupporl prom lied scholarships and ranchmen a The Red Croaa will help the boye m - 4 MARGRACE NEWS (Mra. C. L. Jolly) \Mra. W. E. Biackweider who It! a patient in .Rutherfordton is improving and expects to come home sooo. Mr. and Mra. M. O. Ledford of Winston-Salem visited Mr.; apd Mrs. Charlie Moss over the week-end. Mr. W. E. Biackweider, Mra. J. C. Jolly and Maude Joly visited Mrs. W E. Biackweider who la a-patient in Rutherfordton Hospital. Mrs. R. P. Thomas and children tailed Mrs. Oscar Metioh' in Gaffaejr Sunday. Mies Louise Brackett of York S. C., spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mra. S. N. Gibson carried their little daughter. Selma, to High Shoals Friday evening to spend the week end with her grandmother. . Mra. E. B. Olive is at the Margrace Clubhouse Tuesday of each week, to teach sewing, reading, writ ing, arithmetic, to any one of the Margrace community that are inter-; eated. The Tri L,. Club of the Margrace j will hfLvp their regular rlnh meet ins I Friday night. All members are urged to be present. All the ladles of the Margrace who are not members are Invited to come and meet, with them. 'Mr Raymond Sanders who has been sick for sometime does uoti show any Improvement. Mrs. Frances Parker and Miss Liztie Parker of Maiden, N. C., visited ; , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jolly and family Sunday. Mr. Johnny Jenkins who is suffering with an injured eye is improving. Mrs. R. P. Thomas and Mrs. C. L. Jolly were Gastonla visitors Satnr ?*y. . . Anyone Can Grow Certified Seed Any farmes or anyone interested In the development of superior crop seed may become a member of the North Carolina * Crop Improvement Association and grow certified oeed. But it is necessary to belong to the association and to meet ita rigid requirements before your seed will be certified and permitted to carry the nffirlnl hlne tftsr of the association. A. D. Stuart, reed specialist of the Crop Improvement Association at tttiate College. Mis you how to produce oertlfled seed: First, cbtain planting seed approtrad for certification by the North Carolina experiment Station at State College. This provision, is made to protect farmers from varieties that have not been teeted for adaptation jjv la this State. After planting, the seed must be checked In the flejd by a representative of the N. C. Crop Improvement t Association and found true for the & variety, free of noxious and common weeds and diseases that might make the aeed unfit f6r planting purposes. After the seed are harvested, germination and purity testa are made hy t|te seed analysts of the State De lawm of Agriculture to determine whether Or not they meet the rigid requirements of the Crop Improvement Aeeetlaikin. B The tongue of the giraffe grows la It fetches fa length. <">. TH ii i i THE STORM" || V \j f JRB - . irents of these babies were killed, the.l Hours later a telephone lineman heart There he found 3-year-old Jesse Oonati I hie 3-months-old brother Oaryl'a hea< sare for the orphans; Red Cross worker: t them until they are 16. A Texaa colleg tarted a herd'of cattle for their benefit . ike adjustments as they grow older. State Winners Will Attend 4-H Congress As a