Locals Nose I In Last Ganu SCORE IN 3 MINUTES OF PLAY List Friday afternoon the Moun taliaeers ended the. moat - successful i AMtAinii nf lilL'iaPlI uo i iu !? ? Sltt n> ?IV imr-rm* w?> (rifVilN _? ir.H CI *J? U*TI*T1 I III ^ ' , Blocksbnre 13 to 6 The fuvorod viol ( tor* tallied In the final period to tie; the score, but the locals came bock lit the last three minutes of playi > with another touchdown and ronvert1 ed the extra to win. The Mountain-! een? scored their first six pointer in' * the first three-mlnutes of play. The,' (&me was a nip and luck battle with the teams fighting between the ! twenty yard lines most of the time. ' Ttao Mountaineers drew several pen ! allien which put them in dangerous I territory more than once. < Qibeon Intended to Nelsl'-r on the I sixth play of the game for the first 1 salty. The Mountaineer* rolled tip I IS first down* during the game, with ? I APVAHCEflKNTf ssiasi qslcher te I.C.S. treleed sms. These eed 400 ether eeerses te select free: e Diesel Engines ' Rlr Conditioning , 9 Aviation Engines , Shop Practice ttwt A ?I ~ " """"r r-mwrrwwi INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS W. F. Eckard, Representative P. O. Son 194 Charlotte. N. C. H tUa?. a* t This Coupon One ? FREE AIRP1 ?If Accompanied By 1 F THURSDAY, FRIDAY SOCup'FK > Kings Mountain Airpor Thrilling Exhibitions D OOOD-WIL1 ? ~*? n You do - Gj||8&9 ^ loSRtl Ofl ^ Smokers H *Al> Tobaccos a * ' V " ; fJ . M Thursday ai I VALLEY OF T Clair Trevor ? ' Saturday ? I> 'SPAWN OF THE NORTH" Dorotky Umour Ow^e Raft Monday an11 Little may well be proud of. I he Schedule K. M. Oppo. S'ewton ' 0 20 ItfTsiac 22 < Shelby ' 13 7 Harding High 13 0 ."herryvllle 0 '26 I lard) ng High 14 2 Knrest City . 6 18 lllacksburg 13 6 rotnhi 81 79 YEXT SUNDAY TV?e regular monthly meeting of he Kings Mountain Singing associaion "will be held at Second lluptist hureh Sunday afternoon at 2:00 Pi M. The association was organized he second Sunday if October nt Macedonia. KVerybody is cordially nvlt od. A sixteen-day-old. robin can eat u> many as 68 earthworms In n ungie uay.. yr i Is Good For LANE RIDE ? One arc Paying Passenger? , SATURDAY ONLY iY '50c up t On Cherryville Road ttily, Including Sunday LFLYERS ?. n't want ^ " Nerves VfjSia ml CameTs CottBtr re Soothing to the Nerves id FViday A he giants i Wayne Morris I ouble Feature "KIT i v tup Pin" i U1UMA I 11U It^K/ ?*a ' Johnny Mt-j Brown Wallace Berry I Tuesday rEMPLE THE CORNER I - Joan Davis I ouble Feature "YOU AND ME" George Raft /J Sylvta Sydney [LP BILL HIKOCK" theatre I 4 Kings Mountain v.; . ' l - >: - , '. - OOl ...A -*SM THK KTNOK MOUNTAW HURAT.n Large Audience Views Local Painter's Work (Special to The Herald) ,To preview 24 recent paintings ot Julius U Settlemyre, Jr., whose parents reside at 204 West King street, Itlo r?l 1 ir *(!?" ? OSA *?* 1 ?* vuao V(i>/ * uiv/l C UIIUU MU inCHUS U1 the artist, society people and patrons of the arts, gathered at his new -tudto, 7ih) Independence Avenue. Washington. D. C., last Saturday aferaoon and evening. A public shoorng of his work is being planned for the near future. ^ Tea was served and presiding at he table were Mrs. Katherine L MtcCortnfek of Middleburg. Va . and (iss Jean Kllzabeth (.augbridge, for fterly of Shelby, N. C. Young Settleinyre. who once stu iled at the famous Ccrcorau Gallery 'n Washington. t> t .. and whose 'aintdigs have hung in the National 5alh-ry in that citv. has be^n advan clog rapidly in his art, especially in portraiture in oils. Recently " he has sought to set a new style 11 por,backgrounds. Karlior pre-medkuil studies Itattatomv give his figures a .solicit y and an honesty uncommon n present-day panning Modern in his usec-f color., yet. through a calculated unity. he achieves conservatism. His keen perception of tile character cf his sitters. denotes a talent that will in time add many fine contributions 111 mt? me neia or portraiture. Settlemyre is now employed as a bookkeeper in the Procurement Df ision of "the Treasury Department n Washington, D. C. He expects to visit European art centers in 1939. One of the most interesting of his Pictures is "The Young Art Dealer* '.n which the life-size figure is pa-nt"d against a background painted 'ram a Chinese painting on silk. His popular "Clerk on the Wharvee" is typical of the new use of dramatic backgrounds. Having been asked by Central Hlgb