4 BUY Jff HOME . VOL. 24 NO. 52 State And N Condensed It ?National News? WaiCsim-glcn, Deo. |7.?Advpoltos of stronger national defense express ed confidence today that Congress would fall quickly, into Htoe with executive proposals tor vastly expand"' dng America's military strength. They said specifically they ex peoted President Roosevelt to ask tor an air fleet of at least 13.000 craft?about four times as large as at present. Washington. Decj. 27.?Secretary of Commerce Hopkins, it was learm ed tx>day Is considering a nation wtain drive to put millions of unelployed men and women back to wcrk in private Industry, t in i r i i rir iT-T'Wrfw-' ""Vr i y'-- rv-1 . . the Government's vast, work relict program has discussed the possibilities of such a campaign with busness leaders here and in New York Richmond, Va.. Deo 27.-?The dc uuded lands of the Midwest's dust bowl are showing signs of outoinutic recovery. This report- was made to. 'he Amertaan Association for the Ativancement of Science today by Dr. J. K \yeaver of the University of Nebraska. in spots that have had' two years pf good rainfall, he said, there are the beginnings of a "carpet" oyer the Soil. This is made of blue grass mat pi ante and other low growing forms. Where there has been only sue fear of rainfall, there are nevertheless signs of recovery in a few spear* of the carpet here and there. Camden, N. J., Dec. 27.?An attrac tive 26 year old brunette was reported in m critical condition in a | hospital .today from ten bullet wounds Detective Clarence Arthur said were infltoted by a man wtooee ? - ? a BVIA ' hod Mltmto/) ytnxmv ouc uuu wutuv-u unopeded several hours earlier. The yomm woman Florence Ootlwald, waa shot last night, the detec tlvsa said as she topped from a friend's automobile In front of ber home. Arthur said he took Into custody a man. he booked as Emll Mascher, 46 year old. WPA worker. San . Francisco, Dec 27.?Police searched today for a two year old Patricia Brady who was taken from her home Christmas by some newfound acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. James Brady told poltoe a oouple they had met recently made a Christmas call and asked permission to take blue-eyed, curly haired Patricia to buy her a present. Brady la a WPA worker. .Lawrence, N. V., Dec. 27.?James Loucheftm, 94, who as a youthful reporter for the "Cincinnati Press" covered the assasslnlatloa of President Lincoln, is dead here. Washington, Dec. 27.?The set-up -of the new congress and its committees betokens a session filled with ! compromises. At many turns toward < expansion and bolstering of bis program, President Roosevelt will run into a committee chairman or other -eweta. OS Gotten H om ft. lUIIUWlim VOU?M7 Vi wvww crmt whose views do not exactly af gree with, hi* own. Paris, Dec. 27.?Dispatches from north Africa today reported that Italy was massing troops on the frontiers of French/ Somjpliland. '-I- .i ii -i - - - Laughing Aroui . 1 with irvit One of Those P< br irvin TUDGB HAL CORBETT, formerly J attorney in New York, is one c he has a friend, also a former Kentv eo cordial of manner. One bright morning Corbett i bumped into hie grouchy acquaint* "Good day!" he cried. "Where i "None of your blankety-blank I if you weren't a good friend of mine Upon another oeeaaien the aai several others upon the steps of hour came, and the whistle on a ne "Twelve o'clock," he remarked, home to dinner. If dinner ain't re ; ,itis run4j. 1.aint argoto'doontai - XT M : Kings ational News l Rvinf Pnirm A A* A IV1 A VI 111 | ?State .News? Wadesboro. Dec. 27.?Marcus M Roberta, 37 was found dead with his head lying In Goulds Fork Creek about a mrile west of Wadesboro Sonday afternoon. Roberta, whose health had been bad for some time, was taken to ,ae creak, where he had some mink traps eet, early Sunday morning by a relative. After the body was found Wn inquest was ordered by Coroner W. B. Moore to follow an autopsi by Dr. Wallim and Dr. Clem Hamm of the Anson County Health I>epari- ] inent. Findings indicated that Hoi>-1 erts probably died of a stroke or heurt attack. .Y'x* I irnww Iwira *\f I hr? /' V! /Vint hi.?? 11?. -.1 f ?. W v? ?"< x_y n> \ uuturu Itiiiiui yi Greenville. in-Jurcd Saturday after noon In an auto accident near here were nut lug fairly well todjy at the Mary Black well Hospital ____________ Burlington, Dec. 27.?\V. D Riddle, 58 was burned to death early yesterday when fire destroyed a roadside service station -which he operated. He had his sleeping quarters In the building. *' ? W Stateeville Dec. 27.?Augustus D.. Troutman. 93, outstanding Iredell County citizen, veteran of the Army of the Confederacy, died Sunday at j his home In Troutman. ' ] Winston-Salem, Dec. 27.?Robert ^ Johnson, 68. a bachelor, was found burned In d??th in bis shack near here yesterday. .. 