1 ?uy W At ?| HOME VOL. 28 NO.> 2 State And N r j- j t v/uuuensea 11 ?National News? I Wawhingion. Jail. 11..?President Roosevelt, It was learned uiMhor.U-j lively today, lias decided tentatively j on a Carrilxwa cruise starting a,' A bout February 18. The trip will have the double pur pose of enabling him to witpes^ part of rtlhe combia<d fleet maneuvers be tween (tuba fciid the South American 1 coast and of uffordlng him relaxation from the grind of getting tin new congress well on Its way. Washington, Jan. 11.?The treas-i ury awarded a |41.388 contract today for a posvolttco at- IJ-itesburg. S. Cv, to Clarence Morrison. Shelby, N.1 C. j Washington, Jau. 11.?Ilep. Tread way (il-jtiisk.), g a lopnbti HI" ' iilii' '.iillJil'T reciprocal made trec-|les. -predleujU j today that tho pnwiM minority par-' ty s mem l>o rtJUip would be - strong e-; nough ill 1940 to rep.ul the program. | "The doubling of the rvpreseiytu- j 4 Ion of the Republican party in the present congress shows that the people are bcgiMxng to realize what the New Deal is doing to them, Troadway said on the house floor. Boston, Jan. 11.?After making good a promise to Gory. Lieverett Sal tons tall to allow moveoien of perish . able goods, striking greater Boston truck drbrers refused today to submit their demands for increased pay and shorter hours to arbitration by the state board. Miami, Fla., Jan. 11.?Thirty five airplanes rsjngifig film big trl)motored ships to little flivvers' took off from municipal airport today for Havana where an tnternatonal air a how whs planned for thia week. Pittsburgh. Jan. 11.?In a muddy ditch along an abandoned1 roadway, Sam Mollise, 49 year old er-convlst was found slain today with 14 stab wounds in the Shape of a heart on his cheLU The vlctftn also had been shot twice in the head and once in the heart. Washington, Jan. 11.?President Roosevelt nominated Sprulle Rrnden of New York today to be ambassador to uoiomoia. nramt'ii now 18 minister to Colombia and his elevations follows elevation, of the legation at Bogota to embassy rank. "Washington, Jan. 11.?How long Vice President. Gamer and hie band of middle-of-the-roaders can keep the congress tonal democrats march tag in stop la becoming a question of increasing interest in the capital. Thus far, fhery have put up a good show of party unity, in spite erf exotic lautterrtags by some of those fn each of the two party factions. This show of hand-holding has taken them through the opening of congress, through a welter of (appointmemts wtaBch rankled some conserve tives, and up to the spot where they are confronted by deep problems of national policy. Sam. Francisco, Jan. 11.?Twentytwo years of Imprisonment left no mark on Tom Mooney , se said today unless prison food' wrecked bis atom acta. j. . Laughing Aroui With IRVT? j?? ; * A Growing By IRVIN T7OR .yean Mrs. Grauman, wife of i 4 facturer, had been ailing. Or a She tried one specialist after anothi tariums, took the care here, there a to help her. She remained a chron The husband's patience sorely 1 etant drain upon his checkbook. M ao much. Always he-had been a gem secretly irked him was a conviction or less imaginary; an unspoken bi ; his money was pelng spent to. grs Grauman known the words fpiatyn undoubtedly were the words he won diagnosis of the case. Nevertheless, the invalid, afte combed to her mysterious malady. 1 On the ^night before the foners by the bier. For long hours he co , reached forth a caressing hand and "Veil,"-he Kaid, "maybe Momrni * ' ?y f Ji"- A* 'T .V'.'A ' if - ' -* '</ i . % ft. jtf&likxz Kings ; 1 ? ational News 1 Brief Form ?State News? Raleigh.- Jan.. 11.?Dates were on nounced todcy for .tliroe events 'which bring Thousands of fann poo!>le to Raleigh each year. . 