Senator Gardner Heads Scouting In County Senator Ralph Gardner was nam ed ohairman of Scouting iu Clove U.ud County to succeed Aubre AlaUney iwhose -term e.f.iired wi.tli the final meeting of 'the County lea< era at a dinner meeting at the Higi , School Cufetcrla In Shelby las ,, Thursday night. With Aubrey M-auney's election ti this position last year it was agree* between tlio leadens in Kings Moun tain ntnl Shelby limt tho posltioi would bo rotated between the twt communities. Other 6111 cers chosen for th'o yea Include: llobL (.Sidney of Shelby ' i Oommiase" ruier; Will!h MeMurry 01 Shelby, Klmuu-A; Kov. Frank Davit of Shelby. ibii.;it;;. .1. William Os borne of, Shelby, Se?tary; II. C Wilson, loi:a4 Seoul lit k; Aubre. Muanoy. TYoap Organ I Mil Ion; 1) M. Dt 'dges,' Ti)it Yw.jiaisi. The Cob Scooting pro | grhm was given a; good start with j the organization of one pack in Shel j by ana' one la Kings Mountain. , 'lUe 'Sen Year Program indicated (over three thousand boys of Scout 0'ago iu tho County. Of these 45fi j i were in the troops at tile close ol h! .he year. During the year more than j t.ou hoys were uflucnce through tue 3 program. ' | Advancement Heport showed that If." Courts of Honor were held and '' 4.^711 awards were made". ' I IP pot t was made that Kings ^ M 0' Ua'.n paid $550 to tUe Scout ' Tier.itiry and Shelby paid $1,500. *, K'ttgs Mountain also made a coutrl but Ion of $50 to the Headquarters ' i.uilu.iig b. .?g erected in (Jnstonla. ' Special attention was called to the f:u t that 71' hoys in Kings Motin t-.iu were reading Hoy's Life. This ' j was much higher percentage than 1 elsewhere In the county. '. Tho?e present" from Kings Moutv lafcl iueliuh-d: W. u. Ihvld McDantel, Paul Maun v.. t) W M>< m. CafFl Davidson, i Rev \V. M Kox. 1. 11 (loferth; !t. y j.Xelll W. K. Maum-y, Aubrey. Maune.\ "| I ">..'11 'I . Ill li Mllll J J IIUI 1.1 I 4IUIU - I? M. Bridges, P. f). Horn don. U | Bridge#, J- !? Woodward, C j Kd> ?s. Ilev. W M lijyce. K Siiu.ri 1 and li^okel Wilson. At the > on el us >n of the meetlni 1 Aubrey Matiney expressed approt-ia tiou of the flue cooperation froir all of the men of the county whe have shown Interest In the pragran of Scouting. This is the first yeai that the county. has had a full organ izaticn and hare pushed the pro grant so widely. He expressed th< hope that now that the county fiat completed a full organisation thai the new year would show the great eat progress ever seen in this grea program lot ohara<\'.or ibufldCog. Kings Mountain Cagers Drop Both Games Both the Mountaineer boys ant girls' basketball teams suffered de f.-n? In. < V%^.1. m a l_X.i ict?i iu up?u?r i.uomwj nigni at Cherryvilte, the boya losing 26 U 14 and the girls being nosed 17-14. The games, which were also th? opener for the Cherries, were fast with the Dlaok Bind Gold girls hold ing-the lead until the closing mlnu tea of the last period. The boys were outclassed >by Jack ptser'a quintet who held the lead! after the first quarter. High scorers for the games were McOlnnls for the boys, and Sargeuut for the girls! Friday night the Mountain certtangle with CMffslde for the first home game in the conference. Mount Rainer's glacier system greatly exceeds that of apy other peak -In the United States. Twenty eight rivers of Ice crep down its sides throughout the year. f". ' Hunters believe some of the moun tain bears In Western North Carolina a-re mixed with grizzly blood, ' since some grizly stock was imported Hato the section 25 years ago. * The plantations In the Soviet Union aggregate more than 104,000 acres. It is Dlanned to increase this I to mora tlhaa 125,000,000 acres in the I next four yean. . ions ... and Friday AT WALTZ" - Fernand Gravet lso Reels of CALIFORNIA GAME touble Feature i* THE NORTH" Foran EtADO TRAIL" Starrett Show Sunday 12:01 y and Tuesday A rPAum? A V>X*V/ TI M-* livia De Haviland esday re?10c and*j5c fADNESS" ' O'Sullivan >WN ARMY" > -John Howard IT I IT 1l1?I 1 I '*1 .