reward for outstanding re ports of project activities, five North Carolina 4-H Club girls, together with the 4-H Health Queen, will receive free trips to - the National 4-H Club Congress at Chicago, 111., Nov. 26 to December 3. Mlse Prances MaoGregor, assistant State 4-H Club leaders, has announced the winners of the awards., as follows: Ruth Alexander of Iredell County, for keeping the best records Margaret Klnlaw of Cumberland County, food preparation; Helen1 Hlg don of Jackeon County, food conservation; Lucille Oupton of Vance County, rural Electrification; and Mildred Edwards, winner of tbe 4-H Style Revue held at State College In October. The 4-H Health Queen who will make the trip is Ruth King Mason of Iredell County. Two other girls can win the trip by capturing sectional contests, results of which will be announced later this month. They are: Elotse Mc Laurln of Cumberland" County, state winner of home beautification, and Carmen, Nicholson of Jackson County, who excelled in the State in hand '.crafts. They will receive watches as State awards. The BethWare Club ol Cleveland County will compete for National awards in social progress. .Funds for the trip of the State winners are provided through the National Committee on Boys' and Girls' 4-H Club Work. Local contri buttons will make possible the trip for the health queen. Sales Controlled By Majrket Quotas Cotton producers must work to get her if they want to reduce the surplus and make possible an Improv ement in the price situation, states E. Y. Floyd, AAA "exibutive officer at State College. "The present supply of cotton is excessive and unless adjustments are made the surplus is likely to get larger," Floyd sayS. "The AAA farm program provides marketing quotas as a means for controlling the amount of cotton to be marketed. Without quotas tn efTect. however. It u-nnlff Ko nniothlA Inr nnn^nrvmsra tors to offset the adjustment efforts of their neighbors." Marketlnk qu> 'as were provided in the AAA so 'hat farmers could adjust surpluses when the latter threatens to drive down Incotjte. Flovd points out that with quotas In effect the cooperator can sell all the cotton he prdttuce* in 1939 with out penalty. On the other hand. the - farmer who overplants his cotton acreage a) totment will he encouraged to hold from the market all cotton produced 'n excess of his farm's quota. All cotton sold from the 1939 crop above the quota will be subject to 3 cents a pound penalty. The referendum on cotton market Ing quottas will be held Ilec. 10. All tarmera who produced cotton with a staple less than 1 1-2 inches In length tn 1938 will be eligible to vote. An outbreak of human sleeping I slckneee la Massachusetts has been' traced to horftefc that die of encepha-; lomvelltts. a similar ailment . in' horsee. 2.1 ! '? v 2 - - - - . ??l B KINOS MOUNTAIN HJJRALD, TH Notice Of Sal For 1937 County As required by laV, I, as S will sell at the Court House Monday, December 5th, for unpaid 1937 taxes due tl following described real ests er, description of land and a paid and the township in wh scribed in each case is the la taxpayer as shown on the ti be added in each case the an interest to the taxes. This sa day to day, or to such time a the event said sale is not ha date specified. No. 4 Township Corporations Southern Railway Co $322.80 Central Investment Corp. ? 