i .uy r %. at * 'i&l -*' s? 1? ^2?^^''-'fljl hons v .. h- * w 'i km no. 1 Kate And N; _?- ? *^i v Eensea in taidga, Jan. 44?Indian { ?d with rousing cheer ears gift of nearly |70 the United Provinces , i Jem. 4.?George' Mo i rector of yesterday's rade' ? Philadelphia 'trtctly ell-male new years festival : Idn't take any chances on women i string into the -ranks. Before the < arada started, he gave voice tests i o all female impersonators. X-i- , lYentoo, N. J., Jen. 4.?New Jerey launched today Its huge unern Hyment compensation program ; vlth the anticlpalion of paying be- < ween 930,000.000 and I40.000.0oo to i he state's Jobless durng 19S9. l 'UV*rtl HtM tSF 1 Vreck Victim + Funeral services were held last 'unday afternoon at S:00 t'clock tor r, W. Owens, mechanic nt the fhe? t* Mill, who was killed Thursday nornhtg te a wreck on the Kings- _ dountahsOsetonSa highway. Mr. Iwans was missing from Onatonla ' Then thai truck which ha was drtv- ng collided wfth an an to driven by I f. E. Luke, of 8wansee, 8- C. Sheriff Clyde Robinson of Oast on , oumy, mo oDvuugMea tne acci lent nH ttat tram til appearances t wm unavoidable. The driver ot ' the Sooth Carolina auto said that soth an akbMed aa tbey approach ad each other and neither he nor Owena could avoid the collision. Surviving Mr. Owens are. four j ions, Elmer. Rnesel. Char lea, and Oscar; and a. daughter. Virginia all pt Kinca Mountain. ; . Mr. Owene bad been employed at | ha Pfcent* plant. tor the paat eight ( wot aa Master mechanic, He came Jj. ' to Kings Mountain frtm Eaat St. , Umia, HI. { f x ' ||jj^_JIYA ACTiyiL HERE f ' ' [ Thp girls of the NYA sewing room H$e to be congratulated for the fine 1 Itork they did during the Christmas Htfertod. Prom scraps they dressed 65 Haoond hand dolls, making them look Djlte new; and from. cant-off inner rubes they fashioned attractive rabBffts, aqutaveln, kftttena and even ela Hphants. TMe haa been only one phase of the wtnV being carried on Kader the direction of Mrs. Pansy KFertxer. County NYA Supervisor, Krith the Junfpr Woman's Club at ^MKmaor. end Mrs. Paul McQlnnle as Kte preaeot teacher. io CLEAN CEMETERY flhe mernbem of the EH Bethel ?tbo<UBt Church are leaked-to meet . the church next Wedneeday mora E to help clean the graveyard. All ilattves who have loved ones burd there ere alio Invited. FECIAL SERVICES H c- . ; The Church of God Evangel la t. ev. W. O. Boheler, , whose headlarters are in Shelby at the present me wttl preach Saturday and Sun* ly morning at the Church of Ood ire. Evening aervluo and 7:30 and orning at 11 a. m. The public is irdtally tovtted. fNNSM?ma?s^as?M?M#a^NsNMsMSas?haNI Laughing Arout With iRyn* Complete in] i* By IRVIN 41'nr. gentleman who entered the p * * had a great night the night bef this morning. Ana looked it! He ^ and bloodshot; his hand trembled, 'that he suffered from what, technical He fed!" into a chair at the tab smu and Emerged. To him, all affal "Well, boss," began the servitor HOk I don't know," said the n | the Httle place and tamed sHjjhtly i ^BFSrjSJSLtwirj itelandn# a small platter. Ob tha < I *u^Ji t'o" ii. 1 txmrnf bwb i pin ok yore owoei ENWim^l?nitf rest tiIts -L <u. . ' * . ' - V / ,K* . ational News n .? f r ' i oner rorm ; ?State News? Marxm, Jan. 4.?(The McDowell Ctoutaty Grand) Jury today charged Eruce Staoey, 26, of Old Kort and Joe Hensley, 33, of Marlon with nvur tier in the death of Dennis Qlbbs of Nebo. found fa/tally Injured beside a railway at Nebo last September, Columbia, S. C., Jan. 4.?A flaming negro dwelling in suburban Eau Clarlr became a funeral pyre for five occupants early .today and wrote a story of a seventeen year old youtr who died -fa a vain attempt to extricate (his mother from the flames. Wilmington, Jan. 4.?Houston Ray Mints, six,, was struck by a . truck sod fatally -Injured today Just nortn of here. State Highway Patrol Sergeant J,. R. Smith said the boy. was irtuffln Ir n ftn'r ntfiirnn .rug mem truck driven