UY ? AT HOME i -. ..,. : :.V VOL. 14 NO. 60 V State And N Condensed Ii ?National Newa? , ' New York. Dc<^ 6 - Gas ended the life of Mrs. (loletui Ryan Crestsmun Oa?T, former Zlegfeld Follis beauty, as her estranged husband, comedian Aic-\under Cnrr, Rears bed for her. j C.hlllU othe, Ohio. pee. 6.? Robert H reedy. 29, pleaded Innocent today to tlie slaying of bin - pastor-father, I>r Russell H. Brendy of nearby Bain bridge. and was bound over to the Ross County annul Jury on a dh&rge of first degree niurde-. Washington. IW 6 ? l>r. Arthur K. Morgan, ou*t?-d olxaHtnan of ibe, " ? 'Hi III. If lUJ proposed that n single administrator bo substituted fpr the agency's three directors. He made the recommendation in a lengthy memorandum to tlie Con?rea*lonal Committee ln\c*!lgaiin<; TVA. It was made available' today by one of the members shortly before Morgan resumed his testimony at the inquiry. Reading, l'a.. Dee. 6.?Ten year old Chesetr Kozlowaki wax "brought to lifo" yesterday ufter apparently | drowning in an old canal.Despairing of the boy's life after finding no trace of breathing or heart action for ten- minutes, hospital physicians placed him in a mechanical respirator. He was revived. Postmaster Blakely Says "Mail Early" Postmaster \V. K. Ulakely asks oil tzens of Kings Mountain to cooperabC in the handling of local Christmas mail. "It wtfll ibe to your advantage, as well as ours, to buy your Christmas stamps early and avoid the rush,' Postmaster Blakely pointed out. "We would like to advise also that fou send Chrtotmab cards first class, stoce first class cards can be sent cm to forwarding addressee, but second class matter cannot. "We are requesting particularly than the public use the larger else Ohrlstmao cards, since the small cards cannot be run through. the mailing machine on which we keep out record, of Ohrlatimas business, and tihere Is also much more danger of loss when the small cards are used. 'Christmas packages should bo j well wrapped and* securely tied, and should by all means be properly addressed, with the box or street number Included, and the sender's return address should be legibly written to the upper left hand corner. Be sure to Insure any packages, which contains anything valuable. "Do your Christmas mailing. as well as your Christmas shopping, early." MEN'S CLUB MEETS TONIGHT The Men's Club will have their regular. meeting turfs evening at the Womb it's Club Building at 6:31 P. M No program has been arranged as - business is to be tmhsBlcted. All members are urged to bo present. ' ' Laughing Aroui WithlRVTC A YTTT 1Y7T /\ warning wc By IRVIN A FRIEND of mine out in Clevela According to him, two Irishmen, in a small machine shop on the secor on the lower West Side of New Yori ing by the operatives was not pei During their first morning in their whose name was Donlan, craved a f< He voiced his desire and a friendly f< in such cases it was customary to as washroom and there to steal a clanc Thus advised, Donlan approache about* of the washroom. "Go down the hall," said the fo the right and the second door you the lavatory." Donlan undertook to follow ini In the darkness he took a turn to thi opening the second door stepped i with a Dump on the ground floor bel Presently he came back upstai when O'Day, his buddy, asked him wl felt the need or the solace of tobaa Donlan gave him the direction i turned to go ne called out to him: "But say, Larry, look out for th g a ? at? (Aintnc&Q niwi Kings _i: 1 xi lauunai news i Brief Form | ?State News? ltADKJGli, Doc. >6.?A state-sup, ported four-year medical school. | sneering every (/equlremciijt of a ' Grade-A iiiKiltutton. had rd to a Friend S. COBB nd, has relayed this one to me: newly landed, got jobs as laborers, id story of a loft-building so-called, ;. Under the fire regulations smok mitted while they were on duty, new place one of the green hands, sw comforting whiffs from his pipe, sllow employee confided to him that I- 1 ? Al M A A. Al k leave 01 me ioreman mi go io me testine smoke. d his boss and inquired the whereremsn, "and take the first turn to come to after that it the door to itrnctions but he made a mistake. b left instead of the right hand and n*o the elevator shaft and struck >rt. He was sweeping up rubbish here the washroom was. ODay also 90. ss he remembered it and as O'Day e top stsip?it's a son-of-a-gunP rwtuni Inr ) ^oun KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. iiAPTIST SPEAKER ? II Hp-).'' II JHI IB I ,^JBB ^1 ^Kj| fgjfa J|l ^ Hkh^n I I j Orphanage Supt. To .To Speak At .vrst iiapi.'