'Itho Older Yorth Conference will he held Juno G-10; the 4-11 abort course July 24-29. and farm and home week July 31-August 4. link #!, Jan. 11,?The traffic (hath ralo In North Carolina dt*-| virawa nblul 21* ia-r Cint. In 1938. as compared with 193?, Janice S fiuvth. 'statistical' engineer of thu| highway a.id public works commission reported today In a "semi-ftaial report. The citnto's reduction of traffic ikpt'in w:ji better than the national average, lm commented, but th rate is higher than the nation's. College Stut.Ion, ltalcfgh, Jan. Il l ?An Increase in* the plantings of small peach orchards, especially In eorrnntnl.Hes distant from the large trading center of the State. Is noted by HI It X is won gc r. horticulturist | of the State College Extension Service. Raleigh, Jan. 11.?George W. Coan Jr., ataie WPA admin 1strator, said today . North Carolina's WPA rolls had been cut from an all-time peak of 68,000 the first week In December to approximately 61,000 e said be did not espect much change In the rolls until April. Raleigh, Jan. 11.?The North Carbltna Education Association will more Into its new $65,000 home here wlthlfa the next two weeks, Exeou tlve Secretary Jule B. Warren said today. Work on the structure, located on West Morgan street on the site ot the old Raledgb High School building, 1b nearing completion. The entire plant. Including the lot, pufcbas ed from the Raleigh School Board, represents an Investment ot more than $90,000. ' Raleigh, Jan. 11.?Through Saturday sale of 1939 autimoblle licenses in North Cartoftna totaled 402,790, compared with 384.063 on the same date last year. Guests of Cramerton Circle The Business Womens Circle Of the First Baptist, church accepted an Invitation to meet with a similar circle of the Cramerton Baptist chur ch on last Monday evening. Mrs. John L. Head, formerly of Kings Mountain land now a member of the Cramerton school faculty, Is leader of the circle. me regular missionary program *a? given and' at the conclusion the two circles enjoyed a social hour tiv gether. Tre hostess circle served do llclous refreshments. Those i&ttenxttng from! tho Kings Mountain drqla fincluded Mrs Bryan Hord leader, Meedames Jim Willis, Mac Connor, D. M. Bridges, Walters, P. D. Hemdon, Bill Souther J. M. Kbea; Misses Mitch el IWIUlams. Daisy Lovelace, Paulella. Adair, Pan ny Carpenter, Victoria. Hugres and Annie Roberta. Other guests included Mesdwmes L. M. Logan, A. O. Snrgeant, Lula Woodward, D. f. Hord and Mites Helen Logan. id ths World t 4 s. COBB | > Suspicion S. COBB s wealthy retired shirt-waist manunyhow, she thought she was ailing. Br, patronized a succession of sani\ cu nH elsewhere. Yet nnthlncr seemed ie complain**. ( was tested. Also there was a conIr. Grauman didn't mind the latter erous provider for his family. What i that the lady's trouble was more it none-the-less sincere belief that itify a neurotic's whim. Bad Mr. eerer" and "hypochondriac" these ild hgye applied to his own private ' ' r long months of treatment, suc3he became no more, il the moumirt* widower sat alone mmuned with himself. Pinally he softly patted the casket, sr vaa sick!'' - - , ratuiw, IM.1 ' t \ >/- 'j , v/ - .. / , , Moun KING3 MOUNTAIN. N. C. Lutheran Church Reports Good Year Saint' Mn.Mhewa Lutheran Church ai tne annual eangregiiitiKm.il mcciJig hold last year hitird reports I troni all ollicers and .auxiliary organ J (rations that Indicated progress during the past year. Each crgnr-'xt tiou reported more members aiid -fc high *t 'tturone .ti-r-c.o nt meeting.*. |, Cburtdi attendance was 37 more pert j-Sunday than it ?.<? Car 1937. Thirty J j tliivi* in cnlmra wero iVcelved Into be Chunth nu infccrshitp. The T?-~t? "j . irer ri ; .Kcd 'bat receipts and dls li'T* in-.'UM were about 33, pil'cent .not: .,.n Llio l?ui.xet. The oongfegai Ion vi more tljtuin $3500 to benovole-'i-' ?;.?! sf at' J4000 on local ' *'fic ' -.' v. ..' * 'H At th" Mo-'i;' S"rv Sul*'"-'-' 1 :he Paster. lie,-, l,. Po'.d I latum. In-" stalled into olIUc tlie newly elect e-I l - ! i-.