Quick Result*?Low Ccat? HERALD Classified Ads 2m word for first Insertion; (half price for subsequent insertion. Minimum charge 28c. Do not ask for Information f qseardlng "keyed" ade, as they are strictly confidential. If error Is made, The Herald Is responslbls for only ons Incorrect Insertion. Tho customer In nanAnaikla fitp aiiksanuanf In. aartlona. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any corractlorva needed. Want ada arc alwaya cash In advance except to buainaaa man or oancarna having accounta with thla nawapapar. YOUR OPPORTUNITY ? liOHrn bow to dealgn toola for the manu-j factum of auch epeclultltvi a* auto-{ aaoblle. airplane*. refrigerator*. | through I. C. S. homo atudy. Free. nil i DUU'IIH. II l up HI li Piny tiwdhw tat.*"? International Correapondrnre .VJvool*. Box 194, .Charlotte. N. C. . , FOR SALE ? For cash, alx room houao, one acre land. Price $1,500.' iMrn W. H. Plmphrey, York road. PLAYER PIANO BARGAIN! Instead; of.'reshtpptng to factory. 9700.Q0, Player Piano, like new can be had for unpaid balance of 948.65 remaining on contract. Write at once to Edgar O. Netzow, (Department of Accounts). 4743 North Sheffield Avenue, Milwaukee. Wisconsin, who will advice where piano can J be seen. Kindly furnish references. ? : imp. . _ : MAN WANTED to supply Rawleigh's Household Products to consumers. We train and help you Good profits for hustlers. No ex-! perience necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified .work. Write to; | < day. Rawlelgh's, Dept. NOK-106-6?. Richmond, Va. >, . ?-i4^~?:? ; FOR SERVICE ? One registered Berkshire Boar, for one pig. Also Belgian Stallion. Fee 910-00. C. T. ' . * Ledford, Route 2. Kings Mountain. REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get one of our delicious Banana Splitj Cor only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company, -* KKVft MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM Cleaners, Small Electrical Appli noes, and SpeedometerB repaired C. L>. Ramsey, Phone 126-M, Sept. 22tfo 10UT OF TOWN (((? PRINTERS PAY )])) NO TAXES HERE U LET US DO YOUR (? PRINTING Till (Continued Next Week) . ' * * . 1 Jl^l Wr t ww1 * 'r wf) ^1 HL s ' TOM AND GEORGE George: "Tom, wherever'a person la born, that's what he is, Isnt he? f he's born In Ireland, he's an Irish* .man; if In Franoe, he's a Frenchman S# i ea . .... . _ ? mv ma mm. -wail, tr puppies mm* born In a balloon, would thoy bo Sky Terrtbra or Airdal*sT"PosslMy mo, "uld Tom, Which brlnga tha thought to ua, that you oan do aa wall, many times batter at home, than you can away from home, D. F. Hord Furniture Co. uy It For Leas At Herd's j* ^-' 1 UMiii- , .*?- . ' " ' ; " -= ; ' Tt ,THisVNTHATM By Alice Burton J Patterson Grove Section , 1 have the beA* of intentions but it seems as if I'm always saying the wrong things. The trouble, is, folks misunderstand. All I have to say here is in the spirit of fun. But if I nappcn to say anytmng tnat you disagree with, please tell me (not some one -else) and I'll apologize if I think an apology is In order. Take last week, for Instance, I was sure there wasn't anything for anyone to grumble about. Then came Saturday and a young man saying, "You know, Al, you make some folks mad' with that little column of yours." tie explained that I recently told of one family's guest and had failed to mention one girl's name. Well, the truth Is, I'm not sure that I know her 'proper' name. We find llomance! Rumor has It that one young man. whom we were about to consider a "woman-hater," (if there Is any such animal) has fallen for a girl down Rethlehem way >? ? i?ds>*^As?siMns>s>niihnsiisrnp!i? d the stage where 'the hero" brings the girl home to meet the folks. Getting pretty serious, me thinks! Writing the words "We Kind Ro manre mnae me mini 01 Keo. n? womltcr how he used to sing those word* when Atntcha a lad" wu a now book? . I have good news for friends of Jacob HufTstetler of Lackey street. Jacob (Jake to tots friends) has been In camps in Washington (State) for some time and in a recent letter to "Doc" he sayB toe ia coming home in March. Special to teachers of Patterson Grove school: In a letter from Pedrl Neeley, fonnery of tills section torn