< > "I * ' , SOCIAL. | Of INTE PHONES 10-R J * < i <? ? ? ? < MEETING OF ADELPHIAN CLUB j Mm. C. W. Harper was hostess to! members of the Adelphlan Club and I a number of Invited guests entertain! ing at her home on West Gold stree last Thursday afternoon. Chrysanthemums were effectively used In decorations In the rooms where tables were arranged for rook At the conclusion of the game a delicious salad wltb accompaniments of sandwiches and a sweet co us re was served. .Those playing were Mesdanies Harold Crawford, liyron Keeter, 8. H. Buber. Pride Ratterree. Troy Car. pnvter, Joe Thomson. L C. Parsons B. A. Harrtll. Arthur Hay, W. A. "" " 1 " ' Mnrehr.fi I. P. Baker h. C. Mauney, W. K. Mauney.! R. L. Mauney, C. B Nelsler, Lloyd j Minch, J O. Plonk, J. H. Antbonyi and J. O. I lord Mrs. O O Jackson aad Mrs Howard Jackson came In! tor refreshments. .1 MISS COLLINS HONORED Friends of Miss Sara Coll inn. a for mer Kings Mountain girl, will be Interested to know that she Is to be listed in Who's Who among Colleges and Universities for 1938-39. In order to be included in Who's Who. according to announcement, from Ashevllte Normal, where Miss i Collins is president of the student j body, a student must' have the combination of qualities of character.l . Scholarship, leadership and potential j of future usefulness to business and: society. . Miss Collins is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Collins, and a graduate of Kings Mountain High School. r . W. IMPERIAL THEATRE RHONE 184 Mow Playing ? THURSDAY Preston Footer in "THE WESTLAND CASE also Bob Steel in "THE BORDER PHANTOM" Serial ? News Only A Dime FRIDAY A SATURDAY John Carroll and Movlta In "ROSE OF THE MO GRAND" also Bob Baker In "THE SINGING OUTLAW" Flash Gordon and Cartoon . 10c and 15c MONDAY & TUESDAY Frederic March and Virginia Bruce In "THERE GOES MY HEART" i AIbo Latest News "It's Plenty Good" 10c and 15c . COMING NEXT THUR8DAY Big Thanksgiving ?SPECIAU"LETTER OF INTRODUCTION" Charlie McCarthy i ji^g v ? ' v * ? : ' ; ;_ < ^i^-^---'' . ^ ; ? X ?c.i ' ?' t ?/vljtfii' . -.w 1 ., - - AND PERSONAL HAPPE> REST to1 IND 88 MRS. A. H. PATYI ! ENTERTAIN8 STUDY CLUB ANO QUESTS M,rs. NV. T. .Weir entertained mem hers of the Study Club and a number of invited guests at her home on Railroad Avenue Tuesday evening. The rooms of the home were thrown en-suite and arranged with dolorful chrysanthemums and other tlowera. Mrs. 0. NV. Harper had charge of an interesting program, featuring a talk on Canada and Canadian customs by Mr. NV. K Tumnion who has been in Kings Mountain for sometime. Mr. Ti*ntnon was introduced by Mrs M A, Ware. A reading on "Thanksgiving" bT ..MUa ilemdon concluded the program. On arrival, the guests were served a delicious chicken salad course with accessories, rouowea by ice cream! and cake. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Dr. and Mrs. John Standing Norman. or Kings Mountain and Gastonla, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Nun, to I)r. Daniel Nlven Stewairt. of Hickory. The wedding will be an event of the late winter. . MIrb Norman is -pleasantly reinetn bered in Kings Mountain, where she spent a part of her girlhood, when hec. father was a practicing physician here and the announcement of her engagement will be received with Interest. Dr. Stewart is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Stewart of ilale^gh. HONORED AT PARTY Mrs. L. P. Uaker, Jr., was honor guest at a lovely party given at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Campbell Friday evening with Mrs. Ermon Martin. Miss Vick Hughes and MSB. Campbell as hostesses. Lovely fall flowers were used in decoration and the Thanksgiving mo tif suggested in the delicious salad and sweet course which was served. Those present included Mesdames Jacob Cocper., J. E Anthony. Harold Hhnnicutt, Bill Baker, M. A. Ware. O. C. O'FarrwU, J.' B. Thomaason, D. Goforth, G. D. Hambright, P. D. lierndon H" T Fulton, N. F. TLT../T111 ir n tl mrkmi I if Dniioa ?? v?? ?* ?? w?. ? **v*. *- ? son, R O. Plonk., E I- Campbell. Gor I don Hughes, Jr., and L. P. Baker, Jr. CIRCLES MEET Circle Number One of Centrat Methodist' church met at the home of Mrs. J. D. HullemW ou Monday afternoon with Mrs. Charles llullender, Mrs. Clyde Hulleuder and Mrs. J.. IV Hulleuder as hostesses. Mrs. Lester Hoke, the lender, presided and Mrs E VV.'Griffin led the devotional service. M.:? i.x I,. Alexander prosi-nted *he-B:.h!