.->l ) l)r I. C. Gritr 11: a; "g|?? .i::',"s_M_ljn_ ; South will bring th-e morning m<-aaig? ui -liu- ll:ui> b'viutli .lour at the rSni! Baptist Church, Sunday morning, lite. 11th..'IJie l.ap.u Orphanage of North Carolina of which Mr.. Orecr i? Su,v'-rlntenC.-nt, has one of the highest' a tings of any like Institution in . j America. Those who 'know him personally and have heard him speak will welcome the opportunity If sharing his! fine Christian personality as he1 comes into our midst. A hearty invitation is extended to ill who will wane to hear him. M~. Greer will speak iit the Second Baptist Church at 10 A. M. Suu.'ay morning. KINGS BSOUNflAiN IS READY FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Not Necessary . To Leave Kings Mountain For Almost Anyimng One Might Wish. - -i If ycur'e going to uo a lot of shopping .for Christmas this year and are already planning your budget, you can safely leave off the Item of gasoline and wear and tear on ,?our car as you make shopping visits lo oilier lowns. For It won't be I necessary to Kings Mountain , to practically anything you wish , tor. . . Seldom, if ever before heve local , merchants prepared their stores so . .boroughly for (he Christinas buying seadon. Unusually largo ship , incuts of merchandise have been re, ceived. Rings Mountain's business section has been attractively decorated with all colored lights. Merchants have been busy for the past week decora ting their stores with all kinds ot gay trimming. -Kings Mountain gilt J ters and glistens with the Christmas atmosphere. The Men's Club has stimulated Christmas decorations in both the business and residential sections of Kings Mountain by offering cash prizes for the two best decorated business firms and residents. A preview of Christmas stocks in the various stores proves very Interesting. All the old favorites are back again. and there are hundreds of others making their appearance for the first time. It is a matter ot note iha.t merchandise this year is of better quality, and that-.words "made fn America''' are found on far more phases th'an is usually the case. Manufacturers Help "I feel that we are going to have one of ihe best Christmas seasons in several years." said a prominent merchant yesterday. "The man Ufa c. j 4 Mrt I. J/v ^ tlf I S/U.l . Jtltll It ISO. s 11.11 io iunr f? uii ? ? in every way. giving us bettor merchandise at lower prices. These far fors. I believe, will result In greatly increased sales." From toys for children to automobiles for the family, from jewelry . to furniture, from clothing to hard ware, the town Is ready to handle all demands. It 1m stated that demands for practical gifts ore expected to be heavy this year. "Wd have the goods," said one business main yesterday, 'and 1 believe the people are going to buy. And any merchant in. Kings Mountain! will teli you that the Christmas dollar will buy more this year than it has since 1929." OPERETTA AT EA8T SCHOOL An operetta. "The Christmas Toys Wake Up." will he given at East School, Friday evening. Detc. 9, at 7 o'clock. The admission is 5 an J 15c. The public Is cordially invited. itai^r THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1938 C. W. Richardson '* m % is Burned Wednesday { Mineral services for I'ltarles \V. lUcli .i ua-n we fa ucia 'Jt *JO, V V AlC* i mortal 'A. It. 1*. ChUtv.i. oHUDd.iy u> iCtuoun ui vdtv.A ail'! i.Hf i.imt Iliad* .a Mul. .11 llv.ii * i-iiiv ^.v Kev. \V. M liiiyi.. iia.tor o? lie- ifrt'j j a tw.d lainily, wils la c.itlige o; the m.rvUcs and was lu-v. U. II Kirr of Winston 'Salem. a former pastor and close i i*l* ixl of the family. Ai. ivo p.tllbe:.