? '? ? ? ? -> f : ? i > 4 \: SOCIAL, I Of INTE PHONES 10-R A * > MEETING OF ADELPHIAN CLUB | Mm. C. W. Harper was hostess to] members of the Adelphlan Club and1 a number of Invited guests entertain i lug at ber home on West Gold streo laat Thursday afternoon. Chrysanthemums were effectively used In decorations In the rooms where tables were arranged for rook At the conclusion ot the game a delicious salad with accompaniments of sandwiches and a sweet: co us re was served. Those playing were Mesdamcs Harold Crawford. Byron Keeter, S. R. Suber. Pride Ratterree, Troy Car* pouter, Joe Thomson. L C. Parson K. A. HarrlU. Arthur Hay, W. A.j mmiiuui. miiriuumui, u. >t Baker ?. C. Mauney. W K. Mauney,! R. L. Mauney, C. B Netoler, Lloyd! Mlnch, J O. Plonk.''J. B. Anthony; and J. G. Hord. Mrs. O O Jackson and Mrs Howard Jackson came In ivr ivhwhi^mw. MISS COLLINS HONORED Friends of Miss Sara Collins, a for mer Kings Mountain girl, will be Interested to know that she In to he listed in Who's Who among Colleges and Universities for 1938-39. In order to be included in Who'.* Who. according to announcement from Asheville Normal, where Miss Collins is president of the sludeiu body, a student , must have the combination -of qualities of character. .. scholarship, leadership and potential of future usefulness to business and society. Miss Collins is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Collins, and a graduate of Kings Mountain High School. r IMPERIAL THEATRE RHONE 114 dew Playing ? THURSDAY Preston Foster in "THE WESTLAND CASE also Bob Steel In "THE BORDER PHANTOM** Serial ? News Only A Dime FRIDAY A SATURDAY John Carroll and Movlta In "ROSE OF THE RIO GRAND" nlBo Bob Baker In "THE SINGING OUTLAW" Flash Gordon and Cartoon . 10c and 15c MONDAY A TUESDAY Frederic March and Virginia Bruce In "THERE GOES MY HEART" . >, Also Latest News ,: "It's Plenty Good" 10c and 15c . COMING NEXT THURSDAY Big Thanksgiving ?SPECIAL? "LETTER OF INTRODUCTION" Charlie McCarthy 1^???? ' >f ; vV ' ** ? , _ ' ,. .. ; y;. , . ; :.. v- y ' ;, f ; ; . y. ^ \ND PERSONAL HAPPE REST to IND 88 MRS. A. H. PAT ENTERTAIN8 STUDY CLUB AND QUESTS M.rs. \V. T. Woir entertained mem berg of the Study Club and a numbei of invited guests at Uer home 01 Railroad Avenue Tuesday evening. The rooms oT tbe home wen thrown en-suite and arranged witl Oolorful chrysanthemums and othei flowers. Mrs. C. W. Harper had charge o an Interesting program, featuring ? talk on Canada and Canadian cus toins by Mr W. K Tummon wh< has been Ut' Kings Mountain fo; sometime. Mr. Tunmon was Intro ducod by Mrs M A. Ware. A reading on "Thanksgiving'.' b] [E.IJ .Ml.I I.IIIIIUIJII lUIUilUIMi IUI program. Ou arrival. the guests were serve! a delicious chicken salad course witl accessories, followed by ice crean and cake. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Dr. and Mra. John Standing Noi man. ot Kings Mountain and Gas ton la, have announced the engage mont of their daughter. N'an, to Di Daniel NI veil Stewart, of ltlckor> The wedding will be. an event c the late winter. Miss Norman is pleasantly renter bered In Kings Mountain, where sh spent a. part of her girlhood, whei her father was a practicing, physic an here and the announcement u her engagement, will bo receive with Interest. Dr. Stewart is the son of Mr. an Mrs. D. N. Stewart of Itale|gh. HONORED AT PARTY Mrs. L. P. Hater. Jr., was hono guest at a lovely party given at th home of her sister, Mrs. Charle Campbell Friday evening with Mn Ermon Martin, Miss Vick Hughe and Mss. Campbell as hostesses. Lovely fall flowers were used 1 decoration and the Thanksgiving m tlf suggested in the delicious saia and sweet course which was aerve< Those 'present included Mesdame Jacob Cooper., J. E