, i: social * Of INTE phones 10-r . Mnuc A D*T*O r?I l ID ENTERTAINED . 'Mrs. J. H. Slewir* was hostess to /members of the Home Arts Club and Invited guests, entertaining at hef home on West tlold street on Thuri " -Jla? afternlon. The rooms were brl ghtened with Christinas decorations which formed a fitting setting for tiho Christmas program "arranged by Mrs. W. K. Crook. A play. "Going Home For t hrlstmas," was given by the following cast: Meedamce John Gamble, W. E lUakely, Bright Ratterree. Charles Campbell. Grady Patterson, J: If. Stewart and Miss .Mary Beth Ilord. Christ'I |is inuJlc was furnish* d by Mrs. Aubrey Maune.v, Mrs. liar* old Crawford and Miss Mary Beth Hord. wiiiwiansassssJfcsagssagpsaaawswwawwpwawWiiliSjy li'Jt ?Inging of Christmas Co Pols under the direction of Mrs. Aubrey Mauney A salad course with accessories and sweets was served. ' . HOSTESS AT BRIOGE AfJP, ROOK PARTY AMrs. J. H. Stewart entertained at five tables of bridge and rook on last Tuesday afternoon ot lu-r home on Gold street. - 'Ch(. WWYIIW vniv. fFflV- Willi fhllfit . mas decorations.. . Prizes in bridge won by Mrs. \V. K_ Crook and Mrs. Jacob Coonpt Vv with the rook prize going to Mp?. Gmdy Patterson. \ A tempting salad com se with accessories. coffee trnd sweets wn? served with a color note suggestive of the Yuletid'e season observed. Those present Included Mesdames J. E. Anthony, H. T. Fulton. Sr., J. . R. Davis, Grady Patterson. - M. A Ware A L. Hill, Paul lx>ng. " Jim Smith, W. K. Crook. W. E. Blakely, E. B. Marlowe Jack Arnette, Jim Willis. Pride Rattcrree, N. F. McOill. M. H. Riser. I^cster Hoke. Jacob Cooper and Miss Fanny Carpenter. lifkTE&S AT ROOK PARTY h f kin. Manly Morehe&d was hostess lei a. most enjoyable rook party en[ tleTtolning at her home on Piedmont Vkvenue, last Friday afternoon. v->nRie moms were arranged with lovely poinsettas, nandia berries, red candies and other decorations in keeping with the Yuletlde season. Mrs. C. W. Harper received prize for high score and Mrs. Jacob Cooper. for low. Tempting refreshments were served following the game and the Christ mas motif again observed. ^ Guests Included Mesdames W. K. Mauney. M. A. Ware, W. A. fliden. hour, 11. S. Ne'.ll. Lester Hoke, lloyd liantm J. E. Anthony, Byron Koeter. i\ \Xf Ifl'Afa I I./I.1 llni.ii^.h l.i.,A>v va. ??. mjci a li.iun luiini n n. .uii wu Cooper, George Moss, Aubrey Maimey. J. K. Willis, Pride Ratteneo. Donald Elailton. Troy Carpenter. I). C. Mauney. A. L. Hill, Charles Thoin asson, Paul Mauney, Curtis Falls. C. W. Hnrper, Arnoljrl 'Riser, Charlr* Oates, Jr., and Harold Craw/orl. IMPERIAL THEATRE PHONE 134 "Kings Mountain's Popular Playhouse" i TODAY ? THURSDAY Dick Purcell Larry Blake "AIR DEVILS" Tom Tyler la "THE PHANTOM RANGE" > Radio Patrol No. 3 Late*t News 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Boris Karlotf in m WONG DETECTIVE" Tex flitter In "STARLIGHT OVER TEXAS'* Last Chapter of Plash Gordon First Chapter "Flaming Pronties' MICKEY MOUSE 10c and 15c i - Free: Santa Clans Balloons to Roys and Girls MONDAY add TUESDAY "Bi* Xmas Special" Deanna DurMn In HHAT CERTAIN AGE' Spsotal MkLNlte Show Sunday Nlta 12:01 .> 10c and 15c \ "Merry Christinas to all" I AND PERSONAL HAPPE1 :rest to AND 88 MRS. A- H. PAT ? ? ? ? + study club features . Christmas program , / A delightful meeting of the Study , Club featuring; u Cfyrlstpnas piF>i gram was held, at the home of Mrs. , t'harlea Williams on North Piedmont S .Avenue ou Tuesday afternoon', i The spirit of Christmas permeated the guests as they entered the home which was arranged with pine boughs and other greenery and brightened with the glow of red candles and' a brilliantly illuminated Christmas tree. Mrs. M. A. Ware had charge of the }>rog?am us follows: Chiist-rrfu Story, by Mrs. W. M. Royce; solo h^ Miss Rachel Smith, accompanied by M..SS Virginia Parsons: trio of hl||h school girls, Misses Rachel Smithy Sybil Davis and Maude Plonk, singisrn^iiiruibfb.iyi I nifi, II i t Hill linn il by