-ti . Yh y are X' i S.* X I" Adi-rhc-'nt. Earl Huii'.gnrdner, A 8. River <and l,. C. Dettniar These men sia.nd Messrs. J. O. Plonk, H !>. cinir nd. t: i). Itliyne mid Dr. L. P : ,t? M. i? ^ ft,.oilTCT; fa v.. ?..."i-?..< . f-- ? *? - . - '? H?'-iv-|nrvitM i?i7 iur ni?? >ur t with Mr. \V. A. RWorhour as alter.natc. 1!h? Church Council In regular meeting Monday evett-'tng elected of-; I leers of the Council and chairmen ( of committees as follows: chairman ' of the Council, W. A. Rldenhour j j Secretary, Paul Morller; Assistant I Secretary, Carl F. Mauney. Financial Secretary, J. C Lackey; Treasure'j er. L. Arnold KJser; Evangelism, W. K Mauney;, Parish Education Board A 8. Klser; Church Property, J. E. < Herndon; Finance, F. R. Summers; " Ushers, HstI Bumgardner; Altar I Service, Mm. J. iE. Herndon; Oom 5 tr.union Assistant, D. C. Mauney; Or- I gsniat, Mm. W. A. R'deuhour. The c other members of these committees t will be announced art. the Service c Sunday Morning. t I 363 Garments Made ByNYA Since July 1. 1938, the N. Y. A. pro C Ject sponsored by the Junior W> f (man's- Oh*tf, Has Tendered Iwalua- ( ble service 3ta (providing clothes for school children and other work. At the beginning of the project o*i?y r seven girls were employed, but. the ( number hae now increased to six- , Iran The NYA girls liavo also made clothing for tihe Red' Cross, with material furnished by ithe Red Cros3. Resides these things, the girls are taught needle-craft, basket making, -and home making. The funds for the project are furn i-shed by the Junior Woman's Club, part of tihe money being raised by sponsoring a -tag day sale, a Thanksgiving Party, and through private donations. Mns. Aubrey MOuney, president of the Club has been one of the driving factors behind the move, and It's success has been largely due ito her untiring efforts. Mrst Pansy Fetzer, NYA Oounty Supervisor, has lailso contributed much to the movement, and a great deal of , the credit of tre project for Kings Mountain belongs to her. Mns. Paul MoGKnnte 5e the able project super visor who 1b in charge of the local work. The following is a list of clothing which has been made and distributed tot Kings Mountain IT 130 Dress es, 70 shirts, 63 Boys' underwear, 23 girls' underwear, 16 slips, 6 gowns, S blouses, 1 skirt, 4 shorts, 7 blankets (maldie from Strips from Mar grace), 10 vanity sets, 16 dreeser scarfs, 16 mats, 66 doll dresses for Firemen, which made a total of 363 garments besides the doll dresses. Tin m -a* c% x nues rur ivirs. siepps Held Tuesday Funeral services were held at 3:30 o'clock Tuesdby afternoon at the Second Baptist * church In Kings Mountain for Mrs., Plato Stepp, 28 who died at her home in Bessemer City Sunday. Interment was tn Shyma oemetery near Cherryvflle. Mrs Stepp .is survived by her hitsWand, a small daughter. Nellie; two brothers. Alvtn and Walter Smtth of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Stepp was before her marriage Mies Grace Kstelle Smith. She had been in 111 health for several years. Plant Adopts Unique Plan For Employees .Jacksonville, Fla. Jan XI.? (IPS)?A local employer (employng- about 2.000 women) is going to make K possible for mouthers to work and not have to worry about whether the dhildren are being cared for prop erly during work to i; -hours: The employer is bulfcRog .an additional noor on hds factory and it Will - fee outfitted mm w nursery. Nurses and doctors will be tn attendance to care for the several hundred children of the employees. IP""" ? tain H 1 . ' l THURSDAY, JAN. 12. 1939 Presbyterians I Rally For | Foreign Missions ,Tho UiJ-'ty-sovw'. CUj.-" '*>: \.ii.Ks Mour :u.l- r... > i.