: ASTEE * ~ -t?g <9?e Stool on the Form ^ Twenty torn at or* U wnk< en IJOecro groin end dairy form completely ?J| eelfeted with form mecklnery and with a " Ml complement at tfeel fence and deal 8uw $260,000,000 (or Re- ^ pairs and Maintenance |j|^ ?n4 r??iwf ord*r. U?( yttr jvits**"***? ta What The Two Said To Each ( The Herald ip Indebted to Mrs. L. P. Neal for the tnurh Quoted article reprinted below. Mrs. Neal saved this article from au old uewapaper clipping: In the olden times of our statehood before the steam engine shook the earth with thunderous stroke and reduced space to a mere matter of M me. When whiskey with sugar was fine arts, a glass and all backs were turn ed as that glass -was filled, and when a white man was considered ss good '< as the negro If he behaved himself. the .Governor of North Carolina took it Into his bead one day to pay a long promised visit to his neighbor, the Governor of South Carolina. So be put a clean shirt and. a pair of aoclu in his saddle bags, mounted his horse and rode' away through the pine forests toward the South. Diligently following Ms nose in this dt rectlon, he came in due time to the home of his brother Governor, where he was received with all the honors, of genuine southern hospital1 ity. When asked how he felt, his ' characteristic reply was "thank you, Governor. I am tired, sleepy, hungry and sober." The host cordially assured him that he could remedy all these. Next day dinner was served at twelve o'clock, as the horn blew for the hands to dome In. After it was all over, the two Governors retired to the shade of the long back porch where corncob . pipes, with long 1 twists of home grown tobacco awaited them. There, in the long soft afternoon, reclining on easy bottom rocker* { they lolled and smoked and talked ' the hours away. Betwixt the twalu. on the floor, sat a brimming pitcher of apple toddy, w.lth the melloe i t roasted trult Impudently floating on 1 the surface of the divine tipple, i Prom time to time this aided and enIHvened (he conversation. They talk' 1 ed of the comparative excellence and < i advantages of their respective states of the price of cotton, of horse rals i ing and run-away negroes. As they talked, the smoked, and ss they ' smoked they drank; they speculated v. on the coming, glories of the country. Ilhey pledged eternal friendship to ' each other personally, and vowed to ' preserve all neighborly couresiee be twesn the two Carolina States for ever and forever and even, Amen. 1 now ana tnen they would doze In i their easy dhalrs under mellorw in | finance of their happy nurrondings, 1 and on walking us would Indignantly , deny having been aaleep and take | another drink to prove their wake < fulness and thus things went on. Now, it happened that/the Cover- i aof of 8outto Carolina bad a wife aa all good Governors have, on the prln ( ctple of the old maxim that he who ) asp Ira a to be Governor, abould first < learn to obey ? and her name was Betsy Jane. She well knew the fail- i fat# of her Governor, and she easily i guessed that the vleitlng Governor t Fc i FTFiyoufi Here Are M - L FACTS Better Steel for -; Washing Machines Tan yMM ago wo thing machlno t tonvfocturari nttdtd ill op*ro- nJT