-> Studs in a mcsi" interesting way. Delicious refreshments were servd dining the social hour. Mrs. I. it. Go-forth. was hostess to1 I FOSTER'S SPECIALIZE IN *** Prompt Service s*"" Expert Workmanship 5W~ Quality Materials Reasonable Prices Let Us Serve You FOSTER'S SHOE SERVICE Phone 154 We Call For and Deliver 'ftfk i^ii Ijgm i i c ji I I I ; . 1 I ' ' ' 'HH KiNOU MOUNTAIN H9tAI-Df Ti 1 . ' TOGS I ; WOMEN | ERSON, Editor J | 144444444444444444441114444 e nfembers of ber circle on Monday afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Harper, the t leader, presided and also conducted j tho devotional. The lllble Study waa ^ presented by Mrs. II. T: Fulton. During the social hour the hostess ^ served {emptlng refreshments. ' . BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT |t Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Falls announce the birth of a daughter, Carolyn ^ Prat, on October 23rd. ? . ' * Personals ' Mr. Tom Mostellcr of l.lncolnton has beeu visiting relatives befe. I] gI T hiil II ill 111 Iliii id a two-week's visit with relatives In I Florida. ' n (Mr. W. C. Warllck of Bluefleld. W. Va.. waa a guent of relative* and friend* la Kings Mountain lam week j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falls and chll > dre.n of Aaheville spent Friday in | Kings Mountain. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Kay Dixon of Gas- j tonia were visitors in Kings, Mountain Sunday. -o- , Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cllne left Tues day for Miami, Florida, to spend the 1 winter. ldttle Miss Shirley Watson of * Roone spent the week-end with her f aunt, Mrs. Clyde Cole and family. *' Mr. Sam Hcrwell underwent an op- ] eratlon in City Hospital, Gastonla, i Monday. J Miss Martha Frances McGlll spent the week-end with relatives In Mt. r Holly. j Mr. Herbert Plonk of Raleigh t spent the week-end here with home t folks. Mr. John Plonk visited his uncle, t Mr. J. C. Plonk at Hickory last Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. E. \V. Blanton had as ( their guests Mr. and Mrs. J. B ) Thomas of Charlotte last Monday ( evening. ? Miss Ruth Moore has returned to ] the Ausell Eeauty Shoppe after a t '.wo-weeks Illness at her home ' at Murshvllle. "iMrs. F. E. Finger spent lust week at Southport where slie was called cn account of the critical illness or tier sister, Mrs. Frank Plaxico. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Wright Harmon had ii? their guests Sunday evening Mm. ilieodcre Fogloman and Mr. Carl Mi-Craw of Charlotte. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Janies Howell had as their suest Friday night the Tatter's mother, Mrs. VV. E. Carroll of Crow der's Mountain. ?o? Mr. Byron Keeter has returned from New York and Baltimore where he bought fall and winter merchandise for Keeter's Department Store. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Neisler were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Mentties of Hickory, during the past weekend. Mrs. Lee Harmon and Miss Virgie Harmon were guests of Mrs. Frank Ooforth and Miss Louise Goforth Monday. Miss May Plonk and Mr. J. Calvin Plonk went to Charlotte Tuesday to visit their mother. Mrs. R. S. Plonk who is taking treatment at the ProsKularlan U/\osvl*ol Bill Davis, student at Oak Ridge Military School and George Shlpp of Newton, a fellow student, spent the week-end vlth Mr. and Mrs. J. R Davis. Mrs. C. W. Dlankenship nnd son Alan Watts, of Augusta. Ga.. were ihe weeb-end guests of Mrs. ninnk enshlp's parents Mr. and Mrs. C, J. 3ault. Mrs. B. A. Murray Is still very HI it Duke Hospital and while his eonlltlon Is extremely critical, his amlly and physclans still have hope or his recovery. Misses Martha Sue Murphy an! Svelyn Owens entertained! a few of heir friends with a party at the lome of the former Saturday night. Jake and lee cream was served. Mrs Clav Poston of Shelby, nee (las Prue Nell Houser, of Kings fountain, who has been critically II In the Shelby Hospital since last rfaursday, is somewhat improved. The Woman's Missionary Society >f the Westeyan church are having a milling at the parsonage Thursday ifternoon. All people who know how o use a needle are asked to attend. 