;w.- ts; Kings Mounl Schools Hon High 8chool ? Second Six Week*. 8-A: George Latthrtore*, James Iferoneburg*. 8-C: Mnrgaret C. Ware* | 9-A: Fiwncew Grouse'. RackuMoClain*. Betly Patrick, Vivlai: rnoije*. juanna MrsKain*-, . lJorii White*. Nancy Nickels. ' h*B: Howard Bdens*. Ken eat Mat ney, Miles Mnuney, Itoy Smith*. 9-C: Billy Tlhrpneburg. 10-A:. I.add llamrlck*. Oltria Corn well. Grace Hall. Alice Betty Maun ey, Mary Julia Pollodk*. 10-B: Violet IsiUghter*. 10-C: Carolyn rrince* 11-A: Jim Nickels. Juauita Kreder ick*, {Catherine George*.. Central .Elementary ? Second Si? Months 1-A: Jean Kvel>? (lash*. Betty Kalia*. Joyce Kills*. Sarah K-ulier? ine Kails*. Kluuior My one*. l*-itt> Anne Nehfler*. Trella Jo Whitley,wim?a mmtAOmmtmm&mtmtmmmeh??M? ~~ ' " Screen Attract Thursday "FOUR I). Hhe Lane Sistei Newsreel of * Saturday ? "OVERLAPS Buci "ROAD Henry Arthur Monday j "HOLD TV George Murphy Wednesday?Double iinrinr nvDU Erroll Flynn ? - ; "SAFETY II The Jon di: ^ *+ ++++*+***+**+**++4 Belk u Headquarter < . I Santa C DOLLS 25< i > V- 1 * . ' ' Dolls, with Hair, t 50< iL? 5 BEAUTIFUL $1.< Belk'i ' k? ' . ' V ' " i; **?- ^ A. ^ ^ g AAl.AAAAAAAAAi 1 TTTTTTTTT lb iis.h T tain City or Roll ?w * Harvey Bly Alum rick*, Billy Mptt, ?alfe*. liugene Roberts, Wilburi? Sjnllh*, Tommy Thompson* 1 11: Billy Allen. Kenneth Conner* . t T,.? / r M.I1U |l IV?*J ucc l/UUIUT, JW I VBIUCI, LtUVIIIC 11 Manning, Joyce Morrow, Joe Ed s mind Harris*. Donald Propst*, Har j old England*. ij 2-A: Manila Ajin Cox*. Charele j Cook*, Margy I?u Dickey*, Peggy, | Joyce Jackson*. Mary Anti I,itll?>- j i John*. - Ella May Eockridge*. Peggy , \niie M'tiney. Jan Reynolds*, ptlly j ) 'Clone Anion*.' Clarence H earner. Pla j to Heriwlou*. WJIllam Hern don*, ! Herman Maimer*, Joe Noisier*. Dan . Prcssloy*. William Prince*, \Hunjter | YVirllck Richard White, i 3-H: Griffith Laney, Earl Moss.* 3-A: Prank Sum mora*. Helen j ' Mlnnton*. Myrtle Cook*, Alda Jean Darin*. Prances George *. 3-D: Joe JTsyne," Ralph Palls'. | 4.-A: Elizabeth Gyqch*. Harry: in n ?mi'nw ions ... t and Friday \UGHTERS" s?John Garfield, also P \e-Pitt Game Double Feature ID EXPRESS" : Jones > DEMON" ? Joan Valerie . _ ind Tuesday IAT OO-ED" ? Marjorie Weaver i Feature?10c and 15c N HOOD" Olivia De Haviland * NUMBERS" es Family -? . - KIE__J ' O " '-4^ I" J*5K? s For Q . * ' '. v\'? laus | c $1.4! ____ OTHERS rhey Talk WA * DOLLS All Kinds of ^ Chests, D. B. .1 planes, Grow tors, Dump 1 s Dept. - The Home of Better Vah VW/'V./.A * ' ' ' ' A " - . 1 " - - . fj -?v- -,\ . ; . ;-.--xt,5S| / K* ^ - I ' '*- '" HE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAT.D 4-B: li'.iiiiie H ens ley"; Donald ^ Glass*. 5~A: Frances Summers*; Nancy x Dickey*. * 6-B; No Honor Roll. 6-A: Millard Prtnco*, Smyer W1I liains*. Henry Noisier, Everette Wea V ver, Charles Warlick, Mary Ann ' Grouse; M argaret Falls Virginia Summers. 6-B: Hhzeloen Abemathv*. Hetty 1 Knox Davis*,. Helen Earp*. Carolyn * MrtDahlel*. Sylvia Jean Randall, j Houston Black. C la von Kelley, B. T.! Wright. Jr.*. x <-a: uim tillages'. oenny ionnor*. Harold Gloss*, Coyt Payseur*. Goldeu Barrett*. 7-B: Ma leant Patterson*, Hornier Pheasin*. Margin Barrett, Ozello Gladden. East School ? Second Six "Week* j Wist grade: Roger McDantel, nil-! a He Jean Bnoknnt. Julius Burton. Barbars Bennett. Vera Short, Donald El lisoti. Glenn Delllnger, Betty Joe L.vnn, Louise Fledcher. - c Second grade: Dorothy Carpenter. I Evelyn Pearson. Pauline Codv, Peg-| cy Hunklicad. Bobble Jeon Spencer.; i Harry Poster. Norman Bolln, Donald ,< Kord. Bovce Huffstetler. lx-e Mere- > ill- i irmi iilVtili il7illl.ii IT ill's fihfn fortT Gr.lns. Alfred Price. 11 T,Uivd grade: Connie Biaekwdl. ' Geraldtno Cobb. Mary Medtln, Alber-' tit Putnam. David Owens. Chloe >' Lynn, Jatk On en, Pourth grade: Helen -James, Mary . Francs Payne. Marjorle Redmond, Nadlne Spencer. Fifth grade: Bvrtls Sanders. John-' ny Chnney. Marcus Rolllus. Magdal(tic Greon. Page Grose. Sixth Grade: I la. Mae Tate*. Hel-' en Putnam*. Hoyle late Whiteside*. L, Edgar Dobbina. j_ . mil.. tr .4..