Kings Mountain Herald Established 1?M Published Every Thursday HERALD PUBLISHINQ HOUSE, Haywood E. Lynch Editor-Manager i ?_____ Entered as second cluns matter a the Poatofflce at Kings Mountali N. C.. under ire Act of March 1878. _ subscription rates One Year ..........I. $1.0 8tx Months 7 I: ' ??: A weekly newspaper devoted t the promotion of the general we are and published for the enllghi tent, entertainment and benefit e the citizens of Kings Mountain an Its vicinity. LET US ALL BE THANKFUL Our Pilgrim Fathers at the clos H the harvest, gathered together Urn gave thanks to Almighty God (or th< blessings which He had bestowe< upon them. There had been usicknee*. then had been death. Hostile ludkiii threatened, and contact with frieud was a matter of mtrny months. The: i rn1ft?nr1 fmn rrtft Thfiv tinit mn tight* and not one of the refine Men is of life which we look upon a: ecessit lea. Yet?they gave thanks to Cod tha things were us good us they vere. In evegy age nations have pause: tad given thanks for the blessing enjoyed. Kot always have thing been pleasant. Not always huve the; been good. But always they couli bave been worse and we thanks Cod for mercy ann peace. And this Is the month of Thunkt giving. Soon will come the call fo the nation to ensemble and giv thanks for the blessings of life. ,The earth has been fruitful an< . fbc sun has been kind. l<et us ther? , fare give thanks for life end love am the measure of prosperity that w now enjoy. Let us give thanks to eomfort and security In our hones tor he protection of laws and the n< vancement of sslence whlcn bring ns comforts unknown to those whi built our land. We may not have all thot w want nor Just what we want; but le na be thankful for the vision tba spurs us on and the promise of th future that keeps hope alive.?Tb Kahlegrsm. MAY HEAVEN! Private bueluess but* some friend Id Congress ? one of them is Sena tor Bailey of North Carolina. In i talk mlide a short thne ago. he ' this to aay: I "Winy substitute government 'mar Cement for business management Ifee aveibge politician is in politic because he was a failure n ever} thing else. They do not bejleve in i balanced budget because they neve c had one. They do not understand fi aance because they never made i ?h>IItjr. Tlheir currency is votes, no B dollars. their balance sheeta are ele lion returns, not book accounts, an< their stock in trade is nostrums fo people (afflicted with a dtseasi known as gullibility. It is bad e nough that tiny must run the gov Hs etoment. Pray heaven business ma; eecape them." Pqlitlclins who figure that the bes r. way to attract votes is to auack tie igtlustrlcs which provide jobs, taxw and opportunities in this country abould think thui over, for after all the taxes to maintain goverumeri and pay the politicians must conn from private enterprise. I FIRE'S ALLIES Fire has two great allies. One ii [ ignorance The other is carelessness W With the help of these allies, fin I .consumes about $300,000,000 wont propeny euch year ? and, of in f tiniteiy greater idpot lance. destroys | some 10,000 human lives, r Ignorance leads us to improperlj f repair electric cords, or put penniei K ; behind bnrned-oht fuses. Ignotunct | causes hazardous building construe [ tlon, with inadequately protecte< | heating pipes, flues, und fireplaces I dgnorance cause us to hank wet clo | iiK? on electric wires, to use wood f 4tt barrels for hot ashes, and tc [ search for gas leaks with matches. " -l"??lo nn nniin II ir rwvioti' I \,Unjlt7Vnuuan l? ttu vvjuan j jwi uu g-friend of fire. It causes us to post! #ene needtd r* pairs to heatlnt I plants, electric wiring, etc.. on the I groundn that "ve'll get around to It tomorrow or tie next day.' It oauee? t tie to store junk in attics, and tc H ;eace InflanrmahU liquids near stov K ee and heaters U cause* us to leuvc I tntches when . they may be east!) w reached by the ignorant hands 01 B Hi? old saw to the effort thai *lUslorrovf nuy he too late" is e? BpectaUy sppllcable to the Uasardi ptb&t breed fire. Alertness on the pari 1 ?f everyone would pr?