Miss Rachel MuClain; piano solo Silent Night, by Mrs. N. P. McCIII. During the business session Mrs. Aubrey Mnuney and Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch were elected members to rill 'vac-ancles caused by resignations. A chicken salad course with accessories. coffee and nv^rce meat pies was served. PARTY FOR COLLEGE YftUNG PEOPLE ('The Fellowship' Group and the Sen iors of the First Presbyterian church gave a welcoming nartv in honor of their group who have been off ' to school, hut who are now home for the holidays. " 'Mr. and Mrs. Rill Thomson and Mrs. Harry Page were hosts for the occnslrn. Mr. Luther Cansler 'directed the music and. served as Master of Ceremonies. (Those honored were Thornton Harrfll.- attending State, Charles Thomassott. Oak Ridge. Harold Plonk. State. Elizabeth Plonk. Vir gin la intermont College for Women. (The party was a delightful affair The music, lovely decorations of greens and lighted tapers, as well as the delicious refreshments, served by Mrs. C. E. Neisler and Mrs. W. W. Thomson, added much to the evening's pleasure. PARRISH-CANSLER Mr. and Mrs. \V. \V. Parrish announce the engagement of their daughter, (Wnelle Elizabeth, to Mr. George Grattdy Cansier. Jr.. The yhtrlrge will take place on December 24th at 10:30 p. in. in the First Pretbyterlan Church. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pnker a daughter at the Citv Hospital in Gistonla. , last Wednesday. December 14' li. Pe ifenrv Suri'iii: is better beins very 411 at L.i. 1. *%'?*.% on n?C / vs* ol m.i .i 'iiii* * .i vi?i- 'A'it an in. 1). ? ' Mls? Porotl'v Paucr'^n of the Norwood school faculty arrived ' r.vc this week for the holidays. ?o? Mr. Leo Peattle and daughter. ' c'!B. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wright Harmon Sunday. ?o? M>-9 Pauline Ooforth. student at Meredith College, is at home for the holidays. iMrs. Phillip Whitley and baby of Wendell are spending the holidays in Kings Mountain. Mrs. P. D. Patrick was called to Florence S. C.. Tuesday to be with her mother, Mrs. H. J. Jaeger, who Is critically 111. ?o? (Mr. and! Mrs. M. A. Ware. Miss vjreetings#/ jl jul . * ANSELL BEAUTY SHOPPE OUie Harteell Annie Mae Howie Helen Stewart * * ? ; . . -a''- i, I , . . I THC KIN08 MOUNTAIN HERAT D., """" ""j STINGS ! WOMEN I TERSON, Editor $ Jean Ware and Moffatt, Jr., will spend Christinas Day with relatives' 'in r.hn rim f c * 1 Mr. Ivan Rosenthal of New York Ctty will be a guest at the Parson home on tCast King street during the' holidays. ?o? Mrs. Lilliun Hitch, of Moiling Springs will spend the holidays at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Ixidd Ham 1 lick, the latter her daughter. / I; | Misses Marjorie lihea and! Kliza belli Neiil, students ut Meredith Col I lege, Kaleigh, are- spending the holi ! ' davs at their respective homes in w Kings Mountain. . ' L. MM .1. 'V Mrs. Wright llurmon and Miss . l,ois Heat tie spent the first part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Theo- ( dore Fogleutan and Mr. uud Mrs. ( Curl McCraw of Charlotte. j ( -o? |, Jack Parsons,, student at New York University Medical School is , spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ij. C. Parsons. | 'lihe Parson family will be guesls of j rcauves m t:nariotle .Christmas clay.| !. Miss Helen Illdeiihour went to! j Uerkesville. Va.. to attend the wed-j ling of Miss Laura Scott Farron on j December 17. Miss Farron has many! Irienu.i here as she 'has visited here for several seasons. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Allison and Miss Sira Allison left last Saturday for Palm Harbor, Florida. Miss AUteon will return home after the holidays' t 0^ Fc IOO% MYER'S DE Your Frien O. W. Myers ^pfpPRO H My Hob: A careful selection of ' \ best . . . chosen fron M ) packages. Truly . tl tion to the world's fine R 5 lb. sizes.