*-is included a j 'iv.lniii ,* of. the (lld'.T-? Ulsells *>l ' Iff,1,'-"-11 ".'.lU'lll' H.MM li'.^UWI'l.'-'fl i'*ii lift- frl?-ii*la of tti* dec ens 1 - . I Mr. . Richardson, who died s >hon I liailv Im-iou- h.? 7Mil Iwnlituv h.*a j e on in declining hoalili for . sonn- j hat-. Although he had bet'U- Inactive ;.oi .vn/nKime, lie was oni> confined o his lied lor a short while. For a ... . k hricr to his death, his" condition a.s extremely critical. lie hud many ' friends in King.Mountain where he had spent the tietitt r part of his lite. He was of a relit ing, unassuming disposition df character. He was looked ui>on by: Iiis neighbors and friends as an up right .christian man.' Mr. Richardson was twi'" manT-'l cd. Of the fir?? marriage, one daughter, Mrs. Walter H. Carpenter. of' Kings Mountain. sur\lcte. Another daughter. Mrs. Ida Clark, died in oung -womanhood. Others surviving are his second wife, the former Mrs. Mary Hicks Campbell; a daughter, Mrs. R. B. Keeter of Grover; one stater. Mrs. Emma Williams Pattersou, of Patterson Springs; eighteen grandchildren and thirteen greatgrandi children. A daughter of the second marriage died in babyhood. Men's Bible Class apons- : Supper Tlit m'8 Bible Class of Central Metho i Church sponsored a chick en dim /r hi the dining room of the church annex on last Friday evening with a large crowd in attendance. Mr. j. R. Davis, teacher of- tlio class was -toastmaster. Rev. S. W. Johnson, new pastor of Grace Methodist church. was the guest speaker of the evening and was introduced by Rev. E. W. Fox. Mr. Carradine Moss was 'Prof, j Qulzz." The meal was served by one of the circles -of the Missionary Society of which Mrs. L. D. Shuford Is teach er. . GEORGE KING FOUND DEAD George King. 45 years old. white mnh was found dead about 9:00 A. M. Saturday morning in a pile of sorn shucks at the rear of Wldit Morris' in the northern section of Kings Mountain. King was found by a negro named Hamm Craig, an employee of Morris. fhe County Coroner investigated the death and found that no foul ploy 'Was connected with King's death. King was a WPA worker. Will Rogers' j Humorous Story j By WILL ROGERS COME years ago in a small town ^ out West, the one and only lintel was chocked full of guests, when two salesmen arrived lookin for accommodations for the night. The proprietor couldn't squeeze em in any place and was about to turn 4L. 1 I viicm ?w?jr won no romoinneroo an old church across the street which he had bought intendin' to add it to hie establishment. Since there was no other place in town to sleep that night he had a pretty easy Jod convincing the new arrivals that they ought to spend the night in this building. All. was well In the auiet little > town until about midnight when the church bell began to ring out clear and loud. After a while the night clerk woke up and shakin' the sleepy bell-hop, sent him out to investigate. The clerk waited a couple of minutes when the boy ran in and chirped, "The man in pew sixteen was ringing for gingerale.'' (AawUaa News FlwSWea Iae.1 1 Lerald . * 1 ~ r TO BE DEDICATED ' The Physical Education Bviitding In : which will be dedicated Tuetday New Gym To 1 Tuesday Eveni If In lAtVii.r. nV... * o^iNiaS AKlUNAi. I ii'.- I?iisiii' -i; inn of Knii!* .uuiin .11 was iiiif.d vita people, bot n . .in.i.i; aim ulil last IihI.ii i-Vinih,; a a..his* til. it 11 li ill ill Suiitu < lam I lit* ihrtiiiH v. .., estimated al ...Una l-COptf. 111... .1 tttla Ilt> I.lir-i-.-.' MlM.'U ;o u-ss<-:nlile in tin- business section /...