now of Fort Mill. S. .. she said to tell you that you were the best teachers In 'he wor'.d. Now Isn't that a compliment ?! A revival meeting will begin at Patterson Grove Monday Nov. 28th. Services will be held each night dur ng the week. The-W. M. U..of Patterson Grove will meet at the home of Mrs. T. P. j Ware Saturday afternoon at -2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Falls spent Sun day afternoon with the E. V. Ross' of Oak Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ware of Oak Grove Sunday. Mm'ss Eva Hanrrfck Of Bessemer City, .was a week-end visitor of her grandmother. Mrs. Ella Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Wright announce the birth of a daughter, Nov. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ware announce he birth of a son. James Hurshell, October 31st. Have You Any Extra Shrubbery? (Reported) Don't you think that the new gym naslum needs shrubbery around 'It to make the school grounds more beautiful? Mrs. Weir's homeroom 'hinks that it does. They are pre paring the soil and trying to secure shrubbery for beautifying It according tc s plan that has been drawn, if you have any of the following shrubs that you will donate to this project, please call Margaret Ratter ree at 86R: English laurel, Idgnstrum. Phltser, Juniper, Nandina, Eng Ush Juniper, Baker Art Juniper, etc. A member of the class will dig up the shrubbery that you Wish to give and take it to the school building, if you wish hl.m to do bo If you prefer buying shrubbery for a donation, please consult Margaret Ratterree before purchasing It In order to determine the type 6t shrub bery most needed. relieves COLDS 000 Headaches Liquid T?b and Fever lets. Salve due to Colds In Noh Drops SO minutes Try "Rub-My-TIsm, ? a .Wonderful Liniment t - 1 "" - Y KIDS ft |u 73p8 WHAT/ [ nEAH.THcr r JxCvy's on? J r * > " . ? . * ' ?*, . " . . ' s, ? ~- " 1 ... 1 OD KINOS MOUNTAIN MISALDTR American Farms Show World's Most Forward WASHINGTON. Noy. 21.?(IPS). ?American tanna have become the mechanized In the world, according; to S. H. McCrory, agricultural engineering expert. Mr. McCrory pointed out that while the steel plow and grain harvester were Invented only 100 years ago, gasoline tractors came Into use less than 26 yeans ago and electric power on farms is even more recent. "Today there are more than 1,250, wu iarm tractors in use ana electric power Is available on 1,000.000 farms Mr. McCrory said. "Huge combines that harvest 100 acres of wheat a day are common tn the Great Plains.' There is a strong tendency, MY. McCrory said, for engineering im provjements to aid tWe familyslrje farm Among recent developments are the handy general-purpose tractors and the "baby" combine grain harvesters adapted to small fields. Build New Waterfall But Minus The Water > HIl HHlfiilin Ami* the natural attractions of fbrest Park stands a new waterfall ?with out a drop of water. Construction of the falls was begun In April. 1937, and finished early this year ? egoept for/the water mains. It was built by WPA workers, and Is surrounded by a garden. Joseph M. Darst, Director of Public Welfare, explains that the city will have to supply pumps and piping for the water some thne next year, for the WPA to Install. The hyena's Jaws are strong enough to crush hard bones. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, Cleveland County. In The Superior Court. C. R. Hester. Plaintiff | ' vs. Inez Martin Hester, Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an action for divorce on tbb grounds of two year separation ha? been commenced In the superior court for Cleveland County, N. C. That the said defendant wijl turfher .take notice that *ue Is required .to.appear at the office of the Clerk of. the Superior Court of said County, at the Courthouse in Shelby. V. C.. on th* Slat <t?? ?t December, 1932,* or within ttoe time prescribed by law, and answer or demur to the mM complaint in eaid complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court fOr the relief demanded In the complaint. This the 21st 'day of Nov., 1922. Wm. Osborne, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of Cleveland County, N. C. ?adv?dec IS QUESTK What's the