lioAt lo naU a tub from thn bait fBBk Hal ovoilobla. Sattar tlaal to- , day makai a tub In only two aa- JfW arotioAA. and entli ikM-itl"! ? When Farmer* Made Their Own Nails n^||^ |n ||m|^ ||nn^^ ^^|n^ |^n^ ^In^n^ n|^|n^ |^nn i^^ni American ken end Steel Inifitce Governors Dther was- tarred with the same stick. Quietly watchlna Droceedlnes. she at length concluded that these two old cocks were about as full as they could well hold without slopping over, and It was about lime to stop. Watching her opportunity during the rather protracted doze, she slipped away .the pitcher, still half full, and inserted In its place a piggin of cool spring water with a clear, yellow gourd hanging on the handle. But the instlcts of nature are Infallible. though sound asleep the Oovernor of North CaroMna felt thai something was wrqng ? a lack of spirit as It were ? every nerve In him cried out against the pressure or a hostile element, and he awoke, his perturbed soul had not deceived hhn. The pitcher of toddy . was gone. He immediately awakened his host, who courteously inquired, "What la the matter?" "Don't you see what Is the matter?' said the guest, looking indignantly at the piggin and the gourd. "Indeed. I see nothing wrong' said the now distressed host. PleaBe tell me what is the matter my dear Governor. "The Devil you say." nothing wrong indeed! I go ,to sleep with a pitcher of toddy before me. I wake up and find a niKftin of smitur w?. ter, and. the Governor of Soutu Carolina tells me in his own home tnat ne sees nothing wrong in that! \Vell Well! All 1 have to sa> Sir!, said the Governor of North Carolina. rising .v!th a very great but rather, unsteady dignity, "is that it is a dai'nted! long time between drink3." "Oh." said the Governor oi South 'aroilna, is tile situation flashed on ;im, "I see; that's Retsy Jane. She menus stop, and we're done for today. i'tu sorry 1 can't bring that pitcher back. I humbly beg your pardon. Maybe there's a Retsy Jane, at your house and maybe you know how It is yourself." The offended dignity of the Governor of North Carolina : dissolved' slowly into a genial smile of intelligent comprehension, and solemnly working one eye, he fell either upon the neck of his host or upon the porch floor (tradition does not say which) exclaiming, "You bet, old boy, you bet!" And that's how it name about; throughout all that. Souther land tradition has wilkedly -"-peeled and kept up the saying of the Governor of North Carolina aa a convenient mode of Jogging the uoumi; UI IUU1UI?UI1( Uie (llgging lospitallty of a host, but baa railed o embalm in human memory, right?oua prudence and wifely virtues of Pet?y Jane, the apouse of the Governor of South Carolina. For near on to a hundred yearns be aaylng has been a faithful one ind worthy of alt acceptation in our country ? that Is to say that U has >een faithfully repeated .til thai ime and anything offered in re iponse thereto has been universally iccepted either straight or with hi gar.?(Taken from an old Scrap took.) f Yomr Dray Storm >r Colds Mofiay Back GuaranU* MOVE- gjH oney Savers 1 ??Rol -ii - ifiiitrrr-ii Notice Of Sal For 1937 I County J As required by law, I, as SI will sell at the Court House 1 Monday, December 5th, i for unpaid 1937 taxes due th following described real esta er, description of land and ai paid and the township in whi scribed in each case is the la; w?A|/i?.