1 / Coroner W. ft. Dalton said the ag- ' ed man apx>arently had suffered v heart attack fallen In to the ' open fire nd' ciuwled out upon the heart^. Raleigh. ' Dec. 27.?Gov. Hoeyfs message to the 1939 Legislature |i expectedi to recommend, among o(lV er things, a balanced budget, creation of 'i State Department of JubtToe. election law refonns. snd tir^ addition of a 12th grade to the pult-* lie school system. Qastonla. Dec. 27.?Jam'1? Leroy Thomas, 30, of Stanley died yesterday morning -in Garrison Generel Hospital of injuries received Friday night when the car In which he was riding struck a telephone pole in W'ABt f!n?tr?nln Hp nnffy the Men's Club with tbe Kings fountain Drug Co. taking second >rlze. Tlte prizes were awarded pure y on decorative display, and not for tny Idea expressed. Dr. arid Mrs. D. P. Baker were I- i varded first prize for residence dec- f >ratlons with Mr. and Mrs. Chariapf , iVIIKams taking second place^^Tnd takers depleted the manger aoeoe. vith the wise men kneeling by the rianger and a shepherd1 boy with his heap nearby. The scene on the Wlliam's lawn was of Bethlehem with he wise men entering guided by the itar in, the east. There was also a ihepherd attending his flock in the >ackground. The prizes were ten dollars each or the first two prize -winners, and ive dollars each for the two second irize winners. This is,the second Tor thai nn'o Plnli *iou otuor/1. ?d the prizes. The judges .were from >ut of town. . Mr. Arnold Klser. president of the Men's Club, expressed disappointnent that there were no more enries in the contest than there was. ie said that he hoped, more persons would partlclpabject of the contest was to mhke Kings Mountain a more beautiful own on Christmas. TO ATTEND NATIONAL MEET Miss Sara Collins, daughter of the ate Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Collins, and president of the student body at Vsheville Teachers' College, will epresent the college at a convention >f the National Student Federation >f America to be held at Perdue Uul rersity, Lefayette. Indiana. The theme of the conference is 'Student Leadership in Cbmrnuntty Liife," and Miss Collins nas been asilgned the topic 'Teachers'- College* Among the prominent speakers to ippear on the program will be Dr. Prank P. Graham, president of the University of North Carolina. Mies Collins is a graduate of Kings Mountain High School. Midnight Service Held At Presbyterian Church Young people from the Methodists Fiaptlsta., Lutheran and two Presbyerlan churches assembled at the First Presbyterian church at 9:00 j'olock on Christmas Eve. From there the young people went through" )Ut the dty singing carols wherever Invited. The groups returned to the church it 11:85 P. M. for a midnight service beginnring at 11:30. A service entitled "The Feast of Candtos and Carols Just at nridntght the organ chimes rang out proclaiming to all that k wag Indeed Christmas Morn. COTTON GINNING REPORT Census report shows that 33.319 bales of cotton were ginned In Cleve land County N. C., from the crop of 1938, prior to Dec. 13, 1938, ns com pared with 57?4R bales for-the.-.crop of 1337. ttain h r , . r. THURSDAY, D |C. 29, 1938 CETBOOKI LEDGERf* aT^-? |S|j|P ' ; _. - . i . _ T?f PtcKUtf I \ A SVWIA ALWAYS / < / mmakamt. / 1 16,972.000 SAVItMt MPOfiTORS IN ssC^sswr w i/m than bo veA*s. CHIEF BURNS SAYS CHRISTMAS QUIET I . ?* In a statement to the Herald last light, Chief of Police Burns said ] hat Christmas was very quiet this | ear, with only the usual number of < trunks being taken in, and very title disturbance from those eelebraing (with fireworks. Tuesday after- 1 t oon, Chief Burns was called to in 1 estigate a disturbance near the ' lora village, where, some excited,1 erson said, a bloody fight was' In irogress. Upon investigation, how- < ever. It (prove to be only a fight be- 1 tween two men who were slightly in- 1 toxtvated, and only a couple blows 1 were struck. The citizens of Kings Mountain. 1 as a whole, co-operated nicely with officials, andi very few firecrackers i were shot in the business section. This Is gratifying when It is consld- 1 ered that shopping was very heavy i Saturday. < SAYS RECKLESS DRIVERS ARE GROWN-UP CHILDREN Amarlllo, ^Texas, Dec. 27.?Best ( way to undrape a person's personall , ty. manners and habits Is to place him behind a steering wheel says J. I,. Duflot. psychology teacher at ' West Texas State College. "The {man who drives recklessly ?darting in and out of traffic, hoot tag his horn hysterically and hogging the highway with blinding light | ?to a grown-up child having a tern per trantrum," says the professor. ( 'An automobile just brings his ac cumulative stock of h&blto to the surface." ( Will