[ ^ f Quick Results?Low Cost? HERALD I . Classified Ads K 2e a word for first Insertion; half price for subsequent insertlena. Minimum charge 25c. Do net ask for information g*9arding "keyed" ads, as they are atrictly confidential. If arror is made, The Herald la responsible for only one Incorrect insertion. The customer la responsible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any corrections needed. Want ads are always cash In advance except to business men or concerns having accounts , with this newspaper. YOUR OPPORTUNITY ? Drafllnc Ih the universal lammum* of the mechanical world. Ix-ani (jo spenk it the I. <\ S way auil K<'t some ot the rich rewards It ha.? to offer. Free hooket. \V. F. Bckard. Representative International Correspondence Schools, Box 19*. CharLOtT ? Pair cbtMTs '(classes.. Reward for return to Herald office LOST ? 4ti the Santa Claim rush Friday night, one child's red hat and one brown hat. Reward for re burn to Herald Offloe. WANTED ? Man for Rawlelgh Route. -Permanent If you iire a hustler. For particulars write Raw Iplgh's. Dept.. NClel061?a, Richmond, Va. FOR RENT ?i 3 room apartment, close In. connecting bath, hot and cold water furnished. \V. F. Ixigan. 600 W. Gol^J ?t. FOR SERVICE ? One registered Berkshire Bohr, for one pig, Also Belgian Stnlllpn. Fee $10.00. C. T. Iiedford," Route 2, Kings Mountain. 12-15-p. REMEMBER ? On Saturday yOu get ' ' one of our delicious Raunna Split.) for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. - ' * i KEYS MADE, LOCKS, VACUUM CleanerB, Small Blectrical Appll anoes, and Speedometers repaired C. L. Ramsey, Phone 126-M. i Sept. 22tfc yREGULA^LOOP L~fiP*tt0UNDS SI Our Want Ads j (Continued Next Week) TAt 7 1 *tt\ /r ma ivm nnu liEil'IiliPi j** ' , ' - - Tom: -"George, one of our neighbor's yc-ung seven year old daughter asked her mother when she grew up whether she'd have a husuano like her papa, and if she didn't marry whether she'd be an old maid, and her mother told her she would; what do you suppose, George, she ! saJd: "I surmise that she said she'd bs in a devil of a fix." We have a H'; !. line of card tables that meet every , requirement; tollapsible and easily j put out of the way; attractively covered and durable. See them. D. P. HoH Furniture fn SBuy It For Less At Hord'B ft \|L ? $ l: ' * ' r ft: ' ' * ii TH3 Winter Grains In Legumes Recommended Idleness breed? evil In solln an well is human lifts says K. C. Hlalr, agron oinist. of the State College Kxteruslon Service. In connection with the publication of a new extension circular entitled 'tGreon Flletfe to Winter." Blair ' tell In the circular how antal grains 'and winter legumes willmaoe feed Ctr livestock, enrich the s'i'1. and prevent erosion. 'The win u r landscape m wonn Carolina pre* Rent a too ml-m,y barren fields that should be growing something the year round." Tie says. Winter grain and hay crops do not Interfere with spring-planted crops, are inexpensive to gtx>w. and require little labor to plant. Winter legumes will Increase the yield of corn from 20 to 25 bushels on acre under average conditions, the ngronlmist stn.ted. The efTeet of the legume then continues two or three years longer. | Mliir's circular lists the principal [small grains to be planted In - tho f.iJI its wheat. barley, oats und rye, ( and the adapted winter egumes. aa Hairy vetch, Austrian winter peas, i ' crlmsin clover and bur clover. In-} strut Hons for pk in ting these crops j TWTHIBTBPTW mi' 11 v\n well as suggested-hay mixtures, gra zing mixture*. and notations with winter crops. "Small grains are planted hi the fall and mature for hay in May and. foe .?w.4n Im T..n? ni?