by. W. R. McAuley formerly tf Ssnford. Raleigh. Jan. 4.?Checks for ?165.904.67 to 88M creditors of the derunct Page Trust Co. went out today Bank CoiiiiiiI?Onner Ouemey P. Hood, announced Aubrey Mfeuney Calls Animal Meeting Of County Scooters 1 Cleveland County Scouts rs and leaders will assemble at the High School .Cafeteria to Shelby at a sup- j par meeting this evening at 7:00. C lira mcvuns on own csjibq uy j Aubrey Mauney, V^aa-PiesUfcijIt, <of y the Pie An on t Council and chairman ? of the Cleveland County District r On this occasion reports will be c beard from the members of the ooun ty organtzMfou. A nefmiaaUoB ?H1 j be made for Vice-President of the a Piedmont Council for 1939 to be dec ted at the annuel council meeting In Qastonta on January 17th. At this time also a new county or gswlsntfam will be elected. The present orgaotbhtion consists of the County Istmrffnan, Aubrey Mauney, the Kings Mountain District Chairman W. K. Manner. the Shelby District Chairman, Her. Horace Easom and the following: Robt. OMney of Shelby, Commissioner; Willis McMurry of Sbelby. Finance Cbairman; Rev. W. M. Boyoe of Kings Mountain, Cubbing; D. M. Bridge? of Kings Mountain. Secretary and School Relations; H. C. Wilson, of Kings -Mountain, Rural Scoiutlng; fie v. W. H- MdDlannid, of Shelby, Troop Organisation; Oliver Anthony of Shelby, Ten Year Program, O. A. Bridges of Kings Mountain, Camping; Rush Ham rick, or Shelby, Objectives; Rev. A. O. Sargeant of Ktags Mountain, Ohuroh Relations; Wyan Washburn of Shelby, Publicity; and B. N. Barnes ot ( rvmga mvuuittiu, riugniui. | j Already about twenty tire men * of Kings MounDarin hare engaged 1 tickets for the supper1 end have made plane tl attend A larger number are expected from Shelby and! the other ' oom muni ties in the area are to be represented. Executive R. M. Schiele amnotmo ed recently that only 350 could be : accommodated at the Annual Banquet of the Piedmont Council tn Gas tenia on the 17th and those rrtho expected to be present should secure the It reservations at once. id the World I F S.COBB | 3 very Detail S. COBB epular-prioe restaurant must hare bra Because hs felt so nkiserallc pas disheveled; his eyes were wan In short, It was plain to any eye lly, is known as a hang-over. 1? A. *_ a. . W t . mm * w, wok on* iook k we muim )ility, came a colored waiter. genially, "whut'a It goin' to be thU fferer. He miffed the doee air of >aler, 1 fed like thunder. About and few kind words.'* " asked the waiter. "You Is fedin* e fran me is two fried algs an' * ' \ . ; . .* * ? ' ' ? nterl* ie kitchen. Preemtly ho returned doth before the nenroue patron he t %" He sink Ui Tolee to i <benot . ' jUV : ; I ? Mt,fl tti? jfflfijE IG^j p4'j- !*^ v-^fc w w'-^hBS' ? j? i / KINO* MOUNTAIN. N. C. THI i !?..- . Wpw Plan 1 ' l t > I I THE HERALD ENDOR Your Home Town Paper, 5 ly will never endorse or r that is not for the best intej tain as a whole. After caref The Herald is happy to voic of the new plan for the. cha < eminent. We beHeve this movement to a better Kings Mountain, The State. There are ma change and very four agains For the benefit of otir reax Herald for their informatio affairs we have published tl has any desire to hide anytl by the citizens to better the .....I ... The Lions Club should he. this step that will mean so i ness of Kings Mountain. The Herald is most empha plan and feels that a great era will be likewise after th< its of the new set-up. rw a a a ana low MUM HOT ; If, Hair McLaughen WC Funeral wnluw for Blair Hunter I p ioUugheo native of Dallas. la*ton county, who died Monday at * its home in Chattanooga, TenL, |Jfl rera held at S o'clock Tuesday aftirnooa In Chattaaobga, with Internet* following In * Chattanooga - XI emetery. rellm Surviving are hla widow, Mrs. Florence McLaughen, two sons, Ray 6 nd Wilbur McLaughen, and a dan* [inter, Mis* Roee McLaughen all ot , 6 'hattenoogat *tanj Aim eaarvtrtag are the following ,h*1 rother and slaters: J. E. McLarugh- 0(1 * m of Kfeupa Mountain, J. J<. McLay- f * ;heo of Washington, D. C, Mra. J, T | Ifgmou, also Of Washington, D. <S. Ira. J. U Canon of Owrtotte Mra . W. Klrkpatrtak of Oateearltle, TlJ dra. Fell!