Anthony. Hai old Hhnnlcutt, Bill Baker, M. J Ware. O. 0. O'Farrell. J. B. Thon aason, D. Coforth, G D. Harabrlgh P. D. Herndon H.T Fulton. N. I McCIU. W. G. ilughes. J. M. Patte son, ?. u. fioukt, r; i? t ampoeu. trc don Hughes, Jr., and. It. P. Baker, J CIRCLES MEET Circle Number One of Cent it Methodist church met at the hom of Mrs. J D. HuUend'?r ou Monda afternoon with Mrs. Charles Hullet tier, Mrs. Clyde llullender aiul Mn J. I?. Hullender as hostesses. Mrs. Lester Hoke, the leader, pr< giced and Mrs K W; Griffin led th c'.evot.'ouul service. M.iv.L. L. Ale: under preset:!*' i the B-hle Study ill incst interesting way. ""Delicious refreshments were Bt-T . d during the. social hour. Mrs. I rt. G-sforth. was hostess l ;FOSTER'S SPECIALIZE IN / Prompt Service Expert Workmanship Quality Materials Reasonable Prices Let Us Serve You POSTER'S SHOE SERVICE Phone 154 We Call For and Deliver ijH 1 MH>-y HI11 < > NINGS WOMEN j TTERSON, Editor > ? members of her circle on Monday afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Harpor, the leader, presided and also conducted r tho devotional. The Ulble Study waa l presented by Mra. H. T. Fulton. During the social hour the hostess ? served {empting refreshments. i r BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Falls announce f the birth of a daughter, Carolyn t Frat, on October 23rd. Personals til. ss ? - Imr. i win nvairiUT 01 i.inioillton' ha* beeu visiting relatives here. I [1 - n* t M ??v* i?I?0. ??. *J r' Thomas of Charlotte last Monday "" evening. Miss Ruth Moore has returned to the Ansell Beauty Shoppe after a il twcweeks illness at her home at e Marshvllle. y ?o? i- (Mrs. F. E. Finger spent last week i. at .Southport where she -vyas called cn account of the critical illness of s- her sister, Mrs. Frank. Plaxico. c- Mr. and Mrs. Wright Harmon had a a? their guests Sunday evening Mrs. Theodore Foglcinan atul Mr. Carl Met'raw of Charlotte. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. James Howell had as o, their guest Friday night the tatter's . mother, Mrs. W. E. Carroll of Crow ! der's Mountain, i ?o? Mr. ByrOn' Keeter has returned . from New York and Baltimore where he bought fall and winter merchandise for Keeter's Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Neisler were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Menzies of Hickory, during the past weekend. ' Mrs. Lee Harmon and Miss Virgin Harmon were guests of Mrs. Frank Goforth and Miss Louise Goforth Monday. Miss May Plonk and Mr. J. Calvin Plonk went to Charlotte Tuesday to visit their mother. Mrs. R. S. Pronk who Is taking treatment at the Presbyterian Hospital. * Bill Davis, student at Oak Ridge Military School and George Shipp of Newton, a fellow student, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R Davis. Mrs. C. W. E-lankenship and sor Alan Watts, of Augusta. Qa.. were the weeto-enci guests of Mrs. Blank enshlp's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Oault. Mrs. B. A. Murray is still very ill at Duke Hospital and while his condition is extremely critical, his family and physcians still have hope for his recovery. Misses Martha Sue Murphy an) Evelyn Owens entertained1 a few of their friends with a party at the home of the former Saturday night. Cake and ice cream was served. ' ? Mrs. Clav Poston of Shelby, nee Miss Pnie Nell Houser, of Kings Mountain, who has been critically ill In the Shelby Hospital since last ' v * -#* v * j,t *V " V> ' ; * ' v a' . ; , gj- ^ 3 jil - . mm wmmmmmmmmm tHUHSDAY, NOV. 17. iMt Thursday, Is somewhat Improved. The Woman's Missionary Societ] if the Wesleyan church are having i uulltlng at the parsonage Thursda] afternoon. 