* . sevemn i^raw; uiiiy rvenneuv-. | \ Han-py Lnughter*, Mack Murry*,i jjUliev Uvbrand. I \ Weit School ? Second Six Weeks ) 'i ' Plrst grttde: Jimmy Childers*. Oil lie Palls*. Jack Htcks. Mildred Mar ! 1 UU*. y Second grade: Myrtle Hoyle*. Lou i Ann L?agan, Barbara Jean Ware* Peggy Whltakor. Third- gradec Bmogehe Bridges*. Myrtle Murray*. Beulah Rhea*, Jean * TO EARN MORE ] from these or any of 400 more ' I. C. S. Courses: ?Commercial i ?Sign Lettering 1 ?Illustrating ?College Preparatory , INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCH00L8 J P. L. PERCY 313 Vance St. Gastonia, N. C. { V. I ? I \RGE DOLLS ^? > & $1.981 X-........ $5.95 j; , GONS GALORE J7c < > Games, Tea Sets, Tool ' 4 > and s. ts. snot uuns, Air- 2 What we got till Is week, and we t inn't know wheiv to "Ked" and ? Homer" ate still interested iu eacii ' lUier. .... we thought that was oft oilK ago. Mr. Little spends his H. K. periods I u S-A. lie's also a gold chauffeur. Unle Mr. Smart is a back seat dri er .... Deah, Deab! i J'a iisihii ii'lllitti its ii 1111*11 i iMMMKkis ust Friday I'. M. .... K. \V- ate so nueh lie didn't have room for the uke .... Jim uiid Dot were dish rashers . ...! ' Maude still has a "Jim" on the 1st....! Kuinhlin' iirouild: Jo and Kollnn lo-.ilili'-iluled Sunday nlgttt .... the .ins were Fred and Ladd ...... II nut means . anything , ! Dap has Kill iu Huston now; .... which inaks one in every part ....' figurative> speaking ....! Doris went to the line in Giwse's rar .. ..! Col. and F. M. N'.rJr. again ,...? .add wild itachael Sunday night.. .hij.it Is grttitt' around ....! .. And rivian P.- has a crucli 011 Maitloy,' lis Bald.....!" Davidson High Grad tVins Freshman Medal (iteported) Arthur Turner l>avU.|>on, > gradu* Lie of Davidson High School. Kings fountain, one of the youngest fresh nen to enter Johnson S. Smith, uni* entity l3?t year was recently award id the Freshman Scholastic Medal, .vlrigh la awarded to t>he member ot he Freshman class on merits of the liighest scholastic average and com* mend able conduct. Of the 75 orj more Freshmen entering the university last year, representing almost every state in the Union, the young man from Kings Mountain held high est honors. The faculty feels justly honored to hare the fruits of then efforts gain such high premiums and recognition for the Negro High School of KIurs Mountain?thus revealing the -type of work that the school Is endeaviring to carry on. New York. Dec. 6.?Ray Ruddy, 27 Ihree times an Olympic swimming md- water polo representative of the United States, is dead. A fractured skull caused his death n a hospital lb<9t night after he had alien down a flight of stairs at the tome of an aunt Saturday. RUBBER USES From 200 to 200 different kinds ol ubber products are Used in automo>ile construction, and at least 500 iifferent varieties of rubber goods ilid products find non-productive uss in automotive plants. Rubber, as a illencing agent, has been a vital tapor. The superstition about ill fortune Lollowlng ahybodiy who .walked) unler a ladder arose from the fact that tvhJeu a ladder leans against a wall. It forrrui bi triangle, ^Tnbollcal of the Trinity. A layman would feel himself debarred from walking thru to sacred an arch. ECZEMIA Without making us rich or yon poor you can remedy that Itchy-burninc Eczema ? scaly Dandruff or raw Athlete's Foot: Blalot-k s Aivtl-Zema. 11.00 your druggist ? $1.15 by mall. Ulalock Ant1-S5ema Co., Raleigh, NX'. Smooth rota* MkN him ft star porformOr on akls. Smooth rotaf acrooo to?r ehla mohoo noor-kooa Star Staflo-edre BUm star gu foi iiiwoii ^wr face. aflj IB \ \ . Cc Z/^xu^yitw Hi I * I L - /. * t ? . * * fWT ??'-, ' ' * 1 ' . CI ' " - ' ? ([SWS l *+++++<.^++++++++7v++^+ { < ; s<-++< ** % -s- > m+Tt CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE HERE f Kings Mountain, N. C. J ; ; ui