(M onus 'llTIn I IV) ?i-ii( III auiiCi u?n on;o. ? ?*V ter legumes gather nitrogen from the air. ind when turned under supply ihis nitrogen and an enormous amount of rganlce matter to the soil. ' They may he turned under In time ) to plant rorn, permute, soybeans, cow ' peas, millet. sorRhums and sojne-1 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION XOIITII CAROLINA, I Cleveland County. In The Superior Court. j , C. R. Hester. Plaintiff vfl. Inez Martin Heater, Defendant. The above named defendant will J 1 take notice that an action for dt| verce on the grounds of" two year 1 separation has been commenced In ! the superior court fpr Cleveland | County. N. C: That the said defend- i j ant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office' of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, at the Courthouse In Shelby, N. C., on, the 21st day of December, 1938, or within the time prescribed by law, and answer or demur to the Bald complaint in said complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 21st day of Nov., 1938. Wm. Osborne, Deputy Clerk of thp Superior Court of Cleveland County, N. C. ?adv?dec 15 QUESTIC | Whit's til a Answer? By r.C'.Y -.RD FINCH ; C O t "^I2?MBLE j ii V.'-irlu i,ry^'iDV > ?. '*r.'ifi-i-': * ?-bv" 5 I \ - v ... t, > I ;V-' v: :'*i ' *??? ? 'r ]* >'.' I J 11J I k : - vr/"-.J i ' ? ~"..y ; fi' TREMb. tN'G when .frightened is cause! 'ay the spasmodic working of the nerve force which flows between brain and muscle. There is a series of repeated tiny spasms throughout the nerves of the body ' causing an attendant reaction in the muscles which results in what we call trembling. Intense anger, joy and certain nerve illnesses will hava inc same cncct.: CY KIDS * * G KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD TH1 times cotton." This valuable publication may be , obtained free of charge by writing , the Agricultural Editor at State Col | lege Raleigh, and requesting Kxten- , ?lon Circular No. 225, ''Green Field a ; In Winter." i Drop, Work To Picket Shut flnwn Awn Plallla t JACKSON. ' Mich.-. Nov. 5,?(IPS). 1 ?Pickets, estimated by some observ < era to have numbered -as many as 1. c 000, massed recently before a strikeclosed plant >here and kept 200 employees from returning to work. The ' strikers were demanding a closed shop agreement. Many of the pickets were recruited from three other factories which ^ were tumble to operate because of ai shortage of men. \ - I NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE BUSINESS REALTY IN THE CITY OF KINGS MOUNTAIN NORTH CAROLINA, Cleveland County. "V Under and by virtue of the power of sale given in an order of Superior Court In this aause titled: "Roy-I nolds Vs. Reynolds" the undesigned| house door in Shelby. North Carol! na. on Saturday. December 17. 111! at 10:00 o'clock A. M . or within legal hours, the roMowing described real estate: Lots Numbers 1. 7, 3. 4. 5 and * as shown on a plat or map made by E. L. Campbell, surveyor. or the Levy Reynolds' Estate, which map will appear on record In the Register of Deeds office for Cleveland Coun ty. N. C.. the said' dots hemp bounded on the north by J. O. Plonk and M. L. Harmon: on the east by J. 8. Allen ' and on *the South hy J. E. Herndon, and on the West by Railroad Street. The above described lots are located an the east side of Railroad Avenue and are of choice location, being splendid lots for bttsineap purposes aud investment. , The lots will be sold first singly and immediately -1 thereafter as a whole. The. terms of sale: One-hali : cash and the remaining half within six months from dale of sale with the privilege of paying all cash upon the confirmation pf sale. This