*venc the rrva I. iorlty of America's fires. I A FOOL A man wtho knows he is a fool is not Eft great fool And no fooling wbes Bwo say a remedy for Besoms-Dan Hkl or faU sores Is: BUlocit's Antl jfewift. $1.00 your druggist ? $1.1$ by I gtoflL Blalack Anti-Zema Co. Raleigh tra Here and There . . By Haywood E. Lynch - ; tl Thanksgiving .... t am thankful b for many, many things .... for lifa, 6 .t is grand to bs alive to have t friends and loved ones .... I am thankful that I decideo to leave my C home-town. Goldsboro. and come to h >, I . Kings Mountain. I have been happy .1 i here ?. and who would not be g thankful for three charming little U girls, and they are oharming to their 5 daddy .... I am thankful for the - flowers that grow in my yard and " those If) other yards .... I am thank1 ful for the churches in Kings Meun-1 * I' tain, they are fine churches heade'd j ! by fine men I am thankful for " d he fellowahip that we have with one | '' another .... I am thankful for the * glorious opportunities afforded every one .in this magnificent land of ours c e .... I am thankful for happiness, and d d if we would pause on this Thanks- ci e giving day and take stock of the hap- P 1 pin ess that has been ours and then n (compare It with the sadness and die *m p' appointments we will find that habit pine as aide greatly overbalances the' a' other side .... Yes all of us have f 1 many, many things to be thankful | " /for Just atnn end think fir y?>urv)|f l and you will see that this is true. . 1 Control Of Weevils illn Corn Explained ' ? y For treating weevil-infested corn a on the farm, nothing Is cheaper, d more effective, or more readily aj vallable than carbon disulpblde, adI viaea J. O. Kowell, extension Etiior otologist ut State College. But this e - chemical Is very innaiinnablc -'and explosive and should be used with J cart*. Kire of any kind, e\cesaive ?.I 'Teat, ot Motional or static electrlcid ty should not "be allowed near the a containers being fumigated with r this chemical. j Rowell explained that weevils ars by far the most destructive Insect (> (tests of stored com, annually taking ; a toll of about 14 percent of North I Carolina's crp. They begin their at t tack in the field, but when the corn t is harvested and stored in the barn, e conditions are very favorable for g the rapid increase of the pests. ' ' \ Storage bins and cribs of all kinds should be thoroughly cleaned, accumulations of old grain removed and 9 the woodwork treated before the J.-1 new corn is stored. Any odorless, tajiiolMui water-white netroleum Sim j i liar to that contained in coumerclal I fly aprays Is suitable to treat the 11 walla and floors of empty bins, the , entomologist says. ' \ .? A< 8 Accumulations of old grain and ' floor sweepings from .the previous 1, crop should be burned or, if It to ta r | be used as feed, fumigated with car- j ' bon dlsulphide. Sweepings may 'be) 11 placed In a tight bin or barrel- and' * ! the caeinlcol poured directly over It' c j using tse fluid at the rate of about J * three-fourths of a pint to a barrel r! of sweepings. The container should s e coverejl. Immediately with a dou-l -! ,ue thickness, of wrapping paper and lefl around the top, leaving sealed f! for 24 hours to allow the fumes to j jneuenite all portions of the sweep1 ings. ,' j t 1 I 1 t", Thanksgiving Day 1 1938 ; By RAYMOND P1TCAIRN No other great national festival is i quite like our American Thanksgiving Day. , That Is because the celebration expresses so eloquently the fundamental ?and unique?American Spirit. What to that Spirit? Basically it to 1 one ef reverent trust In the ultimate goodness of Providence, blended with t Ute sturdy self-reliance which only such , aith can assure. This to precisely what the first Thanksgiving Day expressed. On that bleak and historic November morning Its celebrants I thanked no earthly king for political jlfts or favors. They thanked God for the opportunity granted them by their labors to help the soil yield its harvest. Thev voirrnl th* mnflrtonro af on oKIa ?I people grateful for the strength to fui| Oil their appointed