< < itiv .visit <>i President (fuovcr in lt?;ju. . * i iii<- parade formed in front oi' tlio I'ilciald oilico on >m Avenue and innielltd down Mountain street to iin- ivtsi Blue 01 ituiiroail Avenue where the first stop was .made. Aft< r selections by the School Hand ';A<1 giving out fruits and candies the paraue continued to the opposite' dide of the street for the second n>cp, then the tuial stop waH maue on Mountain street in front of tho Imper.iJ Theatre. Santa. the-jolly old fellow, all' dolled up in his handsome red suit, rode on the big new Kite Truck,1 with tbc spot lights focused on1 bin, which made him visible to alli the crowd. Merchants an?d Interested citizens who planned he event were extreme ly weJl pleased and were elated over the way the people of Kings Mouiv, tain turned out to see Sumta. Plans' are already underway for a bigger! and better visit next year. About $50.00 worth ot candles, apples, oranges, bananas other items to thrill the child's heart were distributed from a big truck which followed the. fire truck. A total of 3.890 pieces were given away, us follows: 60n hags of candy. 1,S0 > I oranges. 880 -apples. 2n0 tangerines 360 bnuuttas, and 5o halloous. More | than enough for every persrn pres-1 , ent was on bar 1 If each pvi .-.m iia ! | received only their share. Stores remained open until 8:00j ' P. M. after tlte parade ami mer i i cih-.itots repotted bu*!m**8 wa? very | I good. I * 1 | Change Artist At Work Here , ? Th. young grocery clerk at < tb< I Homo StoivH will be more careful the next time a stranger comes in j and makes a small purchase, and j then wants some money changed, j Monday morning a man entered the j Homes Stones, made a 25c purchase and paid for it whh a $10.00 bill, but tssfore the clork returned the change decided he had ratheT pay with a 25c piece which he had found In his pocket. vAfter changing ithe change and bills several times the- stranger ends up wiith $15.00 at the Homes Stores' money. Tho man was seen leaving Kings Mountain In a Fottd Roadster imme(Hsteiy after the Home Stores episode. Merchants are. warned to be on | the look-out for change Artists, and notify the Police Department if one Is detected. Meeting Closes At First Presbyterian Tonight | The meeting at the First T'tasby! terian Church comes, to a close ti> night (Thursday I. Jir. J. >j. All..rdyce of San Antonio. Texas. litis been bringing most ttnusual and i most practical messages during the week. 1 he Thursday evening m? sages 7:30. will be tespeclally for Youth, but all ages are urged to hear hitn. It. Is most fitting that one who has come to the four-score veat should bring to the young people a message out of the fu-llhess of his ovnartatt en To Set Memorial Tree t The women of Rl ij?ttIml Club will set ft Memorial Tree In merrjory of Mlfts Violet Goforth, Saturday evening, December Htch at the clubhouse at 5:00 o'clock. The women of the church wHl put oti an oyater and chicken supper; atoo a bazaar at 7:00 o'clock. Many homo-made items will be In display. The public is cordially InvMed to atten. READ THE HERALD FIVE CENTS PER COPY TUESDAY EVENING . , n . V-. . is. fcs l,. ; 'i | >?. rx 1* ' \ i . > 111 the ii' .v I.'b> ;J ileal KU'iia'nui Building which Will i?K> i.iwii text rip "lay evening ai :3b in the t'pntril Scluiil. Auditorium. I??' Oliver < oijuvell. head ut the Physical KJtiiattoii Depurtmcut of 'hi I'tiiii i- tj- of Xiiinh Carolina has " - A ii 11 hienveil 's the main speaker. . ' J ur .?."*? in well u .1 i ill > responsible tor tlm e\peri men ial work in Physl1 nl ti in Kings Mountain. Crow ell Dittle. Physical Education O.u ?f tlie. Kings .Mountain Schools will intioluce itr. Cornwelt. 3 Charles Thotnasson. member of tlie Kings Mountain School Hoard, will explain the building program that has taken place in the local system. . \ . l)r. D. 1'. lJaker, Chairman of the lloaid has been Invited This Newspaoer.l : Strategist*. In I ho Capital City are I quietly maneuvering toward a scrap | to decide the future of Federal re: liof It will 1m? nil ta sue In the New Congress that own- -"J venes January 3. On the offensive will be legislators who want to return relief admlnUrtra tlon to Slate governments to make < It more efficient at less cos:. On the defensive will bo the spenders. They are going to fight to retain control of this potent portion of the public purse by seeking to divert relief upending to a new channel which they con control ? a prograan of National defense. Not even the spenders deny that a change of relief spending technique must be made. Public opinion ngalnat the present method has ap(Cont'd on Editorial pace)