<yei its siit/wn on tne ta be added in each case the am interest to the taxes. This sal day to day, or to such time as the event said sale is not hac date specified. No. 4 Township Corporations Southern Railway Co 932^.86 Central Investment Corp. ? 1 lot 12S McCoy, K. R. ? Killing Station No. 4 Towndhlp 3.27 N. C. Mining Co. ? Mineral Interest In 36 acres 3.30 No. 4 Township, Colored Ackerson, Carrie ? 2 acres heat Park Yarn Mill .36 Adams. June ? 1 lot 66x100 Wilson Street 3.68 Adams. Nnnev ? 1 i?> tin-ten _ ^ ? ? ?v?v. Ridge Sl Dllllng 99 Allison, Watterson ? 1 lot 50x180 Ridge street $2.73 Bell, I>evl ? 21 acres .No. 4 Township v 6.74 Bell, Mary ? 26 acres No. 4 Township . .. $2.69 Benhk. Sara ? 1 lot 50x125 Parker street % 2.31 Bl&lock, Walter ? 1 lot 60x126 W. 8 Watterson st. 4.86 Blalock, Wash ? 1 lot 26x126 .42 Blnntou John L. ? 1 lot 174x260 N. K. corner DIlHng; 1 lot 76x300 N. E. corner Pilling . 3.56 Borders, Corine ? 1 lot 60x100 W. 8. Watersoo street $1.68 Boyd. Miles ? 1 lot 60x125 W. 8. Tracy 2.34 Brevard, Maggie ? 3 1-2 scree No. 4 Township 95 Brown, Hazel ? 1 lot 60x160 W. 8. Cansler street ..5.16 Brown, Mwry Frances ? 1 lot 90x200 E. S. Carpenter 4.S7 Brown, Sam ? 4 acres 5.28 Brown, William ? 1 lot 50x160 E. 8. Waters on st 4.18 Bryant. Grler ? 1 lot 60x200 E. S. Cansler 3.07 BurruSj Sam ? 1 lot 50v.l(?0 .., 3.87 Bvers, Forest ? lot 60x100 . 3.68 Caldwell, John. Est. ? 1 lot 60x180 8. S. King street 5.11 Carroll. James ? 1 lot 120x110: 1 lot 50x110; 1 lot 120x200 ...... 7.56 Cash, Tom ? 1 lot 37x150 Ridge Street ............ 1.48 I Couser, Earnest ? 1 lot 60x150 W. S. | waiierson; 1 lot 50x156 Watterson Street ........... 2.31 Crawford, Louisa. ?2 aires .. .42 Currle, Spencer. Est ? 3 lots .90 Davis. Nalo ? 1-4 acre Waterson Street 2.52 Elite, Carrie. Est. ? 1 lot 115x150 N. E. corner King st 3.74 Falls, Phillip ? Ik* 60*75 Ridge: 1 lot 60x176 W. S. R. R 6.11 Galloway. John ? 1-2 acre W. S. Waterson st 6.17 Gist, John ? 1 lot 60x31 8. S. RWge: 1 lot 10x80 rear 4.46 Greenlee, John, EBt ? 1 lot 60x150 E. S. Cansler st. 2.73 Pink, Henry, Est. v 2 acres ... .34 Jackson, Tom ? 4 room house and barn value 2.26 6.48 Kibbler. Charles ? 1 lot 8. S. Railroad 2.62 Kibbler, Luther ? 1 lot ....... 2.16 Lewis, Gertrude ? 1-4 acre W. 8. Cherokee .36 Lewis, Roger ? 1-2 acre W. S. Cherokee St.; 1-2 acre W 8 Wilson i street 2.8S Meams. W. F. A J. W ?1 lot 143x 142 8. S. Ridge 3.24 1 Meeks, Tom ? 1 lot 50x160 8. W. Waterson st 6.78 1 Miller, Sam ? 1 acre 1.61 Mltchem, Lawrence ? 1 lot 60x60 ' R. R. .32 MiTcnera, IV. W.? 3 1-2 acre* . 3.08 1 Mitdhem, Woodrow ? 1 lot 58x120 8. W. corner Kin* *t 4.87 1 McClatn, Alex ? 5 room toouse, ratoe 500 . 5.27 1 WcOleary,- Elliott - - 4 room house. value 4O0 6.40 ' WcCluney, Paul, c-o County Home ? 1 mere 21 1 WoCullough, Willie ? 1 lot 50x100 E. 8. Cannier at. 00 1 McDnniel, Earnest ? S acre* . 2.84 Oat*. Jane* ? 21 acre*, N. 4 Town- 1 ahip 8.02 Oata, Jerome ? 7 acres ....... 3.18 1 Perkins, Leroy ? 1 lot. off Waterson 1.80 1 ?fctfer, Ophelia ? 