-y' v..i: <o.d a. K&rtf ij. :>v. i (j:i. fvr, N. C'.. on January ly, ii-m I/. M. to f. ,\i. .u ulisjuiia u.aj.tj mj iiiv.i... y v.i.. .. u.a ."Far-, er. \i .-?sioii s?.ti u a. j t.o ,li< ii>i i> 11y 1 una wiltt I. my ;ei -s ijucl.i>1 ilics S?0u,0i>u may .?_ lai-ctl uui*. i? tlio 'VV. . I. "I I ,.i>u ana fciy'l. u.al for'' i _.-i .?.i ytitttl n Mill-! at era. ineu, v.oaRii ;jidVoung l'co( . will itin. .\' vjo<?. .M. tur?n- 1 a 111 'bo u Hound-Table' ubicustiton ba-j ' .1 iii ,:i. twenty ijU"*>:loilM aw to 'on i?ii M'.sslc: a. At b":wtr a pK-nlol-1 Wilt b- ketV fi. A- ililO tiler--| .villi bo a gvtiaiul liLxtts-mn of uj;> -.id JiM-a.as, htti lit i .0. .1 IllbiSr):-. :> .i.'art .-a. by l.tt v. t..~ar A. V. c.uiw .. ? '1.JUI. K -v. fronds was l-cru iri i' . i - < -" ' * ' " III ?,u\ at .1 V Oli gC- AiU'r llt'V.j .Vood-i complied hit. 8e.;iiitu;i*y work <1 Uchmoi.J. \ a . hv wi. ; o tiled at. 'usior of Uio lart!" Pi i shy tertun nurtCi a-t Salklmlj.'N. C. ,\f:er two! .! three Mars, in- gave ui> this 1 hurth and vwpl I k to China for t ungel. s.iic work. The parents of lev. Woctij. two brothers and one ( lister aro missionaries In China, . ind one sister ..a a missionary in Ko- J . i The last eight days of this "For- l ign Mission Season" are called Week of Prayer aiti Self-Denial for oroign Missions. Usually about ' 126.000 is given to the Southern 'resbyterian Foreign Mission work! luring that week. Recently, more I ban fifty Presbyterian Churdh lead re met In Nashville, Tenn., to dla- ' :usa the crisis whicr now faces the ] foreign Mission work of ' this De lom in alien. At that meeting it was ieclded ti try to raise at least 9260, >00 to be used to: 1. Slrcmgtbetnour missionary orce. 2. 'Give their work a more adeluate support. 3. Take care of personal losses of nlss'jonarlea, end property losses in JUna. 4. Help lift the debt. The Southern Presbyterian Chun:h each year sets aside one month, railed "Foreign Mission Season' This year the Season is January 1 o February 6. During this period special emphasis is placed on Foreirn Mission work. The Study book 'or tills year la "The Star in the Sas-t." It was written by Rev. C. Darby Fulton, D. D? the Executive Secretary of Foreign Missions for he Presbyterian Church. Dr. Fulon was born In Japan, his parents laving been missionaries ll?n Japan rauy years. After College In Amer ca. Dr Fulton returned to Japan is a missionary. Later he was called >aek to the United States to the imjortant position which he now holds Dr. Fulton has also visited much In ihlna and Japan. No one is better lualtfled to write <a book about mis?5on work to the Orient than Dr. FhiKoo. "The Star to the East" discusses the progress, the needs and he opportunities of mission work n China, Japan and Korea, f ? MEN'S CLUB MEET8 TONIGHT The Men's Club will have their irst meeting of the year this evenng at 6:30 at the Woman's club molding. >All members are reminded to be present, as ^hts meeting ollowlng the supper will be devoted o business discussions. I Will Rogers' Humorous Story ? - - , By WILL ROGERS TF YOU got to teach a kid to be polite at the table, you are in for a tough time. The kid is almost sure to oe happier 11 ne ain't so polite, and he dont mind letting yon know it eipier. Now, Adolpn was eating with-, company, and the company was the preacher, and there was all the rest of the family, too, end some ladies of the Aid Society. Well, Adolph had been told he gotta keep'still and not talk unless somebody Hiked him a question. ~ ' Bo Adhlph kept acting awful eetitod during part of tfee ragd, <md nearly choked twice, and finally His mother- saya, "Well, what is It, Adelpht" . "Oay Ifs tea late aow," ha say*, "bnt I ente-'wanted yon to ask ssa a qoestloh'i,jninute age. There "1 was a big htfg on the Raawafi lettuce, bat he ate It all up mewl* UastasKmhWaUnl 1 ' f . ' 1 lerald Merchants A Formed Hen Airs. Katterrco 2 \ anted To i/jud Tax Fi:?;ht Here M :-s. IViio Ha*..t n or. Kin; MoUKvll.ll .!. !