Rogers' Humorous Story . . By WILL ROGERS yHE .son of a Texas newspaper publisher came home from college recently ahd in the first couple of days ah home showed his father plenty of what you could fail to learn at school. He must have been One of those college boys who burn plenty of midnight oil; but the kind that is used in automobiles and not in lamps. The boy's biggest fault was hi i habit of exaggeration, and- the father tried to correct this by putting him to work as a reporter on his newspaper. The first assignment the young bucko got was a labor disturbance on the outskirts of the town. It was quite a riot, and when they began to Are guns, our young hero sort of lost interest and headed for town to write his report. His store told of the thousands of people who were fleeing the scene of the panic, and the old man pounced on this as a typical example of the boy's exaggerations. "How," said the father, "could these thousands of people nave run away from the factory when the whole population of our town is only twelve hundred ?" "Twelve hundred T", the lad says without shams, "why, dad, I passed more then that the first two minuter." i A -n-rl?ui NiailWma. Ian) V-y ; V . . vd?\ * I [erald " -' ^ :' > vv>./' * , ; t *?T^'r^ ? 7~* . ' . .n 31m -? ? Fellowship Group Presents Play Tlhe Fellowship Croup of the First I Presbyterian Church presented as a ^ worship se.rvlc". < } otuvnet play. "Why the Chimes Rang," by Kllza- j beth Apthorpe MeFndden ou Friday December 23 at S-oV-lock. ."Why the Chimes Rang." is the! most popular of Christmas plays I in'd has been played throughout the * world. . t The play was adopted from the1 " story by A. M. Allen and originated, t In the Workshop of Radcliff college. | 1 , Luther Cansler had charge of the I lighting. The church choir heard the .1 tynins heard during the program rttd Charles Thomasson gave the In-, ? 'reduction for the play. __ , Two Accidents Here; One Fatal jl Kor Two Persons Cecil 0 Knight. ilfi ?*+?:".rl >tt.- tuvl!. keeper. and Mixs Virginia t'lemen'. Spartanburg teacher. were killed 1 tear here ' earlf Saturday -tfternoo i' \ hen_ the a lit<> In which they were iding skidded into s? passenger bus. Fhe accident occurred in if (lie enraqce to the Battleground . on the drover road. ' Knight, who was em-' ployed by the Horton Motor l.inea.i was killed instantly. Miss Clement j was breathing when rescuers arrived, it, the scene ofr the wreck, byt died j Itefore reaching a Gastonia hospital, j . ?T. H. Smith, local piollce officer. Said the car was headed south and skidded while passing another auto and was struck In the side by the north-bound bus.. , The auto, which was brought to King's garage, here, was almost com pletely demolished. The bus was haanaged slightly. fThe report here was that Knight and Miss Clement, who were reluming from a Christmas party In Charlotte, were planning to be mar. ried during the holidays. Another wreck occurred near tha entrance to the Margrace Mill Sunflay afternoon, when an auto driven by Pete Lefkowitz collided with another auto. Liefjowitz. a Greensboro pawn shop operator, was on bte way to Florida with his wife when the accident occurred. Attendants at City Hospital hi Gastonia. where the couple was taken. said lhat T ofbrvmlin onWoroJ ? #eont l iiuij uci ivvn iia oum i vu la 11 ext.. l ill ni . skull, but was not hi any Immediate danger unless complications set hi. His wife was suffering from shock, | hut her injuries were not considered ' serious. The accident in which Knight and ; Miss Clement were killed Was the! second such to happen In or near Kings Mountain within the past 18 months. The first tragedy occurred (i at the Cleveland Avenue and King ' Street Intersection In Ma? 1937. when a young bride and groom were killed.. Congress Due To 0. K. Defense Washington, Doc. 27.?Advocates of stronger national defense express ed confidence today tfhait congress would fall quickly into lhie with executive proposals for vastly expanding America's military strength. They said specifically they expect ed President Roosevelt to ask for an air fleet of at least 13.000 craft? about four times ae large as at present.. Bulwarking such requests from the White House was said to be 'startling;" evidence that Germany m i ready strong in the air. had equip , ped Its industries to turn out air craft at an unprecedented rate. Mr. Roosevelt's message to Congress on Jan 4 will discuss threats to world- peace. Informed persons said, with particular reference to to tthe uneasy situation nlreadv ol> tainlng in Europe airfong countries outside the dictatorships. ( Specific requests are to follow, ( probably in a special message. ( This message will embrace the ap prattled need for "more equipment ] and manpower In, the