Answer? Br EPWARP roiCH TR EM BUNG when frightened 1 caused by the spasmodic work lng of the nerve force which flow between brain and muscle. There 1 e series of repeated tiny spasm throughout the nerves of the bod ceuslng an attendant reaction In th muscles which results in what w call trembling. Intense anger. Jo end certain nerve Illnesses will hav the same effect. It Happened In Ivanf - a. > !' ; . . - ri-ii toti*L-W,-r . , URSDAY, NOV. ti, 1IU NOTICE OP SALE OP VALUABLE BUSINESS REALTY IN THE CITY OP KINGS MOUNTAIN NORTH CAROLINA, * Cleveland County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale given in an order of Superior Court in thiB aause titled: "Reynolds Vs. Reynolds" the undMlennd commissioner will sell at the courthouse door In Shelby. North Carolina, on Saturday. December 17, 1938 at 10:00 p'clock A. M.. ot within legal hours, the following described real estate: Lots. Numbers 1. 2, 3. 4. 5 and * as shown on a plat or map made by E. L. Campbell, surveyor. of the Levy Reynolds' Estate, which map will appear on record In the Register of Deeds office for Cleveland Coun ty. N. C-, the said lots being bounded on the north by J. O. Plonk and M. L. Harmon; on the east by J. S. Allen and on the South by 3. K. Herndon. and on the West by Railroad Street. The above described lots are located on the east side ot Railroad Avenue and are of choice location, being splendid lots for business purposes and investment. 51i.- lots will be sold first singly inm?31ST?T?"TOff8BlTPFTrr,B"Tr whole. The terms of sale: One-halt cash and the remaining half within six months from date ot sale with (Ha dHvIIma r?f navinir nil rnnh tifWWi the confirmation of aalo. Thli the 14th day of November. IMS. ?adr?doe I. C. B. McBrayer, Commissioner. North Carolina, Cleveland County. In The Suportor Court Before the Clerk Mllea P. WHhera. PlalntlfT. Vo. Susie Withers. Defendant. The defendant, above named, will take notice an action titled as above has been begun In the Superior Court of Cleveland County, N. C., to obtain an absolute divorce upon satutory grounds and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the office of the clerk of superior court in said county where a copy of the com plaint in this cause awaits her and she to required to answer or demur to the said complaint within 30 days after November 1, 1938, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 89th day of October, 1938. A. M. H^MRJCK, . Clerk of Superior Court of Cleveland County. ?adv?nov24 ? McB. AUCTION BALK The Carpenter houae at corner of Mountain street and Piedmont avenue arlll be sold to highest bidder on Saturday, November 26th, 1938, at 2:00 P. M. M. E. Herndon. DN BOX V GET READY FOR I WINTER DRIVING Our Service Depart- j ment is ready to put your car in first class shape for the cold wea ther. Our mechanics are factory trained to render Better Service. Brin? Your Car In , Now ' Plonk Motor ; Co. e j Authorized Ford Dealer \ lac Park - Vhw.?U?^ ! WHAT* TM? *M*STAN0fiAR?[ A, ^ >. J X >* v 1 - ''' "& - *' i */ . ' , ? ' / ._ ', . ** ? * v ' <i :: thanksgiving ' :: ' ' 1 I 1 * ' I ^ > We are thankful and very appreciative for every :: J customer who visited our store during the past 1 \ ;; year. We try at all time to furnish Quality Foods ; ; at Reasonable Prices, with Friendly, Prompt Ser- > 1 ;; vice. Call Us, we are here to Serve You. '? j! BLALOCK GROCERY I AND MARKET Phone 58-R Wp n?llv?r> t _ $200.00 I IN PRIZES I H *' B FIRST PRIZE?$100.00 ;L|> I TWENTY PRIZES?$5.00 EACH ) I All You Have To Do I 1C&11 at the OfSces of the Local Building and Loan Associations for blanks and information. HOME BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION A. H. Patterson, Secretary-Treasurer ? KINGS MOUNTAIN BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION ' . - ' v . '? J. C. Lackey, Secretary-Treasurer The Contest Ends Nov. 30th. ?ni < > ? i Drink Golden Guernsey i i -km* ? mr * /I i t\ i ? ? margrace uairy : Phone 18 King* Mountain, N. C. iiiiiiniiiif by Pt'RCY L. CkOSBY. v r n nM. Op fN OtfUn KirvM* > n it, ' f * t" lg?Ui/' ' ;\-.v "<JS-; . -<rr' : / *- . . , \ "** } 5 * . . \ . V ,. / y"

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