^ , -flTT, 'u/.u / mi umiii ii HBBBHHHBBbfeM Kings Mount The Rex nr' ^iHi --rt- ' , jci * r-' v> TIHTRSDAY, DEC. 22, 1938 and her parents will remain for th< winter season. Miss Margaret Smith will leavt December 23rd for Washington, D C., where she will mlcet her sister Miss Jane Smith, who wjll aceom pany iter . '!a! i:;?re. They will b? uit i.oi.ua.. ...tests oi .Mrs. w. a Ditch. Jr. ?o? , Mls? Mary 1 'at Plonk. CficlMl Of music- In the Ituc.'o.-J city school) Mlifcs Douglas Plonk, nu .i''?r of th? Mount Pleasant school faculty ant Miss DotJlhv Plonk, student Ureenfebor College* for Women, are t( spend the holidays with their par eiits, Mr. and Mrs J. O. Plonk. Fellowship Group Presents Play The'. Fellowship Group of the. First Presbyterian Church will present as a worship service, a one act play, Wily the Chimes Kuiik,' by Kllzalieth Apthorp McFadden on Friday December 211. at 8:0tt o'clock. Tbe play was adapted from the ttory by A. M. Alden and originated n tbe Workshop of Hudcliv College ind Iiuh been produced more than Mil I.illil 1| 11 il I I I I 1 n I I ida. Knglund. Hawaii and Japan. "Why the Chimes- Bang' owes its popularity not only to the Christmas message it brings, but also to the unusual lighting effects, and' its exqui site music. The easi ?ui- the play is is follows: Holger. a peasant boy, George Thomasson. 8t< an. his younger brother. Chares Blanton. Bertel. their uncle. Jack Ormand. An* old woman who depicts the -pirlt of Christ, Mrs. Grady Mr-Carler. Piicsti Jim Page. Hi' h Man. .Grady Cansler. King, Vernon Crosby. Courtier. Thomas Roberts. Beautiful Woman. Gaynelle Parish. Old Man. James Houser. Young Girl. Mrs.. Sain Weir. Angel, Barbara Summltt. > (The public Is cordially Invited to ittend the play. f Your Drug Storm >r Colds Money Back Guarantee nn^c>it ?ll;1+(15)fl(il JJJ LJJJJ I PT. STORE dly Merchant W. P. Fulton Building | ag- * by Box the kinds you like n 12 Hollingsworth he Souths contribu- ( fl things. 1, 2. 3 and Jm k/'ci//tk^ ? ANDIES van** ' ii mmmt M&tI ? r ' * "Things" ain Drug Co. at] Store . i.",.' '. " ,-r - * y*^ * ? ?? ? ~ The Herald Publishing House ' ^ 43L.<^? ? PRINTING OF ALL KINDS? J ' ? INCLUDING? ^ Heads J ?Shipping Tags jf?Special Rule Forms 19 9\ ^ /W ?Circulars and Placardo jf** *Vl _ w i 1 CHRI$Tmfl$ JOY "" F"m< ' ^ a ?Booklets and Pamphlata ' ' ' 1 ?Wedding Invitations ?Visiting Cards j' ?Announcements j PHIFER HARDWARE Envelopes ?Mail Orders Given Prompt? COaMPANY , ? ?Attention? ?Phone 187? ?1 Campbell Phifer I 1 " ?- ? 31 I GET OUR PRICES ON FRUITS, ORANGES, APPLES, TANGERINES ? BY THE BOX! CLUSTER 14 OZ. PKQ. RAISINS 10c LAYER . POUND RAISINS ; 10c * 2 15-Oz Ppgs. Seedless or Eeeded RAISINS - . 15c 2 LB8 SEEDLESS CELLO PKQ. RAISINS 15c BABY EMERALD ENGLISH ' POUND WALNUTS -19c DIAMOND NO. 1 ENGLISH . POUND WALNUTS 25c BRAZILS 19c I NO. 1 STUART'S > . POUND .PECANS ' 19c " DROMEDARY PITTED 7 1-4 OZ. PKG. DATES 12'^c LARGE FRESH EACH COCONUTS v;-- - 5c DROMEDARY 17 OZ. CAN CRANBERRY SAUCE ............ i2'*c uvi. uJHit UK uibsy NO. 1 CAN I FRUIT COCK I AIL 12"'C I I COLE. LI33Y OR DEL MONTE ?Crushed c" Si.ced I PINEAPPLE ? NO. 2 CAN 15c I I CANDIES I I j For 10c lb. cST1Bon1 ] Chocolate Cream Choc. Cov. I Drop Peanuts I Xraas Mix P-Nut L?- I | Orange Slices Brittle I P-Nut Butter Peanuts ? c ^ . I Jcny B.an, Stick Camdv 25c Big Jell Jellies 9 ? . _ I . Southern Mixture z ID ??x I 5 Pound Box Inn Chocolate Covered I Chocolates Oc/O CHERRIES For Gifts in a beauti- O |L. oo I ful Christmas Box! L IP? POX 6QC I DELICIOUS In Holiday Tin FRUIT CAKE 5 lbs $1.89 I I FRESH .SHIPPED DOZEN 1 | F,r.r.s *?o , ? 0?3C . CELERY ? LARGE STALK 9c CRANBERRIES ? Pound 19c 1 fre&h . pound i. 1 BULK OOCONUT 19c I oud fashioned . pound BROWN SUGAR . 5c 4X Powdered SUGAR ? poung pkg 9c f MINCE M/EAT 2 pound jar 25c - a JELLO 5c Argo Bartlett Pears, 2 No. 2 Cans i 25c ^ Argo Peaches, No. 2,/* can?2 cans 27c . 1 SODA CRACKERS ? Pound box 9c Grapefruit Juice, 4 No. 2 Cans 25c Sour or Dill Pickles ? qt jar 15c Hershcvs Baking Chocolate. Lj 12^c 1 Home Stores ] i ^ ^ ^ , ..... . ,// . Mil I tfrial

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