School of this city for a picture to hang. SettlerojTe espressos appreciation at the interest shown and writes that as soon as the public showing has .been held, he will -end one, or else paint one for the Mimose. He is an alumnus of the schooL Local Student In Greensboro College Superlatives Miss Dorothy Plonk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Plonk, of Kings Mountain, has recently been elected in this year's superlatives at Greens tw?ro College, best student of the Jun >r class, and also. has received an vitatlbn to the Senior Honor Socle ty on the basis of a high scholastic udiug and an estimable attltuae -ward the spirit and Ideals of the ' col. Isast year, she made the Junior Honor Society. Vitas Plonk holds several offices ' n the can?s: vice-president of her cla-ss, vice- president of the German Inh. ar* ? etary. of the Math club, she helo ;g.? to the Irving Society. . Mi-* PI""'- '9 a Junior at the col* j lege tL.: - ear. * Coooerative Ctudy Group In Charlotte The following is the program of a joint study period for laymen and mnlatera sponsored by tie Southern and Associate Reformed Presbyterians of Charlotte and the neighbortag towns. Ministers of any faith and order are cordially invited to participate. Monday Evening Nov. 28. The Message And. The Modem World ? Dr. Ben Uacy- of Union Sena inary, Richmond, Va. Music by the Davidson College Glee Club. Tuesday, Nov. 20. 100:00 A. M. The Sovereignty of God ? Dr. G. G. Parkinson of Ersttino Seminary, Due Wast, S. C. D17 V I I ULiLil I Friday I Store Open From 'i I BELK'2 The Home of Better Vi v - - 4 V. *. -,. lMt-,-|W| ii , THURSDAY, NOV. 24. 1M8 11:00 A. M. Christian Adult Kduh i Ion ? Dr. P. H. Cartnichael of Richmond, Va. 3:00 P. At. Round Table DLscumIoq u Kvaagelism led by Dr. T. H. Mc 111 of Oastonla. N. C. 4:00 P. M. The Art of .Uroup Think tig ? Dr. Cnrmlcbael. 7:00 P. M. The Church And The Modern World ? Dr. 8he!ton Phelps of Wlnthrop Collene, Rock Hill S. C. J Music by Queens-Ch^cora Glee I Club. Wednesday. Not. 30. 10;uo M. The Sovereignty oil God ? Dr. Parkinson. 11:00 A. M. Now Trends in Theolo j) ? Dr. Carrntrhael , 3:00 P. M. Round Table Discussion on Worship led by Dr. W. W. Boyce Charlotte, N. C. 4:00 P. II. The Mlnlste.r and His Hooks ? Dr. Cartnlchael. 7:::o The Minister and the ModHh World ? Rev. C. E. Rozzelle of Gastnnla. N. C. I Music by The Ersklns College Glee Club. YOUR WZ jF_ GO Bj^READ Give Y< . ' 4 t . . *' * r i> : . ' ' _ * You exped the news? You expect voc&tlng cc You exped roads, gooc celebration You expect to Kings IV community Your news! The ner, ti tell him yoi chance. We offer yi or LOWEI quicker ser town printi The King " rs OPENS Night Nov f to 8:30. BRING THE FAM [REAT AWAITS YOU 5 DEPAR ihies \ ?Y- o . L, iji. . . - \gt 1 , . a*. ' W ' "-T> -. ' *- -?v? . *1 '*; THEY WOULD REA TOO, IF I CAR OWNERS, B NNito WIZARD Special d" *' *? 1 Guaranteed 6 Mot. An Pconoml.* _ . ^ 074 ? wno. hrv afl * capacity. o?< Wvpn to Pmpp,i _ *r 20 m*.. Exch ft LSI ERA MiJ AJ Home Owned an J. G. DAR 108 E. Mountain St. )ur Home A Chance ; your home newspaper to gi your newspaper to take the ^immunity betterment? , your newspaper to boost I schools, and to support c Br? t your newspaper to help bri fountain ? to'interest then paper does these things and ! me a printing salesman calls ii're going to give the home ] )u the same or better Quality t prices, and guaranteed b -vice than you can get froi ing houses. ;s Mountaii w Phone 167 * V' ' J TOYL - ' . 1' " * . * ' ; .. % Use Oti . 25th Anv Tm ???J *v( I LY DOWN. ma8. SJ FllPMT I JL JMUBiN 1 # iiiii 11 illiHttrtyiil iTiM'rHi ll'ii > DYOURAP *> IT APPEARED HERE UY HERE, SAVE ' " 1M% PUM Good-Penn Oil GALLON ; jrour crankum ar CM* V ulnar. ' 4UNW , Basra aHidal _ 2 Clllaa lnii(*ia Na. >H. s, ?.Paaitt* aaaar-'' $1.39 aaca at IM% - > , . yan Faanajrtaa- i iliaw , aaaW ill crudo. #4 CMUkMTa f Ona at Ma vary fmaat af/ 'motor oilt?wat pricad at af 5l*?5n!Tgiy lAl"vJl!/ Mlt'll'li,' STORES id Operated By ROCOTT King* Mountain, N. C. mammmmmmmmmmmmm ' 'i Printer . \ ' ' * .** BKKI " .* > P" ve 70a all lead in ad 4* for good em inanity njf people 11 in this Kelps you. on you, printers a at as low etter and m out-of v . '*'M j g| /. . ; j . ?*V-v ylM BR&.', n Herald ' and! Y-AWAY PLAN I | 1 deposit will hokl II y for you till ChristI lop Early! , | ' STORE I Kingi Mountain, N. 0>^|