0' . Mr. uud Mrs. Claude Tedder ot )al. joro spent the week-end In Clngs .u cut lit In. Mrs. Tedder a mem ?er of the O-.kboro school faculty, i vas toerore marriage. Miss Nell Ha>s of this place. Miss Bstelle Barber Who has he - it.; connected with the Carolina Cult, eft Suuday for Kannapolts where he has accepted a similar position diss Barber's place has lieen filled ly Mrs. Floyd Payne. Mr. uud Mrs. H. 8. Nelll, Huron, Jr. lobert and David Nelll, are on a wo. week's trip to Texas Mr. Nelll rent especially to attend the Bank rs Convention in Houston, Texas, nd the family- will viait relatives In 'yler, Texas. Mrs W A Tboinasson and tons lllly and Hdgar Lee, of Charlotte, (u Lw Harmon and Miss Vlrgle * sfifnfirurt YlmviTiln nr larmou of Shelby were recent ;u*sts of Mr. and Mm John Maraurn of Morganton. Mf-a. Mae Walker and Mrs. Goldle d< Daniel were obit hostesses at a irldal shower In honor of Mrs. Grace rhomas Huffman and Mrs. Bertha CskeW Williams at the home of Mrs. Valker on last Friday evening. The >rides were the recipients of 'many ovely gifts. Mrs. Seuford Jackson and Miss Virginia Lee Jackson of Collings*ood. New Jersey, Mr. Robert Kraner of Philadelphia and Mr. John ilrusford of Massachusetts. were tueftts of Mr. and Mrs. Seaford Jackion, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. SteW irt for tlie week-end. Home Air Conditioning: Held Benefit To Women New- York. Nov. 14.?(IPS).?Wonen's housework In the next 2ii ears will be halved when air conlltioning in homes gets In full stride iccordng to Lin M. Butler, air filter ixpert here. Speaking of the new-aircondltlonng industry, virtually unknown un 11 a few years ago, Mr. Butler said; "The growing popularity of air xxndltloning in the home means none houses that look end' are much ;leaner with less effort in fewer luuM-utuumu nours on tue part ot he homemaker. I predict that In !0 years thanks to air conditioning, lusting Will more nearly be a week> chore than the daily drudgery hat it is today." ' THE SMARTEST EXAMPLE Of - THE NEWEST STYLE TBEND hiMul mm ,<iri - Btrmmm B*yM*4 hllHaiM mm >ad<?? itr Wrtir, mI 0>?m<ih/m iw?uimilmty I M/vl wltk a bmmty Ikal U ?m a?l I Chevrolet (or 1999 U the mm an I wunile of the neweat ityb tre ... It pNNOti the mwM ib! at iu kaaueat and beatt Y? I know thk the momtnt yon aw fl daehlng now Aero-Stream Sty! I Ita luxurioua now Bodiee by F! fl and iu rfahly tailored mte Viait tout naareat Qwrrolet d t~l m tM, . ^--1- -? c?r?soooy/ A Geneml Maear. Kobe ^VEL ? -10 FARM QUESTIONS *.*??,*. To Th. Herald _________ e | Q.?Is It profitable to grade eggs before marketing? AMfAUmifllT * A.?Kgg grading la not only prac- . nwM W A.R\iCiVICIs I tlcal unci profitable, but |t Boon will comet qskhrr to I.e.5. trelsed * j be an absolute necessity if the egg m*"' ** other | | coarse* to select from: nduatry Is to go ahead. The pur- .Diesel Engine. ' "K PUb,? l? b^nni"K ,0, **' Conditioning I m; :.d a quality graded egg and the Aviation Engine. |p:rducer must, sooner or later, fa- Shoo P ti i .nillarlze himself with standard egg c ?* rraies and quality us a producer of Hart taday-taataad tamarrawl ;uch a product. Not only do eggs INTERNATIONAL | of 'known grade command the high CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS price on all markets, but the grading gives the producer an opportun- ^'. Eckard, Representative Ity to cull his flock to better advan- P. O. Box 194 tage and save only those bens that Charlotte, N. C. are producing the best eggs. i FOR RENT I I SPACE IN THIS PAPER J? Will Arrange To Suit 1 ^ GOOD NEIGHBORS?PRICES TO ^ FIT YOUR BUSINESS peer | Tbe royol gilt to crown a perlect CKmtmov ^ j|? tide?"Bond Shoot" by Yordloy. tbo ?opK??t?- tT cctod perhime oi wott-born women tfce world or or. In arresting emblasoned gilt pocking*, VI pricod from 12.50 to $ 13.SO. KINGS MOUNTAIN 1 ' DRUG COMPANY M I . Tho Roxalt Store ' U 9 . > n More Quality /au prices^B IALLY REDUCED PRICES |- ^ REPUC?D ,, J M t^-~bMiiii IM^^BT' Vi^B ^^wfl^gg?^<^^< :^; ""1 f mi ' :-f?V ^B i ^fc^Jn^TiiF1 r'1 n' l "ll I 1 r i '11" (.^^^ ^H^^HHIIK?^^^^B I, ; : :><:<... . I T* fcm^w// ' S Tofcfc v.,.. < i ^Miyi^HPS^BT lipBm. ^r I' J I Q ^** B JUd? aad Bmjoiom / E B and ba Safe! B PERFECTED KNEe1aCTI6n HB E) ICW B ' RIDtMO SYSTEM B Wr^v ^^1 CAR" ^^B AvallaUs m Masiar Da Xiao* I Eft B VBWUTY ?? -* 1 Its H ^ ^L____? f*^ I aj| Arwmd PERFECTED B Tiigija I Caiiiol I B \ ^ ctutcrt | I ? jff^ AND MOTOR CO. I KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. Cwmmmmmmmmmmmamm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmB mmmmmrnm^m^mm. > rnmmmm ? jm a 'I

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