responsibilities. That was ? and is ? the American [ Spirit. [ In recent years, however, there have been attempts to veahrn or misinterpret it. In recent years there have oecn efforts to convince descendants > of those hardy forebears that the key i lo Nature's bounty lay no longer in faith or in labor, but in economic theory , and political serfdom. In recent years .here have been efforts to supplant the fundamental American instinct for ' constructive cooperation with a program based on hatreds and governmental hand-outs. And for a while It looked aa If the , new preachings might have their effect. Ftor a while the voices which echoed 1 the feara and hysteria of Central Europe seemed to drown out the deep, true voice of America. . Bat today that thrsot saease to be fMUWiAg ' Today the pupli art mass suing the faith, the' strength and the scccntial t Integrity that fewnd mprsaeisn ow the t IBaelagillhi mooning. Today they^rseMao again t^ K h^rtovyncc, 1 aewsa, ssdMsmi la ttt'tahMf ma And U that renewed knowladge continues to prevail, this can be not only ptai, hot a lasting Thanksgiving. "> '7**"i,. ' ' ' " "T v ?? 6 KXNCUS MOUNTAIN HWHALIj Tj The first state to go dry was [alne in 1846. ' Eastern Carolina farmers say here is no profit in soybeans sold as tans this full ? the price is only 0 cents a bushel. " t Tfie lawns of 22 farm homes In hif-low County have oeen definite f improved and beautified by seedig to white Dutch. clover and rye rass this fall. lu 1 Though he is over 70 years ol ge, J. T. Daniel of Granville county, jhied the 4-H com club thl? seaon and has produced 102 bushels ol orn on his club acre. He is said ts e one of the beat farmers in the aunty. J. D. Darnell of the White OaV oinniunlty in Mitchell county has oubled his corn yield per acoe, inreused his hay crop and bos better astures as a result of keeping tore cattle and treating bis pastur i with limestone and phosphate. The November corn estimate- ol .4llO.9M.iiOO bushels, recently issued y^tbe^l^^Dep^mgH^c^^gJgjg bushel for loans made oo 1934 orn to fanners in commercial corn reus. ^GMNOR?^ *?^WD "**?" vt W^aHrwy Swfbnm Dim*/ hj Kiduid Walk Chapter One The Carleton family had bren in : ' walui before, but thin time the tfwien of the tub looked udusually c.??h and slippery. Adepts in the art of living oil the- generosity of their fellow men, \t?y bad learned to deal with the i"?ahonal rebuff they encountered t?i a eociety obviously not organised *.h their personal benefit. And they had developed quite a fwr for living off the beet people, end' when cruel fate so ordered, aefttag thrown out of only the beet pieces. ' Colonel" Anthony Carleton vena i ! i'j?cd and distinguished looking 1 wore a monocle. He waa an ? .. act or, hut some of hie prof eei ->n(l tolas had given him an army i H?:?r complex, and his family c ilea him the Sahib in honor of t time he had not spent la 1 *Jin. Nevertheleds. hia social grncei x ad* mm Ht?B?d as an affable and entertaining guest. His wife. "Manny," pretty and t< responsible, strove to help her ledtcM ? whoever she might be? Intain an ornamental and be muling menage. Their children Veo-.-ge-Anne, slim, 21, copper-hairad and beautiful, and Richard, a >-?r younger, but lust as present were the lire of whatever yvnnger set tolerated them. 1 . *9 The Cartoon* ware thrown At the time of the costume ball at the Jennings villa on the Italian Riviera. Richard had captured the fancy and the heart of Adela Jennings, the not-too-attractive daugh ha. aJ ? ' * > CM - " " vcr ui uib non. ooc ntc millions in heritable prospect, end father respected the former officer- of klng% troops. George-Anne, too, like most young people, sees involved In problems of love. Her affections wsre besieged by Duncan IfaeCrae, a persistent Scottish youth, whose continuous offers of marriage were as persistently , rejected. She wanted to be si're he could provide her with the 1' gotten minks and sables So which fcjt was accustomed. But despite tliis alight fr wn on the faos of fate, the general outlook was rosy for the charming k..i. -t-t ?t * wut ciiiMnnK