1 lot 120 100 (.laston street 12.32 t&tiGQU *w. No. 4 Township ............ 3.27 N. C. Mining Co. ? Mineral Interest in 33 acres 3.30 ' ' 4 V No. 4 Township, Colored Ackerson, Carrie ? 2 acres near Park Yarn Mill '.. 36 Adams. June ? 1 lot 55x100 Wilson Street ...'. 3.68 Adams. Nancy ? 1 lot 110x150 Ridge & Dllling , .90 Allison, Watterson ? 1 lot 50x180 Ridge street .............. $2.73 Bell, 1-evi ? 21 acres No. 4 Township 5.74 Bell. Mary ? 26 ucres -No. 4 Township .. $2.69 Bfnlck. Sara ? 1 lot 50x125 Parker street . . ... 2-31 Blalock. Walter ? 1 lot 50x125 W. S Watterson st 4.85 Blalock, Wash ? 1 lot 25x125 .42 Blanton John L. ? 1 lot 174x250 N. E. corner Dllling; 1 lot 75x300 N. E. corner Dllling 3.56 Borders, Cortne ? 1 lot 50x100 W. 8. Waterson street $1.68 Boyd, iMiles ? 1 lot 60x125 W. 8. Tracy .......... ......... 2.34 Brevard. Maggie ? 3 1-2 acres No. 4 Township .. .95 Brown, Hazel ? 1 lot 60x150 W. 8. Cansler street 5.16 Brown. Mary Frances ? 1 lot 90x200 E. 8. Carpenter 4.87 Brown. Sam ? 4 acres ...... 6.28 Brown, William ? 1 lot 50x160 E. 8. Waterson at. 4.18 Bryant. Grter ? 1 lot 60x200 E. 8. Cansler lunrus, Sam ? 1 lot 50x100 ... 3.17 Byers, Forest ? lot 0x100 . 3.68 "aldwell. John. Est. ? 1 lot 60x180 S. S. King street 5.11 ""arroll. James ? 1 lot 120x110; 1 lot 50x110; 1 lot 120x200 7.56 ''ash. Tom ? 1 lot 37x150 Ridge Street 1.48 "ouser, Earnest ? 1 lot 50x150 W. 8. Watterson; 1 lot 50x156 Watterson Street *,... 2.31 "rawfcrd. Louisa. ?2 acres .. .42 Currie, Spencer, Est ? 3 lots .80 Oavls, Nalo ? 1-4 acre Waterson Street 2.62 Ellis, Carrie. Est. ? 1 lot 115x150 N. 5. corner King st. I... 3.74 Kails, Phillip ? 1 lot 60x75 Ridge; 1 lot 60x175 W. S. R. R 6.11 Galloway, John ? 1-2 acre W. S. Waterson st. 5.17 Gist, John ? 1 lot 60x31 S. S. Ridge; 1 lot 10x80 rear 4.45 Greenlee, John, Est ? 1 lot 50x150 . E. S. Cansler st 2.73 Pink, Henry. Gist, v 2 acres ,.34 lack son, Tom ? 4 room house and barn value 2.26 6.48 Tack son. Tom, Est ? 0-0 Lela Jackson, 1 lot 100x400 Battleground road 3.73 Kibbler. ChArles ? 1 lot S. S. Railroad 2.52 Kibbler, Luther ? 1 lot 2.16 Lewis. Gertrude ? 1-4 acre W. 8. Cherokee ' Lewis. Rora>. ? 1-2 W a Cti?. okee st.; 1-2 acre W S Wilson street 2.88 Menms. W. P. & J. W?1 lot 143* 142 g. s. Ridge 3.24 Meeks. Tom ? 1 lot 50*150 8. W. Waters on st 6.78 Miller, 8am ? 1 acre 1.61 Mltchem, I-atwrence ? 1 lot 60*60 R. R. ' i .32 MRchem, N. W.? 3 1-2 acre? . 3.08 Mitclhem. Woodrow ? 1 lot 60*120 8. W. corner King et ........ 4.97 McClain. Alex ? 5 room house, value 600 5.27 McCleary, Elliott ? 4 room house, value 400 6.40 McCluney, Paul, c-o County Home ? 1 acre .21 McCullongta. Willie ? 1 lot 60x100 E. 8. Osnsler at. .80 McDaniel, Earnest ? 3 acres . . 2.84 Oats. James ? 21 acres. N. 4 Towsship 8.92 Oats. Jerome ? 7 acres 3.18 Perkins, I>eroy ? 1 lot, oil Waterson 1.89 Phlfer. Ophelia ? 2 1-2 acres .98 Pressley, David ? 1 tot 40x126 2.00 Pressley. Tom J.?1 lot 68x160 8. 8. Ridge st 2.7S Ramseur, Annie ? 1 lot 68x200 Watereon at 83 Rhodes. Margaret. Bat ? 1 lot 7Ox 100 N 9. Ridge 2.87 Roberts, Grady ? 