* MoClahi of Oastonla: Mra ^rtl lobert Murdoch of 8t. Louis, Mo. al n A llntotypa operator tor the past It to years and more on The Chatta- of t Moga News, Mr. McLaughen began are ila newspaper career In Qastxmla erab vorking on the Oasette under for- Sew ner Editor W. F. Marshall In the \ent ;arly' 1900'a. He left the Oaaette in falls 1903 to go to The Charlotte Obser- tal < rer, where he remained until 1906. vent liter m brief period On a paper In men radksonratlle. Fla., and other papers prcra M soon, located with The Chattanno- the ja News and had. lived and worked Klni In Chattanooga continuously since, laun He wm a member of the Metibo?st church. Mr. MteLangben's death flowed a long fllneaa, during the All murae of whlob He underwent one or U. more operations. Mr. McLugtim was well known ~ In Kings Mountain where he has g. drifted hie brother and other rela- be ; three frequently M the peat. . Rep tun Prosperous Year Reported ti By Financial Institutions jj" The The three financial Institution# of H|1( Kings Mountain report that the year Bhy Just ended was very prosperous. rfp, with appixMqtoetsiy #31,000 being paid out it jlivMende during IBM. The het Is of the three firms ex- ^ pressed o\ .Imlstn for the 'coming ^hu year, a^rqdng that It looks like eiM 1930 will |>e an eras mhre prosperous year. Mr. B. 8. Nelll, of the First Natir nal Bank said: "Everything points to an even better year in 1939." \Mr. J. C. Lackey tf the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association Mid that he believed business would improve during the coming year. -Mr. A. H. Patterson, *head of the Home Budding and Loan ? AM . as A .a .. ^ - - ' . expressed tne mibk urn 1939 would ? be a . most prosperous year. J '' di FELLOWSHIP QROUPV^QIVE CANDY -PULL The Fellowship Group of tfaeJH'rt Presbyterian Church will g^Ha Candy Pull in Fellowship Holl.^R" day night 7: SO, January lOtb. I I , If you hare never taken parfl r; such entertainment you have ed something. PulHng candy Is Joyed by both young: and old. There will be a email fee of <teafl| oents for eaoh oandy trailer. TheCiS proceeds of tlris affair will be used! jfl to help purchase m mimeograph mar*, dhtne for the church. ,j$mi Tehre will be music, end If you d?H sire to play there will be games fort Breryoa# is urged ^to Join in thH|pj L. * 11. JRIOAY, JAN. f, 1ttt ? - f "i ? For Town SES NEW PLAN 11 rhfi Herald, knowing- H ecommend anything est of Kings Moun- f< ul thought and study *ta| e lis opinion in iavor (cni nge 01 the local gov-) ^ line, man is the stepping st<me syet The Best Town In TJ ny reasons for the t t ft. "AN iers, who look to The TME' n pertaining to local te entire Mil, no one - Th? ling. It's a movement can sir form of govern- huJ congratulated upon thot much in the forward- 2 Kin ticaily in favor of the majority of its read- hen jy know of the mer& . ' ot : Into Mill And U iundry May Z icate Here E of 1 i* Herald ham learned from a pon bio aouroe thai local intereata a a making an wrtiamtfre tunrey. of Urol poaatbtlttiea of conatructloc a tar sty mSl In The Beat Town In ce \ Stale. Although as yet the tfhet are not definite, It waa learned Kinna Mountain la hlthlv fuar a the location. for the plant. Tho B traction of a hosiery mill in ?/ 1 pa Mountain woold contribute h to the industrial progress of 9011 town. Within the pent few years r*ea growth of the ttniery manolai. >g industry in the south has 1 ateadly increasing, with serer- the lllla now located in this sectlou. ate has also come to the attention 8taJ he Herald that Intslde iutereate wItJ contemplating investing cooetd- w>le capital in a laundry here. snal times in the paet laundry Brm urea in KJtogs Mountain hare d, but with the amount of oapt- B which ia behind the forthoomine ot ue, and the leadership of the the< behlrxi it, the laundry should the e auoceeeful. New machinery of latest type w*l be in stalled and ?