2 1-8 acres .88 Preaaley, Darld ? 1 lot 40x126 2.00 1 Preaaley, Tom J:?1 lot 50x160 8. 8 Ridge at 2.78 ' Ramaeur, Annie ? 1 lot 50x200 Wateraon at OS 1 Rhodes. Margaret, Cit ? 1 lot 70x 100 N 8. Ridge 2.27 1 berts, Grady ? 1 lot 75x150 King e Real Estate Unpaid Taxes i leriff of Cleveiar.il County, Door in Shelby, N. C., on * it 12:00 O'Clock, Noon < e county of Cleveland the te, shown by name of own- < nount of taxes due and unch it ia loratpH TVio lan/1 ( ? ? ? ww? * arv tMt *V4 V4V~ nd owned by the delinquent x return or list. There will i lount of cost, penalty, and le may be continued from 1 ?may be provided by law, in , 1 or completed on the above i street , .... 4.63 Roberts, MaKRle ? 21 3-4 acre* 6.03 ' Robinson, Bertha ?.1 lot 200z .. ScawriRht. Will ? 1 lot 50x 164 1.05 1 Taylor, Mattle ? 1 1-2 acre* .. 2.42 Thompson, David ? 1 lot 26x126, alley of Watterson 3.26 ' Utonipsoa, Harvey ? 1 lot 60x160 E. S. Waterson st 3.44 Toms. L. II. ? 1 lot 90x100 Ridge st 3.70 Warren. Herbert ? 6 room bouse, value 600 6.09 Waters. Good ? 1 lot 100x200 .42 Wfoisnant. Aiu&ndo ? 3Vi acres .72 Womac, George ? 1-4 acres Eagle Store MMancige ..." 78 Writfht. Curtis ? I lot 50x150 2.12 No. 4 Township, White Adams, Crank A.?1 lot 100*230 S. S. of a new street 5.86 Allen. Carrie ? 68^4 acres No. 4 Township 13.70 1 Barker, R. L. ? 1 lot 125x150 corner Pulton and Alexander 16.17 Harnett, C. T.?1 lot 60x100 No. 4 Township 6.82 j Barrett, P. C. ? 1 lot 166x240 N. S. of Waco road 13.96 Barrett. T. R ? 1 lot 87x125 Cannier st. 3.30 Beam, Mrs. Mae Harmon ? 1 lot 60 x200 No. 4 Township 11.15 Beatty, J. W. ? 13 acre? No. 4 Township 6.82 Belk, H. Y.?3Mi acres W. of Sou. R. R. 4.11 Sell, M. J.?2 acres No. 4 Township 7.77 ' Bennett, Clyde ? 1 lot 75x150 W. -8. of Highway No. 20; 1 lot 50x?? N. S of E. Gold; 1 lot 60x150 E. of Oriental Ave.; 1 lot 75x150 E. S. of Highway No. 20 33.80 Bennett, W. Arthur ? 1 lot 70x 210 10.24 Blulock. Andrew ? l lot W. S. Watterson st. 42 Blanton, J. I*. ? 4 lots 25x175 McGinnls Survey 2.25 Blanton. William H. ? 1 lot 25x225; 1 lot 90x9'-i, 1-2 of Littlejohn lot .' 4 56 | Hoheler, Will ? 2 lots- 25x176 .30 F-ookout n T ? 1 ln? inri.i7c it .f 1 R. R 3.81 Bookout, V. L.?130 acres No. 4 1 Tawnafotp 13.44 Bruce. J. B.. Eat.?6 lots 25x150 ; Fatrview at. .54 1 Humg&rdner, Charles ? 1 lot 75x150 McGinn Is at.; 1 lot 76x150 7.86 1 Bumgatdner, J. O.?1 a-cre, York Road 10.97 Barton, R. l?. ? 1 lot 125x160, corner Fulton and Alexander ... 5.94 Canby, Ixm ?Hot 40x60, No. 4. j .Township . 3.22 Carroll*. "Wesley ? 2% acres No. 4 j Township 2.58 Carson, Mrs Kate ? 120 acres No. 4 Township 16.17 5 Cox. James ? 1 lot 60x220 near Mrs A. P. Falls 3.46 Crawford Minnie H. ? 1 lot 104x170 * 8. 8. King 18.69 Crisp, 8. A.?llot No. 4 Township 12.81 \ Bedmeax, R. Y.?16 acres No. 4 Township 3.49 Bills. A. J.?3 aorea No. 4 * iTownahlp * 2.16 Barly. A. I- ? 1 lot 130x160 Cherokee 8.19 Barney, 1 . Oold tt Bridge*?No 4. Township 7.11 n "alls. Oliver, ? 1 lot 80x213, 8. S. of Gold' at. 8.06 Fletcher. R. B?1 lot 76x200 0 /lasas. s* " ~ lowm, F. H.?1 lot 36x86; 1 tot 28 U xl26 \ 6.80 Hoyd, Mr*. Ana?1 lot 80x176 Htotiw *t ? 1... .?7 p "ox, HMtrr ? 1 lot 40x200 No. 4 Townnhlp * *,?*, ???,? 