1 lot 75x160 King is'iaia iSimwtfie ri - i WtflPAT. NOV. 17, 1W e Real Estate' Unpaid Taxes heriff of Cleveland County, Door in. Shelby, N. C.,'on at 12:00 O'Clock, Noon le county of Cleveland the ite, shown by name of ownmount of taxes due and unich it is located. The land demd owned by the delinquent ix return or list.., Hi ere will lount of cost, penalty, and ile may be continued from s may be provided by law, in d or completed on the above . r ' ' street 4.63 | RcbertB, Mangle ? 21 3-4 acres 6.03 j Robinson, Bertha ? 1 lot 200x 100 98 . 164 1.06 Taylor. Mattle ? 1 1-2 acrea .. 2.42 Thompson, David ? 1 lot 26x126, alloy of Watterson ,3.26 Thompson, Harney ? 1 lot 60x160 E. 8. Waterson st 3.44 Toms, It. <1.? 1 lot 90x100 Ridge at 3.70 Warren. Herbert ? 6 room house, value 600 6.09 Waters, Good ? 1 lot 100x200 .42 Wbisnant, Amando ? 3% acres .72 Woraac, George ? 1-4 acres Eagle Store Masancige .78 Wright. Curtis ? 1 lot 50x150 2.12 No. 4 Township, White Adams, Prank A.?1 lot 100x230 S. 8. or a new street 5.86 Allen. Carrie ? 68Vi acres No. 4 Township 13.70 Barker, R. L. ? 1 lot' 125x150 corner Pulton and Alexander ..... 16.17 Barnett, C. Tv?1 lot 50x100 No. 4 . Township 6.82 Barrett, F. C. ? 1 lot 165x240 N. 8. of Waco road 13.96 Barrett, T. R.?1 lot 87x126 Cansler st 3.30 Beam, Mrs. Mae Harmon ? 1 lot 53 X200 No. 4 Township 11.15 Beatty, J. W. ? 13 acrea No. 4 Township ; ;t 6.82 Belk, H. Y.?3\4 acres W. of Sou. R. R. 4.11 Bell, M. J.?2 acres No. 4 .Township 7.77 Bennett, Clyde ? 1 lot 75x160 W. S. of Highway No. 20; 1 lot 60x7? N. 8. of E. Gold; 1 lot 60x150 E. of Oriental Ave.; 1 lot 75x150 E. 8. of Highway No. 20 33.80 Bennett, W. Arthur? 1 lot 70x 210 10.24 B La lock. Andrew ? 1 lot W. S. Watterson st. ;... 42 Blanton. J. U ? 4 lots 25x175 Mc Giunls Survey 2.25 Blanton. William H. ? 1 lot 25x225; V. 1 lot 90x9l/4, 1-2 of L.lttle}ohn lot 4.56 Boheler, Will ? 2 lots 25x175 .30 Eookout, D. J. ? 1 lot 100x175 E. or R. R. 3.81 Bookcut, R. A.?29 acres No. 4 Town thlp 7.31 Boekout, V. L.?130 acres No. 4 Township 13.44 Bruce, J. B., Est.?6 lots 25x150 Fairvlew st .54 Bumgardner, Charles ?. 1 lot 75x150 McOlnnla st.; 1 lot 76x150 7.86 Eumgardner, J. O.?1 acre, York Road 10.97 Burton, R. L. ? 1 lot 125x150, corner Fulton and Alexander ... 6.94 Canby, Lon ?Hot 40x60, No. 4 .Township 3.22 Carroll, Wesley ? 2V4 acree No. 4 Township 2.58 Carson, Mrs Kate ? 120 acres No. 4 Township 16.17 Cox, James ? 1 lot 60x220 near Mrs. A. P. Falls 3.46 Crawford Minnie H. ? 1 lot 104x170 S. 8. King 18.59 Crisp, 8. A.?llot No..4 Township 12.81 Dethnom, R. Y.?16 acres No. 4 Township 3.49 Dills, A. J.?3 acres No. 4 (Township ........ 2.19 Dillingham, Mrs. A. O.?4 acres, No. 4 Township 8.64 Karly, A. U ? 1 lot 130x160 Cherokee i?ini4t?i 8.16 Barney.- Frank. Gold A Bridge*?No 4. Township 7.11 Falls. Oliver, ? 1 lot 80x213, 8. 8. of Gold at S.08 Fletcher, R. B.?1 lot 76x200 Grace at .... 6.28 FlOwers, F. H? 1 lot 36x36; 1 lot 26 xl88 6.80 Floyd, Mrs. Ann?1 lot ?0x175 Ridge st. 87 Fox, Henry ? 1 led 40x200 No. 4 Township 8.88 Frady, C. H?1 lot 76x10, Cherokee and fiHnre 8.57 Freedale, J. F ?1 lot 80x180 W. 8, Church st.; 1 lot 76x170 .... 