/ ' ?? 11:. ii. 1 to I i i .(iiml ivxiiM n. 'a t!)*> hut n wi(i rinvo 6r t,--? N.r ' il. i'onaiiiifors Tax Cooin<l?s':>n a;;, rial " '.1 iri-j imv. that ilKll.t*? thej trust of lit lug." N'.'.IH'U.ln 'I10.HL ?>r In r up>qlllt ni . I'hulrniiiii .of :>? co'tiniln-! li'.on ?i)rit to. In- form*-;! aiinaiL Kim?*! \'i itl.i'-il'i .hoi; li 'ti v.i.s lil.Hlt'i fn'lh lllO II* i?-::tiW- tit' 11" '1 > !u:r'i"fv hi (1Cra;;o. i11'*?'ii. i \<r. |< .- <,! :h C. r. l.a*. ion, I' ;yai'.nt;; ' ' _:t1 The < i N i tu'i| :,9 ui 1>; i i" ;tl i ; :C hi < undVit'i>11 . ssdn-; hi?l n?;ml d'rui'l iaAeMj Hal s??hl '.o ' 'it' Inirdt n ?>f; the ?-?mturner. The drive'is Jed '.a : s < state^ ?} Mrs. William. T. 1 'Itiali, ofj Wj-nesville, the conuu'ssion's .Var !> Carolina state din-ato.'. . - 1 "The commission Is glad to have I Mrs. Uatterrce imoniK the loaders ! r?f this needed movement." Mrs. Fra?j ider said. 'Already hundreds of nits In many states are active in j ike. educv.1anal drive on taxes that raise the cost of living for all of us. "Most people pay hidden taxes without knowing it, and It's little wonder family budgets are strained when, for example. the commission's research department finds hidden taxes add. 11 cents to a 29 cent purchase of meat, $10 to every ' $30 of rent. $1.95 to a $5 halt and $1.56 ito & $4 pair of shoes." A series of study programs will be arranged for members through which to inform families here of thoiT tax burden, Mrs. Frszier sold. TT 1 _* T 1 i-i-l C*. ^ j ncau vi iiiuusinm V^UIIImission To Speak Here ( Hr. J- Dewey Doreett, of Raleigh, Chairman of the North Carolina Industrial Commission will be the main aptaker tomorrow night tut the Central High School at the meeting of the Blu,e Ridge Safety Council. This la the first meeting to be held jii Kngs Mountain by the Council which ia made up of five counties. The Blue Rdge Council 'a sponsored by the N. C. Industrial Commission, for the promotion of safety in all in- , dustrlal plants. > The meeting will begin promptly at.7:30 Friday Evening, .Tan. 13th. A hlsitory of the Council will be presented by E. C. Shufford of Cllffside and different phases of safety will be discussed' according to Mr. Charles Forney, /:|oun<dl Chairman, of Shelby. All work ere and managers of industrial plants are invited to be pres ent at the meeting whether they are members of the Council or not. i Mr. Forney Is extremely anxious to have a large representation from Kings Mountain present as this meeting la being held here at the re quest of the N. C. Industrial Commission. Bank Stockholders Re-Elect Officers Stockholders of the First National Sank In the 38th annual meeting held Tuesday afternoon In the Directors' room of the bank re-elecited all Directors and Officers with the addition of Li. G. Hord as Assistant Cashier. The stockholders were well pleased with the progress and growth of the financial Institution during the past year and, were very optimls tic about still furthur advancement for the coming year. Citizens of Kings Mountain are very fortunate In having such a strong, well managed bank In the Best Town tn tho State. Officers arc: D M. Baker. President, R. Ia Mauney, Vice-President. IJ. S. Neill. Cashier, and L.. G. Hord, Assistant Cashier. Directors are: D. M. Dakar, G. A Bridges, ,W. K. Mauney. R. L. Mauney, P. M. Netaler, F. R. Summers, and M. A. Ware. Annual Red Cross Meeting This Evening The* annual meeting of the local Chapter of the Red Cfoes will be held thin evening a* 7:30 at the Woman's Club Building following the Men's Club meeting, recording to B. S. Peeler, Chairman. Election ctf officer* and other Important bustneee will be transacted end ' " eyeyy member of the Red Cross to fcwtted to attend. Mrs. Ruth Gamble, Executive Secretary, stated