^m Scene from "The Y.ounn In Heart" (re Monday and Tueeday with Janet lette Goddard, Blllie Burke and |kritical moments j and : 1' H OWLARIOUS S COOPS >i (By The Tattlers) news from tlio world of! i rniiiann': Hurt n had to eariy Sarah! , a* the Battleground to keep- th- sand I Jut pf her shoe.? .... Yvian Prince t now hns a" case with Charles A , hlni moans anythng .... Which led . Buddy Rawles'to organize a H. O. O. t U P. Club .... whatever that inay l?e .... Is something _ on, between Buddy Williams and Janette Mabry, 5 or Is your correspondent being mis Informed .... ? .... Red escorted 1 (not "took") Dot to the game Tue? ' day night .... and there waa Homer 1 .... unescorted Someone r is evidently Interested In making up ' a romance between Gene Tate and the lltitie blonde .'... and their poe' try sounds almost aa bad as some | of yours truly'a ....! Book of the week which Rachel t Is endorsing: 'How to Win Friends and Influence People" We personally endorse "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" .... if you nre bathe->d by peats. And dont tell me that (there Isn't any such book; I've read U. Chatter: Jim and Maude at the 1 Basketball game .... Jim Darracott . says he'd Just like to see some other t guy start to the dance with Mary i Evelyn .... By the way, Jhn likes 1 io be called the great lover......! > Still a lot of blondes to CherryviHe . ....But we didn't see the one who ' Ked and yours truly looked at so 1 much In Baseball season .... Gogte 1 I pulling for Beau .... Hazel for Jon. ea .... and on down the line ' . So kushtn bak.... ' ( CARD OF THANKS ' The family of the late Mrs. B. B. < I r J'.dwln wish to publicly thank everyone for the many kindnesses ten dered tfoem during the recent death of ttheir wife and mother. We are | deeply grateful. 1 B. B. Baldwin and family. < I Week-End * '{0 Save *Bv 80 Square, Fast Color PRINT DRESSES 59c Each Winnie Mae DRESSES with pleated skirts, . fast colors, pretty patterns? 97c Each Bonnie Bright DRESSES t? _j I > I nvouiuui ?iyies ana . colors. Broadcloth and Spun Rayon? $1.94 Each Full Fashion , SILK HOSE 'All Colors 38c Pair 500 Turkish Hand , j. TOWELS ' t ? 4c Each Limit 2 to a customer MYERS DEI Your Friendly I. I nnnwwkT. jam. it. !M vhlrh apoears at the Imperial The* 0.-yn?r? Doug Fairbanks, Jr., Pauoland Young. Oafs Acreage Shows Gain In This State Good livestock. feeders wha;?i!mctts y consider oats as one of Hie boat available foods for 'fvostct-k. und particularly so for youns trro^llus nn !:nals. Tltu increasing knowledge of i the value of onti Is evidenced liy the fart that North '"are,Una farmers <<- fled for groin "OS.liiS n?;r. 3 to hi* crop id 193R. or an increase of '.'5 percent over 1937.. <""S l",ikv thn?- ...v unii-r of rite o'rval irr.but tn i-otntnon with them are deficient In prototn. Howovpr, till a deficiency causes the Southern farinter. says Karl H. Hosteller. professor of anlmul husbs'idry at State College. because he hiis available at a reasonable price protein-rich supplements such as cottonseed meal, soybean meal and peanut meal. To obtain the most value from oats In livestock rations, it Is Important to supplement them with these proteln-rWh feeds that contain nutrients which are lacking tn oats, Prof, Hosteller says- They are the safest grain tor work stock and young animals, and most useful In starting cattle and Sheep in feed. In the entire Cotton Belt. more than 4,000.000 acres were seeded to oats In 1938. Undoubtedly this greater acreage Is seeded In oats not only because of thetr value as grain but also because of their value, either alone or as a "nurse" crop, tor winter grazing and for hay. New fall sown varieties that are more resistant to cold weather have also contributed tx> the increasing popularity of this crop. A suggested daily ration tor fdle horses and mules Is: Oats, two lbs; cottonseed meal or cake, two pounds and hay or bundle etover, 12 pounds For animals at light work, the oats ?tre Increased to four pounds, the tiay cut to afx pounds, and six lbs it cotton seed hulls are added. " s Oyster shells have been, discovered 4,000 feet underground In tthe Texas oil fields. A further decline In farm-mortWPe debt during 1937 has been rejorted by the U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. , 1 Specials | ly - Save Men's Dress SHIRTS Assorted sizes and colors. $1.45 valuesSpecial 97c Eeach Another Group Men's DRESS SHIRTS Stand-up collars, fast colors. 