0.11 Fulton, H. T?1 lot 60x176 Plonk Survey 0.44 Fulton, M. J.?1H acre* No. 4 Township 18.18 - 'y . - * . ; % . s . V aiataks^. ... .. Qantt, Max ? 1 lot 76x230 No. 4 Township ? ... > 3.15 Oault, C. J.?1 lot 106x218 Parker street 21.65 Goforth, A. B.?1 lot 60x150 Lackey at ; 7.02 Goforth, Ben H.?3 lota 76x160 No. 4 Township 11.85 Goforth. Mrs. L. L.?1 lot 75x210 W. No. 20 Highway ...; 60 Green, Oscar ? 44 acres No. 4 . Township ...... 11.43 Grtgg, 8. L.?37 acres No. 4 Township 0.71 Grimes, Joe ? "House No. -4 Township 90 Guyton. L. L.?1 lot 75x160 North No. 20 Highway ..........i. 6.26 Guyton, L. L. & A. H. Patterson ? 1 lot 75x150, Grover; 1 lot 26x 150 4.93 Harlowe, Mrs. Wash ? 27 acres No. 4 Township .......... .... 2.90 Hnrrilson. Boyd ? 66 acres No. 4 Xownshlp 36.85 Harrtlson. Ella Mae ? 6.85 acres No. 4 Township 2.28 Harrys. B. A.?6 room house No. 4 Township -... 13.10 Herndon, Fred ? 1% acres near Kings Mtn 2.99 iLeruuon, Hudson ? x lot no. 4 * .MA. Hiiison, D. W.?2 lots 50x150 Battle Ground Road; 4 lots 100x150 Battle Ground Road .. .66 Hord. E. W. ?. 1 lot 142x150 King; . 1 lot 20X100; 1 lot 143x211 8. S. of K. Mtn<- 30.68 Hord. Mrs. O. W.?1 lot 80x76 E. 8. of R. R. St. 7.29 Hord. J. R.?1 lot 100x160 McGlnlils .......... 8.38 Hord, R. H.?1 lot 136x230 8. S. of Fulton st. .........j ...... 10.76 Howell, Miss Elizabeth ? 52 acres No. 4 Township ^.... -11.36 Howell. P. Cv. Jr.?10 acres" No. 4 Township ..." 7.7? Hulfstetler, Mrs. J. F.?2V4 acres No. 4 Township 3.31 Huffstetler. Sam H.?3 acres No. 4 Township 7.12 Hullender, James W.?2.8 acree No. 4 Township 3.61 Hullender, Lula Mae ? 2 1-16 acres No. 4 Township 4.93 Jackson, Ephrlam ? 96 acres No. 4 Township 17.43 Jackson. W. H.?1 lot 60^x124 E. 8. Canaler 3.29 Tenkhis, A. C.?6 room house. No. 4 Township 12.21 Tolly, J. C. ? 1 lot 131x175 S. E. con ner Walker tc Carp. ...... 14.84 lultan. Mrs. Lucy ? 1 lot 375x1000 8. 8. of King St.; 1 lot 65x150 King street 10.95 Riser, H. L.?3 lots 26x150 North No. 20 Highway 91 Ktser, Mrs. Willie W.--4 lots 25x160 Church street 1.10 Klutz, Mrs. L. F? 1 lot 50x100 No. 4 Township; 1 lot No. 4 Township .- 2.64 Lewis, Dr. O. P.?2 room cottage No. 4 Township 8.03 Little, M. J.?1 lot 50x162 W. S. of vClty 4.25 Long, Mrs. Fannie ? 1 lot 25x125 No. 4 Township 46 Love. E. W. & Eva?61 acres No. 4 Township 4.81 Lyfin, r. s.?1 lot 100x150 Whitesides pojoperty ; i 6.25 Martin. E. C.?1 lot 150x233 Well street ...i...... 4.88 Mathls, Mrs. Mary Kieer ? 1 lot 88xl87Mi E. S. Waterson .... 17.01 Mauney, Mrs. C. J.?23 acres No. 4 Township 10.48 Melton. George ? 1 lot 88x160 W. 8. of Cansler .4.78 Myers. E&rle ? Filling Station No. 4 Township (.40 XMis 1 O 0r*>01 A BlHUiictii, w aturo ? i-6 miv OUA^IV N. 8. of Gold; 1 lot 36 210 Park Grace road 2.91 Mom, Mrs. Bula ? 1 lot 100x300 Vance; 1 lot 100x200 Washington 24.81 Mom, Mrs. Bula ? 1 lot 100x300 Vance; 1 lot 100x200 Washington 33.52 McGlimla. H. K.?61 acres No. 4 Township .12.99 McOlnnls, Wylte H?1 lot 98x200 cor. King 4k DUlng; 1 lot 110x160 : Ridge ' Dllllng; 1 lot 68x160, No. 4 Township 1 lot 76x239 McOinnts street 26.15 ' ' , r. MCLaughen, J. E.?1 lot 56x200 . King street 11.18 Ormand W. L?1 lot 176x276 16.81 Owens. D. H ?1 lot 100x120 No. 4 Township; 1 lot 90x181 off roar of his lot 7.18 Parten, Ethel ? 