2.22 "rady, C. H.?1 lot 76x10, Cherokao p and Orort 8.67 "reedato. J. F.?1 lot 80x180 W. 8. p Church at.; 1 lot 78x178 .... 9.11 "ulton. H. T.?1 lot 60x176 Plonk p] Surrey 9.44 'Uiton, M. J.?1H acre* No. 4 To* nthIp 13.13 J. Oantt, Max ? 1 lot 76x230 No. 4 Township 3.15 Qault. C. J.?1 lot 106x218 Parker street 21.65 lloforth. A. B.?1 Jot 50x160 Lackey at 7.02 Uoforth, Ben 11.?3 lots 75x150 No. 4 Township 11.86 [Joforth, Mrs. L. L.?1 lot 75x210 W. Xo. 20 Highway 6o Imaitt i' A A n ?v... V*-? a l. . 11 uy iro *^u. l Township .......... 11.43 JriKK, S. L.?37 ueres No. 4 Town- | sihfp .. 9.71 3 rimes, Joe ? House No. 4 Township 90 ' Juyton. L.. 1*?1 lot 75x160 North No. 20 Highway 6.25 Juyton, L. L. & A. H. Patterson ? 1" lot 75x150. Grover; 1 lot 25x | 150 4.93 iarlowe, Mrs. Wash ? 27 acres No. | 4 Township 2.90 iiarrilsoh, Hoyd ? 66 acres No. 4 Township 36.85 iarrilson. Ella Mae ? 6.85 acres No. 4 Township 2.28 ' iarrys,. B. A.?6 room house No. 4 Township ' 13-.10 ' Uerndon, Fred ? i?i acres near Kings Mtn 2.99 1 I ^Iltr i?Vf?.w >. -?>V. 1 -? --- Township '..... ...... 5.00 | Hhwon, D. W.?2 lots 50x150 I tattle Ground Road; 4 lots 100x150 Bat- < tie Ground Road 66 llord, B. W. ? 1 lot 142x150 King; , 1 lot 20x100; 1 lot 143x211 8. S. of ( K. Mtn 30.68 Hord. Mrs. G. W.?1 lot 80x75 E. S of R. R. St. 7.29 ! Hord, J. R?1 lot 100x150 McGlnnts .. 8.38 Hord, R. H.?1 lot 135x230 S. S. of Fulton 8t 10.76 Howell, Miss Elizabeth ? 52 acres , \ No. 4 Township 11.34 . Howell, P. C. Jr.?10 acres No. 4 Township 7.77 '( Huffstetler, Mrs. J. F.?2'ti acres No A Township 3.31 ! HufTstetler, Sam H.?3 acres No. 4 Township 7.12 ' Hullender, James W.?2.8 acres No. * 4 Township 3.64 > Hullender, Lula Mae ? 2 1-16 acres No. 4 Township 4.83 , Jackson, Ephrlam ? 96 acres No. 4 Township 17.43 Jackson, W. H.?1 lot 60?4xl24 E. S Cansler 3.29 Jenkins, A. C.?6 room bouse, No. 4 ' Township 12.21 Jolly, J. C. ? 1 lot 131x175 S. E. cor ner Walker & Carp. 14.84 Julian, Mrs. Lucy ? 1 lot 375x1001 S. S. of King St.; 1 lot 65x150 King street 10.9' Riser. H. L.?3 lots 25x150 North .No. 20 Highway 91 Klser, Mrs. Willie W.?4 lois 26x150 Church street 1.10 1 Klutz. Mrs L. F ? 1 lot 50x100 No. 4 Township; 1 lot No. 4 Township 2.C4 1 1-ewis. Dr. O. P.?2 room cottage No. 4 Township 8.03 4 i/Otig, Mrs. Fannie ? 1 lot 25x125 No. 4 Township .46 , Ixive, E. W. & Eva?61 acres No. 4 Township /.. 4.81 , Lynn, K S.?1 lot 100x150 Whitesides property 6.25 , Martin, E C?1 lot 150x233 Well * street 4.88 , Mathls. Mrs. Mary Klser ? 1 lot S8xl87Mi E. S. Waterson 17.01 Mauney. Mrs C. J.?23 acre* No. 4 'Township 10.49 delton. George ? 1 lot 88x160 W. 8. of Cansler 4.79 ! dyers. Earle ? Filling Station No. 4 Township 6.40 ditch em, James ? 1-2 acne 36x210 . ... A - - - - 1 iv. a. or uom; l lot 35 210 Park 1 Grace road ........ 2.91 \ loss, Mrs. Bula ? 1 lot 100x309 Vance; 1 lot 100x200 Washington 24.81 loos. Mrs. Bula ? 1 lot 100x300 Vance; 1 lot 100x200 Washington 33.62 IKllnni*. H. K.?61 acre* No. 4 Township 12.99 | IcOlnnts. Wylie H?1 lot 98x200 cor. King St Dlllng; 1 lot 110x160 Ridge ' Dllllng; 1 lot 68x160, No. 4 . Township 1 lot 75x239 McGlnnls street .. *.. 