the 14 th day of November, 1938. ?adv?dec 8. C. B. McBrayer, Commissioner. ? relieves CCC COLDS ODD Headaches Liquid T?b- and Fever lata, Salve due to Colds In Note Drops 30 minutes Try "Rub-My-Tiem, ? a .Wonderful Liniment )N BOX j WHY NOT? I Dress U,p The Car For | ! Christmas We have. a large nssoi-tment of || Quality Accessories that will li acid both pleasure and comfort i to driving. . A radio or heater for your car i wlil be a gift that the whole j family will appreciate and enjoy. , Plonk Motor Co. k Authorized Ford i Dealer * "That's a Good Reason 4 ^ . I . # ... . !? ' V URSDAY, DEC. 8. 1938. Laporte. Ind., Deo. 6.?This commmlty had considerable rain last seek, but no one will ever know _ low much. The U. 8. Weather Bu eaiu's braas rahi gauge was stolen. . Meterologist Herbert J. Link report- ? >d he found part of the Instruments | 11 a Juuk yard where* the brass had ' > -een sold tor 81.60. ,. < k Philadelphia. Dec. 6.?A New York < ? o Mtanii bus skidded from a fog- \ \ jurred highway and overturned to- < * lav. illhlrine- 21 rmaaonMni - ? -k -k-- !'' .-w ? ?>-ov ? auu uic I ? ? lrtver. ] J Automobile? of other motorists. < > ; roping through the (predawn fog, ) \ .vera commandeered to thfta the in ured to hospitals. Some did hot re- | \ clve medical attention for an hour 1 > is drivers became lost in the fog land !! vere unable to find the hospitals. ;; .? The United Kingdom consumes 6 < imes as much tea as It does coffee. 7 BIG 1 Each for This Offei * 1 wr)?3i IwMlSlmt ' * . * * ( ) Check here if you want stituted for Progressive Parmer. REGULAR VA YOU WILL GET AI and if you are already a s your present subscription coupon below to our off ce MAGAZINES each montl Invasazinrs and 52 newspj ONCE because we may & price. . . mxm v% mm cm vjx rt** rum mam mtr. nr USE THI Lilies Mountain Herald:? Yes, indeed, want to i Enclosed is $2.50 in FULL new or renewal, to the fol Kings Mountain Herald McCall's Magazine Pictorial Review Wom'an's World * ( ) Check here If you waj tituted for Progressive Farmer. My Name is ' ... Town 1 J | '_ 11 i i i . i i i ii ??mm???? # SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD $1.50 a YEAR Fill Your Bins Now . 4 *P?*S JTio uioaj 1?03 ?wBnt> WAV Gem ? Southern Star ? Furnace E^g ? Oil | Treated Stoker. Prompt Deliveries Honest Weight ;; Kings Mountain Ice & Coal Company Phone 124 Kings Mountain, N. C. : J 111 tt t M M ?i PUBLICATIONS YetrwA Total of 124 1hm?i ?r Will Expire Shortly HERE'S WHAT YOU GETt i / ' * . " < 1.' * McCalls' Magazine 12 Issues Pictorial Review 12 Issues *Progressive Fainter 12 Issues ' r" . * Good Stories ...... 12 Issues The Country Home 12 Issues Woman's World .............. 12 Issues Kings Mountain Herald 52 Issues 1 ? AH Seven $050 For mammtm One Year I . Southern Agriculturist, one year, sub LUE $4.75?YOU SAVE 12.25 Aj ' SEVEN Publications for ONE FULL YEAR, ubscriber to ANY of these SEVEN publications, will be extended one full year. Mail or bring the AT ONCE, and vou will receive THE SIX BIG i, and THIS NEWSPAPER each week ? that's 72 apers ? 124 issues all for only $2.50. ORDER AT oon have to withdraw this offer, or advance the I S COUPON AND SAVE $2.25 I j " - ? uaic : iccept your magazine offer before it is withdrawn. PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR'S subscription, lowing publications: 1 year Good Stories * 1 year 1 year The Country Home, 1 year 1 year *Progressive Farmer 1 year i 1 year it Southern Agriculturist, one year, aub Address _ State ___ * By PERCY L. CROSBY ______ won at! v" Hthc banister; J )? that/ fltfgp WeftsN'r conc } ?ij??j ctm ^ enough' -p-J jll^r Fnjlji1 '' \ - * ' ' ' .' ' . , ."* -?ifc A- i '