air, and on the j land and sea, as well as a compre- , henalve arrangement under which , peacetime Industries could be quick ly put to work on mlittary orders. It has been eetlnVad that, despite progress in this field since the World War, 1 t -would take some 8 months to complete the shift. LIONS CLUB MEETS TONIGHT The Lions Club will meet this evening at the Mountain View Hotel at 7 o'clock. A number of business men have been invited to attend the supper and meeting by the Lions. Otis M. Mull, Representative to tbe State Legislature will be the main speaker. Attorney Ector Harvft! ~*>d R. W. Foster are In charge of the program. Mffinfojr'ii if n"'- *- i ! ... v ..... ' 1 READ THE HERALD ' 'ft FIVE CENTS PER COPY Parade Of Local Events Of 1938 Although several events of tmHtrlancc occurred lit the year Just 'tiding. there were very ax compar d with 1937. The columns of the Herald" for the past year show hat the following events were the lighllghts: Januar> 6: Hotne of Mrs Kato 'tills cotuph'tely destroyed by fire. January 6: Mr t'arl Davidson giv n Silver Heaver Boy Stout Award. January 21: Aurora lU/realls Northern Lights! seen here February 3: Extended Mail Pe- , lver> Service started. March 3: Sidney Hlacknier. M?ve actor, and Snzantia Kaaren visit C.r.g* Mountain. M !uOcd^hT"nn^*?' April 14: f <; .White named to " 'a ill ufit-.x'ji!red tdriti' of late J. 1*. Ma't ] ie\ on School Board April 24' Kings Mountain School laud wins first, plate in drilling at Mate Meet In Greensboro. May 19: Junior Woman's Club se- ? sue Piny ground. June 2; 48 Seniors graduate from \lngs Mountain High Sthool. The | >igge?t graduation class in the hist- J >ry of t.he School.'.' /? June 9: Lions Club organized 1n i tings Mountain. Howard Jatkson eected first president. .1 June 23: Ctuncli Passes overhead ridge project. uuiie neraia Move? into own vome for first time in history of >aper. Council Approves Sidewalk iroject. July 7: Kings Mountain to get 173,000 Post Office. ( July 21: Cyrus Palls sets record >y attending Sunday School 25 years vithout absence. September 8: Tax Rate .raised to 11.87. September 22: Firemen Return vith new Flrt Truolt. September 15: Kings Mountain lets New Uniforms valued at $1,700 October 15: Carpenter lot, corner dounutaln Street and Piedmont Avmue, selected for Poet Office site. October 20: Construction of Over* lead Bridge started. November 3: Arnold Riser electid President of Men's Club. November lO; Stroll vote gives Democrats Big Majority. * November 17: Improvements in Postal Service. Parcel Post Delivery lervlce started for first time. December 1: Sinta Claus arrives. Dffleial opening of Christmas season December 8. $340 fur coat robbery it Keeter's Department Store. December 16: New Gymnasium Dedicated. ' "'U Horace C. Ross Passes Horace C. Ross, ago 42, who was ,s or a long time a resident of this lection, died Friday night at homo it Crowders Mountain following a ong period of illness for the past W ? AX- A - -? * ?ioc iiivuvua ixw IIAB uvea veuy mcK. He served oversees 4a the World ,Var and was a member of the Gaeon Post No. 23. He wai a Christian ;entleman, an upright highly respeeed citizen. Kimerral services were lei<* at the Second Baptist Church >n Sunday afternoon with Rev. B. . 2. Parker in charge, assisted' by Rev. J. F. Moss, pastor of Mountain flew Baptist dhurch. Interment was a nade in Mountain Rest cemetery. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. j Ida Elizabeth Ross and the following five children, the oldest of whom s under 12 years of age; Horace, Jr. : Paul , Raymond, Arnold, Rbnnte Sua and Elsie Ijee. His lr.Other, Mrs. f J K. Rennet!, and a sister, Mrs. lames Duncan, survive. ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS The decline in industrial activity j! hiring the nine months following An ?u8t, 1937, was the sharpest on rec- 1 ?rd for any comparable period, reports the United States News. The , recovery movement that set In six ( months ago, according to the same .. source, has no precedent in rapidity a of Improvement, with the exception | of the brief pre-NRA boom. These oompartsons are based upon the Federal Reserve Bpard'a index < nt Industrial nrodivctlon. which la a I generally accepted barometer of Id- J dual rial HlMn or health. This la- | d?x mm the 1923-25 average aa a | "normal," with a rating of 109. In > 1 August. 1937, the reading wan 117? ^ almost an high, an In 1929. In tlin tub J aequmt May, it had dropped to tha : abyamal low of 79?a drop of ortr 30 per cent in leas than a year. Since May, 1939, the Index ban rla en 24 point?, which la clone to hattj as much aa It gained, on the avers pa In the four preoedtng years. Wn 1>I^| hare regained something aura than (Cont'd on Editorial page) I M . ..fl