** pi Mountain may boast of a t'ho dry equal to any In thia section. 10 the 270 nual (Congregational p?r eting Lutheran Church jj? he annual bnatueaa meeting of Matthews Lutheran Church will lield in the Parish Building this _ lay. January 6t, at 7:30 P. M. . orte from all auxiliary organisea and congregational officers, he election, ot ofhoens will be 1 to fill four places on the Char Council made vacant by Abe term >fl\ce for these four men expiring. 007 i tour retiring counollm^n are ? [h D. Onnand, J. O. Plonk, C. Q. ne and Dr. I* P. Baker. A lay esentatlve for 1939 will be eleo"Hie present one Is U Arnold Br. ^tt very confirmed member of the 8tT rch is eligible to vote In all theee Home and Is urged to attend. . ' Of I Sot Will Rogers' Z Humorous Story # iiir ' n ' I CO! By WILL ROGERS th? .... .-.j, ge rHERE was a colored guy ihat s<* worked for a railroad, and i.ne otr ly he come around and says to his ^oa ~ri rm? Gov t An w [ere It Is T? ? H >r the benefit of the citizens of 88 Mountain the Herald publlso t*b>. here the plan fcr changing the 'ng t of local government. Reader* a J? Invited to study the hill as out- tLnd d and aee for themselves the wen y advantage* It haa over the old thai em. Mou le Bill follows: be c man t BILL TO Be BNTITLKD, The I ACT TO AMBND THE CHAR- on? I OF THE TOWN OF KINQB DMi UNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA." font General Aeeembly of North *re8 >lina Oo Enact: Jection 1. That chapter three ^ta dred and ?l?'v n? ????. ****** noae i of North Carolina. Saasion one * P? isand nine hundred and nine, deal tied, "An Act to Amend and Coo- Mou late the Charter of the Town of opw ga Mountain, North Carolina." all i atnendmlenta heretofore le to said charter amended at 'he -Inafter stated. men Division Into Ward* nem eotlon 2. That the said Town Kings Mountain shall be divided thta five wards as follows: rea<! Ward No. 1 m*n eglnning at a point In the center *v<ho Southern Railroad 826 feet north- ***** . of the northwest turner of the L- ( them depot and nmnlng thence "mr rly Eaet to the end of Gaston pre" set; thende with Qastjtra Street ture therly to the corporate kftnita k he Town; thence with the corite limits 8. 78 W. 8,820 feet to liqt take; thence with said corpofMe erai U N. 66 W. 1,860 feet to the oen tore of the Southern Railroad; then- 0f t with the Southern Railroad nor- cure lv to the beainnfne. ! IvnAi w w - w- ilUVI IWard No. S ,? spinning at a point In the center , Southern Railroad 886 feet nortat of the northeast comer of the . thern depot and rtranfcig thence w " rly Baat to the end of Qaston *t; thernco wkh Gaeton .Street ' dWTtr to the' corporate limits of Town; thence with the corporlimits N. 41 a 4,860 feet to a'??* Ira (In eatd olty thmtterf thence l the corporate limits N. 12 1-2 to the Parker Brand* or CrowdCreek; thenoe up the Parker nch to the beginning. Word No. 8 oghmfog at a point k* the center Southern Railroad 826 feet norist of the northwest corner ot Southern depot and running B noe nearly Taat to the end of ton Street near Parker Branch; nee down aald branch easterly the corporate limits; thence wkh L. corporate llmtte N. 12 1-2 W. 6,feet to a stake In the aald cor- 5 ate limits; thenoe with aald cor- .{Jj ate limtts N. 81 W. 1417 feet to center of the Southern Railroad; nee wttb the eald Southern RaHd southerly to the begbrodng. Ward No. 4 Jeglnntag at a point in the center Southern Railroad 825 feet norm- ne* t of the northwest corner of the . f ithem depot and running wtth . T Itbern Railroad northerly to the , porate limits; thence, with the j? porste limits N. 61 W. 2.070 Whf*? a stake on the CherryrlUe Ro&f nee with the corporate Ifmtts 8. Er* 1-2 W. 2.016 feet to ajlftlte; noe with the clrporate InXs 8. " W. to the Waoo Road! thence r" h the Waco Road and Piedmont eet to the beginning. Ward No. B Se-gtnntog at a point in the oenteT " Southern Railroad 826 feet northit of the northwest corner of the j'thera depot and running thence r*~ therly with Piedmont Street to ico Road; thence with the Waco ad westerly to the corporate Its; thence with the corporate . _ Its 8. 