77c values ? 59c Each Men's $1.69 and $2.00 values. Good suality, well made, to close out ? $1.00 Pair ' Ladies' Dress Shoes AND OXFORDS odd sizes and stales. $2 values. To Close out $1.45 Pair PT. STORE Merchant Charter No. Mil ' | -i' . IUmtt* Wstrtot No. | Report of Qattta ot The FIRST NATIONAL BANK ? In the State of North Carolina, at the dose of Ruelneaa on Uooomber 31, 1938, imbllahed tn response to call feade by ComptuioUer of the Currency, under Section 6211, U. 8. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Leans and discounts (including ? none ? overdrafts) $289,891.06 LJ. S. Government obligations, dirtot and guaranteed 63,986.96 Obligations lot States and political subdivisions 106,309.60 Other bonds, notes, n-nd 'debentures '. 13,916.00 Corporate stocks, Including stock of Federal Reserve bank .... 3,860.00 Clash, balances with other banks. Including reserve balance, and cash Items In process of collect!cm 258,384.65 Hunk premises. owned 814,710.OP. furniture and fixtures, 84,555.37 19.270.37 (Dank premises owned are subject to $ none lines not . laasumed by bank) Heal estate owned other than bank premises ......... V,260.00 TOTAL ASSETS 8758,766.53 LI A 111 LIT IKS Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corpora'.'Ions 354,228.55 Time deposits of individuals. partnerships, and corporations ... 194,578.75 -P<'post's of U.S. G-overiniUflM (including postkul savings) ....;. 994.22 . Deposits irf States and political subdivisions .. 49,683.47 Other' deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc) 17,015.79 TOTAL DEPOSITS 8616,500.78 ' Other liabilities 1 5,261.41 TOTAL L1AHILITIKS 8621.752.19 ' , CAPITAL ACCOUNT j Capital sio~Mc Cpinutoii, lnoo totu) put 81imi 100,000.00 1 Surplus 30,000.0 1 Undivided profits ......... ? 3,014.34 ' Reserves tund retirement account foe preferred stock) 5.000.0*) TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT : . 138.014.34 TOTAL LIAIIILITIKS and CAPITAL ACCOUNT 8759.766.63 MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities leaned) (book value): (a) United Sfates Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other llabtli'tea 45.268.56 (b) Other assets pledged to secure deposits audi other liabllitlBa (including notes and bills redisoounted and securities sold under nonmcliane mnvMnlmlt 39 977 Rft TOTCAL 77,648.05 " ' ' ' Secured rtablllHes: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirement of law ?. 46,828.19 TOTAL 46,828.18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County ot Cleveland, m: I, B. 8. Nelll,' catftrter ot the above-named bfenk, db solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. B. 8. N?DLU Caahter. . Sworn to and subscribed before Correct?Attest: me thds 6th day of January. 1939. D. M. Baker - L. Q. Herd, Nbtary Public. W. K. Mfvuiney , 1 M. A. Ware ' My Com. Ear. July 19, 1940. Directors. ' ?* " . ? * J - ' YOUR HOME MERCHANTS I w ASK you TO "BUY AT HOME" | M 1 Announcing OUR c n-?i utui aeries / OPENED ON Sat. Jan. 7th Another Opportunity to Start a Program of Regular Savings..... I .' Join the large number of Kings Mountain and i Cleveland County Citizens Who are Becoming Financially Independent by Saving a Part of Their Incomes Each Week or Month. HERE'S WHAT SYSTEMATIC SAVINGS WILL DO 25c a week for 6'/? years will amount to $ 100.00) 50c a week for 61/2 years will ajmount to 200.00 |$ a week tor 6^ years will amount to 500.001 $2.50 a week for 6'/* years will amount to 1,000.001 See Us Saturday And Start >\r ? ? )r 4 Some Shares 1 - Home Building & Loan * w ' - S Association 4 v i J. E. Anthony, Pres. J. 6. ThotUftsson, V-Pre*., A. H.' Patterson, Rec'y-Treas. :~'7" 7^/ V "V-/1-V 'k* , ,-rtfciri n * f-i r