'All people who know how 10 use a needle are asked to attend -o? Mr. und Mis. Claude Tedder o! Oal. joro spent the week-end it IClnga uaiti. Mrs. Tedder a men tier of the Onkboro school 1 acuity was before marriage, Mlas Nell Hay >a of this place. Miss Bstelle Barber who has be.: connected with the Carolina Cute eft Sunday for Kannapolls wher< the has accepted a similar position Vfiss Barber's place has been filled >y Mtb. Floyd Payne. Mr. und Mrs. B. 8. Nelll. Buren, Jr, tubert und Duvld Nelll. are on a wo week's trip to Texas. Mr. Nelll vent especially to attend the Bank rs Convention in Houston. Texas, md the family w ill visit' relatives In Tyler, Texas. Mrs W A Thoinasson and sons Silly and Bdgar Lee, of Charlotte, Him ll Hi ii mi ii I ^IiV.s.is. W ijif Hmmon of Kings Mountain. Mr tfaruion of Shelby were recenl meat* of Mr. and Mrs. John Mara uih of Morganton. M,-a. Mue Walker and Mra. Goldli Mcjianiel were olnt hostesses at i bridal shower In honor of Mrs. Grac< Thomas Huffman and Mrs. Bertha Bskew Williams at the home of Mrs Walker on last Friday evening. Th< brides were the recipients of man; lovely gifts. Mrs. Seaford Jackson and Mlai Virginia Lee Jackson of rollings wood. New Jersey, Mr. Robert Kra mer of Philadelphia and Mr. Joht Brasford of Massachusetts. wer< guests of Mr. and Mrs. Seaford Jack son. Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stev art for the week-end.. Home Air Conditioning Held Benefit To Women New York. Nov. 14.?(IPS).?Wo men's housework tn the next 21 years will be halved when air con dltionlng lu homes gets In full stridt acoordug to Lin M. Butler, air flltei expert here. Speaking of the new-aircondltlon ing Industry, virtually unknown un til a few years, ago, Mr. Butler said "The growing popularity of al conditioning in the home mean more bouses that look and' are mucl cleaner with leas effort lu fewe house-deantne hours on the nan r ^ f ? v w the homemaker. I predict that 1 20 years thanks to air condltionlni dusting *111 more nearly be a weel 1> chore than the dally drudger that It is today." . ^ . t v. ' . vCfl I AT SUBSTAN1 9 ?> Ikal U ar I ChrrraUt for 1999 U the mm I tumpk of tho newest ityli ti ... It prtMnU the imurt at at its keenest and beat! 1 I know this tho moment 70a t fl dashing new Aero4}tream 81 fl ita luxorioua new Bodies by ' I and (tt richly tailored m I Virit your nearest Chevrolet im till# bom fihioiuMf mmr S.J- i Mr?toaayi . ri Gmsral Messrs Kafc J^E? - j r'X FARM QUESTIONS i Q.?Is It profitable to grade eggs t before marketing? A.?Bgg grading is uot only practical and profitable, but it soon will t be an absolute necessity If tile egg 1 'ndustry is to go ahead. The pur'! ~h; ng public Is beginning to de. in; .id a quality graded egg and the p'icducer must, sooner or later, familiarize himself with standard egg trades and quality us a producer or i ;uch a product. Not only do eggs , or 1' '""* .- jdM t motor GMrvRours I FAMOUS m VALVi-IN-HiAD I A^D M01 "*- ,.v H Subscribe To Tho Herald ADVANCEMENT I 1 comet quicker to I.C.S. trained mee. Tfcete oad 400 ether } 1 ceertet to select from: Diesel Engines Rlr Conditioning Aviation Engines Shop Practice Stert fedey-aecceed leeerrewl INTERNATIONAL 1 CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS W. F. Eckard, Representative P. O. Bo* 194 9 Charlotte, N. C. 'I FOR RENT I J \CE IN THIS PAPER Vill Amnje To Suit >0 NEIGHBORS?PRICES TO ^WITHOUT PEER" i perfect Chriitmov- I 'or die y, the *ophi?ti- J? tT >m women the world I toned gift pocking*. VI UNTAIN J IIP ANY I Store MM . 1 '* t m j ^ All PRICES^^H mt- .J Rldrn aad Bmjoio* I RFECTED KN1X^ACTX6M RID INO SYSTEM f via* ?& Wortd'm FU*~t Rid* ? * PERFECTED I HYDRAULIC HAKES V I 1 r?( FiiIiiMm fhul V m I Touch?tiotr't "thovm"! f I TIPTOE-MATIC I I 1 QUTCH [ I '"rco" I _ kings mount *