v^arivioni on wnat provtd to be the last day of their sojourn at Vllta Jennings. wlBfi tn>a to happen that molog. Oeorgt-Annt'i tenacious suitor, handsome in hit dinner euit, mat her on the terrace. "Did you say you had something to shew me? she asked. "Our engagement ring." Duncan replied. "It was my in other's." Pride was In his face as he handed It to her. But she was disappointed because It was not In a plusb-llned boa. "It's ? It's lovely, Duncan," she eld "X love sentiment better than diamonds ? " Td like to give you diamonds Oeorge-Aane, end pearls, too, but I'm not a ? -althy man." "What about your Juts business?" ' "The mill Is small. And the Jute trade Is undspendable. I should no* he spending the money to chase r? bant the epl am." O sorgo-Anne gave h*m a searching. speculating look. She began to ' . ' " v FiURSDAY, NOV. 24. IMS LETS LOOk BACK From Tho Kings Mountain Hsrald NINETEEN YEARS AOO NOVEMBER 27, 1919 Mr. J. A. Roberts has moved Into I the Wesley Uoforth bouse on MounI to in strRoi j Mrs. I). H. McMillnn and Miss Ella McMillan of Ghstonia are visiting Mrs. O. 0. Page. Mr. Yates Spake and Misses Cora NVUtterson and Gertrude King mads i a trip to Cherryvllle Friday. I GOOD-WILL FLYERS HERE I The Goodi-Will Flyers will give a thrilling exhibition of flying at the Kings Mountain Airport on the Cherrytvllle Road beginning Thursi 'day ami continuing through Sunday. Passengers will be taken up. I ' : ' I Any marked improvement in milk 1 and butter price* during the ' next few years will depend on further re covery in business and a rise In the 1 general level of prices, says John A. I Arey of Slate College. ij An aggregate are* of t.CSO square I miles ? nearly twice aa large ae the r|8tate of Delaware has been ptnted - m irwi in UN If. B. WIO* lf!l. SkSpnT^J000*^ a ' M t, M*IO 0. IIUSICI think that maybe he vm tellin r the truth ? then she though, o* something more pleasant ? Ik.' brother's romance with Adela. At that very moment, Richard. ' tall and Blender, and looking lli. 1 -omto Montague In tails, sat on a balcony overlooking the moonlit Mediterranean, with Adela by hl? side. He was conversing earnestly with the girl, who as Richard would be first to admit, looked her beet in the dark. "I made my daddy buy., torn bouse, Jus" so I. could Man' here with you an' look at all tha'. water,'' said 'Adela, gazing at the sea. "I Jus* love the Riviera, don't , you?" Richard hi seed her hand. On a terrace overlooking the boat house landing, the Sahib and Mr. Jennings were playing poker. Pr? My soon, the game was ove:v fhd^Jennings wrote a check for ' HMI. IB TkV&t ol (Jolonal Carleton. "Used to play poker .frequently tn India," the Sahib remarked. "With my regiment ? the dear old Bengal Lancers. Rather out of touch with the game lately." "Colonel Carleton, Ah should sa!y that you're in touch with it enough." "Well, we're keeping it all in the family, Jennings.. .As soon as our children are married, you know... I Very happy union for all of us. n I out of only the beet placet. Touches my romantic side." The Sahib batted his wallet. Manny Carleton and Mrs. Jennings were chatting on another level of the terrace. "Isn't It lovely the way my husband baa taken Mr. Jennings ? to hie heart, I mean?" Marmy asked innocently. "Just like two boys, tho ?- - wme/ pftuiuic on every uimg. lira. Jennings said the Cartetons 1 were very clever and charming, and Indeed, everything looked delightful for those talented adventurers. But in another part of the city, a tub of very hot water was bmg prepared for them. The local chef du surete sent for the family, and all four showed t up at police headquarters in (Mr traveling slothes. They knew by experience what such a summons "I have advised Mr. Jennings he mar feel free to stop payment o.i the cheek he gave you," the chief self. "I thought at first you we.e a card sharp, and my suspicious were ooftfirmed." "T am thunderstruck, sir!" ex- i claimed the Indignant Sahib. "These reports show you have J never been In India." the chief wefit on, "and you ware known n | Caysda as a rather undistinguished j "tf this Is some low Jest," the ? Colonel began, "I shall taae George Anne Interrupted. "Come on, what's the proposition?" It seemed that Jennings ha 1 eskfcd the chief to present hie (<: mer guests with second class tick..