26.15 [oT^aughen, J. E? 1 lot 66x200 King street 11.18 _ irmand W L?1 lot 175x275 16.81 wens. D. M.?1 lot 100x120 No. 4 Township; 1 lot 90x181 off rear of his lot ,r. .......... 7.13 arten. Ethel ? 1 lot 100x325 8. 8 of King; 1 lot 45x196 rear 29.87 ayne D. F.?1 5-16 acres 160x475 Piedmont 10.30 eacock, Ras ? 2 acres No. 4 Township ...... 3.SO htfer. Ben D.?44 acres No. 4 Township 10.94 O. Plonk ft J. H. Hoid Eat ?1 lot]| - ' 1000x75 W 8. of R. R. 3.04 Putnam A. B.?.1 lot 76x217 Church 4.3S Putnam. E. W.?1 lot 75x310 Churcfe;! 1 lot No. 4 To'w.aship 10.07. Ramsey, E. M.?-2 lota. 25x150 Hord Survey *. .01 Randall, W. T?3 lots 25x150 No. 4 Towiishln Reynolds. Levi But. ? 1 lot Iu0x214 K. S. 11 K...... .'. S3.41 Rotun, Mrs. Mary --- 1 su.ro CherryvilloRoad 3 38 Rite, Leroy ?15 1-4 acres No. 4 Township ...? M Richardson, C. \\*.?1 lot 90x137 M. S. ol King 14M Riddle. Mrs. Nellie P.?1 lot 102x...? No. 4 Township 1.68 Roberts, M. S.?1 lot 70x178 Graua 3 37 Rollins, Fred ? House No. 4 Township ....I;. 1.86 Rollins. <1. G.?27 acres No. 4 TVrwnBhlp ojJ Roper. Jasper ? 1 lot 50x1 f.O No. 84 Highway 8.84 Ihwa. K. ? 2 lots 25x150 Pari ????'. ? j'.i i III o-tuix-ec.MsuSta-j? Sunders, I) L>. ? 1 lot 125x318 Clhurch 7.48 Sanders. W M 1 lot 85x135 8. 8. ot Baker . iM Short, Miss MaRRle ? 1-2 aero 8. 8. i?f old Cherokee road; 1 lot 185x814 .no. 4 Township ... 3.89 Shnonton,. W B ? 1 lot 70*200 W. 8. Piedmont; 1 lot 100x130 W. S. of Wilson 10.80 Stpo, J. H. ? 59 ueres No. 3 Township 8.40 Skinner. J. W. ? 3 lots 25*150 North Suburbs ...v.-.., .1? Smith, Mrs. Mary D., Adrh?4 lot* 4 lots 100x117 Mill prop. ; .48 Stewart, D. L. ?3 acres No. 4 Tow--, ship 15.4* Styles. Charles ? 3 acres No. 4 Township . 1.80 Thompson. John ? 10.62 acroa No. 4 Township 5.8? Todd. 'F. C ?Mouse No. 4. Township 1.8V Tread way, Mrs. Beatrice Black well ?1 lot 50*216 W. S. Oriental Avenge 5.4? Vandyke. J. P.?50 acnes No. 4 Township _ - 4.4? Wallace, C. C. ? 1 lot 105*126 Stonewall 7.4? Wallace, C. Wylte ? 28? acres Jotu John Jones .. i..... 8.4T Wallace, Decatur ? 2-3 acre No. 4 Township ... 8.7? Wallace. W. D ? 1 lot 138*208 W. 8. of Peldmont :. .... -8* Ware. Kred ? 1 lot 100*150 McOtn- 1 nla 8.75 V r .. ">? -2B Whre, Hunter ? 5 'A acres No. 4 Township ........... 3.1? '.eona Ware ? 114 acres No. 4 Towitsrlp 45.25 Ware, Mrs. Mary E.?111.4 acroa No. I Township .. 24.61 ' J AVllman, B. S.?87 acres No. 4 Township JIM * ?J Wfolsmuit, J. C. ? 5 lota 100x175 EI. -??. of Falrviow .91 White. '-Albert ? 1 lot 70x150 Ramseur ... 8.33 . Wiggins. J. G ? 1 lot 62x122 No. 4 Township 4.34 Williams, Charles 8.?1 lot 400x400 E. S. of Piedmont 83.80 1 Williams. L. M?284% acres No. 4 Township 39.43 Willis, O. W.?1 lot 128x160 E. S. of Gaston ...4.53 Wright, E. A?60 acres No. 4 Township 9.14 Wright, J. A ?1 lot 125x110 Waco Roao .......... 10.63 Vrtght, Pasha ? 1 lot 75x100 Not of Highway No. 20, 2.63 J. R. CLINE, Sheriff of Cleveland County. The Herald Publishing House ?KHINTING OF ALL KINDS? ?INCLUDING? 1 -Letter Heede ] ; 9 ?Shipping Tags ?Special Rule Forms ?Circulars and Placards ' ? Statements and Bill Fariw 1 ?Booklets and Pamphlet? - M ?Wedding Invitations ?V lei ting Cards ?Announcements Envelopes ?Mall Orders Civen Prompt? I ?Attention? ?Phong 1S7?

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