that some thought .the annual meeting teas for-Officers only, but everyone Is cordially Incited to bt present. READ ' a THE HERALD - ? FIVE CENTS PER COPY .ssuciauon 1 ' ;! A group of I? twt n sixty and sev* V enty merchants of Kings Mountain . ti a. J i v llall Tuesday night iut Vo'.?'trv;utijninJiLi!y to form a-jJ. Vfl >! ? mi in 'ilio BoRT''a Tout n i) Stjito- Mr. I),'P. 1 lord fit -" : i! at": . !?? '?: Sag oifll it pro* . ' n '< ! Mr. J I'. Koeter i was first pttslU'in of tha r it'uti. <!. A. ifridges. \ iri-prt'ji- - 1 I dent. and I> K llord. secretary and t ton.surer. '' Mr. C. \\\ Joynor, pr< s; 1 nt ot h. . \ .My ir.i. s' As ?>? .Union, told the nsM-mht.-d merchants that he heartily endorsed the move,, and < ? . i !i r tr as Ifisui an asset to ally town. Mr. Abefatiiy also of ytiielby, made an intttr- 'i :ig I Ik ill Willi li 1'rosideilt Keete-r appointed threo melt, to name the directors Of tho ' As'in a'.i :it. After thb no 'iitg these \ three men eiloso the following m?n r -n s ?!ir<M !ot'8 (Jo be approved i: H. L.. ' . Sunmi.u. K. \V. (Jriflin. O. (). Jackson. F. 11. Clas.i. I). F. Hbrd, Fuller McOIU. Clan do Humbright and O. A. Bridges, Another mooting is to be held Monday evening na 7:30 to approve bese 'airec-tors. All merchants are uigtd to attend this meeting. Derby Warns Arms Race inliuences Our Exports New York, Jan. 11.?(IPS..? Tthe armament race of European nations has been an important contributing (actor in the increase of American exports to that Contnent during the period the Limited State'? Reciprocal -.-J Trade Agreement policy has been in effect H. L. Derby, President of the American Cyauamtd and Chemical Corp., New York, said her? recently. Correction The Herald wishes to correct a mistake In regards to the account of Mr. W. E. Owen's death. The information at the time of his death was that they were T. \\\ Instead of W. E. as obtained from his Navy discharge and his widow. Mr. Owen was a man of many, friends. The tribute of his many trienicit were spoken "wttli floMtcs and the warm sympathy extended to bis family. Surviving are his widotv, four sons, Russell, Elmer, Oscar and Cliarlcs. all of Ki ngs Mountain, and one- daughter, Mib. Virginia Owen Ford, also of Kings Mountain. ' -3 C. E. Lucas of Swansce. S. C., was the driver of the car that crashed to the one driven by Mr. Owen. The Herald regrets the . error of the initials of Mr, Owen. Series of Sermons Start In This Issue The members of the Ministerial Association, in cooperation with the He raid, begins in this issue a series of sermons to appear as a regular feature of the pape>r. The first of the series is written by Rev. L. Boyd Hamm, president of the Association. For the B-ucceedIng weeks each minister will write a sermdn to appear. The Herald fe glad to be able to bring to the public -this feature, and thus give the persons of Kings Mountain who are unable to attend regular service a chance to read a 3ermou by a local minister. (Opinions Expressed In This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views ef This Newspaper.} , <?l A new. Congress. the 76th in the hibtory of the Republic, is conven- ' % ing in Washington this week. And the big news about this event will . j not be in the headlines. Not because the editors ) | |ajt r^>cognttz|\ the news but because it is news too big to be headlined. The story began to ."break" ' (to use newspaper shop talk) about 163 years ago. And it has been a oontta- 3 nous story (from that . time to . the present. The real starting point was the Declaration of Independence. This l^d io the Revolutionary war. Tha Cploniats were vfcttorAous. And the dgy. Cornwall!* surrendered at York town, the America^ people become , jj the first really free people fn the (Cont'd on Editorial page) " '9 '

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