* to London, and the chief suggested the tickets be used. To Insi t .'.1 (lb be eon finned) I - ' ' JUST HUMANS r ktssif JlflNfgjj I K/; 1 rj >jlf fflKW j^Mlj;1 ?* bSF .<nV "That Bird Never Thin "No, He's Too Busy Thi Washington Sn (Cont'd from front pt|?) realised only when businessmen art permitted to make and <retain profits, and that taking profits out of buslneas by taxation and spending that money for Federal subsidies and relief won't "work. Seventy five percent of the prosperous and 65 per cent of the unemployed expressed this attitude In the Fortune poll. In tiheBe days of muck talk about j "liberals" and liberalism In govern-' -merit, another irttefeathig attitude I was revealed by the poll. The ques-! tion asked was In pflpet- "Whoi to! your idea of a truly liberal pro(tram?" Only seven per cent thought a liberal program for government should mean a new economic setup under government control, with profits abollshed. Witty two percent of those having an opinion on this question answer- j ed: "As much social reform as possi ble without Injuring capitalism or! preventing capital from making what pro ft s it can." .Thus, only seven per cent of Fortune's poll voters favor the Brain] Hunters' concept of liberalism. There Is another interesting public opinion being manifest around the capital these days. It concerns the Congressional committee Invest! gating Communism. Fascism, etc., in the Unltedi States at which bride* bats have been tossed by labor agitators. politicians and others of late. John Public, It would appear from the Capitol's mail bags, has taken up the pen to. rebuke the rebukers of the committee. Nearly 200 letters ; and dozens of telegrams are reach-j .ing the committee every day, laul-j WHILE YOU WAIT We repair your shoes in First Class shape while you wait. Come in now. There is no delay. We are always ready to serve 1 vnii J w I POSTER'S SHOE SERVICE Phone 154 WE'VE HEARD Rainy % ' i ? nvTrri ti? * i?u iI?u s ine Drignt, su plan for, and SAVE for. your "rainy days** few a your "sunny days** longt saving today! ' r FIRST NATI Kings Mot Member Federal Dep "By GENfc CARR 'uu>? - JT J kj of the Future." nkinc of tlx Past!" apshots Ins tlie investigator's Cor unmasking urt-American Ism groups tnh sympathisers. The pewenlice of letters praising the investigation, according o committee clerks s about as high as the advertised purity of a well known commercial product ? M tt-100 per cent. * ? Incidentally, announcement by the 'ommlttee that its funds are exhaus ed and' the investigation may have o be "ended, has brought a response hot has surprised veteran obselvera trouno Capitol Hill. Many of the let ers received by the committee contain checks, a currency or contrlbu lens to finance the continuance of the Ism probe. i By law. Congressional Investigators are forbidden to accept any jrrl vate contributions. All donations to the Dies Committee are being return ed. therefore. Tennis has been played for seven centuries, according to records of . (; the game. < ' ' I u J I H / i ~J "Am J . !?] XjL, M siwK wnn Alka-Sehzer ' Does Headache "slow you down?" You are a rare exception if it does not. One or two tablets of ALKASELTZER in a glass of water makes a pleasant alkalizing solution that usually brings relief in Just a few minutes. ALKA-SELTZER is also recommended for Gas oa Stomach. "Morning Vou will like the tangy flavor and the results whan you take Alka-Seltaer. Alka-Settser, when dissolved in water, contains an analgesic, (Sodium Acetyl-Sellcylate). In addition, the alhalirtng agents in Alka-Settxer help to re ic?ii2a.2dTid? hits? acri ftnoctttta. witti njrper- .. , A LOT ABOUT Davs . nny days that people If you want to make N , ind far between ? and sr and brighter ? start r . : ? ? V: INOAL BANK intain, N. C. aait Insurance Corp. i . . . .. mm

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