40 W. 8/660 feet to a stake, * her of the corporate Utafes; "Tr nee with the corporate limits 8. E. 4,276 feet to the center of the rthern Railroad, comer of Ward * S; thence with the Southern Rati 17 a northerly to me. beginning, leotlon 2. That on the first Tuee- ^ r after the fWet Monday (ln liay. (?. hndl >hl-p>inual|y thereafter, rw shall be an election held tn d Town for the election of fire vn commissioners, one for ' epdh - ?r for ?l?it*4oii and ?b? oiftijKifiM WWI ? HemHty ro?^hH wi rd ahall be declared atoetad. Action 4. That the ?reM?t tJ| all fire of *be twa?r? 'jjjjyg ided School DWrtrk* ?h|fl TaoMaar after the ttr*j| r^rM 'sir'r' '- *' J^ '. Pivlde^^L Five Wards. latory, fh?t will mean much in ?dvonw:r ?nt of Kings Moun, was made last Thursday nat the Mountain View HOUiprat hit mecitfng of the lAcmA Club tavdted business men. \ Plana ? announced tor a complete ige In the government of Kings # ntaln, whereby the town would * livided into Ave wards, with one bedng elected from each ward, five men elected would elect , from their number a* mayor, f ding the town into wards in the > \ step toward* the city-manager i of government that most prosire towns hare adopted. R. Davis explained the bill in ' 11 Mr. Darls stated that the purr* flm rrr'^-- ^? ogram that would asaa a groat to the advancement of Kings o'.eln. Mr. Davis said: "We are atlng under the same set-up we ? had since 1874, wo must modre. We are looking forward to city-manager form of govern- ' t Ike say other successful bust operates under." ae complete hHl Is published tat Issue of The Herald, and is ally In the hands of Otis MSU, iber of the State Legislature la to Raleigh. The three alloti of Kings Mountain, namely: 1. hmgbell. J. R. Davis sad R C. rill. Jointly prepared the Mil for entment to thn that* Duglsls- M [ . M r. George W. Manaey Introduced ard Jackson. President o f the is Club who stated that at eevmeetings of the Board of Direcof the Club that every detail *9 he bill *m studied, ??d after- ? J ful deliberation the board unen- JH Mir approved the near plan, lee Bridges etwted ttmt be ni iya In favor of anything that was ;1 the betterment of Kings Moun, and that the bUl aa drafted good and he was tn favor of It rron Keeter stad: "I am tn favor t and want to see It Pass.' the mala things waTtkat^t! * v Id ellmhiate poll tics, harlee Tbomsason, who was hiluced as . the Clarence Kneetsr Town Bolster, stated: T hare l ft great many changes In Kfcige in tain since 1908, and I believe la one of the moat Important ^ ? in the advancement during time. I em for It and everyone i I have talked with are tor . U Campbell, who eerved "^^1 ror of Kings Mountain when tfcdanfiPM ry was the big earn of $10 per j V r stated that the new ptei^:vraa most democratic form of guv sen* - ^ it trader whloh any town -onld^L. rate. it*. Campbell said was almost a duplication of the * ubwi 07 utedukvu u?n, ? Oh h on# of the faireet and boat jS it adopted. M om Bolton stated! that he waa .-'i t wholeheartedly ilk favor of the ' 'dfl plan. l C. Harrtll, program chairman. 'si odooed Bar. W. M. Boyoe one qfjfl two main speakers. Mr. Introduction laugh 1: ' Today ia the time &S3 th^ea. and right here tefl start. A man dhoul{Ljjfl| 1 prow bis. and the the business grows.' I. S Net 11 Introduced (MM eta who were: J. R. DsyM (ices. Byron Keeter. Paul J W. Ham rick, Charlee TUHH rwood B. Lynch, B. S.Peali B. Anthony, w W Ptnbs l Willie. k? the ?x?chudoni/;?<l||u^M ee who expr|gMMM re nifeh m their n. The mtetJ end thodfl i to be mmH

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