1 lot 100x826 8. 8. of King; 1 lot 45x196 rear 29.87 Payne D. P.?.1 6-16 acres 150x476 Piedmont 10.86 Peacock. Rss ? 2 seres No. 4 Township ...... 3.30 Phlfer, Ben D.?44 acres No. 4 Township 19.94 J.. O. Plonk * J. H. Hord Est.?1 lot ? . * 'if i s 1000x76 W. 8. of R. R. 3.04 Putnam A. B.?1 lot 76x317 Church V 4.38 Putnam, E. W.?1 let 76x310 Church;' 1 liSt No. 4 Township ...... 10.07, Ramsey, E. M.?2 lots 25x160 Hord Survey .61 Randall, W. T.?3-lots 25x160 No. 4 Township. .......... ...... .46 Redmond, W. H.?1 lot 100x210 near K. Mtn ;... ......2.90 Reynolds. L<evl Est. ? 1 lot 100x218 E. S. R. R... 33 41 Rohm. Mrs. Mary ? 1 acre Cherryvtlle Road 3.36 Rice, Leroy ? 5 1-4 acres No. 4 Township .....I. .83 Richardson, C. W.?1 lot 90x137 N. S. ot King 14.36 , Rfddle, Mrs. Nellie P.?1 lot 102x...4 .No. 4 Township 1.62 Roberts, M. S.?1 lot 75x178 Grace ...;.. 3.37 Rollins, Fred ? House No. 4 Township 1.80 Rollins, G. G.?27 acres No. 4 Township 6.99 Roper. Jasper ? 1 lot aOxlCQ No. 20 Htghway .......... 6.80 Ross, K..? 2 lot? -3x150 Parker .......... .61 Sanders, D L. ? 1 lot 125x216 Church 7.48 Sanders. R. P. 2 acres E. S. off R R.;< 2 acres E. S. Kins.......... 9.81 Sanders. W. M ? 1 lot 85x136 S. 8. of ?mt.r .v: e.i.u Short, Miss Maggie ? 1-2 acre B. 8. of old Cherokee road; 1 lot 188x210 No. 4 Township . 8.89 Slmonton. W. B.?1 lot .70x200 W. 8. Piedmont; 1 lot 100x180 W. 8. or Wilson 10.80 Slpe, J. H. ? 59 seres No. 3 Township ............ 8.40 Skinner. J. W. ? 3 lots 25x150 North Suburbs .15 Smith. Mrs. Mary D., A dm?4 lots 4 lots 100x117 Mill prop. . .61 Stewart, D. L. ?3 acres No. 4 Township 1649 Styles. Charles ? 3 acres No. 4 Township 1.80 Thompson, John ? 10.62 acres No, 4 Township 6.3S Todd, F. C.?-House No. 4. Township 1.80 Treadway. Mrs. Beatrice Blackwell ?1 lot 60x216 W. 8. Oriental Avenue . ...6.48 Vandyke. J. P.?60 acres No. 4 Township 4.46 Wallace, C. C. ? 1 lot 105x125 Stonewall 7.68 ' Wallace. C. Wylle ? 244 acres Join John Jones ...: 3.69, Wallace. Decatur ? 2-3 acre No. 4 Township ........ ..........2,71 it. Wallace, W. D.? 1 lot 138x208 W. 8. of Peldmont ...... .82 Ware. Fred ? 1 lot 100x160 IfcOtanis . 8.75 Ware, Hunter ? 6 % acres No. 4 Township 8.18 Leone Ware ? 114 acres No. 4 Towmsrip 45.25 Ware, Mrs. Mary E.?111.4 acres No. 4 Township .... 24.61 Warllck. Mrs. A. p.?1 lot 110*200 8. 8. Mtn 23.81 Wellman, B. 8.?87 acres No. 4 Tpwnship ....15.63 >>?**> Wit tenant, J. C. ? 6 lots 100*176 E. |S. of Fajrview ...:......;, .91 White. Albert ? 1 lot 70*160 Rameeur 8.33 WlKgins. J. O.?1 lot 62x122 No. 4 Township 4.24 Williams, Charles 8.?1 lot 400x400 E. 8. of Piedmont ........ 82.80 Williams. U M.?284% acres No. 4 Township ....,\i,.. .... 29.49 Willie. Q. W ?1 lot 128x160 E. 8. of Oestoo 4.62 Wright. E. A.?50 acres No. 4 Township 9.14 Wright, J. A.?1 lot 125x110 Waco . Roao 10.63 Wrtsht. Pasha ? 1 lot 76x140 No. ?C Highway No. 20 2.54 J. R. CIJNE, Sheriff of Clevelmnd f!nuntv_ . STAR AT 8ATI nflT Mknita ttSS \/iA >i tall Irx htr^v.sx* A' mii .ir M*4a kf tta T |^i^r*.Lf?%* (k* K . ' -* > UOttUSB 1 mnDBom 'AM i Vnir *i-atfV ..-. -titmJLMZmMk&t'Y\

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